Chapter 1 The trip with Coni
The ones I'm going to tell you about started when I turned 18 and received my driving license that allowed me to go anywhere... but before I present it, my name is Claudio, I'm an only child and live with my parents, both doctors, who love me a lot, but are slaves to their work, so normally my nanny takes care of me, a 70-year-old widow who has been by my side since I was old enough to reason. She may be tired at her age, but she trusts me and rests with our neighbors in front of us, whom I will refer to later.
How am I? Well, I'm tall, almost as tall as my father, who says I'll easily reach 1.9 meters, I'm a good athlete, I'm part of my university's team, which I joined to study architecture (no medicine, haha), I'm not a magazine model but I consider myself handsome, and as for whether I have success with girls, I must say yes, but now I don't have a girlfriend since my last relationship ended when we both entered different universities.
Now I'll refer to my adoptive family or the neighbors in front of us, they are my best friend Feliciano or Feli who is 19 years old and just turned, he's studying accounting, then his older sister Constanza or Coni who is 28 years old and a single architect, she was once in a relationship with a military man who died on a peace mission four years ago, she still has Javiera or Javi who is 26 years old and an architect, recently married for a couple of months, unfortunately she married a lawyer who is a jerk, then there are the parents Don Feliciano or Feli papá who is 50 years old and a gastronomic entrepreneur, and mom Soledad or Sole who is 46 years old and a kindergarten teacher, all very loving and kind, so much that I spend most of my day at their house, it's like that they gave me a key to come whenever I want.
Well, as I was saying, I had a driving license and drove everywhere in my parents' gift car for my university entrance, but I had never realized a trip by road to another city, so... It occurred to Feli that we could go to the coast for a weekend, and since one of us had an extra day off, we agreed to do it, but when I asked my father to use the family department we had at the coast, he refused, mostly because I didn't have experience driving on the highway and that weekend would be crazy on the route. But I'm not easily defeated, so I thought I could get a copilot with experience, this couldn't be Feli, since she doesn't know how to drive and my other friends don't have much experience either, in that Feli said:
We could ask Coni to join us, she likes going to the coast with her friend Belén.
I: Will she want to?
Feli: Of course, I'll ask her today when I get home.
I: First, I'll talk to Dad.
Feli: You let me know.
I talked to Dad and Mom, the first one wouldn't even authorize it with Coni as copilot, but Mom convinced him, which surprised me because Mom is somewhat cautious about my person. With the permission in my pocket, I crossed the street and went looking for Feli and Coni, entered with two veils in search of them, since it's like the central nervous system of the house. After greeting, I proposed the trip to Coni:
I: Coni, can you be my copilot on a trip to the coast this weekend?
Coni: But I'd have to see where we'll stay and ask Belén if she's going to the coast.
I: No problem with accommodation, we'll all three stay at my parents' department.
Coni: Well, I'll call Belén, if she goes, and I'll be your copilot
Sole: Are you brave enough to drive there, Clau?
I: Yes, aunt, plus we'll have an excellent copilot.
The truth is that everything was resulting as we wanted with Feli, it would be a new adventure, so both of us began to find out if any of our acquaintances would also go to the coast during the long-awaited weekend. The rest of the days before our trip, we spent in our respective studies.
Friday, when we would leave the university early as usual, since I don't have classes in the afternoons and that time which I usually use to study or do the multiple tasks given by the professors, I dedicated it to preparing my car, which I even washed, everything was going well for being out by 17:00 hours and thus avoiding the traffic congestion at the exit of the city. At 16:30 I called my parents to say goodbye, at 16:45 with my things already loaded in the vehicle I crossed the street looking for the other travelers, entered as usual and see Feli pale like a notebook leaf, Aunt Sole by his side and Coni and Belén looking at him with a worried face.
Me: Hi everyone, are you ready to leave?
Sole: Oh Claudito, Feli doesn't feel well.
Coni: He has diarrhea and vomiting...
Belén: He can't travel like that...
Feli: Yes, I even returned from the university, sorry friend
Me: Seriously, you can't travel?
Feli: I'm not brave enough to go more than three meters from the bathroom.
Me: Ahh what a shame, I said with disappointment.
Coni: But we can go if it doesn't bother you to take the two old friends...
Belén: We'll be good company, jejeje
Me: Seriously, can they come?
Coni: If it doesn't bother you to receive me at your house.
Me: Sorry friend, do you forgive me for abandoning you?
Feli: Mature already, you're always forgiven, besides mom will take care of you, isn't that right mom?
Sole: Yes dear heart, I'll take care of you, I'll make you a chicken broth...
Belén: And put a cork on it aunt, jajaja
Coni: Oh Belén, you're mean, jajaja, let's go.
We said goodbye and began my road adventure, to be honest I was a little nervous, never having gone at 120 kilometers per hour before, but Coni calmed me down and recommended with her usual sweet tranquility... Well Coni knows me since I was 8 years old and helped Feli and me with our homework, as well as took us to all the shows of our age, she always had an soul that was very close to childhood, besides her boyfriend was like a uncle to us, Unfortunately died when an improvised explosive device exploded under the vehicle he was in, causing his death after several days in the hospital. After two hours of travel without incidents, we arrived at the coast, left Belén at her aunt's house and went with Coni to my parents' department, passed by a supermarket to buy what would be our breakfast for the next few days and then arrived at our destination. Something caught my attention when we were unloading things from the car... Don Evaristo, one of the building's concierges who has always been bold in looking at women, visually reviewed Coni and, realizing I was looking, smiled at me with a wink, even though his indiscretion annoyed me, it made me look more closely at Coni. The truth is that I haven't told you how Coni is, well she's a very beautiful woman, with almost black eyes like her hair, not very tall, about 1.65 meters and around 60 kilograms, slightly plump but just enough to classify as voluptuous, especially her ass which is a work of art, her figure is agitated, as for her tits, they're not very big but she knows how to show them off with elegance, I'd say they're between cup B or C... also, I have to confess that around 14 years old, she and the girls from her family were the best stimulation of my wanks, which although I haven't abandoned, are no longer as frequent as in that period when I discovered them, besides now the internet helps me with my mental stimulation with many women who I would like to fuck without any remorse. After the trip, I took a hot shower to relax while she did what she had to do, then I looked at my social media until around 7:00 pm, decided to go get Belén for dinner before going to a disco, since Coni told me to come with them, given that Feli hadn't come with us, I was about to tell her I had planned to go see if I could hang out with some friends, but most of them were just arriving in the city to be frank, I didn't feel like being with them.
At departure time, I waited for Coni in the hall, since she is the typical one who makes people wait, which frustrated her boyfriend Esteban, rest in peace, and I wasn't going to change her way of being, haha.
When finally she showed up almost gave me a heart attack, because she appeared with a black leather mini-skirt, dark stockings with designs, a blouse with a petticoat that left just enough to see my bra, and a jacket that matched her outfit, the truth is she messed up:
Wow!, you look beautiful
Coni: Thanks Claudito, you're flattering me, jejeje, and won't you change?
Me: The truth is I thought I'd go like this...
Coni: For no reason, let's see what else you have besides jeans and a t-shirt...
The truth is my purse was hastily arranged, so when she knew me, she added other things I couldn't fit in, including pants and a sports shirt that together made a more decent outfit, so I had to change because of Coni.
Coni: Now we can leave, haha
We went to look for Belén around 19:45, she also looked very well, despite being a few kilos heavier, which was different from Coni, whose breasts were loose and were her weapon to go hunting for guys, who usually lasted one or two weeks before she got rid of them.
Despite their insistence, we went to a seafood restaurant, I would have preferred a pizza, but when I suggested it almost made me get out of my own car.
The dinner was delicious and fortunately they invited us, since the plates cost what it would cost to live for a week for an employee, but they didn't flinch and well, I let myself be carried away.
We arrived at the disco they chose, it was one for adults and because I won't say it, I wasn't in the age range at all, so much that they asked me to show my ID at the entrance, the guard looked at us, smiled, and winked at me, it was the second time that day, there was too much coincidence, but that gesture suddenly annoyed me.
