Dos actrices porno uruguayas (muy zarpadas) valen la pena

Two Porn Stars from Uruguay
The domino effect: after the discovery of Karen Kam, announced as our first international porn star and actress in hits like Maximum penetration, attentive readers found a second copy: Camila Leone. The mercy.

We were all waiting for it. Daniel Hendler's success and China Zorrilla's outside borders are great, but Uruguayans wanted someone who would sweat and strive to the maximum on screen. The moment has arrived.

Her nickname is Karen Kam, as published in today's La Diaria. She is a Uruguayan whose real name is Erica, according to the data we had earlier, she was the first compatriot to successfully venture into international pornographic industry.

Her name, as colleagues from La Diaria clarify, uses a popular resource among pornostars, which is to appeal to some wordplay with sexual connotation. In this case, the surname Kam is phonetically equal to cum, which in English means ejaculation or more vulgarly, cum.

Few data are known about the origin of this starlet. The online Bible of pornographic films (, equivalent to the Internet Movie Data Base for adults, indicates that she has twelve films in her repertoire and acts since 2003. Only clarifies that she is from Uruguay, but does not provide more data, apart from the names of the movies. Among them are Ass cleavage, Young tight latinas, Spanish fly pussy search 8 and other delights like Breaking 'em in four (a title too Uruguayan - Partiéndolas en cuatro- must have been suggested by Karen).

Some proud Uruguayan created his own page ( where everyone can enter to appreciate the dramatic talents of someone who left and triumphed through effort and much throat. From here, our simple tribute to girls who instead of emigrating to Italian streets make their way through arte. A careful reader, however, also knew how to provide material about Jazmin (such as the pseudonym, her real last name will not be revealed), a young Mercedarian who also ventures into the pornographic industry but only at the Hispanic level. Jazmin is often seen in summers riding her scooter through Mercedarian ramblas, according to a reader's testimony, although we cannot ensure the veracity of this assertion. Her photos, however, do not give too much chance to imagination. Note: We wish to clarify that we made a brief search for triple XXX sites after our compatriots and with a purely academic objective (we don't want to boast as experts in the subject). The search yielded a series of quite explicit photos about Karen Kam and Jazmin's work nature. None were reproducible on this site. Source text: Montevideo Portal
Karen Kam


27 comentários - Dos actrices porno uruguayas (muy zarpadas) valen la pena

que lo pario , si hasta putas tenemos !! 😃
esta es de uruguay...... sese de uruguay y corrientes a 2 cuadras de tribunales....
bueno las dos viejas no lo hacen nada mal 🙎‍♂️
esa jazmin me mato, si se puede sacar mas de esa mina mataria la onda 😛 😛 😛 😛 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️
uruguay nomá!!! a grito de soy celeste le da la uruguaya, para los q dicen q solo Natalia Oreiro es la uruguaya famosa
🙂 😉 🙄 😛 😃 😞 😩 😢 🙎‍♂️ 😐 🤔 🆒 😬 😀 😳 🤤
uruguy noma!!!
\"queres que te chupe la pija...dale\"
simplemente escelente
si esa forma de chupar pija es de uruguaya, la segunda no se, gracias sigue asi 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️
jajajaj quere que te chupe la pija con gesto y todo ajajjajaja 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤
buen post!! la primera 100% carne yorugua!!! la segunda habla peor español que yo de uruguaya el color de los ojos nomas!! ja
pero las parto a las 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y pensar que uno la veia en el liceo a esta chica... 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤
que te puedo decir se me cae una lagrima al ver que nuestra carnes es muy aguante mujica que gracias a el como asado barato pero los gringos se comen nuestras mejores carnes aguante uruguay carajo🆒🆒🆒
Mas conocida= Rocio Torres=Uma Stone concurso para miss Uruguay no ganó pero seguro que gana mas plata q miss uruguay jajaja
yogui1502 dijo:\"queres que te chupe la pija...dale\"
simplemente escelente

mi vida me empingue todo cuando la escuche , una diosa la yorugua !!! 😀
Gracias por postear los vids ya que no se ven! :D

Dos actrices porno uruguayas (muy zarpadas) valen la pena
piston2 +1
noooooooooo .... jajaj la conozco pero jamas supe que hacia porno ajjajaja
Hay un video que no lo puedo encontrar, si alguien lo conoce por favor subalo! es de Karen Kam cogiendo en el piso al lado de una chimenea y no se cansa de decirle al tipo "rompeme el culo" alguien lo vio?