Ama de casa cross 5to día de castidad

Today I went to bed a little after noon and took off the device. When I woke up, my dick was rock hard, so I went to the bathroom to pee and realized I was half-wet because some precum or pre-seminal liquid was coming out of it. When everything softened, I put the device back on and when I finished adjusting it, I had to harden again and another drop came out, a single drop that ran down the metal cage. Then I tried to take pictures, but I'm not sure if they're worth appreciating. After that, I came in here and after reading some messages, I'm super excited now. Using this cage makes me hot all the time and wanting to get caught.Ama de casa cross 5to día de castidad


anus rectum
Ama de casa cross 5to día de castidad

9 comentários - Ama de casa cross 5to día de castidad

genial quiero unoo
se consigue en algunos sex shop o podes buscar en internet, es genial usarlo
Pajeate el culo urgente te dejo 10
voy a tratar de aguantar unos días más, así estoy bien a punto y apenas me toque la cola me va a salir todo
como me gustaria chupar esa pija y tomar lechita le saco el candado
¿Y quién te dio permiso para sacártela para dormir? Ponele un algodón en la punta o algo si te molesta pero no te la saqués más.