Primero, todas las entregas de los mejores post
Como siempre, podes escribirnos a, te leemos
Gracias por los puntos y comentarios
Un amor en cada pueblo es un poco el reflejo de mi vida, bohemio, solitario, alejado de la familia tradicional, esa con esposa, con hijos, no, nada de eso se me daba
Había terminado apenas mis estudios primarios, estudiar no era lo mío, tenía un don especial para la música, me encantaba y solo de oído en la adolescencia había aprendido a tocar algunos instrumentos, e intentaba ponerle la voz a las canciones
Me uní con algunas personas mayores, con experiencia, fui parte de algunos conjuntos de música y empecé a deambular de un lado a otro
Dejé la casa de mis padres aun siendo menor de edad, a veces no tenía donde dormir, o que comer, pero no me importaba, era feliz conociendo lugares, personas, y regalándole mis canciones a quien quisiera escucharlas
Fui perfeccionando mi voz, también tenía facilidad para el inglés, me daba igual mi castellano natal que la lengua extranjera
Podría decir que cerca de los treinta había conseguido equilibrar la balanza, gozaba de un cierto reconocimiento en el entorno y tenía muchos contactos de la vida que siempre podían darme una mano, una carta de recomendación, y mi nombre artístico Joel Menta no pasaba desapercibido, un nombre que puede resultar cómico, pero así me llamaba un amigo, y Menta era solo mi apellido, Mentacazzo truncado al medio, corto, fácil de recordar y pegadizo
Mi vida parecía repetirse una y otra vez, primero solía elegir ciudades pequeñas, tranquilas, sin sobresaltos, luego, los mejores sitios donde la gente solía ir a divertirse por las noches, luego un contrato, por unos meses, y por último el trabajo, cada noche, todas las noches, a cantar música suave y tranquila, como acompañando el entorno a media luz donde los casuales comensales podían disfrutar de mi acompañamiento y muchas veces dejaban cuantiosas propinas, o podían pedir algún tema en especial que quisieran escuchar
Siempre buscaba contratos cortos, porque siempre, en cada pueblo, me enganchaba en alguna situación amorosa, soy un agradecido, no soy un hombre atractivo, pero mi voz, mis canciones, mi perfil a la sombra, me daba un ángel especial y ahí me movía como pez en el agua, y las chicas caían con llamativa facilidad
Podría contar muchas historias, una por cada pueblo que he dejado atrás, y ciertamente sonaría pedante, fanfarrón, y esa no es mi intención
Y yo sabía cuándo era hora de partir, cuando alguna empezaba a enamorarse, y yo no estaba hecho para el amor, o cuando algún marido cornudo empezaba a sospechar demasiado, y es que no voy a negarlo, las mujeres casadas me sabían a un desafío diferente, porque era ocupar el lugar de alguien mas
Pero siempre hay una excepción a la regla, y de esa excepción es la que quisiera narrar
Había desembarcado en esa ciudad como desembarcaba en todas, tomaba un camino y dejaba que ese camino me llevara donde fuera
Nuevo Horizonte era el nombre del tipo pub restaurante en el que me ganaría el dinero, conocía el dueño de algún tiempo atrás, es que tenía muchos conocidos, y conocidos de conocidos, mi agenda era tan amplia como mi vida misma, él me había comentado que quería darle un toque entre romántico y sexi al lugar, que justamente abría sus puertas y debía oponerse al bodegón que terminaba de cerrar tiempo atrás, el conocido Viejo Horizonte
Dardo Vazquez y sus socios no habían escatimado dinero, todo lucía renovado, el ambiente, muy moderno, los amoblamientos del lugar, la vestimenta del personal y los platos sofisticados que podían seleccionarse, todo más que perfecto para una clientela privilegiada
Las puertas se abrían cada noche, todas las noches a las ocho en punto y se cerraban a las tres de la mañana, la rutina era un poco la misma cada día, empezaba como un sitio familiar para cenar, y a media noche naturalmente el público mudaba a grupitos de hombres, mujeres, parejas, entre los veinte y los treinta, momentos románticos, o momentos de amigos, o momentos de iniciar alguna nueva relación
