Family Tonic (12)

Family Tonic (12)

The Familiar Thonic.


  EThe Saturday morning dawned cloudy, with the typical gloom that precedes summer storms. Thanks to the alarm clock radio that I had so predictably (something uncommon in me) rescued from my bedroom in the city, I woke up on time for my second work shift of the day. I had slept less than recommended and was tired. As you know, the previous day's work had been exhausting in every sense, although everything had turned out more or less okay in the end.
Replaying the events while trying to wake up sitting in bed, I didn't have regrets but a couple of things that could've been improved clouded my mood. I was annoyed at not having stood up to the mayor when she decided not to pay me for the tonic, something unbecoming of the shrewd merchant I thought he was. I disliked the fact of having taken my mother to a dirty motel frequented by whores and prostitutes, when she deserved much more. I regretted not having taken advantage of the opportunity to get close to my Aunt Barbara, an opportunity that may not present itself again, although it consoled me thinking that I did it for the family's good. And above all, it gnawed at me how I had treated my grandmother the night before, using her body to relieve myself without worrying if she enjoyed herself. Luckily, she was too generous to bring it up, and I would enjoy compensating her when I got the chance.
But unfortunately it wouldn't be that morning. Before getting dressed, I took out the empty flask from my sweatpants pocket, filled it with the tonic bottle I still had in my suitcase, under the bed, and took a few drops. The night before I had discovered that such a small dose allowed me to enjoy the invigorating effects of the potion and keep at bay the lubricious secondary effects. I stored the flask next to the bottle, for personal use, and got dressed.
In the kitchen, I found my grandmother busy in front of the counter, cutting bread, making coffee, and crushing some of the succulent tomatoes from her garden for toasts. She must have been up for a while, as she had already put on her boots and was covering her no less succulent body with one of her worn-out work dresses, this time a blue one with small white moons. She hadn't yet put the handkerchief on her head and her red-haired curls, speckled with shiny silver threads that were her canals, looked as luscious as always.
I approached her from behind and gave her a relatively chaste hug accompanied by a long kiss on the cheek, perhaps closer to the earlobe than necessary, which made her push me away with a playful hip bump before returning the kiss.
Have you slept well, treasure?
—Very well, but not as much as I would have liked —I complained, yawning.
That's what happens to you for staying up so late, you scamp - she said, lowering her voice and with a mischievous smile.
Look who's talking.
I tried to hug her again but she restrained me with an elbow while carrying a plate of toast to the table. She didn't stop smiling but sent a warning glance towards the door that led to the hallway.
—Ah, I don't think those two will get up before noon after the fight they got into last night —I said, referring to my uncles, who must be sleeping like bears.
And what do you say, son? They were at it until late hours.
You'll see how they won't argue today - I predicted.
I don't think they have the strength to lift their voice. Especially your aunt... What a way to scream, Holy Virgin! It seemed like a hen at the slaughterhouse.
Ha ha ha!
I could have told him a couple of things about how crappy his daughter-in-law was, but obviously I wasn't going to talk to him about what happened at Pedro's bar. We laughed, enjoyed breakfast and each other's company until it was time for me to leave. When I got up from the table, my grandmother opened her eyes wide, as if she had just remembered something, and also got up.
Wait for a moment, fatty —he said, with his mouth full of toast.
It was until the pantry and returned holding between his hands a jar of orange marmalade, peach or maybe apricot. The crystal shone and had placed on the lid, with a yellow ribbon, one of those fabric covers with red and white checks.
—I know it's a silly thing, but I wanted to have a detail with Doña Paz... To thank her for the work —she said, a bit embarrassed, and handed me the charming gift—. Do you mind giving it to her? Since they haven't sent a new priest to the town yet, I don't know if there will be mass tomorrow and I don't think I'll see her.
Of course, I'll give it to you, don't worry —I promised, grabbing the bottle.
I know it's little... And more for a woman like that, who will have everything.
Is it little? Your jam is the best in the world. I'm sure he hasn't tried anything like it —I said to make him smile again, which I managed—. Besides, these rich guys are already tired of luxuries, they appreciate simpler things and handmade ones more.
