Bajo la manta con mamá #1

Incestuous story that will have several parts, enjoy it! First, the coronavirus arrived and my university closed. Then quarantine. I was trapped at home with no one around except my mom. The worst came a few days later. Finally, I was settling into my childhood bedroom when I received a call from Cassie, my girlfriend from university. She wanted to FaceTime, and I thought it was time for our inaugural hot and heavy virtual sex session. I took off my pants and turned on the screen. Cassie was there, but she was completely dressed and looked gloomy. I just can't do it, she said, if we're apart like this, I don't know how we can stay together. The lovely brunette seemed annoyed, at least. Even if her logic made little sense. Everyone was trapped inside. It's not like we were in a long-distance relationship where I could be going out and she would never know. I was home with my mom, for the love of God. I can't, Cassie repeated, sorry. When it's over, when we go back to school, we can try again. She clicked off the screen. I put my jeans back on, feeling shy and sad. Cassie and I had been dating for almost six months. I didn't think I was going to marry the girl, but neither did I see us breaking up soon. Leaving me like that out of nowhere left me feeling depressed. That night at dinner, I barely had an appetite. I pushed my food around my plate like a lazy slut chasing a rat. Never going to kill it. What's wrong? Mom asked. I turned towards her and, for a moment, got stuck in her enormous blue eyes. I could admit that my mother was very beautiful. She had brown hair and a warm and sunny face. Her marimacho outfits (she always wore flannel shirts with white sleeveless tops and high-waisted mom jeans) only made her look more lovely. All my friends from high school had dreamed of her. that at least two of the guys from our group had only been with me because that meant they could see my mom. 'I'm fine', I said, the standard evasive response. 'Come on, talk to me', Mom said. 'You used to trust me all the time, don't you know?' That was true. Mom and I had been quite close when I was younger. We both loved reading books and watching plays. She would take me on errands and teach me to sew and cook. Mom had been my constant companion. Everything changed when I turned 13. Mom became distant and aloof. When I tried to hug her or show affection, she would shudder as if we were about to fight. We stopped spending time together. I ended up hanging out with my dad most of the time during high school, which came with its own set of problems. 'Seriously, Jay, what's going on?' Mom asked again. Instinctively, I looked where Dad usually sat with us at our small round table in the kitchen. I was used to him intervening for me. Unfortunately, Dad had been traveling abroad when the virus hit and wouldn't be back home soon. I was alone. Mom put her hand on mine, bringing me back to reality. The truth was that I wanted to tell someone. I needed it. And since no one else was around, I guess it was easier for Mom to get things out of me. 'Cassie and I broke up', I said, barely a whisper. 'What happened?' she asked again. Once more, the words got stuck in my throat before spilling out. 'She said she didn't believe we could be together during quarantine', I told her. 'Well, that's bloody stupid', Mom said. I jumped. I wasn't used to Mom being on my side, and I really wasn't used to hearing her curse. Mom saw the look on my face, realized what she had said, and blushed. 'Sorry, I guess your old mom still has a little fire left in her'. 'You're not' old mom, I said reflexively. A smile crept onto Mom's lips. Quickly, she turned around. Not only was I being polite. Mom was only 38 years old and could easily have passed for a twenty-year-old. She and Dad had me when they were both twenty years old. I was an accident in college (during the final presentation of the spring theater play at university, Mom said with nostalgia, as if that were a detail that needed to be known). While I'm sure it must have been difficult for them to have a child, it seemed like there were many benefits to being a decade younger than anyone else with a child my age. Anyway, Mom continued, I regret what happened with you and Kelly. —Cassie— I said. Of course, Mom said, but if she's so superficial, she's doing you a favor. You deserve someone much better. Now it was my turn to blush. As I said, I wasn't used to receiving compliments from Mom. After dinner, I helped Mom clean the table and wash the dishes. We stood in front of the sink, our arms submerged up to our elbows in soapy water, while I held the small kitchen towel to dry it off. At one point, our hips collided and I