Wednesday night, the Higgins family sat around the dining table. Beth moved her hands while telling a story about computer class. She paused occasionally to smile at Sam or wink at him. Her blue eyes sparkled. Her smile radiated throughout the room. Sam returned her smile. She had surpassed herself. He hadn't thought their relationship with Beth would be so good.
Joyce narrowed her eyes and looked at one of her sons, then the other. When there was a pause in the story, she said, You two get along well.
Sam has matured a lot lately, Mom. Beth smiled at Joyce, carefree. I like talking to him.
Sam nodded but didn't look at Joyce.
Since they were little, the only time they got along was when they were about to cause trouble. Joyce took a delicious bite of Brussels sprouts.
Now, come on, Joyce. Paul nudged his wife's arm.
Sam looked at his mom. He saw her chewing and swallowing. If only his father knew what she had been doing with that beautiful mouth earlier in the day. How could she go from swallowing a large amount of semen from her son to sitting as always did? She was there next to Paul, comfortable in her chair, presiding over family dinner. Sam wondered how it would be if he had poured a load inside her. What temperature would it be having her sit there, queen of the family, dripping slowly into her panties? His face flushed at the idea, he looked down and took another bite of meat pie.
No, you're right, dear. Joyce smiled at Paul. I suppose I'm not used to all this harmony. She turned her warm smile back to Beth. I'm glad you two are getting along. Please finish your story.
Beth looked at Sam and kicked him under the table. The message was clear: don't be so weird or Mom will understand. Sam looked up. and tried to act normally.
When Beth finished her story, Paul raised his hand. Family, I have an announcement. He looked at each of them. Mallory Stevens and her husband will be here for dinner on Saturday.
Is your new boss coming here? Sam had only seen Mallory Stevens once a couple of months ago when she passed through his father's office with Joyce. She was new to the company. The impression Sam had been that of a tall, imposing, and beautiful woman.
She is my partner. Not my boss. Paul smiled kindly at Sam.
I'm sorry. Sam looked at his plate and daydreamed. Mrs. Stevens had lovely red hair, freckles all over, and her skirt that day had hugged her slender hips. She had been nice to Sam, asking him questions about school. The more he thought of her, the more uncomfortable his pants became. He adjusted in his seat.
Beth looked at him, noticed his discomfort and rolled her eyes. His expression was easy to read; What's this time, pervert?... That's why I'll need all of you to help with this dinner. Paul had been talking for a while. It's important that we make a good impression. It's going to go very well, Paul. What should I do? Joyce took a sip of wine. How about a steak? Paul said. I can do that. Joyce nodded and took another swig of her wine glass. Her shoulders were tense knots. A dinner with the boss was not a fun proposal. Great. Paul put his hand on her arm. It will be fun. He looked at Joyce's sleeve under his fingers. Hey, I thought you'd wear that shirt with the embroidered flowers tonight. The one with the roses? Joyce's smile was all lips and no eyes. Yes, for our... special night. Paul cleared his throat. Because Wednesdays are always special in this house. Okay? Beth let her face fall between her hands. Sorry, dear. Joyce looked at Sam and then back at Paul. I ... um ... have a stain today. Oh well. Paul rubbed Joyce's arm. No problem. This shirt looks great on you anyway. He wiggled his eye at Sam. Nice, dad, said Sam. Should we invite some friends to dinner with Mallory? Joyce poured herself another glass of wine. You know, to relieve a bit of social pressure. Good idea. Invite the Singhs. I haven't seen Raj in a while. Paul went back to eating his vegetables, happily chewing. Okay. Joyce's face changed suddenly. Those weren't the friends she had in mind. They would add all kinds of perverse complications to an already stressful evening. But Joyce didn't know how to cancel the idea. She took another sip of wine. Great. Paul stopped chewing and looked at Joyce. And really I didn't want to say anything, but I've noticed that things around the house are a bit more disorganized than usual. Is it a busy week? Joyce coughed and turned away from Paul. Um, yes, dear. Busy. No problem. Paul smiled happily. I'll be home early on Friday and help you clean up. We'll have this place spotless for Saturday night. I'll help too, dad, said Sam. Meh. Beth shrugged her shoulders. Great! Paul applauded and rubbed his hands together. Let's get to the bottom of Mallory's dinner issue. Your boss won't know what hit her. Sam smiled. Companion, said Paul. She is my companion. Well, dad, said Sam.
