Los post que no podes dejar de ver!
Siempre fui un segundón, uno más en el montón en la manada. No es que me definiera como un perdedor, pero siempre sería el tipo que tendría que hacer cola para entrar a cualquier evento, al que siempre le tocaría viajar de pie en un ómnibus, el que no tendría aventuras llenas de adrenalina para contar y quien toda su vida solo iría de casa al trabajo y del trabajo a casa. Puedo decir que soy un tipo feliz, pero mi vida siempre fue un tanto gris.
Venía de fracasar de mi segunda relación de pareja, vivía solo y no tenía intenciones de volver a enamorarme. Suelo vestir informal, me gustan los tonos de grises, tal vez, el color de mi vida.
Mi empleo era básico, en un estamento gubernamental archivando papeleos de sol a sol, en un viejo edificio de mitad de siglo pasado, de gruesos muros y puertas altísimas que parecían llegar al cielo. Llevo más de veinte años atascado en ese sitio, tras un viejo escritorio descolado y crujiente, y no tengo ilusiones de un progreso que nunca llegará. Tal vez me había afianzado demasiado en ese puesto y si bien era un piojo insignificante en ese sitio, pues yo me sentía seguro, me sentía el rey porque solo yo sabía que cosa estaba en cada lugar.
Los que pasaban por ahí sabían que 'Gutiérrez' era el referente, porque así era, para todos era Gutiérrez, todos me llamaban por mi apellido, y eso me molestaba un poco, yo me llamaba Ignacio y que no me llamaran por mi nombre me hacía sentir que era solo parte del decorado, como que ponía distancia, y todo se hacía frío. No es que me trataran mal, ni nada por el estilo, estaba muy cómodo en mi zona de confort, pero nunca sería nadie importante, nunca sería recordado.
Ese era mi lugar, y en mi lugar yo me sentía importante, era el rey de mi trono porque solo yo sabía de esos burocráticos papeleos y nadie metía las narices en mi reinado, todos asumían que en esa oficina Gutiérrez era el dueño.
Eso me daba una imagen de sentirme necesario, importante, sabía que si me iba de licencia pronto me llamarían puesto que al menos en ese punto, todo sería un caos en mi ausencia.
Llegó el día en el que el jefe departamental, que era mi superior inmediato, tomaría un traslado a otra dependencia y el puesto quedaría vacante, alguna vez la tonta idea de un ascenso se había cruzado por mi cabeza, pero era solo una tonta utopía, ya no tenía la edad, ni los conocimientos, ni la autoridad, en resumen, no era el perfil buscado en los tiempos que corrían.
Poco después empezarían los rumores de pasillo, hablaban de una nueva jefa, en femenino, una chica jovencita, no había mucha información más allá de lo que los chismosos hurgueteaban en redes sociales, muchas dudas, muchas intrigas y pocas certezas, personalmente, no tenía muchas inquietudes, sabía que sería una más entre tantos, era parte de mi rutina ver como mis jefes cambiaran cada tanto en tanto, era otro nivel de vida, ese nivel que jamás sería para un tipo como yo.
El día que conocí a Alicia, o Alice, como todos la llamaban, sería un antes y un después en mi vida.
Ella se presentó en mi despacho, y en forma inmediata caí envuelto en sus encantos, no porque fuera mujer, si no por lo que era en sí misma.
Alice era mucho más joven que yo, obviamente, aparentaba poco más de treinta, era delgada, de estatura normal, no mostraba tener mucho busto, ni muchas caderas, ni mucha cola, pero si unas curvas muy armónicas, lucía una camisita entallada en lila pálido, con una chaqueta negra y una pollera ajustada haciendo juego que iba hasta sus rodillas, vi unas medias de nylon y unos zapatos brillantes de tacos altos. Alice tenía el cabello renegrido lacio, a media espalda y la tez blanca como la leche que disimulaba con un escueto maquillaje, su rostro era muy bonito, delgados ojos negros de mirar vivaz, una naricita respingada y unos labios muy marcados, su perfume invadió el sitio y por primera vez no respiraba el pestilente olor a humedad de la vieja edificación y en esa primera impresión supe que estaba ante una mujer de otro status, muy lejano al mío.
