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Como siempre, podes escribirnos a, te leemos
Gracias por los puntos y comentarios
Esa noche fui a bailar como acostumbraba hacerlo, me encanta la música, me encanta bailar, estaba sin compromisos y tampoco los buscaba. Recuerdo que hacía mucho frío, pleno invierno.
El taxi me dejó a una cuadra y ya al acercarme se sentía el ruido acompasado de la música, que me hacía hervir la sangre.
Una vez adentro, al pasar los minutos había olvidado el frío exterior, y me divertí por ahí como me gustaba hacerlo, disfrutando el correr de la noche, sin prisa, sin pausa.
Hice un intervalo para descansar un poco, fui a la barra, pedí un trago y mientras bebía encendí un cigarrillo mirando el entorno, la gente agolpada en el lugar, la música sonando a alto volumen y las siluetas dibujándose por la luz entrecortada galopando al ritmo del sonido.
Mi mirada viajaba indiferente por las personas del lugar, pero de repente mis ojos se posaron en alguien en especial y ya no pude sacar los ojos de ella.
Una joven bailaba ajena a todo, a un costado, como si estuviera sola en el lugar, me atrapó de tal forma que yo también me aislé, parecía estar sin compañía, solo tuve ojos para ella.
Sus movimientos eran muy sensuales, una rubia de hermosos bucles, alta, enfundada en un precioso vestido rojo que llegaba casi a sus tobillos, exageradamente ajustado, con un discreto escote, con un insinuante tajo sobre su pierna izquierda. La tela se adhería a su perfecta silueta, dibujando dos hermosos pechos, afinando su estrecha cintura y acentuando un impactante trasero, de generosas caderas.
Me llamaba la atención la cantidad de hombres que se acercaban a tratar de conquistarla inventando las más locas piruetas, pero uno a uno parecían ser rechazados, ignorados, siguiendo su camino.
Mi cigarrillo se había consumido, tomé el último trago y decidí darme una oportunidad, caminé hacia ella y me puse a la par, no dije palabra solo comencé a bailar a su lado, siguiéndole el ritmo, era muy bonita, un tridente tatuado en su cuello y un aro pequeño atravesando su nariz llamaron mi atención. Los primeros minutos no tuve respuesta, pero al tiempo sus tiernos ojos verdes se posaron en los míos, una sonrisa cómplice me dio un luz de esperanza.
Intercambiamos algunas palabras, no muchas, no hablaba mucho, yo tampoco, nos adivinamos nuestros nombres, Nadia me pareció un nombre encantador.
Las cinco de la mañana nos sorprendió bailando todavía, le comenté que el cansancio me estaba ganando, me contestó que a ella también, que ya no aguantaba los tacos de sus zapatos.
La situación parecía jugada, la estaba conquistando, acordamos ir a un lugar más tranquilo, retiramos los abrigos y salimos, la nieve nos sorprendió, fuimos hasta su coche y de ahí derecho a mi casa.
La invité a pasar, no tenía nada que perder, cuando ella aceptó supe que la trampa se cerraba.
Rápidamente encendí el fuego, y corrí los cortinados del ventanal, solo se oía el crepitar de los leños, solo veíamos la nieve caer a través de los vidrios, en la oscuridad de la fría noche, solo la luz del fogón alumbraba el lugar, era todo muy romántico, perfecto.
Le ofrecí una taza con chocolate caliente, pero ella prefirió inclinarse por una botella de ron de ancho pico y tomándome de la mano nos acomodamos sobre una mullida alfombra, muy cerquita del calor. Bebimos unos tragos, las sonrisas se habían terminado y nuestros ojos estaban unos sobre los otros sin palabras, solo deseo.
Avancé, pegué mis labios a los suyos, suaves, hermosos, femeninos, abrimos nuestras bocas y nuestras lenguas de encontraron, se entrelazaron, la fuerza y la profundidad de nuestros besos fueron en aumento, la lujuria nos invadía, nos dábamos excitantes caricias, besaba su cuello, ella el mío, su pecho se movía exhalando aire, la notaba excitada, como las brasas que se consumían cerca nuestro.
