Los post que no podes dejar de ver!
Esta historia data de algunos años ya, pero el recuerdo estará por siempre presente, tal vez porque apenas tenía diecisiete años, o por el hecho de que no tenía casi experiencia en el sexo, quizás porque ella era mayor que yo, con aventuras, por hacerme conocer demasiado en poco tiempo, o porque ella no era una mujer más y existieron 'demasiados prohibidos' es ese par de días. O simplemente, porque fuera mi primera vez...
La familia por parte de mi papá, siempre había sida bastante acaudalada, él había incursionado por muchos negocios y la plata trajo más plata, un par de empresas de agro industria, cooperativa de semillas y varias hectáreas de cultivos que en general arrendaba a terceros.
Mi padre, es el mayor de tres hermanos, y el único interesado en seguir los pasos de mi abuelo, el que trabajaba en los negocios codo a codo y quien evidentemente sería el que tomaría las riendas en un futuro.
Le seguía mi tía, apenas un par de años menor, pero a ella jamás le había interesado nada de esto, es más, se había casado muy joven cuando yo era pequeño, con un tipo de mucha plata, del viejo mundo y hacía años que se había mudado a Europa, a Italia. Para nosotros era poco más que un recuerdo, casi habíamos perdido todo contacto con ella, y solo sabía por las cosas que muy de vez en cuando mis padres o mis abuelos narraban.
Fabio era el menor de los tres, el más joven, había nacido doce años después a mi tía, 'el bala perdida' lo llamaban, tanto por la forma no buscada en la que había sido concebido como por su estilo de vida
El tío Fabio era un loco lindo, él vivía despreocupado del mundo, había hecho su propia fortuna por su lado, él amaba los camiones, había empezado como un simple chofer y con la ayuda de mi abuelo pudo comprar el primer semi, y luego tuvo dos, y tres y formó su propia empresa y aunque era el dueño, el seguía sacándose cada tanto su gusto por manejar y solo perderse en cualquier punto del país. Siempre con su fama de Don Juan a cuestas, siempre se rumoreaba por lo bajo que el tío Fabio tenía una novia en cada pueblo, y ese punto, combinado a que se ausentaba demasiado de su casa en interminables viajes, seguramente le valió su primer matrimonio, su mujer sencillamente se hartó de la soledad y de los desplantes y todo se terminó en un portazo.
Poco después llegaría a nuestra gran familia su nueva novia y futura esposa, Corina. Ella era una mujer muy bonita que en mi plena adolescencia me quitó el sueño y fue culpable de mis secretas masturbaciones. Es que, si bien era cierto que ella era mi tía, la verdad es que tampoco nos unían lazos de sangre, y que las diferencias de años entre mi papá y mi tío provocaron que teniendo yo diecisiete tuviera una tía con apenas treinta y uno, y una tía demasiado bonita e interesante, pero claro, era la esposa de mi tío, toda una situación compleja.
Corina... Corina era esa chica que en un boliche todos los chicos hubieran volteado a mirar, esa que yo mismo hubiera invitado a bailar, adivinando por adelantado su negativa, por ser joven, pero qué diablos, solo el intento hubiera valido la pena, Corina era esa chica que hubiera podido ser mi profesora de secundaria, a quien yo le hubiera observado su trasero respingón mientras escribía en la pizarra, Corina era esa chica que en una playa hubiera sido centro de atención, dueña de todas las miradas, Corina solo hubiera sido esa mujer objeto de mis deseos, espectacular, inalcanzable, pero claro, en esta vida, ella solo era mi tía, la mujer del hermano de papá, sin embargo, en mi intimidad, en mis pensamientos, a solas, hacíamos el amor de una manera única.
Ella era más alta que la media de las chicas, espigada, de cabellos lacios siempre cortaba al ras de su nuca, castaña de nacimiento, pero ella lo aclaraba a un rubio discreto, recuerdo sus ojos hermosos, grandes, redondos, azules como el mar, de mirada inquieta y de esconder secretos, sus labios eran un poema, parecían dibujados a mano, de pechos pequeños, y casualmente a mí me atraían ese tipo de chicas, con una cola grande, redonda y maciza que sin dudas era imposible no mirar.