looked at Mom's body. As I said, I was her son. I didn't have eyes for my mom. But that didn't mean I couldn't see her for what she was: a completely beautiful woman with a sweet face and a hot, tight body. I suppose it's like appreciating a painting. I can admit something is beautiful without having to force it and take it home. Mom saw me looking and deliberately moved away. She gave my shoulder a playful push. Eyes on the road, sir, she said with a smile. Mamaaaa, I said, the stereotype of a small child whimpering, I'm not.... Just joking, Mom said, Besides, I know you're now a single man, but that's no reason to start lowering your standards. Mom, I'd be lucky to be with you. I mean, a woman who would resemble you. I mean... Mom put her hand on my shoulder to stop me. She was smiling so widely that it seemed like the corners of her mouth could reach her earlobes. Her white and straight teeth were practically shining in the faint light of the kitchen. Okay, she said, I understand and appreciate the compliment. It's sweet. Especially coming from a womanizer like you. For a moment, I thought Mom was saying something about how I treated women and I got defensive. I'm not that way, I spat. No, no, Mom said, I apologize. That wasn't what I meant at all. Girls like you. I see them looking at you. The way your high school friends would fall for you. Ah, I said. I tried to imagine what Mom was trying to say, but couldn't see it. I had some girlfriends in high school, nothing serious. Were they fainting? I don't think so. And Cassie? Suddenly everything came crashing down and this wasn't funny anymore. I finished washing the dishes and walked away from the sink. I know you're depressed, Jay, Mom said, but believe me, you'll find someone who's worth it. Thanks, I said, still feeling down. How about we watch a movie tonight to cheer you up?, she said, something funny. Given the choice between watching something funny on TV with Mom or sitting alone in my room and depressing myself, it was an easy decision. *************** Mom prepared a large bowl of popcorn and we sat on the living room sofa. She turned on the TV and scrolled through the options. With Dad, watching TV was easy: we simply chose hockey. And if there was no hockey, we watched hockey recordings. Piece of cake. Mom was much more demanding. But when she found Damsels in Distress on the menu, she stopped. My mother wasn't a very 'outward' person. She wasn't one of those people who went to wild parties, even when she was younger. She had been a drama fanatic in the university and, as she explained it, probably the last person you would think would end up accidentally pregnant. Mom didn't wear revealing clothes. She liked safe music that I'd describe as Mom Rock. Rarely did she curse. Her only secret was that she loved, loved, obscene comedies. It was like discovering your pastor was a great metalhead or your grandmother was a great champion in League of Legends. She was completely out of place, but that didn't make her any less mom. What do you say? Mom asked. Honestly, it seemed perfect for the mood I was in. I accepted and Mom clicked play. I had seen the movie a couple of times before, but still I found myself getting into it. When we got to the classic bathroom scene, Mom and I laughed so hard that tears rolled down our cheeks. We watched the rest of the movie, both reclining like we were in physical pain from our hysteria. See, don't you feel better? Mom asked while turning off the TV. I had to admit it did. ******************* However, sadness returned to my brain the next morning. I spent most of the day in bed, not knowing what mom was up to. To her credit, she left me alone. I think she understood that I needed some time to grieve. At the end of the day, she knocked on my door. I had been lying around in boxers all day, so I hurried to put on a shirt. Mom entered while I was still getting dressed. She started talking, then stuttered. Hi, I was... Mom froze, looking at my chest. I had been playing hockey since freshman year of high school. It's something dad did, so I pretty much had to join. The fact that mom hated the sport was just an additional benefit at that time. Anyway, hockey is a full-body sport. It's not like baseball, where you can have a big gut and still hit 98 on the radar gun. Gliding puts your legs in an incredible shape, but also You need strength in the upper part of your body. And playing university had taken me to a completely new level. I hadn't even had a full year of training, but I was already in the best shape of my life. I guess I was pretty good, that's what I'm saying. And mom noticed. She stayed stuck in her place, looking at me half-naked. I knew mom didn't