Primero, todas las entregas de los mejores post
Como siempre, podes escribirnos a, te leemos
Me llamo Leonor, casada, toda una vida de mujer casada, más de cuarenta, menos de cincuenta, soy de esas mujeres digamos macizas, buenos pechos, mejor cola, ancha espalda, anchas caderas, gruesos muslos, ojos cafés, nariz respingada, finos labios, cabellos castaños prematuramente encanecidos, que en mi juventud llegaban a mi cola, pero que en la actualidad lo uso corto, hasta con la nuca rapada.
Mi vida es trabajar con niños discapacitados, son mis pequeños amores, mi profesión, algo que no cambiaría por nada en el mundo.
Soy de carácter tranquilo, de meditar las cosas, de pensar antes de actuar.
Y toda mi vida fui ese estereotipo de mujer perfecta, ama de casa, madre, fiel a su hombre, de correcto vestir, de excelentes modales, cero vicios, ese tipo de persona con un prontuario intachable, nunca un desliz, nunca pisar en falso…
Mi esposo, un importante ejecutivo que se la pasa metido en su empresa, su vida en sí misma es esa empresa, y vive girando en derredor del mundo, la mayoría del tiempo con el culo arriba de un avión, ya me acostumbré a esa vida, y solo sé que tengo parte de él, lo amo a mi manera, el me ama a su manera, nuestro matrimonio se transformó poco a poco en una sociedad, como que estamos juntos pero cada quien tiene su vida, y honestamente, no imagino mi vida sin el gordo.
Celeste, nuestra única hija, la prueba de nuestro amor, antes de llegar a los veinte partió hacia Australia, becada por el colegio en un intercambio cultural, apenas seis meses…
Pero encontró en ese sitio a un buen hombre, se casaron y me hicieron abuela a pesar de mi edad, yo los visito cada tanto y los veo por internet, pero no puedo trasladarme definitivamente a Melbourne…
Mi vida está en Argentina, mis raíces están acá, mi vida está acá, mi historia está acá…
Qué sería de mi sin esos chicos con capacidades diferentes? Yo no podría vivir si en el amor que ellos me dan…
Y mi madre?… ella está muy enferma, sería fácil dejar todo en manos de mi hermano, pero no sería justo…
Bueno, con toda esta introducción solo traté de ponerlos en contexto de mi clase de vida, de mi entorno, de qué tipo de mujer soy.
Hacía años que no me cruzaba con mis compañeras de estudios secundarios, unos veinte, apenas con algunas, por face, no mucho más, y surgió la idea de reunirnos, creo que casi todos hacemos esto en algún momento de nuestras vidas, cena de chicas, después de tantos años.
Y nos fuimos contactando, una a una, poco a poco, buscamos un restaurant, reservamos, y todas las piezas del rompecabezas al final se acomodaron, 21 de setiembre, empezaba la primavera...
Recuerdo que esa noche me vestí con una pollera negra, larga, por debajo de las rodillas, una camisa azul eléctrico y zapatos medio taco, nada llamativa, solo una mujer de poco más de cuarenta años, que, por cierto, aunque en forma prematura, ya era abuela.
Tomé un abrigo de media estación, aún se ponía fresco al anochecer, y pedí un taxi, cuando sé que voy a beber, prefiero dejar mi coche en el garaje.
Y así fue ese reencuentro, después de tantos años, una veintena de mujeres resumiendo sus vidas.
Marina, la diosa del curso, la chica que todos los galanes coqueteaban, ahora estaba gorda, con un visible sobrepeso.
En cambio, Ana, la flaca, la corta de vista, la que era centro de burlas, se había operado la vista, lucía joven, ella era el vivo ejemplo del cuento del patito feo.
Maira había tenido un accidente de tránsito, cojeaba de una pierna, aunque trataba de disimularlo
Carla era casi una celebridad, la chica de puntajes perfectos, estuvo estudiando en Londres, y se la pasaba recorriendo el mundo.
Sofía, la bohemia, era escritora, todos hablaban de sus publicaciones y me sentí mal en ese momento, yo era la única que no tenía idea de qué diablos hablaban.
