Entrevista a @vetemadurita

Hello to all, this is an interview with@vetemaduritaA very hot woman who enjoys exhibitionism. Many thanks for answering the interview.

1 What's your name? Username?
Okay, @Vetemadurita

2 What age do you have? Where are you from?
54 years old.West zone of GBA. 

Are you single, divorced, and a widow?
Married, haha.

At what age did you lose your virginity and how was it?
At 14, I was already very hot. With a gentleman I had pursued so much! Much older, but beyond the shock, he was really good!

5 What part of your body do you like? (photos)

What part of my body do I like more? They're small, but my tits are!

Entrevista a @vetemadurita

Do you use erotic toys? (Depending on the response yes or no with a photo)
Oh no. A girl lent me a vibrator, but I don't use it much ha ha.

Do you like oral sex and getting oral sex?

I love doing and having others do oral sex on me, in that order


What do you like doing most in bed?
To be dominated and to dominate according to the moment, hehe.

What's your fantasy? (and if they fulfilled it, what was it)?
Falmost all fantasies. I would lack being a professional prostitute for a day, not being able to refuse anyone who pays to have me. What always gave me a lot of thrill is to expose myself and I do it often in front of harmless people at parks, squares, ecological reserves, when you can appear naked and if it's allowed, party!!!

What was the weirdest place you had sex?
Ayyy, I calculate that any outdoor place, cars, mountains. Once at the Pan de Azúcar in Río, with a helicopter looking and then a group of Japanese tourists appeared, who knows where from, haha.

Do you prefer hard sex or soft sex?
By my age first gentle until I adapt, then like the bull to the cow haha.

12 Did you do threesomes?
Oh, many. During these years, most were two men giving me to myself, haha. Some two girls attending us among the three and, some that other with two titties who we all gave each other against each other, haha.

13 What was up with the trio?
It's obvious I'm having a pig of a time, haha.

14 What are HMH or MHM threesomes?
From choosing HMH, but you don't deny a kiss to anyone!

15 Did you have anal sex? (if it was yes, respond with a photo)

Yes, it turned me on to be old-fashioned. The girl hurt me more than she pleased and sometimes gave me shame if an accident could happen, haha.


16 Where do you like them to come in your cum?
If I don't know him well, in the breasts, the belly. If we're intimate or debuting, the face, the mouth, that's delicious!

If it were in your mouth, would you swallow it?
DShe got me used to swallowing, hummm.

What would you still need to do?
Ceye with a fat black guy, haha and circumcised!

19 How did you get to Poringa!?
I arrived with a desire to show myself naked, and here I see that they enjoy looking at women of all kinds, and women like me!

20 Did you have a meeting with someone from around here?

Yessss, although the funniest thing was traveling to Mar del Plata and not finding the one who gets me hottest and ending up with a guy I met that afternoon.

PD: Ahh I got really hot answering the interview!

Entrevista a @vetemadurita

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