My buddy eating my wife's ass

Always enjoyed stories of consensual infidelity, and didn't want to leave with the urge to write one in that genre, just like those who think about my stories can freely say if it's not good and I'll close it. Well, I hope they enjoy it as much as I did when writing it.

He entered our life, entered and never left again, now he is as important to us as the air we breathe itself.

My life was normal, my wife Carmen was 26 years old at the time, we had two children, Perla 6 and Antonio Jr. 4, they were our adoration; I, 28 years old, considered myself the luckiest man in the world, with a beautiful wife, adorable children, and a stable job, we lived in our own home on the outskirts of the city where we cohabited with our neighbors normally.

My sex life was a wonder, or at least that's what I thought, Carmen had a perfect body, 1.60 meters tall, smooth skin, beautiful light brown eyes, and clear chestnut hair, she looked beautiful in miniskirts, no one believed her body had two pregnancies, at parties men would devour her with their gaze, I would look at them and they would lower their eyes, embarrassed, it bothered me that they saw her, but neither was I authorized to prevent her from dressing provocatively.

At the time my friend Ramón, was also my workmate, we operated a mixed cargo truck, he was the only one who allowed him to talk about my wife's body and praise her, although that was an understatement, because he talked about her in a very vulgar way ? Comrade Antonio, that ass of my aunt would eat it all.

I timidly smiled; at first, when we met, I was bothered by the way he spoke, but later I understood that he wouldn't change, I understood that's how he talked about everyone and I got used to it, he was the only one who allowed him to talk like that about my wife's ass.

The problem started when they didn't change units, we would be close to two months each. who with different companions in different units, logistics was training, were new workers that we would train at the same time my buddy and I. Something started to catch my attention, my buddy talked a lot with my wife and she didn't inhibit herself from laughing at what he provoked her, sometimes she laughed so much that she ended up leaning on him, I saw how to approach them on the other side of the meetings, but as soon as I got there they would shut up and she would send me off for a drink or some nonsense, in short I started feeling like they didn't want me by their side. One day I was at the base parking my unit when I saw my buddy's unit coming, so I approached to greet him but to my surprise he came alone ? And Ramón?—I asked the one who was driving ? Not working today ? How? I saw him in the morning ? Now I'll explain– The guy parked his unit, got out and walked towards me– I'm telling you because you're his friend and there won't be a problem, he sometimes pays me half a day extra to make deliveries and he goes home ? To his house ? ? Well, I don't know, he goes and doesn't work that day ? Since almost from the first week, barely learned the routes, he would pay me to do it alone ? What a dumb friend my buddy is ? If I knew, but don't tell anyone, people shouldn't know ? Okay, I'll be discreet He bid me farewell and walked away to deliver the daily reports, I stayed confused because he wanted the day off, wasn't married, didn't have a girlfriend, had all afternoon free to do as he pleased, the question kept spinning in my head, especially why he didn't tell me or suggest it to me, I would have done it gladly and without extra pay, that's how great our friendship was for him. I got home and my kids greeted me jumping with joy, my daughter rushed over and I picked her up ? Hi princess, how was your day? ? Very nice, daddy, at school I painted a blue unicorn ? Well, what about Would you teach it truthfully?
I'd lower it by giving him a kiss on the forehead and went to the kitchen, my wife was preparing dinner while humming a song, moving her hips to the hum of the song, it seemed more sensual than funny.
Hello love
Hello--just turned around to see me and continued with what she was doing
How was your day?
Very well and you too
Also, you know, something weird is happening today--she immediately turned around to look at me, stopped what she was doing to pay attention
What happened?--looking at my eyes and expressions as if searching for something
Today Ramón entered work in the morning and left his partner alone to go home from work, didn't make the route
I don't think he went to do something bad
Who talked about doing something bad?
Look at my wife changing the colors of her face, it seemed nervous, restless, her hands were joined together, I knew her very well, she was nervous
Does anything happen love?--asked out of routine
No, I just thought and do you know where he went?
No, no idea
Said this, I saw how she sighed relieved and released her hands, directed herself back to the stove and continued preparing dinner; served dinner and we ate in silence, she looked at the plate, lost in thought, my children were eating while playing, normally she would scold them, now she didn't even look at them
You seem weird, does anything happen?
No nothing love, just your hallucinations, better dinner before it gets cold
We finished dinner, I bathed, it was Tuesday because what touched sex, she only let me do it on Tuesdays, in the missionary position and asked me to finish as quickly as possible, always something hurt her, her head, neck, hip, but since she loved me, allowed me to take her, softly and as quickly as I could.
I got out of the shower and saw her lying down, had already put the kids to bed and was looking at me from the bed, gave me a smile and extended her hand for me to come closer.
Is today Tuesday--I said excitedly
Yes it is love, it's time
Turn off the lamp because that's what she always asked me to do, I approached her and kissed her with passion, didn't... I'm tired of kissing that woman, her lips were meaty and juicy, her breasts despite having loved them were firm and exquisite; she alone took off her pantyhose, while I was taking off my pajamas and underwear, I got on top of her and pointed my penis at her vagina, buried it, it went like butter, never before had I felt so much moisture in her vagina, I moved like a madman, touched her tits, ass...