Así, podría repasar el presente de cada una, una por una, algunas casadas, otras divorciadas, con hijos, sin hijos, felices, frustradas, adineradas, pobretonas, y entre todas no podía faltar Alejandra…
Alejandra era mi contra cara, siempre lo había sido, una chica muy bonita, esa que siempre estaba pintarrajeada, la que vestía sugerente, la que sacudía las caderas al caminar, la chica que todos querían cogerse, y por supuesto, la chica que cogía con todos.
Era la chica que tenía siempre la historia calienta a flor de labios, la que todas escuchábamos, la enciclopedia abierta de desvíos sexuales.
Así que en absoluto me pareció extraño que esa noche ella no cuadrara con el resto de las chicas, lucía unos finísimos zapatos con dibujo de leopardo, con altos tacos para disimular su baja estatura, un catsuit, esos conjuntos como calzas enteritos, más propio de una quinceañera que de una mujer que pisaba los cincuenta, en negro, que le marcaban la silueta como si estuviera desnuda, dejando poco que imaginar, piernas, caderas, cola, concha, cintura y tetas, a propósito, se había hecho las tetas porque lucían llamativamente enormes…
Tenía un abrigo liviano en el mismo tono de sus zapatos, su cabello teñido a pelirrojo, con enormes rulos, resaltando esos envidiables ojazos azules que todas deseábamos tener…
Si, evidentemente Alejandra era esa mujer a la que todas criticábamos a su espalda, porque un poco así somos las mujeres, no soportamos ver en otras cosas que quisiéramos hacer propias…
Y ella era así, con su verborragia, siempre llamando la atención y cuando llegó su turno de hablar, porque todas fuimos contando un poco de nuestras aburridas vidas, ella no tuvo reparos en decir cosas que sabíamos íbamos a escuchar, porque ella era previsible, solo hablaría de sexo…
Bueno chicas, que les puedo contar, ya me conocen, tuve cuatro matrimonios, cuatro divorcios, varios amantes, no tengo hijos, vivo sola…
Que quieren que les cuente? Mi último encuentro casual?
Ella hablaba a viva voz, sin importar quien pudiera escuchar, y nosotras, solo hicimos silencio
A few months ago I took advantage of an air promotion, so my friend and I traveled to northern Brazil, with the idea of relaxing, enjoying, dancing, and getting... and not just in that order... ja!
Alejandra let out a loud laugh that caught the attention of everyone around us.
Well, it turns out that one day we were both on the beach and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. My friend had drunk too much the night before and was lying down on the sand, sleeping under the sun, and I started to get bored. I shook her a couple of times, but she just looked like she was dead, so I went to the sea, came back, and still nothing. Finally, I gave up, grabbed my purse, my hat, my pareo, and walked along the beach, hugging the coastline...
I arrived at some small cabin complexes, which were actually separate rooms made of trunks and a ceiling of... well, you know what. They were selling sites like seasonal fairs.
I got into one, and finally one that only sold swimwear, and I started to see there was a lot of variety and very colorful stuff. At the back, I noticed there was a cash register and some mirrors where you could try on the swimwear you liked... obviously, over your clothes...
The thing is, I was in that place but hadn't noticed a small detail - the owner was at the side, arranging boxes on his knees. It was inevitable not to look at him. He was barefoot, wearing those neoprene pants that surfers wear, and from the waist up he was naked, with bronzed skin from the sun, enviable muscles, his hair reaching almost to his shoulders, with a natural brown color mixed with platinum blonde from the salon, combining both tones in a very sexy way. I guessed him to be around 25-30 years old, a baby for me...
Alejandra had made such a hot description of the young man that it made my skin prickle all over.
Just then... presence, turned towards me and giving me a smile told me to look at what I wanted, that anything I consulted would be fine, but you know that almost made me faint when I saw the blue eyes that the bastard was carrying, damn...
