Primero, todas las entregas de los mejores post
Como siempre, podes escribirnos a, te leemos
Hola! me presento, mi nombre es Nery, treinta años, y les narraré el motivo por el cual me considero un hombre afortunado.
Actualmente estoy en pareja, felizmente enamorado, Azucena, mi bella esposa cursa el sexto mes de embarazo, en su vientre lleva la semilla de amor que yo le dejé, mi pequeña niña que espero con toda la alegría de mi corazón.
Ella es una mujer increíble, no tenemos problemas, somo tal para cual, todo hacemos de común acuerdo, ella sabe todos mis secretos, yo sé todos los suyos. Azucena es una mujer hermosa, alta, morena de largos y sexis cabellos, ojos oscuros como la noche, de bonito rostro, labios de fuego, una boca grande y llamativas que fue lo que siempre me atrajo de ella, tiene unos labios especiales, que invitan a pecar, de curvas delicadas, pechos pequeños y trasero llamativo, nos habíamos conocido en una entrevista de trabajo, ella se postulaba por una vacante y yo era el que seleccionaba las postulantes, cosas del destino, ella no dio el target para lo que buscábamos, pero si para llenar mi corazón.
Y hablando de mi trabajo, tampoco me puedo quejar, hago lo que me gusta y me pagan muy bien por ello, me desempeño en una cadena hotelera nacional y soy el responsable por los servicios de gastronomía, digamos que soy como un inspector, viajo de uno a otro y estoy pendiente de los alimentos, del servicio, del personal, todo ese ambiente, si eso estaba bien, mis superiores estaban bien, y si ellos estaban bien, yo estaba bien.
Imaginen que viajar de hotel en hotel me llevó a conocer mucha gente, contactos de administración, cocineros, personal de servicio de mesa, y un sinnúmero de casuales personalidades que me sería imposible enumerar.
Hyde era una de tantas esas personas, una chica especial que se me hacía especial, yo mismo la había seleccionado, y cada noche atendía un grupo de mesas en uno de los hoteles, y claro, ella era una más de mis empleadas, no una empleada directa, porque todos éramos empleados del directorio del complejo, pero ella estaba bajo mío en la cadena de mando y yo respondía por ella.
Ella es una chica joven, con un cutis exquisito, muy femenina, de cabellos lacios que corta a la altura de sus hombros, castaña por naturaleza, rubia por elección, ojos celestes, de estatura normal tirando a baja, donde sin duda sus pechos de generoso tamaño llamaban la atención. Una joven que sin duda me atraía y eso me llevaba a jugar con ella un peligroso juego de palabras, frases indirectas de seducción donde ella no solo era receptiva, sino que muchas veces me devolvía esas indirectas que hasta sonaban directas, con propuestas veladas y tenía ese trato que de haberlo deseado la hubiera llevado a la cama en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, Hyde sabía de mi relación con Azucena, cuanto la amaba y mi fidelidad hacia ella, pero poco le importaba, me miraba con hambre de loba y muchas veces prefería pasar por tonto solo por respeto a mi mujer.
Lo curioso, es que Azucena estaba al tanto de todo esto, mi relación con ella era tan firme que podía contarle cada detalle de mis coqueteos verbales con una de las empleadas sin que ella se molestase, por el contrario, hasta se sentía excitada y reía diciendo que tarde o temprano le metería los cuernos.
Bien, por qué cuento todo esto, que tendrá que ver mi perfecta historia de amor con mi esposa y una bella chica con la que vivía un juego dialéctico perverso, donde cada una era consciente de la existencia de la otra y donde cada una sabía qué lugar ocupaba en mi vida, el tema es que esas dos mujeres, se conocerían…
Dos años atrás Azucena y yo empezamos a buscar el embarazo, la situación nos tenía en una complicidad permanente, en especial ella, como futura madre vivía una plenitud sexual sin precedentes, además cumplíamos cinco años de matrimonio y decidimos tomarnos una velada íntima, ya saben, cena, arrumacos y cama.
En el complejo de hotelería siempre me obsequian algún que otro baucher, como atención, para disponer alguna noche de las mejores habitaciones, esas reservadas para millonarios, así que de común acuerdo decidimos que era el momento de utilizar uno.
