Chapter 8: Love in the Afternoon, Something Isn't Letting Me Relax PART 1
- Ah, morning, I woke up at 10 quite relaxed, the smell of some medialunas
Home-made food took me straight to the kitchen, (grandmothers have, I don't know what, how to say it, their hands are magical and make a meal that fills you with its smell)
- following this, health and I recall that I didn't go to the bathroom, already changed
I went to the living room, having some mates with medialuna, while they were showing something on TV.
Supermatch, who hasn't seen this kid's program, while all that was going on - my grandma commented
The little one will stay until Monday
S- if grandma, you told me we're going to the bank on Monday, wait for the papers
In a safe, he took the train to Padua from there
What are you going to do with the box, leave it here or take it with you?
I'd rather leave it here grandma if I need to, I'll come back to look for money here
There's no better safe spot than here, I'm sure it'll take a bundle for me to have
I got a nice gift from the girls who live there, so I have it with me
L-after we finish I'll show you something so you can hide the box or whatever you want,
Shut up more surprise dad, so you're going to give me a blow job.
After finishing, he took me to the goalposts that were in the center, where the scoreboards had a false bottom, they had two identical ones, one was my grandmother's
And the other one was out of use, I had installed it years ago, he showed me how to open it and set the 6-digit password, he showed me the key and continued to store the box there, in one of the drawers I also had a false bottom, it was mostly for storing flat things, I decided to put one of the keys there, the other I gave to my grandmother, by this time it was already noon, my grandmother would visit one of her closest friends, I went down with her and we said goodbye at the door, I didn't see the gang nearby and thought that...
It was early to go through Sofia's thing, in the distance I saw the Hypermarket JUMBO's mini, I ran a bit to reach it,
Epilogue. -For those who don't know Hypermarket Jumbo, it was the first of many chains currently in Buenos Aires, federal capital, Almirante Brown Park, at that time, the supermarket had buses that went to different neighborhoods, with 4 branches, General Sabio (Lugano) neighborhood, Samore and Copello neighborhood.
Neighborhood Piedrabuena and Flowers Square, at that moment it was a boom, had great variety and at that time it was expanding, it had stores, Nike, Reebok,
Cheerio, Lewis and Adidas, and the best place to eatPamper Me)
On the bus, the trip was short, I decided to go buy some shoes, they needed a change, I bought some black Nike, something simple, the flashy stuff wasn't with me
buy a shirt that I like in white with black details, a belt and a black pants type of dress, once I finish buying, Eugenia, Leo's mom, would leave the supermarket
Hi Mrs. Sanches
EUG - hi Sergio, how are you
It's going well, doing some shopping by luck.
EUG - what a good thing, but you can call me by my nickname, it makes me feel older haha
- Honestly, she's very beautiful and under all that loose clothing, she must be
Hide a beautiful figure
Be please you are in full youth
What does little boy say?
It's true, let's change the subject, it seems like I'm flirting
a laugh from both -
It fell well with my husband, you had a lot of courage to talk to him, most
runs away or prefers not to confront it, but you stood up and spoke to him like a man to a man
It's the only way I found, to what was approaching, when I saw it coming.
I should be the one clarifying the situation as the protagonist.
You'll be a great man
That's what I'm sure of - my grandmother, who practically raised and taught me everything, told me.
EUG - what a great grandma, maybe I'll know her
Luisa Carreras is an excellent grandmother
If I knew her, my mom worked with her at the esparto grass factory, my mother died some time ago, her name was María Sánchez and after that I never saw her again,
I'm going to tell him that I knew Maria S.'s daughter, I think he'll be very happy about it.
EUG - of course yes, you know where I live
I'll tell him, where Leonardo is at - I said it with regret, I knew I had lost control
EUG - he's fine, but after that, he wasn't there either when his father picked him up this morning, not just him, Walter took what was his too, I taught him values, respect, but it seems like everything was in vain, Leonardo was punished, but Walter insisted so much that we let him go under his care, Walter told us that he had insisted so much on the brother, because he told another story about what happened a week ago and knew there was a tribute to you at the club, that's why he decided to cover it up and now he's very remorseful
I don't have resentment against either of them and I'm not going to go looking for it, I prefer to avoid violence, it's not because I'm a coward, I think dialogue is better for resolving a problem,
EUG - you knew words boy, by chance did you speak with Sofia's parents
I'll be doing it this afternoon, but don't worry, there won't be retaliation
EUG - thanks Sergio, you're adorable and very kind, I hope the next time is much better the meeting, I'm leaving because the mini bus is about to leave for back, goodbye boy
EUG - goodbye Eugenia, a pleasure chatting with you
- I stayed looking at her for a moment, she turned her head, with a smile and flushed cheeks, it seems like I hit it off well with her, I didn't think anything weird in that moment
Hunger attacked and I went to the pub, I ordered the MOBUR combo, one of my favorites
When I was settling in to lunch, I saw Victoria's head appear from the hallway with two boys, one of whom was her brother, and the other I didn't know. The one walking beside Victoria was very affectionate, he was also blonde like her. I followed them with my gaze, something wasn't right there, I followed them until she turned around.