Y cada vez que la veía, en silencio, estaba atento a todos los detalles, su forma de caminar, de vestir, de hablar, sus gustos, su interés por la fotografía, porque, aunque había estudiado de radióloga, nunca había ejercido, y por el contrario pasaba mucho tiempo en exposiciones con su hobby.
Mediados de marzo, mis padres hablaban en voz baja, se trataba de una reunión en uno de los campos de mi abuelo, sabía que estaba pasando por una enfermedad terminal y no tenía mucho tiempo por delante, él quería dejar todo en orden, yo prestaba relativa atención a sus palabras, puesto que no sería de mi interés asistir, hasta que escuché a mamá mencionar que deberían pasar por Corina.
Fue cuando cambié de opinión, cosa que extrañó a mis padres, un chico adolescente, solo, en medio del campo, en una reunión familia, si es que yo tenía mi grupo de amigos en la ciudad y nunca quería ir con ellos en esos viajes. Solo disimulé la situación y puse como excusa que no sabía cuántas veces más podría ver al abuelo con vida, y si bien soné convincente, en verdad el motivo era otro, el tío Fabio estaba perdido con su camión en algún pueblo y yo solo quería estar cerca de esa mujer
El viaje fue normal, a excepción que después de rogar y rogar, logré que papá me dejara manejar un trayecto, visto en retrospectiva una auténtica locura, yo era menor de edad y no tenía aun licencia para conducir, pero yo necesitaba impresionarle, que ella viera cuan mayor era y que nuestras diferencias de edades no se sintieran importantes, pero mi tía estaba en otra cosa, creo que ella ni notó lo que yo intentaba que notara.
Llegamos sábado medio día, saludamos a mis abuelos quienes nos esperaban con un rico almuerzo, recuerdo que la imagen de mi abuelo era triste, se veía muy desmejorado y a pesar de todo el parecía sacar ganas de cualquier lado para seguir adelante.
Pero yo solo me llenaba la vista con las cuervas de mi tía, no podía evitarlo y hasta podía ser obscena la manera en que evidenciaba mi interés por ella, más de una vez nuestras miradas se cruzaban y podía sentir electricidad en mi cuerpo, si es que ella notaba que la desnudaba con la mirada.
Y noté en esas horas la congoja de esa mujer, la sentí quejarse de mi tío Fabio, que su matrimonio era una farsa, que estaba siempre sola y no sé cuántas cosas más que dejaban muy en claro que había un final cercano en esa relación, era todo muy confuso.
Todo empezaría esa misma tarde, mi familia estaba en medio de discusiones y decisiones de negocios que poco me interesaban, así que no teniendo nada mejor que hacer salí a caminar un poco, y fui derecho al establo donde estaban los caballos, siempre me encantaron esos animales, su porte, su presencia, su fidelidad, la perfección de sus formas, solía pasar horas solo pasando mis manos por su cuello, por su cabeza, acariciando sus crines, pero esta vez tendría un encuentro inesperado.
Corina estaba ahí, fue casualidad, ella estaba con su cámara tomando fotografías de los animales y solo empezamos a charlar y solo observarla mi corazón empezaba a galopar, como los ejemplares que tanto admiraba.
She proposed I model for her, combining my image with a background example, only started shooting, told me she liked my smile and caressed my hair on one side to clean my face and I couldn't, no longer could, suddenly she started laughing somewhat contained, I didn't know the reason until she pointed out one of the horses, it was with its cock hanging almost reaching the floor and everything became very crazy, between laughter and contained desires and in a few seconds I was like the animal, tried to avoid it but it was impossible, I felt embarrassed but think my aunt had everything under control.
