Parte 1: Parte 2: Parte 3: Parte 4:
I got out of the shower and put on shorts and a t-shirt. When I went down, I found Mom already seated at the table. She was wearing her usual uniform with a flannel shirt over a sleeveless white top and high-waisted jeans. A plate of waffles was in front of her. My heart sank. Whenever I had a bad day as a child, Mom would make me waffles. I don't know how the tradition started, but at some point it became our comfort food. That plate was the death sentence for what we had been doing. She told me everything Mom couldn't say. I sat down and Mom put two steaming circles on my plate. She couldn't look me in the eye. Your father will be coming home tonight, she said, He finally finished all the paperwork. We have to pick him up after dinner. Oh, I see, I said, You must be happy he's coming home. It was a low blow, I know, but Mom rejected it like a pro. It'll be good to have the whole family together again, she said. I'm sure. I could barely savor my breakfast, but I forced myself to eat. Mom sat down and looked at me. She was smiling, but her eyes seemed sad. I knew in that moment that Mom wasn't happier than I was about this. She was just more mature. It's been fun, she said, The last few weeks. Of course, I said. I don't want to lose that, she said, I mean, the closeness we have. —Me neither— I said. I stretched out over the table and took Mom's hand. I'm not going to let you go. Mom nodded. She got up from the table and I swear I heard a sob. After breakfast, I helped Mom clean the table and wash the dishes. I would never again see that sink in the same way. After this, do you want to see something? mom asked. I almost dropped the plate I was drying. You know, one last time before your father gets home. I nodded, mute. Unable to express myself more. I think my bedroom will be fine, mom said. Her message was clear. After we finished with the plates, I went up to my room. I took the two remaining condom packets and put them in my pocket. If this was the last hurrah, then I was making the most of it. Mom was waiting for me in her bedroom, with the blanket already up to her waist. Come rest your head, she said, patting her shoulder. I got under the sheets and took off my shorts. I settled next to mom, putting my head where she wanted it. Pushed my legs against mom's and felt that she was also naked below the waist. This is the last time, mom said, our last opportunity to do this together. I'm quite sure we can still see TV, I said, although I knew exactly what I meant. Not like that, mom said, sounding melancholic. Sad. She came over and pressed play on my iPad. The program started and we did something completely different. In fact, we hugged. We stayed in bed, enjoying each other's company. Mom stroked my head distractedly. I held her close. Strangely, it was the most intimate thing we had done. But biology inevitably called at the door and soon I found myself looking for condoms. As soon as I opened the first one, I knew something was off. The latex felt dry and thin. Clearly it had gone bad, so I threw it away. I opened my last packet and, fortunately, it was fine. I suppose it made sense. Last time together. Last condom. I climbed between mom's expectant legs and slid into her. We rolled around slowly, taking our time. We didn't say anything, but we looked at each other fixedly while making love. We didn't... Nothing more. No additional movements or strange sounds. We enjoyed the connection of our bodies. It was enchanting. Finally, I filled the condom. Then I emptied mom. She rubbed my flank with her hand, as if rewarding a horse after a good race. She was looking fixedly and I realized she was looking at the condom. I held it as if offering it to her. Mom shook her head and looked away. When I returned from throwing the condom in the toilet, mom was lying on the sheets. She was completely dressed. This time, she palmed the side of the bed where she wanted me to sit. We reclined and watched (in fact we watched this time) a lot of boring reality shows. They weren't bad, actually. But nothing was better than being with mom. The whole world seemed silenced in comparison. We had a serious dinner, almost funeral-like. While chewing, I mentally reviewed everything that had happened during the last month or so. How Cassie had broken up with me. How mom and I started watching movies together. Starting to run with mom. Starting to do, um, other things with mom. Painting our nails in the backyard. Painting her vagina with my tongue in her bedroom. And then, finally, we became one. It was over. I knew it would be hard, but both of us would keep going. This time would be a fleeting dream. A feverish dream of sounds and feelings. Something that neither of us would ever admit to, but that we would secretly share forever. Mom would go back to her life. I would meet a girl and get married. In stolen moments, we shared a furtive smile, but that was all. And even then, we wondered if it had all been imagined. A leap in time. A blink where the world stopped and we slid through the seconds like ghosts. Mom's phone vibrated and she looked at it. Your father's flight is delayed, she said. sliding his cell phone in the middle of the table. Hi David! Mom said, noticeably cheerful. Jay and I are here, we found out about your flight. That stinks! It's okay, Dad said. His voice was tired. I just can't wait to get home. I'm sure, Mom said, we'll have the bed prepared and ready for you. I thought it was something strange to promise, but in the context of what we had been doing there, I'm sure it was an important detail for Mom. Whatever, Dad said, you're still going to come get me. Yes, Jay is ready to come get you, Mom said. She smiled warmly at me. Don't send just the kid, Julie, seriously, Dad said. Something about how he called me the kid made me wonder if he realized I was also on the phone. Mom had clearly said I was there, didn't