Alice dio unos rodeos y se presentó, me estrechó la mano en forma muy protocolar y me regaló una sonrisa que rompió con todas mis defensas, recuerdo que ella se sentó de lado sobre un extremo de mi escritorio, marcando uno de sus muslos y parte de sus nalgas en forma tan arriesgada como sugerente, pero en poco tiempo aprendería que ella era así, era como su marca registrada. Hablamos un poco sobre mi trabajo, mis actividades, mis ideas, y ella me contó sobre las suyas, proyectos, mejoras y un sinfín de cosas. Lo mejor para mí fue que ella, a pesar de ser mi nueva jefa no me llamaría 'Gutiérrez', ni siquiera Ignacio, para ella siempre sería solo 'Nacho'. Para mí sería muy estimulante, sentía que al menos para ella yo no era uno más, y me aboqué en mi trabajo, a ser mejor, a superarme, solo para que ella lo notara.
Creo que me enamoré en silencio de esa mujer, por su simpatía, por cómo me trataba, por cómo era, y fantaseaba con esa jovencita con la cual no solo hablábamos de trabajo, porque también hablábamos de nuestras vidas. Y justo en esos momentos, paradójicamente era cuando más insignificante yo me sentía. Alice era una mujer enorme, había ocupado cargos gerenciales en distintas empresas alrededor del mundo, a pesar de su corta edad hablaba a la perfección cuatro idiomas diferentes, había vivido en Francia, en Australia y en Canadá, su pasar económico era inalcanzable para mi pobre salario de bolsillo y solo sabía que ella jamás sería más que mi jefa por un corto tiempo.
Viví esos días en una fantasía, yo notaba que ella a veces jugaba conmigo un poco más lejos de los límites y algunos de mis compañeros me decían 'Gutiérrez, la jefa está con vos!, no te das cuenta? que esperas? no seas tonto!'.
Pero yo siempre fui un poco quedado con las mujeres y solo no me anime a más, solo se me atragantaban las palabras y además no podía dejar de pensar que ella era mi superior inmediato, y si fuera un error? una mala interpretación? y si perdiera el empleo?, como fuera solo nunca me decidí a saltar al vacío
Con el correr del tiempo, empecé a ver algún cambio en ella, poco a poco pareció ir perdiendo esa confidencia conmigo y fue como que se fue alejando de mi lado, y pude notar que empezaba a codearse con un par de ella, otro jefe seccional que 'si' estaba a su altura, y en verdad eso me molestaba, cuando la veía charlar con él, esas risas confidentes, y al ver que pasaban demasiado tiempo juntos me hacía sentir puñales atravesando mi corazón. Adiviné que él si había hecho lo que yo no me había animado a hacer, llevarla a la cama, y entre dudas y certezas terminé odiando a ese tipo.
She spent a morning saying goodbye to my office after three years of having secured a better-paying job, and that was all I knew, late or early, it would happen like that, those were the positions, bosses came, bosses went, but her departure caused me deep pain. My days would become gray again, a new boss would arrive, I would be 'Gutiérrez' to everyone once more and I would be locked back into my apathetic and bitter ostracism.
The destiny would reunite us again two years later, they had organized a work dinner, those that ended when the sun set, and as always happened, 'the exes' were invited. Honestly, I didn't know she was coming and felt my heart racing when I found out the good news.
I only bought a blue jean and a black shirt with small white skulls for her, it seemed appropriate, at least I wanted to get out of my dull gray image. Everything had to be perfect, even if it wasn't just to see her again, because she made me feel so insignificant next to her that I probably wouldn't dare do anything.
When I saw her, I felt the same impression as the first time, Alice was wearing a loose dress in shades of ochre, yellow, and light green, barely marking her slender bust and not much more, she smiled at me as always, hugged me, and kissed my cheek, I was overwhelmed by her sweet perfume again, and my heart jumped out of my chest once more, she looked thinner than I remembered, but still radiant with her marked smile.
There were over thirty people, but for me there was only her, and I was completely focused on her, although I noticed the situation wasn't reciprocal and I felt that odious sensation again, not understanding if Alice had any minimum interest in me or if it was just my silly fantasies as a gray man.
It was getting late already, too late, some people started leaving and it was time for my goodbye, I went to say hello to her, it was when she asked me:
Where are you going?