Thursday after school, Sam found Mrs. Singh and Joyce sitting at the kitchen table. He expected to find them sprawled out across the room with clothes scattered everywhere, but it wasn't that way. Hi, mom. Hi, Mrs. Singh. Sam dropped his backpack on the floor. Hi, Sammy. Joyce smiled at him. She was wearing a loose blue dress that almost matched Alisha's dress.
Alisha greeted Sam with her hand. Her wedding ring sparkled as she moved through the warm afternoon sunlight. The view of the ring and her beautiful smile made Sam's cock move in his pants. Twenty minutes later, Alisha bounced off Sam's enormous pole. They were in Sam's room, on his bed, with Joyce watching from behind them in Sam's chair. As it had been all week, there was no condom in Sam's cock. Oh, Sam. You're so deep. Alisha leaned back, her fingers resting behind her on the thin thighs of Sam. Beneath her black triangle of hair, Sam's cock stretched and pulled at the dark lips of his pussy and the pink just inside. You're going to... you're going to... ooohhh... make me do it again. Alisha stopped bouncing and pressed her Hips against his. 'Keep going.' Sam lifted her hips and pulled them down, forcing her to take his length. 'Oh, God ... Oh, God ... Oh, God'. Alisha's breasts bounced and swayed in sync. She grabbed them and pressed them against her chest.
I'm going to ... come, said Sam. Joyce made her bob up and down on his cock like a rag doll. Not in her vagina, Sammy. Joyce leaned forward and saw how her friend's backside was shaking and moving. I'm going to ... Sam closed his eyes with force. Not inside her. Joyce got up. She approached the bed, got down on her knees, and put her hands under Alisha's arms. She pulled, but Alisha kept bouncing on his thing. Siiii. Alisha moved and squeezed her breasts harder. Do it ... Aaaaaahhhhhh. Sam pumped his semen into her pussy. No. Joyce circled around Alisha to get a better grip and accidentally grabbed her breasts. Alisha turned her head, opened her mouth, and kissed Joyce on the lips. Without thinking, Joyce closed her eyes and returned the kiss. She was feeling good and kissing her best friend while her son emptied his balls inside her. This wasn't how she wanted to become a grandma. But Joyce didn't stop. Mmmmmmppphhhhh. Alisha's small body never stopped riding Sam, but now it was rotating its hips and bumping against him. She slid her hands under Joyce's and then placed them on top, holding Joyce in place, forcing Joyce's fingers into Alisha's soft flesh. Sam opened his eyes. Woof. He looked at his hands, his wedding rings clenched. Alisha didn't give him a break after the come, but he wanted this to continue forever. This was, of course, the second time that day Joyce kissed her neighbor. Her sessions before Sam arrived home were becoming a habit. But this was a new low. Joyce didn't know how she could sink lower. Joyce threw her head back and her lips parted. Sorry, Sammy. Her hands still massaged her friend's breasts. Tried to stop it. It's ... it's okay ... mom. Sam held the... Alisha's hips and slowed down her movements. 'This is good... for me. It really helps'. 'You could get her pregnant.' Joyce couldn't help it. She took a quick kiss from Alisha's neck. Alisha sighed and tilted her head to one side, offering more neck to Joyce. Now she was riding Sam slowly and firmly. 'Don't worry about that, mom.' Sam was very aware of the rock underneath his mattress. He pulsed heat inside him. This might be the strongest he had ever felt. 'This is what I need right now. Do you want me to get A, huh?' 'Yes, but...' Joyce leaned in and kissed her friend's neck again. She licked from top to bottom, savoring the salt of her sweat and smelling the faint floral notes of her perfume mixed with Sam's semen rising up her vagina. Her hands grasped Alisha's breasts. 'Oh, Joyce. Siii!' Alisha shuddered. 'It's okay, mom.' Sam smiled. 'I suppose, if you need it.' Joyce looked at her handsome and tall boy. He seemed so happy. 'If Alisha agrees to that. She's a grown woman, she can decide'. 