she? Oh, definitely, Mom said, I can't wait to see you too. But I'm sure that if I had to, Jay would be fine alone. Jesus, Julie, look. See that Jay is your sweet little kid or whatever, but even you have to admit he's not exactly firing on all cylinders right now. He has a point... He's listening... Mom tried to interrupt him, but Dad went ahead. I mean, the kid is almost 19 and I barely trust him to drive to the supermarket without having two accidents on the way and bringing home eggs, instead. Mom looked at me, embarrassed. As if this were somehow her fault. We both blushed. I felt embarrassed. Angry. All of it. Yet Dad kept going. Have you been drinking, dear? he asked. Just for a bit, I'm waiting for my flight, Dad said, Okay, I'm off. 12:30, don't forget. I'll send you a text when I board. The room was so silent that I could hear the house settling. A dog barked in the distance. Mom didn't look at me. I'm sorry, Jay. Your dad didn't realize. Don't Regretful ones, I said. I got up from the table. You shouldn't have said those things about her, Mom said, your father hasn't seen how much you've grown all these years. We're still used to thinking of you as the little boy who almost burned himself. —He shouldn't have said those things about her either— I said. Mom looked at the table. Okay. I'm used to it. That's not okay, Mom, I said. No, I know, she said, but what else do I have? You have me. I thought the words, but couldn't pronounce them. Saying that somehow a son could replace a husband was ridiculous. The roles, relationships, were completely different. But then, wasn't that what we'd been doing all this time? You deserve to be treated better, I said, like the incredible, wonderful and beautiful woman you are. I know, she said, your father has been gone for so long. He's having a terrible day. Probably also had too many drinks. He's not usually like that. I knew my dad my whole life (duh). I knew he was drunk and probably depressed too. But I also knew he'd meant every word he said on that call. But all the anger and resentment I felt were wiped out by Mom's melancholy. She had a scholarship. I was going back to university. I could leave that place forever if I wanted to. But Mom had to live the rest of her life this way, and it wasn't fair. She was worthy of much more. I guess being the little gentleman again, I wanted to save her. Instead, I suggested something much riskier. We have time to kill, I said, do you want to watch a movie? Mom looked at me and sighed. I could see her weighing it in her mind. Knowing she should say no but unable to say yes. I have to get your father's bed ready, she said. I can help with that, I said with a smile. Actually, it needs to be done, she said. That'll take about five minutes. We have four hours. Mom She made a pause. Almost I could see the angel and the demon on her shoulders, discussing from one side to the other in her brain. Only movies, she said. Nothing else. I agreed easily. We put clean sheets on the bed. Mom put a different quilt on and changed the pillowcases. Finally, I gave the room a complete Febreze treatment, just in case. We went down to Dad's room and turned on the TV. Mom sat beside me on the sofa. Our hips touched, but that was all. Mom set an alarm on her phone for when we had to leave the house to go find Dad. It was going to be late at night and she worried we'd fall asleep in front of the TV. We have to get there on time, she said, as if the world would end otherwise. I nodded and started changing channels to find something to watch. Let's try something different this time, Mom said. I understood she was really reminding me that this wasn't going to be like our usual screen time. I passed through the channels and found, in a very edited format, of course, Bridesmaids. This was the opposite of different, naturally. It was the same movie we had started with. I took it as a sign and stayed with it. A few minutes later, I grabbed the blanket and covered myself up. Cold? Mom asked. Of course, I said. I reached for Mom's pants and started unbuttoning them. Mom moved under my touch. Jay, I don't think we should do that, she said. But I could hear the variation in her voice. She was literally unsure. Do what? I asked, and opened up Mom's jeans zipper. Mom sighed, exasperated, but didn't say anything more. I played with her vagina through her underwear. I took my time lazily. After a while, I grabbed Mom's hand and brought it to my lap, landing right on my penis. Mom let out a small moan. She expressed my hardness through my shots. We were both caressing each other through our clothes. For me. Surprise, Mom was the first to take off her pants. It's really hot here, she explained as she took off her jeans and panties. Definitely, I said and did the same. The bridesmaids finished and started another movie. I wasn't paying attention anymore. Mom's hand slid up and down my bare penis. I rubbed and played with her slippery vagina. We were joking around between us. Taking our time. Two people so expert at exciting each other that it had become second nature. But I wanted more. Mom, I want to hug you, I said. We're hugging, dear, Mom said. She put her arm around my shoulders to make a point. Mom, I said, groaning again, This isn't a hug. Mom rolled her eyes but was joking. I suppose we could sit on the floor, she said. Yes! But you know, we have to be careful with the floor, she said, it's bare down there and we have to make sure we cover ourselves. I gave Mom a melancholy look. We're, um, without covers, I said. Mom was already sitting on the floor. Before I could reconsider, I slid behind her, being careful to keep the blanket over us. Oh, sweetheart, today's not a good time for that, Mom said. I'll be careful, I said, realizing what Mom was saying. She had felt very slippery when I touched her. I supposed it was her excitement at doing this again. But it was more than that, I realized. We have