Honestamente, mitad casualidad, ya que justo estaba disponible el hotel donde trabajaba Hyde, y mitad buscado, ya que me aseguré que ella estuviera de turno esa noche, además de tomar una de las mesas que ella atendía, apostando unas fichas a una situación que se me hacía excitante, imaginar que mi esposa, y la chica con quien yo jugaba se conocieran, no le dije nada a mi mujer, pero si la puse al tanto a Hyde, y le dije que especialmente esa noche ella estuviera a nuestra disposición.
Y partimos a esa cena especial, yo estaba informal, pero elegante, mi esposa se había recogido el cabello dejando su cuello desnudo, algo que me excitaba, un top suelto que le llegaba al ombligo y le disimulaba sus pechos pequeños, y un pantalón ancho color negro, con unos sensuales bolados a lo largo de sus piernas, que se ajustaba en su cola marcándola provocativamente, eso para ella era inevitable.
Llegamos en forma puntual, y como muchas veces, Hyde estaba expectante, con su uniforme reglamentario, solo que esta vez, esta vez me pareció más bonita que nunca, aunque todas vestían igual, ella lucía diferente al resto, discretamente maquillada, con su camisa blanca que marcaban sus grandes pechos, la acostumbrada chaqueta negra con pollera ajustada a media pierna, medias y zapatos al tono y el infaltable pañuelo rojo anudado al cuello en forma muy ‘de alto nivel’
Buenas noches Nery, todo está en orden – dijo ella al recibirme
Hola Hyde, Hyde, te presento a mi esposa, Azucena, mi amor, ella es Hyde, la chica de la que tanto te hablé – dije yo haciendo las presentaciones del caso
Hola Hyde, si, mi marido habla muy bien de vos, sabías? – retrucó mi mujer mientras se besaban las mejillas
The young woman lowered her gaze and it became evident that she was nervous, uncomfortable with our words, so she quickly led us to the table to get rid of the situation. We sat facing each other and minutes later my employee brought the menu, was polite, asked if everything was okay, made recommendations for the house, suggested a couple of wines, seemed like she was evaluating her work, but that wasn't my plan, I was really just evaluating my wife, who wasn't taking her eyes off me, listening to her with attention while caressing the lobe of one of her ears.
We ordered a wine, Hyde left and Azucena and I were alone, didn't waste time and started playing with the situation
My love, your employee is very beautiful, never told you she was so pretty...
Ha! Ha! - I laughed at her comment - Are you jealous? - I asked
Jealous of me? Ha! Should I be?
Ahh!!! Don't be silly, you want...
Hyde interrupted us, bringing the wine bottle, uncorked it and served me a glass, I told him it wasn't necessary, he was a simple type and things like that made me laugh, so he served both of us and took our orders
He left with the menus and we were alone again, my wife took the cup and took a sip, looked at me and went back to teasing
What breasts she has! Did you notice? You must have noticed, ha! how not to?
I just laughed, didn't think about following her game and led the conversation in another direction, we had been living together for five years, were projecting a pregnancy, and this was definitely a different night, I got tangled up with words and she started remembering things from our past, when we met, at that moment it seemed like a pedant to me, and I reminded her laughing that I would never have given him the position, but when he retired I couldn't help but fall in love with his ass and I swore it would be mine someday. She likes it very much, even today she likes it when I get hot over her butt.
We started throwing names at random, like future parents usually do, if I were a boy, if I were a girl, we were very affectionate when Hyde arrived at the table with the main plates, and foolishly looked at her breasts, it was a stupid thing to do on my part, it was just a reflexive act because of what my wife had said before and honestly it wasn't with the eyes of a desperate man, but the situation didn't go unnoticed by my wife, she never misses those details.
When my employee left the table wishing us a good appetite, I noticed that Azucena had returned to the previous topic...
Do you like... sure? You love her breasts... - she said with a direct shot –...
Are you going to start again? - I replied sharply because I was already getting annoyed by the situation...
Suddenly I felt one of my wife's feet between my legs, under the table, as in so many movie scenes, she began to discreetly squeeze my cock with her shoe while eating delicately without even looking at me, the situation was sexy for me, then she said quietly, not as a question but as a thrown remark...
It would be nice to see you suck her breasts, I even have the urge...
I looked at her fixedly in the eyes, but she was intentionally avoiding mine, and slowly we got into an atmosphere of sexual excitement, but she was playing with words about a supposed threesome that wouldn't happen because she knew very well that Azucena was a terribly jealous and possessive woman.