We didn't ask for drinks and started mingling with the other attendees, I couldn't find a clear objective so I sat down at the bar in one of the few empty seats. As for Belén and Coni, two guys around thirty arrived to accompany them, they seemed annoying and good-looking and I lost sight of them... I was wandering through the middle space when the entrance guard who had asked me for my identification came over and said:
Kid, your friend is getting into trouble
Me: Which one?
Guard: The attractive brunette, see that guy she's with, he said pointing in a direction...
Me: Yes, the good-looking blonde...
Guard: He put something in his glass...
Me: How do you know?
Guard: I've been doing this job for 12 years, I know it and I saw it, besides he's done it before.
Me: Thanks
I went over to Coni, she was with the guy who had her by the right arm and was trying to take her somewhere. Coni seemed a bit out of it and was resisting so I planted myself in front of her and asked:
Coni, are you okay?
Coni: Ahh... ehhh... I don't know, I'm a bit weird...
Guy: Who are you, punk?
Me: Her brother, let her go, I want to see how she is.
Guy: Get out of here, it's fine, she doesn't need your help
Me: I asked her...
Coni: I feel weird...
Me: Let's go, I'll take you home.
Guy: Don't get involved, he said pushing me.
After taking a step back from the push, in response to him, I pushed him with all my might, managing to make him stumble and let Coni go, but the encounter didn't end there, the subject sent a punch, which I completely avoided, but it broke my lower lip a bit, so like don Feli had taught me, I responded with a straight shot that hit his nose and made it bleed profusely, at the same time as the guard who had warned me of the problem arrived accompanied by another and took control of the situation. The subject tried to free himself but wasn't a match for the guards who took him away. dragged him out to the exit and they kicked him out of the local. Just then Belén arrived with another guy who kept his distance:
Me: Coni, I think we should leave.
Coni: Yes, Claudito, let's go, tell Belén.
Belén: I'm here, friend, what's wrong?
Coni: I don't feel well, it seems like the tip put something in my drink...
Belén: Let's go to the hospital...
Coni: No, it will pass, let's go home.
Despite our insistence Coni didn't want to go to the hospital or a police station to file a report, so with Belén's help we got her into the car and went home, even though Belén didn't want to leave us alone, we forced her to stay at her aunt's house, so we ended up at my parents' apartment.
I put her down without any problems, since she was feeling strange but not asleep, so I took her by the waist and led her to the elevator. She started laughing in a weird way and said:
Thanks, my hero... you're a little prick who makes me feel good, thanks, haha... The elevator is nice with these red, blue, and orange lights...
Me: Yes, Coni, calm down, we've arrived...
Coni: jajaja... Look at the lights... Now they're violet like your face...
Me: Let's go in...
Coni: Oh, your lip is swollen and bleeding, poor thing, you need to be soothed...
Everything was going well, but then Coni suddenly passed from a state of almost total disorientation to one showing increasing euphoria and hallucinations that made her talk nonsense, so I tried to calm her down while we entered the apartment, I don't know how I managed to open the door, since she with her jumps and annoying tickles, like pinches and caresses just centimeters from my face, didn't help at all, once we were inside she hung onto my neck and said:
My hero!, you deserve a prize and then she kissed me
The truth is that I was surprised, since I didn't expect the kiss to be on the mouth and with her tongue pushing to enter mine, for three or four seconds I didn't know what to do, but my hormones and instinct took over and I reciprocated the kiss and pulled her towards me Taking it from the waist... instead of being scared or recapping, she followed me, surprisingly starting to rub her pelvis and stomach against my now hardened cock. But my consciousness acted for a few seconds and I said:
Tranquil Coni, let's go so you can lie down...
Coni: No, no, haha... Maybe if we sleep together, haha...
Me: Coni, better rest
Coni: You're like an angel full of lights... what lovely ears you have
Me: Coni, don't pull my ears, it hurts!...
Then my consciousness went away and I grabbed her ass, pulling it towards me. She smiled maliciously and grabbed my package, giving me an electric shock that ran down my entire spine, so I put my hands under her skirt and grasped with passion and lust all her perfect butt and licked it. Never had I taken a butt like this in my life, of course my experience was minimal in the amatory slides, but instinct led me to keep going until she pulled out my cock from its confinement and returned my caresses by giving me a hand job on her pussy, which unleashed the beast that Coni had inside.
We undressed almost by force from the entrance to the sofa where she pushed me and mounted me sidesaddle, leaning forward while supporting herself on my shoulders and letting out a deep and almost stertorian sigh accompanied by several moans...
Ahh, how you fill me up, Claudia... Ahh, this is very good... Mmm...
Me: Coni, I don't know if we should be doing this, I said with my last moral impulse...
She didn't answer at all, kept riding me like a possessed woman and talking nonsense, some of which was intelligible or simply incomprehensible. I was hot as could be, so I took off her blouse and push-up bra that contained them and dedicated myself to eating them, they were small but large enough for me to grasp them, what I liked most was the way her nipples were, like the Anglo-Saxons say puffy nipples, it was a revelation for me, I enjoyed them fully until she came in colors as she called it. Our pole, the truth is that after that first orgasm she continued to go wild and sexually tease me, she was unstoppable! When she came, I managed to get her on top of me.
But there was more, thirty seconds later, she started kissing me with an unusual frenzy in a girl as calm as Coni... I tried to control her but the only thing I achieved was that she got up and pulled my pants down, she was so euphoric that I got up and we went to the first room of the apartment, which is my parents', for a moment I thought I had the situation under control, but Coni kept assaulting me, pushing me onto the bed to swallow my cock with her beautiful little mouth, which incredibly could contain my cock, not small at all... given her continuous caresses, I was driven mad, I couldn't resist and accommodated her for a sixty-nine erotic position, it was the first time I would eat pussy... before entering her depths, I could tell she was well taken care of, leaving only a small triangle of beautiful skin indicating the route to follow.
I could also feel the ocher flavor of her fluids and the hot heat that flowed from her mount of Venus...
With what I learned from the porn movies we had seen with Feli, I started eating her out with pleasure, despite her taste being far from pleasant at first, I thought it was like beer, which I didn't enjoy when I tried it for the first time, but I wasn't going to waste the opportunity of my life, between tongue kisses and sips, I discovered her little pleasure button, I held onto her glorious ass and gave it all, Coni who was eating me out stopped doing so and started screaming like a crazy person while I kept my cock asserted, I also felt how my glans was being passed over her cheeks and lips, no doubt I was enjoying the rabbit food I was giving her and suddenly she stopped making incoherent noises to shout:Come here! ... I'm coming!!!!!For a moment I thought that with the tremendous ride I would be exhausted and she would calm down or at least get calmer, but I was wrong, she looked at me with malice and without leaving a second of peace in the situation, turned around and got stuck in my cock that didn't stop holding on for an instant. She rode me like it was to dispute the Derby or an important race... she bounced over me tirelessly, her gallop was so furious that no matter how I resisted running away, my milk exploded in her tight pussy flooding everything, then she screamed her ride while shot after shot of my cum came out uncontrollably... finally she fell on top of me, exhausted... I don't know how much time had passed since we arrived, but I was exhausted... I never imagined that a girl could be so hot!... I asked if the drug had anything to do with it, I think yes, the ruffian probably got her high and would have raped... I didn't know what to do, so I put her in bed where we were and since I didn't know what could happen, I lay down next to her and fell asleep...
I don't know how long I slept until some screams and wails woke me up startled, still drowsy I tried to get into the situation and understand what was happening, the first thing I realized was that it was already late morning, the second was that Coni was kneeling on the bed next to me looking at me and saying:
What did we do?, sniff, sniff... Did you screw me?!
I: Eh!... calm down... we made love...
Coni: We screwed!, I'm almost your mother and your best friend's sister, and you're telling me that?!...
I: Calm down Coni, it wasn't my intention to hurt you... the situation got out of control, but I didn't want to hurt you, please calm down...
