Encuentros peligrosos - parte 1 - Luna de miel

No dejes de pasar por mi mejor post


No te vas a arrepentir


Cuando conocí a Sofía apenas tenía catorce años, yo solo era dos años mayor que ella, era la hermana menor de una compañera de cursos. Solo empezamos como esos amores juveniles, puros, inocentes, de invitarla a tomar un helado y en un descuido, con la excusa de limpiar sus labios manchados con crema de vainilla, le robé un primer beso.
Fui su primer hombre, ella mi primera mujer y aprendimos juntos todo sobre el amor.

Pasados los veinte decidimos probar convivir y empezamos a recorrer un camino de pareja, ella con sus ocupaciones, yo con las mías, éramos uno para el otro, puro amor, esos amores platónicos, de película.
El tiempo pasó demasiado rápido, casi sin darnos cuenta Sofía llegaba a treinta años, y como obsequio de cumpleaños me pidió algo especial, quería formalizar ante el altar, la novia vestida de blanco, la fiesta, el viaje oficial de luna de miel, tantas veces postergado.

Y nos pusimos manos a la obra, civil, iglesia, buscar salón, seleccionar invitados y toda esa parafernalia que resultó fantástica.
El viaje de bodas, queríamos algo especial, único, Sofía soñaba conocer Europa, pero hubiera sido endeudarse en demasía, preferimos dejar ese viaje para el futuro e ir a algo más cercano. Desestimamos Chile y Uruguay por la cercanía, Recife y Bahía parecía ser una buena opción, pero Sofía tenía un poco de miedo por el idioma y lo desconocido. A su turno, también tachamos de la lista las playas de Cuba y de Isla Margarita en Venezuela, por la situación política de ambos países. Todo fue cerrando para elegir a México para tomar una semana de placer.
Y entre todas las cosas que estábamos programando en esos días previos a la boda nos encargamos de ver vuelos y parajes disponibles en la tierra Azteca.
Y ahí fuimos nosotros, los eternos enamorados, el uno para el otro, el sol y la luna, la tierra y el mar, dos almas gemelas que eran uno para el otro en un viaje que, sin saber, cambiaría muchas cosas.

Recuerdo que la primera vez que vi a Roxanne fue en el free shop del aeropuerto, había ido por unos chocolates para calmar a mi esposa, sería nuestro primer vuelo y la idea la atemorizaba bastante, ella estaba ojeando unas revistas y solo no pude dejar de observarla, es que era de esas mujeres que naturalmente llamaba la atención, alta, demasiado alta, de largos cabellos recogidos, teñidos en un original pelirrojo, de ojos claros y rostro poblado por pecas, lucía unos aros llamativos, una chaqueta negra con delgadas líneas grises, entallada a su cuerpo, hacía resaltar un busto más que sensual, por debajo una pollera en gris apagado llegando a sus rodillas, le dibujaban un trasero sencillamente espectacular.
Fuimos a pagar casi al mismo tiempo, cortésmente con una sonrisa le di prioridad por ser mujer, ella me devolvió la sonrisa dejándome ver unos seductores dientes perlados. En esos segundos de cercanía me embriagué con su exquisito perfume, ella sin dudas vestía bien, olía bien, lucía bien, se despidió con un 'hasta luego' y la vi alejarse meneando de lado a lado sus caderas, mientras sus finos tacos repiqueteaban en los cerámicos del local.

Me olvidé de ella, volví con mi amor y poco después anunciaban el embarque para el vuelo AR-322 con destino al aeropuerto de Guarulhos en Brasil, donde deberíamos hacer conexión para seguir a México.
Subimos al jet, para nosotros era toda una experiencia, buscamos nuestros asientos y nos relajamos mientras poco a poco se iba llenando.
Fue cuando una pareja se acercó a nosotros por los dos asientos libres que estaban a la derecha de Sofía, alcé la vista y era ella, la chica perfecta del free shop, ella también me reconoció, y me dijo algo como

Que casualidad! hace un momento nos cruzamos cierto?
Si, en el free shop, respondí mientras me paraba para cederle paso.

Nos presentaos por una mera formalidad, Roxanne era su nombre, Marcos el mío, Sofía mi mujer, Alexis su marido.
Las dos mujeres quedaron al centro, nosotros a los hombres a los extremos.
Llegó el momento del decolaje, Sofía estaba tan nerviosa que parecía arrancar el posa brazos, y fue un momento emocionante, el avión ganó altura y todo se tranquilizó de repente.
Roxanne y Sofía se pusieron a charlar en el vuelo, y se dio naturalmente que se conocieran sus historias y nuestras historias, ellos tenían algunos años más que nosotros y se la pasaban viajando por el mundo, de casualidad nuestro destino era el mismo y no solo eso, también el hotel que habíamos reservado. Mi mujer le comentó sobre todo el estrés que le generaba toda esta nueva experiencia y ella le dijo que se quedara tranquila, que ellos nos ayudarían en un viaje que conocían de memoria.