I left my hat and handbag aside and started sniffing around here and there, suddenly found something special, a suit caught my attention, it was like coral color, a mix between pink and orange very nice, the thing is that it was on a high shelf and well, obviously the petite one couldn't reach...
We laughed, yes, she was one of the shortest ones, and it sounded crazy the way she said it
I had to ask her for help, there was no one else in the local so soon came to my side, made me point out which model it was, showed me with my index finger, then asked what size I took and when I said 'XXL' started laughing, this threw me off, and besides told me 'I thought they were even bigger'
Of course, - I thought to myself with a little envy – flower of slut, anyone can transform into a 'pure breasts' with money, and obviously the type wouldn't be gay unless he was going to make fun of himself, but what a worn-out slut...
Then, it reached me, I tried it on over my clothes and decided to take it, went for my wallet, opened it by my cash and well, then I realized I had forgotten it, didn't have a coin on top, and that's when it started getting tasty...
He, observing the situation, proposed it to me in a very yummy way, saying he thought I would look spectacular with it, but I said no, the young man insisted, told me if I didn't have anything to pay for it, well, as he thought I was taking it.
I stayed thinking, then insisted, told me that if I tried it on and modeled for him, it was free, a house gift... and it sounded more interesting than the other option, going back for the money...
I said okay, but we would do it my way, first, I had to close the cabin door, to have privacy and avoid '... Some curious one would enter, did it almost without blinking, at the speed of light, second, that he would stay looking at the wall while I changed, no spying on me, since they would remember that I told them the site was somewhat improvised and didn't have fitting rooms or anything like that, so he made an exception and stayed at the other end, I turned my back to him and started undressing to put on that bathing suit, slid the thong between my legs, and adjusted it in its place, it was too low in front and too small behind, then things got complicated... my breasts... ha! ha!
I adjusted my girls and checked if he was right, despite being the largest size, I would have needed one more, my breasts seemed to be escaping on all sides, it was making me very sexy...
Alejandra recounted everything with such detail and emphasis that she had managed to capture our full attention, she seemed to be giving a speech, and at some point I felt myself getting excited with each word
I finished changing, then turned around and found him looking at me, I got very angry because I had asked him not to look at me, it wasn't the idea of being seen naked, I scolded him vehemently, but the guy said 'asking a man for that is like leaving candy for a child and expecting them not to eat it' and then he added 'by the way, beautiful body'... which made me go bright red and at that moment he sat down in a chair inside the cabin and said 'come on... model for me, was that the deal?' Ah! girls... girls... I don't know why but that excited me... it was that mix of shame but desire... it was tasty!, so that bathing suit was getting a little wet ha! ha!
Well, I knew why he got excited, because he was a hot slut calienta cocks...
As he was sitting there, I started walking in front of him in a very sexy way, modeling for him, he stood up and put his hands behind my back and said 'don't you want to model for me any closer?'... and began to pass his hands On my skin, my shoulders, my abdomen, my legs, and at one point it reached that lower part of the thong and passed its fingers over... ahhh! I felt so rich! I couldn't help but let out a moan... to which it responded laughing and saying 'but you're so wet! or is it the humidity in the climate?'... while still touching me and kissing my neck, it started to lower the bra, only saying 'it looks more tasty without this'... I turned around and ahhhh! don't know how tasty it was!!! It passed its hands over my breasts, my nipples got hard and went for them with your tongue uf! rich! I swear I had been moaning and got out a rich orgasm just like that, in that way, and he was surprised and asked if I wanted more, obviously I said yes...
And if... obvious I would say yes, slut , slut as always... but I was already soaked from his story, it was all very vivid, so I couldn't help myself...
Then it just lowered its Bermuda shorts and underwear and out came a cock so beautiful... well hard and erect ahhh! I couldn't help myself, I got down on my knees and went straight for it, to suck it with such a desire that now that I think about it, what a slut I was... the thing is it was sucking me with such a terrible desire, and then I put it between my huge tits... ja! ja! they would have seen its face! they would pay to see that! because its penis literally disappeared among my enormous tits!
