The first thing I noticed when waking up was a dry mouth, as if I hadn't drunk in days. My head was killing me and I felt a burst of pain when my dog barked at seeing me awake. I sat up in bed and lowered my feet to the floor. I had fallen asleep with only some jeans on.
My house is, practically, just one room. That room is at the same time a living room, a kitchen, and a bedroom. The wardrobes, both for clothes and those I use for the kitchen, are built into the walls, just like the bed. On one of the walls, there's a curtain that separates the bathroom from the rest of the house.
I got up and went towards the bathroom. I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror. A young man who didn't look over thirty years old was staring back at me. A three-day beard grew on his angular jawline. His short hair, almost with a military cut. I examined my eyes more closely and they were marked by a network of red veins.
- Without a doubt, yesterday had to be a good night.
I left the room again and saw Baxter, my brown boxer that I picked up from the street, with his food bowl in his mouth. I looked at the clock and it marked 7 pm. I had almost fallen asleep all day. I grabbed Baxter's food bowl and filled it with feed, left it on the floor and he rushed to it, devouring it. I took advantage of being next to the fridge and pulled out a beer. As my friend always said: There is no better remedy for a hangover than the evil that caused it.
I threw myself onto the five-seat sectional sofa I had and, when I was about to turn on the TV, the house phone's ringtone sounded. In front of the sofa there was a low table with a screen and buttons to control everything, from the lights to the blinds or the TV. On that screen appeared Bobby's name, an old friend of mine. I pressed the button to answer the call and, immediately, I heard his voice through the speakers.
Good morning, I'm glad to check that you're at least in your house.
- Fine. And what's up?
- I don't know if you know, but your phone is dead, at least it doesn't have a signal, and I suppose you also forgot that we had plans to eat today.
I was right, neither of us remembered about it. I looked around for my phone, but I didn't see it anywhere.
- Well, being totally honest with you, I just woke up five minutes ago after the mother of all hangovers.
- Did you go out last night? Were you alone?
- No idea, I don't remember anything from last night.
- Damn, Elias. You shouldn't do that to yourself. I know you're bad about the breakup with Rose and it's not good for you to stay locked up at home, but if you wanted to go out there, you could have called me.
As soon as I heard Rose's name, memories of her came flooding back like a punch from a boxer. How we started dating, our relationship, how I had cheated on her with her boss and the painful breakup. The feeling of betrayal and pain suddenly filled me up.
- You're right, man. I guess I needed to clear my head or something.
- While saying this, a word came to my mind and I almost said it without thinking. - Nivalis.
- What?
- I don't know, it just came to me. Nivalis. Does that ring a bell?
- Yes, there's a dive bar in the Eliseo neighborhood with that name. Don't tell me you were there! And alone!
I turned on the TV and used the keyboard on the table to search for the name. The search returned the bar's website and an image of its facade. In the image it was night and quite dark. The facade was gray concrete. Only two things broke the monotony of that facade, a red neon sign at the top with the bar's name, Nivalis, and a black metal door in the center of the facade with a man almost as big as the door next to it. That image felt very familiar.
- I think so, I was drinking there.
- Well, at least you woke up in your bed today and not in an ice bath. weighing a kidney less.
- You're making a drama, Bobby.
- A drama? Look it up, seven people died last night in that neighborhood.
I looked it up quickly and was right.
- Seven dead in a shootout between gangs. I remember you don't belong to any of them.
- Yeah, but you could have gotten caught or kidnapped by those vultures.
- Well, you know perfectly well that if the vultures had caught me, I wouldn't be missing a kidney, I wouldn't have woken up directly.
- And you say it so calmly, I don't know how you got there.
- The neighborhood is very big, there are many people. Statistically, no more crimes happen there than anywhere else in the neighborhood.
- You and your statistics.
- Ahm. - I replied mechanically, still looking at the bar image.
- No. No. You're thinking something. Are you going to go back today, right?
- Yes. Maybe I'll remember something more if I go.
- What else do you want to remember? You know you were there.
- I don't know, but I have a strange presentiment.
- Okay, let's go with you. Since I won't be able to get the idea out of your head.
- Fine. Let's eat and then take a walk around the bar, okay?
- Good. I'll pick you up.
After the conversation, I got into the shower to prepare myself. It was a small cubicle that only fit one person with an artichoke on the ceiling. The hot water fell all over my body. I closed my eyes, lifting my head, to feel the water falling on my face. It helped me clear my head and calm down a bit.
As I stood there, images came to my mind. A glass with ice and a liquid of blue color on a bar counter. Red neon lights. The sign of a bathroom. Some eyes with a myriad of green tones, darker approaching the pupil, forming a nebula contained in an iris.
I finished showering and got dressed simply. Jeans, a black shirt, and shoes. I looked for my phone all over the floor, it was under the shirt I wore last night. Making sure to leave everything on top, I left the apartment. Baxter had been gone for a while through the window. The hallway was empty, at least of people. Next to the door leading out to the balcony, a communal space where people living in the multiple apartments of the building could gather, there were vending machines with a wide variety of artíbooties, from food to condoms. On the floor, there were boxes with old things, magazines, flyers for clubs and bars. The grey walls were decorated with paintings of varying taste.
I headed towards the elevators, casting a glance at the large balcony in case I saw Baxter. There was quite a crowd on the balcony, which wasn't unusual because this building had a balcony like that every 15 floors and with an average of almost 30 apartments per floor. On the balconies there were various shops, mostly food or basic artíbooties.
