The famous one I was going to satisfy my desires with was one I had been seeing for a while and noticed that she dressed and behaved more like a slut every time. Emilia Mernes' slut, each time I saw her perfect face and how she dressed like a cheap prostitute, gave me the urge to give her some coins to suck my cock, but what I'm going to do is going to be free haha. I knew that soon she had a concert and her fans knew where she would stay until then, they would wait for her outside the hotel to take pictures and see her. It was my perfect opportunity to meet my next victim. Once I mixed with the rest of the fans, I waited a few minutes for her to come out. Suddenly, there were screams from everyone at once and Emilia comes out.
She smiled and went to greet her fans, and I was rubbing my cock between the crowd thinking about everything I'd do to her. -You're going to be mine, slut today. I saw how she took pictures with fanatics who looked like they were going to die from excitement at home thinking they had been next to Emilia Mernes.
Once I got tired of seeing her with her fans, I stopped time and pushed people away to get close to her and put myself in front of her.
Hey cheap slut, today I'm going to treat you like what you really are. Grab her chin with one hand and lift her head up so she looks straight at me. -You don't have any idea how I'm going to use you today. I grab her neckline and tear it off with a jerk, leaving her tits out in the air.
Your perfect tits, you're a slut. I'll grab your nipples and stretch them up, making your tits bounce. Show me that tongue. With my thumb in her mouth, I'll pull out her tongue.
I like it this way like a good milk. I load a good spitting and throw it in her mouth. -Mmm I like whores like you, well humiliated. But calm down, this is just starting, I have a good plan for you. I pick up Emilia and carry her on my shoulder. I walk a couple of blocks away from the hotel and find a brothel. -We've arrived at your workplace, slut. I enter with Emilia on my shoulder and see that there were already people in the place, hot prostitutes warming up and men paying.
The perfect work environment for you, Emilia. Without losing much time I went to one of the whores and took what she had on to put it on Emilia. While undressing her to put her new clothes on, I saw her completely naked and almost couldn't hold back.
You're tempting me, daughter of a slut, but first I'm going to take a little reminder of yours and then I'll break you all calm. Finished putting on lingerie from one of the whores and looked at her.
Now you're ready to work for what you really are, a cheap slut. I took her and put her on a table so she could pose while I took pictures of her.
That's how she looks at the camera, you slut.
That's it like Emilia! On top of a table like a slut at 4 and up. Also, I'll take her to dance in the ditch.

-It seems like you were born for this piece of slut. I'll take a couple more photos and have enough to remember. -Good enough Emilia, it's time for me to take you to a VIP room to make you serve me, slut, since you've already warmed up my cock so much. I grab her by the shoulder and lead her to a room, spin her around on a bed, and take a couple more photos there.
Too many photos Emilia, it's time to put you to work pleasing me with your body. Kneel down in front of me and suck my cock that was already throbbing because I was so tight in my pants. It was dripping precum from how much I had contained myself. -Try what drips with your tongue slut! That's what makes you look so slutty.
Stick your tongue up and down, Emilia, savor what you're going to eat.
Fill it with saliva before eating you, sl*t, it's good for you to leave it well-lubricated because afterwards the mess of your life will come.
She put it in her mouth and I started using my pelvis to use her.
-Show me what you can do with that mouth, head master. I grabbed her ponytails and started using that to move her head while sucking.
-Uff, I followed that prostitute who's going to wash me in cum. I grabbed her with both hands on the tight coils at the head like it was a motorcycle and started using her at full speed while my fluids and her saliva were entering and leaving with each thrust she gave me.
-AAAHH Daughter of a slut takes the milkee bitch!! I pull out my cock from her mouth and wash her face in cum.
Oh wow, what a headmaster that turned out to be a girl, I see you liked the facial I gave you.
I lift her, I spin her around on the bed and spread her legs open.
Now if I'm going to use all your holes slut, I'll give you the full service, but first I think I remember seeing one of the prostitutes from the brothel dressed like a schoolgirl, so I got the urge to screw you dressed like that. I'll go look for her and put it on. -Uff now if you're really ready to please me, Emilia.
She put it in the wet pussy and felt tight. -Ugh, I see that this is going to hurt you all week. I started slowly pumping my cock into her feeling like it was opening up inside her vagina and with each thrust adapting more to the size of my cock.
Mmm how many times did you fantasize about culling me, slut, and look at yourself now, dressed as a schoolgirl with my cock inside in a brothel ha ha. Keep giving it to me while I increase speed and she's getting lubricated on her own, making it easier for my cock to go in and out.
Oh, daughter of a slut who uses the word 'pussy' beautiful that you have! But it's time to try your ass, girl. I'm changing holes and forcing my cock in that costs me to enter the head.
This asshole is mine, slut, and you'll remember when it hurts from being torn apart and filled with cum that I'm going to leave! I use her ass like my sexual toy, making my cock enter and rebound at the speed I break in. -Ah, slut, I'm going to leave your ass dripping with my cum! You'll remember me by the farting when you go to the bathroom and let out all the cum from Papi. I gave it even faster and felt like my balls were contracting because a great semen discharge was coming. -AAAHH, slut, BRING CUM THROUGH THE ASS, GIVE IT TO ME!! The veins of my cock palpitated inside Emilia Mernes' ass. -Ah, daughter of slut, you used me like a cheap slut! I pulled my cock out of her ass and a stream of semen came out under pressure from her ass, leaving the rest to flow through her hole.
-That's how you have to leave prostitutes like you, with your ass torn and full of cum. Grab my clothes and get dressed. -Good slut, when I feel like having one suck out cum like yours milk me, I'll come back to this brothel to hire your services. And almost forgot, you pay.
I approach his face, load a good cigar in my throat and spit it with force in the face. -There's your slut, stay with the change. I light a cigarette and walk out of the brothel. FIN -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Well, that was all for today, I was away for a time but came back with a luxury prostitute. Hope you liked it and tell me what you thought in the comments. If you made it this far, leave me some points for my effort. I'll be more active with the stories of 'Detener el tiempo' so show your support if you like. A hug and good f**ks.

Well, that was all for today, I was away for a time but came back with a luxury prostitute. Hope you liked it and tell me what you thought in the comments. If you made it this far, leave me some points for my effort. I'll be more active with the stories of 'Detener el tiempo' so show your support if you like. A hug and good f**ks.
26 comentários - Detener el tiempo Famosas | Parte 8 | Emilia Mernes
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