She left the camera aside, came back to adjust my hair, looking at me deeply into my eyes, caressed my cheek, didn't say anything, not a word, just knelt down on the hay, I was dying of desire and modesty, but Corina, lowered my pants, and my slip, my hard cock jumped like a spring, she took it in her hands, started caressing it, masturbating it, kissed me, felt very tasty, put it in her mouth, deep, once and again.
I was lost, still incredulous that it was true, looked at her and she looked at me, played with my cock, with her saliva, with her hands, understood she was making an effort for me to observe the perfect combination between her lips and my sex, between her tongue and my glans, realized she got excited by my pleasure, noticed she didn't just want to suck it, but also that I see how she did it.
It was too much, I had only been with some girl in my dreams and this first time had the luck of being with a perfect woman, felt myself coming, warned her, couldn't contain it, no longer could resist the gaze, closed my eyes tightly and ejaculated with great force, the semen seemed to burst from my entrails and I lost control over my actions.
When opening them again, I found my aunt's face filled with cum, her lips, tongue, even her eyes, her hands, it was a disaster, and I felt embarrassed by the situation ashamed, I quickly left with haste and only kept my cock under my clothes
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I... forgive me - I excused myself incoherently, remembering who she was, remembering my uncle
It's okay, silly, this will be a secret between us, calm down... - she responded while tasting the remaining semen still on her skin, licking her fingers like a greedy child
Time had passed, it was time to go back
That night, during dinner, the crossed glances with Corina told me different things, that complicity, those hidden sins, the secret that my parents, grandparents, and less my uncle Fabio would never find out. It's just that in my head I had mixed feelings, she was my aunt, family, but also a spectacular woman who gave me oral sex for the first time in my life
That night, only in my room, in my fantasies she fulfilled all my crazy desires and I masturbated twice before falling asleep
The Sunday morning dawned cloudy, fresh, and with a annoying drizzle that only left us by the fireplace remembering part of our stories, my aunt was wearing a long black bathrobe and bunny slippers, with a clean face, not producing anything, and very far from that fatal woman I had imagined the night before
We had lunch, time had improved a bit and a gentle breeze encouraged us to go out, knowing that my parents had things to discuss, so I did one of the things I liked most, took one of the horses and went out to explore the endless roads, between colorful fields, feeling only the silence of nothing, barely interrupted by some bird that screamed as I passed
It was almost three o'clock when my peace was interrupted by the rabid ringtone of my cell phone, on the other side my aunt was talking, asking where I was with a very seductive voice, with the same voice from the previous afternoon, she also told me she was alone, bored, at home and didn't have anything to entertain herself, that everyone had left and That I didn't know what to do... I think I almost killed the poor horse by the speed of the gallop I made it run, it was my life's opportunity and I wasn't going to let it pass. I arrived, swallowed saliva and controlled myself, let my pulses normalize at least a little, climbed up the stairs quietly to the top floor, approached her room and the door was slightly open, the strong sunlight gave clarity to everything in her room, like a snoop I peeked inside, Corina was on the bed, lying down, with her legs open, wearing an atigrada thong and one of her hands lost in the middle, with the other caressing her breasts that seemed trapped under a tight top, her profile showed off the perfection of her lines and contained gasps filled the room. I got in without hesitation, with the clumsiness of a beginner, stumbling over my own clothes while trying to undress myself. She smiled and I reached her lips, kissed her deeply, as deep as I could and felt her come undone in my mouth for a few seconds before I had control of the situation, touched her skin with the pads of my fingers and in my whirlwind of adolescence had to brake the pace, had to understand in seconds that I was going too fast and she taught me how to do it. She whispered in my ear that I should return the favor, that I owed her and that I only had to finish the work she already started, quickly passed over her breasts, squeezed them tightly as if they were two balls, but she noticed that wasn't the way, that I should be soft, treat them like two cotton buds. I got lost between her legs, for the first time I had a woman's vagina in front of my eyes and with honesty it gave me a little impression, her pussy just kept flowing without stopping and everything around was wet, closed my eyes and dove in and discovered her taste as a woman, found her clitoris and felt her vibrate like guitar strings, she accompanied... The caresses of my tongue with her hand rubbing her pubis, and I felt her twisting in pleasure with rhythmic contractions while her free fist pressed the sheets with force. Today, looking back, I know she was finished off by her own hand and accumulated heat, but at that moment I was satisfied with my beginner and inexperienced oral sex.