I said goodbye to him by stealing a brief kiss on the lips and he responded with a loving slap and I left the house. The dark clouds covering the sky couldn't darken the good mood that had been left by the pleasant breakfast. I got into the Land-Rover and before anything, jumped to the back to take care of my business. This time, I filled and stored four little bottles in my pockets, just in case something happened, since now I had a new client (one who didn't pay, but I'd figure that out). I noticed there were several empty bottles in the box, among the dry sawdust. More than half of them were still full, but I had to think about what I would tell my clients when the merchandise ran out. Almost regretted having spent an entire bottle the night before, although the show offered by my aunt and its consequences had been worth it.
At 9:20, more punctual than ever, I arrived at the mansion grounds and went straight to the service garage. Next to the elegant white Mercedes was Matías, the mechanic, checking the tire pressure. He looked up when he saw me and a smile, both friendly and condescending, appeared under his thick mustache.
Good morning, teacher - I greeted, with the jam jar under my arm.
Good morning, kid. He glanced at the jam and furrowed his brow—. Do you remember what I told you to eat inside the car, not?
It's not for eating. It's a gift from my grandmother to Doña Paz.
—Ah, good. Excuse me.
He finished his work in a couple of minutes and wiped his hands on the towel hanging from his belt. When he was about to get into the car, he came up to me, looked around to make sure we were alone, and spoke to me in a very low voice.
Hey... Did you see it yesterday, really? —he asked me, with a half-lascivious smile and a sparkle of curiosity in his eyes.
What if I saw what?
What's going to happen? The rumor is that the lady put that thing on the car so it could... —She looked around again— it could screw her. I know she used it yesterday because every time she uses it, it leaves the tires in a mess.
Did you know that too? I asked, although it was obvious that yes.
I'm the only one who knows it, apart from her and the previous driver, of course. But that one never wanted to tell anything. He was a bad guy. Tell me... how is the car? You have to know a code for it to come out and I've never seen it.
I wasn't very sure if I should give Matías details about Klaus and the mayor's sexual life. If she found out it was possible she wouldn't like having a gossip driver and it could cost me my job. On the other hand, the mechanic seemed like a good guy and I thought it was a good opportunity to ingratiate myself with him. I looked around, imitating him, and lowered my voice as much as I could.
It's a metal cock... a big one, better said, with a kind of piston that moves it, like an air hammer. She controls it with her voice, believe it or not —I explained.
Don't screw me! — exclaimed the mechanic, frankly surprised!
—Besides the whole car vibrates and has a hydraulic suspension or something that makes it bounce like it's possessed. I swear it even gives me the creeps.
—Yes, I already knew that. It's what ruins the tires. What else? Tell me, tell me —said Matías, eager for more details.
The lady is sprawled out in the backseat, in her underwear, the engine is revving and she's yelling orders at it, like 'go faster' and 'go harder', as if she were talking to a guy. Then the car starts swerving and bouncing, the exhaust pipe is roaring like it's going to rip the car in two, and the lady is screaming like a beast. I spent a good while cleaning the upholstery.
Damn it! Matías exclaimed, wiping the sweat from his bald head with his rag. These money people... what degenerates are they, may their mother who bore them!
I'm telling you already. Hey, I have to go, I need to pick up my uniform and don't want to annoy the housekeeper. I think she's already had it with me.
Is it the housekeeper? Ah, you mean the governess. Her name is Paqui -- she corrected me.
Hey Paqui or whatever his name is. Don't look if it's a jerk, the fatso of balls — I said, animated by growing confidence with the mechanic.
Suddenly Matías straightened up and became very serious, clenching his fists.
It's my wife —he affirmed.
Don't screw around... Excuse me, man... I didn't know... I said, stuttering and on the lookout in case a blow came at me.
Matías looked at me with fury for a few seconds in silence. Then his expression completely changed and he burst out laughing.
Ha ha, it's a joke, man! What am I going to be married to that sergeant? I'd shoot myself!
—Ha ha! Damn, what a scare... —I said, relieved, while getting into the car—. Well, I'm off. Let's see if we ever take some beers another day.
Okay, man. Whenever you want. —He approached the window and spoke to me again in whispers—. Listen, don't even think about telling anyone else what you told me, okay? Because Mrs. is very Mrs. but she'll ruin your life if she has to, listen to me.
Don't worry. A secret will be kept.
I put the jam in the glove compartment and drove up to the mansion's entrance. Again, the door opened before I could ring the bell and the governess's pockmarked face appeared. She examined me for a split second as if I were a basket full of crap left outside and ordered me to follow her with a quick hand gesture.