want to see her son naked, but I didn't realize she'd be so upset. Sorry, I said, embarrassed, and finished pulling down my shirt. It's okay, she said, Just let me know next time. Again, I apologized. So what's new? I wanted to see how you're doing, mom said. Oh, I'm fine, I said. I let myself fall back onto the bed again. Of course, mom said, with a smile on her face. I was thinking of preparing dinner and watching another movie. I looked at my bed again. All I wanted to do was get under the sheets. But I heard my stomach growling and knew I needed to eat. I went downstairs and helped mom prepare dinner. It had been a long time since we'd worked together on a project like this and it was fun. Like having an old friend back. After eating, we stopped at the sink and washed the dishes. At one point, I let a large plate slip while serving in the soapy water and it splashed, soaking mom's chest through her white tank top without sleeves. I looked and saw a little of her tit through her wet shirt. Mom didn't have huge breasts. She had good-sized breasts. Honestly, I hadn't thought about them until that moment. Now, they were all I could see. Mom looked at me fixedly and then looked at her chest. She frowned. Sorry, I said. Mom's mouth twisted. I'll go change, she said, Next time be more careful, okay? Mom went back with a long lime green shirt that reached down to her knees. For a moment, the thought slipped into my mind that she might not be wearing underwear under that outfit, spontaneously. What was wrong with me? Back home for less than a month and I was already becoming completely perverted? Mom wasn't a sexual being, she was my mother. But something about that shapeless long shirt was totally exciting. I can't explain exactly why. After we finished washing the dishes, we went back to the sofa and mom chose another over-the-top comedy. This time, she opted for an old one called Airplane. Your grandma loved this, mom said. Almost immediately, I realized that grandma was a very different woman from what I had thought. Airplane was dirty. Full of dirty and inappropriate humor. I thought the world was becoming more liberal, but that movie had fragments that nobody would dare interpret in 2020. Then there were the sexual jokes. At one point, a topless woman appeared on screen for no reason, with her breasts flying. I looked at mom and she shrugged like nothing. Another scene was an extended blow job where Julie Hagerty had to give oral sex to the automatic pilot's globe to keep it inflated. Mom laughed hysterically during the whole scene. Once again, I had to recalibrate my thinking. I knew mom had sex. Duh, she had me. But the idea that mom could find oral sex funny implied that she practiced oral sex and blew my mind. Rationally, of course, these revelations were stupid. But a part of me never processed the idea, quite the opposite, and the reorganization left me whispering. When the movie ended, mom and I were lying on the sofa laughing out loud. Again, I went to bed feeling much better. The following days, we fell into a routine. Most of the day, we stayed alone. I stayed in my room playing video games and attending virtual classes. Mom did mom things. Mostly gardening or cleaning the house. It's not like I could go out Purchases (we had the groceries delivered to our doorstep). Around 4 pm, we would leave our respective corners, prepare a good meal, and end with a spicy comedy. After Airplane, we stayed at the old school for a while and watched Mel Brooks movies: Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, History of World Part I, and Spaceballs. Then we went back to Abrams Zucker Abrams' work and watched the three Naked Guns. With classics out of the way, we changed to more modern things, starting with 40-Year-Old Virgin. This time, when Steve Carell walked around with an unbreakable erection, it was my mom's turn to give me a funny look. But I didn't say anything. For a movie about sex, the movie wasn't super sexual in general. However, the next movie we chose got us into trouble. It was actually all the damn problem. I was preparing for another intense gaming session when Mom called my door. I was wearing underwear and this time I knew to warn Mom it wasn't decent. I put on some clothes and opened the door. Despite being fully dressed, Mom passed her gaze from my feet to my face. She seemed disappointed, almost as if she had been waiting to catch me half-dressed. Or maybe it was just my outfit. Yes, that made more sense. 'What are you doing?' Mom asked. I gestured towards my PS4 as if it were obvious. 'I'm thinking of painting my nails', Mom said. 'OK.' I looked at her fingers and they seemed fine. Honestly, I wasn't sure why she was telling me this. 