At one point it stopped and took me where the cash box was, there was a glass counter like a display case, then it lifted me up and started doing it very tasty, my breasts stuck to the glass and everything was very erotic... after turning me around and sitting me on the table, so I could open my legs and do something so tasty... ahhh!!! at that point he did with me what he wanted, put his tongue on my clitoris and everything was great, I let him do it, started squeezing my nipples which were hard as rocks and stretched out my breasts to my mouth, started licking myself...
Alejandra told the whole story in a very natural way, I don't know how she didn't feel embarrassed, I would never be able to...
Having shared something so intimate, but I'm glad he did it, at that height I had a terrible fever, a tingling sensation between my legs...
And when I was about to come, he stopped and got me with his cock... that was very tasty, but I swear I hated it in that moment, I just wanted to finish already, but he didn't stop... but with his cock inside my pussy, I didn't last long because I was so excited, who could have resisted? So I finished with deep moans, forgetting I was in an improvised cabin on the beach...
And just after that, he would do the same thing again, but quickly made me kneel at his feet and started spitting semen into my mouth, drop by drop... ah! girls! how yummy his cum was!!!
I got almost all of it in my mouth, but he saved some for later, walked away, and what was left he poured onto my breasts, it was very porny, but his viscous liquid bathed my chest and to top it off he asked me to lick myself, and obviously I gave him the pleasure... I washed with my tongue and savored every last drop...
We all remained expectant waiting for the end of the story, with our eyes out of orbit and ears open, then continued...
And well, I had earned my swimsuit, put it back on, took my things, and just said goodbye to that young man, who knows what? never asked him his name, never saw him again...
When I arrived, my friend was sitting in a beach chair under an umbrella, and she asked where I was, and where I got that swimsuit that looked very good, and I had to tell her what happened as I'm telling you now...
And that's how it went, a story a bit incredible for most women, but not for Alejandra, that slut could do that and much more...
I was going home at midnight, alone, hot, wanting my husband, it's funny, with his story I ended the night masturbating like a teenage girl...
If you're over 18, you can write me with the title 'HISTORIAS DE AMIGAS' to...
Como siempre, podes escribirnos a, te leemos
Me llamo Leonor, casada, toda una vida de mujer casada, más de cuarenta, menos de cincuenta, soy de esas mujeres digamos macizas, buenos pechos, mejor cola, ancha espalda, anchas caderas, gruesos muslos, ojos cafés, nariz respingada, finos labios, cabellos castaños prematuramente encanecidos, que en mi juventud llegaban a mi cola, pero que en la actualidad lo uso corto, hasta con la nuca rapada.
Mi vida es trabajar con niños discapacitados, son mis pequeños amores, mi profesión, algo que no cambiaría por nada en el mundo.
Soy de carácter tranquilo, de meditar las cosas, de pensar antes de actuar.
Y toda mi vida fui ese estereotipo de mujer perfecta, ama de casa, madre, fiel a su hombre, de correcto vestir, de excelentes modales, cero vicios, ese tipo de persona con un prontuario intachable, nunca un desliz, nunca pisar en falso…
Mi esposo, un importante ejecutivo que se la pasa metido en su empresa, su vida en sí misma es esa empresa, y vive girando en derredor del mundo, la mayoría del tiempo con el culo arriba de un avión, ya me acostumbré a esa vida, y solo sé que tengo parte de él, lo amo a mi manera, el me ama a su manera, nuestro matrimonio se transformó poco a poco en una sociedad, como que estamos juntos pero cada quien tiene su vida, y honestamente, no imagino mi vida sin el gordo.
Celeste, nuestra única hija, la prueba de nuestro amor, antes de llegar a los veinte partió hacia Australia, becada por el colegio en un intercambio cultural, apenas seis meses…
Pero encontró en ese sitio a un buen hombre, se casaron y me hicieron abuela a pesar de mi edad, yo los visito cada tanto y los veo por internet, pero no puedo trasladarme definitivamente a Melbourne…
Mi vida está en Argentina, mis raíces están acá, mi vida está acá, mi historia está acá…
Qué sería de mi sin esos chicos con capacidades diferentes? Yo no podría vivir si en el amor que ellos me dan…
Y mi madre?… ella está muy enferma, sería fácil dejar todo en manos de mi hermano, pero no sería justo…
Bueno, con toda esta introducción solo traté de ponerlos en contexto de mi clase de vida, de mi entorno, de qué tipo de mujer soy.
