
Thanks to that move I had made at the bar of putting my fingerprint to open Lu's phone. I could enter for a few minutes when she was showering or leaving her phone unattended. I started finding and discovering things. Nothing too grave, no direct evidence of cheating, but if I saw several guys flirting with her and she would play along and not tell them I had a boyfriend, bye. I realized that she was exchanging messages also following the game or even provoking the other person to see how far it went. As I kept finding out these things, I was dying to confront her and tell her to clear everything up, but at the same time I didn't want to expose that I was checking her stuff. Besides, I had taken the time to put my fingerprint on her phone to activate it when I wanted. So, it wasn't that simple for me. Neither did I want to come across as obsessive, jealous, controlling, who checked her things. But if I tried to investigate and ask questions. In conversations obviously she would deny liking another guy, talking to many people, etc. I tried to give her confidence by saying it was natural to look at someone or talk to someone else because she's a lovely young lady and that I never considered myself handsome so it was normal for her to notice someone else. After something happened or not yet, it was something else but I tried to generate trust so she would tell me what was going on. Little by little I discovered that she wasn't just denying or hiding talking to someone else, but also lying with small lies like saying yesterday I slept all day and then telling me later that I had gone shopping or seen a friend or visited some family member. And it's not that she said that to hide that she was with someone else, but rather because she really had gone to visit a family member or see a friend, etc. But as I say, I kept all this to myself because if I talked about it, I would have to admit that I was checking her stuff. Then I got really tired of it for a long time, while... He was trying to get something from her in the moments we were alone and lying down. To celebrate her 20th birthday, I had reserved the VIP area at a nightclub along with two friends who were celebrating their birthdays a week before and after hers. There were about 40 or 50 guests listed on a list. A few days before (on the day of her birthday), I had given her some engagement rings as a gift. We went to celebrate at the nightclub, arriving early around 12:30, and people started showing up gradually. We all started dancing and taking shots, and I barely saw her all night because she was running around with her friends and I was with my cousins and some friends from the gym and life that we share with Lu. That night was kind of a mess because there were many people, including friends from school who I didn't know, family members, etc., and everyone was drunk. I spent most of the night taking shots with my friends, cousins, and closer acquaintances. I never liked dancing so I was just chillin'. At one point, I don't remember (we were all pretty drunk and I was too). I'm not sure if I was coming from or going to the bathroom but I had left her alone and I see Lu with some dude from the gym dancing and the dude is leaning in to talk to her and she's talking back to him. I was about 10 meters away, maybe a bit more, between the crowd, darkness, and colored lights so I couldn't see well. I started walking towards them and as I got closer, I saw the dude talking to Lu's ear and then she would respond also in her ear (obviously because of the music, they had to lean in to hear each other) and this kept happening about three or four times before they leaned in to talk while I was getting closer. When I was about 4 or 5 meters away, the dude grabbed her arm and they went off towards the bathroom area. I followed them from behind and at one point, he walked ahead of me (I was walking behind him, holding onto his arm) and we stopped. I saw his back and couldn't see her. But he bent his head as if he were going to give her a kiss (I didn't know at the time if he did or not) and they stood there for like 40-50 seconds like that and I got the feeling from where I was that she had pushed him away, they stayed there for a few seconds talking in each other's ear and then went back to where everyone else was. I didn't see it clearly what happened but I thought he had stolen a kiss from her. I didn't know if they had kissed or if it was just his intention and she had pushed him away or almost kissed her.

I spent the night, we left and everything was fine. But I stayed with that image. The guy I knew from the gym but didn't even know his name, they called him fat (he wasn't fat but he was a bit chubby, muscular and wide, not exactly thin but not fat either)

I found out his name and the next weekend I grabbed Lu's phone and went to see what was up. Right from the start I realized something had happened. The last message in the chat, or rather the first one I saw, said: dude from the gym: let me know when you're free and I'll send you a message. There were plenty of messages with the guy and while there wasn't anything explicit, everything suggested that something had happened or was about to happen.

I went straight to the weekend's messages to see if there was anything. And I saw Sunday afternoon Lu: Did you wake up? dude from the gym: before you, for sure Lu: good champion ajaj guy from the gym: you dance well shorty eh 🤪 Lu: of course, little dog ajaj dude from the gym: how did you get so messed up eh Lu: you slept friend ajaj dude from the gym: I was still pretty sober Lu: being sober I must be a pain ajaj dude from the gym: rarely beautiful ajaj Lu: ugly badly dude from the gym: babe you're beautiful Lu: thanks, after you tell me ugly dude from the gym: I was joking Lu: make yourself an idiot now ajaj dude from the gym: imagine what you want Lu: what do I imagine? dude from the gym: whatever you want Lu: whatever I want? dude from the gym: call me Lu: call me you, I'm with my boyfriend dude from the gym: better message Lu: maraca dude from the gym: No ajaj but you're with your boyfriend Lu: no way gym dude: another day Lu: other night 😈 gym dude: can I? Lu: it can be gym dude: do you want me to call you? Lu: what? Not now, I'm with my boyfriend gym dude: just told you to call me Lu: re si. But I'm with my boyfriend, don't know if it's okay gym dude: it is okay Lu: if so? gym dude: shall I call? Lu: I'll call you tomorrow better gym dude: a few more turns tiny Lu: Ugh, don't get mad ajaj gym dude: want to grab something? Lu: my boyfriend came back from the field. Talk to you later gym dude: I knew it. It was obvious you were going to freak out Lu: already done what I wanted, talk to you later

1 comentários - Garronaso

Es como una pelicula, vos intrigado y ella histeriquiando con otro y para aflojar o no a sus brazos. Me encanta como lo relatas. Van puntos