sissys: jerarquías

Strictly sissy is a feminine fairy who loves the authentic male's cock.
sissys: jerarquías

But I like a broader definition more to me.

that includes biological females who think and feel like us

At the top of the hierarchy always stands the male

Alpha Males

After this, the woman

after transgender women
sissys: jerarquías

And below everything the sissies crossdressers or CD

Hormone-treated transsexuals, with their more developed curves and breasts, are the ones who are closest to biological women.

that's why they are above us
Alpha Males

The sissies CD or sissy little girls we have to pay more attention to makeup, sexy clothes

We try to be more submissive and more whores.
sissys: jerarquías

to please him better like that

But the sissies are never jealous nor do we compete

but rather we collaborate to better satisfy men
Alpha Males

A transvestite sissy can also screw us or suck us

since she is above us in the hierarchy
sissys: jerarquías

it can also fuck a sissy woman with a harness for the same reason

But at three it can really screw up the authentic guy because he is the superior of the hierarchy.

He sometimes likes to take off our panties to screw us.
Alpha Males

others prefer to do it with our lingerie on

Each one has our own tastes and preferences.
sissys: jerarquías

but only count what he wants the guy

I like it when they fuck me standing up against a wall, penetrating me from behind.

But normally they put me on all fours because they like it more that way.
Alpha Males

Other times they like us to put a chastity cage on ourselves.

It's a way of demonstrating submission and respect for authentic cocks
sissys: jerarquías

In definitive all the sissies have clear our place in the hierarchy

And we should assume and behave according to the same

They are alphas, we are betas
Alpha Males

They are dominant, we are submissive and obedient


They active, we passive, our mouth isn't made to speak but to suck
sissys: jerarquías

We are sissies

8 comentários - sissys: jerarquías

Muchas gracias por tus conocimientos que compartis. Son muy útiles. Excelente post. Besos
ayyy me encanta ser una dulce sissy pasivita sumisa y obediente!!! entre con curiosisad para saber mi jerarquía sabiendo que estaba en lo mas bajo jajajaja
soy sissy y con tu post se me puso duro el clítoris
Como hacen para tener el clítoris tan pequeño yo lo quiero así