Since I was an adolescent, I had free and unsupervised access to the internet, which allowed me to reach places that may not have been appropriate for my age at the time. However, my first experience occurred in my last year of high school, when I was already 18 years old. I had failed a course, nor was I the brightest mind, always distracted, thinking about other things, things I'll tell you throughout these stories.
We can consider that was the starting point, of things I don't think I'd be capable of. I have to say that even though in fantasy and security of the internet I could feel much more comfortable, invading me with a confidence in myself that I didn't know until then, in real life I felt nervous and full of fears, which made me obligately wait until this age to advance in this, which caused me curiosity and much fear, although it wasn't me who took the first step that time. I wish I had the same security in person. In short, it was my last year of high school, at this point it didn't matter much what came next, the school year was ending and whether or not to attend was a trivial question, usually the second option was the favorite. My parents always let me stay up and relatively ready for classes. When they left for work, there were 20 minutes left before I had to start my journey to that school. It was enough time to watch an episode of some series or listen to music and sit on the couch deciding whether or not to go to class. If I decided to go to class, I had to walk 20 minutes to the subway station, and then wait 30 minutes for the train, where I'd be invisible when the crowds rushed in to enter the small spaces left, and I, always squished almost without breathing, between some overweight woman and someone's backpack. During the year, I was quite responsible, didn't usually miss class, but I don't know if you've ever had that feeling like nothing makes sense or importance, like you don't want to take control of anything because any responsibility becomes a nuisance from which you want to escape, or simply you don't want to try anymore... I hope not, but if you have felt it, I'm really sorry. In that situation, I was without motivation, lost. The end of the year had me anxious, everyone kept asking what I planned to study, and honestly, I just wanted to stay in bed. In bed, I hope I'm sleeping. Fine. It was one of those days that invited not getting up, my parents were already getting ready for work, and I, barely opening my eyes, trying to process the trauma of a new day. Generally when they left, I was ready, having breakfast or looking for something to take with me and eat in the living room if I wasn't very hungry. They said goodbye to me while I looked at my phone for an episode of a series while taking breakfast, walked away, and listened as the door closed, followed by total silence in the house. That day I had decided not to go, so after they left I changed into my uniform and put back on my pajamas. I got into bed and turned on the TV. I searched for something that would make background noise, so I could be on my phone for a bit before sleeping. I had been using dating apps for some time, generally things only stayed in chats and some photos, but others wanted more than that. After a while, I started accessing video calls, at first I just looked, didn't even speak, didn't show my face, barely showed part of my mouth to make some gesture that would motivate the other person to keep going. It was curious, it seemed implicit that accepting a video call meant the person on the other side would put a close-up shot of their penis, sometimes erect, sometimes not, that's what varied, but everyone did it without any prior question, good morning, nothing. If it was curious, I was somehow bothered by it, but at the same time, I kept accepting the calls. It wasn't like I expected something to change, I just thought I liked it being so impulsive, coarse, dirty. I did it daily, saw them come and then cut off the call, I didn't show anything, just looked. Those 20 minutes before classes now were occupied by some random guy willing to be seen. It became part of my routine, killed my boredom, no one paid attention to me for being attractive, only the morbo of what they were doing and I was simply watching them, every now and then a photo in underwear and some gesture with the mouth would be enough to get them excited and venture to show me. I opened one of the many applications where I chatted with people from my country, other regions, even places I couldn't imagine, people from Egypt, Pakistan, Europe many times, everyone was looking for something similar. I started searching for conversations, it wasn't difficult, in general entering some group made things easier, some were nice and managed to make things go off track until their objective, others didn't have that subtlety, both were welcome in my messages. That morning was different, I was responding messages and there was one that caught my attention. It wasn't anything particular, but the boy from the photo was very attractive, plus he had a nice slut, generally when people are Asian, they tend to be fake users, so I started without any expectation at all to respond him. Turns out he was quite friendly, waiting for him to flirt but he didn't, just talked, took the topic, had an opinion, don't know, it was very pleasant talking to him. And this started being daily. We were talking a week and there still wasn't a double meaning, morbose or heat, simply he was being friendly. He showed me what he did day by day, although he never appeared in the photos, just showed what he was doing or where he was. This seemed suspicious to me, if he was so handsome I imagine he wouldn't have problems making it, it would be something simple. I started doubting if he was real, but still wasn't doing anything wrong in reality, and I was getting used to talking to him. Days passed and he kept being friendly, showing me what he did, we talked about everything and he kept calling my attention more and more. Almost nobody was going to classes and the professors didn't care about anything, I started accepting video calls while sitting in the classroom. I'd sit at the back of the room, since my friends were from other courses, it was common for me to be alone in class using my phone, no one bothered me. Plus, I had realized that with the uniform everyone got much hotter, I wondered why. Once I spent the whole day on video calls, none of the professors were giving classes and the room was practically empty. I'd listen to the sounds and light moans of those contacting me for a quick release while looking around, just looking. When I got home, I felt excited, having spent the whole day watching guys cumming, some took longer, others shorter, some finished a lot or only a little. I imagined many things, I had seen a lot of pornography since forever and had some ideas, although, of course, I didn't know what it felt