Yo tenía mi rutina ensayada, me la sabía de memoria y tenía un repertorio lo suficientemente grande como para no repetirme y sonar aburrido, sabía que debía mantenerme fresco, innovador y siempre buscaba cosas nuevas
Además, era atento con el público y nunca me negaba cuando me pedían que cantara algún que otro tema, a no ser que sucediera lo que sucedería con Milagros, donde jugaba mis comodines en el juego del amor
Esa noche parecía ser una noche más, pero no lo sería, cantaba como siempre, en las penumbras, un tanto retirado, observando el ambiente como siempre lo hacía, donde los rostros a media luz parecían desdibujarse
A las dos de la mañana, cuando hacía mi último intervalo ella apareció entre la nada y vino a mi encuentro, no la había visto antes y me pregunté cómo se me había pasado por alto, su rostro era perfecto, su piel blanca, sus ojos celestes como el cielo, sus cejas marcadas y una naricita apenas dibujada, tenía unos gruesos labios muy marcados en un rojo oscuro y mate de lápiz labial, varios aros adornando sus orejas eran cubiertos por una interminable melena de cabellos morenos por naturaleza, aunque fuera blonda por elección, tenía una ajustadísimo corse tipo edad media en tonos de rojos y negros que solo le hacía explotar dos enormes tetas que no pasaban desapercibidas, marcándole al mismo tiempo una escueta cintura donde todo parecía ser perfecto, sus brazos desnudos me dejaban ver sendos tatuajes que se hacían muy atractivos a mis ojos, y en sus manos resaltaban unas largas uñas pintadas en el mismo rojo mate de sus labios
Por debajo un pantalón negro en látex brilloso se adhería a cada célula de su cuerpo, dibujando sus marcadas caderas y, sobre todo, su enorme sexo que se me hacía demasiado llamativo, es que su concha se marcaba para hacerme perder la mirada en ella, y hasta pude detenerme un segundo en sus zapatos rojo fuego con altísimos tacos que le regalaban casi veinte centímetros
I really like how you sing - she said - Thanks! - I replied - What's your name? Milagros... Knowing you is a miracle - I said, pulling out a smile - Can I ask for a song? Of course!
She gave me a title, could have done it but when a woman attracted me, I would only tell her I couldn't sing that night because I wasn't prepared, but I would do it another time if she wanted to come back
She twisted her mouth to one side, not pleased with the response, while feeling like my eyes were heavy, because I couldn't stop seeing the feminine perfection in front of me, until she noticed and laughed saying...
Is everything okay? You're going to eat me up...
I tried to keep the conversation going but she told me she was partying with some friends and had to leave, besides I should stick to my repertoire, which was true, and she said there would be another opportunity, turned around and walked away while I checked what I imagined, if in front of her it was perfect, behind her... God... what an ass she had!
But the fish seemed to have escaped the nets this time, and all I could do was... At 3 am everything had ended, I tidied up and it was time to go home, I left and started walking towards the modest hotel where I stayed, like every morning, lost in my thoughts with a cigar in my mouth
There was still a lot of movement on the avenue, and between all that I crossed paths with a group of girls who didn't get much attention from me... Hey! Do you want to share a cigarette?
It was her, damn it, how hadn't I seen her, so blind was I?
She came up beside me, took the hand holding the cigar and brought it to her mouth, inhaled deeply and then blew out the smoke through her nostrils while looking at me with her eyes... You're a liar, you just didn't want to sing the song I asked for because you would open the doors for us to see each other again...
I laughed shaking my head, the teacher had been exposed, and I told her directly... It's that I think I fell in love at see and I'll die if I don't get you in my bed
It was her turn to laugh and she said
Maybe it will be, but it won't be tonight, who's telling you, my sad blues singer...
