⚠️Warning⚠️ First of all I apologize for posting this that I was eager to post a week ago but the damn page banned me for 5 days for something really stupid about not putting the right labels on the post, but well they gave it back to me, without anything else I thank all internet users for reading this personal post and seeing how many people started in the same way about how they initiated their taste for transsexual porn and romantic and sexual attraction towards them. Also so that it doesn't get too boring with too much text, I'll divide the post into 3 or 4 parts, each one telling my beginnings in consuming transsexual porn until wanting to have an experience with one, without anything else I start.
I won't say my full name but I'm called Ivan, since I was 14 years old until I was 18 years old currently, I've had a change in what would be my porn consumption and maybe even in my sexual tastes, due to just one video that I clicked on out of curiosity and it woke something up in me. (Before going into the important topic, I'll explain how I got there). You'll see from when I was 11 years old I knew about the existence of porn through a legendary Mexican channel called Golden Edge, where they would show adult movies at night, and with one of those movies I had my first masturbation, so it wasn't until 2018 when I got internet and a few months later I found out there were many xxx sites that compared to the channel I mentioned didn't show people's sexual organs but only showed girls' tits and nothing more, whereas on websites you could see everything clearly haha. I suppose like most of us guys had some crush or platonic love for some adult film actress or actor, but you knew it was impossible, In my case mine were Mia Khalifa from back then, sexy Sasha Grey, Dillon Harper, Alexis Texas etc.

I met Kendra Lust from there, she was the perfect woman for me because she had at least decent breasts for me and that puff butt, with her I had the best wanks, even until I had a wet dream about her that I still remember very well, where I poured my cum of love into her vagina haha, (As an extra fact if you want to hear about that wet dream, just say so in the comments XD). In short it was and still is my platonic love and one of the sexiest girls who still get me really hard, even though she's not a transsexual.
In those years I consumed a lot of her and other actresses' porn, first with the hetero porn that's when I discovered lesbian porn which also got me really excited as two girls kissing passionately and then cutting their hair haha, those were the 2 categories of porn I saw at 14 years old, I was also half otaku and watched hentai. But everything changed, in October or November a video came out with an unknown category that made me write this post a long time after, One normal day after finishing my homework and playing some video games, I went to watch porn that day I saw lesbian category, when the video ended I wanted to jerk off but out of curiosity I waited and scrolled down to see if there was a better video, in that I saw a very curious miniatura for me at 14 years old, you can see on the miniatura a blonde girl very beautiful, and she was with an actress whose name I'll say later, well this actress had pushed the blonde one and it seemed like she had a penis, but from the miniatura I thought I was seeing wrong and it was that sexual toy which is a belt but has a rubber penis I'm going to tell you (cintopija), In the end I decided to click on the video to clear up my doubts, the video started normally, the blonde girl whose name I don't remember but the other girl was called Venus Lux, at that time I only knew 5 pornstars and didn't know if she was popular.
From the beginning everything was normal, I thought it was a lesbian porn, only noting that actress Venus Lux was very tall, I suppose she looked like that because she wore heels. Here are my first impressions of them, since the blonde actress seemed perfect to me, very beautiful, I wouldn't hesitate to give her my love, and except for the other actress, who at that time was Venus Lux, I saw that she was Asian, she's pretty, I said about the makeup she had on, her long hair were 10 out of 10, I couldn't see her body very well because of the pajamas she wore, but I noticed she had a good breast from what little she showed before they passed to the act. From there, they passed 2 minutes talking or discussing according to the plot that had the video, then they went to kisses and caresses on the body, then they took off their clothes, even though it was still hard and I was intrigued about what would happen next, when Venus Lux was taking off her innerwear I saw she had a lump, that made me weird, I thought it was some sexual toy when I took it off I left like...
My Windows reset, my mind was exploding because that girl had a real penis with everything and balls, at that time since my mind was still half innocent, I wondered how she got it, would she have operated to get a penis put in? What happened to her vagina? Thousands of questions also what came to my mind was maybe she was a futanari, according to what I understood it was a woman who had a penis and vagina at the same time, but I never knew if there was a real case like that, only knew it from that genre XD of hentai, total when they were already naked and already screwing, despite having her very hard, my desire went away because I got impressed by how a girl had a penis, didn't get that out of my head, but well in my opinion she had a dominant character towards the girl and made good poses and more when she was on top of the girl to penetrate her.