The building had four elevators, with a large capacity, and I still had to wait my turn for one to arrive. Nor did I find it surprising, as I lived on the 34th floor and this building had 90 floors. Marking zero in the elevator, I went down to street level, accompanied by advertisements for a wide variety of products throughout.
The elevators left me at the gallery, a shopping area and fast food stalls that opened onto the street via a staircase as the only separation. The street was crowded with people and cars, quite common in a city of over five million inhabitants like Green City.
I had always found it curious to name the city Green City, quite ironic for this concrete jungle, steel and glass. Although there were some parks in the city, mostly in the central area, they were very few and poorly maintained. What dominated the city was the large apartment skyscrapers like the one I had just left.
I went down to the sidewalk and headed towards the entrance of parking lot of the building to wait for Bobby. I didn't want to stay on the stairs that connect the gallery with the street, there the camels were setting up and I didn't want to have problems staying too long in that place. A little later, I saw my friend's Ford Focus appear. He had it for a long time, but was quite reluctant to part with it. It stopped next to me and I got into the copilot seat.
Very good evening. Where do we eat? he asked as soon as he got in.
Let's go to Tommy's? We're passing by it.
Fine, then hamburgers.
After dinner, we headed to the bar. In front of this one there was a parking lot that, at these hours, nine thirty at night, was quite empty. Bobby parked the car facing the bar. Upon seeing the facade, now with my own eyes, yes, I remembered having been here.
Okay. Let's go? I asked, seeing he didn't stop the car motor.
Yes, let me get something.
Bobby leaned towards me, opening the glove compartment of the car. He took out a gun, checked the clip and only then stopped the car and got out. He put the gun in his belt pant pocket, covering it with his jacket.
Really? Are you going to enter with a gun?
Yes. Look, I'm not going to walk into this dump unarmed.
What if they catch you by the bar security?
No one from around here would care about anyone entering any bar. Here nobody gives a damn.
Well, do what you want. Let's go.
The street separating the bar from the parking lot wasn't very frequented and we crossed it quickly when no one was coming. By the side of the bar door there was a big man, almost as tall as the door, guarding it. When we approached him, a small girl appeared from his shadow.
The girl wore mismatched stockings up to mid-thigh, one with vertical black and pink stripes and the other with mesh. Even wearing platforms she didn't reach the height of the man's shoulders. A cut-off jeans pant and a tank top completed her outfit. With a metal bat, she blocked our path towards the bar and gave us a look from top to bottom.
Hmm. Pass by and be careful about what you're doing. I don't want any kind of trouble tonight. Eh? She said, putting the bat on her shoulders and moving away from our path.
The big man, apart from a slight glance, didn't show any sign of being alive.
See, I told you they wouldn't notice the gun, Bobby whispered to me. when we entered the bar. The Nivalis was a two-story bar. Nothing more than entering to the right you found the stairs leading up to the upper floor and to the left the bar. The upper floor was divided between reserved seats along the walls, formed by U-shaped sofas with a table in the center, and small circular tables with high chairs in the center. It had a balcony with views of the dance floor on the lower floor, in the center of that balcony there was a closed cabin where a DJ played the music. The lower floor was divided between a large dance floor and a few reserved seats, similar to those upstairs, located under the balcony. The entire bar was lit by red neon lights. Lines of these lights ran along the bar, just below the edge of the counter, and the railing of the stairs and balcony. Others were found on walls and ceilings equally. Although the building had no windows, large screens embedded in the walls simulated being windows where the owners could vary the image of the exterior. At this moment you could see through those windows the city of Green City from the top of the mountain that was outside. There wasn't much people in the bar yet, it was too early. The DJ was playing Days of thunder by The midnight and a few couples were dancing on the floor while only one reserved seat was occupied on the lower floor. Behind the bar there was a man who appeared to be under 30 years old. - What are you putting? - he asked as soon as we approached the bar. - A Blue Lagoon. - I responded instinctively, without knowing why it had come out of me to order that. - And I, a beer. The bartender walked away to prepare the cocktail and my friend gave me a strange look, like asking me what I had ordered. I could only answer him with a shrug. At that moment, one Sweet and feminine voice saying: 'I'll take a Blue Lagoon.'
When the bartender served us our drinks, we went to the upper floor. If there was little people downstairs, there were even less here. We sat down at one of the reserved tables.
- So you came here yesterday. At least they play good music.
- Yes, it's not bad. - I replied knowing his taste for old music.
I took a long sip of the cocktail, it had a very sweet flavor with a bitter aftertaste at the end.
- And so? Have you remembered anything?
- Not much. I remember the bar, the bartender and I think I recall being here with someone. Someone who ordered this. - I said raising my cup.
Some drum beats indicated that the song had changed. Soon they were accompanied by electric guitars playing a riff that invited movement. Then a male voice entered: 'Have you got colour in your cheeks?'
A memory opened up in my head, a dance floor crowded with people moving to the rhythm of those drums and guitars. Among the crowd, a red hair dancing alongside the rest.