She turned around to go back with her friends, but this time it was my turn to grab her hand, I took out one of my personal cards, which I usually present for business matters, and put it within reach and said
Here is my phone, call me when you want to come back and listen to your song, I'll prepare it for you
She bid farewell with a wink and in that instant, as she was walking away, I felt like I had had too many women, but maybe not the one I wanted
Days passed, one, two, three, a week and I was disillusioning myself, looking at my phone expecting her to give me signs of life, but nothing, nothing at all and more than once I had lost, but this time it hurt to lose
We would meet again for my good fortune, but this time it was just ten o'clock at night, a small reserved table very close to where I was sitting, this time she wasn't as provocative, but still beautiful, with a tight-fitting jean in a faded blue and a minimalist white top that highlighted her incredible breasts which seemed to balance not to escape on one side or the other, yes, her flat stomach and bare waist now allowed me to see a bright piercing passing through her small navel
But not all were roses, there were also thorns, she wasn't alone, in front of her, a gentleman of good class, looked well-dressed, neat, and as he took her hand, how they looked at each other, I understood that they were a couple
I just kept singing, theme after theme, while her gaze at close range seemed to devour me, and of course, I would sing the song she had asked for
In my first break, she came to my side with him behind her, passed her hand over my shoulder as if we had been friends all our lives and gave me a warm kiss on Cheek for leaving
Hello Joel! thanks for playing my song! I liked it a lot!
I smiled in gratitude, she followed
Look, I introduce you to Lautaro, my husband, Lauti, he is Joel, of whom I talked so much
The guy stretched his hand stiffly and returned the gesture, we exchanged some words while she was stuck to me, with her hand caressing my shoulder, with her tits threatening to eat the world, which made me feel a nervous erection that I couldn't contain, but if her husband was talking to me
The night went on, I kept singing, and they remained at the table, unimpressed, and she didn't take her eyes off me, even more so at the next interval she came back to my side, offered me a drink and said without beating around the bush
I want you to fuck me when the show is over we're going home
But... - I replied - what about your husband?
Puff! that one? don't worry about him...
I felt confused, not used to a woman being direct, but it seemed like things were this way and in the time I had left to finish the show, I dedicated myself to understanding that couple, it was obvious he wasn't her level, he was just the doormat of a direct, decided, and above all, strikingly beautiful woman, she probably fucked whoever she wanted in front of his nose, and he would only be a cuck accepted, because with a woman like this...
She took care of warming me up all night long, in Lautaro's passivity, but for Milagros it seemed like only she and I were at the place
When we finished that night, we found ourselves walking towards her car, she would drive while sending her husband to the back seat, and I by her side, as a companion, leaving very clear the roles of each one in the game
During the trip, she, like a good chatty woman, spoke almost monologue-style, while Lautaro only talked if she gave him room in the conversation and I, I just got lost obscenely in how the seatbelt was buried more and more between her tits
When we arrived, we would head to a sector type living room, with two large armchairs facing each other and separated by a small table
She asked me to get comfortable on one of them and told her husband to go get some drinks while she sat down next to me. Lautaro arrived minutes later with cups and several bottles of white drinks, sat down alone in front of us, and the roles were marked again
The conversation was going hot, she was leading the topic, talking about how many women I would have with my music, how interesting I was, and how much she had talked to Lauti about me. She also told her husband that she had realized that I was looking at her every second, which made her very hot and he just sat there like a pet
But she wasn't just talking with her mouth, she was also doing it with her body, her gestures, and her gaze, and it was obvious that she was seducing me drink after drink
We had drunk too much and mixed too much, I felt out of control and Milagros said
Kids, are we waiting? I'm going to get more comfortable, I can't stand this clothes
She walked away shaking her ass and in those minutes, Lautaro and I shared a tense silence
When she came back, it was like she had changed. She had taken off her pants and top, now she only had a tiny thong lost in her intimacy and a transparent baby doll that marked those hard tits like rocks
She kissed her husband on the mouth and then came over to me, straight up, and started kissing me roughly, her arms wrapped around my neck and my hands went to her ass. Then she said
Drink, do you like my tits? I want you to suck them
I dedicated myself to licking the enormity of her bust and biting her nipples that were obscenely hot and only separated from us by the fine fabric of the baby doll, giving it a special touch
Do you like what you see? - she was saying to her husband who was just looking with a sip in his hand - Give it to him, stupid. Undress you want?
She treated him like a rug and he seemed to obey without the slightest complaint.
He got up from where he was and lay down beside me, taking off his thong and opening his legs, asking me to suck her enormous juicy pussy, which she had, and he, stroking himself even in repose, went between her legs to give her oral sex, now I undressed myself, then I would kiss her from the side and kneeling on the couch, putting my cock in her mouth, and going deeper and deeper, loving with the devotion with which she sucked me.