Tranquilo love, don't make so much noise or you'll wake up the kids...

If my love

Tried to calm myself and make it slower, finally felt my impending ejaculation and my dick shot out the semen, she pushed me away and kissed me on the cheek...

Thanks love, that was tasty, sleep tight

She turned over and fell asleep, I still had my dick outside, put on my underwear and pajamas and rolled over to her, tried to hug her but she softly rejected me, gave up, maybe she was hot and rolled over to the other side and fell asleep...

Morning came and I got ready to go to work, my wife was preparing breakfast and lunches for my kids and mine, went down and saw her all flustered to say goodbye...

Good morning

Good morning, my love, your lunch is here, take it now, don't forget, sit down and eat, it's late

I sat down and ate, saw her flustered, more than usual, finished my breakfast and kissed her goodbye, the kids left with me because I was taking them to school, she said goodbye and rushed in...

I arrived at work after dropping off my kids and approached my colleague, an idea had come to me, if my buddy could slip away, I could do the same...

Hello Paco, listen, I'm proposing a business...

Paco accepted almost instantly, he would pay me half a day extra on payday and he would make the round trip alone, I would go home and spend the morning with my wife, report to my boss, picked up the order and handed it over to Paco who gladly took it, after discreetly returning to my car and leaving the base without anyone noticing... Heart was racing at a thousand beats per hour, I was up to some mischief and my wife would be thrilled about it. I arrived home but stopped halfway down the block, my parking spot wasn't alone, outside was a very familiar car of mine, it belonged to Ramón, my buddy, but what in the world was he doing at my house alone with my wife? A thousand things went through my mind, from him visiting her by chance, until they were planning a surprise party for me, my birthday was coming up, if that's what this was, they were the people I loved most and together they were planning something for me, but what if not? My hands trembled, my mouth was dry, there was nothing left to do but go see. I parked my car halfway down the block and walked calmly, my street was full of large trees, I walked and as I approached something inside me told me it would be better to leave, not to find out, but I had to. I arrived at the house and didn't enter through the front, I headed to the patio and peeked in through the kitchen, my dog saw me and came over to greet me, I kicked him away and he retreated, I returned my gaze to the interior trying to figure out what was going on inside, it looked deserted, suddenly I saw the silhouette of my wife walking into the kitchen, barely had time to crouch down so she wouldn't see me. She opened the refrigerator and took out two beers, laughing she headed back to the living room, they were in the living room taking beer, I walked along the edge of the house and had a small lateral window, I peeked through it and saw them, they were sitting on the main couch, my plasma TV was showing a pornographic movie, they were watching porn, I remember when by accident I left with a porn magazine and she scolded me as if I were a pervert, I made myself burn it and go to church to confess, I felt so stupid, but I did it, now she was watching porn with my buddy, he whispered something in her ear and she rolled between laughter, gave him a passionate kiss on the mouth, my hands trembled more and I listened to the heartbeats From the heart. I wanted to cry, run, shout at them how much it hurt me what they were doing, I felt totally shattered inside. With a tear in my eye, I saw her get up and put on music, start dancing, move around just like she did the day before when preparing dinner, that's what she was doing, rehearsing and enjoying herself in that moment as if she would dance for him the next day.

There she was, my wife, dancing for my friend, wearing a mini skirt I had made her buy that week, wearing a very short blouse that barely covered her bra from below, moving so sensually, her curves emphasized by the music and my friend taking a beer while admiring her private show, very particular to him, never wanting to dance with me, always telling me to treat her with respect, something only whores asked for.

My wife was sensually removing her shoes, her blouse, dancing for a bit in just her mini skirt and bra, then her skirt flew off and fell beside my friend, the bra followed, flying into his crotch, she sensually turned around, giving my friend her back, bent down showing him her crack and ass at the same time and under her thong, turned to look at him and with one foot kicked him in the face, he didn't remove it, just uncovered his eyes to admire my naked wife while breathing in the fragrance of her thong.