Are there some aces up your sleeve? Her head turned slightly, letting me see that her hair was gathered behind the left ear while the rest was loose and styled to the right. On her ear were seven small earrings going up from the lobe to the top, all connected by a small black chain, hanging down from the earring on the lobe with a small diamond attached at the end. Have you no idea that you're in deep? She continued turning, letting me see her face. A fine and prominent nose with a piercing on the right ala. Small lips, painted pale pink. Prominent cheekbones with a slight blush. Green eyes, deep, that looked at me fixedly. I dreamt about you nearly every night this week When her eyes made contact with mine, everything disappeared. The people didn't matter. The beer in my hand didn't matter. The warmth of the atmosphere didn't matter. Only those eyes, the music, and I mattered. Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys was still playing. I was sitting on a stool at the bar. She came towards me. When she emerged from the crowd, I could see her black dress tied around her neck with a neckline that fell almost to her navel and an asymmetrical skirt that hung more on her left leg, leaving her right leg practically bare. Her waist was neither too big nor too small, exactly the size you could encircle with one arm while walking with her or hold with both hands while having sex. The breasts were just the right size for a hand and stood up, defying gravity. When she leaned on the bar to order, next to me, I could see that her back was completely exposed and ended in an ass that was exactly as I had imagined it, well-proportioned and just for her body, drawing gazes from both men and women nearby. Strategically located at the beginning of long stylized legs that ended in black strap shoes with a 10-centimeter heel, making her natural 180 centimeters reach 190 centimeters. The image of that incredible woman disappeared from my head as quickly as it had arrived. - I found someone here. A woman.- Did you go out to hook up? So soon?
No, I hadn't gone out to hook up, but nor did I want to tell him I'd gone out to get drunk, let alone without him. I was still looking at the cup, not responding, and trying to remember something more about her. - And what? Was she good? - Very. Redhead, tall, with some nice curves. She drank this. - I said, taking a long sip of Blue Lagoon.
When the bartender put the glass in front of her, she turned towards me. With a half-smile, she looked at me from top to bottom, just like I had done with her. I looked away, returning my gaze to the dance floor and taking the beer bottle to my lips, finishing its contents.
- Don't you dance? - she asked.
- Me? No, thank you. I'm not in the mood. Tonight I'll just drink.
- I see. Much to forget?
- Quite a bit.
- Try this, it might help you forget that beer more than that one.
She offered me the glass, bringing the straw to my mouth. I took a small sip, enough to notice the flavor of the cocktail and how smoothly it went down. She took the glass away from me and, raising her hand to get the bartender's attention, ordered another one like it.
- And what if you tell me what you want to forget?
- No, I prefer not to spoil your night. You looked very happy dancing a moment ago.
- Neither am I doing badly here. And it's better to dance with someone. - she said with a slight droop of her eyes.
I had to look away, those deep, captivating eyes were unsettling and making me nervous. However, I couldn't spend too much time without my gaze drifting back towards her again. The bartender brought me the drink and, in one gulp, I finished half of it. She accompanied me with another long sip, emptying her glass.
- Finish quickly. I know something that can help you forget.
I was finishing my drink when she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor.
We kept drinking as the hours passed. Occasionally, one of us would get up to go back and order something while the other stayed upstairs, holding our spot. I was looking for that red hair among the crowd. Something inside me wanted to run into her again. That feeling was becoming deeper with every memory.
With the alcohol in my veins and that precious woman dancing around me, I forgot all my worries. The way she smiled, showing off her perfect teeth. The way her body followed the rhythm of the music, bumping and rubbing against mine. The way she leaned against me, leaving me to feel the firmness of those breasts on my chest when I wanna be yours by Arctic Monkeys started playing for her to whisper in my ear that she loved that song.
We kept dancing, letting ourselves get swept away by the music. Every time we were closer, our bodies always made contact somewhere. Most of the time it was her ass against my groin. The moments when she sang the lyrics of the song into my ear, sent shivers down my spine. One of those times, when I pulled her face away from my ear, she stayed very close to me, so close that our lips almost touched. Not caring about anything anymore, I kissed her.
She didn't pull back or stay still. She returned the kiss with as much energy and passion as I put into it.
One of the times I went to ask for something, I went to the bathroom. There was one on each floor and both were unisex. The left wall of the bathroom was occupied by a large mirror located above a row of sinks, on the right wall there were about a dozen cubicles with their respective toilets. It was also lit with neon lights, like the rest of the bar.
When I entered, I saw a couple kissing, she sitting on top of the sink that formed the bar. That, of course, brought back more memories.
Nothing more than entering the bathroom pushed me against the wall. Trapped between the concrete and her breasts, I took advantage of my hands' freedom to touch her ass, putting one hand under her skirt on the shorter side.
Never had anyone kissed me with such passion, emphasis, and hunger. Sometimes she would give me gentle bites on the lips and tongue. Her body rubbed against mine. My erect penis rubbed against her pubic area, even with clothes in between.
When our mouths parted for a moment, I went down to her neck to give her a wide lick, almost from the clavicle to the ear. Then, I gave her kisses and bites along her long white neck.
Yes. Bite me harder. Unleash yourself on me tonight.
Grabbing her from the waist, I turned her around to put her against the wall now. I bit her neck this time harder, almost making her bleed. She let out a loud whimper as her only response. I slid my hand between her legs, up the inner thigh of her leg until I reached the little fabric that protected her pussy from my advances. The fabric was soaked.
I kissed her again to silence her moans while pushing aside the thong with my hand to touch her pussy directly. It was hot and wet, and it didn't take much effort for me to slide two fingers inside. She didn't lag behind, and she opened my cowboy pants, pulling out my cock and starting to suck me off.
Although we were in the middle of the bathroom, with our bodies so close and low lighting, you could barely see what we were doing. Still, I grabbed her wrist and dragged her towards one of the cubbies.
