Mini 1 (Corpoção)

Espero que gostem como sempre ❤

Micro 1 (Cambio de cuerpo)

Alex told you that going out with these heels was a bad idea... You were right, but look on the bright side we look super sexy. Alex and Camilo, both 17 years old, had planned to switch bodies with their teachers when they arrived at school and saw the two women. They approached them and Alex offered them some coffee, while Camilo prepared things to leave school. Camilo already had everything ready and went where Alex was, when he arrived he saw that the teachers were lying on the floor. As Alex saw that Camilo had arrived, he started reciting some words in an unknown language... After finishing his recitation, Alex fell to the ground next to Camilo and after waking up a bit sore... they couldn't believe it, they were finally in their teachers' bodies at last We did it, Camilo!, Yes, I can finally have this beautiful body...
Afalter da desfrutar do momento Alex e Camilo foram para a casa de uma das professoras e deixaram seus corpos inconscientes jogados na sala, mudaram-se de roupa e obviamente puseram-se o mais sexy que encontraram e saíram comprando, desfrutando dos seus dois novos corpos e todas as coisas loucas que lhes ocorriam.

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