I accidentally became my father's woman

If you like give me points please✌🏻 I'm Erick, 23 years old, living with my father and younger sister, my mother died a few years ago in an accident, and it's been very difficult for our family. Our lives continued normally until a certain moment when there was a radioactive accident that affected chemicals within 40 km of where the accident occurred, my house fell within that range. At that moment I was at home and the radiation affected me changing my body and mutating it, I fainted when the authorities started alerting the whole zone my father with my sister came to look for me but they didn't find me instead they found a 23-year-old woman It cost me a lot to convince him of what I was until he asked me things exactly that only I would know like for example my birthdate or trips we've made as a family, I responded perfectly well which is when he realized I had been affected by radiation my body was practically that of a young woman my hair grew my face changed I had more delicate and finer details my hips widened and my breasts grew they weren't so big but weighed and hurt maybe due to the sudden change and my pubic area wasn't the same If you know what I mean Immediately we heard a commotion in the street many people were leaving their homes very scared with their belongings or my dad started quickly grabbing what he could and said that I should put on some of mom's clothes from his room and ran directly to his room and changed into clothes grabbed a backpack and put in what I could phone documents personal items and clothes He was doing the same.I accidentally became my father's womanWhen I changed I felt a gaze over me and in the mirror I saw reflected my father's gaze looking at my enormous ass. Looking at my huge ass. It was to be expected, I knew I hadn't been with a woman for a long time so I put on a black thong some black leggings that squeezed too tight and showed off my enormous ass. Just like also a white blouse with sleeves that reached the elbows but left me a little exposed. I put a sweater over it and we ran outside. There was chaos, there were military personnel guiding people to quickly leave the area there had been a radioactive accident that they had to treat. Obviously other people had changed almost as much due to mutations.slutThe secondary effects of being exposed to such radiation, there was a multitude trying to clarify that matter with the military, but my father said we should keep walking. We had to get out of the area as soon as possible When we managed to do so, we arrived at my father's aunt's house, where they were already waiting for us, nervous and began asking about me and my father with all the calm in the world, explained what happened when they realized it was me, they worried because the situation was grave but we were already safe since there were rumors among the population that everything would be closed off in the contaminated area and people inside that range. They would be under quarantine, the truth is we escaped on time before the order was givenBig bustFor a couple of weeks we were at my aunt's house. At that time, my aunt advised me on how I should behave and dress. She gave me more clothes to wear during that time. News was circulating about many people having changed, and many of those people were experimenting with them. They said there had been many dead. The government was trying to hide it. It was a serious situation. We would have gotten saved if my father hadn't told us to hurry up and leave the area.big bootyI was already starting to adapt to this body going to the bathroom, sitting down, wearing skirts, thongs, and briefs that were stuck in my butt, slippers, and of course a bra I was a woman completely one night I was with my 10-year-old sister lying in bed talking to her about her drawings my father entered and also lay down next to us and suddenly something unexpected happened that I didn't see coming. I felt my father's gaze on my thighs I turned around to look and he pretended not to notice but I had already realized that my father didn't perceive me as his son but as a woman in that moment he told me he moved his influences to change my documents showed me my birth certificate completely renewed now I was no longer called Erick but Erica and adopted my mother's last name now we could leave with complete security and go wherever we wanted and at that moment we agreed that after some family events approaching we would leave the house of my aunt's to move to another place because we were a burden to our relatives later I went down to the kitchen to get coffee and talked to my aunt we talked about girl things I was still getting used to it and she knew it I think I was being trained for something afterwards in the family event cousins and aunts arrived from all over to have fun there were many relatives I didn't know I started getting along well with several cousins and aunts the gathering lasted like three days but something happened that would completely change my perception one day I was changing clothes and my father came out of the shower we were annoyed because we didn't know what to do in that moment I was finishing up in the bathroom and came out to change but just outside in the same room my father was completely naked he also wanted to take a bath at that moment he realized something and told me Erika's breasts had grown and I got scared, and indeed my breasts were growing, they were enormous, I was covering myself with the towel and leaving much to the imagination. At that moment. I realized my father's erection, clearly he wanted me in that moment. I didn't hesitate and took off the towel on top of me, leaving my tits out in the air and said seriously, then you really like them, he was very surprised, his eyes were like plates, I approached him and felt my tits moving from side to side. My hips moved with sensuality, I took his package and started squeezing and rubbing it and said do you like what you see at that moment, the doorbell rang and we didn't separate, ah reacted, I didn't know what I was doing, I had so much shame, but I had provoked something in him that wouldn't change when I turned around to keep changing my way back.Trio