to be cautious, Mom said. You know what? I said, I'll be the only one on the floor. You can sit in my lap. That's a little the opposite of what I was saying, dear, Mom said. But she obediently let me slide under her. My penis tightened under Mom's sexual dripping. Mom slowly began to slide her butt over my shaft. This is... Very comfortable, Mom said. I wish I could sit closer, I said, snuggle up more. Dear, no We can't, Mom said, Not today. Okay, I said. You feel good, Mom said. Snuggle up with my boy. I reached the hips of Mom and found her clitoris. She held her breath. Be careful, okay, sweetie? Mom said. I just want you to feel good, I said seriously. I know, baby, but Mom needs to keep control. You always have control, Mom, I said, I'll do what you want. I know, Mom said, but sometimes... sometimes Mom makes mistakes. I don't want us both to regret it. Not if it's what you want, then it's right for me, I said. Mom laughed to herself with sadness. She started swaying back and forth more forcefully. God, it felt so good, the way Mom moved over me. Her urgency. The heat and humidity of her vagina. We had been touching naked. Not like this. Always there was a condom in the middle. Something about skin on skin between mother and son made it even more surprising. Feeling Mom's body against mine, I couldn't help myself. I took my other hand, the one not on Mom's clitoris, and passed it over her breast. She lifted her hand and grabbed her breast above her shirt. For the first time, I was feeling Mom's nipple. It was glorious, worth the risk. Full and plump, I could even feel the hint of a hardened nipple through her sleeveless top and bra. Mom froze. This was way above the sheets. Uh, sweetie? What are you doing? I didn't say a word, but I didn't let go. Dad would be home in a few hours. All this was ending. It was my last chance. I wasn't going to leave anything behind, and least of all regrets. I waited for Mom to say something. To take my hand away. Finally, she shrugged slightly and started rolling her hips over me again. When I realized I had the green light, I passed my hand under Mom's shirt, lifted her bra, and grabbed her bare breast. This time, Mom... spoke. 'Oh, darling, that's good', she said. I lifted her breast in my hand. She toyed with her clitoris with the other. Really wanted more arms at that moment. Touching every centimeter of my incredible and beautiful mother. My head was filled with all kinds of plans for the next step, but my body was already finished. Mom pressed her vagina against my penis and I felt my explosion was imminent. 'Mom', I said, 'I'm coming'. 'Almost there', she said. She was panting. All thought of decorum had gone. We were no longer playing the game. Pretending had been left behind. Mom slid back, then forward and stopped. The head of my penis had positioned itself just at her opening. A moment became hours. We hung on the precipice. Mom let my penis kiss her vagina and then slid over it again. The next slide, she did it again. Time stopped. Once more, she let my penis rebound against her. She held it longer this time. Really considering. Oh God. My penis was less than a centimeter from sliding naked into mom's vagina. I never wanted anything more. I couldn't wait any longer. I leaned back. Aimed. Then slid forward. I told myself I would withdraw when the moment came. It was just to feel it for a moment. To know what could have been. My penis traversed mom's opening. 'Ohhhhhh!' Mom moaned. Her vagina slowly filled with my penis. I was completely buried in my mother. Nothing between us. The centimeters sliding until I was fully embedded. Mom was panting. Her vagina gripping. I was installed in her perfect pussy. As if it had been molded for my penis. No. My penis had formed for her. Because of course it did. I was her son. I come from this place and that's why I'm made for that. I could have stayed there forever. But things had gone too far. We had kept it too close. My Mom's head kissed the back of her vagina and pressed. And so I came inside my mother's unprotected vagina. 'Oh no', Mom said, when the first blazing ejaculation burst out of me. 'HrrrrrAHHHHHH!' I screamed. The pleasure left my penis. It rose up my arms and down my legs. Mom's body responded immediately. Her vagina sucked in my semen like a hungry slut. Her body stiffened over mine. I was barely aware of it. My own orgasm took hold of me, with force, and wouldn't let go. It squeezed out every last drop of essence from me. I came inside my mother. I poured myself into her. My penis lodged just at the entrance of her unprotected uterus. Mom leaned forward. Somehow, I was still ejaculating. Another burst of semen shot out of me and splashed harmlessly onto Mom's thigh. I reclined against the sofa. Worn out. Mom reclined too. She was looking straight at me. I knew it was going to happen now. 'Mom, I...' She lifted her finger. My heart, already racing, accelerated further. My satisfaction turned sour quickly. We had really screwed (literally) it up. I had sown my mother on her most fertile day. Completely unprotected. I couldn't have chosen a worse moment if I'd tried. Mom used the finger she had been warning me with and dipped it into the pool of saliva she had left on her leg. She picked it up and put it in her mouth. Then she smiled at me again. Once more, I tried to apologize. Again, Mom made me shut up. She got down on all fours and climbed up my crotch. My penis, only half-flaccid, lay limp on my thigh, dripping the last of my semen.
