Del otro lado

Primero, todas las entregas de los mejores post

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Mi madre siempre decía que en el mundo había dos tipos de mujeres, por un lado las que eran amas de casa, buenas esposas, criaban hijos, y por otro las que estaban para satisfacer al hombre, para ser perras y darle todo aquello que las primeras no podían darle, ambas eran incompatibles, o eras una o eras otra. Ella tenía claro a qué grupo pertenecía y lo gritaba con orgullo, nunca le molestó ser lo que era. Así me crío, como una pequeña copia, a su imagen y semejanza, ella quería para mí la misma vida que ella había llevado, entonces no es de extrañar que pueda narrar un periplo sexual año por año de mi existencia:

Con solo once años ya me conocían como la putita de la cuadra.

A los doce años tuve mi primera relación sexual con un chico bastante mayor que yo.

Con trece años, gracias a una amiga de mamá, pude comprar mi primer vibrador.

Cuando tenía catorce, ya no me quedaba sitio virgen en mi cuerpo.

Para comprar una campera de cuero, con quince, cambié sexo por dinero.

Mi primera relación con otra mujer fue cuando tuve dieciséis años.

Como regalo de diecisiete, mi madre me obsequió mis primeros pechos siliconados

Apenas cumplí los dieciocho empecé a trabajar oficialmente de stripper.

Con los diecinueve llegaron los tatuajes y la depilación íntima definitiva.

Los veinte me sorprendieron haciendo mi primera producción fotográfica para hombres.

Ya a los veintiuno era una prostituta vip.

En resumen, mi privilegiado físico siempre me ayudó, más horas y horas de entrenamiento en gimnasios y clases de bailes hicieron la mujer que soy, la mejor de las putas. Los hombres halagan mis virtudes, algunos mis enrulados cabellos rubios que llegan a mi cintura, otros mis grandes ojos verdes, o mis labios carnosos, o mi rostro de niña fatal, los más osados se pierden en mis tetas y mis grandes aureolas, la mayoría se fascina con mi generoso y respingado trasero, con mis anchas caderas y mis torneadas piernas, pero todos, absolutamente todos caen ante lo perra que soy entre las sábanas.

Mi vida transcurrió entre prostíbulos, hombres de dinero y poder, servicios de acompañante, stripper, producciones fotográficas casi pornográficas y todas las cosas que mi madre me había enseñado para ‘esta’ clase de mujeres.

Creo que nunca estuve enamorada, es difícil encontrar a un hombre que esté dispuesto a enamorarse de una chica ‘de este lado’, ellos solo se divierten con nosotras, pero se comprometen con las ‘del otro lado’.

Cuando había pasado los veinte conviví un par de años con un prominente empresario, él se acercó a mí por ‘solo una noche’, pero luego no pudo despegarse, se sintió perdidamente hipnotizado.

Teníamos una relación abierta, era mi trabajo, yo andaba con cuanto tipo quisiera, el con cuanta hembra desease, era un acuerdo.

Y saben por qué terminamos? es cómico, no le molestaba que yo me acostara con cualquiera, lo que siempre me recriminaba es que yo me sacase fotos casi desnuda, provocativa, puta, y las subiera a las redes sociales, que la vieran sus conocidos, sus familiares, sus contactos, obviamente una puta como yo dañaba su imagen, eso era todo lo que le importaba, ‘su imagen’…

A los veinticinco estaba en mi mejor momento, física, mental y sexualmente, hacía unos meses que trabajaba en ‘April’, uno de los más cotizados lugares de capital, un lugar para ambos sexos, con strippers para todos los gustos, unos diez chicos, unas diez chicas. Como comprenderán se juntaba lo mejor de lo mejor, no había gordas, ni flacas, ni petisas, ni chatas, para los hombres era más exigente, si su pene no tenía una medida ‘mínima’, no había posibilidad, era cómico porque un chico gay era el encargado del ‘control’. Pasado ese obstáculo, el físico era el segundo punto a tener en cuenta. Teníamos audiciones de baile, movimientos, trato con la gente, no era para cualquiera.

Ahí conocí a Emiliano, un chico enorme, enorme por todos lados…

Emi, tenía mi edad, estudiaba filosofía y hacía esto temporalmente para pagarse sus estudios, rápidamente hubo piel entre nosotros y compartimos casi dos años de pasión.

