
I studied photography and now I usually get hired for weddings, and honestly it's profitable. This job gives you access to meet people and have a wide social life. Everything started when I turned eighteen and hormones were running through my veins like fire runs through a forest in summer. I got my driver's license right after turning eighteen and my mother, who loved me, was thrilled to let me use her car. I would drive around the nearby streets just for the pleasure of driving. My sister Sonia, who is four years older than me, would always tease me. 'What, do you have a spot to fuck now? Now all you need is to find a chick who wants it, hahaha!!' 'Open the window wide, I'm sure it smells like masturbation!' All these things were always related to sex because I knew how wild I was back then, not that I had any problems with girls, but almost always left unsatisfied and when I got home I would kill myself jacking off. My cock was almost bald from jerking off six or seven times a day, I mean I was obsessed with sex. Any girl who looked at me, any girl who I imagined having sex with, including my sister and mother. My sister Sonia was then twenty-two years old and a bit skinny for my taste, but had an ass that flipped me out. My mother Nati was something else, at forty-four she still looked great, tight ass, firm breasts of size ninety, the size because I saw it in one of her beautiful bras. She was also pretty, chestnut-haired with light brown eyes and a medium-length hair that adorned her face perfectly. The best thing about her was her open character and a sweet and wonderful smile. Whenever I could, I would give a slap to either of them, my sister ending in a fight, but my mother was more permissive. As for my father, I have little to say, he's commercial and spent little time at home, unlike the rest of his jobs, where we only saw him two or one times out of seven days, sometimes not at all. In summer If we used to go on vacation for twenty days or even a month. That year the vacations got ruined, it seems my father had to work. My mother proposed that we go stay with my aunties, her two older sisters who lived by the coast. They had set up a business that was doing well and had a huge house. I remembered that when I was little I used to go there often during school breaks. Sometimes I would spend two months with them and I recall they treated me very well. Since we didn't have any other options, I accepted my mother's proposal, we would be going at least a month to the beach with them. My sister only agreed to come for a few days, then she would go back home. Honestly what she wanted was to have the house to herself and be with her boyfriend whom she had been dating for a year. So on July first we left and my mother let me drive despite my sister's opposition. I was thrilled, at the beach and with my mother's car at my disposal, that was going to be the life! Summer and the beach is a good combination for hooking up, which was all I had in mind. When we arrived at the coastal town where they lived, I saw the small port where fishing boats mixed with recreational ones. Memories of my childhood came flooding back when my aunties would take me down to the beach and sometimes we'd go for a walk on the boat. After walking along the marina, we took the road that went up the hill and about two kilometers later there was the house where I had such a great time as a kid. I honked the horn and at once my two aunties came out to greet us while opening the gate of the enclosure surrounding the house. I was surprised, honestly it's true I didn't remember it being so big from the outside. It had a small garden at the entrance with an asphalt patch leading up to the garage. - Come on in, come on! There's plenty of space in the garage, my aunt Soledad shouted, Sole to family, who was the older one and then forty-eight years old. My aunt Cándida, whom we called Candi, was The median with forty-six, greeted us with both hands and a wide smile. Before putting the car in the garage, which was a shed next to the house, we stopped to greet each other. We hugged and kissed enthusiastically, but my obsession with sex stirred up my mind again. It had been like ten years since I'd seen them, and now I looked at them with different eyes. Sole, the eldest, was a very sensual woman full of curves that hid the two or three extra kilos she probably had. Her large breasts impacted against my chest as we hugged warmly. Mother's sake! How you've grown! You're a big man! she said, giving me two loud kisses on both cheeks. My aunt Candi was slightly more stylish, her curves less pronounced and not having a large butt, but her roundness, with a slight bounce, made it noticeable. Her legs were well-contoured and her thighs seemed hard and smooth. Her breasts weren't as big as her sister's, but she must have had a size ninety, like my mother. I also felt that delicious sensation when her breasts pressed against my chest in an intense hug. She caressed my cheeks, giving me two pinches while looking at me with her green eyes and an enchanting smile. Her hair was longer than her sister's, although it was clear she had dyed it a reddish color. Well, you've grown! But you almost take my head off! she said enthusiastically. We took out the suitcases and I went back to the car to put it in the garage. Sole gave me directions not to hit the bumper against the wall, as her side was next to a beautiful four-wheel drive. She closed the garage door and we entered the living room through a lateral door. A huge room with three sofas in the center around a low square table, two armchairs on one side facing the chimney, which I don't think they'll