FellatioWhen we finished changing, we went out to join our family. I put on a dress that was my mother's, it had lace and left my curves exposed and my large breasts showed off my cleavage. My father grabbed me by the waist as we were approaching my uncle at that moment we started talking with everyone. At a certain point when I got up for some snacks, I saw all the men looking at me. I felt uncomfortable but also excited. At the table of appetizers, my aunt came over and told me how I was feeling. I said I was fine and she asked if I had noticed that all the men were staring at me. I said yes and she said it was completely normal and that I should get used to it, because men like women with a good butt and I had one without mentioning this pair of enormous melons I was carrying, which practically made me an attraction for men. She advised me to grab the taller men since they do a better job in bed. I blushed and felt weird and she just smiled and whispered in my ear at least let yourself get pregnant by the man closest to you. I knew who she meant and she said I was the living image of my mother, we weren't alike obviously, I had bigger breasts and a rounder butt but it's exactly the type of woman he expects. Besides, we don't have the same last name, the rest is child's play she winked her eye and left. I stayed thinking I was frozen.slut

Beautiful womanSuddenly I heard the voice of my father or rather Marcos calling me, saying 'dear' come here and I went towards him politely and he took hold of my waist. His hand was almost at the top of my backside, practically marking his territory. He looked at my aunt from afar and she smiled as we finished the party. My father said to go with him in the car that he was going to leave some tools at his friend's house, it was a bit far so we stayed overnight at a motel. When I entered the room, I was surprised to find only one bed, something strange happened in the room. We were alone just then and I went straight up to him and told him that today he was being very weird not letting go of my waist and he simply said seriously because you left your intentions very clear today woman you let me see your enormous breasts, practically referring to me as a woman and not part of his family and I responded saying I'm your son to which he replied you're no longer anything of mine. He approached me took hold of my waist and started grabbing my backside, smiled at me and said that's why you're wearing your mother's underwear tonight and told me this night Erika is going to turn into a woman, I swallowed saliva there was no turning back, he ripped off my dress leaving me completely naked and started sucking on my breasts. When it ended he picked me up in his arms and threw me onto the bed leaving my legs open, he took off his pants showing off his enormous friend, I was surprised to know that everything was going to go inside of me. I told him to wait but he said there's no turning back now or never and got on top of me and instilled that huge thing in me, I moaned, grabbed the bed sheets tightly.Pregnant