It was almost three in the morning and we were both pretty messed up. I was still looking around for that woman, but she hadn't shown up anywhere. It became obvious that I wouldn't see her that night, so I told my friend to leave already. Although I had a bad opinion of the neighborhood and the bar, he put up a fuss about leaving, but I managed to convince him after a while and we went to get the car. Even though there was a group of people with loud music, drinking, and getting high in the parking lot, we didn't have any trouble and left quietly. Bobby dropped me off at my street, where he had picked me up earlier. On the stairs leading to the building, some guys were still standing guard, Green City never slept and no hour was too late to buy what you wanted. In my apartment, I checked that Baxter was already asleep on his cushion that served as a bed. I closed the metal blinds of the large window and undressed completely. The memories of the previous night had me hot and it only took a few small touches for me to get hard again. I started going up and down along my erect cock, thinking about her. Masturbating myself with the memory of the previous night.
Lowering my pants and underwear, I sat on the toilet seat lid. She leaned forward without bending her knees to put my cock head in her mouth. While her tongue circled around my glans, I lifted her skirt, revealing those separated buttocks by the thin black fabric of her thong. I hooked the thong with a finger and pulled it towards me, causing it to get stuck in her pussy.
She increased the rhythm of the blowjob, almost effortlessly taking in my 17 centimeters of cock and reaching her nose until it bumped into the few receding hairs on my pubic area. She was sucking me intensely, as if she wanted me to come in her mouth, and when I was about to, she stopped.
She got up and searched for me with her lips. Her tongue flooded my mouth, leaving me with a strange taste, the mixture of her saliva and the flavor of my penis. We continued kissing while she sat astride me. She brought one hand back to guide my cock towards her interior and let herself fall, taking it all in one go.
She started bouncing on top of me, initially doing so very quickly and forcefully. It seemed like she was possessed. She groaned and howled when she wasn't eating my mouth or neck. I tried not to come for all I was worth, but it was an impossible task with such a sexual demon pounding away at me.
'I'm about to come,' I warned between gasps.
'Shh. A little more. A little more.'
She untied her dress, causing the two straps to fall and revealing her two precious breasts before me. She leaned forward, putting one in my mouth to shut me up while she continued moving her hips up and down.
I grasped her ass with both hands, but she pushed them away, taking one breast that wasn't in my mouth. She moved better without me holding on. Ignoring my warnings, she kept going until I exploded inside her. When she noticed this, she let out a long groan and sat on top of me, leaving my cock completely lodged...' She kissed me while both of us were noting the shots of my orgasm inside her.
- Can you still keep going? I haven't come and I'd like it if you gave me one from behind. - she whispered in my ear.
With her whisper and the squeezes she was giving my cock inside her, this one didn't lose a single drop of its hardness. We got up and she sat on her knees on top of the toilet seat, with her ass pumping towards me. I crouched down behind her and started licking her ass until I reached her anus. It felt quite loose and, lubricating it well, I put in one finger that swallowed it without any difficulty. Then I passed to two and didn't notice any resistance until I added the third.
- Give it to me hard. I love being fucked hard when they give it to me from behind.
I got behind her, facing my cock with her hole. The head went in easily and, holding onto her hips with both hands, I pushed it all the way in one push. She let out a scream but accompanied the penetration by also leaning back.
I varied the rhythm of the penetrations. When I penetrated faster, she left her ass almost still, letting me use her as I pleased. When I slowed down, she increased the movements of her ass, pushing it against my hip.
- Harder. Harder. - she yelled between gasps.
I lowered the speed of my charges, changing them to deep and hard penetrations. Pulling out my cock almost completely, holding for a moment like that and then putting it back in until the end with a loud thud.
With a few more thrusts, I felt her ass vibrating as she came between moans and screams. I kept fucking her while she came and chained orgasms together. I was looking to come and fill her again, but she put her hand on my chest, indicating that I should stop for a bit. She pulled out and got up. She kissed me again while jacking off slowly.
- I want you to come in my mouth. Let me taste your cum.
Without waiting for an answer, she crouched down and started Suck it. With one hand she was fingering me, accompanying the movements her mouth made. In a matter of minutes I finished cumming. She kept my cock's head in her mouth the whole time, swallowing all the semen that came out while continuing to masturbate.
She got up with a satisfied look, proud of herself. She approached and whispered in my ear:
- Wait for me outside, in the parking lot. I'm going to fix myself up and say goodbye to some friends and then I'll be off.
With all the semen from the ride on my chest due to masturbation, I remembered those words. The last words I heard from her, since she never appeared at the parking lot. From that moment on, that woman, who didn't even tell me her name, became my obsession. Of course, I had managed to forget Rose by then. Several nights I went back to the bar, but I didn't manage to find her until two weeks later.
It was half past twelve when I entered the bar and headed straight for the bar. When I was waiting for them to serve me, I searched among the people for that red hair. Since she was a tall woman, it wasn't hard to spot her. She was on the other side of the dance floor, almost at the reserved tables on the ground floor.
With the glass in my hand, I pushed through the crowd to get closer to her. When I was near, I could see her heading towards the bathroom, with a blonde woman who was a head shorter than her by the wrist. I saw equal lust and thirst in those green eyes when she took me to the bathroom. Before the bathroom door closed, I could see their lips meeting.
I returned to the bar, downing a shot of Blue Lagoon and ordering a beer. Beer after beer, an hour passed and I was lost in thought. How could I have been so stupid to obsess over a woman I only knew from one night? She had only used me for a quick fuck, just like she was doing with that blonde and just like she would do with many others. How could I have been so naive.
I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn't notice the person approaching me from behind until their arms wrapped around me and two firm breasts pressed against my back. A tongue passed along the outside of my ear, from the lobe to the top. A sweet and feminine voice whispered in my ear:
Are you looking for me?Patreonand access my stories several weeks before, as well as propose arguments for future stories.