He looked at me as if I were a ghost, made a strange movement and pushed the person accompanying her, approached my brother and said something, suddenly they disappeared
From scene, she approached me with a face of concern, with fear.
V- hello Sergio,- with certain nervousness
S- hello Victoria, what surprise finding you here, without the company of my friend
- I stutter a bit, looking for an explanation, before I say anything
Look Victoria for a long time rogue don't turn back and in less than 2 days
I curse you, and because of fate you're the girlfriend of my best friend, and above all that, you're intimate friends with Yamila, the girl I love most. If it hadn't been for these two days, honestly nothing about what you do with your life would have mattered to me,- I looked at her attentively, but now it does matter, one because of Emiliano and Yamila don't think you'll mess around with Emiliano, something I won't allow, this time I won't say anything, but it's better if you start doing things right with him, if you truly want him,- she nodded her head, it's up to you what you decide from now on, your relationship with Emiliano
If Sergio, I don't know how to thank your silence
It's not silence, it's an opportunity to screw you up, and if there's something you can do
Tell me what you want, I look at you with a weird face, but I don't like it.
The only thing you have to do and I know you won't like it is to get along well with me, I think I don't need to tell you why, - because it seemed to me that if I said you would have sex with me, you would do it without complaining
If I think it's going to be better this way, then let's get along well
I don't think I have anything else to say.
Wait for me a second now I'm coming back
- came running and went back at the rate
V- good I think this is a good opportunity, to get to know each other better
S - yes I think if so, it would be a good idea for us to understand each other better
If you're right, we'll make it closer than ever now
S- if what you say is correct, you're hungry, I'll invite you to eat
Well, if thanks, -the combo told me that he wanted it, and that I shouldn't have this and the other thing
A bit complicated girl, then I went back and I asked for another burger more
We're talking about each other's tastes and the truth is that we're incompatible in many aspects, in terms of thinking and daily life, some things, but we try to reach an agreement to avoid confrontation. - Lunch was exquisite, obviously it's the pump-up nice one. - It was already 2 pm so I decided to head back.
I enjoy the chat and I'm glad we can reach an agreement.
If so, I also like being able to reach an agreement
We headed to the bus stop to take the bus to Lugano, we sat in back, while talking about something else, at a moment during the ride he placed his hand on my thigh and massaged me with his fingers, I didn't say anything to see if he realized what he was doing, when entering the neighborhood she got off at the first stop, I greeted her with a kiss near the corner of my lips, looked at her with annoyance, but she didn't notice my gaze.
I saw her brother waiting for her at the building entrance, I think she was accompanied by her mother and that little boy, it seemed like the mother was giving him a sign, pointing to the boy, the bus hadn't started yet and the mother looked at the bus, saw me watching, the bus took off and arrived at my destination, I got off and crossed the street, when I arrived I saw Sofia ringing my doorbell, she had with her my clothes that I gave her yesterday
If you're looking for your guardian angel, I'll always be on your back
She turned around and jumped on top of me, hugging me around the neck, her legs wrapped around my waist and she gave me a big kiss on the mouth, I couldn't hold onto her my hands were busy, finally she let go - and said to me
SOFIA thought you had forgotten to stop by the house
Don't forget about me, I went shopping, I wanted to spend time afterwards after lunch
SOFIA - we were waiting for you to lunch, I told my parents that you wanted to talk to them, I called your house but nothing, thought you had forgotten
How dare you think I'll forget that, it offends me beautiful
SOFIA - forgive my angel, don't get angry, what can I do for you to forgive me
He looked at me with a tender face, I pitied her
If there's something you can do, come with me upstairs, I'll leave this and we'll go to your house - don't know why, this wasn't a good idea
- we went up, I offered her something to drink, told her I'd be waiting for her in the living room while I put things away in the closet, decided to change my clothes - major mistake
When I was about to put on my sweater, I had my back to the door
SOFIA - my angel won't have wings, but it has a very appetizing backside
Hand it over to me alone, I'll spin around, look at her and from her eyes came lust, biting her lips, she looked down - in that moment I realized I was wearing boxers
She entered the room, closed the door and put the key away, walked and very sensually unbuttoned her blouse, pulling out her tank top and leaving her incredible breasts visible, well-placed in their spot, large to see. She gave a half-turn, lowering her jeans pants and leaving her great butt visible, God this is going to drive me crazy, her set was white with flaps, her thong clung to that Booty, I frozen, like an idiot, staring without reason, until I spoke.