'I can do my hands well, but then I won't be able to touch anything for a while until they dry'. 'Do you want me to make lunch?' I asked. 'Of course', Mom said, 'but I also expected to paint my toenails and it's much easier if someone else does it for me'. 'You want me to paint your toenails', I repeated. 'It's not that, baby', Mom said, 'think of it like' a practice. Your friends will love it if you can do that for them. I thought it was a bit excessive, but whatever. It was early spring, but the day was remarkably warm, so we went out to the backyard. Mom sat down in a hammock and proceeded to paint her nails a deep purple. I sat down and chatted with her while she worked. We talked about school and hockey. For someone who hated sports, Mom knew a lot about the game. I took you to almost all the practices and games, sweetie, Mom said. I suppose she had. Dad loved that I played hockey and was happy to watch the games with me. However, in most other ways, he was quite distant. Some of that was work, always traveling for something or other. We really shouldn't have been so surprised when they caught him on another continent when it hit the crown. However, even when he was home, Dad wasn't the person who supported me the most in my life. His idea of a moving pep talk was a slight growl and then pointing to the TV to remind me I was interrupting. He had never been mean to Mom, exactly. But he had never seen her so affectionate either. Dad was just... Dad. A strange, silent creature who, somehow, had been my safe haven when my relationship with Mom became unstable for some reason. Then, now that I thought about it, of course it was Mom who took me to the practices and appeared at the games. Because we had been so cold towards each other, I suppose it never registered in the moment. When she finished with her nails, Mom lifted them up for me to see. Fine, I said, not knowing what else to say. Thanks, Mom said, looking pleased. She moved her toes towards me. The same color? I asked. Yes, she said. I took the nail polish bottle in purple, then held Mom's small bare foot in my lap. Not me They like feet, but Mom's toes were quite pretty. Worse still, she placed them just on my groin. My penis didn't know it was my mother. Instead, it only felt the bare foot of a beautiful woman floating over it and decided to activate fully. I did my best to ignore my sore penis, hoping it would subside. But when I started painting Mom's pretty and tiny toes, I felt myself hardening even more. Mom retrieved her first toe. She gave me her second. And that was when her heel clearly and unmistakably rubbed against my shaft. Oh, Mom said, and for a moment I feared she was about to have an attack. But then she settled back into her seat, ignoring the fact that the contact had ever occurred. I started doing her nails as if nothing was wrong. Do you want me to paint yours? Mom asked when I finished. I couldn't tell if she was joking or not. Uh, it's fine like this, I said, dismissing her. I got up to go make lunch. We stayed outside in the open air and ate our hamburgers. By then, Mom's hands were dry and she could get back to her day. But when I went to my bedroom, the idea of staying there seemed boring. I think I'll take a walk, I told Mom, Can we do that? Won't the police chase me out of the house? I think you'll be fine, sweetie, Mom said, Do you want me to come with you? It depends on you, I said. Mom nodded and went back to folding the laundry. As I walked around the block, I could feel how weird it was. The coach would kill me if I went back to school like that. I couldn't go to a gym and we didn't have weights at home, but I knew I at least needed to run. It was early enough in the year that I thought there might be a hockey season when we got back. I know, I was a bit naive. When I got home, I showered and helped Mom with dinner. While we ate, I told her my plan to get up early and start running. That's It sounds good, she said, would you mind if I accompanied you? Your old mom needs to lose all this fat. She pinched her side to emphasize. Mom, you're not... You're perfect, okay? I said: enserio. Tell your dad, murmured Mom. After cleaning up, Mom went to set the TV. She pushed the remote control, but nothing happened. Hmph, she said, frustrated. I did what the manual said and took the remote control, but, to my shame, I couldn't make the damn thing work either. We spent the next half hour playing with electronics, searching for solutions on the internet, all of it. As far as we could see, the relatively new TV had just died. Not even can we go to the store to buy a new one, Mom said, making a face. It was the first time I saw her treat our