Isabella is a white and chubby enough slut from Recoleta nei

Isabella is a white and chubby enough slut from Recoleta nei

Argentine escorts
Argentine escorts
Federal capital


Federal Capital
Isabella is a white and chubby enough slut from Recoleta nei
Argentine escorts

Argentine escorts
Federal capital

Federal Capital
Isabella is a white and chubby enough slut from Recoleta nei

Argentine escorts
Argentine escorts
Federal capital

Federal CapitalHey guys, I'm leaving you with more info here since I don't know if I should count the experience with her yet since I met her a few months ago when she was making appointments at hotels and her rate for those months was $4000 an hour

And back then it was conventional and she didn't give Booty 🥲🥲🥲

Well, as you know, many guys like the chubby ones, so since many asked me privately if I knew any who were curvy and attentive, I'll leave you with her info for now. She calls herself Isabella and when I met her, her service was good, obviously conventional since she didn't give Booty and only did blow jobs until the end and gave full-on kisses like a girlfriend. The young lady is quite nice and friendly, and it's clear that she cares about making sure you have a good time so you'll come back to see her again

Well, now she has her own apartment in the Recoleta area on Avenida Santa Fe 2365 between Larrea and Azcuénaga. Well, anyone who's been here knows that this building is home to many escorts working on different floors. The place is great, and if you're lucky, you might run into some hot chicks like I did several times when visiting other girls in the same area 😅😅 You'll cross paths with them in the elevators or hallways, and it's easy to tell who's a slut and who's a civil person 😅😅

Well, now let's talk about the downsides of the building. When you enter, the porter asks for your ID and asks what floor you're going to, then calls the girl on the phone and lets her know you've arrived when she gives the OK. He'll tell you which elevator to take

I know some guys don't like this and it might make them feel uncomfortable, but there are also many of us who don't care about it 😅

Now, another bad thing is that the girl raised her rate like everything in this country is going crazy 😅😅
Now she's charging $7000 an hour for conventional service and if you want the tiny ass You get $3000 extra and also the Booty is set at the moment if you enable it, sure x that first you must look if I'm not SOS the black man from WhatsApp 😅😅

Well, good luck to me when I was collecting $4000 but if I think about it, it would come out almost the same because the hotel afterwards came out $2000 😒😒 and what I saw last week seems like there was another increase in the rates 🤬🤬🤬 I saw that simple rooms are already around $2600 now 🥺

Well, that's all for those who are interested, I hope it serves you the info and I leave my contact number below and some video clips and photos 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

21 comentários - Isabella is a white and chubby enough slut from Recoleta nei

Es muy linda, me encanto. Le viviría chupando el culo, y orteandola sin parar hasta llenarla toda.
Esta hermosa, que ganas de hacerle de todo!!
En algun momento nos crusaremos entonces compañero. Yo paso seguido por ahi soy habitue de male hermosa morocha y
Coti Male:
Una mas linda que la otra!!
Con Coty ya pasé después le tengo que subir la experiencia, tengo que subir varias experiencias todavía
Linda gordi, lastima donde atiende. Se ve que es popular ese edificio. Yo pasé con Giovanna a principios de este año ( otra gordibuena muy recomendable, lastima que relojea mucho) y me enteré lo del DNI a último momento. Para mi fué una patada en los huevos eso, no se si voy a volver.
Uhhh si es relojera paso 🤦🤦, yo la primera vez que fui a ese edificio tampoco sabía que pedía DNI
Hola, tenés el contacto actual?
Como estas? tendras el contacto actual, ningun enlace carga

un saludo genio!
No está trabajando x ahora creo que se puso de novia , pero seguro cuando se separe vuelve como todas jajaja
tenes algun gordita para recomendar? zona sur o caba? onda esta.
Si entras a ver mis post vas a encontrar algunas gorditas , igual en estos días subo más experiencia con otras gorditas con precios más accesibles quédate atento nomás
Siempre atento genio, algunos de los post sobre gorditas ya no funca el link. Me encantaria pasar por shirley, garpa todavia ir? evidentemente somos vecinos de zona.
Entra al link y de ahí sacas el número de Shirley
Después me fijo el de las otras
Hola bebe como estas me pasas tu numero