Good morning, Paqui - I greeted. That she was a border wasn't a reason for me to be one.
My friendly greeting not only didn't please her but also enraged her. Without stopping her elephant-like pace, she turned her neck and looked at me as if I had insulted her.
—My family and friends call me, and you're neither one thing nor the other, he spat out with his deep voice—I'm called Francisca, got it?
Understood —I nodded.
Who told you to call me Paqui? Was it that lazy guy Matías, right?
It looks like he's having fun.
It's all over with the nonsense. Here comes to work.
It was clear that Matías and Paqui didn't have the best of relationships. My intuition told me those two had been hooked up and it hadn't ended well. I don't know why, but in my head the mechanic with a beard and the chubby governess made a good couple, in a caricaturesque and perverse way, like a lazy slut and a cranky hen from animated cartoons.
We entered the same sewing room from the morning before and my eyes brightened at seeing the young maid again, this time standing behind a large ironing board, releasing steam over a white shirt. Again, she greeted me with a shy smile, looking sideways at her boss, and I returned it to her. The boss took out of a closet a package wrapped in that fine paper used by tailors and handed it to me, almost hitting me with it on the chest.
Try it and see if it needs adjustments —ordered, pointing with his chin at a thick brown curtain.
Behind the curtain was a fitting room, a small enclosure with a stool and a full-body mirror. The uniform consisted of a simple white shirt, a kind of black tunic with two rows of silver buttons, black pants, and matching shoes. It was even outdated in 1991, but I have to admit it fit me like a glove. The giant hen took measurements well. Plus, the pant pockets were bigger than my jeans' and I could store the bottles and tobacco without them bulging too much.
I stepped out of the dressing room strutting and spinning around myself, which made the maid smile, just like she had done the day before, paying attention to us with discretion. Francisca didn't smile at all. She looked me up and down, front and back, pulled on some clothes here and there, and nodded satisfied. She returned to the closet and rummaged for a good while until she started panting and cursing between her teeth.
Where is that damn hat? I heard her say it.
I looked at the young ironer, wrapped in a subtle cloud of vapor at that moment, and could see that the situation was also amusing her. The governess closed the closet, furious, and went to the door with strides as long as her plump legs allowed. As you already know by now, I have a healthy obsession with female ankles, and I admit that Francisca's retained my gaze for longer than prudent. Luckily she didn't notice.
I'll be back soon. Don't move from here, he growled before leaving.
I took advantage of the opportunity to approach the ironing table and as I stopped next to it, I could see that the maid was several centimeters shorter than me, and much prettier than she had seemed from a distance. She had enormous and beautiful blue-gray eyes very clear, small nose adorned with freckles only noticeable from very close up, and fine but nice lips, like Jamie Lee Curtis. Lips that curved into a smile between sweet and distrustful when I spoke to her.
What a character Paqui has, huh?
---I wouldn't call her Paqui, she advised me. Her voice was soft and sharp, a little childish, typical of someone who's used to speaking in a low tone all the time.
It's too late I said. That made her laugh and encouraged me to keep talking - And well... What's left of my uniform? I look like the doll on a wedding cake, don't I?
Making fun of my own height was one of my favorite ways to break the ice with girls, and it almost always worked, although I would always mess it up by saying something obscene afterwards. Something told me that the shy girl wouldn't take well to my sarcastic jokes and decided to leave them out of the script, or at least try to. The cake thing made her laugh and she giggled without opening her mouth, letting air out through her little nose.
I think you look good —he said, not looking at me.
Thanks. The same to you. —I took a brief look at your maid's uniform, black and white, with care not to seem ridiculous—My name is Carlos, by the way.
I know it already -- he affirmed. He pressed a button on the iron and a wave of steam covered the board.
And yours?
I am called Victoria.
—Very pretty. Woman names that start with 'u' are usually pretty: Victoria, Violet, Valerie...
I realized I was rambling and talking like an idiot, so I decided to get to the point. She maintained a friendly but slightly distant attitude with a subtle hint of cautious flirtation that didn't escape me.
—Do you live in the village? I've never seen you around here before, and if I had seen you, I'd remember —I said.
I live here. I'm an intern - she replied, pretending to ignore my little original gift.
But they let you leave, don't they?
Of course. I'm not imprisoned — she said, laughing again without parting her lips.