Without a word, Mom lowered her head and sucked my penis into her mouth. She was bobbing up and down, wet. I didn't know what to say. How to react. My fear changed gears again to desire. So much shaking, I worried she might ruin my transmission. Mom pulled her head away from my penis and looked at me with pride at my rejuvenated member. She pushed me to the side until I was on my back. She grabbed the blanket and threw it over the sofa. Mom grabbed her topless camisole and ripped it off her head. She unhooked her bra. She was completely naked. For the first time in all this, I saw my mother totally exposed. I had underestimated her body. Mom was impeccable. I wondered about every inch of her. Her sculpted curves and perfect skin. Her full and happy breasts with pink and swollen nipples. Her vagina still open from my penis, a little foam on her trimmed pubic hair. Mom was a goddess. She didn't notice my appreciation. Instead, she knelt down and took off my shirt. She smiled at my bare chest. Now, my little knight, Mom said. She grabbed my penis and pointed it up, If we're going to get mom pregnant, at least let's do it the right way. And so I was buried again all the way inside my mother. We gave a simultaneous groan when we connected again. Mom's vagina felt unimaginably better this time. Her body perfectly posed on mine. I stretched out to grab Mom's breasts. She ran her fingers over my chest. Her wedding ring, which shone in the light, was the only thing she wore. We were naked, both of us, in my dad's private space. Unconcerned. Completely surrounded by each other alone. Enchanted and captivated by what our bodies could create together. Oh, Mom, I moaned as Mom rode me up and down like she was trying to hit the floor. Maybe you should call me Julie when we do this, Mom said. Okay, umm, Julie, I said, uncomfortable like hell. Maybe you should keep calling me mom. I agreed with all my heart. Mom gave a mischievous smile. Apparently, she saw the attraction in the whole Mom thing after all. Do you like Mom's vagina, baby? Mom asked, smiling playfully. Oh, damn yes, I said. Does Mom feel good about her baby? The best, I said. Your penis is incredible, Mom said, Your body is incredible. Mom laughed and felt her vagina rising and falling on my penis. Why are we waiting so long to do this? We're idiots, I said. Well, stupidity comes from my side of the family, Mom said with a smile. Oh no, I said, Dad is clearly the fool. Damn, I love screwing you. I don't care. I won't stop. Never, Mom said. I'll screw you in your bed, I said, Make Dad sleep on the sofa. I'll do it in your bedroom, Mom said, In your bedroom. In your dressing room. Wherever you want. I'll fill your vagina, make it mine, I said. It's yours, Mom said, it was always yours. Am I bigger than Dad? I asked. Yes, Mom said, You're tearing mom in two. Am I better than Dad? I asked. I grabbed Mom's hips. Practically pulling her up and down on my hard penis. Yes, Mom said. It came out as a whisper. Say it, I said, Shout it. My son is screwing me! I'm getting screwed by my baby and it's the best thing I've had. He owns this vagina. It's his. I'm his. Oh, MIERDA! Suddenly Mom's phone alarm went off. It's time to find your father, Mom said, and laughed. We can't be late, I said. No. It has to be. Correct. On time, Mom said. She slid down on my penis. Her pauses shook beautifully. I grabbed Mom's phone and turned off the alarm. Then I pushed Mom down. I led her. Face to face. Penis to vagina. Mom wrapped her arms around my back. Squeezed her legs around my waist. This. Is. Mine, I said, punctuating each thrust With one word. 'Yes', Mom said, Take me. I'm yours. Who fucks you better? I asked. You, Mom said. Who? My son, Mom said. Will you ever let Dad do it to you again? No, Mom said, This is your vagina. I stretched and squeezed her breasts. Will you let him touch this again? Never, Mom said. We were so close. I could see every small pimple on Mom's face. Finally, I couldn't help myself anymore. I pressed my lips against Mom's. Hungry and passionate. Tongues swirling. It was the first time we had kissed like that. We kissed as if it was going to be our last. As if we were going to die if we ever separated. I love you, Mom, I said. I also love you. I want to make you come, I said, with a mischievous smile on my lips. You did, Mom said, You did. I want to see it again. Oh, what a good boy. The little gentleman of Mom. Do you want to see me come again, baby? Do you want to make Mom come so well in your penis? Please, I said, Please, Mom. Come for me. I want to see it. Mom's eyes went blank, like a signal. Her hands gripped my ass. Holding me still. Ohhh... CARAJO! Oh, that's incredibly good. Mom was incredible. But I had already come so much that I felt like I could fuck forever. As if I had never left Mom. We kept talking to each other. Jokes and jokes. Playing all the games we knew to get each other out of ourselves. Like weeks of repressed sounds and words now pouring out at once. Oh! Uhn. You're very good. Fuck me. Oh, I love that big penis inside me, Mom said. I submerged myself to lick Mom's breasts. Suck her nipple. That's all, Mom said, Good boy. Nourishing your mom. Do you like it? My breasts? They're only for you. Incredible, I said. Will you breastfeed me? Like a good boy? Yes, Mom, I said. Mom lay beneath me, inert. As if she had been screwed out of life. Makeup running down her face. Red marks all over her body where I had kissed and bitten her. I really possessed her now. I would have to wear a complete astronaut suit if I didn't want Dad to know what I'd been doing. I would have to hide from him for months. And I knew that as soon as the marks disappeared, I would do it again. I saw it now, like a clear path through a deep forest. What seemed to snake around at the time was actually a long and straight road. 'Did you come when I touched you?' I asked. 'Yes', said Mom. 'How many times did you eat my sweet vagina?' 'A lot', said Mom. 'You squirted', I told her. 'I know', said Mom, 'I was so ashamed'. 'Because you knew then that I was your owner. That your little one controlled your body'. 'Yes', said Mom. 'When did I first catch you? Did you come?' 'UH Huh.' 'Even though you're a married woman. You belong to another man. Let your son have you and make you come'. 'Like a slut', said Mom. 'Your slut'. 