SOFIA - was coming undressed, today you'll be mine
I walked hypnotized towards the bed, I reclined on it and came up on top of mine
How he kissed me, luxury drips from his mouth,
SOFIA - I'm going to mark your skin so you always remember me
- Kissed me all down the neck, it was slowly going down giving me kisses, with his hand touching my bulge that was about to explode,
SOFIA - oh look what I found here, just as I expected this moment,
I grabbed my boxers with my teeth and slowly pulled them down,- it was so hard that when I came out, I hit his face,
SOFIA - which lasted this and is big, - finished removing my boxers,
- He looked at my eyes and started sucking it, his tongue moved with total freedom, he looked at my eyes, in a moment he introduced all of my penis into her mouth, I saw how she was choking, I got scared and lifted her up,
SOFIA - if yes don't worry about it, what men like that too
He never had it done to him before, but if you're going to suck it, I want you to enjoy it
SOFIA - you're the first one who asks for something like this
He looked at my eyes, and started sucking back slowly, enjoying every inch of my cock, he was touching my balls, squeezing them, I couldn't take it much longer and let her know, she quickened the pace even more, opened her mouth expecting her treat, three powerful shots came out of her mouth, then she swallowed what was left, sat up, showed me her mouth like she had swallowed it, she licked
and he said
SOFIA - how yummy and sweet is your cum my love
It would have pleased you a lot, I'd incorporate myself and kiss her, it wouldn't matter if I still had come, she was surprised by my kiss
SOFIA - nobody had kissed me after I had sucked him
I'd do it with your juices and mine together.
Get ready because now, it's your turn to enjoy yourself
Take off your thong, open your legs, your closed pussy with plump lips and hair, I headed to lick it, one hand stopped me, I looked at her and she told me...
SOFIA - what are you doing, I'm looking at you confused
They never sucked your pussy
SOFIA - the truth is no, I asked sometimes but they refused to do it,
What kind of boys did you choose, now enjoy and get ready because you're going to have orgasm after orgasm, his face is indescribable
lowered myself kissing her interior, her aroma of excitement attracted me and my instincts were activated, I kissed her lips, deployed my tongue and started playing, her clitoris came out in search of me, I kissed it, squeezed it and rubbed it with my tongue at great speed, her moans increased
What are you doing to me, Sofía?
SOFIA - how delicious that's pleasant, I feel like I'm in heaven
SOFIA - because she takes so long in surrendering to you
- his orgasm was approaching his flows were coming out at high speed
SOFIA - oh God I'm coming, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Her hip was moving, had a great orgasm.
SOFIA - come my angel, kiss me
I climbed up to her mouth, I kiss her, move my tongue all over my face, savoring her orgasm, my cock is already erect
SOFIA - make love please, I love you inside me, teach me paradise
Put on a condom, put it in, lift my legs, lean against its entrance
And slowly I was putting it in until I hit the top, started moving up and down, a smooth meta and out, he was kissing my neck, he was kissing my mouth,
From her mouth came a divine melody of moans that drive me crazy, she asked for more quickly, her orgasm was arriving, she asked for more and more, don't stop, her orgasm was imminent, I wrapped my legs around hers, and her orgasm arrived.
SOFIA - by God it can't be this tasty, I just discovered heaven
,- her legs set me free, I let her rest
- opened my eyes, he kissed me and turned me over, he mounted me on top of him,
SOFIA - now I'm going to ride my angel
- sat down with one and a sigh escaped her mouth, - aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
He started his movement, he does it very well, look at his breasts, which were calling to be eaten, unbutton his bodice, and with my hands massage his nipples hard
They called me, I was attracted to him, I ate those breasts were hard, tumescent, I didn't stop moaning and more when I ate his tits.