Coni: Buaaahhh!...
I: Don't cry, we didn't do anything bad...
Coni: We screwed!, buaaahhhh... I'm a shame... I screwed my almost brother-in-law younger...
I: Please Coni, calm down, said embracing her to contain her
She continued crying while hanging on my shoulder, I stroked her hair while trying to contain her with sweet words and anything that came to mind so she could realize that neither she nor I were monstruos, passed two or three minutes until their crying ceased at last, now in silence I could feel the warmth of her body, the power to notice she was on my arms only covered by a sheet, it impacted me so much that my cock hardened in seconds and began to rub against her arm, Coni noticed this.
Coni: Did your thing stop?
Me: Eh, sorry... it's just having you so close makes me do that...
Coni: Even though I raped you?
Me: You didn't rape me and yes, it does make me do that...
Coni: You like me despite being old...
Me: You're not that old, when I was born you were 100 percent older than me, now you're almost 40 percent older and when you turn 100 years old you'll only be 10 percent older and in infinity we will be equal...
Coni: Haha, you're a silly fool, sweetie, haha
Me: They always tell me that I said and kissed her.
At first, she wasn't very receptive to my kiss, but soon our tongues interchanged positions and my hug turned into caresses that ran along her back and then into massages of her glorious ass, so that she would stop protecting herself with the sheets, releasing her sensuality as a woman and beginning soft caresses on my chest, then on my back to finally on my ass. When we were lying face to face in bed, my cock entered the triangle of death, rubbing against her vaginal lips... soon I started moving my pelvis simulating sex, which she was very receptive to.
I laid her down on the bed and got on top of her to put all my cock into her pussy, she felt a little tense, even cost me a bit to get it in her tight pussy, but once inside I felt like she was flooding with heat and fluids, starting a sustained, though not violent, in-and-out. I leaned on the bed and held her shoulders with my hands to deepen each of my thrusts, both of us began to moan and gasp from the supreme effort we were making, feeling like the walls of her pussy were caressing my cock... we kept kissing for complementing our internal passion that was devouring us, soonella began to announce her run, which was thrilling, taking me once again out of my cum
Coni: We'll have to take the pill on the day after if we keep going like this, jejeje
Yo: Whatever you say Coni...
Coni: Yes, I don't think you want to be a father with that old woman, jajaja
Yo: It wouldn't bother me and you're not old...
The situation calmed down again, I didn't know for how long, but it was good, I layed down beside her and we talked about everything and nothing, planned what we would do in a bit and the truth is that it was comforting to feel her relaxed and close.
Finally, we decided to get up, have breakfast and go through Belén, to relax before going to lunch at some nice place with a view of the sea, as for this last one I didn't have many options, since they were the ones with the money. When she got up to enter the shower, I couldn't resist following the precious ass that caught my enchanted sight, she seeing my intentions said:
Where are you off to, little knight?
Yo: To wash myself with you...
Coni: No, because you're a danger...
Yo: I'm not dangerous, I haven't hurt anyone except for the guy last night...
Coni: And my pussy that had been inactive for years, jajaja
Yo: I swear I won't do anything bad... besides we're saving water, jajaja
Coni: Okay, but don't get too carried away....
We entered the bathroom, I passed her a towel from the shelf and then caught up to her inside the shower, she looked at me coquettishly and passed me the soap... what can I say, there was no place where she wouldn't be soaped, I passed the soap all over her, she laughed coquettishly until my cock rested on her ass...
What's that?
Yo: A surprise, jejeje
I took one of her legs and lifted it, leaving her leaning against the edge of the bathtub and bending down a bit, I went in smoothly while she moaned with her eyes closed, I took hold of her hips and started giving it to her like a demon, she enjoyed herself with her eyes closed while the warm shower enveloped us in heat, from time to time I would caress her tits, which were more than... a 15-year-old girl who was a 28-year-old girl. The truth is that it was a long and tiring shower, because once I came I thought of a wicked thing... Yes! the demon in me wanted to tear apart the delicious ass she had in front of her, I didn't even ask, took the liquid soap and after lubricating my cock put it in her ass, she gave a start and said: ¡What do you want?!
I: Tear your ass Coni...
Coni: No, no one has ever entered me through the ass... no, ah! uff! What are you doing to me
Only that much was able to say before my hardened and demonic cock began to enter her perfect ass, which only opposed a little resistance, since the soap was working marvelously well, I quickly found myself in the depths of her entrails, at first she got a bit angry but as I was sodomizing her she started to change, soon it wasn't just about sodomy, but she cooperated by stimulating her clitoris until we ended up in a new orgasm, that's yes once we finished she hit me on the arm...
I: ¡Ayy! Why did you do that?
Coni: You think I'm not enough after you've screwed and cucked me, and then let me shower with you under promise of not doing any harm
I: Sorry Coni, it's just that you're irresistible...
Coni: I know, haha, but you cucked me and my ass is still sore, besides I'll have trouble sitting down at lunch?
I: The truth is I didn't think about that...
Coni: You only think with your cock...
I: Well, a bit, jejeje
Finally we left around noon to look for Belén who was radiant like the day, she greeted us with her usual friendliness, asking Coni how she was:
¡Friend, how are you?
Coni: Fine, the bad thing has passed, luckily I was saved from the HDP.
Belén: Yes that's good, even you look radiant...
Coni: It's because the coastal air does me good and I think I've relaxed despite the bad thing that happened to us.
Belén; Today we'll get our revenge and take the little pigtail of a guard, haha
Coni: ¡Yes!, anyway...
After the corresponding greetings... We start our walk, the truth is that Coni looked radiant, the problem presented itself when we strolled along the beach shore, since Coni was indeed hurting... from one side I was sorry for having caused her such a thing, but on the other hand, I was happy to have screwed and cuffed her until exhaustion.
We lunched at a small seafood restaurant that wasn't my first choice, but as they say don't look a gift horse in the mouth, in this case fish, jejeje. In the afternoon we were ready for the evening, the three of us slept at my apartment, then we went out to walk and have something light to eat before going to a bar and karaoke. The truth is that the place was almost packed, but what was most incredible was that I ran into some familiar guys and Belén and Coni quickly hooked up with two good-looking types who seemed to enjoy their behavior. Time passed when Coni makes a sign and we meet halfway between the tables.
Coni: Claudito, Tony wants to go with Manuely and us to a place where we can talk... Is that okay?
Me: Ah, of course it's fine, besides you have a key...
The truth is that it caused me a sudden attack of jealousy... Coni was mine!... well, the truth is she wasn't mine and the guys were in line with her mood, what could I do?... they left and I stayed with my friends until 02:00 am, then I went home after noting down some numbers from girls I met for another opportunity, since they were accompanied by others and couldn't leave them hanging... I'd see more about that later.
I arrived around 02:30 at home, Coni still hadn't arrived so I went to wash my teeth and other things in the bathroom. When I was there, I felt like someone opened the apartment door and I heard the following dialogue:
Tony: Don't you invite me in?
Coni: I can't, I'm with my little brother and our first encounter, it'll be again.