I'm walking two blocks to the avenue, I'll secure a hold on some taxi - I replied with honesty -
No, no, not at all, she responded - we'll make it, you'll reach us, it will be impossible to get a taxi at this hour
But no... - I replied - don't bother about me
Let's go, it's decided... - she sentenced, cutting off the dialogue
We said goodbye and went to her car, an impeccable zero-kilometer car with leather seats and thousands of lights, things in life, I would never have been able to buy a car, not even know how to drive.
On the way, already far from the bustle of dinner, she told me things about her life until we arrived at my modest apartment, parked on the side and just looked at me, waiting for me to say what was supposed to be said in that case, and yet it cost me to enunciate the words correctly
Do you want to come in? I don't know, let's talk for a bit.
She simulated thinking about the obvious response, looked at the time and nodded
Only for a few minutes, it's late...
We went up the stairs to the second floor, I was feeling very embarrassed, my apartment would be a dump compared to the palaces she must have been used to living in, but it was the opportunity that had always awaited me
Do you want to take a coffee? - I suggested, submerged in more nerves
Better something strong, do you have some drink that can burn your throat? - she responded without beating around the bush
I've always been a fool, I didn't have anything to offer her, barely remembered an old bottle of vodka that had been given to me once and was lost among my things.
I went to get it, served it in a small glass only for her, as I didn't like it myself, Alice drank almost the entire glass with one gulp, until her eyes moistened from the burning sensation of the alcohol in her throat, she extended it and said confidently
Another! This helps me relax in these cases...
I served it to her again and she repeated the deep drink, left the glass aside and came over to me, stretched out on tiptoes, wrapped her arms around my neck, looked at me with the depth of her black eyes and gave me an eternal kiss on the mouth Savory, full of sin, I filled my senses with her perfume and felt like the luckiest man in the world. I still had the bottle in my left hand and wasn't yet tempted to take it by the belt, always a fool left behind. Alice took one of my hands and led me behind her, straight onto her butt, and I felt like dying, the silk of her dress intervening between my touch and the curvature of her skin, I felt my heart racing, my blood boiling, my temples exploding, I clung to her against my body, no doubt she felt how hard my sex was pressing against her belly and it was very tasty being able to do so. Me made me back up until a sofa I have in an improvised living room, while she was unbuttoning my shirt, in those desperate entanglements of lovers who burn in hell, her kisses tasted like sin and her lips like desires, she was biting my chest at the edge of pain and it felt very hot. In seconds my erect sex was naked before her eyes, I sat on the sofa, she between my legs, Alice looked at me fixedly then, with those looks that kill, that burn, took my cock in her hand and only started to masturbate me slowly, very tasty, had uncovered my glans and only pressed very low against my testicles, just a few millimeters above, up and down, again and again, with rhythm, without pause. I was waiting for her to do something more, but she only stayed there, in a game that would kill me sooner or later. With her free hand, she slowly let the straps of her dress fall, undressing before my eyes her small breasts that would have fit in my hand, some dark and piercing nipples appeared menacingly soaked in excitement. I couldn't take it anymore, I felt coming, she noticed and seemed to get excited by it, I noticed she wasn't looking at my eyes anymore, now a bit squinty from the closeness, her gaze was fixed on the tip of my cock waiting anxiously for the end. It burst into deep jets of semen, which ended up on my abdomen, on my sex and on her hand. A A smile drew itself on her face, surely surprised by the amount of cum I had spilled. Then she came with her lips to my skin, kissing all the places where I was stained, letting me see her pale and sticky lips. She felt adjusting her breasts over my sex and producing a hot rub between us.
Alice sat up, let the dress fall to the floor, and remained almost naked in front of my eyes, barely wearing a very provocative transparent thong, her bony ribs standing out on a burning breath, and her flat stomach calling attention to a small bright piercing adorning her navel.
I got up and lifted her into my arms like a boyfriend lifts his girlfriend, and I took her to the bedroom. I left her on the bed like a princess; she was agitated, so I just slid off her inner clothes with sweetness. It was my turn to kneel between her legs.
Her intimacy was completely depilated, and I passed my tongue over her lips, as soft as baby skin, and her hollow tasted of sin, her juices impregnated in her intimacy were the best pleasure, and I only did it with great slowness, returning the game she had proposed to me by masturbating myself.