My house is, practically, just one room. That room is at the same time a living room, a kitchen, and a bedroom. The wardrobes, both for clothes and those I use for the kitchen, are built into the walls, just like the bed. On one of the walls, there's a curtain that separates the bathroom from the rest of the house.
I got up and went towards the bathroom. I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror. A young man who didn't look over thirty years old was staring back at me. A three-day beard grew on his angular jawline. His short hair, almost with a military cut. I examined my eyes more closely and they were marked by a network of red veins.
- Without a doubt, yesterday had to be a good night.
I left the room again and saw Baxter, my brown boxer that I picked up from the street, with his food bowl in his mouth. I looked at the clock and it marked 7 pm. I had almost fallen asleep all day. I grabbed Baxter's food bowl and filled it with feed, left it on the floor and he rushed to it, devouring it. I took advantage of being next to the fridge and pulled out a beer. As my friend always said: There is no better remedy for a hangover than the evil that caused it.
I threw myself onto the five-seat sectional sofa I had and, when I was about to turn on the TV, the house phone's ringtone sounded. In front of the sofa there was a low table with a screen and buttons to control everything, from the lights to the blinds or the TV. On that screen appeared Bobby's name, an old friend of mine. I pressed the button to answer the call and, immediately, I heard his voice through the speakers.
Good morning, I'm glad to check that you're at least in your house.
- Fine. And what's up?
- I don't know if you know, but your phone is dead, at least it doesn't have a signal, and I suppose you also forgot that we had plans to eat today.
I was right, neither of us remembered about it. I looked around for my phone, but I didn't see it anywhere.
- Well, being totally honest with you, I just woke up five minutes ago after the mother of all hangovers.
- Did you go out last night? Were you alone?
- No idea, I don't remember anything from last night.
- Damn, Elias. You shouldn't do that to yourself. I know you're bad about the breakup with Rose and it's not good for you to stay locked up at home, but if you wanted to go out there, you could have called me.
As soon as I heard Rose's name, memories of her came flooding back like a punch from a boxer. How we started dating, our relationship, how I had cheated on her with her boss and the painful breakup. The feeling of betrayal and pain suddenly filled me up.
- You're right, man. I guess I needed to clear my head or something.
- While saying this, a word came to my mind and I almost said it without thinking. - Nivalis.
- What?
- I don't know, it just came to me. Nivalis. Does that ring a bell?
- Yes, there's a dive bar in the Eliseo neighborhood with that name. Don't tell me you were there! And alone!
I turned on the TV and used the keyboard on the table to search for the name. The search returned the bar's website and an image of its facade. In the image it was night and quite dark. The facade was gray concrete. Only two things broke the monotony of that facade, a red neon sign at the top with the bar's name, Nivalis, and a black metal door in the center of the facade with a man almost as big as the door next to it. That image felt very familiar.
- I think so, I was drinking there.
- Well, at least you woke up in your bed today and not in an ice bath. weighing a kidney less.
- You're making a drama, Bobby.
- A drama? Look it up, seven people died last night in that neighborhood.
I looked it up quickly and was right.
- Seven dead in a shootout between gangs. I remember you don't belong to any of them.
- Yeah, but you could have gotten caught or kidnapped by those vultures.
- Well, you know perfectly well that if the vultures had caught me, I wouldn't be missing a kidney, I wouldn't have woken up directly.
- And you say it so calmly, I don't know how you got there.
- The neighborhood is very big, there are many people. Statistically, no more crimes happen there than anywhere else in the neighborhood.
- You and your statistics.
- Ahm. - I replied mechanically, still looking at the bar image.
- No. No. You're thinking something. Are you going to go back today, right?
- Yes. Maybe I'll remember something more if I go.
- What else do you want to remember? You know you were there.
- I don't know, but I have a strange presentiment.
- Okay, let's go with you. Since I won't be able to get the idea out of your head.
- Fine. Let's eat and then take a walk around the bar, okay?
- Good. I'll pick you up.
After the conversation, I got into the shower to prepare myself. It was a small cubicle that only fit one person with an artichoke on the ceiling. The hot water fell all over my body. I closed my eyes, lifting my head, to feel the water falling on my face. It helped me clear my head and calm down a bit.
As I stood there, images came to my mind. A glass with ice and a liquid of blue color on a bar counter. Red neon lights. The sign of a bathroom. Some eyes with a myriad of green tones, darker approaching the pupil, forming a nebula contained in an iris.
I finished showering and got dressed simply. Jeans, a black shirt, and shoes. I looked for my phone all over the floor, it was under the shirt I wore last night. Making sure to leave everything on top, I left the apartment. Baxter had been gone for a while through the window. The hallway was empty, at least of people. Next to the door leading out to the balcony, a communal space where people living in the multiple apartments of the building could gather, there were vending machines with a wide variety of artíbooties, from food to condoms. On the floor, there were boxes with old things, magazines, flyers for clubs and bars. The grey walls were decorated with paintings of varying taste.
I headed towards the elevators, casting a glance at the large balcony in case I saw Baxter. There was quite a crowd on the balcony, which wasn't unusual because this building had a balcony like that every 15 floors and with an average of almost 30 apartments per floor. On the balconies there were various shops, mostly food or basic artíbooties.
The building had four elevators, with a large capacity, and I still had to wait my turn for one to arrive. Nor did I find it surprising, as I lived on the 34th floor and this building had 90 floors. Marking zero in the elevator, I went down to street level, accompanied by advertisements for a wide variety of products throughout.