My naked wife continued dancing for him, opening her legs and moving her hips forward so he could see her pubis and part of her labia majora, she had depilated with a cute cut, I remembered when I asked her why she did it since she never had before, she told me it was for hygiene, that all public hair could be unhygienic.

She didn't even finish the song when she moved sensually towards my friend, got down in front of him and while he took a beer, she unbuckled his pants, put her face in as if inhaling the aroma of his penis, something she said to him that made my friend laugh. and returned to drink another beer, while my wife put her hand in and with unknown skill for me pulled out my friend's penis. My eyes opened like plates when I saw the monstrous size of my friend's penis, it was like triple the size of mine, despite the distance between us, I could appreciate the enormous veins surrounding it, my wife was like hypnotized, she was masturbating him slowly, she got closer and smelled something, my friend laughed loudly again, but his smile disappeared when my wife put that huge penis in her mouth, half of that monster went in easily, my friend pulled out a bit more holding her by the neck and lowering her further, she let herself be asphyxiated by my friend's penis, he took it out and there was slobber coming from my wife's mouth and stuck to his penis, she took it and slid it all the way down like she was lubricating it, then she masturbated him quickly while taking another bit. I was scared, never would have imagined that skill at masturbating in my wife, he seemed like a professional porn actress with him, my friend seemed to get tired of sucking and stood up, while my wife continued sucking him, didn't take the penis out of her mouth and never stopped masturbating, she stuck to him like a calf stuck to its mother's udder, even when she walked the calf wouldn't let go and walked alongside her. My friend was completely standing still and my wife almost flat on her back to keep sucking him, holding her by the neck and moving obscenely from behind to forward, he did it very strongly, so much that my wife's head bounced with that thing inside, he laughed with perversion while doing it, took it out and my wife didn't get angry, she sucked his balls, putting them in her mouth alternately. My friend pulled her by the hair and stood her up, bent down a bit and kissed her, putting his tongue in, while my wife grabbed the cock and said masturbate, he pulled her back and bent her over the couch where she was sitting and she separated her legs, lifted her ass, and held onto the backrest with her hands.

My buddy positioned himself behind her and guided the monster towards my wife's crack with his hand. The cock went in halfway on the first push, three-quarters on the second, and all the way in on the third. When he did it, my wife lifted her head as if she wanted to look at the sky and maybe, judging by how she moaned, I could hear it even from where I was, that she had seen it.

He started a moderate in-and-out rhythm, doing it with power and pace, my wife's ass vibrating with each blow he gave her, my wife moaning like a slut, never having seen her so turned on before, moving from side to side, holding onto her own ass, caressing her own tits, my buddy kept going.

I watched them in surprise, my mind confused, not knowing what to think, suddenly I felt something, my groin began to harden, I saw my wife being taken by my buddy and how she was enjoying it like a slut in heat, which started to excite me, my penis hardened as much as I had never felt before; I even surprised myself when my hand alone directed itself to my groin and caressed my penis, feeling like it was an alien's hand that was caressing me, I turned around all sides but the bed blocked me, no one could see me, unable to help myself I opened my pants and pulled out my penis, covering it with my whole hand, it felt small compared to my buddy's, my wife used both hands and still had some left over, mine was enough with just one hand.

My hand moved over my penis as I watched them getting it on, never being able to do that to my wife, Carmen, the love of my life, whom I had sworn eternal love and fidelity, now she was like a slut receiving a cock that wasn't mine.

My buddy stopped and pulled out, she turned around and my hand accelerated when I saw her put the cock in her mouth, not caring that it was full of vaginal mucus, she moaned a Good time and then he said something to her because she went back to her position, only that she drooled saliva in her Booty, looked strange and opened my eyes surprised each time more, my wife was letting him put the cock in her ass.

He held her very tight from the hip and shoulder, note because I saw how his fingers marked themselves sinking into the fleshy hip of my wife, she made a thousand gestures and finally opened her mouth like a hippopotamus with sleep when my buddy savagely inserted it all the way to the bottom, the poor one breathed as if it were a birth, but she didn't complain, suddenly he moved again, took it out a little only to return to put it in all the way, I heard a cry of pain from her but didn't remove it, he said something to her and she nodded, pulled it out by the handle and my wife surprised me again, got the cock in her mouth and sucked it, although it didn't seem like a proper blowjob, more like a refined lubrication technique, drooled all over with saliva with her tongue and when she was all sloppy, turned around and opened her ass, not without before drooling more saliva in her ass, my buddy neither slow nor lazy put it back in, she let out an intense scream but that didn't stop him, I watched for a good while.