Milagros moaned and twisted, because of what her husband was doing to her and because of what I was doing to her, Lautaro only obeyed and seemed to get excited watching his wife suck my cock, but in truth he still didn't fully understand the game, because Lautaro wasn't looking at his wife's mouth, he was looking at what she had in it, and Milagros said
Come, do you want to suck her too?
And by that point in the night I was so drunk and excited that nothing mattered anymore and I let her husband come up and give her a deep kiss on the mouth and then she would suck me and go back to kissing him and the change felt hot until Lautaro couldn't take it anymore and it was his turn to suck her while she watched and masturbated my trunk in her mouth
They were well synchronized, it was obvious that it wasn't the first time they had done it and then I said
Milagros, slut, slut, I want to fuck you...
She responded
Mmmmm... I have a price, first I want to see how you're going to fuck him...
Damn, she was serious but I was willing to do anything, I told Lautaro
Let's see... put on your thong, I want to see how it looks in your ass...
Lautaro listened and got down on all fours on one of the couches, I went behind him, took his thong between my right hand and with little effort I buried it in his ass, and only started fucking him like she wanted me to, and the moans of my unexpected lover filled the atmosphere
On the other side, in the other couch, the perverse Milagros had lit a mini vibrator, used by girls and I had supported it on her clitoris, breathing with cadence, caressing her breasts and filling her view with her husband being penetrated by a stranger and everything seemed too perverse
Before my incredulous eyes, Lautaro's sphincter was adapting to my cock, and I saw it disappear again and again in the deep of his rear end
Finally, I had gotten tired of the game and the manipulation she made of the situation and decided to take the initiative, left her husband to his fate and went for her, placed her on four over the couch, took her by the hips and put it all in, with fury, with desire, extracting a contained groan
I remember the moment, I started taking her with all the eagerness of that first time, of that contained desire, her waist was too small, her hips too wide, her rear end too perfect, her moans too intoxicating
Milagros maintained her little demon toy vibrating on her clitoris and that vibration passed through her genitals to reach mine, and every time I put it in, I felt like millions of tiny ants playing on my sex
Milagros was roaring, twisting, screaming, driving me crazy, twisting in infinite orgasms and while I gave her pleasure, it was noticeable that that toy was killing her, and that warmed me up, showing herself as a slut, I felt coming, squeezed her with force and only filled her pussy with all my juices
After finishing, I regained a bit of composure, had blown the load of my life, to the point of forgetting that her husband was there, present
The sun was already strong, rising over the horizon, it was too late, or too early, whatever, I tidied up a bit and left by taxi, the freshness of a new day would surprise me and put my thoughts in order, it was the first time a guy had blown me, and not just that, it was the first time she had done it to another guy, and everything had been done only for one reason that I had a name, Milagros
She would go back to the pub the next night and we would end up in my room, alone this time without her husband, and we would get together again, just the two of us, no third parties, no toys, I gave it to her from behind and ended several times
The story would start to repeat itself, and between sex we started getting to know each other a little better, she told me details about her marriage to Lautaro, whom she defined as a repressed fag, she said that everything was very normal when they got married, but over time her husband had started having suspicious attitudes, and well, only they could take it
I asked her why they were still together, Milagros told me it was a mutual agreement that wasn't written down, but always the separations were problematic, besides, either of them could get men on the side, one way or another, and if she did, she'd be playing with fire
As the days went by, my relationship with that woman was more than perfect, in that city I wore the shoes every man would have wanted to wear, I caught the most perfect woman who could exist, and besides, in bed, she was pure dynamite, and it didn't bother me at all that she had a facade with a gay husband