Llevé una mano a su busto, apretando con ternura, era suave pero compacto, sus pezones excitados por mis caricias se marcaban en la roja tela del vestido, bajé mis besos por su cuello, lentamente hasta perderme ente el nacimiento de sus tetas, mis manos acariciaban a ambos lados, pasaba las yemas de mis dedos por la tela notando esos pezones puntiagudos, ella suspiraba con los ojos cerrados y su boca entreabierta
- Dale, te deseo, seguí, no pares…
Lentamente tomé el nacimiento de su vestido y lo fui bajando, milímetro a milímetro, sin apuro, sus perfectos y grandes pechos se iban desnudando y yo pasaba mi lengua por su piel desnuda, de pronto emergieron como el sol al amanecer sus pequeños y excitantes pezones, rodeados por una enorme aureola rosada, concentré mi lengua en ellos, por su rugosa piel, lamiéndolos en círculos, primero uno, luego el otro, me encantaba darle placer, Nadia estaba perdida, entregada, solo se separó un instante para sacarse el vestido que a esa altura resultaba incómodo quedándose solo con una minúscula tanga roja, volviendo al juego y a los besos.
Retomé la acción volviendo a lamer sus pechos mientras que con una mano acariciaba dulcemente sus muslos, su vientre, hasta meterla sutilmente bajo la bombacha, apenas unos dedos acariciando los bellos de su pubis, la tenía justo donde quería perdida, fuera de control.
But the blonde seemed to react suddenly and decided to return some of what I was giving her, taking control of the situation, she climbed up to kiss me and now she was pulling out the small fuchsia top that covered my tits, my nipples were hard, and she rushed at me without a word, sucking them gently, filling them with saliva, I felt electricity coursing through my body, reaching my clitoris, I was all wet, soaked in juices, caressing her blonde hair, letting it play. Then we stood facing each other again, kissing passionately for too many minutes, caressing our tits, breasts against breasts, nipples against nipples, we were two cats in heat, hot.
One of Nadia's hands slid down my back, slipping away, going down the tight leggings, taking between her fingers the small Booty less I had, pulled with force, burying it in my intimacy, making me sigh, tearing out a scream, she repeated it once, and again, I liked it and she perceived it, now she had me under control, now I was getting up and undressing beside her, her eyes fixed on my bare sex, my hairy pussy.
We went back to the kisses, the moans, the desire, rolling around on the carpet, changing caresses, changing positions, my fingers slipped under her thong and penetrated her wet hole, caressed her juicy walls, she twisted, then pulled them out, moistened her nipples, and finally licked them, savoring her fluids. Then I took her hand and led it to my hairy pussy, felt it well inside, her fingers provoking me, and later, before her attentive gaze, brought them to my mouth to lick them all, one by one.
The turns of the game led us to have her on top of me, but inverted, at a few centimeters from my face, her strip was covered by the small red thong that got lost between her enormous buttocks, by the way, her ass was beautiful and her wide hips towered over my face, I noticed that the blonde was waiting. Anxious for it to proceed, I ran the thong to one side, her pussy was large and its beautiful labia were precisely trimmed to the skin, she was all lubricated and her clitoris swollen, my kisses quickly reached her intimacy, I passed through her thighs, licking her lips, inserting my tongue deeply into her hot pussy, finally concentrating on her clitoris, licking it in circles, from top to bottom, without haste, without rest...
Nadia's paused 'mmmm' sounds that arrived at my ears drove me crazy, her hands pressed my skin, my hands caressed her generous buttocks, I accelerated my movements, my nose buried in her beautiful pussy, my gaze lost in her love-struck sphincter, she contracted rhythmically over my face, I brought two fingers to her pussy, playing inside it, tearing it apart, then, all wet, I took them to the other orifice, caressing it sweetly, the blonde seemed to be about to end at any moment, she was just there, I was surprised when she stretched out her hand and took my arm, pushing against her body, causing her sphincter to give way to my fingers, her tight little hole caught my phalanges, as I could bring my thumb to her pussy and it seemed to be caressing the fingers that were in different holes...
Nadia screamed, screamed and screamed, receiving her enormous orgasm in my mouth, I didn't stop savoring her, I would have kept going all night...