SOFIA - follow my love, if you make them, my breasts will only be yours, my body is only yours,- her ride accelerated and along with her orgasm, I got everything wet on her pubis with her run, it trembled before the better orgasm,
SOFIA - I can't believe you got me to have 3 orgasms, you're incredible,
When someone is with me, the woman has to enjoy herself, we both have to enjoy ourselves, he bends down and kisses me tenderly.
SOFIA - you still haven't finished my love,
turned her face up for me to come on top of her pointing my penis towards her breasts, she saw my intention, started licking one and with the other hand searched for her clitoris - she was still sensitive so her orgasm would be arriving soon
SOFIA - ahhhh my love aaahhh keep it for God
SOFIA - give me a blow job, I want it I want it ah ah aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaahhh, if my love
,- her orgasm came again, and three shots came out one in his mouth and the other two
I rested on his chest, his breathing was agitated,
SOFIA - I can't take it anymore, she said looking at my eyes,
- put my hand in her pussy again, pick up with her come on fingers and me
I took it to the mouth tasting so tasty treat, put my hand in again, picked up some of my semen from her chest and took it to the mouth, tasted them as if they were the most tasty treat I had ever tasted,- I approached her and kissed her with passion, hugged her not letting go.
SOFIA - I've never had sex like this before, you're incredible
SER - thanks heart, we take a bath and go to your house.
SOFIA - after this, I have a desire to do it again
It would be nice for me, my grandmother could fall asleep at any moment and your parents will be waiting
- we head to the bathroom, wash each other mutually, amidst caresses and kisses, dry our hair well, and exit onto the street, chatting about what
It happened in my room - she was hanging from my arm.
Hey Sofia, I loved what happened today and I'm not going to deny it, you've always liked me.
And I feel things for you, never had the courage to face you and tell you so, I saw you with those big guys and saw that I didn't have the slightest chance, but this week, after saving you, I saw that you weren't as unreachable, maybe you clung to me by
having saved myself from the danger of idiots and incompetent ones, they see you as an object, whereas I always saw you as a woman, with feelings, I don't want to create false illusions for you, nor would I forgive myself, neither do I want competition like it was a trophy, you know that I like another girl and both showed me that they are excellent women, you will always have me,- sofia looked at me with tearful eyes
They weren't of sadness, they were of happiness
SOFIA - you're more than an angel, I feel so stupid, that I never could look at you like you really are, I don't know if one day you'll be able to love me or if we'll make a couple, I'll wait because no one will ever equal you, I'll respect your decision, but I want you to promise me something, that you'll never abandon me, that you'll always hold on to me, no matter what fate has in store for us, whether we're together or not, all I ask is that you let me be a part of your life forever
I promise you, take your hand to my heart,
I promise you that no matter what happens, wherever I am, you are part of my life, now and forever
SOFIA - thanks my angel, I love you, - she gave me a little nip and we entered the building
In the elevator, he couldn't help but give me a kiss - I smiled at him
, what would he be doing when we're alone, taking advantage of every moment to kiss me, and I
in theory he was still single,
- Let's go in and say hello to the parents, his brother showed up late,
Speak with them with respect to what happened, I had also spoken with their parents about how I didn't agree with what their son had done, that they were going to send him to therapy because something was off, their parents thanked me not only for intervening but also for my bravery, since there are few boys like me.
It could be, thanks, he only acted as it should be, with his brain and not with his fists
FACU - that's a lie you used your fists, haha
If it's true, you, your dad, or any man, if they had seen what I saw
Fists are little what they would use
PAPÁ DE SOFÍA - it's true he has reason, but he had the courage to face the father alone, with words and reasoning, he could understand what was happening and look, Carlos is big, you have to face him
Mama of Sofia - daughter, a boy like him you should pay attention to and not those losers
,- Sofia and I turned red, like a tomato
SOFIA'S DAD - Don't tell me you're ashamed of the flattery, boy
It's true that it is if I stayed thinking - I never asked them their names
Hahaha, we're leaving to laugh,
PAPA of SOFIA - Roberto Diaz and my wife Sandra Diaz
- we laughed together again -
I left with the promise of coming to lunch, I said goodbye to Sofia with a kiss on the mouth that lasted for several minutes, once in the street I went to the corner to see the guys, saw Yamila talking to Nadia, I approached silently, placed myself behind the column, and when I was about to
to surprise her when I hear something that made me stop.
