hello good nights greetings my name is José I'm already 28 years old but my story starts at 15 years old curious always was very quiet and rarely went out for a walk one day I took a stroll through a square and found a very strange magazine since it was wrinkled when I saw it up close turned out to be a pornographic magazine I was curious so I picked it up with shame and took it home never wanted to go back home so quickly when I arrived I directed myself to the bathroom since I was alone when I checked it turned out to be a transgender pornographic magazine I had never imagined women with such large penises and my curiosity grew so much to know why those women had a penis little by little I started searching for it on the internet every time I could hide from dawn I liked it excited me felt attraction I liked thinking that it would feel like seeing myself that way, little by little my curiosity began to try to see myself as they almost always stayed alone or with my grandmother and searched among her things clothes that I could wear started trying on stockings since it was the only thing left of hers every time I could already with more time passing I liked trying on women's clothing passed the time and kept experimenting since with the pornos I saw I liked inventing. I didn't think I was gay or anything I just liked dressing up as a woman and one day alone in my house decided to dress up in my mom's clothes I remember it like it was yesterday. searching among her things I chose only black clothes put on some thick threads over some lace bras put on a secretary-style pantsuit 6-centimeter heels put on a double-tied bra a fine mesh shirt and an open long-sleeved sweater and went out of the room to see myself in the living room mirror when I heard someone arriving my world became so hot I felt like I was going to die ran to the bathroom took off everything quickly terrified and threw it under the bed that's there when I heard them calling me José where are you already naked not knowing what to think so terrified I'm scared I leave totally naked with my erect penis to open the door as I had set the alarm when my mom opened the door and saw me naked, causing a problem for her too, especially when she saw me excitedly naked. A little later, I was saved for the moment because they called and someone went out to get something. And I'm running to tidy up everything in its place when it comes back, arriving just as everything is all set and tidy. Ugh, but I got noticed again for being seen naked at that moment. Hahaha, I imagine how scared I would be if a woman saw me like that, I can't even imagine it yet.
If you liked my story, I'll continue with new stories from my life as there's still more to come, thanks and kisses and greetings. Here's my photo of what I look like now.
If you liked my story, I'll continue with new stories from my life as there's still more to come, thanks and kisses and greetings. Here's my photo of what I look like now.

1 comentários - me presento mi comienzo como sissy sin saberlo