'Great.' Sam pulled on Alisha's hips and dismounted. 'Now, could you put it in my ass, please?' 'Oh, Sammy, no.' But Joyce's right hand left the breast she had been squeezing and moved between her friend's legs. Alisha moaned, her pussy floating over Sam's cock. 'Joyce, you're touching your son's cock.' 'It's okay, Alisha.' Joyce smoothly circled her fingers around his circumference. It was so thick. 'But... but, he's your son', said Alisha. 'It's okay.' Joyce pointed her head upwards and caressed the back of Alisha's thighs. The penis stopped and felt Alisha's hole giving way as it slid down. Joyce moved her hand. 'I can't --' Alisha kissed her again and lowered her right hand to Alisha's vagina. Joyce's fingers flattened Inside and around the enormous hole, Alisha's juices and her son's semen spilled out. 'Never -' Joyce was interrupted again by the soft lips of her friend. They broke off their kiss. 'Oh, God my... Joyce...' Alisha started bouncing seriously, sending that monster up her ass over and over again. 'You're going to ... you're going to...' She came on Joyce's hand. 'Oh, darling.' Joyce squeezed her tits with her left hand and rubbed her clitoris with her right. She licked up and down Alisha's elegant dark neck and then under one of her breasts. 'It's opened up a lot down there'. Her beautiful blue dress was stuck to Alisha's back, ass, and side. More stains, thought Joyce. Sweat and other... things.
He.... Lakshmi convulsed and returned. A little later, Sam entered her backside. That was the third time that day. The first, in her mouth while struggling to swallow. The second, in her pussy. And the third, in her backside. The trifecta. He owned all her holes. It was a good day.
Joyce helped her shower. Alisha wasn't walking as cautiously as she had last time she'd given anal. Everything was fine. But Sam needed something more. She needed more of her mom. She needed more of her sister. Sam saw his penis deflate slowly while lying on his back, with his head on the pillow. He needed another girlfriend. The rock throbbed beneath him. He needed to spread his seed.
Sam couldn't do any of his normal tricks after school on Friday because Paul was there to receive him when he got home. His father put Sam to work cleaning the house. Joyce cleaned the stairs. Paul cleaned the main level. And Sam's job was cleaning the windows. He wasn't sure why his father's boss would care about the windows.
Of course, Beth wasn't in sight.
About an hour of window-cleaning, Sam was annoyed and tired. He entered his parents' room to fix the windows. He could hear his mom in the main bathroom, humming while she worked. Sam had never done anything with her in her own room. Not even really thought about it.
Hi Mom. Sam left the bottle and headed towards the bathroom.
Hi, sweetie. How are the windows? Joyce was on all fours, scrubbing the floor with a sponge.
Well. Sam saw his backside shaking slightly in his jeans as he worked. But I think I need a break. Would it matter to his father's boss if the floor of their main bathroom was spotless? Probably not.
... Joyce looked up when she heard the bathroom door close. 'No, darling. We can't. Your father might come in here at any moment and we have to get ready for tomorrow's big dinner.' 'Come on, Mom.' Sam took off his pants and underwear. 'I need a break.' 'Oh my.' Joyce removed her rubber gloves. 'Well, maybe just for a minute.' About 15 minutes later, Joyce was lovingly sucking Sam's balls while caressing him with her right hand. Her son's penis was so big that when she let it go, it covered her face and the tip exceeded her forehead.
Wow, mom. That's really great. Sam tried to keep his voice low in case Joyce was right and Paul came up the stairs looking for them.
Uuuuuuaaagggghhhhhh, Joyce said around her nut sack.
Use your... left hand. Sam wanted to see her wedding ring.
Mmmmmmpppphhhhh. Joyce changed hands and stroked the length of her thing with her left hand. She also moved her mouth from her right testicle to her left. They were so full and warm. She rolled her tongue.