quarantine like something more than a fun adventure. We can order a TV online, I said. No, I know, she said. Honestly, this isn't so bad, it's just frustrating. I want to be able to see my friends, go to a play, eat at a restaurant, anything. I noticed she hadn't mentioned Dad coming back on his list of things he was missing. Being trapped in the house is hard, Mom said. You mean with me, I said. Mom came over and messed up my light brown hair. It was a bit wavy, and I hated it. Sweetheart, you're the only good thing that's come out of this stupid virus. I smiled, despite myself. Damn it, I had really wanted to see our movie tonight, she said. There's always Dad's 'cave' , I said, giving those last words the disdain they deserved. Mom held her breath as if I had kicked her in the tailbone. Your dad doesn't like us going there, she said. And what? I said: He's not here and we want to see our movie. What is he going to do about it, exactly? Mom looked at me with new eyes, as if I had said something that surprised her. You're right, she said, let's do it. She did popped corn while I was going downstairs. Dad had prepared his small sanctuary very well. It was probably the most beautiful room in the house. Most of our furniture was old and worn out, but Dad had filled his space with an elegant two-seater leather sofa, a huge 75-inch TV, and overwhelming surround sound. It was a small area, not much space, but he had turned it into his cozy hideout. I sat on the sofa and set up the entertainment center. It was all this complicated business that probably was one of the reasons Mom treated him like an earthy cutie. But I knew how to work it from my high school days watching the Bruins with Dad. I put everything in motion, then reclined on the sofa. Mom came down with the popped corn and sat beside me. Due to the nature of the furniture here, we had to sit closer. Hip to hip. This time, we had chosen to watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It was one of Mom's favorites. I used to watch many of these movies when you were young, Mom said, it was my way of taking a break. Come on, I wasn't that bad, I said. You were a quiet baby, Mom said, patting my leg, but it's like saying it was an easy walk across the Sahara. Even effortless walks feel impossible. Especially for a girl. I was still in college when all my friends were back at school, doing crazy things. I was home being a mom. Of course, I had twenty years old, but it was still hard. I'm sorry, I said. Oh, don't apologize, sweetie, Mom said, you didn't do anything wrong. But sometimes, after you went to bed and your father had fallen asleep, I would rent a lot of these movies and marathon them. I don't know, I guess it made me feel like I could be young again for at least a little while. That makes sense, I said, but I still feel bad. Like you took my life away from me. Mom leaned over and kissed my cheek, 'Oh Sweetheart, you made my life. We pressed play. Ten minutes later, Jason Segel was walking out with his cock out. Once again, Mom gave me a scathing look. Seeing that type of scene with her still bothered me. But as the movie advanced, I began to experience a different kind of discomfort. It was cold in that basement. I wrapped my arms around my chest. Your father always complains about the cold, said Mom, but I can't let him bring a heater here due to all the other electronic devices. I'm worried something will explode and burn down the house. It's okay, I said, my fault for wearing short sleeves. You could change, said Mom. No, I said. Getting up from the couch seemed like a great effort at that moment. I think there's a blanket here, said Mom. She stretched and pulled out a heavy blanket from behind the couch. She put it over both of us and then restarted the movie. There were some more dirty scenes. The tantric sex scene, for example. Once again, my body responded. Especially under the blanket where I was comfortable and warm. I felt stiff at some point and never disappeared. Then we got to the scene where Sarah decides she wants to get Peter back and they're together in bed. It's supposed to be an uncomfortable scene, but something about it made me angry. Do you want my mouth? asked Kristen Bell, and my cock tried to burst out of my short pants. I forgot this scene, murmured Mom to herself. Then, for some reason, she looked down and clearly, obviously, saw that I was setting up a tent. She let out a small shriek, then quickly got away. There was a moment of prolonged silence. The sounds of the movie strangely silenced by my heartbeat. It must be hard, said Mom. Almost made me fall off my seat. I mean, it must be hard for you to be alone with your mom in the house. You know, there's