The room was dimly lit, and I observed the contours of her feminine silhouette, like she unconsciously arched her back twisting in pleasure, her delicate hands caressing those soft breasts, her lopsided face lost in time and space with contained gasps of lust; it was perfect, I had her under control, and as I gave the best oral sex I could give, images of office days, the boss-employee relationship crossed my mind, and it seemed impossible to have her now, at that moment, in that place, so devoted to me in bed.
Her moans on the brink of orgasm brought me back to reality, and I made sure to extract all the pleasure from her entrails
Take me! Take me, please... - it seemed to plead after the powerful orgasm -
I went for everything; I fully immersed myself in her sex until the end, my hard penis reached the deepest part and felt its pussy envelop it completely, I leaned forward to alternate kisses between her breasts and mouth, filling my hands with her buttocks and she caressed my back and hair, filling me with pleasure and her moans sweetened my ears.
Once, and again, then in four, then on my side, one way and another, everything wanted to try with her and everything seemed insufficient.
Alice came over me, riding me, her face gave me pleasure and she was now the one setting the rhythm, rubbing her clitoris against my pubis, I noticed her very excited, with orgasms that made her fall off the precipice, with her tense arms resting on my chest, her back arched backwards, and her face lost in nothingness, it excited me for her pleasure and for having that precious one making love to me, I saw her sweet breasts moving in sync, her face, her features, her eyes, her lips, her long hair hanging at the point of feeling caressed by them, she couldn't help but do so, I only let her do it and only felt myself come inside her, Alice saw it coming and shuddered at that moment, accelerating the rhythm and making the penetration deeper, it was epic.We're still playing for another hour and I can say that it had been the best sex of my life. She snuggled up against my arms and I was still incredulous, damn! What a lucky guy, I'd slept with my boss!
At some point, Alice got up and went to get her underwear and dress,
Stay and sleep where are you going at this hour? - I said in a pleading tone
No, I can't, it would be a mistake - she replied, putting an ice cube between us that completely threw me off -
But why? didn't you like it? was I bad? don't understand... - I responded with notable melancholy and my unmistakable feeling of inferiority -
She sat down beside me, paused, took one of my hands in hers, breathed resignedly, and gazed lost, reflecting aloud
You know Nacho, I haven't been with many men in bed, but I've been with enough, and I want you to know that I don't value a man by the size of his wallet, much less by the size of his sex, or even by the number of ejaculations he can achieve in one night, no, I only fall in love with the feelings of that person, and I swear on what matters most to you that nobody moved me like you did, don't know how long I waited for this moment and thought you'd never have the courage to take the leap...
And then? - I replied even more anguished
It would be a mistake, you won't understand, but it would be a mistake to let yourself fall in love with me, believe me, you'll hurt me...
She only kissed my forehead, like a mother kisses her son before leaving, and I just let her go, stupid as usual, I didn't have the courage to hold her back at that moment...
My life would turn into crap, I didn't know anything more about her and was enveloped again by the monotony of my routine gray days, thinking and thinking without understanding, and in my thoughts I got really angry with Alice, my conclusion was that she could never fall in love with a simple guy like me because she'd never be able to reach my level and preferred an elegant excuse to tell the truth. Only... I left with the best of that night's sex and the bitter-sweet taste in my mouth, unable to repeat it.
However, harsh reality would hit me again not long after and only then would I understand what she had hinted at, 'you'll hurt if you let yourself fall for me'
That morning wouldn't be just another morning like always, as I was the last one to find out about the news, but there were rumors that spread from mouth to mouth faster than light. At first it was just a hallway whisper, but soon it would confirm itself.
Many remembered the boss lady as a cheerful girl who always gave a smile, few or no one knew she had been fighting for some time with fulminant leukemia, and when I found out her life had gone out, I felt like mine was going out too.
I let myself fall onto the old armchair, devastated, and remember crying like a child, as never before in my life, life is very unfair and cruel at times.
I didn't attend her funeral, couldn't, how could I? She just left and took the best of me with her, the world keeps spinning and my days keep being gray between piles of papers accumulated on my desk, with a boss who only calls me 'Gutiérrez'.
No one knows, but in my worst moments, I open one of the drawers on my desk to look for that photo she once gave me, with that eternal smile, that smile that illuminates my life like a rainbow of colors.
