No dejes de pasar por mi mejor post
No te vas a arrepentir!
Mi mejor amiga tenía una frase de cabecera que nunca olvidaré: ‘los hombres cuentan historias que nunca vivieron, las mujeres viven historias que nunca contarán’ y que cierto que es, pero como duele el silencio…
No estaba en mi mejor momento, a pesar de pasarme la vida en el gimnasio, vivir a dietas y tener una perversa obsesión por mi cuerpo, la realidad marcaba que cincuenta y seis años era una edad considerable para cualquier mujer.
A pesar de tratar de verme joven, a pesar de mi elegancia, a pesar de mis pechos prominentes, a pesar de que mi cintura era envidiable, a pesar de mis anchas caderas, a pesar de mi cola saltona, a pesar de mis piernas esculpidas, a pesar de todo, no podía competir con las jóvenes…
Estaba muy susceptible, con las defensas bajas, dolida, abatida, tratando de recomponer mi vida junto a mi esposo, no fue fácil para mi asumir su infidelidad, haberme enterado que me engañaba con su secretaria, treinta años más joven que yo, fue devastador.
La puñalada por la espalda duele demasiado y aunque el hacía denodados esfuerzos para recuperarme, no podía evitar revivir lo pasado, aunque amaba demasiado a ese hombre, no quería perderlo, pero tampoco podía perdonarlo.
Hacía ya dos meses que él vivía en otro barrio, en una separación provisoria, porque ambos sabíamos que tarde o temprano volveríamos a estar juntos.
En casa solo quedábamos las mujeres, mis hijas de veinte y diecisiete años respectivamente.
El curso de la historia comenzaría a cambiar esa tarde mientras merendábamos, María Cecilia y María Trinidad, estaban visiblemente excitadas, eran como dos cables de electricidad chisporroteando por todos lados, risas, complicidad, con toda la adrenalina a flor de piel, por suerte tuvimos siempre mucha intimidad femenina, por lo que pregunté:
Chicas, chicas, que pasa que hay tanta alegría?
Ambas me ignoraron puesto que estaban concentradas con sus celulares, por lo que reclamé como interrogando:
Qué pasa? nadie escucha a mamá?
María Trinidad, la menor me miró a los ojos y dijo:
Mamá! mamá! siempre la misma descolgada! No viste nuestro nuevo vecino? (suspiro) es un bombón!!!!
La verdad es que no sabía nada, solo seguí divirtiéndome al observar como las chicas se peleaban por ese supuesto galán, de la misma forma que peleaban de pequeñas por un caramelo.
Dos días después tendría mi primer cruce casual con él, yo salía con las llaves del coche en la mano y él al mismo tiempo con su bicicleta, me tendió la mano y dijo:
Buen día señora…. soy Kevin, su nuevo vecino.
Buen día, soy Robles, Sara Robles, pero puedes llamarme Sara…
Que tal Sara? Ahora comprendo de dónde sacan sus hijas tanta belleza…
Hablamos unas palabras más, pero sentí algo increíble, mis ojos lo veían como hombre, sentí una atracción irrefrenable, hacía años que no sentía una vibración de este tipo, y también presentí que él me estaba observando como mujer, la atracción se hizo evidente, un frío helado corrió por mi espinazo, nos quedamos mirándonos sin hablar, hasta que recobrando mi conciencia aparté la mirada y dije
Bien Kevin, nos vemos luego
Si… sí, claro… hasta luego Sara.
Los días pasaron y Kevin y las chicas se hicieron muy amigos, el venía seguido a casa, siempre me trataba de usted, con sumo respeto, pero todos ocultaban las verdaderas intenciones, mientras mis hijas se sacaban los ojos para ver quien se quedaba con el postre, para él, ellas solo eran el puente para acercarse a mí, y yo? yo no hacía nada para evitarlo, todo estaba demasiado claro, sus miradas, sus palabras, sus gestos, todo era una indirecta seducción.
A todo esto, mi esposo seguía merodeando cada tanto y yo seguía intentando perdonar sin éxito, pero desde mi dolor necesitaba cada vez con más fuerza estar con mi hombre…
Si solo fuera que Kevin me buscaba no me hubiera preocupado demasiado, el problema era sorprenderme a mí misma pensando en él, era una locura, podría haber sido mi hijo…
Las cosas fueron empeorando, las chicas ajenas a todo lo traían a menudo a casa, esa tarde estábamos los cuatro charlando en el comedor, y como nuestras miradas eran imposibles de evitar dije:
Voy a la cocina a preparar unos refrescos!