use much, and on the other side a high rectangular table surrounded by eight chairs. Next to it was a corridor that connected to a large Kitchen, a bathroom and a storage room and on the same wall, on the other side, stairs came out that led to the first floor where the bedrooms were. There was also another door on the same wall as the garage that I didn't know where it went. We went up and they showed us the eight rooms the house had, no problems, we would have one each. The stairs continued to an attic that occupied half of the house, with a door giving access to a balcony that covered the other half. Let's change and take a bath in the pool before lunch. You'll be fresh! Sole told us. We did as she said and after occupying the rooms assigned to us we put on our swimsuits and went down to the living room, which was where you came out into the backyard garden, although you could also come out through the kitchen. I remembered my childhood times when almost got lost playing among the bushes and trees of that immense garden, well, immense for a 10-year-old boy, even though at 18 you could still get lost from view of others. The pool was shaped like an eight, about 12 meters long and six in the widest areas. It was five meters away from the stairs coming down from the living room and to the left there was a kind of towel rack. Where the pool ended, the bushes and some fruit trees began, occupying about 50 meters long by 20 wide. There were also several hammocks around the pool on well-maintained grass and a round table with several chairs. When I went down the stairs from the living room, my sister was already bathing and my mother was talking to my aunts, her sisters. My hormones that had been calm for several hours started flowing at high speed again. The three of them had put on bikinis and were showing their almost naked bodies. My mother had been the most modest, her bikini, green with black stripes, it wasn't quite a thong, but it still highlighted her slightly white skin waiting to be bronzed by the sun's rays. My aunts, however, were not very modest, their tangas were spectacular and drew perfectly on their almost naked booties. Candi's top was pulling up nicely over her beautiful breasts, while Sole seemed like they might pop out at any moment. The first thing my perturbed mind thought of was eating those big breasts and I decided to get in the water before I got a hard cock with delirious thoughts. – How she's grown! What a height she's reached! How old is she now? I heard them say to my mother when I passed by her side to enter the water. Once inside, I didn't worry about looking at them anymore, my member was protected under the fresh water. Sole, the most voluptuous one, had the darkest skin and with the sun that had already caught it, she could almost pass for mulatta. Candi had the whitest skin, similar to my mother's, but the sun had given her a very attractive tone. With her red hair and seeing her from behind, you could take ten years off her age. Although to me, the most stunning one was my mother, I saw her as precious with her green bikini with black stripes, her breasts and ass had perfect measurements for my taste, and her thighs, ufff, her thighs drove me crazy. With 18 years old and my perverted mind already made a few wanks thinking about her. What if it was genetic were the nipples, all three of them showed them off in an ostentatious way, even my sister who had many breasts, had the same nipples. After that glance I knew I was going to fall into a masturbation before eating. A few minutes later the three of them entered the water, descending by the stairs near the house. Candi and my mother sat on the stairs with half their body submerged in the water and Sole swam towards where I was. – The water is so good, isn't it! She said when she arrived near me. The pool didn't cover, at least not to me. The deepest part was in the center and reached my neck. On the opposite side of the stairs it reached above my waist and I had leaned on the edge with my arms open. – Ah, auntie, she's wonderful! I replied. She stood up and her large breasts, barely covered, floated like two beach balls. Her brown and smooth skin glistened in the sunbeams falling vertically and my eyes were fixed on that delicious flesh without being able to avoid it. – You look handsome and strong! She said, touching the chest that was outside the water. The few times I had gone to the gym had made their effect and really my pectorals were well-defined. – Thank you, auntie! You're looking very good too! I replied, returning the compliment. – We've been a long time without seeing each other, since you were little and now nothing! You should come visit us more often! She realized how she was looking at her breasts, but instead of being bothered, she made a gesture to lift them up with her hands while bringing them together. I glanced sideways to see what my mother and Candi were doing, and saw that they were chatting animatedly seated on the entrance stairs. My sister had already gotten out to lie down in the sun. – You're right, auntie. Now that I have a driving permit, I'll be able to come more often! – And how about it, do you have a girlfriend? She asked, putting her breasts back into place. Those movements were making me frantic. – What's up, I'm very young, but I have friends! Sole pressed herself against me until she was rubbing against my large breasts. – Friends who are affectionate? She said with an excessively piquant smile. When I felt those breasts pressing against a lateral part of my torso, I felt a surge of hormones that caused my cock to jerk. I couldn't take my eyes off the breasts and stammered