And only had it arrived, finally it had arrived...
She took the initiative, and in truth she wanted me to do so, just reclined on top of me, face up, took my cock between her fingers, and let herself fall onto me, felt her enter me completely, and the sensation was indescribable, my eyes filled with her curves and her breasts seemed suggestive under that small top, started moving up and down, she took my hands and put them on her buttocks
I get excited when they caress my buttocks, do you like my ass? - she asked in a tone that didn't need an answer
My hands then went to her enormous glutes and I got excited pulling with discretion her small thong that was still on, she took my fingers and said
Let's go, heart, with confidence...
Corina brought them close to her anus and I got too excited noticing that with the juices of her vagina my index and major finger falanges lost themselves relatively easily in her bum, and in my mind I couldn't separate the psychological ambiguity of being a terrible slut, the woman of my uncle.
She didn't stop moving, her hand had gotten lost between her pubis and mine, and was caressing with such frenzy that it seemed she was about to tear off her clitoris. Her moans reached my ears and obviously at 17 years old I came completely in the depth of her sex.
She kept bucking like a wild mare, understood she hadn't arrived yet and maybe I had gone too fast.
I only got out where I was, my cock still hard as stone, put myself behind her, she was on all fours, and her hips became too big, too suggestive, my gaze lost between... The geometric games between her ass and the tiny thong, her sphincter seemed to be provoking me and attracting me like a magnet, I only tried my luck without knowing Corina's reaction, but there was no resistance from her part, to my delight she entered completely, now from behind, only she in a very slutty and seductive way tested a claim
Guau Leo! What a degenerate and perverse nephew I had! I wouldn't have imagined it!
I only started moving again, until the end, taking her by the waist, one of her hands was rubbing her sex again and felt her nails hitting my testicles over and over, her face against the bed left me seeing the features of a precious woman enjoying, with her mouth panting open, her eyes closed and her brow furrowed, and this time I only resisted until she came exploding like a boiler, and then only let me do it until I finished inside her
It was time to reflect, I threw myself onto the bed, agitated and sweaty, looking at the ceiling, she came over to my side adjusting her underwear on her sex that was still dripping with all my cum
Did you enjoy it? - she asked, knowing my answer in advance
We closed the game, we were walking on the edge of the abyss, it was getting late and it was clear that the rest of the family would arrive at any moment, I went for a shower and left the warm water running over my head to calm down the heat inside me and concluded that a lot of questions were assailing me without answers
We had dinner before returning, and in that dinner I had to avoid looking at her, I couldn't hold her gaze without turning red like a tomato
We returned, only leaving her at the door of her house, with a kiss on the cheek and a 'chau tía'
The crazy thing is that three days later I went to her house, I couldn't help it, my uncle was still not back and didn't let the opportunity pass, we did it again, and again, and again... Hidden from my uncle, and on each of his trips I took care of satisfying his wife. Only there was a small difference between us, in my youth I idealized a platonic love with Corina, a Romeo and Juliet story, but for Corina, a thirty-year-old woman with experience, I was just a good boy, with all the force of youth and enough virility to give her what her husband wasn't giving her. She was truly on another wavelength, and her concerns passed through her evident failure as a couple No surprise that they ended their life together, but if I felt like a cold dagger assuming that by cutting ties with him, I was cutting ties with the whole family, even me. And only she disappeared from my life like sand between fingers, I had to get used to it, I had to accept it, just turn the page and keep going. New girls arrived, other women, a new love, my marriage, my children. My aunt Corina only lost herself in life, I didn't know anything more about her, I don't have any contacts anymore, but as you've noticed, I guard the best memories, it was my first time. If you liked this story, you can write me with title FORBIDDEN ENCOUNTERS at dulces.placeres@live.com
Esta historia data de algunos años ya, pero el recuerdo estará por siempre presente, tal vez porque apenas tenía diecisiete años, o por el hecho de que no tenía casi experiencia en el sexo, quizás porque ella era mayor que yo, con aventuras, por hacerme conocer demasiado en poco tiempo, o porque ella no era una mujer más y existieron 'demasiados prohibidos' es ese par de días. O simplemente, porque fuera mi primera vez...