'Your vagina begged for my penis', I told her. Mom nodded her head. 'When I did it from behind. At the sink'. 'I came so hard', said Mom, 'I came so much. You made me come five times in a row, baby. You did that. My perfect son.' 'You wanted it', I said. 'More than anything. But...' 'But what?' I asked, my arm wavering for a moment. 'I wanted more', said Mom, 'I wanted your semen. Your sperm. I need it. It doesn't matter what it means, but I have to do it. Very bad. Uhn. Oh! Ohhhhhh!' The words alone made Mom go wild again. She trembled beneath me, as if clinging to her life. I didn't give up. I held her tighter. I pumped her through her orgasm and sent her falling into another one. 'Oh. Very good', said Mom, 'Uhn. Oh. Hell. God. I want it. I want your sperm. I want the seed of my son. Inside me. Make Mom come, baby. Make another baby' In my. You're going to get pregnant, I said. I'm ovulating, Mom said, you probably already did it. Let's make sure, I said, you'll be having me every minute until your stomach is full. Until my brother grows inside you. You'll have a baby with your baby, son of your son. Please, Mom said, it's your uterus. You came from there. Claim it. What do you love more than anything in the world? I asked. My son, Mom said. She kissed me hard but I pulled away. -No- I said -, more than that. Mom smiled. Your sperm, she said, I love your sperm. You're not safe, mom, I said, your vagina isn't protected. I'm going to put my semen in you and make an incestuous baby. Everyone will know. I don't care. Tell me, I said, beg me. I want it. I want your seed. Put it inside me. Please. I drove one last time, as deep as I could into my mother. The pleasure rose up my spine. Yes! we both screamed when I inseminated my own mother for the second time. I filled her so much that she spilled out the sides. My ecstasy also overwhelmed me. Overloaded every nerve ending. Explosion through each cell. Until my body went limp and collapsed, without words, in the warm embrace of my mother. Mom hugged me tight. Kissed my forehead and cheeks. Oh, you did it, Mom said, you turned me into a mom again. What a good boy, you came for me so well. We stayed there, hugging like lovers. Because that's what we were. We arrived two hours late to pick up Dad. We got ready as soon as we saw him, but he was too tired to yell. He just looked at us when he saw we weren't paying attention. When we didn't even notice his complaining, he just kept looking. Distant. We made him sit in the backseat. I drove and Mom sat next to me. The road was empty and dark. Everything was opening up again, but the paths still felt abandoned. I looked at Mom and shared a smile. The world was ours for taking it. ************ We sat on the back patio, the sun falling on our backs. The two of us without shirts, mom with her sports bra while I was naked. The heat was too much for us, but we stayed outside. Mom held my foot in her hand. Carefully, as if a wrong move would ruin everything, she painted my toenails bright pink and feminine. I'm marking you, she explained, so that all those little bitches at school know you're mine. It's more likely to be seen by the hockey guys, I said. They need to know it too, mom said. I would be going back to school in a couple of weeks. I didn't know how long the school would remain open this time. The rumor was that if things needed to close again, they would keep us in the dorms so we couldn't spread the virus. I never dated an athlete before, mom said. Mom... Mom made me shut up with her finger. I was always quiet at school. Athletes were all so confident and arrogant. I thought they were idiots. The drama kids, however, were secure. Amiable. Like me, they were the weirdos who didn't fit in anywhere else. Creative and oh, so genius. Mom let go of my foot but kept talking while closing the nail polish bottle. Your dad and I used to do theater before at university. We belonged to the same clique. I didn't have a boyfriend. I would go out with this other girl sometimes. Cindy. We were in a phase out of sync. Your dad and I started playing behind the scenes between rehearsals. Nothing serious. You've told me this part before, I said. It was the night of the big show. Your dad and I were behind the scenes. We had finished our scenes. There was nothing left but the curtain call. Your dad started, um, playing with me. You know, back there. I know, I said. He took off my pants. We were rubbing against each other. He slid in. That's how it was for my first time. A whole multitude of People, my school friends, my teachers, were just a few meters away from each other on the other side of the curtain... My mind went blank. All I could think about was how much I wanted to feel it. Inside me. I grabbed your dad's hips. I wouldn't let him go. There's a part of that that's a little sexy, I said. I didn't even come, Mom said, Two months later, we both knew. My parents, especially my dad, made it clear. I had to stay with the baby, but I could put aside my dreams. Sorry, Mom, that's terrible. That's what it is. I married your father. We fought to raise you. At some point, all my world became my son. My little boy. I didn't have a life beyond you. I think your father was annoyed. When you started dating him in high school, I was happy. Not because it meant more time with you. Just because I knew it would hurt me. I got up to hug Mom. I couldn't help it. She seemed so vulnerable at that moment. She let me wrap my arms around her. We collapsed together on the folding chair. Mom's cheeks were wet. Your dad and I, over time, our feelings faded away. Now there's only resentment. Then you left and really didn't have anything. I built my entire existence around being a mother. But what happens when you leave? You could be mom again, I said. That's what I wanted, Mom said, That's why your dad and I tried. But his heart wasn't in it. I think your father left a long time ago. His body stayed, but the rest went. You're young, I said, you have so much more life ahead of you. Your life. Not mine or Dad's or anyone else's. Mom smiled weakly and kissed my cheek. Do you really believe that? she asked. Then she saw the look in my eyes and nodded seriously. Anything? she asked.