Chapter 8: Love in the Afternoon, Something Isn't Letting Me Relax PART 1
- Ah, morning, I woke up at 10 quite relaxed, the smell of some medialunas
Home-made food took me straight to the kitchen, (grandmothers have, I don't know what, how to say it, their hands are magical and make a meal that fills you with its smell)
- following this, health and I recall that I didn't go to the bathroom, already changed
I went to the living room, having some mates with medialuna, while they were showing something on TV.
Supermatch, who hasn't seen this kid's program, while all that was going on - my grandma commented
The little one will stay until Monday
S- if grandma, you told me we're going to the bank on Monday, wait for the papers
In a safe, he took the train to Padua from there
What are you going to do with the box, leave it here or take it with you?
I'd rather leave it here grandma if I need to, I'll come back to look for money here
There's no better safe spot than here, I'm sure it'll take a bundle for me to have
I got a nice gift from the girls who live there, so I have it with me
L-after we finish I'll show you something so you can hide the box or whatever you want,
Shut up more surprise dad, so you're going to give me a blow job.
After finishing, he took me to the goalposts that were in the center, where the scoreboards had a false bottom, they had two identical ones, one was my grandmother's
And the other one was out of use, I had installed it years ago, he showed me how to open it and set the 6-digit password, he showed me the key and continued to store the box there, in one of the drawers I also had a false bottom, it was mostly for storing flat things, I decided to put one of the keys there, the other I gave to my grandmother, by this time it was already noon, my grandmother would visit one of her closest friends, I went down with her and we said goodbye at the door, I didn't see the gang nearby and thought that...
It was early to go through Sofia's thing, in the distance I saw the Hypermarket JUMBO's mini, I ran a bit to reach it,
Epilogue. -For those who don't know Hypermarket Jumbo, it was the first of many chains currently in Buenos Aires, federal capital, Almirante Brown Park, at that time, the supermarket had buses that went to different neighborhoods, with 4 branches, General Sabio (Lugano) neighborhood, Samore and Copello neighborhood.
Neighborhood Piedrabuena and Flowers Square, at that moment it was a boom, had great variety and at that time it was expanding, it had stores, Nike, Reebok,
Cheerio, Lewis and Adidas, and the best place to eatPamper Me)
On the bus, the trip was short, I decided to go buy some shoes, they needed a change, I bought some black Nike, something simple, the flashy stuff wasn't with me
buy a shirt that I like in white with black details, a belt and a black pants type of dress, once I finish buying, Eugenia, Leo's mom, would leave the supermarket
Hi Mrs. Sanches
EUG - hi Sergio, how are you
It's going well, doing some shopping by luck.
EUG - what a good thing, but you can call me by my nickname, it makes me feel older haha
- Honestly, she's very beautiful and under all that loose clothing, she must be
Hide a beautiful figure
Be please you are in full youth
What does little boy say?
It's true, let's change the subject, it seems like I'm flirting
a laugh from both -
It fell well with my husband, you had a lot of courage to talk to him, most
runs away or prefers not to confront it, but you stood up and spoke to him like a man to a man
It's the only way I found, to what was approaching, when I saw it coming.
I should be the one clarifying the situation as the protagonist.
You'll be a great man
That's what I'm sure of - my grandmother, who practically raised and taught me everything, told me.
EUG - what a great grandma, maybe I'll know her
Luisa Carreras is an excellent grandmother
If I knew her, my mom worked with her at the esparto grass factory, my mother died some time ago, her name was María Sánchez and after that I never saw her again,
I'm going to tell him that I knew Maria S.'s daughter, I think he'll be very happy about it.
EUG - of course yes, you know where I live
I'll tell him, where Leonardo is at - I said it with regret, I knew I had lost control
EUG - he's fine, but after that, he wasn't there either when his father picked him up this morning, not just him, Walter took what was his too, I taught him values, respect, but it seems like everything was in vain, Leonardo was punished, but Walter insisted so much that we let him go under his care, Walter told us that he had insisted so much on the brother, because he told another story about what happened a week ago and knew there was a tribute to you at the club, that's why he decided to cover it up and now he's very remorseful
I don't have resentment against either of them and I'm not going to go looking for it, I prefer to avoid violence, it's not because I'm a coward, I think dialogue is better for resolving a problem,
EUG - you knew words boy, by chance did you speak with Sofia's parents
I'll be doing it this afternoon, but don't worry, there won't be retaliation
EUG - thanks Sergio, you're adorable and very kind, I hope the next time is much better the meeting, I'm leaving because the mini bus is about to leave for back, goodbye boy
EUG - goodbye Eugenia, a pleasure chatting with you
- I stayed looking at her for a moment, she turned her head, with a smile and flushed cheeks, it seems like I hit it off well with her, I didn't think anything weird in that moment
Hunger attacked and I went to the pub, I ordered the MOBUR combo, one of my favorites
When I was settling in to lunch, I saw Victoria's head appear from the hallway with two boys, one of whom was her brother, and the other I didn't know. The one walking beside Victoria was very affectionate, he was also blonde like her. I followed them with my gaze, something wasn't right there, I followed them until she turned around.