If you liked the story, you can write me with title 'TE VOY A LASTIMAR' at dulces.placeres@live.com
Siempre fui un segundón, uno más en el montón en la manada. No es que me definiera como un perdedor, pero siempre sería el tipo que tendría que hacer cola para entrar a cualquier evento, al que siempre le tocaría viajar de pie en un ómnibus, el que no tendría aventuras llenas de adrenalina para contar y quien toda su vida solo iría de casa al trabajo y del trabajo a casa. Puedo decir que soy un tipo feliz, pero mi vida siempre fue un tanto gris.
Venía de fracasar de mi segunda relación de pareja, vivía solo y no tenía intenciones de volver a enamorarme. Suelo vestir informal, me gustan los tonos de grises, tal vez, el color de mi vida.
Mi empleo era básico, en un estamento gubernamental archivando papeleos de sol a sol, en un viejo edificio de mitad de siglo pasado, de gruesos muros y puertas altísimas que parecían llegar al cielo. Llevo más de veinte años atascado en ese sitio, tras un viejo escritorio descolado y crujiente, y no tengo ilusiones de un progreso que nunca llegará. Tal vez me había afianzado demasiado en ese puesto y si bien era un piojo insignificante en ese sitio, pues yo me sentía seguro, me sentía el rey porque solo yo sabía que cosa estaba en cada lugar.
Los que pasaban por ahí sabían que 'Gutiérrez' era el referente, porque así era, para todos era Gutiérrez, todos me llamaban por mi apellido, y eso me molestaba un poco, yo me llamaba Ignacio y que no me llamaran por mi nombre me hacía sentir que era solo parte del decorado, como que ponía distancia, y todo se hacía frío. No es que me trataran mal, ni nada por el estilo, estaba muy cómodo en mi zona de confort, pero nunca sería nadie importante, nunca sería recordado.
Ese era mi lugar, y en mi lugar yo me sentía importante, era el rey de mi trono porque solo yo sabía de esos burocráticos papeleos y nadie metía las narices en mi reinado, todos asumían que en esa oficina Gutiérrez era el dueño.
Eso me daba una imagen de sentirme necesario, importante, sabía que si me iba de licencia pronto me llamarían puesto que al menos en ese punto, todo sería un caos en mi ausencia.
Llegó el día en el que el jefe departamental, que era mi superior inmediato, tomaría un traslado a otra dependencia y el puesto quedaría vacante, alguna vez la tonta idea de un ascenso se había cruzado por mi cabeza, pero era solo una tonta utopía, ya no tenía la edad, ni los conocimientos, ni la autoridad, en resumen, no era el perfil buscado en los tiempos que corrían.
Poco después empezarían los rumores de pasillo, hablaban de una nueva jefa, en femenino, una chica jovencita, no había mucha información más allá de lo que los chismosos hurgueteaban en redes sociales, muchas dudas, muchas intrigas y pocas certezas, personalmente, no tenía muchas inquietudes, sabía que sería una más entre tantos, era parte de mi rutina ver como mis jefes cambiaran cada tanto en tanto, era otro nivel de vida, ese nivel que jamás sería para un tipo como yo.
El día que conocí a Alicia, o Alice, como todos la llamaban, sería un antes y un después en mi vida.
Ella se presentó en mi despacho, y en forma inmediata caí envuelto en sus encantos, no porque fuera mujer, si no por lo que era en sí misma.
Alice era mucho más joven que yo, obviamente, aparentaba poco más de treinta, era delgada, de estatura normal, no mostraba tener mucho busto, ni muchas caderas, ni mucha cola, pero si unas curvas muy armónicas, lucía una camisita entallada en lila pálido, con una chaqueta negra y una pollera ajustada haciendo juego que iba hasta sus rodillas, vi unas medias de nylon y unos zapatos brillantes de tacos altos. Alice tenía el cabello renegrido lacio, a media espalda y la tez blanca como la leche que disimulaba con un escueto maquillaje, su rostro era muy bonito, delgados ojos negros de mirar vivaz, una naricita respingada y unos labios muy marcados, su perfume invadió el sitio y por primera vez no respiraba el pestilente olor a humedad de la vieja edificación y en esa primera impresión supe que estaba ante una mujer de otro status, muy lejano al mío.