My wife was screaming a lot being sodomized by my buddy, I was like crazy masturbating, saw how he bent a little and inserted himself very deep and fast, my wife kept screaming, but didn't take it off, on the contrary when he kissed her neck, she caressed him with her hand, it was a woman dominated by her male, it didn't matter her pain, only mattered pleasing him.

My buddy accelerated as if that were possible and attacked very hard in my wife's ass, she bent her head, but then straightened up and turned her around to face upwards when my buddy started puffing and ejaculating in her ass, we both groaned while my wife looked at the sky, apparently she was back in paradise.

I came when I saw how my wife, bent in front of him, sucked his cock, my ejaculation were three powerful jets of semen, which left stuck on the wall until I was surprised seeing that, never had I ejaculated with such power.

I adjusted my clothes and quickly left there, I was confused, my feelings were anger, disappointment, excitement, morbidness, and I don't know what else, I wandered around in my car, stopped at a square and looked at the families happily strolling, the kids running ahead under the watchful gaze of their dads

I had that, or at least I thought so, my life which I considered perfect before was not anymore, or was it? I had just masturbated and ejaculated like never before after seeing how they were having sex, maybe that wasn't so bad, maybe that was the missing part in our lives to reach perfection; physically I couldn't satisfy my wife like he did, that orgasm she (and even I) wouldn't have been able to achieve on our own; yes, that was missing, that spark that would cause inconceivable orgasms.

I looked at the clock and time had flown by, it was already time to go home, I didn't know how my wife would react when I saw her, all I knew was that I already wanted to see her again.

I arrived home and came in as always, I couldn't help but look at the armchair where hours before my wife had been treated like a slut, they had sodomized her and even been rough with her, the worst part is that the three of us enjoyed it, the house smelled clean, probably she had cleaned and spread air freshener to erase traces.

My wife came out of the kitchen with a ear-to-ear smile, she was radiant, looked beautiful, freshly bathed, so full, so full of joy, so satisfied, I didn't remember a single moment when I left her like that.

? Hi my love, it's good you're back, how was your day?
? Fine
My fine came out by reflex, I couldn't say anything else, the truth part of that fine wasn't so far from the truth.
? Did you have a lot of work?
? The normal
I was answering by reflex, my gaze was stuck on her She focused on her mouth, seeing her with her beautiful plump lips and watching as she approached me and kissed me on the welcoming mouth. When I kissed her, I couldn't help but have the image of those lips sucking my friend's cock, breathe deeply to try to perceive some different aroma, but I only perceived shower gel.

She had bathed thoroughly, at that moment I knew that if she smelled her pubic area, she would only smell shower gel, but I still had horrible urges to smell it, I wanted to see if I could perceive my friend's smell, the urge invaded me, blinded and also excited me, I couldn't help it and my erection developed in my pants. I pulled her arm towards the kitchen and she, confused, let herself be led.

? Come on please
? What's wrong?
? I need to do something
Don't let her ask more, I bent down in front of her and got under her skirt, she couldn't help it, I think she was so confused that she didn't know how to react. I brought my nose to her pubic area and indeed smelled clean, not a single trace of sex, but the images of that slit being split in two by my friend's enormous cock made me go crazy. I pressed my mouth to the slit and passed my tongue over it, feeling the cottony flavor of pantyhose, she put her hands on my head as she felt me stimulating her with my tongue.

? My love, what do you have? Why are you doing this?
Don't answer, just press your tongue harder on her slit and manage to extract a small moan of pleasure. I imagined how my friend would make her scream with his enormous tongue, I don't know why that made me more excited and with my fingers I pushed the pantyhose to one side and inserted my tongue.