And so continued the evening, she talked, I just listened, and I had managed to wrap myself up in her words, I had my cock hard under the table and every time the young woman approached the table, my wife would burn her with a look, making her blush, and I was having fun in that innocent game she proposed.
I also knew something about my wife, she's one of those girls who only need to moisten their lips with alcohol to let loose, those who start laughing for no reason, who become uninhibited and turn into dangers at the point... leaving you in ridicule, and by one o'clock in the morning we had taken two medium-sized bottles of red wine and were finishing up with champagne, and as was to be expected, I had lost my grip on sanity, the situation had stopped being funny and become uncomfortably burlesque, so I decided it was time to head to our bedroom.
We stopped and Azucena stumbled clumsily until she fell all over me in my arms, if I hadn't been in her way she would have ended up on the floor, Hyde watched the ridiculous scene without saying a word, my wife couldn't take another step after that and knew there was a mix of alcohol and theatrical acting going on. The twenty floors between the ground floor where the dining room was located and the rooftop where our bedroom was, were too long to carry her up, so I gently asked my employee for help getting out of this uncomfortable situation.
I dragged Azucena to the elevator a little reluctantly, I remember being annoyed with her at that moment because I knew she was only trying to get attention without caring or remembering that, although it was an intimate dinner, this dinner was taking place in the very heart of my workplace, where I had an image and reputation to protect.
Hyde was the first to enter the glass-enclosed room, and we followed behind her, pressed the button for our floor and stood to one side, in silence, visibly uncomfortable, my wife threw herself onto my shoulders and kissed me deeply and said...
Papi... you're so handsome... I have a pussy burning because of your fault...
Enough, Azucena! - I rebuked her nervously and annoyed -
Then I looked at my employee and told her:
Excuse us, please, don't mind it...
My wife was then the one who looked at my employee and said:
And you're a slut... did you screw my husband? You must be warming up his cock when I'm not around... They say the truth' and I was checking that saying in my own flesh, she spoke again. But look at those tits you have, daughter of a slut! If even I get hot and I'd like to suck them all... CONTINUARA If you are 18 or older, you can write me with title A LUCKY MAN at
Como siempre, podes escribirnos a, te leemos
Hola! me presento, mi nombre es Nery, treinta años, y les narraré el motivo por el cual me considero un hombre afortunado.
Actualmente estoy en pareja, felizmente enamorado, Azucena, mi bella esposa cursa el sexto mes de embarazo, en su vientre lleva la semilla de amor que yo le dejé, mi pequeña niña que espero con toda la alegría de mi corazón.
Ella es una mujer increíble, no tenemos problemas, somo tal para cual, todo hacemos de común acuerdo, ella sabe todos mis secretos, yo sé todos los suyos. Azucena es una mujer hermosa, alta, morena de largos y sexis cabellos, ojos oscuros como la noche, de bonito rostro, labios de fuego, una boca grande y llamativas que fue lo que siempre me atrajo de ella, tiene unos labios especiales, que invitan a pecar, de curvas delicadas, pechos pequeños y trasero llamativo, nos habíamos conocido en una entrevista de trabajo, ella se postulaba por una vacante y yo era el que seleccionaba las postulantes, cosas del destino, ella no dio el target para lo que buscábamos, pero si para llenar mi corazón.
Y hablando de mi trabajo, tampoco me puedo quejar, hago lo que me gusta y me pagan muy bien por ello, me desempeño en una cadena hotelera nacional y soy el responsable por los servicios de gastronomía, digamos que soy como un inspector, viajo de uno a otro y estoy pendiente de los alimentos, del servicio, del personal, todo ese ambiente, si eso estaba bien, mis superiores estaban bien, y si ellos estaban bien, yo estaba bien.
Imaginen que viajar de hotel en hotel me llevó a conocer mucha gente, contactos de administración, cocineros, personal de servicio de mesa, y un sinnúmero de casuales personalidades que me sería imposible enumerar.
Hyde era una de tantas esas personas, una chica especial que se me hacía especial, yo mismo la había seleccionado, y cada noche atendía un grupo de mesas en uno de los hoteles, y claro, ella era una más de mis empleadas, no una empleada directa, porque todos éramos empleados del directorio del complejo, pero ella estaba bajo mío en la cadena de mando y yo respondía por ella.
