Thinking that they would be home for a long time and could keep admiring Valentina and being closer to my grandson, things changed 360° from one day to the next and I think it was because of what I will explain why...
One night at late hours of the morning and I couldn't sleep as it's hard for me to listen in my daughter-in-law and son's room sounds of pleasure like those that were often heard when they were together, so my desires like an old man only that I am gave me to review the room carefully and see what was expected, seeing them having relations and thus it was...
The image that I took away was
My wife lying naked with her legs open being devoured by my son the whimpers were of pleasure, my wife didn't go beyond complaining in delight Asiiií asii mmm mmm thus Javi thus my love do it more siii siii aaaa aaaa uuufff siii Seeing her having that pleasure made me open the door to what's normal and hidden by the darkness of the hallway and camouflaged by the obscurity and confidence of having seen them many times I didn't lose detail in seeing how tasty it looked passing from one position to another was so exciting that I took off my pants to masturbate while watching I got lost in what I was seeing...
When my daughter-in-law proceeded to Mamarsela to my son, I was caught by my daughter-in-law while she was sucking his member. My eyes met hers like two plates and her gaze was one of surprise as she opened them more upon seeing me after the hallway, where I was masturbating. I remained mute and frightened, and when faced with her, I backed away from the door and fled to my room (oh no). That night, I couldn't sleep, my fear was great, having defrauded her privacy... The next day, I didn't want to leave my room, listening to footsteps in the living room and kitchen until 1 pm, when I heard knocks on my door. Tok tok tok tok. Dad, dad are you there? Are you okay? My fear grew greater because of what happened, so I answered, What's going on, son? We can talk... There was no turning back, this was going badly, so I tried to say, Okay, give me a few minutes, kids. Walking back and forth in the room with shame and fear, I finally left. There was no escape... I left my room and there was my son, formally dressed, holding my grandson, and my daughter-in-law sitting on the couch...
Her super tiny dress showing her legs, but at that moment nothing was going through my head despite looking rich... Papa we've talked about what Valentina and I will do tomorrow, we're already ready to leave but had to tell you with time and thank you very much for everything you've done for us and especially for Valentina... Son there's no need to thank, surely they'll go... By the way Valentina said in a strong tone... Siiiiii, my father-in-law Marcel never spoke to me by name, my wife was obvious that she was angry because her answer was dry, thanks Marcel for everything but it's already decided... My wife hadn't said anything about what happened that night and my relief was even greater than my sadness and shame was great... It was the day of leaving, I really felt bad but they were adults and it was respectable what was said, my son and grandson bid me farewell filling me with gratitude and hugs, slaps and leaving me like a great man who helped a lot... Papa Valentina is in the room, I'll leave you two alone to talk while I arrange things in the car, go have plenty to talk about... With shame and fear I enter the room finding Valentina sitting on the dresser with her gaze fixed on me with a slight smile...
Shame and fear had spread, her figure in that short and fitted dress made me see her from head to toe, her legs were quite exciting and I couldn't stop admiring her beauty while my eyes got lost in those legs I'd seen naked on previous nights... The silence became greater and I waited for her to speak and break the silence... Valentina heee don't know what to say this time... V Val: Well, MARCEL, we're leaving, thank you all for your support during my pregnancy and details.. No, no, you have to thank it was my duty to take care of your well-being. As I did the same, I lifted and secured the door, so that those who were watching wouldn't hear us, the silence became greater after hearing that... ARal: Look, Marcel, I owe you a lot for what you did, but it's not the moment, today will be our farewell, stay calm, there will be a time to talk about it, not now when your son and my son are present... She bid me farewell with a handshake, leaving everything sealed since her silence was greater than saying anything that had happened, so I would wait to speak with her later and clarify things as a family, that's how both of us were positioned... My son's calls didn't take long to come like we used to do, sending greetings from him and then speaking with her, she was more direct and showing herself happy by the tone of her voice not letting me talk and say thanks and hang up, several similar calls followed until I took the courage in the same call with loudspeaker and told Valentina you have to bring my grandson and visit me, my son's voice was like this: Valentina, come see him like before, he has to see the little one... I think she was between the back and the wall that accepted coming next week since my son worked and waiting for them all to arrive would take too much time so I fixed Saturday as the day to come... Arriving on Saturday, I had a plan to see my grandson and Valentina, it being early, Valentina warned me she had an appointment and would pass quickly since she'd seen... I left my grandson and she saw him in a square, it was obvious that if my grandson wasn't coming and we would meet in a square, then why would we talk about the topic so I got ready and left at high speed not to make her wait in her short time... I took my car and left at high speed arriving at the square seeing little movement so finding her outside of the square would be quick and that's how it was. To be something extensive, I'll write what happened in a new post... arguing with his mother.
One night at late hours of the morning and I couldn't sleep as it's hard for me to listen in my daughter-in-law and son's room sounds of pleasure like those that were often heard when they were together, so my desires like an old man only that I am gave me to review the room carefully and see what was expected, seeing them having relations and thus it was...
The image that I took away was

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