a bit when answering. – Well, some... more than others! I could stutter. – If I were one of those girls, I wouldn't hesitate to be affectionate with you, haha! And she turned around making me Her beautiful asshole will rub my body. My cock gave another jerk and I felt it getting hard, bulging out my swimsuit, as if even the fresh water couldn't stop it. And my aunt? What had she said? When I was able to clear my mind of the cloud of hormones that occupied it, I could analyze the sentence, more or less saying that if it were one of the girls I wouldn't hesitate to screw her. Damn!! If she knew I was screwing myself without caring about her age or family ties! My 18-year-old mind jumped without thinking. – You're stunning, Aunt! Neither would I hesitate if I saw you on the street. – Haha! How salty you are! My eyes seemed to have a magnet and without wanting to they kept going back to her tits. – Come on, let's play a bit. I'll lie down on my back and you can hold me with your hands and spin me around! She said, pulling my hand. When we got to the center of one of the circles that formed the pool's eight, she lay down doing the dead man and I put my hands on her back and started spinning around my own body. Her tits were now surfacing like two round mountains emerging from the depths. The line of her waist was closing and opening again, making her rounded and sensual hips. I could see the small yellow triangle that covered the center of her thighs and it gave me the impression that there was some public hair underneath. I had been with several girls and they all went bald, I had never seen a pussy covered by a patch of hair. My cock ended up stretching completely at that image. – Ummm, I like this! Hold me tight! Don't let me sink! She said, looking at me with mischievous eyes. My mind might be hot and depraved but the feeling was that my aunt was provoking me to touch her more. Well, it could happen if I put my hand on her beautiful asshole, maybe she would take it off. I didn't think twice, lowered one of my hands and put it in the center of her beautiful asshole. – Ummm, now better, so my legs won't sink! “Damn!! She liked me touching her ass!!“ I thought. Hormones were in full boil. Well, I guess we'll have to do something more, see what happens. I was so turned on that I didn't even care my mom was just a few meters away, besides, we were playing, I told myself like a stupid excuse. I moved my hand to rub her ass at the same time as I lightly squeezed it. – Ummm, it feels so good floating in the water! That was an approving phrase for my fondlings. Damn, what a shame my mom and aunt are so close, if not, I'd give them a ball-kicking!! I thought in a pure state of horniness. After a couple of minutes rubbing her ass underwater, she said to me. – Now, face down, like it's a boat! “A boat! What a crappy excuse! She wants me to touch her tits! I thought while she turned around. I'm sure she thinks I want to grab them, but what she doesn't know is that she'd eat them with great appetite! When she turned around, one of my hands ended up directly under her tits and the other on her stomach very close to her pubic area. Those contacts made my hot mind act on my cock, making it get harder, I don't know what would happen when I had to get out of the water. She was moving her arms like she was swimming the breaststroke and that made her tits dance over my hand. – Ummm, you're doing great! Don't let my legs sink! She said looking at me with mischievous eyes. For me it was clear she wanted me to put my hand on her pussy. If I'm touching her tits and she likes it, why not touch her pussy? I thought with my simple-minded teenage brain. I started lowering my hand slowly, waiting for her reaction, but she didn't say anything, just kept swimming. The palm of my hand touched her thigh and my fingers reached the thong triangle. I noticed the hair under the fabric and also her fat genital lips. – That's it, that's it! Now you've got the boat anchored! She said turning her head and winking at me. I started getting nervous, my cock wasn't stopping trying to burst out of my swimsuit while I le rubbed the pussy with my fingers above the fabric. With the other hand, I was stroking and squeezing her tits; it was a desperate situation. My cock seemed to burst and I couldn't fuck my aunt right there, not even make myself come. – You're having a great time, eh, Sole! Candi said sitting on the stairs with half her body in the water – Look, I'm a boat! Buuu! Sole answered while I kept going around. My mom and Candi laughed when they heard her making that noise trying to imitate the siren of a boat. – We're going to prepare lunch. Candi said again. – Okay, now I'll go. I want to show you where I used to play as a kid! – Alright, don't hurry. It's still early! Said this, my mom and Candi went away and disappeared down the stairs of the living room. My sister was still lying face down with her headphones on and the music blasting. – Come, I'll show you where you hid when you were little! Sole said grabbing onto the aluminum stairs to get out of the water. At that moment, I saw her body perfectly, really not bad at all, like I said, a bit extra kilo but very well distributed across her extensive curves. I looked back before getting out of the water to see if my sister was looking, but she was still with her face against the towel. When I got out of the water, my cock had gone down a bit, but it was still noticeable. Sole glanced at me but didn't say anything, just pulled on my hand to follow her. At twenty meters, you couldn't see the pool anymore, the bushes blocked the view. We kept winding our way through bushes, trees, and