It was Saturday night and Paula was celebrating her farewell party with her friends Mariana and Ana at her apartment, after eating at a bar and the three of them were dressed to kill. 3 clearly could be Playboy models.
Paula would get married to Gonzalo, her boyfriend of her whole life, a normal type, lawyer with very good charm, well-groomed beard, but he was the typical chanta who always kept himself well in all aspects.
It was summer so the three had put on dresses, Paula one white very short, Mariana one black with frills and Ana one red stuck to her body above her knees
The three took champagne and laughed out loud on the couch
Ana - your last night as a single person - while they were toasting
Mariana - from now on you leave being a person -
Paula - finally, I confess that I lived long enough to lose my freedom.
The three continued laughing - from now on I am of one man - continues Paula
From now on, from tomorrow - concludes Mariana
Well, it doesn't matter, no other man will be my man -
Well, your man must be saying goodbye surrounded by whores - said without anesthesia Mariana
Not like that - defended Paula
Well, I don't know if not like that - participates Ana - with some little one must be there
But he went out with his friends.
Do you know how bachelor parties of guys are? - asked Ana
Well, it doesn't matter to me because he won't make me crap - said Paula with determination
Mariana - wouldn't make you crap because if he decides to say goodbye to the cuties tonight is because he wants you. And he won't think about making you crap again.
Paula - don't you want to ruin my farewell party?
A - not all the opposite.
Mariana gets up and goes where Paula is, covering her eyes. At that moment Ana turns off the lights and starts flashing red lights in the living room,
Ana opens the door and the panther (a stripper hired by Mariana) appears
With step-by-step steps the panther stands in front of Paula who had her eyes covered yet, panther along with Ana ran the rat mouse table and started to play typical music (it was shankin hand of nickelban) by those who perform these services.
The stripper was a guy around 28 years old, bald, with a nice face and tall, with a fibrous body and well-defined huge muscles. For this show, he dressed in a top hat accompanied by a black suit and white shirt. He placed his top hat on Paula's head who was sitting together with her friends on the sofa, as the show had already started.
With sexy movements, the gentleman took off his jacket and against the lower wall, he walked backwards and upwards, his body approaching Paula and giving her a kiss on her mouth, which caused everyone to scream and applaud. This only made him more excited with his hip movement, unbuttoning his shirt while touching his pectorals, which, to excite the girls, turned around and let his shirt fall.
He turns around and puts his hand under his pants, feeling himself, then sits on top of Paula and takes her hands to touch his butt, while the other two girls take advantage to touch his back and chest. He lifts Paula off the sofa and gives her a slap on the booty, turns around to her and takes his hands now to her body, making her go down to his member, which the future wife takes advantage of touching or checking that it was something very interesting at that size that tool. While she touches the girls, he helps them to be able to feel this terrible body, panther without losing concentration starts to take off his belt and dances a few steps with all of them together, they sit down which panther starts to lower his pants leaving the beautiful clients' view of his plump buttocks. He lifts Paula up again and grabs her right hand over his testicles and kisses her passionately. She sits down and now in front of her and her friends he finishes undressing by tearing off his slip.
The girls are impressed to see that enormous cock standing, around 26 cm, white Come with me too, it's wide enough. Leave her at the mercy of the girls who touch and masturbate. Panther decides to take Paula by the head and lift her up to tell her something in her ear like a proposal that she accepts.
Paula looks at her friends with a mischievous and complicit smile, grabs the boy's hand, and together they go to the future married woman's room. Her friends couldn't believe it, but they approved.
Already in the white-painted room with a park floor and a 2-person bed with white sheets, they throw themselves down and start kissing passionately. The boy while kissing her lowers her dress, putting her on her back on the bed. He takes off his shirt and throws it to the side, then rips off her thong, also white, to open her legs and plunge into her vagina, starting to make her come.
He did it like a professional, sticking his tongue in her as if penetrating her. And Paula accepted, holding her head with her hands towards her smooth conch shells.
Paula - ahhh ahhhh aggggg si pussy si asipapito - began with her first moans.
Panther - tegusta slut - said to her very sensually.