? Aaahhh my love, what are you doing? Why now? Wait until night, the kids might come in aaahhh
I didn't stop, normally I would ask permission before doing it, but now I didn't, I wouldn't stop for anything, she was at my mercy. She opened her legs wider, I don't know if it was because of my cunnilingus or maybe she got excited thinking that I was sucking her slit after a stallion had Would you like it well and nice. ? Aaahhh yes aaahhh my love, I feel so tasty aaahhh
She arched her legs to put her hips more forward, I was sucking like never in my life, inserting and withdrawing my tongue, stimulating her clitoris with her and then she sucked me with ferocity, she was already moving without hiding her hips, it was as if she were taking me to hers. ? Aaahhh aaahhh
More moans of pleasure came out of her mouth, I could guess by how she moved that she had her eyes rolled back and her head thrown back to the sky, I felt proud of making her come at least with my tongue; suddenly she moved very quickly, so fast it cut off my breath, her moans started growing and echoing throughout the kitchen, despite the asphyxiation my tongue never stopped moving, suddenly a large amount of vaginal fluid came out of her slit, even some urine, I felt it on my tongue while crushing her clitoris with her. ? Oh my love, aaahhh don't stop moving your tongue, oh if only aaahhh
I felt convulsions in her body and in her vagina, her movements slowly subsided and I felt her relaxing, I separated my mouth from her slit and before leaving under her skirt I gave her a kiss as if it were a normal mouth. ? My love what did you do to me? Why now? What did you do at work?
I got up and with the back of my hand wiped away the excess vaginal mucus, but then I licked savoring the orgasmic flavor. ? Really tell me what happened?--Carmen asked, adjusting her skirt
? Don't you like it?
? Very much, but you confuse me, why now?--her gaze was piquant and playful
? I left early from my work and came home, saw my friend Arturo's car, approached the side window and saw you with him on the couch
I didn't know why I said it, the words came out of my mouth quickly and quietly, I couldn't control what I was saying, my wife paled and her eyes opened like plates
? I... no... this, let me explain... look... I couldn't talk anymore, the gestures of pouting appeared on her face just like tears from her eyes, she had mascara on her eyelashes, this one ran with tears giving a more funeral appearance to her face, she was crying intensely, I only saw her... My love... forgive me.

I almost said it between pouting and sobbing, I was serious, just looking at her, didn't want to talk, enjoyed the moment of making her suffer and it seemed like she suffered a lot... Please... forgive me snif snif.

It's over, for me it was a game, I love you, only you, that was just what you saw, something physical, I don't love you, I love you... please say something.

I kept looking at her with serious eyes that were like a Magdalene's, I listened as she justified herself saying it was a game, that she loved me, but if she loved me why did she let him have her?

? Snif snif, please say something, scream at me, hit me, get angry... but don't look at me like that... snif snif.

I couldn't take it anymore, I had made her suffer too much, I loved her so much I couldn't be cruel to her anymore, I approached her amidst her interminable sobbing, when I was close I saw her eyes narrow to receive my punch, she wouldn't take it even if I did it, knew she deserved it and would endure my punishment, but I never would, I really loved her, I grabbed her by the shoulders then lifted my hands to her face and in the most tender way I could wiped away her tears from her face, she was confused and closed them again and cried more intensely, I think she would have preferred the punch to my compassion.

? I love you

I whispered it, approached her face and kissed her, felt her swollen lips from crying, felt them wet with her tears, sucked on them so the tears would disappear, when I opened my eyes saw hers still closed with tears, had a lot to not kiss her with her eyes closed, now I did because she received the kiss instead of recrimination... ? Do you hate me really?.


? No, I'll never hate you, I love you too much... ? I'll tell you not to come back ever, if do you want us to move to another city, I'll do whatever you want and hope that someday you can forgive me?

I took her by the hand to the kitchen table and sat her down, she sat down and lowered her gaze, unable to look at me, I imagine she felt the greatest shame of her life?

I want you to be sincere, it's no longer time to lie and I want to hear your true words, do you promise to tell the truth?

I answered slowly, knowing that he would ask, normally the deceived one would ask why did you do it just to hear it and get angry or reprimand the response, but this was not my case

Why did you do it?
I... couldn't speak anymore, the crying returned

Please tell me the truth
I felt alone, he came one day and I don't know how things went, and I gave in to what he asked

What did he ask?
To have sex with him, he told me he had desired me since he met me, that he didn't take me out of his head, it was very seductive and I said yes, but only once... but it wasn't just once, it happened many times

Since when?
We've been together for less than a year
A year? I thought, never having suspected it, maybe I was too confident, but then images of her always talking to him came to my mind, bringing him beer, resting while he laughed at his joke

I understand, I won't ask if you liked it, that was evident

Forgive me please snif snif—she said crying
If my love, but look at me—she turned to look at me for the first time—I love you, really and truly and what I'm going to tell you don't take it badly, I want you to keep seeing him
What you heard, I want you to keep seeing him, don't let him stop talking, we won't move to another city and we won't break up with him

But what do you say? Is this serious? You just confessed that you cheated on me and do you want me to keep seeing him?

Yes, but now with my consent, just promise something
I don't understand
Promise something
That I'm already... You'll deceive me if you do it, I want to know if you're going to fuck or not? Are you listening? Are you asking me to keep screwing with him? No, I couldn't do that now that I know you know, I wouldn't offend you like that, I told you I wouldn't speak to him again and I'll fulfill it?