The blonde took the initiative and came to lick me again, taking my hand and putting it on my free breast, I followed the game caressing myself, until she got up and positioned herself between my legs, I swear that the pussy licking she gave me never was given to me in life, and I don't think they will give it to me again, passing through all my intimacy, through my anus, through my lips, through my clitoris, I opened as wide as possible to receive her, with one leg on each side, I came, I felt it. Then she took the empty rum bottle and introduced the long and wide... pico in my pussy until the bottom, until the body hit the top, I couldn't take it anymore, I exploded, screamed, cursed, cried...
After a tremendous orgasm she came on top of me, kissing and caressing us, tenderly, our breasts reunited and our legs open, intertwined, allowing our vaginas to meet, woman against woman, subtly rubbing our intimacy, our sex, moaning like two hot prostitutes, silencing our screams only by sealing lips against lips, guiding our fingers in our holes, front and back, leaving nothing to the imagination.
We slowly finished, returning to calmness, until we fell asleep.
I woke up, the sun was entering through the window, illuminating the entire room, I looked at the clock, it was noon, completely naked on the carpet, entwined between my arms and legs, Nadia was sleeping deeply, I gently moved her away and stayed looking at her, how beautiful she was, with only a red thong beside me, still exposing her bare pussy.
I put on just a long shirt and now prepared two yummy cups of hot chocolate, woke her up by bringing it to her nose, the tasty aroma made her open her eyes and respond with a smile.
We shared what was left of the afternoon, almost without clothes, starting to get to know each other, our tastes, our craziness, our ambitions... By night we made love again, but this time I introduced some friends of mine, beautiful toys that I kept with love...
After a short while, we were living our love under the same roof.
Later, after two years, we realized that things weren't working between us, the excellent sex we had wasn't enough to calm our differences in daily life, women are rare creatures and if one is difficult to imagine two at the same time, with hormones rising and falling... periods, two strong-willed women, we weren't compatible... We decided to follow our paths separately, each one on her own side, the moment was sad, without resentment, preserving the good things we had shared, like on the night we met, without words I saw her disappear from view, on a cold day, under the snow. If you're over 18, I'd love to know your opinion about this story. Write me with title 'SHE DANCED ALONE' at
Como siempre, podes escribirnos a, te leemos
Gracias por los puntos y comentarios
Esa noche fui a bailar como acostumbraba hacerlo, me encanta la música, me encanta bailar, estaba sin compromisos y tampoco los buscaba. Recuerdo que hacía mucho frío, pleno invierno.
El taxi me dejó a una cuadra y ya al acercarme se sentía el ruido acompasado de la música, que me hacía hervir la sangre.
Una vez adentro, al pasar los minutos había olvidado el frío exterior, y me divertí por ahí como me gustaba hacerlo, disfrutando el correr de la noche, sin prisa, sin pausa.
Hice un intervalo para descansar un poco, fui a la barra, pedí un trago y mientras bebía encendí un cigarrillo mirando el entorno, la gente agolpada en el lugar, la música sonando a alto volumen y las siluetas dibujándose por la luz entrecortada galopando al ritmo del sonido.
Mi mirada viajaba indiferente por las personas del lugar, pero de repente mis ojos se posaron en alguien en especial y ya no pude sacar los ojos de ella.
Una joven bailaba ajena a todo, a un costado, como si estuviera sola en el lugar, me atrapó de tal forma que yo también me aislé, parecía estar sin compañía, solo tuve ojos para ella.
Sus movimientos eran muy sensuales, una rubia de hermosos bucles, alta, enfundada en un precioso vestido rojo que llegaba casi a sus tobillos, exageradamente ajustado, con un discreto escote, con un insinuante tajo sobre su pierna izquierda. La tela se adhería a su perfecta silueta, dibujando dos hermosos pechos, afinando su estrecha cintura y acentuando un impactante trasero, de generosas caderas.
Me llamaba la atención la cantidad de hombres que se acercaban a tratar de conquistarla inventando las más locas piruetas, pero uno a uno parecían ser rechazados, ignorados, siguiendo su camino.