But things would start to get complicated, I realized I was falling in love and what's worse, Milagros was falling in love with me too, she talked about our future together, starting anew in another city, even noticed she started getting jealous of the girls who came up to me at night, just me! the poor guy who always sang some blues in the shadows
And I wasn't a horse easy to tame, I was born wild and would die that way, and my straightforward words didn't seem to serve this woman who little by little wrapped me in her web and started suffocating me
It was time to play my last card, the coward's card, one I always used to get out of it, but this one time I'd feel like I was ripped out a piece of my heart
I closed all my businesses at that place, a farewell letter I would receive later, I left at midnight from that crummy hotel, alone, in silence, as usual, I'd take the road and only go where it would lead me
If you liked this story, you can write to me with title A LOVE IN EACH TOWN at
Como siempre, podes escribirnos a, te leemos
Gracias por los puntos y comentarios
Un amor en cada pueblo es un poco el reflejo de mi vida, bohemio, solitario, alejado de la familia tradicional, esa con esposa, con hijos, no, nada de eso se me daba
Había terminado apenas mis estudios primarios, estudiar no era lo mío, tenía un don especial para la música, me encantaba y solo de oído en la adolescencia había aprendido a tocar algunos instrumentos, e intentaba ponerle la voz a las canciones
Me uní con algunas personas mayores, con experiencia, fui parte de algunos conjuntos de música y empecé a deambular de un lado a otro
Dejé la casa de mis padres aun siendo menor de edad, a veces no tenía donde dormir, o que comer, pero no me importaba, era feliz conociendo lugares, personas, y regalándole mis canciones a quien quisiera escucharlas
Fui perfeccionando mi voz, también tenía facilidad para el inglés, me daba igual mi castellano natal que la lengua extranjera
Podría decir que cerca de los treinta había conseguido equilibrar la balanza, gozaba de un cierto reconocimiento en el entorno y tenía muchos contactos de la vida que siempre podían darme una mano, una carta de recomendación, y mi nombre artístico Joel Menta no pasaba desapercibido, un nombre que puede resultar cómico, pero así me llamaba un amigo, y Menta era solo mi apellido, Mentacazzo truncado al medio, corto, fácil de recordar y pegadizo
Mi vida parecía repetirse una y otra vez, primero solía elegir ciudades pequeñas, tranquilas, sin sobresaltos, luego, los mejores sitios donde la gente solía ir a divertirse por las noches, luego un contrato, por unos meses, y por último el trabajo, cada noche, todas las noches, a cantar música suave y tranquila, como acompañando el entorno a media luz donde los casuales comensales podían disfrutar de mi acompañamiento y muchas veces dejaban cuantiosas propinas, o podían pedir algún tema en especial que quisieran escuchar
Siempre buscaba contratos cortos, porque siempre, en cada pueblo, me enganchaba en alguna situación amorosa, soy un agradecido, no soy un hombre atractivo, pero mi voz, mis canciones, mi perfil a la sombra, me daba un ángel especial y ahí me movía como pez en el agua, y las chicas caían con llamativa facilidad
Podría contar muchas historias, una por cada pueblo que he dejado atrás, y ciertamente sonaría pedante, fanfarrón, y esa no es mi intención
Y yo sabía cuándo era hora de partir, cuando alguna empezaba a enamorarse, y yo no estaba hecho para el amor, o cuando algún marido cornudo empezaba a sospechar demasiado, y es que no voy a negarlo, las mujeres casadas me sabían a un desafío diferente, porque era ocupar el lugar de alguien mas
Pero siempre hay una excepción a la regla, y de esa excepción es la que quisiera narrar
Había desembarcado en esa ciudad como desembarcaba en todas, tomaba un camino y dejaba que ese camino me llevara donde fuera
Nuevo Horizonte era el nombre del tipo pub restaurante en el que me ganaría el dinero, conocía el dueño de algún tiempo atrás, es que tenía muchos conocidos, y conocidos de conocidos, mi agenda era tan amplia como mi vida misma, él me había comentado que quería darle un toque entre romántico y sexi al lugar, que justamente abría sus puertas y debía oponerse al bodegón que terminaba de cerrar tiempo atrás, el conocido Viejo Horizonte
Dardo Vazquez y sus socios no habían escatimado dinero, todo lucía renovado, el ambiente, muy moderno, los amoblamientos del lugar, la vestimenta del personal y los platos sofisticados que podían seleccionarse, todo más que perfecto para una clientela privilegiada