I've been thinking. Sam had his right hand entwined in Joyce's curly hair. I... ah... need another girlfriend.
Hmm? Joyce pulled the ball out of her mouth. Ashley?
Put it back, mom.
With obedience, Joyce put the testicle back in her mouth.
Maybe. Sam was getting closer. I was... thinking that I would come to... ahhhhh... your help... again. Maybe an older woman.
Joyce didn't want to say no but didn't want to stop sucking either. Nnnnnnhhh.
Well... think about it. Sam pulled her hair tighter. I'm going to...
Joyce let go of the testicle and moved her mouth towards the purple head of her penis. She moved her right hand up and acarició with both hands while inclining her head. When did she become so good at this? How had her life been before she learned to soothe Sam's burning loads? Joyce barely remembered it.
Oh, mom. Oh, mom. Sam emptied his balls. He leaned back and put both hands on the edge of the double sink behind him.
Joyce swallowed and swallowed. A cascade of hot semen flowed down her throat. Just when she swallowed the last jet, they were interrupted.
Joyce? Sam? Paul walked down the hallway. Where are you?
With wide-open eyes, Joyce pulled her face away from Sam's penis and wiped her mouth. A trail of semen and saliva hung from her chin. She looked down to see a stain. That was spreading across his shirt. 'Um, I'm here, sweetheart.' Really going to talk to her husband with the taste of Sam's semen still in her mouth? She brought a finger to her lips and looked at Sam.
Sam nodded. He wasn't going to say anything. His erect penis bounced with his rapid heartbeat, hanging in the air between him and his mother.
'Is everything okay?' Paul was now in his bedroom, standing on the other side of the door. 'I thought I heard something.'
Still on her knees, Joyce looked around the room. The smell was intense. She could take off her shirt and hide Sam in the shower, but she couldn't get rid of the incriminating smell. She'd have to get Paul to leave. There's no way she can open the door without him noticing.
'I'm fine. It's just that time of the month.' Joyce couldn't believe Sam was still going through all this. Her cock stood straight up, demanding attention. She ignored it.
'Oh, okay.' Paul returned to the hallway. 'Have you seen Sam? He left his bottle here, but the windows don't seem ready yet.'
'I... uh...' Joyce looked at Sam with a mocking look on her face.
Sam raised his eyebrows and shrugged.
'He... um... went out with some friends for a while,' he said. 'Told me he'd be back when he returned.' Joyce's breasts rose and fell as she struggled not to hyperventilate.
'More than that.' Paul's voice faded away as he called from the hallway. 'Just make sure it ends. We'll have a great night tomorrow.'
'Okay, sweetheart.' The shoulders of Joyce sank.
'Wow, Mom, it was close,' whispered Sam.
'We need to be more careful, Sammy.' Joyce crouched down, lifted his underwear and put his penis inside. Then she lifted his pants, buttoned them up, and zipped them up.
'Sí, I promise.' Sam said.
'It's okay, now calm down for a while.' Joyce gave him some slaps on the crotch of his pants. 'You're not supposed to be home.' Okey. Your father will kill you if he catches us. Joyce got up, walked to the door, and opened it. She looked carefully around the room and then signaled to Sam to leave. Let's go.
Okay. Sam left the bathroom. I'm sorry, mom.
Just go. Joyce gave him a slap on the butt to move.
Sam ran to his room and hid for a while.
The big dinner arrived and Higgins' dining table was full. Joyce sat to the left of Sam at the head of the table. Paul sat at the other end. Lakshmi sat to Sam's right. In front of Sam, eating delicately her steak, was Mallory, seated next to her husband Bob. Next to him was Beth.
The group had a lively conversation. Paul told many jokes, sharing loud laughs with Raj and Bob. Joyce and Mallory talked more quietly in their corner, covering topics like gardening and suburban life. Apparently, Mallory and Bob had just moved from the city and were planning to start a family as soon as his career allowed it. Sam didn't know when a career would allow you to have a baby. He assumed it would take time.