Pero no tardé en escuchar
Sara, yo la ayudo!
Se coló a mis espaldas, y por primera vez me tomó de los hombros apoyando su cuerpo contra el mío
Basta Sara, estoy loco por vos! te necesito, no te das cuenta? No podemos evitarlo…
Era la primera vez que me tocaba así, que me hablaba así, la primera vez que me tuteaba, sentí otra vez ese escalofrío, mis pezones se endurecieron, mi concha latió con fuerza, a tal punto que de los nervios la jarra escapó de mis manos, yendo a parar al piso para romperse en mil pedazos
Por favor! no ves lo que pasa? no ves lo que me haces hacer?
Mis hijas estaban al otro lado y la situación me ponía incómoda, ellas se presentaron al escuchar el ruido de los vidrios partiéndose contra el piso, debimos disimular la situación…
El sábado cinco de mayo, mi esposo había pasado temprano en busca de las chicas, estaría sola todo el día, golpearon la puerta, Kevin estaba al otro lado
Hey Sara... are the girls here?
While I was trying to bring him up to speed on the situation, he had already flanked the door and was looking around the place, seemed like he wasn't listening, as if guessing the layout of the house, went upstairs, followed him trying to stop him and asking what he was looking for, finally found my bedroom, stayed observing my double bed and noticed that the mirrored wall designed by my husband was catching his attention
Enough Sara, enough games...
Before my negatives, he gently pushed me against the wall, I felt cornered, kissed my lips, his hands took my waist
Not Kevin, no! Stop... stop... this is wrong...
My entire being tried to fight against desire but couldn't avoid it, my hands were on his neck, responding to his kisses even as I denied and begged him to give up, his hand stuck to my thigh and went up under my skirt, wanted to stop him but couldn't, knew it was wrong but passion was stronger, his other hand suddenly squeezed one of my breasts, over my shirt, over my bra, our kisses got hotter and hotter, his hand kept going up my skin, I was so close to my vagina that I couldn't help opening my legs to facilitate access, responded by pulling off his shirt, undressing his young and muscular torso, it was beautiful, perfect, looked so virile...
Soon my shirt fell to the floor, my bra too, and my bare breasts stuck to his muscular chest, still trying to brake what had no brakes, his hand was already rubbing the elastic of my thong, going under it, rubbing my pubis's beauty, I was wet, flooded with desire...
My gaze went towards the mirrored wall, the image only showed two half-naked lovers giving free rein to their lowest instincts, Kevin took me over the bed that until then had only been shared with a man, with my husband...
I ended up reclined, surrendered, the young one was between my legs, Kissing my navel, with his hands holding my breasts firmly, I desired him, as I desired him...
My figure of a woman adult and faithful wife was still in me, so unconsciously I was mumbling, begging for him to stop, but he had already taken off another piece, exposing my underwear, my naked sex was at the mercy of his mouth...
He took my hands and put them on my breasts, inducing me to caress myself, I squeezed my hard nipples as his rough tongue recited my lips and clitoris, I felt strange, it had been like ten years since my husband didn't practice oral sex with me, I felt wet, like I hadn't felt in a long time, I felt young, I felt alive...
I began to contract involuntarily, to moan, to gasp, I was going to come in his mouth, I was surrendered to his will, at the exact moment he penetrated my ring with two fingers, making me explode, I screamed until tears...
Kevin with a smile on his lips came over me, took my arms and brought them back to both sides of my head, holding me prisoner, then he entered me, his cock felt enormous and delicious in my interior, sliding into my juices, eating me whole until the end, pulling out screams of pleasure from me, I wrapped my legs around him so he wouldn't escape, my orgasms fell one after another like raindrops, my breasts moved to the rhythm of his thrusts, he kissed my mouth, neck and went a little lower to lick my sweet nipples, I felt him coming, I saw it on his face, I felt it in his sex, putting himself even harder in my interior, his warm sperm flooded my cave, like waves invading the beach, it was perfect...
The young man reclined beside me, caressing my hair without stopping to look at me directly in the eyes, my right hand caressed his beautiful cock that remained as hard as before, as if nothing had happened, then he said...
Do you know Sara, I'm going to confess something...
Yes? what's it?