Paula - se me encanta -
Panther lifts himself up on the bed and leans over her breasts, which he grabs and starts making a Boobs fuck over her. Then he gets down on his feet at the foot of the bed, where Paula is heading towards him, Panther grabs her head and pulls it towards his penis.
Paula opens her mouth and introduces herself inside, starts sucking his cock. Her head bobs quickly, aided by the movement of the boy's pelvis for about 5 minutes, then Panther sits on the bed and Paula continues to suck him off. Now she doesn't just suck him, although she can't swallow him whole in a more passionate way, licking that chunk of flesh while he masturbates her with his right hand.
Panther - aaaaaahhhh well girl well -
Paula - mmmmmmuaggggg mmmmm-
Panther goes back to the head of the bride and plunges her into his penis.
Paula - gggggguaaadd gggggauaaggg - then she pulls him out of her mouth and passed the tongue down towards up and went back to introducing.
Panther – siputita followed like I know you love it – and so continued for 10 min.
Now panteraponía reversed Paula with Booty on her face and more in the middle of the bed, and she leaned over her, and started to grab her like a dog and the moans increased in form more strong and wide.
The met and withdrew Panther opened the use the word: pussy, while it was already the garchada was much stronger and Panther whipped Paula's ass, and grabbed her hair so she could feel better the thrusting while she listened to how he hit her eggs on her body.
Plaffs plaffsplaffs plaffs plaffs plaffs were repeated in the room like Paula's cries of pleasure, the moans of satisfaction from Panther.
Paula – aaaaaahaaahahahahahahaahhahah aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh si my life!!!!!!!!! More give me more!!!!!!!! –
Suddenly a change in position was decided, Paula lying on her back with her legs on the boy's shoulder while he introduced his cock and with one hand touched her nipple and pinched her breast, with the other hand put his fingers in her mouth where she sucked them.
The four of them again and says to her ear – I'm going to stick it up your ass –
Paula blushing – break my ass –
Panther first mete finger after moistening it with saliva and spitting it into Paula's anus, and so lubricated her ass with one finger, then two and finally four.
Paula – ahaahahahahah mmmmm yes –
Panther positioned himself and started to introduce his cock inside Paula
Paula- aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh slow animal aaaaaaahhhh-
Panther – shhhvos just enjoy, it's going in – while he continued to put it in – two – brought the mittad inside – andyyyyyyyyyyy three – complete
Paula – aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
And started again with mete and withdrew Paula asked him to break her ass until she started to finish and after one moment Panther pulled out his cock and touched her cum, Paula recovered the position lying on her back
Panther put your foot on the bed and her head goes, one foot on each side grab my member pointing to itCockjust below it's her mouth that she had open while also masturbating the panther started to cum like a white waterfall over Paula's mouth and breasts. With a wet towel, Paula dries off and ends up in bed with Pantera, covering herself with a fine sheet. Since Pantera arrived until that moment, an hour had passed. Pantera and Paula were exhausted after the screwing, but just then the bell rang, which only Marian and Ana heard. They ran to the door and Marian asked who it was. The other side responded with it's me, quickly recognized by the girls as Gonzalo's voice. Mariana - go tell Paula - directed at Ana. Ana - ok - while going towards the room. Gonzalo - hello, is that you, Mariana? - Mariana - yes, who is it? Gonzalo - I'm Gonzalo, open up please? - Mariana - don't bother, I'm looking for the key - Ana went to Paula's room and found her lying naked next to Pantera, covered with a white sheet. Ana - Paula, Gonzalo is outside. Paula - what?????? - and jumps out of bed startled. Ana - if he's outside, I won't go in - Paula - get up, get up!!! Don't you hear my boyfriend coming? You have to leave - she was telling Pantera as he got up from the bed. Ana - but where is he going if Gonzalo is at the door - Just then Mariana appeared saying that Gonzalo was in a hurry, waiting for them to open up, so Paula asked Ana to bring her clothes while Pantera put on his pants that Ana had already brought. Mariana - we have to hide him from the boy - referring to the young man. Paula - what the hell am I supposed to do now???? - she said anguished and scared. While the bell was still ringing, Paula put on her dress and asked her friends to hide the boy in the bathroom, which they did. The three girls went towards the door and Paula decided to talk to Gonzalo through it. celebrating my farewell you have to respect me - I said with complicity in the gaze of his friends - and you have to be at your bachelor party with your friends - Gonzalo - if I'm not, but the guys left me here just like this -
After a while, he decided to open it and what they see is surprising. Gonzalo was completely naked, full of eggs and flour.