Sam focused on Joyce and Mallory, ignoring the older men. Occasionally he made a question, but mostly stayed quiet. Mallory was all beauty; long and slender body, with smoothly inclined curves and an oval face perfectly. She tried not to look. She had noticed she was beautiful when she met her at the office, but not like this. Was it the stone doing its work? Was she more beautiful or seemed more beautiful? Sam couldn't say.
And how's school going, Sam? Mallory had paid attention to him. She took a sip of her white wine and smiled kindly.
Oh. Sam looked at his plate. Well ... His tongue got tangled.
Joyce kicked him under the table with her knee. and cleared her throat. Sam looked at her. Joyce smiled, but there was a hard look behind the gloss. This is important, their eyes said.
'Good, Mrs. Stevens.' Sam grabbed his glass and took a shaky sip of water. 'It's going well. I mean, my mom has been helping me a lot'.
'I'll try', Joyce said, still smiling.
'That's wonderful.' Mallory turned to Joyce. 'Do you have experience in education?'
'Sadly not.' Even when she was falsely smiling, Joyce shone like a rare jewel. She wore a light gray dress that showed off her cleavage. A pearl necklace adorned her neck and a pair of discreet and tasteful diamond earrings hung from her ears as she looked at Sam and Mallory. 'I only trust my instincts and maternal determination'. Joyce had modestly made up for the occasion.
Mallory laughed, a soft tinkling sound. 'Well, that's admirable.' He wore a red dress nothing adventurous. His only jewel was a pair of blue diamond earrings and his wedding ring. 'I always liked school. The time lost in books. Solving puzzles. Science was my favorite'. His eyes moved back to Sam. 'How are you doing in science?'
Sam hesitated to respond. Was this an opportunity? He did well in science, but this might require a different response. 'Man.' He sighed. 'I struggle. I really do'.
'I don't...' Joyce raised an eyebrow. 'Oh, it doesn't matter'.
'Maybe if I had some doubts...' Sam smiled at Mallory, hopeful. 'Could you help me?'
'No, I didn't mean...' Mallory's face reddened as he searched for an excuse. 'I'd love to help you, Sam, but I'm very busy. I'm sure your mother can help you. Or your father. Paul has a special talent for learning new concepts'.
Sam looked at his father. He was lost in a conversation on the other side of the table. Sam looked back at Mallory. 'My parents do...' everything possible. Sam gave her his best puppy eyes. He was very aware that Mrs. Singh was on his side, listening to their conversation. But maybe if I need help with something specific?
She said she was busy, Sammy, Joyce said.
Alisha put her left hand on the right sleeve of Sam. Now Joyce, you know that Sam needs additional help. And Mallory has offered so kindly. Where else will we find a living scientist of true value? She smiled at them. A Harvard master's degree, right?
Uh, two, Mallory said.
Even better, two Harvard master's degrees. Alisha's smile was wide and friendly.
I... I... Mallory stuttered. She felt strange. A warmth spread from the chair seat, down her legs, and up her spine. Too much wine? I... yes, I'd be happy to help you if you need a little scientific tutoring. Just if you get stuck, of course. Come by my office anytime.
That's incredible, thank you Mrs. Stevens.
Excuse me. Joyce got up. I have to review the dessert in the kitchen. She dropped the napkin on the seat and left. Sam wasn't used to seeing her in high heels. Those shoes made her butt move even more habitually.
But maybe you could come sometime? Sam's smile extended. Alisha squeezed his arm harder. Don't pressure him.
I... Mallory felt a little confused.
A loud laugh erupted from the other end of the table as the men and Beth enjoyed another one of Paul's jokes.
I suppose so. Mallory bit her lower lip. If I have time.
Genial. Sam took his hand off Alisha's arm and stood up. Probably I should help my mom. He followed Joyce around the corner and into the kitchen. Behind him, Alisha and Mallory started talking about the local school district.
What are you doing, sir? Joyce leaned against the counter edge with her hands crossed over her chest. Whatever you're doing, it has to stop. This is a great night for your dad.
I just got some extra tutoring. Sam walked up and leaned his hip against the counter next to her. I thought you'd be happy. You like good grades.
But you're doing well in science. Her clear eyes looked at him closely.
Sam winked at her.