La familia por parte de mi papá, siempre había sida bastante acaudalada, él había incursionado por muchos negocios y la plata trajo más plata, un par de empresas de agro industria, cooperativa de semillas y varias hectáreas de cultivos que en general arrendaba a terceros.
Mi padre, es el mayor de tres hermanos, y el único interesado en seguir los pasos de mi abuelo, el que trabajaba en los negocios codo a codo y quien evidentemente sería el que tomaría las riendas en un futuro.
Le seguía mi tía, apenas un par de años menor, pero a ella jamás le había interesado nada de esto, es más, se había casado muy joven cuando yo era pequeño, con un tipo de mucha plata, del viejo mundo y hacía años que se había mudado a Europa, a Italia. Para nosotros era poco más que un recuerdo, casi habíamos perdido todo contacto con ella, y solo sabía por las cosas que muy de vez en cuando mis padres o mis abuelos narraban.
Fabio era el menor de los tres, el más joven, había nacido doce años después a mi tía, 'el bala perdida' lo llamaban, tanto por la forma no buscada en la que había sido concebido como por su estilo de vida
El tío Fabio era un loco lindo, él vivía despreocupado del mundo, había hecho su propia fortuna por su lado, él amaba los camiones, había empezado como un simple chofer y con la ayuda de mi abuelo pudo comprar el primer semi, y luego tuvo dos, y tres y formó su propia empresa y aunque era el dueño, el seguía sacándose cada tanto su gusto por manejar y solo perderse en cualquier punto del país. Siempre con su fama de Don Juan a cuestas, siempre se rumoreaba por lo bajo que el tío Fabio tenía una novia en cada pueblo, y ese punto, combinado a que se ausentaba demasiado de su casa en interminables viajes, seguramente le valió su primer matrimonio, su mujer sencillamente se hartó de la soledad y de los desplantes y todo se terminó en un portazo.
Poco después llegaría a nuestra gran familia su nueva novia y futura esposa, Corina. Ella era una mujer muy bonita que en mi plena adolescencia me quitó el sueño y fue culpable de mis secretas masturbaciones. Es que, si bien era cierto que ella era mi tía, la verdad es que tampoco nos unían lazos de sangre, y que las diferencias de años entre mi papá y mi tío provocaron que teniendo yo diecisiete tuviera una tía con apenas treinta y uno, y una tía demasiado bonita e interesante, pero claro, era la esposa de mi tío, toda una situación compleja.
Corina... Corina era esa chica que en un boliche todos los chicos hubieran volteado a mirar, esa que yo mismo hubiera invitado a bailar, adivinando por adelantado su negativa, por ser joven, pero qué diablos, solo el intento hubiera valido la pena, Corina era esa chica que hubiera podido ser mi profesora de secundaria, a quien yo le hubiera observado su trasero respingón mientras escribía en la pizarra, Corina era esa chica que en una playa hubiera sido centro de atención, dueña de todas las miradas, Corina solo hubiera sido esa mujer objeto de mis deseos, espectacular, inalcanzable, pero claro, en esta vida, ella solo era mi tía, la mujer del hermano de papá, sin embargo, en mi intimidad, en mis pensamientos, a solas, hacíamos el amor de una manera única.
Ella era más alta que la media de las chicas, espigada, de cabellos lacios siempre cortaba al ras de su nuca, castaña de nacimiento, pero ella lo aclaraba a un rubio discreto, recuerdo sus ojos hermosos, grandes, redondos, azules como el mar, de mirada inquieta y de esconder secretos, sus labios eran un poema, parecían dibujados a mano, de pechos pequeños, y casualmente a mí me atraían ese tipo de chicas, con una cola grande, redonda y maciza que sin dudas era imposible no mirar.