Emi tenía un corte desprolijo, castaño claro, de piel morena y ojos negros, labios delgados, cerca del metro noventa, de amplios músculos, un pecho enorme y poderosos bíceps, lucía varios tatuajes, su piel era suave y su sonrisa seductora, siempre me trataba como a una dama, a pesar del ambiente que compartíamos.

En algún momento soñé con formar una familia, con alejarme de este mundo, pero sabía que lo nuestro no era amor, era solo pasión del uno por el otro.

Las damas ponían sus billetes para tener sexo con él, los caballeros lo propio conmigo y esta situación corrompía los cimientos de cualquier sentimiento.

Cuando Emi cumplió veintisiete años los muchachos del club le hicieron una fiesta íntima, de caballeros, Andrés, uno de los chicos me dijo que yo fuera también, como sorpresa y la idea era que al final ellos se irían para darnos intimidad, me copó la idea y acepté de inmediato.

La realidad no sería lo que había imaginado, eran siete caballeros incluyendo a Emi y yo la única mujer, a pesar de estar con una cortísima minifalda de cuero y apenas un top que dejaba demasiado a la vista, para ellos parecía ser invisible, hombres hablando cosas de hombres, me aburría y no sabía qué demonios hacía en ese lugar, bebí una copa, luego otra y otra más, perdí la cuenta…

Purple rain de Prince, comenzaba a sonar en la radio, uno de mis temas favoritos, con los que hacía mis shows, dejé a los hombres y fui sobre el equipo de música, tambaleando por el exceso de alcohol que tenía en las venas, cerré mis ojos y me moví con cadencia al ritmo de la música, como lo hacía para multitudes, solo que ahora lo hacía solo para mí, mis sensuales caderas de izquierda a derecha, con mis piernas levemente abiertas, bajando y subiendo mi trasero, mis manos recorrían mi vientre, mis pechos…

Emi se acercó sin que lo notara, casi me susurró al oído:

-Pedoname nena, no me di cuenta, soy un tonto…

Del otro ladoI opened my eyes and looked at him deeply, instinctively bringing my hand to his package, it was so big, so hard, I kissed his lips, bit them gently, felt my nipples harden, my clitoris get excited, my pussy moisten, I lowered myself slowly, knowing what he liked, I took off his clothes, exposed his 26 centimeters of hard flesh, his circumcised glans shone in the dim light of the room, as if we were alone, I caressed it again and again, brought my mouth to his smooth testicles, so soft, like a slut, I was on top of his cock to start licking it, so thick, so delicious...

His exquisite flavor filled my mouth, how much I loved sucking it, it felt so yummy...

I tried to eat it all up, but it was impossible, he would take my hand and force me to use only my lips, only my tongue, sometimes one would slip out and take a breath...

Emiliano lifted me up, kissed me gently, and again whispered in my ear:

Baby, can I ask you for a special gift?

Yes, baby, what do you want?

I'd like you to entertain our friends, I'd like to see how they get you...

I turned my head to observe them, remembered we weren't alone, looked at him fixedly and answered:

Well, if that's what you want...

He retreated a bit and made a sign, as if it was already agreed upon, as if they were hungry tigers pouncing on a poor gazelle, soon I was surrounded by six muscular men with enormous cocks, all swirling around my face, my boyfriend had stayed to the side, like a luxury spectator, took one at random, brought it to my mouth, took my hand and led me to another, and the same with the other. I found myself licking a delicious cock and masturbating two others at the same time, I felt super excited, hot.

I rotated from one to another, trying them all, flavors, smells, sizes, textures, I think I was born to suck cocks, they took turns, those who were free hit my face as if telling me they were

ahí, waiting for my opportunity.

Someone took hold of my hair from behind and pulled my head towards their position, I was looking at the ceiling, his warm gland rested on my forehead, the bastard suddenly began to release streams of semen, the hot liquid bounced off my nose, cheeks, then settled better, my tongue received several shots, I felt him fill my mouth, deliciously swallowing everything he gave me, that exquisite flavor of man until the last drop.