No no no, Joyce shook her head. No, no, no, no, no.
It's too late, mom. Sam shrugged. I put the rock under his chair while he was setting the table. It already started. I told you I needed another girlfriend.
This is madness, Joyce whispered. This is your dad's work we're talking about. And she's happily married to Bob.
Mrs. Singh is happily married, Sam whispered back.
That's different, and you know it. Joyce pressed her arms tighter across her chest.
It will help Dad at work, said Sam. She'll be like family Higgins. I just need you to ask him to hold the rock tonight. Will you?
Sammy. Joyce shook her head again.
Come on, mom. I need your help.
Joyce's face softened. I don't know, Sammy.
Thanks, mom. Sam smiled.
After dinner, Sam and Beth excused themselves. Bex quickly headed to Sarah's house. Sam said goodbye and left for a date with Ashley.
The remaining men went downstairs to the pool table. The women retired to the living room with their wine glasses. Joyce followed Alisha and Mallory as they chatted happily. about how much their husbands loved golf and how little they could tolerate it. Joyce stopped in the dining room and quickly bent down next to Mallory's chair. Indeed, the stone was stuck to the bottom with adhesive tape. Joyce pulled it off, removed the tape, and held it in her left hand. She entered the living room and sat down on the two-seater sofa opposite Alisha and Mallory on the sofa. The familiar warmth spread through her fingers and arm.
Joyce paused in the conversation. Do you like geology, Mallory?
That's more Bob's thing than mine. Mallory sat up straight, holding his glass. Why?
Well, Sammy found this unusual stone the other day. Joyce extended her hand and handed the stone to Mallory.
Alisha looked at the rock with attention, but remained silent. Suddenly, her pussy was very, very wet. She thought about poor Raj, happily spending time in the house where Sam profaned his wife most days of the week. Her lips turned into a scowl.
That's unusual, isn't it? Mallory looked at the stone without taking it seriously. The black rock had the most curious red dentation. It almost seemed to pulse and shine if you looked closely.
Here, take a closer look. Alisha extended her hand, took the stone from Joyce, and placed it next to Mallory's glass on his lap. If this is what Sam wanted, Alisha also wanted it.
Oh. Mallory bent down with his left hand and picked it up. A warmth spread through his fingers. It's beautiful. What kind of rock is it?
Joyce leaned back in her seat and wrapped her hands around the foot of her own wine glass. We don't know.
It's very, very beautiful. The warmth spread from Mallory's hand down his arm.
Joyce shook her head. Does this woman really succumb to Sam? It was hard to believe. Alisha was one thing. But Mallory had education, a career, planes for a new family and a young and handsome husband. She sat in silence.
Can I... Mallory's pupils dilated, the red glow reflected in her eyes. Can I keep it?
The laughter resonated on the stairs to the basement while the men celebrated someone's conquest at the pool table.
I'm sorry, dear, Joyce said. It's from Sam. But you can hold onto it again when you come to be his tutor.
This is a very busy week. Mallory looked at Joyce and her eyes landed on Joyce's cleavage. Her gaze lingered there with some jealousy. She shook her head to clear it. Paul was lucky to have such a beautiful and devoted wife. I didn't... I don't think I have time, Mallory said.
That's okay. Joyce nodded. She followed Mallory's gaze to her breasts and blushed. The boss of her husband was a beautiful woman, delicate and subtle. Maybe it was good to have the attention of such a woman. Sammy will be fine with my help. But you should come back soon. Just us girls.
Maybe. Mallory looked at Alisha on her right, who was looking at the rock. Mallory turned back to her hand. Those strange veins really shone and pulsed. She wanted to see them again... the Higgins family again, she wanted to get to know them better since she was in charge of Paul's department. Yes.
Great. Joyce smiled, full of warmth and grace. How about lunch tomorrow? Joyce rubbed her legs. I'll make Paul take Bob to play golf and we'll be just us. Alisha, do you want to come?
I'd love to. Alisha extended her hand and placed it on Mallory's thigh. She lazily stroked her dress with her index finger in a serpentine line. But I have a family day planned. She seemed genuinely disappointed.