I got out of the shower and put on shorts and a t-shirt. When I went down, I found Mom already seated at the table. She was wearing her usual uniform with a flannel shirt over a sleeveless white top and high-waisted jeans. A plate of waffles was in front of her. My heart sank. Whenever I had a bad day as a child, Mom would make me waffles. I don't know how the tradition started, but at some point it became our comfort food. That plate was the death sentence for what we had been doing. She told me everything Mom couldn't say. I sat down and Mom put two steaming circles on my plate. She couldn't look me in the eye. Your father will be coming home tonight, she said, He finally finished all the paperwork. We have to pick him up after dinner. Oh, I see, I said, You must be happy he's coming home. It was a low blow, I know, but Mom rejected it like a pro. It'll be good to have the whole family together again, she said. I'm sure. I could barely savor my breakfast, but I forced myself to eat. Mom sat down and looked at me. She was smiling, but her eyes seemed sad. I knew in that moment that Mom wasn't happier than I was about this. She was just more mature. It's been fun, she said, The last few weeks. Of course, I said. I don't want to lose that, she said, I mean, the closeness we have. —Me neither— I said. I stretched out over the table and took Mom's hand. I'm not going to let you go. Mom nodded. She got up from the table and I swear I heard a sob. After breakfast, I helped Mom clean the table and wash the dishes. I would never again see that sink in the same way. After this, do you want to see something? mom asked. I almost dropped the plate I was drying. You know, one last time before your father gets home. I nodded, mute. Unable to express myself more. I think my bedroom will be fine, mom said. Her message was clear. After we finished with the plates, I went up to my room. I took the two remaining condom packets and put them in my pocket. If this was the last hurrah, then I was making the most of it. Mom was waiting for me in her bedroom, with the blanket already up to her waist. Come rest your head, she said, patting her shoulder. I got under the sheets and took off my shorts. I settled next to mom, putting my head where she wanted it. Pushed my legs against mom's and felt that she was also naked below the waist. This is the last time, mom said, our last opportunity to do this together. I'm quite sure we can still see TV, I said, although I knew exactly what I meant. Not like that, mom said, sounding melancholic. Sad. She came over and pressed play on my iPad. The program started and we did something completely different. In fact, we hugged. We stayed in bed, enjoying each other's company. Mom stroked my head distractedly. I held her close. Strangely, it was the most intimate thing we had done. But biology inevitably called at the door and soon I found myself looking for condoms. As soon as I opened the first one, I knew something was off. The latex felt dry and thin. Clearly it had gone bad, so I threw it away. I opened my last packet and, fortunately, it was fine. I suppose it made sense. Last time together. Last condom. I climbed between mom's expectant legs and slid into her. We rolled around slowly, taking our time. We didn't say anything, but we looked at each other fixedly while making love. We didn't... Nothing more. No additional movements or strange sounds. We enjoyed the connection of our bodies. It was enchanting. Finally, I filled the condom. Then I emptied mom. She rubbed my flank with her hand, as if rewarding a horse after a good race. She was looking fixedly and I realized she was looking at the condom. I held it as if offering it to her. Mom shook her head and looked away. When I returned from throwing the condom in the toilet, mom was lying on the sheets. She was completely dressed. This time, she palmed the side of the bed where she wanted me to sit. We reclined and watched (in fact we watched this time) a lot of boring reality shows. They weren't bad, actually. But nothing was better than being with mom. The whole world seemed silenced in comparison. We had a serious dinner, almost funeral-like. While chewing, I mentally reviewed everything that had happened during the last month or so. How Cassie had broken up with me. How mom and I started watching movies together. Starting to run with mom. Starting to do, um, other things with mom. Painting our nails in the backyard. Painting her vagina with my tongue in her bedroom. And then, finally, we became one. It was over. I knew it would be hard, but both of us would keep going. This time would be a fleeting dream. A feverish dream of sounds and feelings. Something that neither of us would ever admit to, but that we would secretly share forever. Mom would go back to her life. I would meet a girl and get married. In stolen moments, we shared a furtive smile, but that was all. And even then, we wondered if it had all been imagined. A leap in time. A blink where the world stopped and we slid through the seconds like ghosts. Mom's phone vibrated and she looked at it. Your father's flight is delayed, she said. sliding his cell phone in the middle of the table. Hi David! Mom said, noticeably cheerful. Jay and I are here, we found out about your flight. That stinks! It's okay, Dad said. His voice was tired. I just can't wait to get home. I'm sure, Mom said, we'll have the bed prepared and ready for you. I thought it was something strange to promise, but in the context of what we had been doing there, I'm sure it was an important detail for Mom. Whatever, Dad said, you're still going to come get me. Yes, Jay