big butt girl

father and daughterWhen he started pumping first it started slowly, gradually increasing the speed. My breasts were moving from side to side as he was penetrating me. And he exclaimed. Damn woman, your body is magnificent, you have these breasts, they're incredible and he began to suck them. I was ecstatic when suddenly he stopped and I was drenched in sweat turning to see him and with his masculine force, I turned like nothing put me on four I knew what was coming immediately ve inserted that behind me pushing while he grabbed and held my hair after screwing me hard, we fell asleep and the next morning I woke up to bathe he had already woken up before leaving and returning home already at home, I changed I put on some athletic leggings that marked my ass and I realized that my pussy was also noticeable, it was very sexy and I put on a blouse that made my breasts look bigger for a while I stayed looking at my figure in the mirror, I felt very feminine and sexy and started reflecting on what had happened the night before I touched my breasts and started squeezing them and understood that I could take advantage of him when leaving the room, my father was saying goodbye to our family, after three days of family party, it was time to leave, we said goodbye to everyone and left we couldn't return to our old house so we rented an apartment and settled in there it was like starting from scratch, time passed, I adopted the role of homemaker and for my sister I was the maternal figure.I accidentally became my father's womanMy father kept working but didn't see me as his daughter anymore, he saw me as a woman when he came home from work, I would wait for him with an impeccable dinner now it was I who did the laundry and prepared the food During these days I used my mother's Baby doll that my father liked to say looked much better on me. In fact, I enjoyed how he had fun playing with them, he seemed like a baby, we made love several times, many times I ended up screaming like a foxy and so several days turned into weeks, everything was going normally until one day I said goodbye to him my sister who went to school and started sweeping the outside part of the apartment, and I realized that my neighbors were staring at me a lot, but I realized that in the apartments next door I saw some girls entering an apartment. They kept looking at me they were my friends from high school,, they approached and asked about me. I didn't know what to say so we invited them to come into the living room, my friends Sofia, Natalia and Elisa the last one was a girl I didn't know only that when she introduced herself I recognized her, it was my old friend Alejandro who had changed bodies due to mutation, in short they were very pretty, Sophia was beautiful, had an impeccable face and her body was slender. Natalia on the other hand had enormous buttocks and hips. And finally Elisa had enormous breasts that couldn't be hidden.slutElisaBig bustSofiabig bootyNatalia We started talking to them when we started talking about what happened in the area where we lived they told us that they also left as soon as possible and mentioned me so it was like Alejandro changed that's why they're living in this new apartment and I confessed to them that I was Erick they were surprised but it was to be expected several of our acquaintances also suffered the same fate only they didn't run with the same luck due to quarantine and mysterious experiments they boarded there at that moment my father said it was getting late for him to get to work so he left us to continue talking they focused their attention on me and told me that since I had left these last weeks being a woman I replied that I had already adopted this body Elisa agreed saying the same thing but she was bothered by those breasts of mine that weighed too much I understood because my breasts were also very large we started laughing opened a bottle of wine and started drinking time passed and they brought up the topic of sex I pretended to be indifferent but they weren't stupid at all they knew I was doing it with my father and explained that I adopted my mother's surname and don't know when it happened but both of us felt attraction and ended up making love every night they instead of being disgusted asked me how my father was in bed apparently he attracted them and they started saying wonderful things about him he was handsome and overflowing with masculinity we were young fertile women I told them I had never felt anything like that the way he penetrated me was astonishing especially when he did it hard Natalia started squeezing my breasts and started flattering me friend I wish I had those tits Elisa responds believe me friend you wouldn't want to have that extra weight what they realized is that I also had an enormous ass practically I had both things and that's rare among women, besides a beautiful faceTriowe start talking about Elisa who in her phase as a fécutie met a tasty man at a bar two days after radiation, she was there because she was very anxious about the change so she went for some drinks but the man approached her and flirted with her since then her friends have been supporting her it's a new stage for her and possibly if everything goes well she'll live with him and comments that what caught her attention about that man were his tits at first she didn't like them but later got used to them and Elisa confessed something extremely important out loud it turns out the reason why they were all together that day was because Elisa went to take a pregnancy test which turned out positive she was pregnant with him we all surprised practically the mutation not only changed her appearance but also made us fertile what means i and i get scared because all this time i had been doing it without protection i told them that and they got hysterical about me possibly being pregnant by my own father and taking my mother's place in fact i'm already doing it since it's a relationship we have natalia comments that several women from our area turned into men and adapted to their life for example mrs evelyn montemayor is now a man and sandra vera a former classmate of ours became a man and has a relationship with hannah paredes another acquaintance meanwhile victor another friend also changed his name to carolina and is now a beautiful woman with curvy hips and laughing hair she's been hooking up with the math teacher same as another friend called agustin who is now laura and has a relationship with pablo contrerasFellatio

slutAnd so it's not that rare our position since we try to adapt to our lives as best we can and I was advised on how to treat my man better. Time passed and Sophia and Elisa had to leave, and I was left with Natalia, we chatted for a long time in the kitchen, decided to prepare some snacks, prepared a cheese board with wine, and didn't realize it was already late because my father had already returned when he entered the kitchen, greeted us and hugged me, circling my waist and giving me a kiss on the cheek, while asking how we had spent our evening. He started grabbing my ass and massaging it, I won't blame him, my ass is enormous, any man in his right mind would do it, Natalia noticed this, so with the drinks passed, she suggested an idea, we asked her what it was, to which she responded. We wanted a trio tonight, I didn't know how to respond and saw that my father was scanning us from head to toe, he accepted and I remained silent, almost begging me because of accepting, so I said yes, and practically he grabbed our waists and told us this night I'm going to enjoy it very well, started grabbing our asses and mentioned that both of us had enormous asses and that they moved very sensually when walking.Beautiful woman