Mi cigarrillo se había consumido, tomé el último trago y decidí darme una oportunidad, caminé hacia ella y me puse a la par, no dije palabra solo comencé a bailar a su lado, siguiéndole el ritmo, era muy bonita, un tridente tatuado en su cuello y un aro pequeño atravesando su nariz llamaron mi atención. Los primeros minutos no tuve respuesta, pero al tiempo sus tiernos ojos verdes se posaron en los míos, una sonrisa cómplice me dio un luz de esperanza.
Intercambiamos algunas palabras, no muchas, no hablaba mucho, yo tampoco, nos adivinamos nuestros nombres, Nadia me pareció un nombre encantador.
Las cinco de la mañana nos sorprendió bailando todavía, le comenté que el cansancio me estaba ganando, me contestó que a ella también, que ya no aguantaba los tacos de sus zapatos.
La situación parecía jugada, la estaba conquistando, acordamos ir a un lugar más tranquilo, retiramos los abrigos y salimos, la nieve nos sorprendió, fuimos hasta su coche y de ahí derecho a mi casa.
La invité a pasar, no tenía nada que perder, cuando ella aceptó supe que la trampa se cerraba.
Rápidamente encendí el fuego, y corrí los cortinados del ventanal, solo se oía el crepitar de los leños, solo veíamos la nieve caer a través de los vidrios, en la oscuridad de la fría noche, solo la luz del fogón alumbraba el lugar, era todo muy romántico, perfecto.
Le ofrecí una taza con chocolate caliente, pero ella prefirió inclinarse por una botella de ron de ancho pico y tomándome de la mano nos acomodamos sobre una mullida alfombra, muy cerquita del calor. Bebimos unos tragos, las sonrisas se habían terminado y nuestros ojos estaban unos sobre los otros sin palabras, solo deseo.
Avancé, pegué mis labios a los suyos, suaves, hermosos, femeninos, abrimos nuestras bocas y nuestras lenguas de encontraron, se entrelazaron, la fuerza y la profundidad de nuestros besos fueron en aumento, la lujuria nos invadía, nos dábamos excitantes caricias, besaba su cuello, ella el mío, su pecho se movía exhalando aire, la notaba excitada, como las brasas que se consumían cerca nuestro.
Llevé una mano a su busto, apretando con ternura, era suave pero compacto, sus pezones excitados por mis caricias se marcaban en la roja tela del vestido, bajé mis besos por su cuello, lentamente hasta perderme ente el nacimiento de sus tetas, mis manos acariciaban a ambos lados, pasaba las yemas de mis dedos por la tela notando esos pezones puntiagudos, ella suspiraba con los ojos cerrados y su boca entreabierta
- Dale, te deseo, seguí, no pares…
Lentamente tomé el nacimiento de su vestido y lo fui bajando, milímetro a milímetro, sin apuro, sus perfectos y grandes pechos se iban desnudando y yo pasaba mi lengua por su piel desnuda, de pronto emergieron como el sol al amanecer sus pequeños y excitantes pezones, rodeados por una enorme aureola rosada, concentré mi lengua en ellos, por su rugosa piel, lamiéndolos en círculos, primero uno, luego el otro, me encantaba darle placer, Nadia estaba perdida, entregada, solo se separó un instante para sacarse el vestido que a esa altura resultaba incómodo quedándose solo con una minúscula tanga roja, volviendo al juego y a los besos.
Retomé la acción volviendo a lamer sus pechos mientras que con una mano acariciaba dulcemente sus muslos, su vientre, hasta meterla sutilmente bajo la bombacha, apenas unos dedos acariciando los bellos de su pubis, la tenía justo donde quería perdida, fuera de control.
But the blonde seemed to react suddenly and decided to return some of what I was giving her, taking control of the situation, she climbed up to kiss me and now she was pulling out the small fuchsia top that covered my tits, my nipples were hard, and she rushed at me without a word, sucking them gently, filling them with saliva, I felt electricity coursing through my body, reaching my clitoris, I was all wet, soaked in juices, caressing her blonde hair, letting it play. Then we stood facing each other again, kissing passionately for too many minutes, caressing our tits, breasts against breasts, nipples against nipples, we were two cats in heat, hot.
One of Nadia's hands slid down my back, slipping away, going down the tight leggings, taking between her fingers the small Booty less I had, pulled with force, burying it in my intimacy, making me sigh, tearing out a scream, she repeated it once, and again, I liked it and she perceived it, now she had me under control, now I was getting up and undressing beside her, her eyes fixed on my bare sex, my hairy pussy.