Alice dio unos rodeos y se presentó, me estrechó la mano en forma muy protocolar y me regaló una sonrisa que rompió con todas mis defensas, recuerdo que ella se sentó de lado sobre un extremo de mi escritorio, marcando uno de sus muslos y parte de sus nalgas en forma tan arriesgada como sugerente, pero en poco tiempo aprendería que ella era así, era como su marca registrada. Hablamos un poco sobre mi trabajo, mis actividades, mis ideas, y ella me contó sobre las suyas, proyectos, mejoras y un sinfín de cosas. Lo mejor para mí fue que ella, a pesar de ser mi nueva jefa no me llamaría 'Gutiérrez', ni siquiera Ignacio, para ella siempre sería solo 'Nacho'. Para mí sería muy estimulante, sentía que al menos para ella yo no era uno más, y me aboqué en mi trabajo, a ser mejor, a superarme, solo para que ella lo notara.
Creo que me enamoré en silencio de esa mujer, por su simpatía, por cómo me trataba, por cómo era, y fantaseaba con esa jovencita con la cual no solo hablábamos de trabajo, porque también hablábamos de nuestras vidas. Y justo en esos momentos, paradójicamente era cuando más insignificante yo me sentía. Alice era una mujer enorme, había ocupado cargos gerenciales en distintas empresas alrededor del mundo, a pesar de su corta edad hablaba a la perfección cuatro idiomas diferentes, había vivido en Francia, en Australia y en Canadá, su pasar económico era inalcanzable para mi pobre salario de bolsillo y solo sabía que ella jamás sería más que mi jefa por un corto tiempo.
Viví esos días en una fantasía, yo notaba que ella a veces jugaba conmigo un poco más lejos de los límites y algunos de mis compañeros me decían 'Gutiérrez, la jefa está con vos!, no te das cuenta? que esperas? no seas tonto!'.
Pero yo siempre fui un poco quedado con las mujeres y solo no me anime a más, solo se me atragantaban las palabras y además no podía dejar de pensar que ella era mi superior inmediato, y si fuera un error? una mala interpretación? y si perdiera el empleo?, como fuera solo nunca me decidí a saltar al vacío
Con el correr del tiempo, empecé a ver algún cambio en ella, poco a poco pareció ir perdiendo esa confidencia conmigo y fue como que se fue alejando de mi lado, y pude notar que empezaba a codearse con un par de ella, otro jefe seccional que 'si' estaba a su altura, y en verdad eso me molestaba, cuando la veía charlar con él, esas risas confidentes, y al ver que pasaban demasiado tiempo juntos me hacía sentir puñales atravesando mi corazón. Adiviné que él si había hecho lo que yo no me había animado a hacer, llevarla a la cama, y entre dudas y certezas terminé odiando a ese tipo.
She spent a morning saying goodbye to my office after three years of having secured a better-paying job, and that was all I knew, late or early, it would happen like that, those were the positions, bosses came, bosses went, but her departure caused me deep pain. My days would become gray again, a new boss would arrive, I would be 'Gutiérrez' to everyone once more and I would be locked back into my apathetic and bitter ostracism.
The destiny would reunite us again two years later, they had organized a work dinner, those that ended when the sun set, and as always happened, 'the exes' were invited. Honestly, I didn't know she was coming and felt my heart racing when I found out the good news.
I only bought a blue jean and a black shirt with small white skulls for her, it seemed appropriate, at least I wanted to get out of my dull gray image. Everything had to be perfect, even if it wasn't just to see her again, because she made me feel so insignificant next to her that I probably wouldn't dare do anything.
When I saw her, I felt the same impression as the first time, Alice was wearing a loose dress in shades of ochre, yellow, and light green, barely marking her slender bust and not much more, she smiled at me as always, hugged me, and kissed my cheek, I was overwhelmed by her sweet perfume again, and my heart jumped out of my chest once more, she looked thinner than I remembered, but still radiant with her marked smile.
There were over thirty people, but for me there was only her, and I was completely focused on her, although I noticed the situation wasn't reciprocal and I felt that odious sensation again, not understanding if Alice had any minimum interest in me or if it was just my silly fantasies as a gray man.
It was getting late already, too late, some people started leaving and it was time for my goodbye, I went to say hello to her, it was when she asked me:
Where are you going?