PregnantMy friend Natalia, much before this situation would happen we were good friends, grew up together saw how she developed until getting that huge ass that characterized her so much was one of the most popular girls in school, in fact there was a rumor that said the director had slept with her Practically she was very beautiful I on the other hand little time I've been in this body I developed very well have an incredible big ass that rivals Natalia's but if it were little also carry a couple of big breasts had the complete arsenal to satisfy a man which knew I led him in advantage. Upon entering the room, I only thought what a great banquet was going to eat that man having such women on his side holding our booties well secured marking their territory like a predator holding its prey immediately, ripped off our leggings from our bodies leaving us exposing our beautiful ass, his eyes suffered like plates, I had a black thong that inserted itself into my butt and my pussy had a white thong of the same kind was a fit while on the floor already were our respective sports clothes broken to which he proceeded to grab my blouse and tear it off as if it wasn't anything leaving my tits free while we two took off his clothes when we went for his pants bent down and came out jumping his huge cock was so big. That's what we were going to eat we were excited and started giving him kisses after a while. He incorporated us and put us in the dog position on the bed. The first penetration was Natalia in the first inserted, she screamed, he was giving it hard, exactly what she was looking for. He stopped for a moment, undressed her, breathed and directed himself towards me and exactly the same, only that he took hold of my hair pulled me and with one of his hands grabbed one of my breasts and He started penetrating me, I was screaming with pleasure. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my friend watching us from the side. He kept going very strongly at me. I rolled my eyes back, almost came and went.big butt girl

father and daughter

I accidentally became my father's woman

slutI felt like a woman, finally it came inside me and I had an orgasm. Then I pulled out and left me lying there while his semen was dripping from my vagina. He got up, walked over to my friend, put her on all fours, and started penetrating that enormous and beautiful ass when he came in her ass, threw her to the floor like she was nothing, and left the room, and we were left looking confused but very well-fucked while my friend changed, started telling me how much she liked the way I received him and how lucky I am. She put on her pants that accentuated her enormous ass, I couldn't help myself and started grabbing it, and as women don't mind, we started rubbing each other, she started grabbing my breasts and sucking them. I did the same with her ass, we started moaning and in that moment he came in and saw us and asked if we were still hot and we said yes after my friend left, I put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt and went to the living room and sat next to him and we started watching TV and he hugged me and started rubbing my tits. I got on top of him. I took off my shirt and exposed my breasts. At that moment he started playing with them, still not tired, tiger, I said. Days later I found myself at the supermarket with my friends, all of us looking very beautiful. I was wearing a low-cut blouse that left my tits very exposed with some jeans and white sneakers, Elisa. She wore a flowy dress with sandals and looked very good in it, her tits were really accentuated and a little bit of her belly, Natalia wore a mini skirt that exposed her enormous legs, and Sofia was the most conservative one, wearing a very common dress, she was very covered up.Big bustI felt really good because all the men would stare at us along with my girlfriends, I'd feel like my tits were moving just like my ass was curving, it was obvious we dressed that way to draw attention. We're women after all We went shopping for clothes and makeup in several stores The days passed and those days turned into months and over time, I noticed something My sister was growing up, her breasts were getting a bit big for her age. Just like she got her period too, so I had to intervene and give her advice on things like using bras and stuff while I taught her. She always made fun of my huge tits Practically, I played the role of mother to her.big booty


FellatioAfter we went on vacation to Cancun, where we enjoyed the beach and many aquatic parks very well. I was always wearing a thong with a bikini showing off my huge ass and giant tits, everything was going great. Many men were paying me attention, even those with partners, and from the corner of their eyes, I could see that the wives and girlfriends of the men who saw me were getting angry. We decided to enroll my sister in a swimming lesson while she stayed in training. We escaped to take a walk around there went to a bar, took piña coladas got drunk afterwards went to a beautiful viewpoint that looked out over the whole landscape, and it was there that he asked me to get married. I didn't know what to do, this feeling was strange, but I said yes we hugged and continued our celebration and ended up in our hotel room, where we started having sex. He was giving it hard, my tits were moving a lot when, suddenly I started to feel his penis starting to come inside my vagina. I felt the warm liquid and that was very satisfying. I got excited even more I started to come, I was convulsing, it was the most ecstatic feeling I had ever had after a while we bathed and went for my sister.slutDays later I was back home making breakfast as I normally do, but only that my dad noticed something. My tits were a little bigger than usual as I always admire them, I didn't notice it, but it was true, my breasts were already full of cum. I started to scare so I wanted to take a pregnancy test which came out positive, I was pregnant and began to get excited and loud, started saying I'm going to be a mother, just like he we started kissing days later, sucking on my cum-filled tits with him and that's what I loved.Beautiful womanWhen I went to my friend Elisa's baby shower, I told my friends she was pregnant and they all got excited and started applauding. I felt very well, I felt like a made woman, well hung and well knocked up, it was a satisfied woman

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