Las puertas se abrían cada noche, todas las noches a las ocho en punto y se cerraban a las tres de la mañana, la rutina era un poco la misma cada día, empezaba como un sitio familiar para cenar, y a media noche naturalmente el público mudaba a grupitos de hombres, mujeres, parejas, entre los veinte y los treinta, momentos románticos, o momentos de amigos, o momentos de iniciar alguna nueva relación
Yo tenía mi rutina ensayada, me la sabía de memoria y tenía un repertorio lo suficientemente grande como para no repetirme y sonar aburrido, sabía que debía mantenerme fresco, innovador y siempre buscaba cosas nuevas
Además, era atento con el público y nunca me negaba cuando me pedían que cantara algún que otro tema, a no ser que sucediera lo que sucedería con Milagros, donde jugaba mis comodines en el juego del amor
Esa noche parecía ser una noche más, pero no lo sería, cantaba como siempre, en las penumbras, un tanto retirado, observando el ambiente como siempre lo hacía, donde los rostros a media luz parecían desdibujarse
A las dos de la mañana, cuando hacía mi último intervalo ella apareció entre la nada y vino a mi encuentro, no la había visto antes y me pregunté cómo se me había pasado por alto, su rostro era perfecto, su piel blanca, sus ojos celestes como el cielo, sus cejas marcadas y una naricita apenas dibujada, tenía unos gruesos labios muy marcados en un rojo oscuro y mate de lápiz labial, varios aros adornando sus orejas eran cubiertos por una interminable melena de cabellos morenos por naturaleza, aunque fuera blonda por elección, tenía una ajustadísimo corse tipo edad media en tonos de rojos y negros que solo le hacía explotar dos enormes tetas que no pasaban desapercibidas, marcándole al mismo tiempo una escueta cintura donde todo parecía ser perfecto, sus brazos desnudos me dejaban ver sendos tatuajes que se hacían muy atractivos a mis ojos, y en sus manos resaltaban unas largas uñas pintadas en el mismo rojo mate de sus labios
Por debajo un pantalón negro en látex brilloso se adhería a cada célula de su cuerpo, dibujando sus marcadas caderas y, sobre todo, su enorme sexo que se me hacía demasiado llamativo, es que su concha se marcaba para hacerme perder la mirada en ella, y hasta pude detenerme un segundo en sus zapatos rojo fuego con altísimos tacos que le regalaban casi veinte centímetros
I really like how you sing - she said - Thanks! - I replied - What's your name? Milagros... Knowing you is a miracle - I said, pulling out a smile - Can I ask for a song? Of course!
She gave me a title, could have done it but when a woman attracted me, I would only tell her I couldn't sing that night because I wasn't prepared, but I would do it another time if she wanted to come back
She twisted her mouth to one side, not pleased with the response, while feeling like my eyes were heavy, because I couldn't stop seeing the feminine perfection in front of me, until she noticed and laughed saying...
Is everything okay? You're going to eat me up...
I tried to keep the conversation going but she told me she was partying with some friends and had to leave, besides I should stick to my repertoire, which was true, and she said there would be another opportunity, turned around and walked away while I checked what I imagined, if in front of her it was perfect, behind her... God... what an ass she had!
But the fish seemed to have escaped the nets this time, and all I could do was... At 3 am everything had ended, I tidied up and it was time to go home, I left and started walking towards the modest hotel where I stayed, like every morning, lost in my thoughts with a cigar in my mouth
There was still a lot of movement on the avenue, and between all that I crossed paths with a group of girls who didn't get much attention from me... Hey! Do you want to share a cigarette?
It was her, damn it, how hadn't I seen her, so blind was I?
She came up beside me, took the hand holding the cigar and brought it to her mouth, inhaled deeply and then blew out the smoke through her nostrils while looking at me with her eyes... You're a liar, you just didn't want to sing the song I asked for because you would open the doors for us to see each other again...
I laughed shaking my head, the teacher had been exposed, and I told her directly... It's that I think I fell in love at see and I'll die if I don't get you in my bed
It was her turn to laugh and she said
Maybe it will be, but it won't be tonight, who's telling you, my sad blues singer...