With each second that passed I liked Victoria more. She had my grandmother's timidity and simple sense of humor, although her small body was more similar to my mother's, with little breast and a bum that couldn't fully hide the sober uniform. I knew that having three relationships at the same time, two of them secret and forbidden, could give me many headaches. On the other hand, being practical, having an official girlfriend of my age would be a good cover-up, a way to silence any rumors that might arise in town about my close relationship with my grandmother, or divert my father's suspicions if he ever had them. Besides, as I've said, she was gorgeous and looked great in the maid's uniform. Maybe I was a bit too much.Out of my leagueAs they say in America, but that had never stopped me (that's why I've had numerous failures with the opposite sex)
Hey, if you want we can hang out one of these days. Go to the movies or wherever you want. I have a car. Not Mrs.'s car... My own car, I mean —I said, getting more nervous than I expected.
—Yes, a Land-Rover. I saw it yesterday —he said. I think he was trying to change the subject, but I liked that he had noticed my vehicle.
It's sexy, right? It was my grandfather's, may he rest in peace. I paused to make him notice that I'm a family man, which could be attractive to him, and went back on the attack. Well... What do you say? Shall we?
I don't know... I'll think about it —he replied, with his gaze lowered and an enigmatic smile on his lips.
I didn't want to get my hopes up, but at least he hadn't rejected me outright. We stayed silent and the silence threatened to become awkward. I wasn't good at handling awkward silences; it was usually the moment when I'd say something stupid. I quickly looked for something to talk about and luckily remembered something.
Yesterday I ran into a boy who looks a lot like you. Are you related?
He lifted the shirt's collar and pressed the iron's button. When the steam enveloped her like that, she seemed like an angel. An angel I would have loved to throw onto that table and give it a good pounding until I came all over its precious face. I realized the tonic was doing its thing and hoped my incipient erection wouldn't show in the uniform pants.
It's my twin brother. He comes to visit me every now and then - he replied, before going back to concentrating on his work again
Really? How nice. I would have loved to have a little sister, but my parents were satisfied with just me —I said.
Of course, I didn't tell her the type of relationship I would have had or tried to have with a hypothetical sister. At that moment, the door opened and Francisca appeared. Her enormous breasts, swollen buttocks, and fleshy shins did not contribute to slowing down the hot torrent of blood rushing to my cock. I had to relax, and soon. I didn't want to present myself to the mayor with a hard-on like a donkey.
With her habitual dislike, the governess handed me a black hat with a visor. The typical driver's hat. I put it on and dedicated a mocking gesture to Victoria, holding the visor with my fingers. Chastened by her boss's presence, she repressed a smile and fixed her gaze on the ironing board.
Come on, both of you to work. That's it with the nonsense — barked Francisca.
I left and went out to the labyrinthine corridors of the service wing, quite satisfied with the conversation with the maid and my new uniform. As I turned a corner, I heard a voice calling me from an open door. When I recognized the voice, my erection began to disappear.
Hey, kid. Come here, said Don Jose Luis Garrido.
I entered the room where the mayor was, a kind of storage room with shelves full of plates and covers. I had my shirt rolled up, showing off his heavy gold watch on my wrist, and he looked at me smiling, with his thumbs resting on the suspenders.
—Oh, damn, you look great in that uniform! It looks like it was made for you.
—It's made to measure —I said. I tried to downplay the awkwardness that the encounter was causing me but I'm not sure if I succeeded—. Don't take offense, Don Jose Luis, but I have a bit of a hurry. Your wife...
—My wife can wait five minutes —he interrupted me—. And if she gets stupid tell her you were talking to me, okay?
—Look, on Monday I'm going on a trip and I'll be away all week. I'm going to Kenya, for a safari and to do business. But not everything will be working and killing animals, you already understand me —he said, winking at me.
I understand you. You want... 'vitamins', right? I said, giving her the wink. Visualizing the money that was about to slip away from me immediately improved my mood.
I'm telling you, Charlie. I think about screwing all the black women who come my way. And some white ones too, don't say I'm racist, Ha ha!
Celebrating its occurrence, the mayor took out of his pocket the enviable roll of bills from which he always boasted. It was noticeable that Garrido was not a millionaire by pure blood, unlike his wife, who never carried cash and considered it a vulgarity even to touch it.
---How many do you want this time? ---I asked.
Give me three. I don't want it to run out before its time. Do you have that many?