plants until we reached the end where there was a small shed – Do you remember? I asked when we got there. – Yes, yes! – Come on, let's go in, you'll see how nice it is inside! It was a shed about six meters long by three wide. There was a wooden table with two chairs, also an old mattress in the corner and a pile of gardening tools. A small window with a Fly screen to keep insects from entering gave light to the room. He closed the door, leaving parts of the room in twilight. There was also a lamp but he didn't turn it on. He took me to where the table was, which was roughly in the center and without further ado he unhooked the small bikini top and two large tits bounced onto the fabric. – I thought you could touch them more quietly here! He said with a sweet smile but his words were flavored with lasciviousness. My eyes opened wide like plates and licked my lips with my own tongue. I didn't have to say anything, he could see the desire on my face and how turned on I was. My cock stood up again and I approached him with my hands raised, put them on his two beautiful tits and started rubbing them while looking at them, piercing my eyes like harpoons. – Do you like it handsome? I nodded without taking my eyes off them. – Go ahead, eat them, you'll see how yummy they are! I noticed his hands starting to palm my member over the bathing suit and I launched my lips against one of the large nipples. I felt that abundant flesh in my mouth and started devouring it, showing how turned on I was. My mouth passed from one nipple to another, sucking as if I were going to extract cum while compressing and joining his two tits with my hands. – Ummm, I like this, heaven! He whispered, feeling the powerful suction. – It's so long! He said in a sweet voice, as if he had still been ten years old when he last saw me. His hands grabbed my member, pulling it out of the bathing suit and I felt a certain anxiety in his handling. I lowered one hand to his thighs and ran my fingers across the center, now I could feel better that patch of hair and the swollen lips. His body gave a shudder as he felt the touch. – Uffff, I'm so hot! He said with the same warm and sweet voice. My fingers slipped between the fabric and touched the public hair that covered the thick lips. It was a pleasant sensation at the same time as exciting. One of my fingers entered Opening the thick lips. – Ufff! Ufff! I joined my lips and began to emit sounds by blowing and sucking. At that moment, I noticed my finger getting wet. I couldn't wait any longer, my cock was about to burst, the veins had swollen up, and the foreskin was turning purple. I went to try to put it in and she stopped me. – Wait, wait! She took off her thong and pulled it out by the feet, then sat down on the table with half her butt hanging out and her legs open, now the view seemed marvelous to me, you could see that patch of cut hair shaped like a triangle between her wide thighs, something that seemed very erotic to me. Her waist closed off to make way for her two round tits with thick nipples surrounded by a large brown aureola. It was a fleeting vision because I immediately launched myself at it with my cock in hand and my swollen foreskin opening up the thick lips. I felt the pressure of her vagina embracing my cock, I didn't know if it was tight or if she was exerting that pressure herself. – Slowly, slowly! I want to feel it go in! She said with her sweet voice as she stroked my head. I started making short movements, squeezing harder each time and in a few seconds my cock had gone all the way in. – Ahhh! Ahhh! Now she opened her mouth and began to emit long and vibrating sounds that seemed to come from the depths of her throat. Her body also started shaking and I felt myself getting soaked. I launched myself at her tits again and devoured them like a hungry lion. I was sucking and biting her thick nipples while holding onto her thighs with my hands and thrusting harder. – Ahhh! Ahhh! She started pressing my head against her tits and emitting sounds with her mouth wide open, as if she was out of breath. I think she was coming continuously because her flow was spraying everywhere, wetting my balls and her thighs widely. My cock exploded, releasing several bursts of cum. Our orgasms were abundant and we both ended up soaked. I don't know. If we had lasted three or four minutes, but my aunt had come like to fill a bucket. I had to take her hands off my head because it seemed she didn't want to let go of it. After her breathing relaxed, she got down from the table and opened a drawer that was under it, took out a kitchen cloth that looked like one and passed it between her thighs several times, Joder, until that made me hard! – Uff, I've gotten wet! Her voice was still sweet. She looked at my cock, which had already wrinkled a bit, and said. – I'll clean this little beauty in another way! Her treatment was almost endearing. She bent down and started giving it blowjobs that almost straightened me up again. When she took it out of her mouth, it was clean and shiny. I thought about how delicious it would be to have a good suck with her sensual lips letting my semen flow into her mouth. “Would she swallow it?” I thought with my perturbed mind. I think if we had had time, I would have asked her. She put the thong back on, adorning her voluptuous hips again. – I hope this is a secret between us! She said looking at me with a mischievous face. I was still speechless and just nodded my head. - Come on, come on! We'll be missed! She said giving me a slap on the butt and drawing happiness on her faceUna tía

2 comentários - Aunt

Uffff excelente relato, bastante caliente la tía me encantó