I don't know how to tell you... but you know... I wasn't with many young girls, and never They consented to practicing anal sex... and I thought maybe... a woman like you...
I smiled and covered her mouth so she wouldn't talk anymore, got on top of him, arched my back with one leg on each side, spat in my hand a couple of times and ran it over my anus, took his precious cock between my fingers and placed it on the other side, let myself fall slowly, bit my lips at the sweet pain, adapted to the thickness of his cock, minutes later I was being penetrated, it was beautiful.
This time I had the power and took Kevin's arms, leading them to both sides of his head, just like he had done with me before.
I saw his beautiful chest inflate with air, pleasure etched on his face, and that filled me with pleasure too.
I turned my head and looked at the postcard being given to me by the mirror, only moving my large buttocks arching my waist up and down, enormous and majestic, my lover's precious cock erect, his long bare trunk like a torture leaving only his glans penetrating my anus, slowly and sweetly, I returned to his face, guessing his intention of burying it all in me, but it was I who had the power...
I felt him coming again as I moved, holding my bound muscle against his swollen head, rubbing my clitoris rhythmically against his pubis, his face indicating the end, new orgasms overwhelming my body, we reached climax at the same time, his hands closed with force and impotence, his breathing cut off, I provoked it...
Oh baby, if... call the bum of cum... give it to you, do you like my baby?
Now his semen was flooding my backside, only in that moment did I come down hard, making his entire member disappear into me until the end...
We were satisfied, sin had been committed, I relaxed, searched for the clock on the lamp table to see the time, but found myself accidentally in the background with a small photo frame holding the picture of my husband and the girls, stretched out my hand to lower it as if trying not to... They would come at the time when tears of shame and remorse began to fill my face like a spring storm... And now I must keep writing this story, a story with blank pages that I don't know what words it will contain... What will I tell Kevin, a young man who could well be my son, whom I didn't love but seduced in moments of weakness? What will I say to María Cecilia and María Trinidad, if they knew the object of their fights was the same as my downfall? What would I say to my husband, if the situation that had accused him and led us to separate now turned against me, as my friend says... I am a woman who has lived a story that I will never tell... If you have comments or suggestions about this, you can write to me with the title 'TRAPS OF LIFE' at
No te vas a arrepentir!
Mi mejor amiga tenía una frase de cabecera que nunca olvidaré: ‘los hombres cuentan historias que nunca vivieron, las mujeres viven historias que nunca contarán’ y que cierto que es, pero como duele el silencio…
No estaba en mi mejor momento, a pesar de pasarme la vida en el gimnasio, vivir a dietas y tener una perversa obsesión por mi cuerpo, la realidad marcaba que cincuenta y seis años era una edad considerable para cualquier mujer.
A pesar de tratar de verme joven, a pesar de mi elegancia, a pesar de mis pechos prominentes, a pesar de que mi cintura era envidiable, a pesar de mis anchas caderas, a pesar de mi cola saltona, a pesar de mis piernas esculpidas, a pesar de todo, no podía competir con las jóvenes…
Estaba muy susceptible, con las defensas bajas, dolida, abatida, tratando de recomponer mi vida junto a mi esposo, no fue fácil para mi asumir su infidelidad, haberme enterado que me engañaba con su secretaria, treinta años más joven que yo, fue devastador.
La puñalada por la espalda duele demasiado y aunque el hacía denodados esfuerzos para recuperarme, no podía evitar revivir lo pasado, aunque amaba demasiado a ese hombre, no quería perderlo, pero tampoco podía perdonarlo.
Hacía ya dos meses que él vivía en otro barrio, en una separación provisoria, porque ambos sabíamos que tarde o temprano volveríamos a estar juntos.
En casa solo quedábamos las mujeres, mis hijas de veinte y diecisiete años respectivamente.
El curso de la historia comenzaría a cambiar esa tarde mientras merendábamos, María Cecilia y María Trinidad, estaban visiblemente excitadas, eran como dos cables de electricidad chisporroteando por todos lados, risas, complicidad, con toda la adrenalina a flor de piel, por suerte tuvimos siempre mucha intimidad femenina, por lo que pregunté:
Chicas, chicas, que pasa que hay tanta alegría?
Ambas me ignoraron puesto que estaban concentradas con sus celulares, por lo que reclamé como interrogando:
Qué pasa? nadie escucha a mamá?
