Good day, how are you? I hope you're feeling very delicate 😍As they will read my name is Nenita slut, they'll wonder why I chose this name? Well, first because like every woman I'm fragile 🥺innocent and very naive, a lady in the house and on the street. But in intimacy I'm all a slut . I don't like deceiving anyone, nor making them lose their time or mine.,I like being as honest as possible, so I'll tell you that I'm not entirely a woman, I'm a trans girl, currently 28 years old. Physically I have a fair brunette complexion, I'm 1.70 meters tall, with operated nose, chin and breasts, I'm size... cintura of 63cm and my Booty measures 115cm. As you can see I'm all a woman, after all if you see me on the street you wouldn't think I'm transsexual. I live alone in a 14-story building, I live on the 6th floor in Mexico City. For those who are from here, I live in San Angel, in the Albaro Obregón delegation. Here's a photo so you can get to know me.
Despite having this body, I'm a shy and somewhat introverted girl, you can ask why and I'll respond without a problem. I only go out very early at 5:00 am or very late at 9:00 pm. The rest of the day I spend locked up in my house, and when I do leave, I only go to places where I have control over the situation (gym, supermarket, cinema, restaurant). I want to tell you about my transition process, this is so you know more about me and if there are any followers like TV.sisy. and closet. It all started in high school. By the way, I was always the first one to get home because I went in the morning. Since I had a few hours free, I started looking for things to do until one day I found my mom's lingerie. I started rummaging through it, finding bikinis, coordinated sets, thongs, g-strings, plenty of models. This really turned me on, so I started looking for the ones I liked, smelling them and taking them to my room to masturbate. I did this at first, then I started trying them on, loved how I looked, tried everything, thongs, g-strings, boxers, panties, even one day I went to school wearing a lace thong under my athletic pants. This was throughout high school. In college, I started using women's clothes, wore my mom's jeans, my sister's skirts, until I started wearing dresses too. I also started practicing makeup. I did all this when I got home from school or whenever I was alone. Everything was going perfectly until one day, undoubtedly, someone caught me dressed as a woman. It was in the afternoon, I knew my mom and sister would arrive at night and my dad, like always, would come home early morning. I was all over the house dressed as a woman, doing my homework, cleaning, etc. It was on one of many occasions when I had the music blasting so loud I didn't hear the car noise and when I reacted, my dad was standing right in front of me. To my. When I saw it I got cold, didn't know what to do, wanted the earth to swallow me up, but only my dad stayed looking at me and went back to his office and work without saying anything to me. The following days were horrible, I hid from my dad every time I could, lived with fear of him telling my mom. One night my dad was in his study when he called me. He usually only stays there when working or taking a break. I didn't want to go because I knew he would scold me. I went in with some fear because I knew he would talk about what he had seen and scold me. It was all the opposite, I wonder how I was doing at school, with my grades, finally gave me my weekly money and just as I was leaving his office he grabbed my ass telling me it would be a secret between him and me. The days passed with some normalcy but I avoided wearing women's clothes unless I was really sure no one was around. One day we were all having dinner when my dad told us he wouldn't go to work for a few days because the job had slowed down. The next day my dad came to get me from high school, he told me he had bought some things that were at home. When I got there I found several bags, they were all mine, he told me to take them to my room and put on what I wanted. In the bags there were jeans, mini skirts, blouses, shorts, bras, underwear like thongs, boxers, creams, and perfumes. I was in shock when I saw it all, didn't know what to do then my dad asked me if I liked my gifts I said yes. He told me to try on what I liked most and show him. When I came out my dad was in the living room, when he saw me he got surprised. Obviously you already know what happened that day, it was when I tried on a cock for the first time and they got stuck up my ass, leaving it full of Semen. That was all my prep school until I turned 18 and decided it was enough abuse and blackmail. I decided to sue my dad. Despite my dad having an important position as a deputy here in Mexico City, I had evidence like audio messages, photos, etc., it was just a matter of time before I put my dad in jail and took everything from him, plus pensioned myself until the end of my career. As you'll see, my dad had a lot of money and properties, all of which left me, not with my mom or sister, I distanced myself from them, until later I decided to talk to them again. All that money I used to feminize myself and achieve what I am now like. Here's another photito, sending many kisses, comment and leave likes, love you, slut.

14 comentários - Me presento soy Nenita Putita 🥵🍑
Besos y felicidades por dar ese gran paso!!!