She turned around to go back with her friends, but this time it was my turn to grab her hand, I took out one of my personal cards, which I usually present for business matters, and put it within reach and said
Here is my phone, call me when you want to come back and listen to your song, I'll prepare it for you
She bid farewell with a wink and in that instant, as she was walking away, I felt like I had had too many women, but maybe not the one I wanted
Days passed, one, two, three, a week and I was disillusioning myself, looking at my phone expecting her to give me signs of life, but nothing, nothing at all and more than once I had lost, but this time it hurt to lose
We would meet again for my good fortune, but this time it was just ten o'clock at night, a small reserved table very close to where I was sitting, this time she wasn't as provocative, but still beautiful, with a tight-fitting jean in a faded blue and a minimalist white top that highlighted her incredible breasts which seemed to balance not to escape on one side or the other, yes, her flat stomach and bare waist now allowed me to see a bright piercing passing through her small navel
But not all were roses, there were also thorns, she wasn't alone, in front of her, a gentleman of good class, looked well-dressed, neat, and as he took her hand, how they looked at each other, I understood that they were a couple
I just kept singing, theme after theme, while her gaze at close range seemed to devour me, and of course, I would sing the song she had asked for
In my first break, she came to my side with him behind her, passed her hand over my shoulder as if we had been friends all our lives and gave me a warm kiss on Cheek for leaving
Hello Joel! thanks for playing my song! I liked it a lot!
I smiled in gratitude, she followed
Look, I introduce you to Lautaro, my husband, Lauti, he is Joel, of whom I talked so much
The guy stretched his hand stiffly and returned the gesture, we exchanged some words while she was stuck to me, with her hand caressing my shoulder, with her tits threatening to eat the world, which made me feel a nervous erection that I couldn't contain, but if her husband was talking to me
The night went on, I kept singing, and they remained at the table, unimpressed, and she didn't take her eyes off me, even more so at the next interval she came back to my side, offered me a drink and said without beating around the bush
I want you to fuck me when the show is over we're going home
But... - I replied - what about your husband?
Puff! that one? don't worry about him...
I felt confused, not used to a woman being direct, but it seemed like things were this way and in the time I had left to finish the show, I dedicated myself to understanding that couple, it was obvious he wasn't her level, he was just the doormat of a direct, decided, and above all, strikingly beautiful woman, she probably fucked whoever she wanted in front of his nose, and he would only be a cuck accepted, because with a woman like this...
She took care of warming me up all night long, in Lautaro's passivity, but for Milagros it seemed like only she and I were at the place
When we finished that night, we found ourselves walking towards her car, she would drive while sending her husband to the back seat, and I by her side, as a companion, leaving very clear the roles of each one in the game
During the trip, she, like a good chatty woman, spoke almost monologue-style, while Lautaro only talked if she gave him room in the conversation and I, I just got lost obscenely in how the seatbelt was buried more and more between her tits
When we arrived, we would head to a sector type living room, with two large armchairs facing each other and separated by a small table
She asked me to get comfortable on one of them and told her husband to go get some drinks while she sat down next to me. Lautaro arrived minutes later with cups and several bottles of white drinks, sat down alone in front of us, and the roles were marked again
The conversation was going hot, she was leading the topic, talking about how many women I would have with my music, how interesting I was, and how much she had talked to Lauti about me. She also told her husband that she had realized that I was looking at her every second, which made her very hot and he just sat there like a pet
But she wasn't just talking with her mouth, she was also doing it with her body, her gestures, and her gaze, and it was obvious that she was seducing me drink after drink
We had drunk too much and mixed too much, I felt out of control and Milagros said
Kids, are we waiting? I'm going to get more comfortable, I can't stand this clothes
She walked away shaking her ass and in those minutes, Lautaro and I shared a tense silence
When she came back, it was like she had changed. She had taken off her pants and top, now she only had a tiny thong lost in her intimacy and a transparent baby doll that marked those hard tits like rocks
She kissed her husband on the mouth and then came over to me, straight up, and started kissing me roughly, her arms wrapped around my neck and my hands went to her ass. Then she said
Drink, do you like my tits? I want you to suck them
I dedicated myself to licking the enormity of her bust and biting her nipples that were obscenely hot and only separated from us by the fine fabric of the baby doll, giving it a special touch
Do you like what you see? - she was saying to her husband who was just looking with a sip in his hand - Give it to him, stupid. Undress you want?
She treated him like a rug and he seemed to obey without the slightest complaint.
He got up from where he was and lay down beside me, taking off his thong and opening his legs, asking me to suck her enormous juicy pussy, which she had, and he, stroking himself even in repose, went between her legs to give her oral sex, now I undressed myself, then I would kiss her from the side and kneeling on the couch, putting my cock in her mouth, and going deeper and deeper, loving with the devotion with which she sucked me.