Y cada vez que la veía, en silencio, estaba atento a todos los detalles, su forma de caminar, de vestir, de hablar, sus gustos, su interés por la fotografía, porque, aunque había estudiado de radióloga, nunca había ejercido, y por el contrario pasaba mucho tiempo en exposiciones con su hobby.
Mediados de marzo, mis padres hablaban en voz baja, se trataba de una reunión en uno de los campos de mi abuelo, sabía que estaba pasando por una enfermedad terminal y no tenía mucho tiempo por delante, él quería dejar todo en orden, yo prestaba relativa atención a sus palabras, puesto que no sería de mi interés asistir, hasta que escuché a mamá mencionar que deberían pasar por Corina.
Fue cuando cambié de opinión, cosa que extrañó a mis padres, un chico adolescente, solo, en medio del campo, en una reunión familia, si es que yo tenía mi grupo de amigos en la ciudad y nunca quería ir con ellos en esos viajes. Solo disimulé la situación y puse como excusa que no sabía cuántas veces más podría ver al abuelo con vida, y si bien soné convincente, en verdad el motivo era otro, el tío Fabio estaba perdido con su camión en algún pueblo y yo solo quería estar cerca de esa mujer
El viaje fue normal, a excepción que después de rogar y rogar, logré que papá me dejara manejar un trayecto, visto en retrospectiva una auténtica locura, yo era menor de edad y no tenía aun licencia para conducir, pero yo necesitaba impresionarle, que ella viera cuan mayor era y que nuestras diferencias de edades no se sintieran importantes, pero mi tía estaba en otra cosa, creo que ella ni notó lo que yo intentaba que notara.
Llegamos sábado medio día, saludamos a mis abuelos quienes nos esperaban con un rico almuerzo, recuerdo que la imagen de mi abuelo era triste, se veía muy desmejorado y a pesar de todo el parecía sacar ganas de cualquier lado para seguir adelante.
Pero yo solo me llenaba la vista con las cuervas de mi tía, no podía evitarlo y hasta podía ser obscena la manera en que evidenciaba mi interés por ella, más de una vez nuestras miradas se cruzaban y podía sentir electricidad en mi cuerpo, si es que ella notaba que la desnudaba con la mirada.
Y noté en esas horas la congoja de esa mujer, la sentí quejarse de mi tío Fabio, que su matrimonio era una farsa, que estaba siempre sola y no sé cuántas cosas más que dejaban muy en claro que había un final cercano en esa relación, era todo muy confuso.
Todo empezaría esa misma tarde, mi familia estaba en medio de discusiones y decisiones de negocios que poco me interesaban, así que no teniendo nada mejor que hacer salí a caminar un poco, y fui derecho al establo donde estaban los caballos, siempre me encantaron esos animales, su porte, su presencia, su fidelidad, la perfección de sus formas, solía pasar horas solo pasando mis manos por su cuello, por su cabeza, acariciando sus crines, pero esta vez tendría un encuentro inesperado.
Corina estaba ahí, fue casualidad, ella estaba con su cámara tomando fotografías de los animales y solo empezamos a charlar y solo observarla mi corazón empezaba a galopar, como los ejemplares que tanto admiraba.
She proposed I model for her, combining my image with a background example, only started shooting, told me she liked my smile and caressed my hair on one side to clean my face and I couldn't, no longer could, suddenly she started laughing somewhat contained, I didn't know the reason until she pointed out one of the horses, it was with its cock hanging almost reaching the floor and everything became very crazy, between laughter and contained desires and in a few seconds I was like the animal, tried to avoid it but it was impossible, I felt embarrassed but think my aunt had everything under control.