like, if I had any sexual fantasies, mostly out of curiosity, I'd imagine scenarios in my head, invent stories for myself, where I wasn't so shy and it was much easier to achieve something, which hadn't happened. I touched myself a lot, didn't show anyone, but I had many photos and videos on my phone that I'd only look at to save them, I liked looking at myself in the pictures and feeling beautiful, attractive, sometimes I'd touch myself while watching my own videos, alone. I had experimented a lot with myself, knew how to touch myself in many ways that gave me too much pleasure, and also got used to giving myself anal while masturbating. My hands are small and it wasn't hard at first, but it hurt and got messy, so I started looking for ways to do it without the pain and in a more hygienic way, learned to relax and dilate, then I didn't just use my fingers and sometimes skipped straight to this part. Alone, I had a lot of experience. But socially I was someone quiet, introverted, in fact I learned to muffle my moans and touch myself silently so that my parents wouldn't discover me. So, face-to-face, I hadn't managed to do anything with anyone. Well, except for one experience... From always I had seen pornography, as I said before, and the truth was that I had a particular fixation on videos featuring Asian girls being fondled in trains or buses. I know those videos are fake, acted out, but the situation provoked me, caused desire to know what it felt like, but it was just fantasy. But one day, similar to the rest, I was traveling on the subway on my way to school. It was a 30-minute ride, but at that hour it always collapsed, making travel a martyrdom. When I boarded, it wasn't full yet, there was space for everyone, but as the stations advanced, the train became a sea of people packed together, some against others, stuck, unable to move. This situation left me in an uncomfortable position, with a guy about 30 years old in front of me and another one behind me whom I couldn't look at, both pressed against my body without being able to do anything about it. The situation was already uncomfortable, but it would get worse... The guy in front of me started moving, thinking he was trying to adjust himself, but note that something was opening up space between my skirt, roughly hiding the fact that it was happening. I could say I froze, but no. I knew what was coming, it was just a matter of looking at his face, without hesitation I looked at him while he searched for something with his hand, and I looked at him too. The situation reminded me of video calls and also the videos I had seen, impulsiveness, morbidness, grossness, dirtiness... It was like the guys from my calls, I started thinking it could be one of them, but it would be ridiculous. I must say that while this uncomfortable situation bothered many, my head fantasized some things that distorted my perception at that moment, I'm sure if He was saying something, many people would jump to my defense, and I thought about doing it, but my fantasy was much stronger. I felt like he was rubbing his fingers against my pubis over the skirt, getting more insistent each time. I looked at him directly, up towards him, he was taller than me. He gave me a look back that made me smile. Apparently, that gesture meant something. When we were on video calls, I would only show a part of my face, my mouth, to make gestures that would help my call companions, stick out my tongue, bite my lips, blow a kiss, they were always well received by them, however, maintaining a smile while they were doing it usually made them focus more on their activity, more energy. Here I was going through the same thing, after smiling, I felt like his hand ventured with greater boldness and depth, even so, it wasn't enough for him to get where he wanted to. At this point, I barely remembered that I was on a train with more people, nothing mattered. My fantasies were playing a bad trick on me, and when I noticed, I was lifting the front part of my skirt slightly, making it easier for access. He, seeing this, didn't hesitate to act, and what had already taken minutes only took seconds. Barely lifting my skirt, his fingers quickly slipped between my legs, now without the resistance of my clothes, except for my underwear. I could feel the warmth of his hand through my pants, he looked agitated, surely he was very excited, his hands were trembling and he was looking around, but as if nothing was happening, hiding it. When he looked at me directly again, he started moving his fingers from side to side, from left to right, up and down. I was already excited, I could feel my own moisture, surely my underwear was soaked and so were his fingers. He kept moving his fingers from left to right, pressing his hand firmly against my vagina. They were trying to make me remove my underwear separately... And I was succeeding. As I grew up watching pornography, part of my sexual education came from there, unfortunately, and I developed by seeing women who had no type of hair except their eyebrows and hair, which also needed to be styled. So I formed my standards, reinforced by the comments in the videos, making a big emphasis on how good it felt, from very early on I started controlling its growth, to such an extent that within my daily routine, along with showering and watching men masturbate, I would remove every single appearance of pubic hair. At first, I used Gillette-type razors because they were available, it was what there was, besides, I didn't have to remove much. However, soon I noticed it was a somewhat harmful option for my skin, so after talking around here and there, people told me about creams that served to remove hair, and to my surprise, or not, I could also find them at home. So I went on removing a little bit every now and then from my mom or removing some of those unwanted hairs with painful tweezers. Later, when I discovered that all my aunts and other women used these creams, it was less embarrassing to go to a store and ask for it, gathering money to buy it, saying it was an order or something like that. The point is that if, precisely at that moment, I was completely shaved, which helped spread all my moisture, and motivated this type to act, and when I managed to set aside the pants, there was no breath or time for regrets, since he put his fingers inside me, deep and strong. Naturally, my body reacted, partly my mouth let out a moan that I hope got lost in the sound of the train, and partly my muscles contracted so much that I inclined my torso forward, making my back move backward, where precisely this other type was. My ass hit his penis, managing to feel how What was between my pants for a few seconds had me being masturbated by a total stranger, and I was thrusting my back against the penis of another unknown person whom I couldn't even look in the face. My fantasy had come true, finally, these videos turned out not to be so fake...