Gonzalo - hello love, if the guys made me do this joke and I wanted to see if I can take a bath here, then I'll go afterwards - he said with false innocence
I enter and greet amicably while Paula went to get a towel from the bathroom just as her lover was hiding behind the curtain. So I decided to pull him out through the door that connects the bathroom to his room.
Paula - there it is - she told Gonzalo, covering him with the towel so his friends wouldn't see him naked
Gonzalo - what's your name? The porter recognized me and let me pass - he said while heading to the room where the panther was now
Mariana - stop, go take a shower and I'll bring you some clothes, or you'll mess up the room - which Gonzalo accepted. And so Gonzalo didn't get to see the boy.
Gonzalo went to the bathroom and started taking a shower while Paula went to leave him and her friends tried to help the panther escape without being seen, but it took a few minutes to get away. And when he finally could, passing through the bathroom with the door open, Gonzalo got out of the shower and Paula couldn't do anything to stop him from seeing the boy.
And if only they crossed paths with each other's gaze while the girls were standing next to her lover at Paula's bachelor party, trying to help his quick exit. Mariana had just opened the exit door and Ana was carrying the ice bucket.
It was a scene from a novel, Paula on one side didn't want to be discovered and felt like the world was weighing down on her feet. On the other hand, her friends avoided and helped make it a great night at her bachelor party and tried to cover up what happened.
panther who only came to perform a service and eat, forgetting about Gonzalo, whose honor as a man was wounded.
Gonzalo – and who is this? – asked generally while putting on his towel
Mariana – already gone – said with a false smile.
Gonzalo – nobody's going anywhere, close the door now – said like an order to which Ana decided to obey. – Where did you come from? - Now he was saying it very impolitely to the panther.
Panther – look calmly at me, I was only hired –
Gonzalo approached once and asked – What were you hired for? –
Panther – for a show –
Gonzalo – what kind of show –
The tension felt throughout the place
Panther – good, normally doesn't include sex, but there was plenty of booty and I couldn't help but notice it –
Paula couldn't believe what she was hearing, everything would be revealed and her eyes were like glass.
Gonzalo – sex with whom? –
Mariana – with me – and just then Mariana thought to blame herself.
Not believing anything, Gonzalo headed towards the room to search for clues that would prove what Mariana said, just as Paula was saying he wouldn't find anything in a desperate situation for both of them. Gonzalo ignored her words and continued searching and sniffing the sheets, which Paula said was the only smell he'd find because she slept there, but just then he finds the thong that Paula or rather had taken off, excusing herself by saying it belonged to Mariana.
Gonzalo with all his fury goes towards Mariana, saying – I thought I'd lost her – realizing the excuse his friend gave and making himself complicit in the same. But Gonzalo, with a swift movement, lifts up Mariana's skirt and checks that she did have her thong, which not only wasn't hers but belonged to Paula, who was holding it, leaving no suspicion that Gonzalo had been cuck before his marriage hours earlier.
Immediately after, the panther retires.
He approaches Paula I couldn't aguantar the crying and told her - you ruined my life before our wedding, daughter of a slut, I swear I won't marry you, didn't you listen, I won't marry you - while I was pulling her thong over her face.
Gonzalo went to get his clothes and then to the room to dress.
Paula - Gonzalo, listen to me -
Gonzalo - I hear you, but I'm not marrying you - while he was getting dressed.
Paula - it was a bachelorette party for singles, I did it to say goodbye to men, I swear I'll never clog you again - Gonzalo looks surprised as he puts on his socks since he was already dressed from the waist down.