I'm walking two blocks to the avenue, I'll secure a hold on some taxi - I replied with honesty -
No, no, not at all, she responded - we'll make it, you'll reach us, it will be impossible to get a taxi at this hour
But no... - I replied - don't bother about me
Let's go, it's decided... - she sentenced, cutting off the dialogue
We said goodbye and went to her car, an impeccable zero-kilometer car with leather seats and thousands of lights, things in life, I would never have been able to buy a car, not even know how to drive.
On the way, already far from the bustle of dinner, she told me things about her life until we arrived at my modest apartment, parked on the side and just looked at me, waiting for me to say what was supposed to be said in that case, and yet it cost me to enunciate the words correctly
Do you want to come in? I don't know, let's talk for a bit.
She simulated thinking about the obvious response, looked at the time and nodded
Only for a few minutes, it's late...
We went up the stairs to the second floor, I was feeling very embarrassed, my apartment would be a dump compared to the palaces she must have been used to living in, but it was the opportunity that had always awaited me
Do you want to take a coffee? - I suggested, submerged in more nerves
Better something strong, do you have some drink that can burn your throat? - she responded without beating around the bush
I've always been a fool, I didn't have anything to offer her, barely remembered an old bottle of vodka that had been given to me once and was lost among my things.
I went to get it, served it in a small glass only for her, as I didn't like it myself, Alice drank almost the entire glass with one gulp, until her eyes moistened from the burning sensation of the alcohol in her throat, she extended it and said confidently
Another! This helps me relax in these cases...
I served it to her again and she repeated the deep drink, left the glass aside and came over to me, stretched out on tiptoes, wrapped her arms around my neck, looked at me with the depth of her black eyes and gave me an eternal kiss on the mouth Savory, full of sin, I filled my senses with her perfume and felt like the luckiest man in the world. I still had the bottle in my left hand and wasn't yet tempted to take it by the belt, always a fool left behind. Alice took one of my hands and led me behind her, straight onto her butt, and I felt like dying, the silk of her dress intervening between my touch and the curvature of her skin, I felt my heart racing, my blood boiling, my temples exploding, I clung to her against my body, no doubt she felt how hard my sex was pressing against her belly and it was very tasty being able to do so. Me made me back up until a sofa I have in an improvised living room, while she was unbuttoning my shirt, in those desperate entanglements of lovers who burn in hell, her kisses tasted like sin and her lips like desires, she was biting my chest at the edge of pain and it felt very hot. In seconds my erect sex was naked before her eyes, I sat on the sofa, she between my legs, Alice looked at me fixedly then, with those looks that kill, that burn, took my cock in her hand and only started to masturbate me slowly, very tasty, had uncovered my glans and only pressed very low against my testicles, just a few millimeters above, up and down, again and again, with rhythm, without pause. I was waiting for her to do something more, but she only stayed there, in a game that would kill me sooner or later. With her free hand, she slowly let the straps of her dress fall, undressing before my eyes her small breasts that would have fit in my hand, some dark and piercing nipples appeared menacingly soaked in excitement. I couldn't take it anymore, I felt coming, she noticed and seemed to get excited by it, I noticed she wasn't looking at my eyes anymore, now a bit squinty from the closeness, her gaze was fixed on the tip of my cock waiting anxiously for the end. It burst into deep jets of semen, which ended up on my abdomen, on my sex and on her hand. A A smile drew itself on her face, surely surprised by the amount of cum I had spilled. Then she came with her lips to my skin, kissing all the places where I was stained, letting me see her pale and sticky lips. She felt adjusting her breasts over my sex and producing a hot rub between us.
Alice sat up, let the dress fall to the floor, and remained almost naked in front of my eyes, barely wearing a very provocative transparent thong, her bony ribs standing out on a burning breath, and her flat stomach calling attention to a small bright piercing adorning her navel.
I got up and lifted her into my arms like a boyfriend lifts his girlfriend, and I took her to the bedroom. I left her on the bed like a princess; she was agitated, so I just slid off her inner clothes with sweetness. It was my turn to kneel between her legs.
Her intimacy was completely depilated, and I passed my tongue over her lips, as soft as baby skin, and her hollow tasted of sin, her juices impregnated in her intimacy were the best pleasure, and I only did it with great slowness, returning the game she had proposed to me by masturbating myself.