My love, calm down and think about this, I love you and what I saw was the most satisfied woman in the world, I would never take that away from you, I want you to keep seeing him, but don't hide it and above all promise me that you'll never stop loving me?

That will never happen, I'll always love you and you'll be my love for life, what I did was physical, something I can do without, but not you.

Well, nothing will be missing, neither your love nor his pleasure, you have my permission, believe me, it doesn't matter to me and I want to see you happy.

We heard the steps of our children coming down to eat dinner, she wiped her face with a napkin and served us dinner.

During dinner, she suddenly looked at me and when I turned to look back at her, she would bow her head, in one of those moments, she kept looking at me and gave me an amiable smile, love, she corresponded to it and I took hold of her chin and planted a prolonged kiss without tongue, she closed her eyes again and let herself be kissed, when she opened them, she looked at me and smiled more tranquilly?

I love you - I whispered to her so only she could hear.

And you too, more - She answered sincerely in her eyes.

Run away, run away, they're boyfriend and girlfriend...

My daughter's voice mocking our kiss made us smile even more; yes, she was my girlfriend, my wife, my wife, the love of my life, the mother of my children, and something sexual wouldn't separate us and maybe, only maybe, it would unite us even more.

We finished dinner and she went to put the kids to bed, I went to the bathroom, took a bath, got out in pajamas and came back to the bedroom, Carmen was lying on the bed, wearing her cream-colored nightgown, which reached halfway down her thigh, that one she used to wear when she wanted to tease me and later... Tuesday was the only day she would let me have her, afterwards with the passage of time she would be giving up putting it on and I would settle for seeing her in dark colors, a pair that reached her ankles, climbing onto her and ejaculating at 3 or 4 minutes if I took too long I'd say it was heavy or hurt her hip and I had to get off; but now she had put it back on.

The lamp's light illuminated her sculptural body, she looked at me calmly, with serenity, her breathing was slow almost paused, I went to turn off the lamp but she stopped me

? No my love, don't turn it off
? Why?
? I want there to be light

Don't answer, just stay looking as she sat on the bed and lifted her robe, pulled it over her head and in front of my eyes she was completely naked, with nothing underneath; crawling towards me she undid my pajama's buttons with one hand freeing my dick, caressed it and looked at it, I felt uncomfortable that she was looking at it, it was ridiculous comparing it to my friend Ramón's

She masturbated me a bit without turning around to look at me, then put me in her mouth, sucked on me like never before, I felt the suction of her mouth on my penis, this wasn't something I'd teach her, this is what my friend had taught her, my penis jumped with excitement imagining how she learned to suck it guided by my example; but something passed and my penis lost some erection; she took my penis out of her mouth and got down in front of me, our faces were right next to each other

? Tell me something—she said while masturbating my penis
? What?
? Are you really grossed out?
? Never
? I was with someone else today, do you know what I did and came home smelling like a vagina why did you do it?

She put her robe back on, I approached my pajama's and we went down to the living room hand in hand after that we went out through the kitchen, we left and she led me to the window from which I had seen her before, she was very confused, looking at me attentively but not saying anything

? From here I saw you—I said in a low tone so only she could hear—stay here and I'll see you smile like that They were caressing each other, as if you kissed me with passion, I won't deny that at first I felt crying, in fact I cried... My love no, please not... Calla love, it's not a reprimand, it's just so you know how things were for me, if I cried and don't regret it, I saw you doing oral sex, how you submitted to get me, how you started to moan like never in life that something provoked in me and suddenly developed the biggest erection I've ever had in my life, I couldn't help myself and masturbated with the pleasure I'd never felt before, I came so much it splashed on the wall, in fact it was a lot, look there... She turned around looking at the wall, public light was arriving and with that she distinguished the remaining streams of my ejaculation...

Is this your ejaculation? Is all that yours?

Yes, I felt the biggest morbo I'd ever felt when you arrived, almost painful not to smell and taste your vagina...

Did you want to feel the scent of ramón?

I don't know, I think so...

Are you gay?

No, haha no my love, I'm not, but thinking about it gives me so much morbo, I think that's the spark missing from our lives, we have the love, sex has become routine, those stains show that both of us need it

She looked at me differently, no longer seeing shame on her face, now she saw a study of reaction, I was looking at her the same way, waiting to hear what she thought about it...

Is that your cum?

