Primero, todas las entregas de los mejores post
Como siempre, podes escribirnos a, te leemos
Me llamo Eloisa, tengo digamos entre treinta y cuarenta, soy de clase media, actualmente no tengo relación de pareja, vivo con mis tres pequeños, Matías de once años, producto de una loca noche de aventuras, de un amor no correspondido, de un descuido, Analía, mi niña de siete años, fruto del amor que alguna vez me unió a mi ex, un tipo con el que la convivencia no fue lo esperado, y con mi pequeña angelito, hija de Edgardo, parte de la historia que leerán a continuación.
Luego de la separación con mi ex, con mi vida sentimental golpeada por las circunstancias, con más de treinta, un poco como que senté cabeza, ya más madura decidí enfocarme en mi empleo, en mis hijos y en mí misma.
Y hace tiempo que esa es mi forma de vida, me acostumbré y me gusta, tener un hombre, o formar la familia perfecta ya se corrieron de mi universo perfecto.
Mis días se pasan volando, entre la crianza de los peques, que el colegio, que los deberes, que los horarios, que las fiestitas, que los controles médicos, que las ropas sucias, gracias a Dios cuento con mi mamá, mi brazo derecho para hacer de abuela y un poco de madre al mismo tiempo. También en lo que puedo me tomo un tiempo para mí, no sé, salir con amigas, cuidar mis plantas, tomar clases de inglés, y aun no menciono mi mayor ocupación, mi trabajo, y ahí va mi historia.
Hacía varios años que me desempeñaba en una importante empresa de línea blanca, como se dice por acá, se fabrican lavarropas, heladeras, freezers, pequeños electrodomésticos, también hay una línea de montajes de led en todas las medidas y equipos de audio para el hogar. Si bien entré como asistente administrativa, progresé rápidamente y llegué a ser encargada en la parte de logística, era la que coordina los pedidos, los envíos a todo el país, los transportes, los stocks, los faltantes, y todo un mundo de pequeñas actividades que no vienen al caso.
Mi trabajo era muy dinámico, podía estar en la oficina, perdida en los depósitos y hasta por qué no, arriba de un camión haciendo algunos controles, por tal motivo andaba todo el día con un handy colgado en la cintura, y por las dudas, mi celular disponible las veinticuatro horas.
Y hablando un poco de mí, soy una mujer común y corriente, nada especial, un tanto rellenita, un tanto caderona, un tanto pechugona, morena, de piel cobriza y ojos oscuros, me gusta mi rostro, siempre que me río se me dibujan hoyuelos y lo mejor de todo, tengo infinitas pecas, tantas como estrellas hay en el cielo.
Era de vestir el uniforme de la empresa, camisa turquesa con el logo sobre el lado izquierdo, pollera ajustada de lino en negro, hasta las rodillas, medias de nailon y zapatos de taco bajo, aclaro que por seguridad no podíamos usar tacos altos y puntas descubiertas.
Bien, en resumen. ese era mi día a día, y solía tener interrelaciones con mucha gente, interna y externa.
Edgardo, era uno mas de los tantos chicos del depósito, de esos que manejan auto elevadores y preparan los pedidos, descargan los camiones que llegan con materias primas y carga aquellos que salen con productos terminados, obviamente teníamos roce diario, yo era quien le asigna las hojas de ruta por así llamarlas.
Y ya imaginarán que sucedió, Edgardo era un joven muy apuesto, demasiado, encajaba con mis gustos, y a pesar de que yo estaba decidida a no enredarme en relaciones a largo tiempo, y a pesar de que él tenía una esposa muy bonita, la carne es débil, y él sabía de mi abstinencia sexual y apostaba todas las fichas a ganador, él jugaba al gato y al ratón conmigo, cada vez que nos cruzábamos, cada vez que le alcanzaba un papel, cada vez que me miraba, cada vez que me hablaba, solo se respiraba sexo en el medio, aunque yo no haría nada por concretar, para mí era suficiente fantasear y solo masturbarme por las noches en la soledad de mi cama, pero no para él...