Gonzalo - we've been together for three years and just today you decide to leave me, you're a real piece of work -
Paula - it's the first time, I swear I'll never do it again - crying uncontrollably as Gonzalo mocks her, saying she's pathetic, pronouncing those words with a tone in his hand.
While Gonzalo was putting on his white Nike sweater, which was from the same brand as his pants and black socks, he dedicated some words to Paula's friends who were still watching until that moment since they couldn't and didn't know how to help Paula.
Gonzalo - you're not any saints, you brought a guy into this house so he could screw all three of you -
Ana - for... -
Gonzalo - what? - cut off Ana's words as she was about to say them - hot like these, don't let him screw - continue.
Mariana - why are you going crazy, Gonzalo -
Gonzalo - do you think if this guy hadn't arrived, no one would have screwed all three? - and you, Paula, gave yourself the pleasure, didn't you get a terrible pounding?, now you're leaving them hot and bothered, aren't you? -
Mariana - you're a jerk -
Gonzalo - I'm a jerk, but you're whores - and he leaves.
But before he left, he threatened Paula that he would make her pay. And he left.
The girls cried and argued for half an hour about who was to blame for what happened, but the situation went down when the doorbell rang again.
And it was Gonzalo, the girls, especially Paula, were hoping that Gonzalo decided to forgive her and that will be fine, he opens the door and lets him pass until he sits down in the sofa. Mariana - good night, we're leaving, let them settle down quietly - Ana - bye - while grabbing their bags. Gonzalo - nobody moves from now on - like an order, the three surprised girls froze. Gonzalo - I have an idea, I'm going to get Mariana and Ana's temperature up, I'll take them away - Paula - what???? - Gonzalo - if not, I won't get married - Mariana - but what's wrong with you? You're drunk - she said with a nervous laugh. Gonzalo - they'll have to take charge - Ana - I don't have anything to take charge of - she said defiantly. Gonzalo - shut up - continued - the only way for me to get married is to have a real bachelor's party, like yours Pau - continued - I also want to say goodbye to women forever with girls - with a full-of-malice laugh. Paula - don't do it, please - she begged tenderly Gonzalo - I'll take my friends and nothing will happen here, we'll get married happily and contentedly. Unless I get married - he said firmly - the decision is yours - while heading to Paula's room taking off his shirt as if communicating that he would wait for their decision in there or who would be the first to go to bed with him, if Mariana or Ana, or maybe not both together. Paula looks at Mariana and tells her she ruined her life. While heading to the dining room Mariana - did I ruin it? Well, you got yourself into trouble - Ana - I always said these things end badly - interrupted the discussion Mariana - badly for you who got hot and left with your desires - she answered Ana - Ana - you're a ... - Mariana - what? - she asked because you don't shut up before making yourself look foolish - Paula - calm down, Ana, you've always wanted Gonzalo - Mariana - if so? Are you sure? - she said more calmly but if not
it won't be because of my fault, you have a little time to convince Anita - Paula - what are you going to do? - Mariana - whatever your husband wants, give it to him, they're getting married tomorrow and nothing will happen - Paula - Mariana - I yell at her - thanks - Mariana heads to the room where Gonzalo was already in his underwear The s/he sits on the edge of the bed with a superior smile, which makes Mariana make a face. Mariana - let's see if you're capable of doing it? - Gonzalo - hahaaha, come on, get into balls - Mariana closes the door and takes off her boots to then undress herself and have the same one sit down next to Gonzalo and they start kissing, later the kiss becomes more passionate with tongue and saliva while he massages her tits, so big and hard, and starts kissing them. She gets excited and with the underwear choking his penis decides to take it off and release his 24cm long tool with a large red glans. He takes Mariana's head and gives her a push to make her suck his cock, she understood what she had to do perfectly. And in the blink of an eye, Mariana's head goes up and down while sucking the penis of her friend's future husband. Mariana decides to get comfortable by kneeling before him, and when she does, she keeps going but also sucks like a popsicle the glans of Gonzalo. Gonzalo - ahahah, you're really good at it, slut, keep going like that, slut - which she did. Mariana - this is your son, look how long it is - while Gonzalo smiled proudly After a little while, Mariana decided to continue pleasing him with a Boobs fuck, the cock of Gonzalo looked spectacular between those two globes. Gonzalo took Mariana and lifted her up, put his hands on her hip and lowered her red thong to bring the girl in front of his cock. While he was pulling her legs apart, now face to face, he lifted her up towards him to start putting his cock into her and pushing her to make it better, feeling very juicy the member of Gonzalo in the pussy of his bride's mother. And started the classic PLAFF PLAFFPLAFF!!!!!