The elevators left me at the gallery, a shopping area and fast food stalls that opened onto the street via a staircase as the only separation. The street was crowded with people and cars, quite common in a city of over five million inhabitants like Green City.
I had always found it curious to name the city Green City, quite ironic for this concrete jungle, steel and glass. Although there were some parks in the city, mostly in the central area, they were very few and poorly maintained. What dominated the city was the large apartment skyscrapers like the one I had just left.
I went down to the sidewalk and headed towards the entrance of parking lot of the building to wait for Bobby. I didn't want to stay on the stairs that connect the gallery with the street, there the camels were setting up and I didn't want to have problems staying too long in that place. A little later, I saw my friend's Ford Focus appear. He had it for a long time, but was quite reluctant to part with it. It stopped next to me and I got into the copilot seat.
Very good evening. Where do we eat? he asked as soon as he got in.
Let's go to Tommy's? We're passing by it.
Fine, then hamburgers.
After dinner, we headed to the bar. In front of this one there was a parking lot that, at these hours, nine thirty at night, was quite empty. Bobby parked the car facing the bar. Upon seeing the facade, now with my own eyes, yes, I remembered having been here.
Okay. Let's go? I asked, seeing he didn't stop the car motor.
Yes, let me get something.
Bobby leaned towards me, opening the glove compartment of the car. He took out a gun, checked the clip and only then stopped the car and got out. He put the gun in his belt pant pocket, covering it with his jacket.
Really? Are you going to enter with a gun?
Yes. Look, I'm not going to walk into this dump unarmed.
What if they catch you by the bar security?
No one from around here would care about anyone entering any bar. Here nobody gives a damn.
Well, do what you want. Let's go.
The street separating the bar from the parking lot wasn't very frequented and we crossed it quickly when no one was coming. By the side of the bar door there was a big man, almost as tall as the door, guarding it. When we approached him, a small girl appeared from his shadow.
The girl wore mismatched stockings up to mid-thigh, one with vertical black and pink stripes and the other with mesh. Even wearing platforms she didn't reach the height of the man's shoulders. A cut-off jeans pant and a tank top completed her outfit. With a metal bat, she blocked our path towards the bar and gave us a look from top to bottom.
Hmm. Pass by and be careful about what you're doing. I don't want any kind of trouble tonight. Eh? She said, putting the bat on her shoulders and moving away from our path.
The big man, apart from a slight glance, didn't show any sign of being alive.
See, I told you they wouldn't notice the gun, Bobby whispered to me. when we entered the bar. The Nivalis was a two-story bar. Nothing more than entering to the right you found the stairs leading up to the upper floor and to the left the bar. The upper floor was divided between reserved seats along the walls, formed by U-shaped sofas with a table in the center, and small circular tables with high chairs in the center. It had a balcony with views of the dance floor on the lower floor, in the center of that balcony there was a closed cabin where a DJ played the music. The lower floor was divided between a large dance floor and a few reserved seats, similar to those upstairs, located under the balcony. The entire bar was lit by red neon lights. Lines of these lights ran along the bar, just below the edge of the counter, and the railing of the stairs and balcony. Others were found on walls and ceilings equally. Although the building had no windows, large screens embedded in the walls simulated being windows where the owners could vary the image of the exterior. At this moment you could see through those windows the city of Green City from the top of the mountain that was outside. There wasn't much people in the bar yet, it was too early. The DJ was playing Days of thunder by The midnight and a few couples were dancing on the floor while only one reserved seat was occupied on the lower floor. Behind the bar there was a man who appeared to be under 30 years old. - What are you putting? - he asked as soon as we approached the bar. - A Blue Lagoon. - I responded instinctively, without knowing why it had come out of me to order that. - And I, a beer. The bartender walked away to prepare the cocktail and my friend gave me a strange look, like asking me what I had ordered. I could only answer him with a shrug. At that moment, one Sweet and feminine voice saying: 'I'll take a Blue Lagoon.'
When the bartender served us our drinks, we went to the upper floor. If there was little people downstairs, there were even less here. We sat down at one of the reserved tables.
- So you came here yesterday. At least they play good music.
- Yes, it's not bad. - I replied knowing his taste for old music.
I took a long sip of the cocktail, it had a very sweet flavor with a bitter aftertaste at the end.
- And so? Have you remembered anything?
- Not much. I remember the bar, the bartender and I think I recall being here with someone. Someone who ordered this. - I said raising my cup.
Some drum beats indicated that the song had changed. Soon they were accompanied by electric guitars playing a riff that invited movement. Then a male voice entered: 'Have you got colour in your cheeks?'
A memory opened up in my head, a dance floor crowded with people moving to the rhythm of those drums and guitars. Among the crowd, a red hair dancing alongside the rest.