Una tarde faltaba poco para terminar la jornada, estaba acomodando la logística para el día siguiente, había que hacer unos despachos a primera hora para un importante cliente, así que decidí anticipar la jugada dejando la hoja de ruta ya establecida, llamé por handy para ver quien estaba aún disponible, la voz de Edgardo sonó al otro lado, me indicó que estaba al final del depósito acomodando unas cosas. Bajé las escaleras de la oficina y me dirigí por uno de los corredores, y allí estaba, el pegó un salto del vehículo de trabajo y vino a mi lado, empecé a comentarle, pero el me miraba fijamente, me di cuenta que no me escuchaba y que tenía otras intenciones, yo trataba de concentrarme en lo que tenía que decirle, él se concentraba en cerrarme las salidas, de pronto se mano derecha se posó sobre mi seno, se la saqué con premura y le dije que estaba loco, recibí un beso como respuesta, y lo volví a apartar retrocediendo dos pasos, pero el avanzó nuevamente e intento jalarme por la cintura, volví a retroceder escapando de sus garras, pero en mi recule tope con la estantería, me tenía acorralada y empezó a tocarme por todos lados y a tratar de besarme.
Intentaba sin éxito cortar los tentáculos de es pulpo que pretendía devorarme, pero yo hervía en deseo contenido y no podría defenderme mucho tiempo más, Edgardo era un estratega y tenía todo calculado, empecé responder a sus besos y sus caricias, solté un par de botones de la camisa y permití que sus dedos se colaran bajo mi ropa interior para llegar a mis afiebrados pezones.
Me sentía inundada, dispuesta a los más bajos instintos, estaba en medio de mi empleo y eso me daba un plus de locura, él me giró haciéndome apoyar mi frente a la estantería quedé dándole la espalda, lentamente levantó la pollera denudando mi regordete trasero, luego clavó sus dedos en mi medias de nailon y las sentí crujir, la desgarró buscando tener acceso al pecado, solo quedaba mi bombacha, también la hizo a un lado y en segundos su sable se clavó profundo arrancándome un grito contenido, y empezó a cogerme, más y más, me empujaba tan fuerte que me obligaba a pararme en puntas de pies, como extrañaba una buena verga, por Dios, no tardó mucho en venirse, solo lo sentí llenarme de semen.
Fue rápido, fue una explosión, dinamita, Edgardo lo había conseguido, me había cogido y con sumo cuidado me acomodé las ropas, el peinado, ajusté los botones de la camisa, puse la bombacha en su lugar notando que se mojaba rápidamente con los jugos de mi amante, luego bajé la pollera, aspiré profundo y le di las instrucciones que debía darle.
I remember being left so hot that I arrived home and almost ran to masturbate under the shower, while inhaling the smells of my underwear impregnated with semen, shit...
That was our first time, like this, crazy, sudden, forbidden, secret, the adrenaline of being discovered by coworkers in a place accessible to many, were minutes so explosive that I make them impossible to describe. From then on, the encounter would be repeated, Edgardo and I would look for any excuse to slip away into the intricate recesses of the depot, generally it was quick, just filling my pussy with cum and done, but sometimes if we had more time I'd give him a good blow job or he'd lose his lips between my legs. We were lovers for two long years, and in those two years things changed, for him it would always be his mistress of the month, the one he'd find always in a corner to screw her, but I foolishly started falling in love with him, wanting more, my head said 'I don't want men in my life', but my heart was starting to betray me, I didn't just need sex, I wanted, needed to put him in my life, in my bed.
Without a doubt he was a sly type, he played his cards well, only telling fairy tales to get me, stories that would never come true, until they did, I didn't look for it, got pregnant and everything fell apart, he acted like a bastard, disinterested in the matter, supposed to be my responsibility to take pills, hinted that he had premeditated it just to trap him, even hinted that it could be anyone's child, despite knowing well that he only screwed with me, started discussions, ups and downs that affected our work relationship, it was inevitable that our best-kept secret would start to show cracks and slowly the day would come when what was happening would become clear, rumors ran through the company corridors, and in a reorganization Edgardo... was fired along with other people.