With my fingers, I was cleaning my face, they were looking at me like a prostitute, with delicacy I brought the rest of the semen to taste its flavor, so nothing would be left over, one of the boys brought a bottle of champagne, opened it and let the liquid fall on my face, then in my mouth forcing me to swallow as much as possible, the drink was overflowing, sliding down my body, down my breasts...

By this time they had already positioned me on all fours, their fingers were penetrating my wet pussy, there were several fingers together, I could feel them, also my ass looked dilated, little by little, I started to lose myself, to moan, I couldn't help it...

They took hold of me again by the mouth, burying it as deep as they could, someone settled behind me, his cock was aimed directly at my ass, pushed with force, I screamed and contorted, it was so thick...

But they didn't give me time for anything, they covered me with more meat, I couldn't handle them all, I tried to suck the best possible, felt like they were taking turns in my ass, I was being anal penetrated without mercy, I loved being given up the ass, I loved satisfying the lowest instincts of men, why not?. Emiliano's voice brought my attention to a side, he was moaning with an enormous cock entering and leaving my ass, on all fours, with one hand supporting my balance, with the other holding a cock whose gland was just millimeters from my lips, he was filming me, and that literally drove me crazy...

They turned me around in mid-air

Like a piece of paper, I was sat on by another one of the guys who was waiting for me, my ass no longer offered any resistance and his cock pierced it all the way to the bottom, I was screaming and moaning like a pornographic slut, my breasts and nipples were being permanently caressed by large and masculine hands, my clitoris was burning with desire, at that point I was reclining on one of the guys, impaled through the ass, with my legs open, sucking cocks on both sides and Emi filming me as if she were a midwife

-Do you like it? Do you like it? he kept asking without stopping

Another guy pulled away my partner, I assumed a double penetration, but the unfortunate one also directed himself at my ass, I had never been in such a situation before, I felt him forcing and pushing, a new and pleasant pain took hold of me, I took a breath, dug my nails into the muscular chest that was forcing my rear, it didn't take long for me to get used to it, two enormous cocks shared my dilated anus, my screams filled the room, I felt my face disfigured, no longer sucking cocks, I couldn't...

They did with my ass what they wanted, they gently raped me, Emi was taking close-ups of my deformed sphincter, she knew how much men enjoy that image so I opened up to her with all my hands

The warm semen didn't take long to arrive, some finished in the...

My eyes widened when someone arrived with a new bottle of champagne, the sound of the cork popping attracted my attention, they put me back on all fours again, the cold tip invaded my ass, they pushed it in so far that I think they reached the maximum diameter of the bottle, the icy liquid began to fill my intestines, I felt the bubbles jumping from one side to the other inside me, when they pulled out the gas contained it seemed to explode, the sticky drink flowed through my intimacy, I confess that I liked it so much that I took the bottle and repeated the operation over and over again until nothing was left...

In advance, even more craziness would follow, finally... They would fill my pussy with hot meat, trying them all from every side, anal, vaginal, oral, double and triple penetrations. My pleasure was giving those men pleasure, that's how I was raised, that's how my mother educated me.

I remember they kept going until I fell asleep, a victim of intoxication and exhaustion...

The sunlight would hit my face the next morning, waking me up, completely naked on a rug, still tasting like a man, my mouth pasty, feeling my uterus terribly sore from all the holes that had invaded me. My sphincter was in the same situation, my fingers checked if my holes were still filled with semen, my legs dripping, my breasts, my belly, my cheeks tight from the cum that had dried up. A bit further away, Emiliano had started filming again, I think he was the last one to fill me with cum, although I wasn't sure.

Later on, I would change my story, that night was the only time I didn't use condoms in a relationship, I took care of myself too much and was very forgetful about taking birth control pills. Just like in movies, later on I found out I was pregnant, whose sperm had fertilized me in that semen-filled crucible...

To find out who it was, no one would take responsibility, it served me right to check if Emiliano didn't do anything with me when he found out, whether it was his or not, I wouldn't load him up with the responsibility of being the father of a slut's child. Plus, I'll never forgive him for uploading that video on every social network that crossed his path, it was a gift only for...

I left that place, my babe is on her way, I want a different future for her, I'm convinced she'll have the opportunity to be 'on the other side'...

If you're over 18 and want to leave me comments, you can write to me with the title 'DEL OTRO LADO' at...

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