no escape from the feelings and desires that come with being a kid your age. Oh, I said, Yes. Sometimes. It's perfectly natural, Mom said, to have, um, impulses. I looked at her, my eyes opening so quickly that I feared they would explode. I tried to respond, but the words wouldn't come out. I also get them, Mom said, it's biological. And without your father in the house. I mean, you can't see it, but sometimes I also react. Instinctively, I looked at Mom's chest. Her nipples were really sticking out of her white sleeveless top. Mom saw me looking and pulled her sweater tighter, clearing her throat. Anyway, there's nothing to be ashamed of, she said. Thanks, I said. We paused the movie at some point, so I took the remote control to turn it back on. Anything to change the subject. Do you need, you know, a break? Mom asked. Mama! I understand if you do, Mom said. She put her hand on my leg, under the blanket. You shouldn't feel bad about that at all. I'm fine, I said, my voice trembling. Mom nodded. But she kept her hand on my leg. I pressed play on the remote and we finished the movie. When it ended, I stayed on the sofa. My erection was still obvious. I knew Mom knew, but I didn't want to get up and let her see me with confidence. Do you want to watch something else? I asked. Of course, she said, Choose something. I changed the channels to something boring and senseless, some program where they rebuilt houses, and wished my penis would go down. Mom leaned back and sighed. She took her hand off my leg and I thought it was over. Then I felt a touch on my thigh. On my bare thigh. Mom had slid her hand under the blanket. She only wore mesh shorts and her hand was touching my skin. Gently stroking the hair on my legs. I looked at her, but she was looking straight ahead, as if she were fascinated with the TV program. She slid her hand up. Over my shorts. Slowly tracing. Until finally, her palm rested on my covered penis tela. I got cold. I didn't want to say anything, afraid it might break the spell. Mom was still watching TV. If she had any idea of what I was doing, touching, she didn't show it. My breathing was superficial. I couldn't concentrate on anything. Only mom's warm hand on my penis. Finally, I knew I had to say something. If I had grabbed her by accident, it had to be an accident, I had to tell her. 'Mom, you're touching me', I said, 'Down there'. 'Do you want me to?' Mom asked. For the first time she turned around to look at me. She was smiling timidly. I thought she was playing. 'Are you sure?' she asked. 'Yes', I said, as if the word were a synonym for 'duh'. 'How do you know?' Mom asked, still smiling, 'Can you see?' Instinctively, I stretched out my hand to lift the blanket, but mom held it back with her other hand. 'No-no-no, without looking', she said. I felt her hand moving and, for a moment, I was invaded by both relief and remorse. However, everything mom did was just move up a little, find the elastic band of my mesh shorts and pull them down until my penis was free. My mother, the woman who gave birth to me, raised me, took care of me all my life, grabbed my bare penis and squeezed it. I grunted. 'Are you okay, dear?' Mom asked, casually. 'Uh, yes', I said, 'yes'. Mom loosened her grip a little, then started stroking my penis from top to bottom. 'You are eh...' 'What am I?' mom asked. She didn't slow down her movement at all. Anyway, she picked up speed. Touching me perfectly. 'It feels very good'. 'What's going on?' Mom asked. 'What you're doing', I said. 'What am I doing, exactly?' Mom asked. Even through the growing pleasure, I looked at my mom with incredulity. 'Tell me what you think is happening', she said. 'You're, um, good, you're touching me', I said. 'Perhaps', she said, 'but unless we look,' Really we can't be sure. Can we? Oh, God, I said. Mom was milking my penis like a professional. With Cassie, manual work took a lot of time and I had to stop her several times and correct her movement. My mom had me almost complete at moments. Ahh, ahh, damn it. I wasn't used to making noises during sex, but mom was taking them away from me. Mom, I'm getting... My mother made me be quiet. She looked at me. And in that moment, with my mother looking directly at me, I came in her hand. Ohhhhhhh damn it, I said, my semen spilling out of me. The most intense ecstasy I had ever experienced. Finally, I softened, sticky on mom's palm. Thanks, I said stupidly, sinking back into the sofa again. Why? she asked, looking at me again as if I were a stranger. A moment later, she got up to go to bed.Bajo la manta con mamá #1If you want the continuation don't forget to leave your points!!

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