It was when I realized I didn't have much to do, with a six-month belly and an absent father, so I focused on my future, reorganizing my life, I had fallen in love with Edgardo but wasn't a woman who would chain a man against his will, however, I still lacked something to close my story...
One afternoon we had a management meeting, those meetings where we attended even the bosses to discuss labor issues, Mr. Venavidez was one of the high executives, a type who enjoyed the fame of being a ladies' man, men who relied on money and power, somewhat despotic and dictatorial. Honestly, I never liked him, like everyone else, he always tried to take me to bed and never accepted my no, not even when I made veiled threats to denounce him for harassment.
When we finished and each of the attendees was preparing to return to their duties, he asked me to stay to resolve some particular issues.
When the last of my colleagues left, he locked the door and threw away the key, told me to get comfortable and offered me a coffee while he prepared one for himself. The mere presence of that man made me nervous, my belly only motivated him and excited him to want to take me, and the very idea caused nausea, but I had to listen to what he had to say.
He looked at me sarcastically, in silence, then crossed his arms and told me in detail how as a boss he never noticed that there were hidden cameras that recorded everything all day long, and when he said everything, it was everything...
I swallowed saliva and felt my hands sweat and my breathing quicken, he kept talking before my compromising silence, explained that Edgardo, like the other colleagues, had been left without a job because they had filmed evidence of thefts, but I should stay calm, because the secret between my lover and me was well-guarded, since he was the only one who I had all the filmings and whoever had carefully separated each part that could compromise me.
It was also clear from his words that that silence would have a price, and I would have to face it.
I refused, I wasn't willing to do anything with that bastard, but the guy turned his notebook towards my side just so I could see what he was seeing, and I needed to work, had to keep my little ones, made of heart and told him I could do whatever he wanted with my body.
Venavidez smiled, with a smile as perverse as repulsive, told me it pleased him to hear my words, that he knew I was an intelligent woman and never doubted we would speak the same language, stopped, came over to me, made me stop too, and put himself behind me, whispered in my ear that he got excited by my belly, his tobacco-scented breath reached my nose, closed my eyes and only thought of beautiful landscapes, nice things, his hand rested on my back and made me lean forward, then they slipped under my skirts to lift them slowly up to my waist, I couldn't bear it, imagining that degenerate would put his cock so close to my daughter, begged him not to take me, with tears in my eyes, and I think my tears only excited him more, took my hand and led it over his pants, had a terrible hardness, whispered in my ear again to stay calm, that he had never thought of taking me, but at the same time pulled down my underwear to my knees.
Venavidez didn't waste time, spat on his fingers and buried them in my ass, tearing out a scream of pain, but warned me I would have to choose, one thing or the other, tried to relax, stifle my screams, never had anal sex before, and didn't want it to be like that, but couldn't help it, his flesh entered from behind, was painful, just tried to make time fly by, only kept going until he finished inside.
I adjusted my clothes with a sore butt, While the guy was showing his satisfaction, he didn't waste time humiliating me, telling me how tight it was and that I'd soon like it. Unfortunately for me, this degenerate old man would turn into my shadow, and I into his toy, during the days I had left until my maternity leave, he screwed me up the ass over and over again, and the payment of my silence seemed to have no end. Rocío was born, and besides my maternity leave, I took some pending vacation days until it was time to go back to work. To my surprise, the disgusting old man from Venavidez left me alone, maybe because he didn't have a belly anymore and wasn't eroticizing me, maybe he had another toy under his claws, maybe he just got tired of me, maybe he only felt pity, whatever it was, I didn't care to find out. But something also changed in me, I couldn't stand anything about my work life, everything reminded me of that bastard and every time I crossed paths with him in the corridors and looked at me with that perverse smile, I just felt nauseous, in fact, many times I ended up locked in the bathroom vomiting from what I had lived. That's how I searched for a new job, got a position to work afternoons at an electronic game house, the pay is not even half of what it used to be, but I couldn't keep living like that. This story ended, only memories in my mind, I was glad to know that Venavidez had an accident and would be bedridden for the rest of his days in a hospital bed, De Edgardo, Rocío's father, I never heard from him again, today I just dedicate myself to looking at the future. If you liked the story, you can write me with title 'CAMARAS DE SEGURIDAD' at
Como siempre, podes escribirnos a, te leemos
Me llamo Eloisa, tengo digamos entre treinta y cuarenta, soy de clase media, actualmente no tengo relación de pareja, vivo con mis tres pequeños, Matías de once años, producto de una loca noche de aventuras, de un amor no correspondido, de un descuido, Analía, mi niña de siete años, fruto del amor que alguna vez me unió a mi ex, un tipo con el que la convivencia no fue lo esperado, y con mi pequeña angelito, hija de Edgardo, parte de la historia que leerán a continuación.