Tony: We can go to lunch at some place... Coni: Yes, but I can't leave him alone... Tony: No problem, I know a good barbecue spot, I think he'd like it... Coni: In that case it's okay, call me by midday and we'll coordinate. Tony: Yes, I'll call you, and if you want you can tell Belén that Manuel will invite her for sure. Coni: Of course, until tomorrow. Tony: Until tomorrow, beautiful. With what I heard, despite my 'jealousy', the guy was okay with me, especially when he said 'meat' and not fish or seafood, haha. I ran into Coni coming out of the bathroom, I was already in pajamas and greeted her cheerfully, which she reciprocated and started telling me everything about Tony including his invitation, it was clear that the guy had made a good impression on her, again I looked at her and she seemed precious... well, she's precious and despite what she told me about a guy who was my rival, just as she finished her last sentence, I hugged her and kissed her: Coni: Hey, wait a minute, you didn't tell me I'm going out with Tony! Me: Yes, but I'm not jealous, haha, I replied without stopping hugging her Coni: I'm not your girlfriend, wife or lover... Me: That's true, but you're the most beautiful woman in the world and I desire you... I said grabbing her butt Coni: You shouldn't say that, besides I'm 12 years older and today you were with girls your age, you can screw them all... you should leave me alone... I've already screwed you... Me: And I want to repeat it with the best woman in the world... I said holding her ass. Coni: You just want to screw me... Me: That's true, I said massaging her butt and letting go of her pants she was wearing. Coni: It can't be, don't you see when we get back this should return to its normal course Me: When we get back, I swear it will be like that, but now let's live life... I said putting my hand in the wet pussy... Coni: Fine, but I have to pee, or I'll pee on you, haha Me: Oh yes, of course, I said letting her go into the bathroom... me said: ¿What do you want?, I need to pee... I: Do it, I won't interrupt you... She replied by pulling out my cock while she launched her first stream of urine... Coni: What are you trying to do? I: Let me give you a blow job, and then I'll compensate you... Coni: A what? I: Suck me off, and then I'll make it up to you... Coni: You're a degenerate... I: Only with the most beautiful woman in the world... Coni: Plus, you're a liar, haha! I put my cock on her lips, lips that probably kissed my opponent, so when she took my glans into her mouth I felt victorious, and she was still mine for now... it's true, it's an absurd thought, but that's how I felt, Coni was one of my conquests and would be for now... She started eating me out while her urine ended and cut off a piece of paper to wipe her cock, her lips rubbed against my foreskin, her teeth gently caressed the junction of my glans with the trunk, and her tongue caressed my frenulum, it was a unique sensation, I caressed her pubes as she continued giving me pleasure, it was incredible, but I didn't want to come yet, so I stopped her and sat down on the toilet, pulled one leg out of her pantaloons and impaled her in my cock... Coni let out a moan that was almost an orgasm began to ride me while I pulled her precious tits out of her package, soon I got her incredible bulging nipples into my mouth and started enjoying them, licking and squeezing them, taking possession of them... Coni: Think you're innocent, naive boy. I: And think you're unattainable... Coni: Uhm, how full you are! I: As full as Tony? Coni: I don't know, he hasn't put anything in me... Are you jealous?! I: Eh no, the truth is that ... Coni: You shouldn't, we're nothing, do you understand?... I: I think so.... Coni: This weekend will be the first and last time we do this, is it clear? I: Yes, Coni, it's clear.... We screwed until exhaustion, then I took her in my arms and we went to our room where we fell asleep amidst caresses and kisses, but every moment Coni repeated that ... This weekend only would occur. Hours passed and I woke up before her, something normal since according to her family Coni is a marmot and enjoys sleeping. Given that I started getting bored, I prepared breakfast, which I took in the kitchen ruminating on what had happened with Coni, something I never suspected or imagined but would always remember because Coni is unforgettable, so I prepared something for her and brought it to her bed.
I: Coni wakes up, I brought you breakfast.
Coni: So early! ...
I: It's 10:30, I brought you fried eggs, warm bread, orange juice, and coffee.
Coni: Thanks Claudito, I'll try not to sleep while eating, haha
I: I'm leaving, I'll go take a shower...
Coni: Won't we take a shower together?
I: But you said it was over and shouldn't happen again...
Coni: The weekend isn't over yet, pardillo, haha
I waited until she decided it was time to take a shower, which prolonged until almost midday when, after getting out of the shower hot like a furnace, we returned to our room. I laid her down in bed and... I don't know why she opened her legs and started eating my cock!?, that's right, Coni surprised me because she let herself be done without saying anything about what we were doing not being over... her succulent and prominent mound of Venus shone through its fluids, despite having dried off with a towel, that particular shine was very tempting.
I put my head between her legs and my tongue in her pussy looking for the magic button, I passed my tongue and sucked her nectar like never before, Coni caressed my hair and asked for more and more, she was going crazy with pleasure, so soon she came, I know because I felt it in my mouth, it was all a rush, I had enjoyed it, maybe as much as her.
Coni: Oh Claudito, you're killing me, it's been a long time since I've come this way, I think my Esteban never ate my pussy like that... Did you do it with someone else? ... Ah yes!
I: No, only I was experimenting... Coni: Uhmm! Good experiment... Now let's get out of here
I: Of course, Coni... get down on all fours...
Coni: I don't want to be crippled by the bum ... you left me invalid, haha
I: Don't worry, it's because of the cock...
Coni: In that case... is this okay? She said while getting down on all fours.
I: Yes, just like that!
By now, I wasn't going to be delicate with my Coni, so I put it in until my legs hit hers, then pulled it out a little slow and slowly, to go back in for another round... Coni started to moan and tell me to keep doing it because she was getting really well fucked.
Coni: Yes, Claudito, that's it... put it all the way in!, oh what a big one you have, give it to me
I: Do you like it, Coni?
Coni: Mmmm yes!... It's marvelous... keep going, give me more...
As I was taking her from behind, I started to observe her precious body, she was really a beautiful girl, even more so than any of my friends or classmates. Coni was much more voluptuous and had a dreamy ass and her tits were so special they adorned well in front.Every time he put it in, his cock would be admitting all my cock, adjusting like a glove, feeling each stroke of her wet pussy as if it was the most sublime thing in the world... Both she and I were panting with excitement and from the effort of fucking, besides noticing that Conigemía seemed to be enjoying herself with a gracious sweetness, like when you pet a kitten... The whole situation and atmosphere were full of pleasure, I think she was getting too excited as we were screwing.Coni: Ahhhhh… mmmmm… like that...... that's Claudito!... Ohh......!!
We were at our best while fucking with Conicuando, his mobile phone started ringing, I tried not to pay attention, but the phone kept ringing and ringing, I tried to abstract myself from its insistent sound, but it was so persistent that I stopped riding Coni and took the phone with annoyance, because it was a call from Tony, I passed it on
Coni: Hello Tony
Tony: Hi Coni, are you getting ready to leave?... Did you talk to Belén?
Coni: Ahh... I'm almost ready, but I didn't tell Belén... Do you forgive me?
Tony: Don't worry about my friend, he's leaving, let's meet at 13:30 hours in your building
I was still doing that when I put my cock in and started giving it to her with force, she was looking at me while talking to Tony, without stopping the rhythm of the fuck, I got upset thinking she could keep talking while I was breaking her pussy... it's more strange that she continued looking at me with her black eyes watching me go in and out
Coni: Mnnn noo… Ahhh yes, that's fine...
Tony: Any problem?
Coni: No, just that I'm waxing and it's hard to talk, but I'm fine...
Tony: Oh, sorry for the indiscretion, see you later
Coni: Don't worry about it, it's nothing... Goodbye Tony.... See you later
I stopped and put my cock behind her ass at the same time as I spat in the perfect hole and went all the way to the end... my legs were banging against Coni's ass, making a noise similar to applause that I found very erotic
Coni: Oh, you naughty traitor, you're splitting my ass...
Me: Sorry!...
Coni: Just sorry?
Me: Sorry, but your ass is the most beautiful in the world....
Coni: You're a liar, but it doesn't matter, keep going...
Me: I'll split your ass to pieces...
Coni: As long as you don't leave me disabled and we can still go out, haha
I accelerated my thrusts looking at Coni through the mirror in the room, she was looking at me with a hot cat face while trying not to moan too loudly... my cadence in the met sac I had her at the edge of orgasm, but she was resisting coming for some reason. Seeing her on the verge of the long-awaited orgasm drove me crazy, so I moved very quickly and screwed her very hard. Coni started moving according to my will and couldn't stop moaning. I was screwing her all out before we left with her new boyfriend, am I being too bad? Finally, I filled her ass with cum, so she had to clean up before leaving. We went down to the basement at the scheduled time, finding the other three of us to head to the barbecue, while doing that, I looked at Tony and envied him for having almost 30 years...