Milagros moaned and twisted, because of what her husband was doing to her and because of what I was doing to her, Lautaro only obeyed and seemed to get excited watching his wife suck my cock, but in truth he still didn't fully understand the game, because Lautaro wasn't looking at his wife's mouth, he was looking at what she had in it, and Milagros said
Come, do you want to suck her too?
And by that point in the night I was so drunk and excited that nothing mattered anymore and I let her husband come up and give her a deep kiss on the mouth and then she would suck me and go back to kissing him and the change felt hot until Lautaro couldn't take it anymore and it was his turn to suck her while she watched and masturbated my trunk in her mouth
They were well synchronized, it was obvious that it wasn't the first time they had done it and then I said
Milagros, slut, slut, I want to fuck you...
She responded
Mmmmm... I have a price, first I want to see how you're going to fuck him...
Damn, she was serious but I was willing to do anything, I told Lautaro
Let's see... put on your thong, I want to see how it looks in your ass...
Lautaro listened and got down on all fours on one of the couches, I went behind him, took his thong between my right hand and with little effort I buried it in his ass, and only started fucking him like she wanted me to, and the moans of my unexpected lover filled the atmosphere
On the other side, in the other couch, the perverse Milagros had lit a mini vibrator, used by girls and I had supported it on her clitoris, breathing with cadence, caressing her breasts and filling her view with her husband being penetrated by a stranger and everything seemed too perverse
Before my incredulous eyes, Lautaro's sphincter was adapting to my cock, and I saw it disappear again and again in the deep of his rear end
Finally, I had gotten tired of the game and the manipulation she made of the situation and decided to take the initiative, left her husband to his fate and went for her, placed her on four over the couch, took her by the hips and put it all in, with fury, with desire, extracting a contained groan
I remember the moment, I started taking her with all the eagerness of that first time, of that contained desire, her waist was too small, her hips too wide, her rear end too perfect, her moans too intoxicating
Milagros maintained her little demon toy vibrating on her clitoris and that vibration passed through her genitals to reach mine, and every time I put it in, I felt like millions of tiny ants playing on my sex
Milagros was roaring, twisting, screaming, driving me crazy, twisting in infinite orgasms and while I gave her pleasure, it was noticeable that that toy was killing her, and that warmed me up, showing herself as a slut, I felt coming, squeezed her with force and only filled her pussy with all my juices
After finishing, I regained a bit of composure, had blown the load of my life, to the point of forgetting that her husband was there, present
The sun was already strong, rising over the horizon, it was too late, or too early, whatever, I tidied up a bit and left by taxi, the freshness of a new day would surprise me and put my thoughts in order, it was the first time a guy had blown me, and not just that, it was the first time she had done it to another guy, and everything had been done only for one reason that I had a name, Milagros
She would go back to the pub the next night and we would end up in my room, alone this time without her husband, and we would get together again, just the two of us, no third parties, no toys, I gave it to her from behind and ended several times
The story would start to repeat itself, and between sex we started getting to know each other a little better, she told me details about her marriage to Lautaro, whom she defined as a repressed fag, she said that everything was very normal when they got married, but over time her husband had started having suspicious attitudes, and well, only they could take it
I asked her why they were still together, Milagros told me it was a mutual agreement that wasn't written down, but always the separations were problematic, besides, either of them could get men on the side, one way or another, and if she did, she'd be playing with fire
As the days went by, my relationship with that woman was more than perfect, in that city I wore the shoes every man would have wanted to wear, I caught the most perfect woman who could exist, and besides, in bed, she was pure dynamite, and it didn't bother me at all that she had a facade with a gay husband
But things would start to get complicated, I realized I was falling in love and what's worse, Milagros was falling in love with me too, she talked about our future together, starting anew in another city, even noticed she started getting jealous of the girls who came up to me at night, just me! the poor guy who always sang some blues in the shadows
And I wasn't a horse easy to tame, I was born wild and would die that way, and my straightforward words didn't seem to serve this woman who little by little wrapped me in her web and started suffocating me
It was time to play my last card, the coward's card, one I always used to get out of it, but this one time I'd feel like I was ripped out a piece of my heart
I closed all my businesses at that place, a farewell letter I would receive later, I left at midnight from that crummy hotel, alone, in silence, as usual, I'd take the road and only go where it would lead me
If you liked this story, you can write to me with title A LOVE IN EACH TOWN at
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