Are there some aces up your sleeve? Her head turned slightly, letting me see that her hair was gathered behind the left ear while the rest was loose and styled to the right. On her ear were seven small earrings going up from the lobe to the top, all connected by a small black chain, hanging down from the earring on the lobe with a small diamond attached at the end. Have you no idea that you're in deep? She continued turning, letting me see her face. A fine and prominent nose with a piercing on the right ala. Small lips, painted pale pink. Prominent cheekbones with a slight blush. Green eyes, deep, that looked at me fixedly. I dreamt about you nearly every night this week When her eyes made contact with mine, everything disappeared. The people didn't matter. The beer in my hand didn't matter. The warmth of the atmosphere didn't matter. Only those eyes, the music, and I mattered. Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys was still playing. I was sitting on a stool at the bar. She came towards me. When she emerged from the crowd, I could see her black dress tied around her neck with a neckline that fell almost to her navel and an asymmetrical skirt that hung more on her left leg, leaving her right leg practically bare. Her waist was neither too big nor too small, exactly the size you could encircle with one arm while walking with her or hold with both hands while having sex. The breasts were just the right size for a hand and stood up, defying gravity. When she leaned on the bar to order, next to me, I could see that her back was completely exposed and ended in an ass that was exactly as I had imagined it, well-proportioned and just for her body, drawing gazes from both men and women nearby. Strategically located at the beginning of long stylized legs that ended in black strap shoes with a 10-centimeter heel, making her natural 180 centimeters reach 190 centimeters. The image of that incredible woman disappeared from my head as quickly as it had arrived. - I found someone here. A woman.- Did you go out to hook up? So soon?
No, I hadn't gone out to hook up, but nor did I want to tell him I'd gone out to get drunk, let alone without him. I was still looking at the cup, not responding, and trying to remember something more about her. - And what? Was she good? - Very. Redhead, tall, with some nice curves. She drank this. - I said, taking a long sip of Blue Lagoon.
When the bartender put the glass in front of her, she turned towards me. With a half-smile, she looked at me from top to bottom, just like I had done with her. I looked away, returning my gaze to the dance floor and taking the beer bottle to my lips, finishing its contents.
- Don't you dance? - she asked.
- Me? No, thank you. I'm not in the mood. Tonight I'll just drink.
- I see. Much to forget?
- Quite a bit.
- Try this, it might help you forget that beer more than that one.
She offered me the glass, bringing the straw to my mouth. I took a small sip, enough to notice the flavor of the cocktail and how smoothly it went down. She took the glass away from me and, raising her hand to get the bartender's attention, ordered another one like it.
- And what if you tell me what you want to forget?
- No, I prefer not to spoil your night. You looked very happy dancing a moment ago.
- Neither am I doing badly here. And it's better to dance with someone. - she said with a slight droop of her eyes.
I had to look away, those deep, captivating eyes were unsettling and making me nervous. However, I couldn't spend too much time without my gaze drifting back towards her again. The bartender brought me the drink and, in one gulp, I finished half of it. She accompanied me with another long sip, emptying her glass.
- Finish quickly. I know something that can help you forget.
I was finishing my drink when she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor.
We kept drinking as the hours passed. Occasionally, one of us would get up to go back and order something while the other stayed upstairs, holding our spot. I was looking for that red hair among the crowd. Something inside me wanted to run into her again. That feeling was becoming deeper with every memory.
With the alcohol in my veins and that precious woman dancing around me, I forgot all my worries. The way she smiled, showing off her perfect teeth. The way her body followed the rhythm of the music, bumping and rubbing against mine. The way she leaned against me, leaving me to feel the firmness of those breasts on my chest when I wanna be yours by Arctic Monkeys started playing for her to whisper in my ear that she loved that song.
We kept dancing, letting ourselves get swept away by the music. Every time we were closer, our bodies always made contact somewhere. Most of the time it was her ass against my groin. The moments when she sang the lyrics of the song into my ear, sent shivers down my spine. One of those times, when I pulled her face away from my ear, she stayed very close to me, so close that our lips almost touched. Not caring about anything anymore, I kissed her.
She didn't pull back or stay still. She returned the kiss with as much energy and passion as I put into it.
One of the times I went to ask for something, I went to the bathroom. There was one on each floor and both were unisex. The left wall of the bathroom was occupied by a large mirror located above a row of sinks, on the right wall there were about a dozen cubicles with their respective toilets. It was also lit with neon lights, like the rest of the bar.
When I entered, I saw a couple kissing, she sitting on top of the sink that formed the bar. That, of course, brought back more memories.
Nothing more than entering the bathroom pushed me against the wall. Trapped between the concrete and her breasts, I took advantage of my hands' freedom to touch her ass, putting one hand under her skirt on the shorter side.
Never had anyone kissed me with such passion, emphasis, and hunger. Sometimes she would give me gentle bites on the lips and tongue. Her body rubbed against mine. My erect penis rubbed against her pubic area, even with clothes in between.
When our mouths parted for a moment, I went down to her neck to give her a wide lick, almost from the clavicle to the ear. Then, I gave her kisses and bites along her long white neck.
Yes. Bite me harder. Unleash yourself on me tonight.
Grabbing her from the waist, I turned her around to put her against the wall now. I bit her neck this time harder, almost making her bleed. She let out a loud whimper as her only response. I slid my hand between her legs, up the inner thigh of her leg until I reached the little fabric that protected her pussy from my advances. The fabric was soaked.
I kissed her again to silence her moans while pushing aside the thong with my hand to touch her pussy directly. It was hot and wet, and it didn't take much effort for me to slide two fingers inside. She didn't lag behind, and she opened my cowboy pants, pulling out my cock and starting to suck me off.
Although we were in the middle of the bathroom, with our bodies so close and low lighting, you could barely see what we were doing. Still, I grabbed her wrist and dragged her towards one of the cubbies.