The ones I'm going to tell you about started when I turned 18 and received my driving license that allowed me to go anywhere... but before I present it, my name is Claudio, I'm an only child and live with my parents, both doctors, who love me a lot, but are slaves to their work, so normally my nanny takes care of me, a 70-year-old widow who has been by my side since I was old enough to reason. She may be tired at her age, but she trusts me and rests with our neighbors in front of us, whom I will refer to later.
How am I? Well, I'm tall, almost as tall as my father, who says I'll easily reach 1.9 meters, I'm a good athlete, I'm part of my university's team, which I joined to study architecture (no medicine, haha), I'm not a magazine model but I consider myself handsome, and as for whether I have success with girls, I must say yes, but now I don't have a girlfriend since my last relationship ended when we both entered different universities.
Now I'll refer to my adoptive family or the neighbors in front of us, they are my best friend Feliciano or Feli who is 19 years old and just turned, he's studying accounting, then his older sister Constanza or Coni who is 28 years old and a single architect, she was once in a relationship with a military man who died on a peace mission four years ago, she still has Javiera or Javi who is 26 years old and an architect, recently married for a couple of months, unfortunately she married a lawyer who is a jerk, then there are the parents Don Feliciano or Feli papá who is 50 years old and a gastronomic entrepreneur, and mom Soledad or Sole who is 46 years old and a kindergarten teacher, all very loving and kind, so much that I spend most of my day at their house, it's like that they gave me a key to come whenever I want.
Well, as I was saying, I had a driving license and drove everywhere in my parents' gift car for my university entrance, but I had never realized a trip by road to another city, so... It occurred to Feli that we could go to the coast for a weekend, and since one of us had an extra day off, we agreed to do it, but when I asked my father to use the family department we had at the coast, he refused, mostly because I didn't have experience driving on the highway and that weekend would be crazy on the route. But I'm not easily defeated, so I thought I could get a copilot with experience, this couldn't be Feli, since she doesn't know how to drive and my other friends don't have much experience either, in that Feli said:
We could ask Coni to join us, she likes going to the coast with her friend Belén.
I: Will she want to?
Feli: Of course, I'll ask her today when I get home.
I: First, I'll talk to Dad.
Feli: You let me know.
I talked to Dad and Mom, the first one wouldn't even authorize it with Coni as copilot, but Mom convinced him, which surprised me because Mom is somewhat cautious about my person. With the permission in my pocket, I crossed the street and went looking for Feli and Coni, entered with two veils in search of them, since it's like the central nervous system of the house. After greeting, I proposed the trip to Coni:
I: Coni, can you be my copilot on a trip to the coast this weekend?
Coni: But I'd have to see where we'll stay and ask Belén if she's going to the coast.
I: No problem with accommodation, we'll all three stay at my parents' department.
Coni: Well, I'll call Belén, if she goes, and I'll be your copilot
Sole: Are you brave enough to drive there, Clau?
I: Yes, aunt, plus we'll have an excellent copilot.
The truth is that everything was resulting as we wanted with Feli, it would be a new adventure, so both of us began to find out if any of our acquaintances would also go to the coast during the long-awaited weekend. The rest of the days before our trip, we spent in our respective studies.
Friday, when we would leave the university early as usual, since I don't have classes in the afternoons and that time which I usually use to study or do the multiple tasks given by the professors, I dedicated it to preparing my car, which I even washed, everything was going well for being out by 17:00 hours and thus avoiding the traffic congestion at the exit of the city. At 16:30 I called my parents to say goodbye, at 16:45 with my things already loaded in the vehicle I crossed the street looking for the other travelers, entered as usual and see Feli pale like a notebook leaf, Aunt Sole by his side and Coni and Belén looking at him with a worried face.
Me: Hi everyone, are you ready to leave?
Sole: Oh Claudito, Feli doesn't feel well.
Coni: He has diarrhea and vomiting...
Belén: He can't travel like that...
Feli: Yes, I even returned from the university, sorry friend
Me: Seriously, you can't travel?
Feli: I'm not brave enough to go more than three meters from the bathroom.
Me: Ahh what a shame, I said with disappointment.
Coni: But we can go if it doesn't bother you to take the two old friends...
Belén: We'll be good company, jejeje
Me: Seriously, can they come?
Coni: If it doesn't bother you to receive me at your house.
Me: Sorry friend, do you forgive me for abandoning you?
Feli: Mature already, you're always forgiven, besides mom will take care of you, isn't that right mom?
Sole: Yes dear heart, I'll take care of you, I'll make you a chicken broth...
Belén: And put a cork on it aunt, jajaja
Coni: Oh Belén, you're mean, jajaja, let's go.
We said goodbye and began my road adventure, to be honest I was a little nervous, never having gone at 120 kilometers per hour before, but Coni calmed me down and recommended with her usual sweet tranquility... Well Coni knows me since I was 8 years old and helped Feli and me with our homework, as well as took us to all the shows of our age, she always had an soul that was very close to childhood, besides her boyfriend was like a uncle to us, Unfortunately died when an improvised explosive device exploded under the vehicle he was in, causing his death after several days in the hospital. After two hours of travel without incidents, we arrived at the coast, left Belén at her aunt's house and went with Coni to my parents' department, passed by a supermarket to buy what would be our breakfast for the next few days and then arrived at our destination. Something caught my attention when we were unloading things from the car... Don Evaristo, one of the building's concierges who has always been bold in looking at women, visually reviewed Coni and, realizing I was looking, smiled at me with a wink, even though his indiscretion annoyed me, it made me look more closely at Coni. The truth is that I haven't told you how Coni is, well she's a very beautiful woman, with almost black eyes like her hair, not very tall, about 1.65 meters and around 60 kilograms, slightly plump but just enough to classify as voluptuous, especially her ass which is a work of art, her figure is agitated, as for her tits, they're not very big but she knows how to show them off with elegance, I'd say they're between cup B or C... also, I have to confess that around 14 years old, she and the girls from her family were the best stimulation of my wanks, which although I haven't abandoned, are no longer as frequent as in that period when I discovered them, besides now the internet helps me with my mental stimulation with many women who I would like to fuck without any remorse. After the trip, I took a hot shower to relax while she did what she had to do, then I looked at my social media until around 7:00 pm, decided to go get Belén for dinner before going to a disco, since Coni told me to come with them, given that Feli hadn't come with us, I was about to tell her I had planned to go see if I could hang out with some friends, but most of them were just arriving in the city to be frank, I didn't feel like being with them.
At departure time, I waited for Coni in the hall, since she is the typical one who makes people wait, which frustrated her boyfriend Esteban, rest in peace, and I wasn't going to change her way of being, haha.
When finally she showed up almost gave me a heart attack, because she appeared with a black leather mini-skirt, dark stockings with designs, a blouse with a petticoat that left just enough to see my bra, and a jacket that matched her outfit, the truth is she messed up:
Wow!, you look beautiful
Coni: Thanks Claudito, you're flattering me, jejeje, and won't you change?
Me: The truth is I thought I'd go like this...
Coni: For no reason, let's see what else you have besides jeans and a t-shirt...
The truth is my purse was hastily arranged, so when she knew me, she added other things I couldn't fit in, including pants and a sports shirt that together made a more decent outfit, so I had to change because of Coni.
Coni: Now we can leave, haha
We went to look for Belén around 19:45, she also looked very well, despite being a few kilos heavier, which was different from Coni, whose breasts were loose and were her weapon to go hunting for guys, who usually lasted one or two weeks before she got rid of them.
Despite their insistence, we went to a seafood restaurant, I would have preferred a pizza, but when I suggested it almost made me get out of my own car.
The dinner was delicious and fortunately they invited us, since the plates cost what it would cost to live for a week for an employee, but they didn't flinch and well, I let myself be carried away.
We arrived at the disco they chose, it was one for adults and because I won't say it, I wasn't in the age range at all, so much that they asked me to show my ID at the entrance, the guard looked at us, smiled, and winked at me, it was the second time that day, there was too much coincidence, but that gesture suddenly annoyed me.