Ella es una chica joven, con un cutis exquisito, muy femenina, de cabellos lacios que corta a la altura de sus hombros, castaña por naturaleza, rubia por elección, ojos celestes, de estatura normal tirando a baja, donde sin duda sus pechos de generoso tamaño llamaban la atención. Una joven que sin duda me atraía y eso me llevaba a jugar con ella un peligroso juego de palabras, frases indirectas de seducción donde ella no solo era receptiva, sino que muchas veces me devolvía esas indirectas que hasta sonaban directas, con propuestas veladas y tenía ese trato que de haberlo deseado la hubiera llevado a la cama en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, Hyde sabía de mi relación con Azucena, cuanto la amaba y mi fidelidad hacia ella, pero poco le importaba, me miraba con hambre de loba y muchas veces prefería pasar por tonto solo por respeto a mi mujer.
Lo curioso, es que Azucena estaba al tanto de todo esto, mi relación con ella era tan firme que podía contarle cada detalle de mis coqueteos verbales con una de las empleadas sin que ella se molestase, por el contrario, hasta se sentía excitada y reía diciendo que tarde o temprano le metería los cuernos.
Bien, por qué cuento todo esto, que tendrá que ver mi perfecta historia de amor con mi esposa y una bella chica con la que vivía un juego dialéctico perverso, donde cada una era consciente de la existencia de la otra y donde cada una sabía qué lugar ocupaba en mi vida, el tema es que esas dos mujeres, se conocerían…
Dos años atrás Azucena y yo empezamos a buscar el embarazo, la situación nos tenía en una complicidad permanente, en especial ella, como futura madre vivía una plenitud sexual sin precedentes, además cumplíamos cinco años de matrimonio y decidimos tomarnos una velada íntima, ya saben, cena, arrumacos y cama.
En el complejo de hotelería siempre me obsequian algún que otro baucher, como atención, para disponer alguna noche de las mejores habitaciones, esas reservadas para millonarios, así que de común acuerdo decidimos que era el momento de utilizar uno.
Honestamente, mitad casualidad, ya que justo estaba disponible el hotel donde trabajaba Hyde, y mitad buscado, ya que me aseguré que ella estuviera de turno esa noche, además de tomar una de las mesas que ella atendía, apostando unas fichas a una situación que se me hacía excitante, imaginar que mi esposa, y la chica con quien yo jugaba se conocieran, no le dije nada a mi mujer, pero si la puse al tanto a Hyde, y le dije que especialmente esa noche ella estuviera a nuestra disposición.
Y partimos a esa cena especial, yo estaba informal, pero elegante, mi esposa se había recogido el cabello dejando su cuello desnudo, algo que me excitaba, un top suelto que le llegaba al ombligo y le disimulaba sus pechos pequeños, y un pantalón ancho color negro, con unos sensuales bolados a lo largo de sus piernas, que se ajustaba en su cola marcándola provocativamente, eso para ella era inevitable.
Llegamos en forma puntual, y como muchas veces, Hyde estaba expectante, con su uniforme reglamentario, solo que esta vez, esta vez me pareció más bonita que nunca, aunque todas vestían igual, ella lucía diferente al resto, discretamente maquillada, con su camisa blanca que marcaban sus grandes pechos, la acostumbrada chaqueta negra con pollera ajustada a media pierna, medias y zapatos al tono y el infaltable pañuelo rojo anudado al cuello en forma muy ‘de alto nivel’
Buenas noches Nery, todo está en orden – dijo ella al recibirme
Hola Hyde, Hyde, te presento a mi esposa, Azucena, mi amor, ella es Hyde, la chica de la que tanto te hablé – dije yo haciendo las presentaciones del caso
Hola Hyde, si, mi marido habla muy bien de vos, sabías? – retrucó mi mujer mientras se besaban las mejillas
The young woman lowered her gaze and it became evident that she was nervous, uncomfortable with our words, so she quickly led us to the table to get rid of the situation. We sat facing each other and minutes later my employee brought the menu, was polite, asked if everything was okay, made recommendations for the house, suggested a couple of wines, seemed like she was evaluating her work, but that wasn't my plan, I was really just evaluating my wife, who wasn't taking her eyes off me, listening to her with attention while caressing the lobe of one of her ears.