is ready to come get you, Mom said. She smiled warmly at me. Don't send just the kid, Julie, seriously, Dad said. Something about how he called me the kid made me wonder if he realized I was also on the phone. Mom had clearly said I was there, didn't she? Oh, definitely, Mom said, I can't wait to see you too. But I'm sure that if I had to, Jay would be fine alone. Jesus, Julie, look. See that Jay is your sweet little kid or whatever, but even you have to admit he's not exactly firing on all cylinders right now. He has a point... He's listening... Mom tried to interrupt him, but Dad went ahead. I mean, the kid is almost 19 and I barely trust him to drive to the supermarket without having two accidents on the way and bringing home eggs, instead. Mom looked at me, embarrassed. As if this were somehow her fault. We both blushed. I felt embarrassed. Angry. All of it. Yet Dad kept going. Have you been drinking, dear? he asked. Just for a bit, I'm waiting for my flight, Dad said, Okay, I'm off. 12:30, don't forget. I'll send you a text when I board. The room was so silent that I could hear the house settling. A dog barked in the distance. Mom didn't look at me. I'm sorry, Jay. Your dad didn't realize. Don't Regretful ones, I said. I got up from the table. You shouldn't have said those things about her, Mom said, your father hasn't seen how much you've grown all these years. We're still used to thinking of you as the little boy who almost burned himself. —He shouldn't have said those things about her either— I said. Mom looked at the table. Okay. I'm used to it. That's not okay, Mom, I said. No, I know, she said, but what else do I have? You have me. I thought the words, but couldn't pronounce them. Saying that somehow a son could replace a husband was ridiculous. The roles, relationships, were completely different. But then, wasn't that what we'd been doing all this time? You deserve to be treated better, I said, like the incredible, wonderful and beautiful woman you are. I know, she said, your father has been gone for so long. He's having a terrible day. Probably also had too many drinks. He's not usually like that. I knew my dad my whole life (duh). I knew he was drunk and probably depressed too. But I also knew he'd meant every word he said on that call. But all the anger and resentment I felt were wiped out by Mom's melancholy. She had a scholarship. I was going back to university. I could leave that place forever if I wanted to. But Mom had to live the rest of her life this way, and it wasn't fair. She was worthy of much more. I guess being the little gentleman again, I wanted to save her. Instead, I suggested something much riskier. We have time to kill, I said, do you want to watch a movie? Mom looked at me and sighed. I could see her weighing it in her mind. Knowing she should say no but unable to say yes. I have to get your father's bed ready, she said. I can help with that, I said with a smile. Actually, it needs to be done, she said. That'll take about five minutes. We have four hours. Mom She made a pause. Almost I could see the angel and the demon on her shoulders, discussing from one side to the other in her brain. Only movies, she said. Nothing else. I agreed easily. We put clean sheets on the bed. Mom put a different quilt on and changed the pillowcases. Finally, I gave the room a complete Febreze treatment, just in case. We went down to Dad's room and turned on the TV. Mom sat beside me on the sofa. Our hips touched, but that was all. Mom set an alarm on her phone for when we had to leave the house to go find Dad. It was going to be late at night and she worried we'd fall asleep in front of the TV. We have to get there on time, she said, as if the world would end otherwise. I nodded and started changing channels to find something to watch. Let's try something different this time, Mom said. I understood she was really reminding me that this wasn't going to be like our usual screen time. I passed through the channels and found, in a very edited format, of course, Bridesmaids. This was the opposite of different, naturally. It was the same movie we had started with. I took it as a sign and stayed with it. A few minutes later, I grabbed the blanket and covered myself up. Cold? Mom asked. Of course, I said. I reached for Mom's pants and started unbuttoning them. Mom moved under my touch. Jay, I don't think we should do that, she said. But I could hear the variation in her voice. She was literally unsure. Do what? I asked, and opened up Mom's jeans zipper. Mom sighed, exasperated, but didn't say anything more. I played with her vagina through her underwear. I took my time lazily. After a while, I grabbed Mom's hand and brought it to my lap, landing right on my penis. Mom let out a small moan. She expressed my hardness through my shots. We were both caressing each other through our clothes. For me. Surprise, Mom was the first to take off her pants. It's really hot here, she explained as she took off her jeans and panties. Definitely, I said and did the same. The bridesmaids finished and started another movie. I wasn't paying attention anymore. Mom's hand slid up and down my bare penis. I rubbed and played with her slippery vagina. We were joking around between us. Taking our time. Two people so expert at exciting each other that it had become second nature. But I wanted more. Mom, I want to hug you, I said. We're hugging, dear, Mom said. She put her arm around my shoulders to make a point. Mom, I said, groaning again, This isn't a hug. Mom rolled her eyes but was joking. I suppose we could sit on the floor, she said. Yes! But you know, we have to be careful with the floor, she said, it's bare down there and we have to make sure we cover ourselves. I gave Mom a melancholy look. We're, um, without covers, I said. Mom was already sitting on the floor. Before I could reconsider, I slid behind her, being careful to keep the blanket over