Mariana – aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh ¡!!!!!!!!! ¡Yes, give him cuck!!!!!!-
Gonzalo – jajaajajaj mmmmmm what yummy tits – while he was sucking her tits
Gonzalo stopped with her up, leaned her back a bit and started screwing her in the air almost. She held on to his neck and he held her by the hips in the mete and saca at maximum speed.
Mariana – ahhhhhhhhh if you give me some, get your rocks off, you're a prick –
Gonzalo laid her down with her face up and kept screwing her, the scream of pleasure from both of them was felt throughout the room and apartment.
Ana and Paula listened to everything Ana decided to grab her things and leave, but just as she reached the door, Paula managed to intercept her.
Paula – where were you going? –
Ana – I'm leaving now it's over –
Paula – no, listen carefully to Gonzalo. He said my friends –
Ana – but I can't, look at our faces tomorrow while you're in front of the mirror curing if I want, knowing that you cheated on me with a stranger and he screwed your friend –
Paula – come on Ana, this is going to stay here. Besides, I'm not getting married if you don't accept him, he screwed Mariana –
Paula tried to convince her friend to end the deal in a pleading manner.
Already the fourth Mariana and Gonzalo had changed position, now she was on her side on the bed with her right leg lifted and his cock entering her pussy
Mariana – ahhhaahhahah like you're getting your rocks off eh, on top of that you're going to screw Ana's mosquito again aaahhhhh mmmmm –
Gonzalo – sisi always wanted to give it to you now Ana makes me feel much more slutty and horny than you–
Mariana gets excited by these words and lets go of Gonzalo's body, taking him with her hands now that he is on his back and she climbs onto him, clamping the meat and riding him.
Mariana – aaaaaaaahhhahaa aahahahahahah ahahahahaha mmmmmmmmmm ahahahahah son of slut –
while he was touching her ass with one hand and her tits with the other
Gonzalo – aahahhahaah take it, give it to me, you're a slut of shit – The conversation between Ana and Paula through the slaps on the bed in the production room produced the relationships that the future groom had with his future mother-in-law of the wedding.
Paula – please Ana, there's nothing to do, I need you to help me. Please – she said with a penalty
In a few minutes Ana recapitulated and accepted, only her turn was missing.
Mariana had her mouth down on the bed with Booty in pump, that beautiful big round Booty hard and sturdy. While she separated it with her hands, her anus already going down as he went down with his cock pointing to that destination. Which when initiating penetration so it would be more exact, grabbed with her right hand the member and started introducing it slowly until it started shaking again
Mariana – ahhahahahahahah son of a slut I'm going to break you, you're giving me all your tastes ehjajajaajajaj aaaaaaaaaahhhhh- she spoke, laughed, and was being penetrated anal
Gonzalo – of course, with everything I gave my tastes. Aahhahahahahahahah-
Mariana– give it to me, little one, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhahhhhhhhhhhh-
Gonzalo – I'm going to finish
Mariana – get in no way eh-
Then Gonzalo released the cannon of her anus and started wanking himself on Mariana's right cheek. Until he expelled soda all over her.
In a few minutes they prepared to clean their bodies a bit since the function had ended. It's not known if it was the moment, the morbidness, the excitement of fulfilling a fantasy or what cuck was making his girlfriend cum with his friends and knowing that he had to return to action immediately, seemed to start giving signs of stopping again.
She stays lying down on her back, masturbating to lift her member, while Mariana puts on red pants and a dress
Gonzalo – see you!!!!!!- screams
Mariana laughs, takes off her shoes, and with the dress on, leaves the room
Mariana comes out all sweaty and sits next to them on the sofa.