Hacía años que no me cruzaba con mis compañeras de estudios secundarios, unos veinte, apenas con algunas, por face, no mucho más, y surgió la idea de reunirnos, creo que casi todos hacemos esto en algún momento de nuestras vidas, cena de chicas, después de tantos años.
Y nos fuimos contactando, una a una, poco a poco, buscamos un restaurant, reservamos, y todas las piezas del rompecabezas al final se acomodaron, 21 de setiembre, empezaba la primavera...
Recuerdo que esa noche me vestí con una pollera negra, larga, por debajo de las rodillas, una camisa azul eléctrico y zapatos medio taco, nada llamativa, solo una mujer de poco más de cuarenta años, que, por cierto, aunque en forma prematura, ya era abuela.
Tomé un abrigo de media estación, aún se ponía fresco al anochecer, y pedí un taxi, cuando sé que voy a beber, prefiero dejar mi coche en el garaje.
Y así fue ese reencuentro, después de tantos años, una veintena de mujeres resumiendo sus vidas.
Marina, la diosa del curso, la chica que todos los galanes coqueteaban, ahora estaba gorda, con un visible sobrepeso.
En cambio, Ana, la flaca, la corta de vista, la que era centro de burlas, se había operado la vista, lucía joven, ella era el vivo ejemplo del cuento del patito feo.
Maira había tenido un accidente de tránsito, cojeaba de una pierna, aunque trataba de disimularlo
Carla era casi una celebridad, la chica de puntajes perfectos, estuvo estudiando en Londres, y se la pasaba recorriendo el mundo.
Sofía, la bohemia, era escritora, todos hablaban de sus publicaciones y me sentí mal en ese momento, yo era la única que no tenía idea de qué diablos hablaban.
Así, podría repasar el presente de cada una, una por una, algunas casadas, otras divorciadas, con hijos, sin hijos, felices, frustradas, adineradas, pobretonas, y entre todas no podía faltar Alejandra…
Alejandra era mi contra cara, siempre lo había sido, una chica muy bonita, esa que siempre estaba pintarrajeada, la que vestía sugerente, la que sacudía las caderas al caminar, la chica que todos querían cogerse, y por supuesto, la chica que cogía con todos.
Era la chica que tenía siempre la historia calienta a flor de labios, la que todas escuchábamos, la enciclopedia abierta de desvíos sexuales.
Así que en absoluto me pareció extraño que esa noche ella no cuadrara con el resto de las chicas, lucía unos finísimos zapatos con dibujo de leopardo, con altos tacos para disimular su baja estatura, un catsuit, esos conjuntos como calzas enteritos, más propio de una quinceañera que de una mujer que pisaba los cincuenta, en negro, que le marcaban la silueta como si estuviera desnuda, dejando poco que imaginar, piernas, caderas, cola, concha, cintura y tetas, a propósito, se había hecho las tetas porque lucían llamativamente enormes…
Tenía un abrigo liviano en el mismo tono de sus zapatos, su cabello teñido a pelirrojo, con enormes rulos, resaltando esos envidiables ojazos azules que todas deseábamos tener…
Si, evidentemente Alejandra era esa mujer a la que todas criticábamos a su espalda, porque un poco así somos las mujeres, no soportamos ver en otras cosas que quisiéramos hacer propias…
Y ella era así, con su verborragia, siempre llamando la atención y cuando llegó su turno de hablar, porque todas fuimos contando un poco de nuestras aburridas vidas, ella no tuvo reparos en decir cosas que sabíamos íbamos a escuchar, porque ella era previsible, solo hablaría de sexo…
Bueno chicas, que les puedo contar, ya me conocen, tuve cuatro matrimonios, cuatro divorcios, varios amantes, no tengo hijos, vivo sola…
Que quieren que les cuente? Mi último encuentro casual?