We went back to the kisses, the moans, the desire, rolling around on the carpet, changing caresses, changing positions, my fingers slipped under her thong and penetrated her wet hole, caressed her juicy walls, she twisted, then pulled them out, moistened her nipples, and finally licked them, savoring her fluids. Then I took her hand and led it to my hairy pussy, felt it well inside, her fingers provoking me, and later, before her attentive gaze, brought them to my mouth to lick them all, one by one.
The turns of the game led us to have her on top of me, but inverted, at a few centimeters from my face, her strip was covered by the small red thong that got lost between her enormous buttocks, by the way, her ass was beautiful and her wide hips towered over my face, I noticed that the blonde was waiting. Anxious for it to proceed, I ran the thong to one side, her pussy was large and its beautiful labia were precisely trimmed to the skin, she was all lubricated and her clitoris swollen, my kisses quickly reached her intimacy, I passed through her thighs, licking her lips, inserting my tongue deeply into her hot pussy, finally concentrating on her clitoris, licking it in circles, from top to bottom, without haste, without rest...
Nadia's paused 'mmmm' sounds that arrived at my ears drove me crazy, her hands pressed my skin, my hands caressed her generous buttocks, I accelerated my movements, my nose buried in her beautiful pussy, my gaze lost in her love-struck sphincter, she contracted rhythmically over my face, I brought two fingers to her pussy, playing inside it, tearing it apart, then, all wet, I took them to the other orifice, caressing it sweetly, the blonde seemed to be about to end at any moment, she was just there, I was surprised when she stretched out her hand and took my arm, pushing against her body, causing her sphincter to give way to my fingers, her tight little hole caught my phalanges, as I could bring my thumb to her pussy and it seemed to be caressing the fingers that were in different holes...
Nadia screamed, screamed and screamed, receiving her enormous orgasm in my mouth, I didn't stop savoring her, I would have kept going all night...
The blonde took the initiative and came to lick me again, taking my hand and putting it on my free breast, I followed the game caressing myself, until she got up and positioned herself between my legs, I swear that the pussy licking she gave me never was given to me in life, and I don't think they will give it to me again, passing through all my intimacy, through my anus, through my lips, through my clitoris, I opened as wide as possible to receive her, with one leg on each side, I came, I felt it. Then she took the empty rum bottle and introduced the long and wide... pico in my pussy until the bottom, until the body hit the top, I couldn't take it anymore, I exploded, screamed, cursed, cried...
After a tremendous orgasm she came on top of me, kissing and caressing us, tenderly, our breasts reunited and our legs open, intertwined, allowing our vaginas to meet, woman against woman, subtly rubbing our intimacy, our sex, moaning like two hot prostitutes, silencing our screams only by sealing lips against lips, guiding our fingers in our holes, front and back, leaving nothing to the imagination.
We slowly finished, returning to calmness, until we fell asleep.
I woke up, the sun was entering through the window, illuminating the entire room, I looked at the clock, it was noon, completely naked on the carpet, entwined between my arms and legs, Nadia was sleeping deeply, I gently moved her away and stayed looking at her, how beautiful she was, with only a red thong beside me, still exposing her bare pussy.
I put on just a long shirt and now prepared two yummy cups of hot chocolate, woke her up by bringing it to her nose, the tasty aroma made her open her eyes and respond with a smile.
We shared what was left of the afternoon, almost without clothes, starting to get to know each other, our tastes, our craziness, our ambitions... By night we made love again, but this time I introduced some friends of mine, beautiful toys that I kept with love...
After a short while, we were living our love under the same roof.
Later, after two years, we realized that things weren't working between us, the excellent sex we had wasn't enough to calm our differences in daily life, women are rare creatures and if one is difficult to imagine two at the same time, with hormones rising and falling... periods, two strong-willed women, we weren't compatible... We decided to follow our paths separately, each one on her own side, the moment was sad, without resentment, preserving the good things we had shared, like on the night we met, without words I saw her disappear from view, on a cold day, under the snow. If you're over 18, I'd love to know your opinion about this story. Write me with title 'SHE DANCED ALONE' at
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