—Yes. On my last visit to the city I brought more quantity, just in case —I said, pulling out the story that I got the potion in the city.
That's fine, kid. It seems you have an eye for business. We'll talk again soon, I promised, squinting slightly at my shrewd eyes, which didn't please me.
I took out the three little bottles from my pockets and handed them over. He counted bills with quick finger movements and paid me. The pleasant weight of the money in my pocket made me remember my first client.
—What do you know about Montillo? I haven't known anything about him since we were at his house —I said.
The mayor kept the roll and made a pause before responding, which seemed suspicious to me, although I wouldn't know the reason.
I haven't seen it either. He must be hanging out with his pigs and that degenerate family he has. Matured to know —said Don Jose Luis, with a malicious smile. He gave me a slap on the back and grabbed the door handle—. Well, kid, a pleasure doing business with you, as always. Do you want me to bring an African negrita? Ha ha!
No, thank you. For now I have enough with the white ones - I said, pretending that her joke made me laugh.
Ha ha! You're missing out on it. —He opened the storage room door and gave me a slap on the arm again—. We'll see each other when I get back. Take care, and don't let my wife's nagging spoil your day.
Never mind.
I left the hallway and walked quickly to the main door. Meetings with the mayor always left me with a bitter-sweet mood. On one hand, I loved the fresh cash that changed hands, but on the other, I was annoyed by the operetta mafioso airs of that guy and the details of his sordid sexual life. Each time I was more surprised that he had been married to a woman like Doña Paz for so long, and I wondered if there wasn't something behind that mismatched marriage that escaped me.
By luck, there was no one outside. I looked at the hour on the Mercedes dashboard and saw it was nine sixteen. Apparently, the mayor wasn't always as punctual as she demanded of her subordinates. Unconsciously, the shiny uniform pushed me to adopt a martial air, so I waited upright next to the car like a Prussian guard. I didn't have to wait long. At nine twelve minutes, the main door of the mansion opened and my boss walked towards her beloved Klaus with her habitual feline elegance that never left her.
That day he covered his slender figure with tight blue and white striped athletic pants, matching the lateral stripes of his white sneakers. His long-sleeved shirt was also spotless white, hugging his firm breasts and subtle volumes of his fibrous arms. His red braid didn't coil into a bun this time, but fell to mid-back, although the styling wasn't any less impeccable. As he stopped beside the trunk, his aquiline nose lifted slightly and he looked down at me from top to bottom without turning his head.
You look good in the uniform —he said, with almost a pleasant tone.
Thank you, ma'am.
The previous driver seemed like a scarecrow disguised as a janitor.
Ha ha!
It wasn't a joke.
—Ah... Sorry, ma'am.
When I stored the sports bag in the trunk, I noticed that this time besides the hilt of her fencing sword, the handle of a tennis racket was also sticking out. Given her physique, it was easy to assume she was an excellent tennis player. I imagined her taking long strides on a grass court, wearing one of those skirts that flapped and revealed her tight buttocks and the full length of her athletic legs. My erection grew stronger and I was glad to be able to sit behind the wheel.
Once I was outside the extensive estate that surrounded the mansion, I felt more relaxed. She was sitting in the center of the rear seats, with her legs crossed, her hands on her thigh and her head tilted, showing off her aristocratic profile as she looked out the window. Despite her silence, she didn't seem to be in a bad mood, so I dared to speak to her.
Ma'am... How's it going with... you know... what I gave you yesterday? —I asked, keeping my gaze fixed on the road.
The tonic. You can speak freely. No one is listening here.
He's right. How's the tonic going with you?
—Very well. It's a truly extraordinary elixir —said Doña Paz, in the pedantic scientific tone she used sometimes—. Not only does it have formidable stimulating effects at a sexual level, as you yourself could observe, but it also improves physical performance at all levels. Yesterday, during my fencing practice, I performed like I was 15 years younger, and without feeling any effort whatsoever. I'm eager to test its effects on the tennis court, a sport I've never quite mastered, although I have won some minor trophies.
“Yes, I'm sure you have them in your enormous trophy room, foxy show-off”, I thought, while smiling politely.
So then... is he going to take it too this morning?
I've already taken it. With breakfast.
—And do you want that...? You know, before going to the club... Do you want... play with Klaus?