Llegó el aterrizaje, y a cambiar de avión, esta vez, Alexis fue quien se sentó a mi lado para tender lazos de cordialidad.
Nos contaos algunas cosas y él fue directo al grano, me preguntó si hacía mucho tiempo que éramos swingers a lo que respondí con una sonrisa

Swingers? como que swingers? de donde sacaste eso? - dije muy seguro de mí mismo
Nadie reserva en un hotel para parejas swingers si no son swinger - me respondió asumiendo que yo disimulaba

En resumen, en lo que quedaba de vuelo, nos enteraríamos que en nuestra ignorancia habíamos reservado habitación en un hotel para parejas que gustaban cambiar parejas, que ni siquiera imaginábamos que existieran este tipo de hoteles y que Roxanne y Alexis vivían su pareja de esa manera y que tal vez tendríamos problemas por resolver en poco tiempo.

Al llegar notamos que estábamos en el mismo paraíso, la temperatura del agua, la arena, los colores los paisajes, y realmente viviríamos una semana de ensueño. Pero esa semana tendría un plus que no habíamos calculado, la excitación de convivir con parejas que cambiaban día a día, en sentirnos observados, en recibir propuestas, y un sinfín de situaciones que potenciaban nuestras fantasías y hacían que cada encuentro íntimo con mi querida mujer fueran explosiones de chispas y electricidad.
Sofia y yo jugábamos muchos con situaciones hipotéticas de cruces con alguna chica, o con algún muchacho, mezclas enviciadas de ocultas fantasías con celos disimulados, pero al final, en la cama, solo estaba ella, solo estaba yo.

A todo esto, podría decirse que Roxanne y Alexis de alguna manera se habían transformado en nuestros tutores, ellos nos enseñaban un poco de su mundo de intercambios, pero sin pasar los límites, compartíamos alguna cena, algún paseo de playa, tardes de piscina, a veces Roxanne estaba con algún amigo casual y a veces era Alexis quien llevaba de la cintura alguna de las mujeres del lugar.
Y así vivíamos la luna de miel más caliente que puedan imaginar.

Si México nos había sorprendido por ese tipo de hoteles en el cual habíamos caído inocentemente, aun nos faltaban sorpresas, Roxanne invitó a Sofía y Sofía me vino con la consulta, 'playa nudista'.
Nunca habíamos estado en una y cuando estábamos en Argentina preparando todo, aun antes del casamiento, algo había charlado con mi mujer al respecto, la idea me daba mucho morbo y excitación, una vez en la vida, probar la experiencia, pero Sofía había contrarrestado cada insinuación con un 'no' rotundo. Era evidente que algo estaba cambiando en ella, justo ahora ella era la que insistía en ir, con nuestros nuevos y casuales amigos.
Y quedamos en hacerlo, aceptamos el reto y sabíamos que en esto no tendríamos retorno.

Encuentros peligrosos - parte 1 - Luna de mielThat evening was spectacular, it was one of the best days, with a clear and clean sky, with a barely perceptible breeze on my face and many memories we would bring from that day of friends, Roxanne had a sculptural body, decisively perfect, seemed like a porn caricature, her operated silicone breast implants were also evident, she was completely depilated, Alexis on the other hand didn't look very athletic but had a terrible cock hanging from side to side, he was also completely depilated and his size was not overlooked by my wife's eyes, who would occasionally grab me discreetly without being able to believe what she saw, whispering pinch me because I'm awake in an intimate game of seduction and provocation.

There would be more things to remember, like how my wife and I were two beginners and we would spend eternal hours of embarrassment, almost permanently lying on the sand, face down, wrapped in modesty, and our friends living with total freedom their nudity, just like everyone else was doing that day.

Also, there were some veiled proposals, Alexis' eyes falling and then rising again onto my wife's backside, it's true that she has a very appealing bum, but the desire in that man's gaze was evident, unashamed, regardless of whether I was present or not, but Roxanne seemed to be playing with me, always staying close, and as if she hadn't noticed, her enormous breasts would pass by my face one after another, casually, to the point of provoking an erection which I struggled to hide.

That night, my wife and I screwed like animals, it was a rare situation but she only talked about the beauty and admirable perfection of our friend, and I had between my eyes the enormous cock of Alexis, I remember we went at it nonstop until we fell asleep.