Ella hablaba a viva voz, sin importar quien pudiera escuchar, y nosotras, solo hicimos silencio
A few months ago I took advantage of an air promotion, so my friend and I traveled to northern Brazil, with the idea of relaxing, enjoying, dancing, and getting... and not just in that order... ja!
Alejandra let out a loud laugh that caught the attention of everyone around us.
Well, it turns out that one day we were both on the beach and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. My friend had drunk too much the night before and was lying down on the sand, sleeping under the sun, and I started to get bored. I shook her a couple of times, but she just looked like she was dead, so I went to the sea, came back, and still nothing. Finally, I gave up, grabbed my purse, my hat, my pareo, and walked along the beach, hugging the coastline...
I arrived at some small cabin complexes, which were actually separate rooms made of trunks and a ceiling of... well, you know what. They were selling sites like seasonal fairs.
I got into one, and finally one that only sold swimwear, and I started to see there was a lot of variety and very colorful stuff. At the back, I noticed there was a cash register and some mirrors where you could try on the swimwear you liked... obviously, over your clothes...
The thing is, I was in that place but hadn't noticed a small detail - the owner was at the side, arranging boxes on his knees. It was inevitable not to look at him. He was barefoot, wearing those neoprene pants that surfers wear, and from the waist up he was naked, with bronzed skin from the sun, enviable muscles, his hair reaching almost to his shoulders, with a natural brown color mixed with platinum blonde from the salon, combining both tones in a very sexy way. I guessed him to be around 25-30 years old, a baby for me...
Alejandra had made such a hot description of the young man that it made my skin prickle all over.
Just then... presence, turned towards me and giving me a smile told me to look at what I wanted, that anything I consulted would be fine, but you know that almost made me faint when I saw the blue eyes that the bastard was carrying, damn...
I left my hat and handbag aside and started sniffing around here and there, suddenly found something special, a suit caught my attention, it was like coral color, a mix between pink and orange very nice, the thing is that it was on a high shelf and well, obviously the petite one couldn't reach...
We laughed, yes, she was one of the shortest ones, and it sounded crazy the way she said it
I had to ask her for help, there was no one else in the local so soon came to my side, made me point out which model it was, showed me with my index finger, then asked what size I took and when I said 'XXL' started laughing, this threw me off, and besides told me 'I thought they were even bigger'
Of course, - I thought to myself with a little envy – flower of slut, anyone can transform into a 'pure breasts' with money, and obviously the type wouldn't be gay unless he was going to make fun of himself, but what a worn-out slut...
Then, it reached me, I tried it on over my clothes and decided to take it, went for my wallet, opened it by my cash and well, then I realized I had forgotten it, didn't have a coin on top, and that's when it started getting tasty...
He, observing the situation, proposed it to me in a very yummy way, saying he thought I would look spectacular with it, but I said no, the young man insisted, told me if I didn't have anything to pay for it, well, as he thought I was taking it.
I stayed thinking, then insisted, told me that if I tried it on and modeled for him, it was free, a house gift... and it sounded more interesting than the other option, going back for the money...
I said okay, but we would do it my way, first, I had to close the cabin door, to have privacy and avoid '... Some curious one would enter, did it almost without blinking, at the speed of light, second, that he would stay looking at the wall while I changed, no spying on me, since they would remember that I told them the site was somewhat improvised and didn't have fitting rooms or anything like that, so he made an exception and stayed at the other end, I turned my back to him and started undressing to put on that bathing suit, slid the thong between my legs, and adjusted it in its place, it was too low in front and too small behind, then things got complicated... my breasts... ha! ha!
I adjusted my girls and checked if he was right, despite being the largest size, I would have needed one more, my breasts seemed to be escaping on all sides, it was making me very sexy...