She left the camera aside, came back to adjust my hair, looking at me deeply into my eyes, caressed my cheek, didn't say anything, not a word, just knelt down on the hay, I was dying of desire and modesty, but Corina, lowered my pants, and my slip, my hard cock jumped like a spring, she took it in her hands, started caressing it, masturbating it, kissed me, felt very tasty, put it in her mouth, deep, once and again.
I was lost, still incredulous that it was true, looked at her and she looked at me, played with my cock, with her saliva, with her hands, understood she was making an effort for me to observe the perfect combination between her lips and my sex, between her tongue and my glans, realized she got excited by my pleasure, noticed she didn't just want to suck it, but also that I see how she did it.
It was too much, I had only been with some girl in my dreams and this first time had the luck of being with a perfect woman, felt myself coming, warned her, couldn't contain it, no longer could resist the gaze, closed my eyes tightly and ejaculated with great force, the semen seemed to burst from my entrails and I lost control over my actions.
When opening them again, I found my aunt's face filled with cum, her lips, tongue, even her eyes, her hands, it was a disaster, and I felt embarrassed by the situation ashamed, I quickly left with haste and only kept my cock under my clothes
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I... forgive me - I excused myself incoherently, remembering who she was, remembering my uncle
It's okay, silly, this will be a secret between us, calm down... - she responded while tasting the remaining semen still on her skin, licking her fingers like a greedy child
Time had passed, it was time to go back
That night, during dinner, the crossed glances with Corina told me different things, that complicity, those hidden sins, the secret that my parents, grandparents, and less my uncle Fabio would never find out. It's just that in my head I had mixed feelings, she was my aunt, family, but also a spectacular woman who gave me oral sex for the first time in my life
That night, only in my room, in my fantasies she fulfilled all my crazy desires and I masturbated twice before falling asleep
The Sunday morning dawned cloudy, fresh, and with a annoying drizzle that only left us by the fireplace remembering part of our stories, my aunt was wearing a long black bathrobe and bunny slippers, with a clean face, not producing anything, and very far from that fatal woman I had imagined the night before
We had lunch, time had improved a bit and a gentle breeze encouraged us to go out, knowing that my parents had things to discuss, so I did one of the things I liked most, took one of the horses and went out to explore the endless roads, between colorful fields, feeling only the silence of nothing, barely interrupted by some bird that screamed as I passed
It was almost three o'clock when my peace was interrupted by the rabid ringtone of my cell phone, on the other side my aunt was talking, asking where I was with a very seductive voice, with the same voice from the previous afternoon, she also told me she was alone, bored, at home and didn't have anything to entertain herself, that everyone had left and That I didn't know what to do... I think I almost killed the poor horse by the speed of the gallop I made it run, it was my life's opportunity and I wasn't going to let it pass. I arrived, swallowed saliva and controlled myself, let my pulses normalize at least a little, climbed up the stairs quietly to the top floor, approached her room and the door was slightly open, the strong sunlight gave clarity to everything in her room, like a snoop I peeked inside, Corina was on the bed, lying down, with her legs open, wearing an atigrada thong and one of her hands lost in the middle, with the other caressing her breasts that seemed trapped under a tight top, her profile showed off the perfection of her lines and contained gasps filled the room. I got in without hesitation, with the clumsiness of a beginner, stumbling over my own clothes while trying to undress myself. She smiled and I reached her lips, kissed her deeply, as deep as I could and felt her come undone in my mouth for a few seconds before I had control of the situation, touched her skin with the pads of my fingers and in my whirlwind of adolescence had to brake the pace, had to understand in seconds that I was going too fast and she taught me how to do it. She whispered in my ear that I should return the favor, that I owed her and that I only had to finish the work she already started, quickly passed over her breasts, squeezed them tightly as if they were two balls, but she noticed that wasn't the way, that I should be soft, treat them like two cotton buds. I got lost between her legs, for the first time I had a woman's vagina in front of my eyes and with honesty it gave me a little impression, her pussy just kept flowing without stopping and everything around was wet, closed my eyes and dove in and discovered her taste as a woman, found her clitoris and felt her vibrate like guitar strings, she accompanied... The caresses of my tongue with her hand rubbing her pubis, and I felt her twisting in pleasure with rhythmic contractions while her free fist pressed the sheets with force. Today, looking back, I know she was finished off by her own hand and accumulated heat, but at that moment I was satisfied with my beginner and inexperienced oral sex.
