This video is from a couple from a town in the interior of Cordoba province, it's post-post, how it ended up in my hands and thousands more, because the dude who appears had it on his phone and lost it, that simple, I'm leaving it here for poringa boys to enjoy...
link:[/swf] [/swf]" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> [/swf]
9 comentários - Nena del campo divirtiendose
IDEM!!! la verdad que tenes toda la razon!!!;) ademas muy lendo el videin!!!:F:F:F MUCHAS GRACIAS POR COMPARTIR!!! 😉 :alaba:[/color]
%100 NOVATO! %100 MALDITO! %100 ALENTADOR! %100 BUENA ONDA! %100 COMENTERO! %100 PORINGUERO!!![/color]
Comentando en todos tus aportes porque es un sentimiento que solo los verdaderos poringueros entendemos!!! [/color]
Y para ud amigo srabran, se merece mis +1. Pero hay que comentar un poco mas! Un abrazo!!