We didn't ask for drinks and started mingling with the other attendees, I couldn't find a clear objective so I sat down at the bar in one of the few empty seats. As for Belén and Coni, two guys around thirty arrived to accompany them, they seemed annoying and good-looking and I lost sight of them... I was wandering through the middle space when the entrance guard who had asked me for my identification came over and said:
Kid, your friend is getting into trouble
Me: Which one?
Guard: The attractive brunette, see that guy she's with, he said pointing in a direction...
Me: Yes, the good-looking blonde...
Guard: He put something in his glass...
Me: How do you know?
Guard: I've been doing this job for 12 years, I know it and I saw it, besides he's done it before.
Me: Thanks
I went over to Coni, she was with the guy who had her by the right arm and was trying to take her somewhere. Coni seemed a bit out of it and was resisting so I planted myself in front of her and asked:
Coni, are you okay?
Coni: Ahh... ehhh... I don't know, I'm a bit weird...
Guy: Who are you, punk?
Me: Her brother, let her go, I want to see how she is.
Guy: Get out of here, it's fine, she doesn't need your help
Me: I asked her...
Coni: I feel weird...
Me: Let's go, I'll take you home.
Guy: Don't get involved, he said pushing me.
After taking a step back from the push, in response to him, I pushed him with all my might, managing to make him stumble and let Coni go, but the encounter didn't end there, the subject sent a punch, which I completely avoided, but it broke my lower lip a bit, so like don Feli had taught me, I responded with a straight shot that hit his nose and made it bleed profusely, at the same time as the guard who had warned me of the problem arrived accompanied by another and took control of the situation. The subject tried to free himself but wasn't a match for the guards who took him away. dragged him out to the exit and they kicked him out of the local. Just then Belén arrived with another guy who kept his distance:
Me: Coni, I think we should leave.
Coni: Yes, Claudito, let's go, tell Belén.
Belén: I'm here, friend, what's wrong?
Coni: I don't feel well, it seems like the tip put something in my drink...
Belén: Let's go to the hospital...
Coni: No, it will pass, let's go home.
Despite our insistence Coni didn't want to go to the hospital or a police station to file a report, so with Belén's help we got her into the car and went home, even though Belén didn't want to leave us alone, we forced her to stay at her aunt's house, so we ended up at my parents' apartment.
I put her down without any problems, since she was feeling strange but not asleep, so I took her by the waist and led her to the elevator. She started laughing in a weird way and said:
Thanks, my hero... you're a little prick who makes me feel good, thanks, haha... The elevator is nice with these red, blue, and orange lights...
Me: Yes, Coni, calm down, we've arrived...
Coni: jajaja... Look at the lights... Now they're violet like your face...
Me: Let's go in...
Coni: Oh, your lip is swollen and bleeding, poor thing, you need to be soothed...
Everything was going well, but then Coni suddenly passed from a state of almost total disorientation to one showing increasing euphoria and hallucinations that made her talk nonsense, so I tried to calm her down while we entered the apartment, I don't know how I managed to open the door, since she with her jumps and annoying tickles, like pinches and caresses just centimeters from my face, didn't help at all, once we were inside she hung onto my neck and said:
My hero!, you deserve a prize and then she kissed me
The truth is that I was surprised, since I didn't expect the kiss to be on the mouth and with her tongue pushing to enter mine, for three or four seconds I didn't know what to do, but my hormones and instinct took over and I reciprocated the kiss and pulled her towards me Taking it from the waist... instead of being scared or recapping, she followed me, surprisingly starting to rub her pelvis and stomach against my now hardened cock. But my consciousness acted for a few seconds and I said:
Tranquil Coni, let's go so you can lie down...
Coni: No, no, haha... Maybe if we sleep together, haha...
Me: Coni, better rest
Coni: You're like an angel full of lights... what lovely ears you have
Me: Coni, don't pull my ears, it hurts!...
Then my consciousness went away and I grabbed her ass, pulling it towards me. She smiled maliciously and grabbed my package, giving me an electric shock that ran down my entire spine, so I put my hands under her skirt and grasped with passion and lust all her perfect butt and licked it. Never had I taken a butt like this in my life, of course my experience was minimal in the amatory slides, but instinct led me to keep going until she pulled out my cock from its confinement and returned my caresses by giving me a hand job on her pussy, which unleashed the beast that Coni had inside.
We undressed almost by force from the entrance to the sofa where she pushed me and mounted me sidesaddle, leaning forward while supporting herself on my shoulders and letting out a deep and almost stertorian sigh accompanied by several moans...
Ahh, how you fill me up, Claudia... Ahh, this is very good... Mmm...
Me: Coni, I don't know if we should be doing this, I said with my last moral impulse...
She didn't answer at all, kept riding me like a possessed woman and talking nonsense, some of which was intelligible or simply incomprehensible. I was hot as could be, so I took off her blouse and push-up bra that contained them and dedicated myself to eating them, they were small but large enough for me to grasp them, what I liked most was the way her nipples were, like the Anglo-Saxons say puffy nipples, it was a revelation for me, I enjoyed them fully until she came in colors as she called it. Our pole, the truth is that after that first orgasm she continued to go wild and sexually tease me, she was unstoppable! When she came, I managed to get her on top of me.
But there was more, thirty seconds later, she started kissing me with an unusual frenzy in a girl as calm as Coni... I tried to control her but the only thing I achieved was that she got up and pulled my pants down, she was so euphoric that I got up and we went to the first room of the apartment, which is my parents', for a moment I thought I had the situation under control, but Coni kept assaulting me, pushing me onto the bed to swallow my cock with her beautiful little mouth, which incredibly could contain my cock, not small at all... given her continuous caresses, I was driven mad, I couldn't resist and accommodated her for a sixty-nine erotic position, it was the first time I would eat pussy... before entering her depths, I could tell she was well taken care of, leaving only a small triangle of beautiful skin indicating the route to follow.
I could also feel the ocher flavor of her fluids and the hot heat that flowed from her mount of Venus...
With what I learned from the porn movies we had seen with Feli, I started eating her out with pleasure, despite her taste being far from pleasant at first, I thought it was like beer, which I didn't enjoy when I tried it for the first time, but I wasn't going to waste the opportunity of my life, between tongue kisses and sips, I discovered her little pleasure button, I held onto her glorious ass and gave it all, Coni who was eating me out stopped doing so and started screaming like a crazy person while I kept my cock asserted, I also felt how my glans was being passed over her cheeks and lips, no doubt I was enjoying the rabbit food I was giving her and suddenly she stopped making incoherent noises to shout:Come here! ... I'm coming!!!!!For a moment I thought that with the tremendous ride I would be exhausted and she would calm down or at least get calmer, but I was wrong, she looked at me with malice and without leaving a second of peace in the situation, turned around and got stuck in my cock that didn't stop holding on for an instant. She rode me like it was to dispute the Derby or an important race... she bounced over me tirelessly, her gallop was so furious that no matter how I resisted running away, my milk exploded in her tight pussy flooding everything, then she screamed her ride while shot after shot of my cum came out uncontrollably... finally she fell on top of me, exhausted... I don't know how much time had passed since we arrived, but I was exhausted... I never imagined that a girl could be so hot!... I asked if the drug had anything to do with it, I think yes, the ruffian probably got her high and would have raped... I didn't know what to do, so I put her in bed where we were and since I didn't know what could happen, I lay down next to her and fell asleep...
I don't know how long I slept until some screams and wails woke me up startled, still drowsy I tried to get into the situation and understand what was happening, the first thing I realized was that it was already late morning, the second was that Coni was kneeling on the bed next to me looking at me and saying:
What did we do?, sniff, sniff... Did you screw me?!
I: Eh!... calm down... we made love...
Coni: We screwed!, I'm almost your mother and your best friend's sister, and you're telling me that?!...
I: Calm down Coni, it wasn't my intention to hurt you... the situation got out of control, but I didn't want to hurt you, please calm down...
