Double Life IV

After the absolutely predictable crisis, I was having Lili anxious to enter her new life, desperate to know details while she warned Silvia that we were downstairs. When she answers the phone, she asks me to wait a bit, that she had problems with one of the girls, that she would talk to us when she was ready.

Liliana's face of disappointment surprised me. I told her it was just for a bit, that Silvia would let us know, and in the meantime we could go get a coffee.

We sat down at the corner bar, ordered a cortado, and I reminded her again about the topics that interested me most, so she could be quickly submitted, as Martin and Silvia had asked.

Let them control you, let them dominate you, allow them to do what they want with you, it's therapeutic, especially in these times, where everything is female liberation, my love. Sometimes we need to be a bit rigid, forced to do things we wouldn't do at home; and this activity is special for that. In that idea, both Silvia and Martin seek their girls to already be mothers, because they sustain that the obligation of being permanently taken care of by original families originates the need to hand over control to others in order to rest, control that Silvia and Martin take, especially and especially from our bodies, for them to comply with the whims of others, as long as they can pay.

Without looking at me and stirring her coffee, Liliana replied: Do you know why? Many times I thought about it, even though I have to confess that sometimes I did it successfully, but in other cases with terror. What didn't occur to me is that prostitution could be a tool for that.

I jumped up; My life, we're not just here to prostitute ourselves, we're here to get screwed, which is another level. We're here because someone saw in us, like I saw in you, the need to lose control, to be used, and we fantasize about sex as a... not much harder than what we're used to, that we beg for at the top of our lungs but without using words, occasionally being humiliated

I saw Liliana trembling, absorbing my words. I continued: 'And the magic of this level, as you will soon see, is that you'll have a great time, even if you do, in the eyes of those who don't know the scene, badly. I know you're not familiar with drugs, but I'm sure that on some occasions, few, when the characteristics of the service to which you are assigned really warrant it, and not always warning you, they'll make you try some experimental ones that will make you the sweetest, hottest, most obedient and compliant girl in town. Do you know why you'll need them?'


'You should be telling me this, Silvia. Our clients, generally speaking, are husbands with money who have women like us as their wives. But they also have unconfessable desires, and to fulfill them, we're here, replacing their wives, always untouchable and respected'

'Desires like what?'

Very close to her, holding her hand because I knew how she would react (how we all would), I whispered 'Seeing you get it on with animals, for example, my love. Some domesticated dog, some English shepherd, big dogs. It can happen. And we have to be ready, even if it's with chemical help'

Liliana's face of terror was cinematic, her body on the verge of convulsions. I'm sure that in her head, she passed her image being savagely penetrated by a huge dog. (So did mine . Liliana waiting for the cock of the beast, to be brutally impaled, in a state of absolute submission. Chemicals, there would be no other way; drugging her with the strongest will-annulling substance. And the thrill: telling her while they apply it, the service we had chosen for her, so that panic can play its part...)

To calm down, I smiled and said: 'It might happen doesn't mean it always does. Silvia told me that that

Service was asked for only once, about four years ago, and it was assigned to Sandra, a very beautiful 30-year-old architect at the time who, helped by a drug called burundanga, which was available at that moment to provoke submission to the other's desires, hour there are many more powerful and effective ones, stay calm, she didn't have major problems or moral obstacles in doing it. After that, she continued her normal life. She still comes occasionally. When I asked her how she had passed the time lending that service, smiling, she commented: The experience of being buttoned up with a monstrous cock inside you is something we should all go through as girls who dedicate ourselves to this at some point. It's explosive. The client's heat observing your suffering, your desperation, has no price. I don't want to do it again, but I'm not sorry for having done it.

Breathing a little and sketching a smile, Lily said: It seems like we have to go through the experience of pain with some clients. Already speaking as a slut, which I loved.

Yes, I replied. Many sons of sluts enjoy that. It's inevitable. And that's why I chose you, for your masochistic spirit. You're going to tell me who you're thinking of bringing into the business, because you must have realized that some friend has to be brought in.

Supporting her hand on her face, making it seem like she was thinking about who, when the sparkle in her eyes betrayed that she had already chosen her propitiatory victim. More work, I thought to myself. I haven't forgotten Sole or Mayra, my next projects. Nor the central objective: enslaving the three...

Message on my cell phone. I see it and say Let's go; Silvia is waiting for us.

We ask for the bill, pay it, and leave the bar, heading towards paradise? hell?...

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