Luego de la separación con mi ex, con mi vida sentimental golpeada por las circunstancias, con más de treinta, un poco como que senté cabeza, ya más madura decidí enfocarme en mi empleo, en mis hijos y en mí misma.
Y hace tiempo que esa es mi forma de vida, me acostumbré y me gusta, tener un hombre, o formar la familia perfecta ya se corrieron de mi universo perfecto.
Mis días se pasan volando, entre la crianza de los peques, que el colegio, que los deberes, que los horarios, que las fiestitas, que los controles médicos, que las ropas sucias, gracias a Dios cuento con mi mamá, mi brazo derecho para hacer de abuela y un poco de madre al mismo tiempo. También en lo que puedo me tomo un tiempo para mí, no sé, salir con amigas, cuidar mis plantas, tomar clases de inglés, y aun no menciono mi mayor ocupación, mi trabajo, y ahí va mi historia.
Hacía varios años que me desempeñaba en una importante empresa de línea blanca, como se dice por acá, se fabrican lavarropas, heladeras, freezers, pequeños electrodomésticos, también hay una línea de montajes de led en todas las medidas y equipos de audio para el hogar. Si bien entré como asistente administrativa, progresé rápidamente y llegué a ser encargada en la parte de logística, era la que coordina los pedidos, los envíos a todo el país, los transportes, los stocks, los faltantes, y todo un mundo de pequeñas actividades que no vienen al caso.
Mi trabajo era muy dinámico, podía estar en la oficina, perdida en los depósitos y hasta por qué no, arriba de un camión haciendo algunos controles, por tal motivo andaba todo el día con un handy colgado en la cintura, y por las dudas, mi celular disponible las veinticuatro horas.
Y hablando un poco de mí, soy una mujer común y corriente, nada especial, un tanto rellenita, un tanto caderona, un tanto pechugona, morena, de piel cobriza y ojos oscuros, me gusta mi rostro, siempre que me río se me dibujan hoyuelos y lo mejor de todo, tengo infinitas pecas, tantas como estrellas hay en el cielo.
Era de vestir el uniforme de la empresa, camisa turquesa con el logo sobre el lado izquierdo, pollera ajustada de lino en negro, hasta las rodillas, medias de nailon y zapatos de taco bajo, aclaro que por seguridad no podíamos usar tacos altos y puntas descubiertas.
Bien, en resumen. ese era mi día a día, y solía tener interrelaciones con mucha gente, interna y externa.
Edgardo, era uno mas de los tantos chicos del depósito, de esos que manejan auto elevadores y preparan los pedidos, descargan los camiones que llegan con materias primas y carga aquellos que salen con productos terminados, obviamente teníamos roce diario, yo era quien le asigna las hojas de ruta por así llamarlas.
Y ya imaginarán que sucedió, Edgardo era un joven muy apuesto, demasiado, encajaba con mis gustos, y a pesar de que yo estaba decidida a no enredarme en relaciones a largo tiempo, y a pesar de que él tenía una esposa muy bonita, la carne es débil, y él sabía de mi abstinencia sexual y apostaba todas las fichas a ganador, él jugaba al gato y al ratón conmigo, cada vez que nos cruzábamos, cada vez que le alcanzaba un papel, cada vez que me miraba, cada vez que me hablaba, solo se respiraba sexo en el medio, aunque yo no haría nada por concretar, para mí era suficiente fantasear y solo masturbarme por las noches en la soledad de mi cama, pero no para él...