I nodded timidly, now it was my turn to be questioned, look how she turned back to the wall, looked at my streams, took off her slippers and put them on the floor, got down putting her knees on the slippers, it was as if they were knee pads, turned around to see me and smiled...

Is that really my man's cum?

I nodded again with my head and my penis jumped when she pulled out her tongue and licked the cum off the wall, it was dry but that didn't stop her from licking it, I was starting to go crazy seeing her lick my cum, got up and kissed me on the mouth, felt something strange in taste, maybe it was my cum...

Do you feel... Flavor?
That's how Ramón's knows it
I got upset and kissed her more passionately, I don't know why that happened, she looked inside through the window, I approached her and stuck to her
What did you see?
You sucking it
Yes, I did
As he said this, his hands possessed my penis, opened my pajamas again and freed my penis and masturbated it
What else do you see?
When you got up and caught me
Carmen lifted her nightgown a little and guided my erect penis to her slit, this entered, we both looked at the sofa
Yes, she has it very big, I felt like I was tearing apart, he's very rough sometimes aaahhh
She moaned when I pushed my excited penis listening to her
I also saw when you took it out and made her suck it
Yes, that's what happened since the first time aaahhh my love aaahhh
Then he put it in her ass
Yes aaahhh in the first week it broke my ass, I couldn't help it, she got me so horny I couldn't say no... aaahhh my love aaahhh don't stop
Did you suck her after putting it in her ass?
Yes aaahhh I've gotten used to the flavor, aaahhh I did it because she asked me to lubricate her so he could keep fucking me, it hurt him and that doesn't please him, but he won't stop even if I'm hurting or screaming with pain... aaahhh you're so tasty, you're getting me aaahhh
I couldn't take it anymore, I moved like a crazy person grabbing her, she was all wet, we were both getting excited from the conversation about how she had taken it, I came while pressing her breasts and moaning in her ear, she moaned too; we breathed more relaxed, but I could still feel her excitement, in fact, I was excited, I wanted to hear more about what they had done to her and for her to tell me
Come on, let's go inside
She took my hand and I followed her, we were walking together, I felt like she was pressing down on my hand, at a certain moment while we were walking I turned around and saw our gazes meet, she smiled with love and I responded by squeezing her hand, we entered the room and she sat on the edge of the bed, I turned around and still had my penis From outside, she took it with her hand and caressed it, my penis didn't react, it was flaccid, she noticed
? Did you like seeing how they were screwing me ? really ?
My penis jumped when she asked, she continued to caress it and masturbated it smoothly, she stayed silent looking at me with my eyes and felt my erection going away
? Do you like seeing how I'm being screwed mercilessly ? really ?
Again my penis gave pulsations of wanting to fill up, that was what she experienced, that I got so excited watching her screwing another man
? Do you want it to keep happening ? Do you want me to get screwed daily with your permission ? Do you want to see me screaming like a madwoman over him while he's fucking me in the ass ? I've done it before, I can do it for you to see
My penis was already firm as a rock, my mouth open while I breathed heavily, I didn't move, my hands were at my sides, only letting myself get excited by her with her hands and words
? Do you know that possibly she's masturbating right now looking at my photos ?
? Aaahhh – I couldn't help but moan
? Ah yes, she took pictures and videos of me, she likes seeing how I swallow his cum in front of the camera
? Aaahhh
? That would be nice ? really ?
? Si… aaahhh
She was taking me to a very intense excitement point, my hard penis by her words, she smiled between malicious and happy
? Does it excite you seeing me with another ?
? Yes, but also you like it, I love you and want you to keep going aaahhh
I accelerated her hand making her moan with pleasure, my trembling hands caressed my thighs, I squeezed them feeling where she was taking me
? And how do you want it to be ? You here... or not ?
? I don't know, if you want I'll bring him and you can pass the time with him in the mornings while I work and when I get home in the afternoon tell me what you did
She stopped masturbating, looked at me with my eyes and got up, she kissed me passionately, my hands went to her buttocks under the robe, caressed her ridge from which cum... my cum, never before had I ejaculated that much inside, with the cum I directed myself to