Although I felt like the entire train ride was an eternity, only 25 minutes had passed since I got on this train, and a couple of minutes since this guy started searching between my skirt, but I had no consciousness of time, place or myself. I could feel his fingers entering and leaving me, moving them inside me, and at least I, if I could hear the sound generated by his strong and large hands inside my smallness, and with each movement, he pushed me lightly backward, enough to start stimulating the boy behind me with constant collisions between my ass and his penis, which were initially involuntary, now I was doing it on purpose, feeling like it was growing, more and more. It was a delirium, I didn't know what I was doing, well, actually I did, but I didn't know why I was doing it. I had prepared to go to classes like every day, but now, I was being masturbated by a stranger who had me so caught up that I started to get hot for the subject behind me, someone who eventually could have seen when the train was emptier, but in reality, he didn't know what he looked like, only knew his member was between my glutes, and I didn't want him to take it out. I kept rubbing against him while being touched in the most vulgar way possible, I felt suspended in time, waiting for it to come later. I didn't know if the guy behind me was really enjoying it or if he had understood that these movements weren't casual, but rather an invitation to join. Anyway, my doubts disappeared when I felt his hand moving up my leg towards my ass. I leaned a bit more, as much as possible, with my head resting on the chest of the stranger in front and my ass elevated for the stranger behind me. In reality, the position had only varied a couple of centimeters, no one fell asleep in that car. I was just breathing, stifling my moans. As I always had to do when touching myself so as not to raise suspicions from my parents, I already had practice, although this was getting complicated. In my head it had been a long time, but I knew we'd only been going on for minutes, everything was happening too quickly, and the guy behind me was lifting my skirt slightly, putting his hand between my legs from behind, obviously colliding with the other unknown man's hand. I thought at that moment both would stop, but it seemed that both of them being touched me was provoking them even more, coordinating without speaking to get their fingers in. The ones from behind were thinner than the first one's, although they were just as long. It seemed soon enough that the unknown man behind got bored waiting for his turn, leaving the other one exclusively touching my vagina, and then moving towards me with his fingers, making circles at the entrance of my anus. His fingers were wet from my moisture, and without offering any resistance, I felt one of his fingers slowly and firmly entering my anus. At this point I couldn't contain myself; when it went in, I let out a whimper, it hurt a little so I straightened up, apparently not having learned much, although I was also super nervous, so I started to relax and enjoy what was happening. When he had already put his first finger in, the second didn't take long to appear, entering in the same way, slowly and firmly. It was incredible in every sense, I couldn't believe what I was letting happen, two unknown men masturbating my vagina and anus at the same time on a subway train; this was far better than my fantasies, because it was happening, and it was happening to me. Those had been the most pleasurable seconds of my life, waiting for it never to end, all I remembered was how much I'd waited for a moment to be myself, surrender without fear, enjoy without caring what they say about me; in those moments I felt alive for the first time in a long time. Warning when opening the doors it sent me back to reality. It was my stop, I should get off and act fast, as I moved I felt like their fingers were leaving mine and pushing everyone else away as they passed, I got off the train, excited and confused, leaving behind the two strangers and my bag. This scene was my mental image for a long time, I used it every time it happened to me, I recreated it over and over again, using my two hands to simulate these two strangers. The day I was answering video calls from guys running around, I remembered that situation to touch myself when I got home. Although I was excited, nothing equaled what I lived that day, where they let me do everything they could on that train. Sometimes I fantasize about the things that could have happened if I didn't get off at my stop and honestly, I regret it, it was the perfect moment to get rid of all the but that hold me back from expressing my sexuality the way I want, if those two guys did that to me in front of many blind spectators, imagine, and sadly only imagine, what they could do to me privately.
For a while I avoided taking the train so as not to run into them, didn't tell this to anyone I knew, friend or family. I went back to being the prudish and shy girl for others, except for video calls that continued to be part of my daily routine, this time just to see, and only to see.

4 comentários - Capitulo 1: Yo, el nuevo chico y el tren