us. Oh, sweetheart, today's not a good time for that, Mom said. I'll be careful, I said, realizing what Mom was saying. She had felt very slippery when I touched her. I supposed it was her excitement at doing this again. But it was more than that, I realized. We have to be cautious, Mom said. You know what? I said, I'll be the only one on the floor. You can sit in my lap. That's a little the opposite of what I was saying, dear, Mom said. But she obediently let me slide under her. My penis tightened under Mom's sexual dripping. Mom slowly began to slide her butt over my shaft. This is... Very comfortable, Mom said. I wish I could sit closer, I said, snuggle up more. Dear, no We can't, Mom said, Not today. Okay, I said. You feel good, Mom said. Snuggle up with my boy. I reached the hips of Mom and found her clitoris. She held her breath. Be careful, okay, sweetie? Mom said. I just want you to feel good, I said seriously. I know, baby, but Mom needs to keep control. You always have control, Mom, I said, I'll do what you want. I know, Mom said, but sometimes... sometimes Mom makes mistakes. I don't want us both to regret it. Not if it's what you want, then it's right for me, I said. Mom laughed to herself with sadness. She started swaying back and forth more forcefully. God, it felt so good, the way Mom moved over me. Her urgency. The heat and humidity of her vagina. We had been touching naked. Not like this. Always there was a condom in the middle. Something about skin on skin between mother and son made it even more surprising. Feeling Mom's body against mine, I couldn't help myself. I took my other hand, the one not on Mom's clitoris, and passed it over her breast. She lifted her hand and grabbed her breast above her shirt. For the first time, I was feeling Mom's nipple. It was glorious, worth the risk. Full and plump, I could even feel the hint of a hardened nipple through her sleeveless top and bra. Mom froze. This was way above the sheets. Uh, sweetie? What are you doing? I didn't say a word, but I didn't let go. Dad would be home in a few hours. All this was ending. It was my last chance. I wasn't going to leave anything behind, and least of all regrets. I waited for Mom to say something. To take my hand away. Finally, she shrugged slightly and started rolling her hips over me again. When I realized I had the green light, I passed my hand under Mom's shirt, lifted her bra, and grabbed her bare breast. This time, Mom... spoke. 'Oh, darling, that's good', she said. I lifted her breast in my hand. She toyed with her clitoris with the other. Really wanted more arms at that moment. Touching every centimeter of my incredible and beautiful mother. My head was filled with all kinds of plans for the next step, but my body was already finished. Mom pressed her vagina against my penis and I felt my explosion was imminent. 'Mom', I said, 'I'm coming'. 'Almost there', she said. She was panting. All thought of decorum had gone. We were no longer playing the game. Pretending had been left behind. Mom slid back, then forward and stopped. The head of my penis had positioned itself just at her opening. A moment became hours. We hung on the precipice. Mom let my penis kiss her vagina and then slid over it again. The next slide, she did it again. Time stopped. Once more, she let my penis rebound against her. She held it longer this time. Really considering. Oh God. My penis was less than a centimeter from sliding naked into mom's vagina. I never wanted anything more. I couldn't wait any longer. I leaned back. Aimed. Then slid forward. I told myself I would withdraw when the moment came. It was just to feel it for a moment. To know what could have been. My penis traversed mom's opening. 'Ohhhhhh!' Mom moaned. Her vagina slowly filled with my penis. I was completely buried in my mother. Nothing between us. The centimeters sliding until I was fully embedded. Mom was panting. Her vagina gripping. I was installed in her perfect pussy. As if it had been molded for my penis. No. My penis had formed for her. Because of course it did. I was her son. I come from this place and that's why I'm made for that. I could have stayed there forever. But things had gone too far. We had kept it too close. My Mom's head kissed the back of her vagina and pressed. And so I came inside my mother's unprotected vagina. 'Oh no', Mom said, when the first blazing ejaculation burst out of me. 'HrrrrrAHHHHHH!' I screamed. The pleasure left my penis. It rose up my arms and down my legs. Mom's body responded immediately. Her vagina sucked in my semen like a hungry slut. Her body stiffened over mine. I was barely aware of it. My own orgasm took hold of me, with force, and wouldn't let go. It squeezed out every last drop of essence from me. I came inside my mother. I poured myself into her. My penis lodged just at the entrance of her unprotected uterus. Mom leaned forward. Somehow, I was still ejaculating. Another burst of semen shot out of me and splashed harmlessly onto Mom's thigh. I reclined against the sofa. Worn out. Mom reclined too. She was looking straight at me. I knew it was going to happen now. 'Mom, I...' She lifted her finger. My heart, already racing, accelerated further. My satisfaction turned sour quickly. We had really screwed (literally) it up. I had sown my mother on her most fertile day. Completely unprotected. I couldn't have chosen a worse moment if I'd tried. Mom used the finger she had been warning me with and dipped it into the pool of saliva she had left on her leg. She picked it up and put it in her mouth. Then she smiled at me again. Once more, I tried to apologize. Again, Mom made me shut up. She got down on all fours and climbed up my crotch. My penis, only half-flaccid, lay limp on my thigh, dripping the last of my semen.

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6 comentários - Under the blanket with Mom #5 (final)
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