If all dentists were like this, we'd go more often

If there's a healthcare professional everyone dislikes, it's the dentist, but I think if they treated us like this brunette does, we'd be happy to go much more often. Right? You guys think...

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If all dentists were like this, we'd go more often

6 comentários - If all dentists were like this, we'd go more often

Que hermoso el culo del final jeje si tenes data me la pasas amigo!!!
buen video, bien putona la morocha, saludos brother!!!!!! :isenbeck1: :isenbeck1:
parece el fan de Wanda Nara el muchachito.... 😀 (salvando las distancias)
siiiiiiiii, me duele la muelaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙎‍♂️ 😉