Already when I was about to finish the video, Venus Lux actress pulled out the cum and shot it at the girl, already there confirming that if she had a real penis, I didn't know how to react to that, already from then on I quit watching the video and no longer got excited, I stayed thinking a lot about that, suppose it was very taboo for me, although I said I wasn't excited by the video, I knew deep down that I was, it was something new, left me hot thinking about how Venus moved and the moans both of them made. From then on I became thoughtful and reflective, didn't watch porn for a week until I forgot about that video, because I had a duel over my sexual morality, don't know if that exists, but I thought a lot, because I got excited with a girl who had a penis, told myself if that made me gay or bisexual? Would it affect something later? In the end, the actress seemed very beautiful and feminine to me with her nice voice that sounded slightly raspy, but that was normal since there are women who have a deep voice, so she was a woman for me, but she had a penis then I came to a conclusion of what excited me wasn't the girl's member, therefore it didn't make me gay, besides I didn't believe that watching one video would already make me gay and then dressing up as a woman haha. From then on I stopped thinking about that a bit, although I thought about the repercussions if someone found out that I watched a girl with a penis and got excited, from then on I returned to normality, watched hetero and lesbian porn again to forget that video, everything was going well until I went into my history to watch a pending video and in that moment the damn video popped up, left me in a state of trance or shock because I remembered everything I saw, as if it were a movie I stayed watching that video for about 10 minutes just replaying the miniature over and over again, and felt like I had my devil and angel on either side telling one to look and the other not to, so in the end everything was in vain, temptation won me over and I clicked, thus proving to myself that I wouldn't get excited by Venus Lux I finished the video again, I don't deny it got hard but didn't come, from there I went to her profile and put another video, I had several with girls and boys, I didn't click any where a boy was because that would be gay at least in my time so I thought, I searched and searched until I found a video where she was with another girl and just like Venus, she had a cock, so I set myself the challenge not to get excited, put the video on and watched, here too Venus looked very good, I could appreciate her body, it was slender with good breasts and not too big but acceptable buttocks, in contrast Eva Lyn, who called herself that, got me hard from minute one because wow she was very beautiful, she had a more tornado-like body than Venus and buttocks that ufff I won't even say haha, so by the last minutes Venus had her cock well inserted into Eva Lyn's asshole with a 10-point pose that favored the camera shot, I couldn't hide it anymore, I was too hot to hold back, I could feel my precum coming out and my boxers were wet, when the climax of the video came where Venus pulled out her cock and shot cum outside but near Eva Lyn's asshole, honestly I don't know what got me off, whether it was Venus' sexy ride or both girls' moans, I couldn't take it anymore and went to the bathroom and did what happened, I had come for the first time with a girl who had a cock, even now I wonder if it was due to excitement or because I hadn't given myself pleasure in days but I came out with a large amount of semen that fell onto the floor and I had too much on my hand, it felt so pleasurable that just imagining it again made me hard all over again instantly and started dripping a little semen from the tip.

I already officially started liking Venus Lux, at first I felt guilty about my first masturbation with her imagining myself in that video making a trio with those girls and finally squirting my cum of love into her ass and she ending up in Eva Lyn at the same time as I ejaculated, over time it gave me no importance anymore I couldn't deny it, I was attracted to Venus Lux's charm and what happened to her penis took a backseat, and well if I considered myself heterosexual then yes because in the end it was a girl but with a dick, obviously not a biological girl 100%, already then I investigated and well it turned out she was a transsexual who passed from man to woman and that's why I understood more or less why she didn't remove her penis so it would be a real woman. But anyway that's maybe something I'll comment on in another post. (And well that's how my liking towards transsexuals started, in the second part I'll comment on what happened after I accepted that I loved Venus Lux and got to know more beautiful ones haha, fine thanks for reading, if this post reaches 5k views or 400 points I'll upload the next part tomorrow night thanks for reading.) Also comment if you had a similar start to mine about how you accepted liking transsexual porn and if you feel guilty about it.

Psdt: I love Venus Lux who through her discovered a new world of porn and being my first transsexual love, the net would be a dream to fuck with her and come in her ass, sorry about that but I'm hot XD.

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8 comentários - I became addicted to transsexual porn and I'm fascinated
Quisiera aprovechar para citar algunas partes y hacerte algunos comentarios puntuales:
"... ese juguete sexual que es un cinturón pero tiene un pene de goma, le voy a decir (cintopija)..."
El nombre del juguete que mencionas es Strap-on y se usa generalmente para sexo lésbico o también para sexo heterosexual en que la mujer somete sexualmente al hombre. En mi país se le suele llamar Arnés o Cinturonga.
"... tuve un duelo sobre mi moralidad sexual, no sé si exista eso..."
Es lógico reflexionar al comienzo de un nuevo gusto o fetiche sexual sobre si es algo correcto, y es normal que dejases un tiempo el porno por eso.
"... además no creía que con ver 1 video ya me haría gay y después vestirme de mujer jajaja..."
Ser gay es tener atracción sexual por alguien de tu mismo sexo. Travestirse es un fetiche. Son temas que no tienen que estar relacionados sí o sí entre ellos ni con el gusto por las mujeres transexuales.
"...pensaba en las repercusiones que tendría si alguien se enterara de que vi una chica con pene y que me excitó..."
A todos nos pasa tener miedo a que nos juzquen socialmente por un gusto, y más aún si es un gusto sexual. Seguramente ningún amigo o familiar tuyo sepa aún que te gustan las transexuales, por temor a que te juzguen y etiqueten despectivamente (a la mayoría de los "shemaleros" nos pasa lo mismo).
"...la tentación me ganó y le di click, así demostraría a mí mismo de que no me excitaría la venus lux..." "... llegué a un video donde estaba ella con otra chica y al igual que venus, tenía pene, asi que me puse un reto de que no me excitaría, puse el video y observé..."
Estas promesas (o retos) que uno se impone suelen ser un autoengaño para hacer algo y justificar dicho accionar con estos como excusa (y por lo general, uno siempre termina *perdiendo* porque en el fondo no pensaba cumplir dichas promesas y retos)
"...fui al baño y pasó lo que pasó, me la había jalado por primera vez con una chica con salchicha..."
Jeje, en realidad fue tu primera jalada por DOS CHICAS CON SALCHICHA 🌭😁🌭
"... al principio me sentía culpable sobre mi primera paja con ella imaginándome en ese video haciendo un trío con esas chicas..."
¡WOW! Ya con 14 años eras todo un GOLOSO para querer algo así 😋👌
"...sobre si me consideraba heterosexual pues sí, por que al final era una chica, pero con rama..."
Como te dije en el post anterior: claro que sos heterosexual, porque seguís deseando mujeres (con un "clítoris" mucho más grande, pero mujeres al fin y al cabo😏 )