It was almost three in the morning and we were both pretty messed up. I was still looking around for that woman, but she hadn't shown up anywhere. It became obvious that I wouldn't see her that night, so I told my friend to leave already. Although I had a bad opinion of the neighborhood and the bar, he put up a fuss about leaving, but I managed to convince him after a while and we went to get the car. Even though there was a group of people with loud music, drinking, and getting high in the parking lot, we didn't have any trouble and left quietly. Bobby dropped me off at my street, where he had picked me up earlier. On the stairs leading to the building, some guys were still standing guard, Green City never slept and no hour was too late to buy what you wanted. In my apartment, I checked that Baxter was already asleep on his cushion that served as a bed. I closed the metal blinds of the large window and undressed completely. The memories of the previous night had me hot and it only took a few small touches for me to get hard again. I started going up and down along my erect cock, thinking about her. Masturbating myself with the memory of the previous night.
Lowering my pants and underwear, I sat on the toilet seat lid. She leaned forward without bending her knees to put my cock head in her mouth. While her tongue circled around my glans, I lifted her skirt, revealing those separated buttocks by the thin black fabric of her thong. I hooked the thong with a finger and pulled it towards me, causing it to get stuck in her pussy.
She increased the rhythm of the blowjob, almost effortlessly taking in my 17 centimeters of cock and reaching her nose until it bumped into the few receding hairs on my pubic area. She was sucking me intensely, as if she wanted me to come in her mouth, and when I was about to, she stopped.
She got up and searched for me with her lips. Her tongue flooded my mouth, leaving me with a strange taste, the mixture of her saliva and the flavor of my penis. We continued kissing while she sat astride me. She brought one hand back to guide my cock towards her interior and let herself fall, taking it all in one go.
She started bouncing on top of me, initially doing so very quickly and forcefully. It seemed like she was possessed. She groaned and howled when she wasn't eating my mouth or neck. I tried not to come for all I was worth, but it was an impossible task with such a sexual demon pounding away at me.
'I'm about to come,' I warned between gasps.
'Shh. A little more. A little more.'
She untied her dress, causing the two straps to fall and revealing her two precious breasts before me. She leaned forward, putting one in my mouth to shut me up while she continued moving her hips up and down.
I grasped her ass with both hands, but she pushed them away, taking one breast that wasn't in my mouth. She moved better without me holding on. Ignoring my warnings, she kept going until I exploded inside her. When she noticed this, she let out a long groan and sat on top of me, leaving my cock completely lodged...' She kissed me while both of us were noting the shots of my orgasm inside her.
- Can you still keep going? I haven't come and I'd like it if you gave me one from behind. - she whispered in my ear.
With her whisper and the squeezes she was giving my cock inside her, this one didn't lose a single drop of its hardness. We got up and she sat on her knees on top of the toilet seat, with her ass pumping towards me. I crouched down behind her and started licking her ass until I reached her anus. It felt quite loose and, lubricating it well, I put in one finger that swallowed it without any difficulty. Then I passed to two and didn't notice any resistance until I added the third.
- Give it to me hard. I love being fucked hard when they give it to me from behind.
I got behind her, facing my cock with her hole. The head went in easily and, holding onto her hips with both hands, I pushed it all the way in one push. She let out a scream but accompanied the penetration by also leaning back.
I varied the rhythm of the penetrations. When I penetrated faster, she left her ass almost still, letting me use her as I pleased. When I slowed down, she increased the movements of her ass, pushing it against my hip.
- Harder. Harder. - she yelled between gasps.
I lowered the speed of my charges, changing them to deep and hard penetrations. Pulling out my cock almost completely, holding for a moment like that and then putting it back in until the end with a loud thud.
With a few more thrusts, I felt her ass vibrating as she came between moans and screams. I kept fucking her while she came and chained orgasms together. I was looking to come and fill her again, but she put her hand on my chest, indicating that I should stop for a bit. She pulled out and got up. She kissed me again while jacking off slowly.
- I want you to come in my mouth. Let me taste your cum.
Without waiting for an answer, she crouched down and started Suck it. With one hand she was fingering me, accompanying the movements her mouth made. In a matter of minutes I finished cumming. She kept my cock's head in her mouth the whole time, swallowing all the semen that came out while continuing to masturbate.
She got up with a satisfied look, proud of herself. She approached and whispered in my ear:
- Wait for me outside, in the parking lot. I'm going to fix myself up and say goodbye to some friends and then I'll be off.
With all the semen from the ride on my chest due to masturbation, I remembered those words. The last words I heard from her, since she never appeared at the parking lot. From that moment on, that woman, who didn't even tell me her name, became my obsession. Of course, I had managed to forget Rose by then. Several nights I went back to the bar, but I didn't manage to find her until two weeks later.
It was half past twelve when I entered the bar and headed straight for the bar. When I was waiting for them to serve me, I searched among the people for that red hair. Since she was a tall woman, it wasn't hard to spot her. She was on the other side of the dance floor, almost at the reserved tables on the ground floor.
With the glass in my hand, I pushed through the crowd to get closer to her. When I was near, I could see her heading towards the bathroom, with a blonde woman who was a head shorter than her by the wrist. I saw equal lust and thirst in those green eyes when she took me to the bathroom. Before the bathroom door closed, I could see their lips meeting.
I returned to the bar, downing a shot of Blue Lagoon and ordering a beer. Beer after beer, an hour passed and I was lost in thought. How could I have been so stupid to obsess over a woman I only knew from one night? She had only used me for a quick fuck, just like she was doing with that blonde and just like she would do with many others. How could I have been so naive.
I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn't notice the person approaching me from behind until their arms wrapped around me and two firm breasts pressed against my back. A tongue passed along the outside of my ear, from the lobe to the top. A sweet and feminine voice whispered in my ear:
Are you looking for me?Patreonand access my stories several weeks before, as well as propose arguments for future stories.
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