The room was dimly lit, and I observed the contours of her feminine silhouette, like she unconsciously arched her back twisting in pleasure, her delicate hands caressing those soft breasts, her lopsided face lost in time and space with contained gasps of lust; it was perfect, I had her under control, and as I gave the best oral sex I could give, images of office days, the boss-employee relationship crossed my mind, and it seemed impossible to have her now, at that moment, in that place, so devoted to me in bed.
Her moans on the brink of orgasm brought me back to reality, and I made sure to extract all the pleasure from her entrails
Take me! Take me, please... - it seemed to plead after the powerful orgasm -
I went for everything; I fully immersed myself in her sex until the end, my hard penis reached the deepest part and felt its pussy envelop it completely, I leaned forward to alternate kisses between her breasts and mouth, filling my hands with her buttocks and she caressed my back and hair, filling me with pleasure and her moans sweetened my ears.
Once, and again, then in four, then on my side, one way and another, everything wanted to try with her and everything seemed insufficient.
Alice came over me, riding me, her face gave me pleasure and she was now the one setting the rhythm, rubbing her clitoris against my pubis, I noticed her very excited, with orgasms that made her fall off the precipice, with her tense arms resting on my chest, her back arched backwards, and her face lost in nothingness, it excited me for her pleasure and for having that precious one making love to me, I saw her sweet breasts moving in sync, her face, her features, her eyes, her lips, her long hair hanging at the point of feeling caressed by them, she couldn't help but do so, I only let her do it and only felt myself come inside her, Alice saw it coming and shuddered at that moment, accelerating the rhythm and making the penetration deeper, it was epic.We're still playing for another hour and I can say that it had been the best sex of my life. She snuggled up against my arms and I was still incredulous, damn! What a lucky guy, I'd slept with my boss!
At some point, Alice got up and went to get her underwear and dress,
Stay and sleep where are you going at this hour? - I said in a pleading tone
No, I can't, it would be a mistake - she replied, putting an ice cube between us that completely threw me off -
But why? didn't you like it? was I bad? don't understand... - I responded with notable melancholy and my unmistakable feeling of inferiority -
She sat down beside me, paused, took one of my hands in hers, breathed resignedly, and gazed lost, reflecting aloud
You know Nacho, I haven't been with many men in bed, but I've been with enough, and I want you to know that I don't value a man by the size of his wallet, much less by the size of his sex, or even by the number of ejaculations he can achieve in one night, no, I only fall in love with the feelings of that person, and I swear on what matters most to you that nobody moved me like you did, don't know how long I waited for this moment and thought you'd never have the courage to take the leap...
And then? - I replied even more anguished
It would be a mistake, you won't understand, but it would be a mistake to let yourself fall in love with me, believe me, you'll hurt me...
She only kissed my forehead, like a mother kisses her son before leaving, and I just let her go, stupid as usual, I didn't have the courage to hold her back at that moment...
My life would turn into crap, I didn't know anything more about her and was enveloped again by the monotony of my routine gray days, thinking and thinking without understanding, and in my thoughts I got really angry with Alice, my conclusion was that she could never fall in love with a simple guy like me because she'd never be able to reach my level and preferred an elegant excuse to tell the truth. Only... I left with the best of that night's sex and the bitter-sweet taste in my mouth, unable to repeat it.
However, harsh reality would hit me again not long after and only then would I understand what she had hinted at, 'you'll hurt if you let yourself fall for me'
That morning wouldn't be just another morning like always, as I was the last one to find out about the news, but there were rumors that spread from mouth to mouth faster than light. At first it was just a hallway whisper, but soon it would confirm itself.
Many remembered the boss lady as a cheerful girl who always gave a smile, few or no one knew she had been fighting for some time with fulminant leukemia, and when I found out her life had gone out, I felt like mine was going out too.
I let myself fall onto the old armchair, devastated, and remember crying like a child, as never before in my life, life is very unfair and cruel at times.
I didn't attend her funeral, couldn't, how could I? She just left and took the best of me with her, the world keeps spinning and my days keep being gray between piles of papers accumulated on my desk, with a boss who only calls me 'Gutiérrez'.
No one knows, but in my worst moments, I open one of the drawers on my desk to look for that photo she once gave me, with that eternal smile, that smile that illuminates my life like a rainbow of colors.
If you liked the story, you can write me with title 'TE VOY A LASTIMAR' at dulces.placeres@live.com
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