He looked at me as if I were a ghost, made a strange movement and pushed the person accompanying her, approached my brother and said something, suddenly they disappeared
From scene, she approached me with a face of concern, with fear.
V- hello Sergio,- with certain nervousness
S- hello Victoria, what surprise finding you here, without the company of my friend
- I stutter a bit, looking for an explanation, before I say anything
Look Victoria for a long time rogue don't turn back and in less than 2 days
I curse you, and because of fate you're the girlfriend of my best friend, and above all that, you're intimate friends with Yamila, the girl I love most. If it hadn't been for these two days, honestly nothing about what you do with your life would have mattered to me,- I looked at her attentively, but now it does matter, one because of Emiliano and Yamila don't think you'll mess around with Emiliano, something I won't allow, this time I won't say anything, but it's better if you start doing things right with him, if you truly want him,- she nodded her head, it's up to you what you decide from now on, your relationship with Emiliano
If Sergio, I don't know how to thank your silence
It's not silence, it's an opportunity to screw you up, and if there's something you can do
Tell me what you want, I look at you with a weird face, but I don't like it.
The only thing you have to do and I know you won't like it is to get along well with me, I think I don't need to tell you why, - because it seemed to me that if I said you would have sex with me, you would do it without complaining
If I think it's going to be better this way, then let's get along well
I don't think I have anything else to say.
Wait for me a second now I'm coming back
- came running and went back at the rate
V- good I think this is a good opportunity, to get to know each other better
S - yes I think if so, it would be a good idea for us to understand each other better
If you're right, we'll make it closer than ever now
S- if what you say is correct, you're hungry, I'll invite you to eat
Well, if thanks, -the combo told me that he wanted it, and that I shouldn't have this and the other thing
A bit complicated girl, then I went back and I asked for another burger more
We're talking about each other's tastes and the truth is that we're incompatible in many aspects, in terms of thinking and daily life, some things, but we try to reach an agreement to avoid confrontation. - Lunch was exquisite, obviously it's the pump-up nice one. - It was already 2 pm so I decided to head back.
I enjoy the chat and I'm glad we can reach an agreement.
If so, I also like being able to reach an agreement
We headed to the bus stop to take the bus to Lugano, we sat in back, while talking about something else, at a moment during the ride he placed his hand on my thigh and massaged me with his fingers, I didn't say anything to see if he realized what he was doing, when entering the neighborhood she got off at the first stop, I greeted her with a kiss near the corner of my lips, looked at her with annoyance, but she didn't notice my gaze.
I saw her brother waiting for her at the building entrance, I think she was accompanied by her mother and that little boy, it seemed like the mother was giving him a sign, pointing to the boy, the bus hadn't started yet and the mother looked at the bus, saw me watching, the bus took off and arrived at my destination, I got off and crossed the street, when I arrived I saw Sofia ringing my doorbell, she had with her my clothes that I gave her yesterday
If you're looking for your guardian angel, I'll always be on your back
She turned around and jumped on top of me, hugging me around the neck, her legs wrapped around my waist and she gave me a big kiss on the mouth, I couldn't hold onto her my hands were busy, finally she let go - and said to me
SOFIA thought you had forgotten to stop by the house
Don't forget about me, I went shopping, I wanted to spend time afterwards after lunch
SOFIA - we were waiting for you to lunch, I told my parents that you wanted to talk to them, I called your house but nothing, thought you had forgotten
How dare you think I'll forget that, it offends me beautiful
SOFIA - forgive my angel, don't get angry, what can I do for you to forgive me
He looked at me with a tender face, I pitied her
If there's something you can do, come with me upstairs, I'll leave this and we'll go to your house - don't know why, this wasn't a good idea
- we went up, I offered her something to drink, told her I'd be waiting for her in the living room while I put things away in the closet, decided to change my clothes - major mistake
When I was about to put on my sweater, I had my back to the door
SOFIA - my angel won't have wings, but it has a very appetizing backside
Hand it over to me alone, I'll spin around, look at her and from her eyes came lust, biting her lips, she looked down - in that moment I realized I was wearing boxers
She entered the room, closed the door and put the key away, walked and very sensually unbuttoned her blouse, pulling out her tank top and leaving her incredible breasts visible, well-placed in their spot, large to see. She gave a half-turn, lowering her jeans pants and leaving her great butt visible, God this is going to drive me crazy, her set was white with flaps, her thong clung to that Booty, I frozen, like an idiot, staring without reason, until I spoke.