Una tarde faltaba poco para terminar la jornada, estaba acomodando la logística para el día siguiente, había que hacer unos despachos a primera hora para un importante cliente, así que decidí anticipar la jugada dejando la hoja de ruta ya establecida, llamé por handy para ver quien estaba aún disponible, la voz de Edgardo sonó al otro lado, me indicó que estaba al final del depósito acomodando unas cosas. Bajé las escaleras de la oficina y me dirigí por uno de los corredores, y allí estaba, el pegó un salto del vehículo de trabajo y vino a mi lado, empecé a comentarle, pero el me miraba fijamente, me di cuenta que no me escuchaba y que tenía otras intenciones, yo trataba de concentrarme en lo que tenía que decirle, él se concentraba en cerrarme las salidas, de pronto se mano derecha se posó sobre mi seno, se la saqué con premura y le dije que estaba loco, recibí un beso como respuesta, y lo volví a apartar retrocediendo dos pasos, pero el avanzó nuevamente e intento jalarme por la cintura, volví a retroceder escapando de sus garras, pero en mi recule tope con la estantería, me tenía acorralada y empezó a tocarme por todos lados y a tratar de besarme.
Intentaba sin éxito cortar los tentáculos de es pulpo que pretendía devorarme, pero yo hervía en deseo contenido y no podría defenderme mucho tiempo más, Edgardo era un estratega y tenía todo calculado, empecé responder a sus besos y sus caricias, solté un par de botones de la camisa y permití que sus dedos se colaran bajo mi ropa interior para llegar a mis afiebrados pezones.
Me sentía inundada, dispuesta a los más bajos instintos, estaba en medio de mi empleo y eso me daba un plus de locura, él me giró haciéndome apoyar mi frente a la estantería quedé dándole la espalda, lentamente levantó la pollera denudando mi regordete trasero, luego clavó sus dedos en mi medias de nailon y las sentí crujir, la desgarró buscando tener acceso al pecado, solo quedaba mi bombacha, también la hizo a un lado y en segundos su sable se clavó profundo arrancándome un grito contenido, y empezó a cogerme, más y más, me empujaba tan fuerte que me obligaba a pararme en puntas de pies, como extrañaba una buena verga, por Dios, no tardó mucho en venirse, solo lo sentí llenarme de semen.
Fue rápido, fue una explosión, dinamita, Edgardo lo había conseguido, me había cogido y con sumo cuidado me acomodé las ropas, el peinado, ajusté los botones de la camisa, puse la bombacha en su lugar notando que se mojaba rápidamente con los jugos de mi amante, luego bajé la pollera, aspiré profundo y le di las instrucciones que debía darle.
I remember being left so hot that I arrived home and almost ran to masturbate under the shower, while inhaling the smells of my underwear impregnated with semen, shit...
That was our first time, like this, crazy, sudden, forbidden, secret, the adrenaline of being discovered by coworkers in a place accessible to many, were minutes so explosive that I make them impossible to describe. From then on, the encounter would be repeated, Edgardo and I would look for any excuse to slip away into the intricate recesses of the depot, generally it was quick, just filling my pussy with cum and done, but sometimes if we had more time I'd give him a good blow job or he'd lose his lips between my legs. We were lovers for two long years, and in those two years things changed, for him it would always be his mistress of the month, the one he'd find always in a corner to screw her, but I foolishly started falling in love with him, wanting more, my head said 'I don't want men in my life', but my heart was starting to betray me, I didn't just need sex, I wanted, needed to put him in my life, in my bed.
Without a doubt he was a sly type, he played his cards well, only telling fairy tales to get me, stories that would never come true, until they did, I didn't look for it, got pregnant and everything fell apart, he acted like a bastard, disinterested in the matter, supposed to be my responsibility to take pills, hinted that he had premeditated it just to trap him, even hinted that it could be anyone's child, despite knowing well that he only screwed with me, started discussions, ups and downs that affected our work relationship, it was inevitable that our best-kept secret would start to show cracks and slowly the day would come when what was happening would become clear, rumors ran through the company corridors, and in a reorganization Edgardo... was fired along with other people.
It was when I realized I didn't have much to do, with a six-month belly and an absent father, so I focused on my future, reorganizing my life, I had fallen in love with Edgardo but wasn't a woman who would chain a man against his will, however, I still lacked something to close my story...