María Trinidad, la menor me miró a los ojos y dijo:
Mamá! mamá! siempre la misma descolgada! No viste nuestro nuevo vecino? (suspiro) es un bombón!!!!
La verdad es que no sabía nada, solo seguí divirtiéndome al observar como las chicas se peleaban por ese supuesto galán, de la misma forma que peleaban de pequeñas por un caramelo.
Dos días después tendría mi primer cruce casual con él, yo salía con las llaves del coche en la mano y él al mismo tiempo con su bicicleta, me tendió la mano y dijo:
Buen día señora…. soy Kevin, su nuevo vecino.
Buen día, soy Robles, Sara Robles, pero puedes llamarme Sara…
Que tal Sara? Ahora comprendo de dónde sacan sus hijas tanta belleza…
Hablamos unas palabras más, pero sentí algo increíble, mis ojos lo veían como hombre, sentí una atracción irrefrenable, hacía años que no sentía una vibración de este tipo, y también presentí que él me estaba observando como mujer, la atracción se hizo evidente, un frío helado corrió por mi espinazo, nos quedamos mirándonos sin hablar, hasta que recobrando mi conciencia aparté la mirada y dije
Bien Kevin, nos vemos luego
Si… sí, claro… hasta luego Sara.
Los días pasaron y Kevin y las chicas se hicieron muy amigos, el venía seguido a casa, siempre me trataba de usted, con sumo respeto, pero todos ocultaban las verdaderas intenciones, mientras mis hijas se sacaban los ojos para ver quien se quedaba con el postre, para él, ellas solo eran el puente para acercarse a mí, y yo? yo no hacía nada para evitarlo, todo estaba demasiado claro, sus miradas, sus palabras, sus gestos, todo era una indirecta seducción.
A todo esto, mi esposo seguía merodeando cada tanto y yo seguía intentando perdonar sin éxito, pero desde mi dolor necesitaba cada vez con más fuerza estar con mi hombre…
Si solo fuera que Kevin me buscaba no me hubiera preocupado demasiado, el problema era sorprenderme a mí misma pensando en él, era una locura, podría haber sido mi hijo…
Las cosas fueron empeorando, las chicas ajenas a todo lo traían a menudo a casa, esa tarde estábamos los cuatro charlando en el comedor, y como nuestras miradas eran imposibles de evitar dije:
Voy a la cocina a preparar unos refrescos!
Pero no tardé en escuchar
Sara, yo la ayudo!
Se coló a mis espaldas, y por primera vez me tomó de los hombros apoyando su cuerpo contra el mío
Basta Sara, estoy loco por vos! te necesito, no te das cuenta? No podemos evitarlo…
Era la primera vez que me tocaba así, que me hablaba así, la primera vez que me tuteaba, sentí otra vez ese escalofrío, mis pezones se endurecieron, mi concha latió con fuerza, a tal punto que de los nervios la jarra escapó de mis manos, yendo a parar al piso para romperse en mil pedazos
Por favor! no ves lo que pasa? no ves lo que me haces hacer?
Mis hijas estaban al otro lado y la situación me ponía incómoda, ellas se presentaron al escuchar el ruido de los vidrios partiéndose contra el piso, debimos disimular la situación…
El sábado cinco de mayo, mi esposo había pasado temprano en busca de las chicas, estaría sola todo el día, golpearon la puerta, Kevin estaba al otro lado
Hey Sara... are the girls here?
While I was trying to bring him up to speed on the situation, he had already flanked the door and was looking around the place, seemed like he wasn't listening, as if guessing the layout of the house, went upstairs, followed him trying to stop him and asking what he was looking for, finally found my bedroom, stayed observing my double bed and noticed that the mirrored wall designed by my husband was catching his attention
Enough Sara, enough games...
Before my negatives, he gently pushed me against the wall, I felt cornered, kissed my lips, his hands took my waist
Not Kevin, no! Stop... stop... this is wrong...
My entire being tried to fight against desire but couldn't avoid it, my hands were on his neck, responding to his kisses even as I denied and begged him to give up, his hand stuck to my thigh and went up under my skirt, wanted to stop him but couldn't, knew it was wrong but passion was stronger, his other hand suddenly squeezed one of my breasts, over my shirt, over my bra, our kisses got hotter and hotter, his hand kept going up my skin, I was so close to my vagina that I couldn't help opening my legs to facilitate access, responded by pulling off his shirt, undressing his young and muscular torso, it was beautiful, perfect, looked so virile...