SOFIA - was coming undressed, today you'll be mine
I walked hypnotized towards the bed, I reclined on it and came up on top of mine
How he kissed me, luxury drips from his mouth,
SOFIA - I'm going to mark your skin so you always remember me
- Kissed me all down the neck, it was slowly going down giving me kisses, with his hand touching my bulge that was about to explode,
SOFIA - oh look what I found here, just as I expected this moment,
I grabbed my boxers with my teeth and slowly pulled them down,- it was so hard that when I came out, I hit his face,
SOFIA - which lasted this and is big, - finished removing my boxers,
- He looked at my eyes and started sucking it, his tongue moved with total freedom, he looked at my eyes, in a moment he introduced all of my penis into her mouth, I saw how she was choking, I got scared and lifted her up,
SOFIA - if yes don't worry about it, what men like that too
He never had it done to him before, but if you're going to suck it, I want you to enjoy it
SOFIA - you're the first one who asks for something like this
He looked at my eyes, and started sucking back slowly, enjoying every inch of my cock, he was touching my balls, squeezing them, I couldn't take it much longer and let her know, she quickened the pace even more, opened her mouth expecting her treat, three powerful shots came out of her mouth, then she swallowed what was left, sat up, showed me her mouth like she had swallowed it, she licked
and he said
SOFIA - how yummy and sweet is your cum my love
It would have pleased you a lot, I'd incorporate myself and kiss her, it wouldn't matter if I still had come, she was surprised by my kiss
SOFIA - nobody had kissed me after I had sucked him
I'd do it with your juices and mine together.
Get ready because now, it's your turn to enjoy yourself
Take off your thong, open your legs, your closed pussy with plump lips and hair, I headed to lick it, one hand stopped me, I looked at her and she told me...
SOFIA - what are you doing, I'm looking at you confused
They never sucked your pussy
SOFIA - the truth is no, I asked sometimes but they refused to do it,
What kind of boys did you choose, now enjoy and get ready because you're going to have orgasm after orgasm, his face is indescribable
lowered myself kissing her interior, her aroma of excitement attracted me and my instincts were activated, I kissed her lips, deployed my tongue and started playing, her clitoris came out in search of me, I kissed it, squeezed it and rubbed it with my tongue at great speed, her moans increased
What are you doing to me, Sofía?
SOFIA - how delicious that's pleasant, I feel like I'm in heaven
SOFIA - because she takes so long in surrendering to you
- his orgasm was approaching his flows were coming out at high speed
SOFIA - oh God I'm coming, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Her hip was moving, had a great orgasm.
SOFIA - come my angel, kiss me
I climbed up to her mouth, I kiss her, move my tongue all over my face, savoring her orgasm, my cock is already erect
SOFIA - make love please, I love you inside me, teach me paradise
Put on a condom, put it in, lift my legs, lean against its entrance
And slowly I was putting it in until I hit the top, started moving up and down, a smooth meta and out, he was kissing my neck, he was kissing my mouth,
From her mouth came a divine melody of moans that drive me crazy, she asked for more quickly, her orgasm was arriving, she asked for more and more, don't stop, her orgasm was imminent, I wrapped my legs around hers, and her orgasm arrived.
SOFIA - by God it can't be this tasty, I just discovered heaven
,- her legs set me free, I let her rest
- opened my eyes, he kissed me and turned me over, he mounted me on top of him,
SOFIA - now I'm going to ride my angel
- sat down with one and a sigh escaped her mouth, - aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
He started his movement, he does it very well, look at his breasts, which were calling to be eaten, unbutton his bodice, and with my hands massage his nipples hard
They called me, I was attracted to him, I ate those breasts were hard, tumescent, I didn't stop moaning and more when I ate his tits.