Coni: Buaaahhh!...
I: Don't cry, we didn't do anything bad...
Coni: We screwed!, buaaahhhh... I'm a shame... I screwed my almost brother-in-law younger...
I: Please Coni, calm down, said embracing her to contain her
She continued crying while hanging on my shoulder, I stroked her hair while trying to contain her with sweet words and anything that came to mind so she could realize that neither she nor I were monstruos, passed two or three minutes until their crying ceased at last, now in silence I could feel the warmth of her body, the power to notice she was on my arms only covered by a sheet, it impacted me so much that my cock hardened in seconds and began to rub against her arm, Coni noticed this.
Coni: Did your thing stop?
Me: Eh, sorry... it's just having you so close makes me do that...
Coni: Even though I raped you?
Me: You didn't rape me and yes, it does make me do that...
Coni: You like me despite being old...
Me: You're not that old, when I was born you were 100 percent older than me, now you're almost 40 percent older and when you turn 100 years old you'll only be 10 percent older and in infinity we will be equal...
Coni: Haha, you're a silly fool, sweetie, haha
Me: They always tell me that I said and kissed her.
At first, she wasn't very receptive to my kiss, but soon our tongues interchanged positions and my hug turned into caresses that ran along her back and then into massages of her glorious ass, so that she would stop protecting herself with the sheets, releasing her sensuality as a woman and beginning soft caresses on my chest, then on my back to finally on my ass. When we were lying face to face in bed, my cock entered the triangle of death, rubbing against her vaginal lips... soon I started moving my pelvis simulating sex, which she was very receptive to.
I laid her down on the bed and got on top of her to put all my cock into her pussy, she felt a little tense, even cost me a bit to get it in her tight pussy, but once inside I felt like she was flooding with heat and fluids, starting a sustained, though not violent, in-and-out. I leaned on the bed and held her shoulders with my hands to deepen each of my thrusts, both of us began to moan and gasp from the supreme effort we were making, feeling like the walls of her pussy were caressing my cock... we kept kissing for complementing our internal passion that was devouring us, soonella began to announce her run, which was thrilling, taking me once again out of my cum
Coni: We'll have to take the pill on the day after if we keep going like this, jejeje
Yo: Whatever you say Coni...
Coni: Yes, I don't think you want to be a father with that old woman, jajaja
Yo: It wouldn't bother me and you're not old...
The situation calmed down again, I didn't know for how long, but it was good, I layed down beside her and we talked about everything and nothing, planned what we would do in a bit and the truth is that it was comforting to feel her relaxed and close.
Finally, we decided to get up, have breakfast and go through Belén, to relax before going to lunch at some nice place with a view of the sea, as for this last one I didn't have many options, since they were the ones with the money. When she got up to enter the shower, I couldn't resist following the precious ass that caught my enchanted sight, she seeing my intentions said:
Where are you off to, little knight?
Yo: To wash myself with you...
Coni: No, because you're a danger...
Yo: I'm not dangerous, I haven't hurt anyone except for the guy last night...
Coni: And my pussy that had been inactive for years, jajaja
Yo: I swear I won't do anything bad... besides we're saving water, jajaja
Coni: Okay, but don't get too carried away....
We entered the bathroom, I passed her a towel from the shelf and then caught up to her inside the shower, she looked at me coquettishly and passed me the soap... what can I say, there was no place where she wouldn't be soaped, I passed the soap all over her, she laughed coquettishly until my cock rested on her ass...
What's that?
Yo: A surprise, jejeje
I took one of her legs and lifted it, leaving her leaning against the edge of the bathtub and bending down a bit, I went in smoothly while she moaned with her eyes closed, I took hold of her hips and started giving it to her like a demon, she enjoyed herself with her eyes closed while the warm shower enveloped us in heat, from time to time I would caress her tits, which were more than... a 15-year-old girl who was a 28-year-old girl. The truth is that it was a long and tiring shower, because once I came I thought of a wicked thing... Yes! the demon in me wanted to tear apart the delicious ass she had in front of her, I didn't even ask, took the liquid soap and after lubricating my cock put it in her ass, she gave a start and said: ¡What do you want?!
I: Tear your ass Coni...
Coni: No, no one has ever entered me through the ass... no, ah! uff! What are you doing to me
Only that much was able to say before my hardened and demonic cock began to enter her perfect ass, which only opposed a little resistance, since the soap was working marvelously well, I quickly found myself in the depths of her entrails, at first she got a bit angry but as I was sodomizing her she started to change, soon it wasn't just about sodomy, but she cooperated by stimulating her clitoris until we ended up in a new orgasm, that's yes once we finished she hit me on the arm...
I: ¡Ayy! Why did you do that?
Coni: You think I'm not enough after you've screwed and cucked me, and then let me shower with you under promise of not doing any harm
I: Sorry Coni, it's just that you're irresistible...
Coni: I know, haha, but you cucked me and my ass is still sore, besides I'll have trouble sitting down at lunch?
I: The truth is I didn't think about that...
Coni: You only think with your cock...
I: Well, a bit, jejeje
Finally we left around noon to look for Belén who was radiant like the day, she greeted us with her usual friendliness, asking Coni how she was:
¡Friend, how are you?
Coni: Fine, the bad thing has passed, luckily I was saved from the HDP.
Belén: Yes that's good, even you look radiant...
Coni: It's because the coastal air does me good and I think I've relaxed despite the bad thing that happened to us.
Belén; Today we'll get our revenge and take the little pigtail of a guard, haha
Coni: ¡Yes!, anyway...
After the corresponding greetings... We start our walk, the truth is that Coni looked radiant, the problem presented itself when we strolled along the beach shore, since Coni was indeed hurting... from one side I was sorry for having caused her such a thing, but on the other hand, I was happy to have screwed and cuffed her until exhaustion.
We lunched at a small seafood restaurant that wasn't my first choice, but as they say don't look a gift horse in the mouth, in this case fish, jejeje. In the afternoon we were ready for the evening, the three of us slept at my apartment, then we went out to walk and have something light to eat before going to a bar and karaoke. The truth is that the place was almost packed, but what was most incredible was that I ran into some familiar guys and Belén and Coni quickly hooked up with two good-looking types who seemed to enjoy their behavior. Time passed when Coni makes a sign and we meet halfway between the tables.
Coni: Claudito, Tony wants to go with Manuely and us to a place where we can talk... Is that okay?
Me: Ah, of course it's fine, besides you have a key...
The truth is that it caused me a sudden attack of jealousy... Coni was mine!... well, the truth is she wasn't mine and the guys were in line with her mood, what could I do?... they left and I stayed with my friends until 02:00 am, then I went home after noting down some numbers from girls I met for another opportunity, since they were accompanied by others and couldn't leave them hanging... I'd see more about that later.
I arrived around 02:30 at home, Coni still hadn't arrived so I went to wash my teeth and other things in the bathroom. When I was there, I felt like someone opened the apartment door and I heard the following dialogue:
Tony: Don't you invite me in?
Coni: I can't, I'm with my little brother and our first encounter, it'll be again.