Soon my shirt fell to the floor, my bra too, and my bare breasts stuck to his muscular chest, still trying to brake what had no brakes, his hand was already rubbing the elastic of my thong, going under it, rubbing my pubis's beauty, I was wet, flooded with desire...
My gaze went towards the mirrored wall, the image only showed two half-naked lovers giving free rein to their lowest instincts, Kevin took me over the bed that until then had only been shared with a man, with my husband...
I ended up reclined, surrendered, the young one was between my legs, Kissing my navel, with his hands holding my breasts firmly, I desired him, as I desired him...
My figure of a woman adult and faithful wife was still in me, so unconsciously I was mumbling, begging for him to stop, but he had already taken off another piece, exposing my underwear, my naked sex was at the mercy of his mouth...
He took my hands and put them on my breasts, inducing me to caress myself, I squeezed my hard nipples as his rough tongue recited my lips and clitoris, I felt strange, it had been like ten years since my husband didn't practice oral sex with me, I felt wet, like I hadn't felt in a long time, I felt young, I felt alive...
I began to contract involuntarily, to moan, to gasp, I was going to come in his mouth, I was surrendered to his will, at the exact moment he penetrated my ring with two fingers, making me explode, I screamed until tears...
Kevin with a smile on his lips came over me, took my arms and brought them back to both sides of my head, holding me prisoner, then he entered me, his cock felt enormous and delicious in my interior, sliding into my juices, eating me whole until the end, pulling out screams of pleasure from me, I wrapped my legs around him so he wouldn't escape, my orgasms fell one after another like raindrops, my breasts moved to the rhythm of his thrusts, he kissed my mouth, neck and went a little lower to lick my sweet nipples, I felt him coming, I saw it on his face, I felt it in his sex, putting himself even harder in my interior, his warm sperm flooded my cave, like waves invading the beach, it was perfect...
The young man reclined beside me, caressing my hair without stopping to look at me directly in the eyes, my right hand caressed his beautiful cock that remained as hard as before, as if nothing had happened, then he said...
Do you know Sara, I'm going to confess something...
Yes? what's it?
I don't know how to tell you... but you know... I wasn't with many young girls, and never They consented to practicing anal sex... and I thought maybe... a woman like you...
I smiled and covered her mouth so she wouldn't talk anymore, got on top of him, arched my back with one leg on each side, spat in my hand a couple of times and ran it over my anus, took his precious cock between my fingers and placed it on the other side, let myself fall slowly, bit my lips at the sweet pain, adapted to the thickness of his cock, minutes later I was being penetrated, it was beautiful.
This time I had the power and took Kevin's arms, leading them to both sides of his head, just like he had done with me before.
I saw his beautiful chest inflate with air, pleasure etched on his face, and that filled me with pleasure too.
I turned my head and looked at the postcard being given to me by the mirror, only moving my large buttocks arching my waist up and down, enormous and majestic, my lover's precious cock erect, his long bare trunk like a torture leaving only his glans penetrating my anus, slowly and sweetly, I returned to his face, guessing his intention of burying it all in me, but it was I who had the power...
I felt him coming again as I moved, holding my bound muscle against his swollen head, rubbing my clitoris rhythmically against his pubis, his face indicating the end, new orgasms overwhelming my body, we reached climax at the same time, his hands closed with force and impotence, his breathing cut off, I provoked it...
Oh baby, if... call the bum of cum... give it to you, do you like my baby?
Now his semen was flooding my backside, only in that moment did I come down hard, making his entire member disappear into me until the end...
We were satisfied, sin had been committed, I relaxed, searched for the clock on the lamp table to see the time, but found myself accidentally in the background with a small photo frame holding the picture of my husband and the girls, stretched out my hand to lower it as if trying not to... They would come at the time when tears of shame and remorse began to fill my face like a spring storm... And now I must keep writing this story, a story with blank pages that I don't know what words it will contain... What will I tell Kevin, a young man who could well be my son, whom I didn't love but seduced in moments of weakness? What will I say to María Cecilia and María Trinidad, if they knew the object of their fights was the same as my downfall? What would I say to my husband, if the situation that had accused him and led us to separate now turned against me, as my friend says... I am a woman who has lived a story that I will never tell... If you have comments or suggestions about this, you can write to me with the title 'TRAPS OF LIFE' at
2 comentários - Trampas de la vida