And only had it arrived, finally it had arrived...
She took the initiative, and in truth she wanted me to do so, just reclined on top of me, face up, took my cock between her fingers, and let herself fall onto me, felt her enter me completely, and the sensation was indescribable, my eyes filled with her curves and her breasts seemed suggestive under that small top, started moving up and down, she took my hands and put them on her buttocks
I get excited when they caress my buttocks, do you like my ass? - she asked in a tone that didn't need an answer
My hands then went to her enormous glutes and I got excited pulling with discretion her small thong that was still on, she took my fingers and said
Let's go, heart, with confidence...
Corina brought them close to her anus and I got too excited noticing that with the juices of her vagina my index and major finger falanges lost themselves relatively easily in her bum, and in my mind I couldn't separate the psychological ambiguity of being a terrible slut, the woman of my uncle.
She didn't stop moving, her hand had gotten lost between her pubis and mine, and was caressing with such frenzy that it seemed she was about to tear off her clitoris. Her moans reached my ears and obviously at 17 years old I came completely in the depth of her sex.
She kept bucking like a wild mare, understood she hadn't arrived yet and maybe I had gone too fast.
I only got out where I was, my cock still hard as stone, put myself behind her, she was on all fours, and her hips became too big, too suggestive, my gaze lost between... The geometric games between her ass and the tiny thong, her sphincter seemed to be provoking me and attracting me like a magnet, I only tried my luck without knowing Corina's reaction, but there was no resistance from her part, to my delight she entered completely, now from behind, only she in a very slutty and seductive way tested a claim
Guau Leo! What a degenerate and perverse nephew I had! I wouldn't have imagined it!
I only started moving again, until the end, taking her by the waist, one of her hands was rubbing her sex again and felt her nails hitting my testicles over and over, her face against the bed left me seeing the features of a precious woman enjoying, with her mouth panting open, her eyes closed and her brow furrowed, and this time I only resisted until she came exploding like a boiler, and then only let me do it until I finished inside her
It was time to reflect, I threw myself onto the bed, agitated and sweaty, looking at the ceiling, she came over to my side adjusting her underwear on her sex that was still dripping with all my cum
Did you enjoy it? - she asked, knowing my answer in advance
We closed the game, we were walking on the edge of the abyss, it was getting late and it was clear that the rest of the family would arrive at any moment, I went for a shower and left the warm water running over my head to calm down the heat inside me and concluded that a lot of questions were assailing me without answers
We had dinner before returning, and in that dinner I had to avoid looking at her, I couldn't hold her gaze without turning red like a tomato
We returned, only leaving her at the door of her house, with a kiss on the cheek and a 'chau tía'
The crazy thing is that three days later I went to her house, I couldn't help it, my uncle was still not back and didn't let the opportunity pass, we did it again, and again, and again... Hidden from my uncle, and on each of his trips I took care of satisfying his wife. Only there was a small difference between us, in my youth I idealized a platonic love with Corina, a Romeo and Juliet story, but for Corina, a thirty-year-old woman with experience, I was just a good boy, with all the force of youth and enough virility to give her what her husband wasn't giving her. She was truly on another wavelength, and her concerns passed through her evident failure as a couple No surprise that they ended their life together, but if I felt like a cold dagger assuming that by cutting ties with him, I was cutting ties with the whole family, even me. And only she disappeared from my life like sand between fingers, I had to get used to it, I had to accept it, just turn the page and keep going. New girls arrived, other women, a new love, my marriage, my children. My aunt Corina only lost herself in life, I didn't know anything more about her, I don't have any contacts anymore, but as you've noticed, I guard the best memories, it was my first time. If you liked this story, you can write me with title FORBIDDEN ENCOUNTERS at dulces.placeres@live.com
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