The day of our return to Argentina arrived, our hot week was coming to an end, Alexis and Roxanne... They would still have a few days ahead of them, so they invited us to a farewell dinner at a place they knew, where there were typical Mexican foods and played various musical themes from all over the Caribbean, with that rhythm so tasty. And we went, very natural, nothing extravagant, I remember he had a flowered shirt like Hawaiian, short pants up to the knees, and those beach slippers, she was wearing a jean shorts and a yellow top, quite attention-grabbing, with flat shoes, it was just passing time. We ate, drank, laughed, there were jokes, dangerous looks, and word games that my wife and I preferred to let pass. At midnight they put on some bachata and Roxanne got up to leave her place, she loved the theme and wanted to dance, tried to get her husband to follow, but he refused, then came for me, and what the hell, I'm made of wood to move my feet, so she had no choice but to take my wife away. Alexis and I were left drinking beers, he passed his hand over my sword, taking hold of my farther shoulder, like friends, and said What beautiful women are, don't you think? They're the most beautiful thing on earth, breasts, hips, those behinds.... I didn't respond, my pupils were filling up with the movements of the woman I loved and the woman I desired, he went on Come on, come on, let's dance for a bit, I know my girl, and if I leave her alone she'll end up taking your wife to bed.... I smiled, and had no choice but to go dancing a little, a theme passed, another, at the third one, between laughs Alexis stole my wife away, and took her to dance with him, but I wouldn't be left alone, in the blink of an eye Roxanne was stuck to me, moving sensually her curves of hell, came a slow theme, and her body stuck to mine, too tight, we were at the same height, my eyes fixed on hers, just a few centimeters apart, I could feel her agitated breathing with beer smell. Arriving one and the other to my nose, her tits seemed to embed themselves in my chest and my hands had grasped her waist perilously close to the birth of her glutes. I realized I desired her and that I had an evident erection rubbing against her lower belly. I felt like we were the only ones left in the place, I tried to kiss her...

Roxanne stepped back just enough to avoid me and warn me.

If we leave, they'll leave too...

It sounded like a cold, demotivating punch. It was true, Sofia was dancing with her head resting on Alexis's chest, she knew her too well, knew she was giving in and it made sense that if I took Roxanne, Alexis would take Sonia, that was the game.

I realized I wasn't prepared, so we discreetly returned to the table just to let time pass. It had all ended.

The next day we embarked on our return journey, the flight was strange, different. Sofia is a girl who talks too much, but she was surprisingly quiet, looking out the plane window, lost in thought, and I was in a similar position, reliving one and the other time that week, many things had changed, hidden desires emerged, and I understood my wife had been my only woman, and I was desperate to try something else, another girl, take with another, like an animal need I myself cut off. That red-haired woman was keeping me awake, and I also understood Sofia, a little went through the same for her, she had feelings, needs, desires, and knew that I had been her only man, then it didn't surprise me if she fantasized about some other cock, and more so if it was Alexis's cock.

Days passed, months, we had a WhatsApp group with our friends and were in touch. There was some hidden need to get together again, their ghosts had slipped between our sheets, and we played openly with my wife, imagining we'd changed partners just for pleasure... after two months, we invited them to dinner at home.

They arrived on time, my love had prepared a sweet and sour appetizer and I was grilling some meats on the grill, they brought drinks and an ice cream dessert, I remember she was terrible, with a high-waisted black pantyhose stuck to her skin and a fitted shirt that drew her breasts like two balls, with her hair tied up and that sensuality that was innate in her.

It became clear that there was heat in the atmosphere, because she was with me, and Alexis with my wife, we passed dinner, passed dessert, brought some white drinks and a deck of cards, I paired up with Roxanne, and we played against her husband and my wife, it was like everything was falling into place, but in reality, we would never take the step forward.

At some point during the night, noticing that everything would again end in pretenses, Alexis started talking, telling us stories of his endless changes of partners and that they were looking for new things, for example, forming trios.

We didn't understand, but he continued...

Look, we're playing cards, right? Let's play then. Suppose a game of chance, where three of us would go to bed to make a trio, someone necessarily had to give up their place, since here there are no lies, no hidden things, no infidelities.

The words sounded dangerous in Alexis' mouth, and the hot gazes seemed to challenge each other's contained desires, I had a painful erection under the table, my wife's nipples marked like buttons gave it away, and I assumed we would all be more or less equal, he made his wife cut the deck at her left, who then dealt a card to each of us, then said...

Remember that this is just a game, and in a hypothetical situation, it would be fair to decide that whoever draws the lowest card would be out of the game, at least for the first hand.

A deep silence followed, I was the first to turn over, I could have given up, turned over the card It would be just accepting the trio because in the end, this was more than a simple game.

A three of hearts turned my night sour, damn it, I didn't have many chances to get out well, cursed my luck, and my wife's turn followed, and I had the same question, Would Sofia be able to flip? Was she really willing?

A shining king of hearts filled her face with smiles, tension turned into pleasure, and I cursed again, she was already inside, and I didn't want to stay out.

Roxanne's turn, a two of spades seemed to sentence her, and I felt relieved, I was in, barely, but I was in.

She threw the card with anger, and Alexis closed the round with a seven of clubs, he took her arm, and told her

I'm sorry love, you're out, thank you for only being a game, right?

He asked as a challenge

A few more minutes passed and it was definitely very late, when we parted ways, Roxanne told me

These games are dangerous, I'll be alone, but good, they'll catch your beautiful woman too, and this is a pact, one by one we'll get left out, I'll be the first

Her words sounded like a cold dagger, an warning, and only they went away.

It had been a beautiful evening, with an erotic ending, with a game of chance, because everything had been a game, or not?


2 comentários - Encuentros peligrosos - parte 1 - Luna de miel