her asshole and I caressed it timidly, put a finger in, she smiled while I did it, turned over and got down on the bed, turned her face to me and looked at me. ? Do it? ? Do you want me to do it? ? He didn't ask permission, and I'm yours, you can do whatever you want with my body, my body is yours. ? I put myself behind her and directed my penis at her asshole. ? Don't hurt me, right? ? No—she smiled tenderly at my words– Ramón's penis is bigger and has been open to me for a long time, do it. My penis went in like butter, I didn't feel any resistance, I moved behind her, sodomizing her, it was the first time we'd done it, I felt glorious, I was fucking my wife thanks to her infidelity, far from being angry now I was very happy with it. ? Aaahhh my love, do you like it?—I asked her as she received my penis in her asshole. ? I love it, I want this to be eternal. ? Do you want to feel more tasty? ? Yes. ? No, move, I'll do it. I started a hip movement that made my penis feel the greatest pleasure a man can feel, I felt her powerful hips moving with my cock inside, at that moment I understood why there was reggaeton and the why of those girls' movements behind guys, it was the same hip movement. ? Where did you learn? ? Ramón taught me. ? Aaahhh. ? Yes, he was, he taught me to move like this with a few slaps on my ass. Aaahhh. Tímida-ly I raised my hand and slapped her, it was more of a strong caress than a slap, but it made her whimper; I raised it again and she whimpered again, guessing that I would do it again, I let my hand drop and another whimper, I got excited and did it according to me more intensely. ? More intense... you can make it more intense. ? My buddy does it very intensely. ? Yes, he does it until they're red, with that it comes very intensely, she likes it when she screams when I sodomize her and slap her aaahhh... and I scream aaahhh I love it when I'm sodomized and slapped hard aaahhh. Aaahhh. It was too much for me to ejaculate again, now in her asshole, already two times in a row with... she, we hadn't done it twice in a row with boyfriends, felt like she increased movement as I felt my ejaculation, suddenly stopped moving and sat on the bed, put my penis in her mouth and sucked without any problem, almost had another erection looking at her suck my penis, extracting the last drops with her mouth.

Her slit and ass were expelling cum, staining the sheets, it was like they were tattooed on them, I could even see the figure of her slit and ass painted. ? I love you—I said, stroking her hair ? And you too
She answered, turning from where she was sucking me, we fell asleep with our arms around each other, neither of us bathed, the bed had stains of my semen all over it, coming out of her asshole and slit, felt like it was coming out and I hugged her more.

In the morning, she woke me up, moved slowly and woke me up ? My love, it's time to get up ? If my love
I looked at her and saw her already changed, we always did it that way, she would get up, bathe, and prepare everything for me, then wake me up, that was a great woman, always attentive to me.

? Take a bath, and we'll wait for you downstairs for breakfast
She left the room and I did what she asked, when I got down there were my kids and she waiting for me, we had breakfast talking about trivial things, neither she nor I touched on yesterday's topic, we looked at each other like nothing had happened. ? Kids, brush your teeth, hurry up!
She sent them to brush their teeth, they left and we were alone, she turned back to look at me after they left the dining room ? I want to talk about yesterday—she said ? If you want to know what happened ? I don't know what happened next ? Well, we reached an agreement—I answered while taking a bite of breakfast to my mouth ? Are you still on that? Is it serious? ? Yes, yesterday I saw you so satisfied, so full and happy and I don't know if you noticed, I was also happy ? My love, because I'm afraid you'll regret me and treat me like leaving or think I'm just any slut, I really love you and am willing to leave it and not see you never again, we can't do it without him, we did it yesterday, I never felt so much pleasure with you as I did yesterday... But my love... Nothing, look, we're still stuck in the same thing, I love you, you love me, and he fucks us both well, that's how it will be, we won't get out of here, if you feel like we're losing control, let's talk about it and fix it, if you and I agree on something, there won't be a problem... I'm not sure, I'm scared... No, my love, don't be afraid, I'll never stop loving you... We didn't hug or kiss, passion came back to us, she felt it too, I wouldn't let the flame go out, if that meant sharing it, I wouldn't care. Today I'll ask my boss to put us in the same unit and bring him here... Why?—she opened her eyes like plates... So you can talk to him and explain how things will be... Because I thought we'd keep doing it secretly, you'd know but he wouldn't, so only he would get fooled, but now do you want him to find out that you know? I hadn't thought about that, one thing was us knowing and another was him knowing, now it would be a full-on cuck, I felt palpitations when I said it... If my love, he should also know, there won't be any secrets or silly complications anymore... Okay, I'll repeat it, even though I'm not sure if it's correct, I've already failed once and don't want to do it again... No, my love, it won't be a failure because I'm giving you permission and there won't be any secrets or lies between us... The kids came back and I got up, went to the bathroom, washed my teeth, and while doing so, looked at myself in the mirror, saw my life pass by, saw how we started our relationship, our marriage, the birth of our children, the comparison of our home, how happy we were with it all; now it's a new stage, one that promises something that always lacked... 'the perfect orgasm'

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