Alejandra recounted everything with such detail and emphasis that she had managed to capture our full attention, she seemed to be giving a speech, and at some point I felt myself getting excited with each word
I finished changing, then turned around and found him looking at me, I got very angry because I had asked him not to look at me, it wasn't the idea of being seen naked, I scolded him vehemently, but the guy said 'asking a man for that is like leaving candy for a child and expecting them not to eat it' and then he added 'by the way, beautiful body'... which made me go bright red and at that moment he sat down in a chair inside the cabin and said 'come on... model for me, was that the deal?' Ah! girls... girls... I don't know why but that excited me... it was that mix of shame but desire... it was tasty!, so that bathing suit was getting a little wet ha! ha!
Well, I knew why he got excited, because he was a hot slut calienta cocks...
As he was sitting there, I started walking in front of him in a very sexy way, modeling for him, he stood up and put his hands behind my back and said 'don't you want to model for me any closer?'... and began to pass his hands On my skin, my shoulders, my abdomen, my legs, and at one point it reached that lower part of the thong and passed its fingers over... ahhh! I felt so rich! I couldn't help but let out a moan... to which it responded laughing and saying 'but you're so wet! or is it the humidity in the climate?'... while still touching me and kissing my neck, it started to lower the bra, only saying 'it looks more tasty without this'... I turned around and ahhhh! don't know how tasty it was!!! It passed its hands over my breasts, my nipples got hard and went for them with your tongue uf! rich! I swear I had been moaning and got out a rich orgasm just like that, in that way, and he was surprised and asked if I wanted more, obviously I said yes...
And if... obvious I would say yes, slut , slut as always... but I was already soaked from his story, it was all very vivid, so I couldn't help myself...
Then it just lowered its Bermuda shorts and underwear and out came a cock so beautiful... well hard and erect ahhh! I couldn't help myself, I got down on my knees and went straight for it, to suck it with such a desire that now that I think about it, what a slut I was... the thing is it was sucking me with such a terrible desire, and then I put it between my huge tits... ja! ja! they would have seen its face! they would pay to see that! because its penis literally disappeared among my enormous tits!
At one point it stopped and took me where the cash box was, there was a glass counter like a display case, then it lifted me up and started doing it very tasty, my breasts stuck to the glass and everything was very erotic... after turning me around and sitting me on the table, so I could open my legs and do something so tasty... ahhh!!! at that point he did with me what he wanted, put his tongue on my clitoris and everything was great, I let him do it, started squeezing my nipples which were hard as rocks and stretched out my breasts to my mouth, started licking myself...
Alejandra told the whole story in a very natural way, I don't know how she didn't feel embarrassed, I would never be able to...
Having shared something so intimate, but I'm glad he did it, at that height I had a terrible fever, a tingling sensation between my legs...
And when I was about to come, he stopped and got me with his cock... that was very tasty, but I swear I hated it in that moment, I just wanted to finish already, but he didn't stop... but with his cock inside my pussy, I didn't last long because I was so excited, who could have resisted? So I finished with deep moans, forgetting I was in an improvised cabin on the beach...
And just after that, he would do the same thing again, but quickly made me kneel at his feet and started spitting semen into my mouth, drop by drop... ah! girls! how yummy his cum was!!!
I got almost all of it in my mouth, but he saved some for later, walked away, and what was left he poured onto my breasts, it was very porny, but his viscous liquid bathed my chest and to top it off he asked me to lick myself, and obviously I gave him the pleasure... I washed with my tongue and savored every last drop...
We all remained expectant waiting for the end of the story, with our eyes out of orbit and ears open, then continued...
And well, I had earned my swimsuit, put it back on, took my things, and just said goodbye to that young man, who knows what? never asked him his name, never saw him again...
When I arrived, my friend was sitting in a beach chair under an umbrella, and she asked where I was, and where I got that swimsuit that looked very good, and I had to tell her what happened as I'm telling you now...
And that's how it went, a story a bit incredible for most women, but not for Alejandra, that slut could do that and much more...
I was going home at midnight, alone, hot, wanting my husband, it's funny, with his story I ended the night masturbating like a teenage girl...
If you're over 18, you can write me with the title 'HISTORIAS DE AMIGAS' to...
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