SOFIA - follow my love, if you make them, my breasts will only be yours, my body is only yours,- her ride accelerated and along with her orgasm, I got everything wet on her pubis with her run, it trembled before the better orgasm,
SOFIA - I can't believe you got me to have 3 orgasms, you're incredible,
When someone is with me, the woman has to enjoy herself, we both have to enjoy ourselves, he bends down and kisses me tenderly.
SOFIA - you still haven't finished my love,
turned her face up for me to come on top of her pointing my penis towards her breasts, she saw my intention, started licking one and with the other hand searched for her clitoris - she was still sensitive so her orgasm would be arriving soon
SOFIA - ahhhh my love aaahhh keep it for God
SOFIA - give me a blow job, I want it I want it ah ah aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaahhh, if my love
,- her orgasm came again, and three shots came out one in his mouth and the other two
I rested on his chest, his breathing was agitated,
SOFIA - I can't take it anymore, she said looking at my eyes,
- put my hand in her pussy again, pick up with her come on fingers and me
I took it to the mouth tasting so tasty treat, put my hand in again, picked up some of my semen from her chest and took it to the mouth, tasted them as if they were the most tasty treat I had ever tasted,- I approached her and kissed her with passion, hugged her not letting go.
SOFIA - I've never had sex like this before, you're incredible
SER - thanks heart, we take a bath and go to your house.
SOFIA - after this, I have a desire to do it again
It would be nice for me, my grandmother could fall asleep at any moment and your parents will be waiting
- we head to the bathroom, wash each other mutually, amidst caresses and kisses, dry our hair well, and exit onto the street, chatting about what
It happened in my room - she was hanging from my arm.
Hey Sofia, I loved what happened today and I'm not going to deny it, you've always liked me.
And I feel things for you, never had the courage to face you and tell you so, I saw you with those big guys and saw that I didn't have the slightest chance, but this week, after saving you, I saw that you weren't as unreachable, maybe you clung to me by
having saved myself from the danger of idiots and incompetent ones, they see you as an object, whereas I always saw you as a woman, with feelings, I don't want to create false illusions for you, nor would I forgive myself, neither do I want competition like it was a trophy, you know that I like another girl and both showed me that they are excellent women, you will always have me,- sofia looked at me with tearful eyes
They weren't of sadness, they were of happiness
SOFIA - you're more than an angel, I feel so stupid, that I never could look at you like you really are, I don't know if one day you'll be able to love me or if we'll make a couple, I'll wait because no one will ever equal you, I'll respect your decision, but I want you to promise me something, that you'll never abandon me, that you'll always hold on to me, no matter what fate has in store for us, whether we're together or not, all I ask is that you let me be a part of your life forever
I promise you, take your hand to my heart,
I promise you that no matter what happens, wherever I am, you are part of my life, now and forever
SOFIA - thanks my angel, I love you, - she gave me a little nip and we entered the building
In the elevator, he couldn't help but give me a kiss - I smiled at him
, what would he be doing when we're alone, taking advantage of every moment to kiss me, and I
in theory he was still single,
- Let's go in and say hello to the parents, his brother showed up late,
Speak with them with respect to what happened, I had also spoken with their parents about how I didn't agree with what their son had done, that they were going to send him to therapy because something was off, their parents thanked me not only for intervening but also for my bravery, since there are few boys like me.
It could be, thanks, he only acted as it should be, with his brain and not with his fists
FACU - that's a lie you used your fists, haha
If it's true, you, your dad, or any man, if they had seen what I saw
Fists are little what they would use
PAPÁ DE SOFÍA - it's true he has reason, but he had the courage to face the father alone, with words and reasoning, he could understand what was happening and look, Carlos is big, you have to face him
Mama of Sofia - daughter, a boy like him you should pay attention to and not those losers
,- Sofia and I turned red, like a tomato
SOFIA'S DAD - Don't tell me you're ashamed of the flattery, boy
It's true that it is if I stayed thinking - I never asked them their names
Hahaha, we're leaving to laugh,
PAPA of SOFIA - Roberto Diaz and my wife Sandra Diaz
- we laughed together again -
I left with the promise of coming to lunch, I said goodbye to Sofia with a kiss on the mouth that lasted for several minutes, once in the street I went to the corner to see the guys, saw Yamila talking to Nadia, I approached silently, placed myself behind the column, and when I was about to
to surprise her when I hear something that made me stop.
0 comentários - el despertar de un hombre capitulo 8, Parte 1