Tony: We can go to lunch at some place... Coni: Yes, but I can't leave him alone... Tony: No problem, I know a good barbecue spot, I think he'd like it... Coni: In that case it's okay, call me by midday and we'll coordinate. Tony: Yes, I'll call you, and if you want you can tell Belén that Manuel will invite her for sure. Coni: Of course, until tomorrow. Tony: Until tomorrow, beautiful. With what I heard, despite my 'jealousy', the guy was okay with me, especially when he said 'meat' and not fish or seafood, haha. I ran into Coni coming out of the bathroom, I was already in pajamas and greeted her cheerfully, which she reciprocated and started telling me everything about Tony including his invitation, it was clear that the guy had made a good impression on her, again I looked at her and she seemed precious... well, she's precious and despite what she told me about a guy who was my rival, just as she finished her last sentence, I hugged her and kissed her: Coni: Hey, wait a minute, you didn't tell me I'm going out with Tony! Me: Yes, but I'm not jealous, haha, I replied without stopping hugging her Coni: I'm not your girlfriend, wife or lover... Me: That's true, but you're the most beautiful woman in the world and I desire you... I said grabbing her butt Coni: You shouldn't say that, besides I'm 12 years older and today you were with girls your age, you can screw them all... you should leave me alone... I've already screwed you... Me: And I want to repeat it with the best woman in the world... I said holding her ass. Coni: You just want to screw me... Me: That's true, I said massaging her butt and letting go of her pants she was wearing. Coni: It can't be, don't you see when we get back this should return to its normal course Me: When we get back, I swear it will be like that, but now let's live life... I said putting my hand in the wet pussy... Coni: Fine, but I have to pee, or I'll pee on you, haha Me: Oh yes, of course, I said letting her go into the bathroom... me said: ¿What do you want?, I need to pee... I: Do it, I won't interrupt you... She replied by pulling out my cock while she launched her first stream of urine... Coni: What are you trying to do? I: Let me give you a blow job, and then I'll compensate you... Coni: A what? I: Suck me off, and then I'll make it up to you... Coni: You're a degenerate... I: Only with the most beautiful woman in the world... Coni: Plus, you're a liar, haha! I put my cock on her lips, lips that probably kissed my opponent, so when she took my glans into her mouth I felt victorious, and she was still mine for now... it's true, it's an absurd thought, but that's how I felt, Coni was one of my conquests and would be for now... She started eating me out while her urine ended and cut off a piece of paper to wipe her cock, her lips rubbed against my foreskin, her teeth gently caressed the junction of my glans with the trunk, and her tongue caressed my frenulum, it was a unique sensation, I caressed her pubes as she continued giving me pleasure, it was incredible, but I didn't want to come yet, so I stopped her and sat down on the toilet, pulled one leg out of her pantaloons and impaled her in my cock... Coni let out a moan that was almost an orgasm began to ride me while I pulled her precious tits out of her package, soon I got her incredible bulging nipples into my mouth and started enjoying them, licking and squeezing them, taking possession of them... Coni: Think you're innocent, naive boy. I: And think you're unattainable... Coni: Uhm, how full you are! I: As full as Tony? Coni: I don't know, he hasn't put anything in me... Are you jealous?! I: Eh no, the truth is that ... Coni: You shouldn't, we're nothing, do you understand?... I: I think so.... Coni: This weekend will be the first and last time we do this, is it clear? I: Yes, Coni, it's clear.... We screwed until exhaustion, then I took her in my arms and we went to our room where we fell asleep amidst caresses and kisses, but every moment Coni repeated that ... This weekend only would occur. Hours passed and I woke up before her, something normal since according to her family Coni is a marmot and enjoys sleeping. Given that I started getting bored, I prepared breakfast, which I took in the kitchen ruminating on what had happened with Coni, something I never suspected or imagined but would always remember because Coni is unforgettable, so I prepared something for her and brought it to her bed.
I: Coni wakes up, I brought you breakfast.
Coni: So early! ...
I: It's 10:30, I brought you fried eggs, warm bread, orange juice, and coffee.
Coni: Thanks Claudito, I'll try not to sleep while eating, haha
I: I'm leaving, I'll go take a shower...
Coni: Won't we take a shower together?
I: But you said it was over and shouldn't happen again...
Coni: The weekend isn't over yet, pardillo, haha
I waited until she decided it was time to take a shower, which prolonged until almost midday when, after getting out of the shower hot like a furnace, we returned to our room. I laid her down in bed and... I don't know why she opened her legs and started eating my cock!?, that's right, Coni surprised me because she let herself be done without saying anything about what we were doing not being over... her succulent and prominent mound of Venus shone through its fluids, despite having dried off with a towel, that particular shine was very tempting.
I put my head between her legs and my tongue in her pussy looking for the magic button, I passed my tongue and sucked her nectar like never before, Coni caressed my hair and asked for more and more, she was going crazy with pleasure, so soon she came, I know because I felt it in my mouth, it was all a rush, I had enjoyed it, maybe as much as her.
Coni: Oh Claudito, you're killing me, it's been a long time since I've come this way, I think my Esteban never ate my pussy like that... Did you do it with someone else? ... Ah yes!
I: No, only I was experimenting... Coni: Uhmm! Good experiment... Now let's get out of here
I: Of course, Coni... get down on all fours...
Coni: I don't want to be crippled by the bum ... you left me invalid, haha
I: Don't worry, it's because of the cock...
Coni: In that case... is this okay? She said while getting down on all fours.
I: Yes, just like that!
By now, I wasn't going to be delicate with my Coni, so I put it in until my legs hit hers, then pulled it out a little slow and slowly, to go back in for another round... Coni started to moan and tell me to keep doing it because she was getting really well fucked.
Coni: Yes, Claudito, that's it... put it all the way in!, oh what a big one you have, give it to me
I: Do you like it, Coni?
Coni: Mmmm yes!... It's marvelous... keep going, give me more...
As I was taking her from behind, I started to observe her precious body, she was really a beautiful girl, even more so than any of my friends or classmates. Coni was much more voluptuous and had a dreamy ass and her tits were so special they adorned well in front.Every time he put it in, his cock would be admitting all my cock, adjusting like a glove, feeling each stroke of her wet pussy as if it was the most sublime thing in the world... Both she and I were panting with excitement and from the effort of fucking, besides noticing that Conigemía seemed to be enjoying herself with a gracious sweetness, like when you pet a kitten... The whole situation and atmosphere were full of pleasure, I think she was getting too excited as we were screwing.Coni: Ahhhhh… mmmmm… like that...... that's Claudito!... Ohh......!!
We were at our best while fucking with Conicuando, his mobile phone started ringing, I tried not to pay attention, but the phone kept ringing and ringing, I tried to abstract myself from its insistent sound, but it was so persistent that I stopped riding Coni and took the phone with annoyance, because it was a call from Tony, I passed it on
Coni: Hello Tony
Tony: Hi Coni, are you getting ready to leave?... Did you talk to Belén?
Coni: Ahh... I'm almost ready, but I didn't tell Belén... Do you forgive me?
Tony: Don't worry about my friend, he's leaving, let's meet at 13:30 hours in your building
I was still doing that when I put my cock in and started giving it to her with force, she was looking at me while talking to Tony, without stopping the rhythm of the fuck, I got upset thinking she could keep talking while I was breaking her pussy... it's more strange that she continued looking at me with her black eyes watching me go in and out
Coni: Mnnn noo… Ahhh yes, that's fine...
Tony: Any problem?
Coni: No, just that I'm waxing and it's hard to talk, but I'm fine...
Tony: Oh, sorry for the indiscretion, see you later
Coni: Don't worry about it, it's nothing... Goodbye Tony.... See you later
I stopped and put my cock behind her ass at the same time as I spat in the perfect hole and went all the way to the end... my legs were banging against Coni's ass, making a noise similar to applause that I found very erotic
Coni: Oh, you naughty traitor, you're splitting my ass...
Me: Sorry!...
Coni: Just sorry?
Me: Sorry, but your ass is the most beautiful in the world....
Coni: You're a liar, but it doesn't matter, keep going...
Me: I'll split your ass to pieces...
Coni: As long as you don't leave me disabled and we can still go out, haha
I accelerated my thrusts looking at Coni through the mirror in the room, she was looking at me with a hot cat face while trying not to moan too loudly... my cadence in the met sac I had her at the edge of orgasm, but she was resisting coming for some reason. Seeing her on the verge of the long-awaited orgasm drove me crazy, so I moved very quickly and screwed her very hard. Coni started moving according to my will and couldn't stop moaning. I was screwing her all out before we left with her new boyfriend, am I being too bad? Finally, I filled her ass with cum, so she had to clean up before leaving. We went down to the basement at the scheduled time, finding the other three of us to head to the barbecue, while doing that, I looked at Tony and envied him for having almost 30 years...
5 comentários - La Familia de Mi Mejor Amigo: Capítulo 1 Coni