Beach town

Our protagonist is Gloria, a brunette with long hair, almost sculptural measurements, 33 years old and 1.70 meters tall, was... horny! She missed her husband Paco who didn't stop rubbing against her all the time, what times! but now three months after all the guys disappeared, she walked around like all the girls in town, going out and wanting cock! In the intimacy of the home, some joy was given with fingers or the crystal glass bottle of spices that seemed a medium-sized cock, because there was only one sex shop in town and the consolators ran out in two weeks; she knew she wasn't the only one in her situation, after all there were several thousand females without males, on the street you could already see pairs of them walking very hugged, leaving it clear that this was something bigger... The bus stopped and Gloria got off in front of her work, the town hospital, for a few moments she remained quiet contemplating the clear and cloudless day, missing the wind on her face, then she entered the locker room exchanging greetings with other colleagues, once changed she started her shift as a nurse in the analysis section, it was 10:00 when the transmission that changed her life and that of all the women in the area took place. A sound like a powerful GONG! echoed in the dome, at the same time as a message appeared on its surface and all television and computer screens, by radio a potent male voice said loudly the text of a message, this was: - As a token of gratitude for your docility you will be given back part of your men, be good and servile or never see them again, this is therefore an obedience test, consequently all adult females must participate and pass it. We all stayed looking amazed, already in other messages we had been told that we were part of an experiment, food and drink appeared in the parking lots of the warehouses every night, another previous message said that money was being discarded but we should continue working and occupying the men's place for the benefit of the community, that relative tranquility had prevented fights or riots in the streets, now this message returned our hope. - Finally men –said happy Paula, her closest companion, a blonde woman with a slender figure. - But how many and which ones? –said Dr. Lola from the door- married, old, single, yogurt-like? - Let's go Lola. –responded Gloria looking at the doctor, a chestnut-haired woman with short hair and slightly plump but famous for being a prostitute- How would that have never mattered to you? - You're right, more reason to be affectionate as the message from the Martians or whatever they are says, get ready first see. - This she-wolf will leave someone dry, you'll see. –Paula replied between laughs. - Wake up or I'll take away several and make myself a harem. –the doctor responded, following the joke. A little later they returned to work, half an hour after they heard a woman's scream in the waiting room and saw the guard running, followed by curiosity seeing a group of women in the seating area. - What's going on, what is it? –said several voices, some shouting curiously. - A cock. –said the guard, adding: - big stiff with its corresponding balls. - What do you say? Let me see. –everyone said, pushing to look at that. - It appeared there all alone, suddenly and without noise, I was sitting next to it and then... Zas! Said a brunette in her forties. - It must be a joke. –said one voice. - Well, it seems real. –added another. The guard touched that thing first with the baton, but it didn't fall, only oscillating as if attached by its base, gaining confidence she touched it with her fingers saying it was hot and hard, not long before bringing her face close and affirming it smelled like a real cock, at that moment Dr. Laura, specialist in urology, firmly stated that that thing must study it she would since it was her task all saw how that athletic blonde woman of thirty years happily manipulated the cock that protruded from the seat not taking long to move it up and down at increasing speed. - It's a matter of study said Dr. Lola somewhat skeptical. – but she's making a real show like God intended. - It's for scientific interest! Responded the one being addressed without releasing her victim who was already emitting a semitransparent liquid from the urethra. - Then we should analyze that. - Said Gloria approaching a stick to the foreskin. - We shouldn't, we have to test it thoroughly argued one of the gynecology nurses while rolling up her skirt. - No way, honey! Argued another somewhat furious- Puestos a probar por títulos I am a linguist. But Dr. Laura had been too long a novice in certain matters, which gave her mastery in certain topics, as demonstrated by the succession of spermatic jets that emerged from the virile member splashing many members of the curious crowd only a few women of that age group retreated disgusted, most collected that lactating sample from their faces, hair or clothes with playful fingers and a few tried it on their mouth the verdict was unanimous semen cum ti mocos lefa each one said it in their own way. - Look there's another! Said old Regordeta of admission pointing to the back wall – it's a meter off the floor. - Ahh... look at that table with magazines come out another Laura exclaimed. - Well it seems that the message is true. – affirmed Lola roundly – they said they were sending a part of your men. - Yes, the least useless one responded one in a sarcastic tone which was immediately echoed by multiple feminine laughter.

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