Brazil's Naked Brother

A participant in the reality show did a complete and frontal nude, something that happens for the first time in the program's history worldwide. Watch the video.

Brazil's Naked BrotherFrom the first global broadcast of Big Brother, there was a barrier that the program that most awakens morbo in any audience had not crossed: the one of complete nudity, whether frontal, lateral, or posterior. Historically, the scenes chosen by the director showed participants with bikinis or underwear, and supposed sex scenes occurred under the sheets.

Even more so, in Spain, for example, the directive is clear: when there are scenes of complete nudity, they censor it and do not transmit it, or choose what to transmit. Noemi, the Spanish participant exchange who arrived at Big Brother Brazil's house to stay and take over the rating, knew this.

However, since she arrived at her South American destination, she only asserted that in the Spanish version of the show, everyone bathes as they came into the world. And when the time came, the girl peeled off. The images, which now circulate around the world, show Noemi completely naked, and while there is no intention to make the moment of the shower explicit or erotic, the scenes mark the first time that any of the international editions of Big Brother have shown complete nudity.

The video above captures 20 minutes of the shower images as they were broadcast on Brazilian television. In any case, we obviously warn that it contains nude scenes.
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12 comentários - Brazil's Naked Brother

en gran hermano alemania tambie se desnudaron sexy cora y Micaela Schäfer
es brasil que historia se van a hacer 😉
Brasil siempre un paso adelante, lastima que la mina tampoco tiene mucho que mostrar 😉
La puta que lo parios.. es la leyenda... amigo..
que buen ojete se manda la Morocha, Reco campeon

Al fin de cuentas se bañó como nos bañamos todos !!!
Bien por ella !!!

Gracias por compartir.
Besos y Lamiditas !!!

Yo comenté tu post, vos comentaste el mío?
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!
... obviamente advertimos que contienen escenas de desnudez.

Te agradezco la advertencia ya que tenía dudas en darle Play... obviamente que me quedé pegado a la pantalla

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Big Brother
Si a mi me llegan a meter tres meses en un gran hermano con esas mina, salen todas embarazadas jajajajaajaaj