I didn't know very well what response I preferred. On one hand, the experience of the previous day with the hidden mechanisms of the car had been disturbing. On the other hand, I was dying to see my boss naked and sprawled out in the back seat, moaning and screaming as she was impaled by the relentless mechanical phallus. Plus, I didn't lose hope that at some point she would prefer to fill her well-endowed pussy with a 100% organic handle, and mine was more than willing to oblige.
No, today not. I'm going to play at the club —she replied.
I couldn't decipher if he was speaking with a double meaning based on his tone. Whether he was referring only to sports or if he would meet some lover I didn't know about yet at the club. I wondered if he'd be a rich guy like her or some young employee who gave it to him in the stables with his working-class cock. Something told me that Doña Paz wasn't as predictable as to recreate a worn-out porn movie plot. After a few minutes of silence, I took advantage of a long straightaway to open the glove compartment and pull out the charming jar of jam.
Ma'am... My grandmother gave this to you for that. To thank her for the work, you know...
The piercing blue eyes of my boss nailed the container and for a moment I feared she would react in an unbridled way, despising the gift. I breathed a sigh of relief when her Greek-sculpted lips curved into a smile and she picked up the bottle with delicacy, as if it were one of those precious eggsFavergónI think it's written like that.
—Oh, but what a charm. Give her my thanks, Carlos —said, with genuine amiability.
I'll do it.
Always I've felt sympathy for your grandmother —he said, scrutinizing the flirtatious lid of the jar—. When I go to mass on Sundays, which I do to please my husband and his voters since I am obviously an atheist, it's the only one with whom I enjoy talking. Despite her devotion, which I find respectable, she doesn't resemble those bearded nuns who swarm around the church.
—She also likes talking to you, I said, a bit surprised by the mayor's kind words to her.
She usually is quite reserved — he added.
Okay... She's like that. Don't mind it —I said, aware that my grandmother's shyness didn't have to please everyone.
I wasn't saying it as something negative — declared Doña Paz, returning to her serious tone —. On the contrary. I prefer reserved people. I can't stand those who incessantly crow about their life and miracles as if others had to be interested in them.
I should think you know my Aunt Barbara, I thought. She remained silent for a few minutes, with the bottle on her lap, drumming on the lid with her long pianist's fingers (I wouldn't have been surprised if she were also a piano virtuoso and had trophies, if they give trophies to pianists). She looked ahead, thoughtful, with a slight Etruscan curve at the corner of her lips. When we were near the country club, she surprised me with an unexpected proposal.
I have an idea, she said. It was obvious from her tone that she wasn't used to people questioning her ideas—. Tell her she's invited to dinner at my house. Tuesday. And you too, of course. She'll feel more comfortable if you accompany her.
‘Is it at your house? Do you mean in the mansion?’ I asked, so surprised that Mrs. so slightly furrowed her brow.
I have several houses, but yes, I'm referring to the same one where you pick me up in the mornings, dear —explained, with evident sarcasm—. Tuesday at eight if there's no problem. I'll send an invitation by mail.
—Hey... It's not necessary, ma'am. I'll tell him personally.
I couldn't help but smile when I imagined my grandmother's face when I gave her the news. It was bothering me a bit that she might be intimidated by the luxurious atmosphere of the mansion, but I liked the idea of her making friends with the mayor. Although she might come across as presumptuous and have strange habits like fucking her car in the back, I didn't think she was a bad person, and I had no doubt it would be interesting to get to know her better in a more informal setting. Besides, it was a good opportunity for the lonely widow to make a friend of her age who wasn't a bitter spinster. And millionaire, something that seemed especially positive to me.
We arrived at the club, opened the trunk and hung her bag from her shoulder, after putting jam inside it.
Come pick me up at two —he said—. By the way, there's no need for you to be wandering around here until I need you. You can leave and come back later, as long as you're punctual.
—Ah... It's fine —I said, a bit embarrassed. Maybe the day before had made a fool of myself waiting for her at the club.
—That's right, leave Klaus at home. I don't like him going around without me —he warned, referring to the car again as if it were a person.
Don't worry, ma'am.
He left in the direction of the luxurious sports facilities and observed for a few seconds the swaying of his toned buttocks and the swinging of the golden braid before returning to the vehicle. I had almost five hours free, which greatly improved my opinion about the job as a chauffeur. If every day was like this, getting up so early and putting up with the unpleasant governess would be worth it. The overcast sky began to show itself and small drops appeared on Klaus's windshield.

Will Continue...


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