Here's another message from the Messenger ... Another memory of good times... I wish to be yours, I wish you to make me yours again, I wish your hands to run over every inch of my skin with your lips, I wish those hands that run all over my body, grab me around the waist and squeeze me against your body to feel your skin touching mine.. Those kisses that pass along my neck and make me shiver, that go down to my breasts, my belly button, until that part where playing with your tongue provokes that incomparable pleasure of ecstasy.. I wish you to penetrate me again and again, feel yourself inside me, feel that warmth, that pleasure, that sensation of touching the sky with my hands.. I wish you to kiss me like you used to, feel your lips on mine, sweet, soft, passionate, wild.. I wish you to make love to me in that unforgettable way, I wish you to kiss and penetrate me, caressing and sucking my breasts, grabbing me around the waist, to penetrate me firmly, with force, and feel more and more.. I desire, I desire you, all of that I desire.. I'm dying to make love. I'm dying to feel you inside me. I'm dying to hear in a whisper that I love you.. And while I write, I imagine it and feel your hands on my skin, running with your fingers over every inch, your lips kissing mine.. I feel like you're penetrating me again and again, more intensely each time, squeezing my breasts, my waist, provoking madness, and filling me with pleasure.. I imagine how you play with your tongue where I like it and enjoy it, provoking my body to twist, asking for more...

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