One afternoon we had a management meeting, those meetings where we attended even the bosses to discuss labor issues, Mr. Venavidez was one of the high executives, a type who enjoyed the fame of being a ladies' man, men who relied on money and power, somewhat despotic and dictatorial. Honestly, I never liked him, like everyone else, he always tried to take me to bed and never accepted my no, not even when I made veiled threats to denounce him for harassment.
When we finished and each of the attendees was preparing to return to their duties, he asked me to stay to resolve some particular issues.
When the last of my colleagues left, he locked the door and threw away the key, told me to get comfortable and offered me a coffee while he prepared one for himself. The mere presence of that man made me nervous, my belly only motivated him and excited him to want to take me, and the very idea caused nausea, but I had to listen to what he had to say.
He looked at me sarcastically, in silence, then crossed his arms and told me in detail how as a boss he never noticed that there were hidden cameras that recorded everything all day long, and when he said everything, it was everything...
I swallowed saliva and felt my hands sweat and my breathing quicken, he kept talking before my compromising silence, explained that Edgardo, like the other colleagues, had been left without a job because they had filmed evidence of thefts, but I should stay calm, because the secret between my lover and me was well-guarded, since he was the only one who I had all the filmings and whoever had carefully separated each part that could compromise me.
It was also clear from his words that that silence would have a price, and I would have to face it.
I refused, I wasn't willing to do anything with that bastard, but the guy turned his notebook towards my side just so I could see what he was seeing, and I needed to work, had to keep my little ones, made of heart and told him I could do whatever he wanted with my body.
Venavidez smiled, with a smile as perverse as repulsive, told me it pleased him to hear my words, that he knew I was an intelligent woman and never doubted we would speak the same language, stopped, came over to me, made me stop too, and put himself behind me, whispered in my ear that he got excited by my belly, his tobacco-scented breath reached my nose, closed my eyes and only thought of beautiful landscapes, nice things, his hand rested on my back and made me lean forward, then they slipped under my skirts to lift them slowly up to my waist, I couldn't bear it, imagining that degenerate would put his cock so close to my daughter, begged him not to take me, with tears in my eyes, and I think my tears only excited him more, took my hand and led it over his pants, had a terrible hardness, whispered in my ear again to stay calm, that he had never thought of taking me, but at the same time pulled down my underwear to my knees.
Venavidez didn't waste time, spat on his fingers and buried them in my ass, tearing out a scream of pain, but warned me I would have to choose, one thing or the other, tried to relax, stifle my screams, never had anal sex before, and didn't want it to be like that, but couldn't help it, his flesh entered from behind, was painful, just tried to make time fly by, only kept going until he finished inside.
I adjusted my clothes with a sore butt, While the guy was showing his satisfaction, he didn't waste time humiliating me, telling me how tight it was and that I'd soon like it. Unfortunately for me, this degenerate old man would turn into my shadow, and I into his toy, during the days I had left until my maternity leave, he screwed me up the ass over and over again, and the payment of my silence seemed to have no end. Rocío was born, and besides my maternity leave, I took some pending vacation days until it was time to go back to work. To my surprise, the disgusting old man from Venavidez left me alone, maybe because he didn't have a belly anymore and wasn't eroticizing me, maybe he had another toy under his claws, maybe he just got tired of me, maybe he only felt pity, whatever it was, I didn't care to find out. But something also changed in me, I couldn't stand anything about my work life, everything reminded me of that bastard and every time I crossed paths with him in the corridors and looked at me with that perverse smile, I just felt nauseous, in fact, many times I ended up locked in the bathroom vomiting from what I had lived. That's how I searched for a new job, got a position to work afternoons at an electronic game house, the pay is not even half of what it used to be, but I couldn't keep living like that. This story ended, only memories in my mind, I was glad to know that Venavidez had an accident and would be bedridden for the rest of his days in a hospital bed, De Edgardo, Rocío's father, I never heard from him again, today I just dedicate myself to looking at the future. If you liked the story, you can write me with title 'CAMARAS DE SEGURIDAD' at
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