We ordered a wine, Hyde left and Azucena and I were alone, didn't waste time and started playing with the situation
My love, your employee is very beautiful, never told you she was so pretty...
Ha! Ha! - I laughed at her comment - Are you jealous? - I asked
Jealous of me? Ha! Should I be?
Ahh!!! Don't be silly, you want...
Hyde interrupted us, bringing the wine bottle, uncorked it and served me a glass, I told him it wasn't necessary, he was a simple type and things like that made me laugh, so he served both of us and took our orders
He left with the menus and we were alone again, my wife took the cup and took a sip, looked at me and went back to teasing
What breasts she has! Did you notice? You must have noticed, ha! how not to?
I just laughed, didn't think about following her game and led the conversation in another direction, we had been living together for five years, were projecting a pregnancy, and this was definitely a different night, I got tangled up with words and she started remembering things from our past, when we met, at that moment it seemed like a pedant to me, and I reminded her laughing that I would never have given him the position, but when he retired I couldn't help but fall in love with his ass and I swore it would be mine someday. She likes it very much, even today she likes it when I get hot over her butt.
We started throwing names at random, like future parents usually do, if I were a boy, if I were a girl, we were very affectionate when Hyde arrived at the table with the main plates, and foolishly looked at her breasts, it was a stupid thing to do on my part, it was just a reflexive act because of what my wife had said before and honestly it wasn't with the eyes of a desperate man, but the situation didn't go unnoticed by my wife, she never misses those details.
When my employee left the table wishing us a good appetite, I noticed that Azucena had returned to the previous topic...
Do you like... sure? You love her breasts... - she said with a direct shot –...
Are you going to start again? - I replied sharply because I was already getting annoyed by the situation...
Suddenly I felt one of my wife's feet between my legs, under the table, as in so many movie scenes, she began to discreetly squeeze my cock with her shoe while eating delicately without even looking at me, the situation was sexy for me, then she said quietly, not as a question but as a thrown remark...
It would be nice to see you suck her breasts, I even have the urge...
I looked at her fixedly in the eyes, but she was intentionally avoiding mine, and slowly we got into an atmosphere of sexual excitement, but she was playing with words about a supposed threesome that wouldn't happen because she knew very well that Azucena was a terribly jealous and possessive woman.
And so continued the evening, she talked, I just listened, and I had managed to wrap myself up in her words, I had my cock hard under the table and every time the young woman approached the table, my wife would burn her with a look, making her blush, and I was having fun in that innocent game she proposed.
I also knew something about my wife, she's one of those girls who only need to moisten their lips with alcohol to let loose, those who start laughing for no reason, who become uninhibited and turn into dangers at the point... leaving you in ridicule, and by one o'clock in the morning we had taken two medium-sized bottles of red wine and were finishing up with champagne, and as was to be expected, I had lost my grip on sanity, the situation had stopped being funny and become uncomfortably burlesque, so I decided it was time to head to our bedroom.
We stopped and Azucena stumbled clumsily until she fell all over me in my arms, if I hadn't been in her way she would have ended up on the floor, Hyde watched the ridiculous scene without saying a word, my wife couldn't take another step after that and knew there was a mix of alcohol and theatrical acting going on. The twenty floors between the ground floor where the dining room was located and the rooftop where our bedroom was, were too long to carry her up, so I gently asked my employee for help getting out of this uncomfortable situation.
I dragged Azucena to the elevator a little reluctantly, I remember being annoyed with her at that moment because I knew she was only trying to get attention without caring or remembering that, although it was an intimate dinner, this dinner was taking place in the very heart of my workplace, where I had an image and reputation to protect.
Hyde was the first to enter the glass-enclosed room, and we followed behind her, pressed the button for our floor and stood to one side, in silence, visibly uncomfortable, my wife threw herself onto my shoulders and kissed me deeply and said...
Papi... you're so handsome... I have a pussy burning because of your fault...
Enough, Azucena! - I rebuked her nervously and annoyed -
Then I looked at my employee and told her:
Excuse us, please, don't mind it...
My wife was then the one who looked at my employee and said:
And you're a slut... did you screw my husband? You must be warming up his cock when I'm not around... They say the truth' and I was checking that saying in my own flesh, she spoke again. But look at those tits you have, daughter of a slut! If even I get hot and I'd like to suck them all... CONTINUARA If you are 18 or older, you can write me with title A LUCKY MAN at
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