She looks at Ana He says 'it's your turn'. Ana - in one minute I'll get rid of him - Ana enters the room and sees that Gonzalo already had his penis half-erect, which is better said to look at it. Gonzalo - hello Anita, help me out? If you're feeling thirsty, I don't know if it's because of this or because you wanted to eat each other, but this one can't be wasted, unless you ask your little friend - he said referring to everything, but especially his member. Ana without saying a word turns around takes off her shoes and the dress like a t-shirt, then takes off her bra and throws it over Gonzalo's penis just like her panties. Next she gets into bed and grabs Gonzalo's member and starts sucking it and decides to have a 69 with him. Paula - and? - asks Mariana as they sit on the sofa. Mariana - and what? What do you want me to say, I had a great time with your husband. It was over quickly but ready for tomorrow when they get married - she responds. The two hug each other, embracing the rough patches of the past and waiting for their friend's departure. Which had already managed to get Gonzalo's cock hard again while he was sucking it and she was sucking his pussy. They started feeling both of them's moans. Gonzalo - ahhhhh mmmmm what yummy pussy - Ana - I'm going crazy with the vegga - said with her mouth full. They kept at it for a good while until Ana decided to get into the slutty position so that Gonzalo could start screwing her, which Gonzalo did by grabbing her hips looking at the door and pushing to get his cock in that pussy he had tasted before. Ana - ahhhhh si dale with dirty shit, screw me like a sexy girl - she begged while the bed creaked due to their movements. Gonzalo - I know your friends on the other side are talking and one just got screwed and the other is fuck you always and it's my girlfriend hahaaha - And that was Paula to distract herself by showing her friend on her cell phone where they were going for lunch my honey which was the same one approving with admiration and after listening to Ana's screams of pleasure with Gonzalo.
Now Gonzalo was lying on his back being ridden by Ana. She was moving her pussy with the cock inside from behind to in front and up and down, giving him her back as he took advantage of it to introduce a finger into her anus, making her understand how this would be completed.
Ana –aaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ssissisisisissisisisisisisi ahhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh- said while she was rubbing her breasts and pinching her nipples.
Mariana and Paula were listening to what was happening in that room.
Now Ana was on top of Gonzalo facing him, and he was sucking her breasts while still fucking her.
Gonzalo lifted her up and took her towards the door, still giving it to her, banging their bodies against each other.
Ana – bad birth aahahhaahahahahahahahahah-
Gonzalo – taste? –
Ana – yes I'm scared–
After a long time, he put her against the open window due to the intense heat and good air in summer.
Gonzalo – now give me the bum–
Ana – okay then-
And with Ana's head sticking out of the window while Gonzalo lubricated her anus with his finger, he continued working until finally the moment arrived.
Ana – AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH MMMMMMMMMMHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA- screamed Ana out the window for good luck that the neighbors on the side and below were away on vacation, but despite being in a fourth-floor room, this pleasant scream was felt all the way to the street, which made people look around to see where it came from, as there wasn't much traffic at 3:30 am.
Gonzalo threw Ana onto the bed and kept breaking her ass on top of her for a good while.
Ana – ahahahahah I'll have to be standing up at the wedding tomorrow – both laughed – well, it's not for long yet, they've already done it- said she.
Then Gonzalo decided to take her again The word is: pussy and the position is on top of the bed, making Ana do it a little rough and then squeezing her ass. To finish, Ana masturbates while doing it herself and opens her mouth to receive a cum cascade. Gonzalo - ahhahah takes cum mmmm - Then they go to the bathroom to clean up and get rid of the sweat before leaving the room. Ana and Gonzalo leave the room already dressed, Gonzalo gives Paula a passionate kiss and they say they're on hand and he leaves. After a hour of talking and everything being cleared up, Ana and Mariana say goodbye and sit down for the wedding. Then Paula orders the house and goes to sleep thinking about what kind of marriage and life awaits her with Gonzalo. FIN. I re-uploaded it due to doubts that it might get lost and new followers can read it and share their opinion. This story is based on the Argentine TV series Tiempo Final by Telefe.
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