Um... Mallory moved her backside on the sofa, moving away from Alisha. I have church in the morning. Alisha put her hand back in her lap. 'Genial, it's fixed then.' Joyce took a sip of wine. 'Lunch after church. I'll have lemonade ready.' A ovation rose from the basement. Then, the sound of feet on the stairs.
'Sam will want this back in his room.' Joyce extended her hand and pulled the stone out of Mallory's hand. 'But you can see it again tomorrow.' She put it in her cleavage.
Mallory looked dejected at having to give it up.
The men entered the living room, laughing again.
'Paul, darling.' Joyce looked at her husband. 'You have a golf date with Bob tomorrow morning. Mallory and I will take a small lunch while you two play.'
The warmth now spread across Joyce's breasts. The feeling of euphoria almost took over.
'Great.' Paul high-fived Bob. He had a clever wife. He would work on charming Bob a bit more, and Joyce would charm Mallory. Paul could get a promotion for all this. 'I'm looking forward to it.'
His wife returned the smile. 'More beers?'
'That's why we're here,' said Raj.
'Great, let me get them.' Joyce entered the kitchen.
Each pair of eyes looked at her backside as she disappeared from the living room. Most thought Paul was a very lucky man.
They were right. And at the same time, they were wrong.
Sam arrived late from his date. Judging by the amount of empty wine and beer bottles on the kitchen counter, he had lost track of the party quite a bit.
The first thing was the first thing, Sam needed to make sure the rock was okay. He went up the stairs and moved to his room. A quick look under the bed and the red glow of the rock found its way into his eyes. It was safe. Joyce had returned it.
Next, he needed to see how Mrs. Stevens was doing. Sam went back to the hallway and walked down it until he reached his parents' room. He opened the door and the hinges creaked slightly. It was dark in there. He waited for his eyes to adjust.
Paul snored softly. He was on the other side of the king-sized bed. Joyce slept comfortably on the nearby side, curled up against her hip. Sam approached the bed.
Mom, he whispered. He leaned over and shook her shoulder. Hi Mom.
What's going on? Joyce opened her eyes to see Sam standing next to her. She was a bit drunk and still felt the persistent heat of the rock tingling in her breasts.
Paul kept snoring.
What happened tonight with Mrs. Stevens?
Joyce closed her eyes. I'll tell you in the morning, sweetie. Go back to bed before you wake up your father.
I won't be able to sleep until you tell me. Sam stayed quiet.
Uh, okay. Joyce opened her eyes again and got out from under the sheets. She was wearing an old t-shirt and a pair of blue cotton panties. She stumbled and took Sam's hand in hers. Come on, I'll tell you and then we can go back to sleep. She glanced over her shoulder at her sleeping husband and guided Sam out of his room, down the hallway, and into his own room. She locked the door behind them.
Then? Were you?
Well, I'm not sure exactly. She wasn't anxious like Alisha when she... when she took the stone for the first time.
Joyce let go of Sam's hand and indicated he should sit down.
Sam didn't move.
Then what?
Sam extended his hand and pressed her right breast with it, holding it feeling its solid weight.
Joyce did nothing to stop him.
And... I don't know anything about Mallory, Sam. The more I think about it, the worse it feels. It may not seem like it, but she has a lot to do with your father's company. If things go wrong -
Not going to go wrong.
Sam moved his hand under his shirt and caressed her breast.
You have great tits, mom.
Joyce's mouth opened in shock.
Language, young one.
I'm sorry, mom. I love your breasts.
Thank you, sweetness.
Joyce relaxed and smiled.
Sam put his other hand under his shirt and also massaged her left breast.
So when will she be back?
I asked her to come back tomorrow for lunch.
Without thinking, Joyce knelt down, grabbed her shirt and took it off.
¿With your husband? Sam leaned in and kissed her right nipple. No, your dad is going to take Bob to play golf while we lunch. She shuddered when her son's mouth touched her nipple. Oh, great job, mom. Sam lifted his head. Using her grip on her breasts, Sam maneuvered Joyce towards her bed. Joyce let herself be led by her breasts. I just want you to be happy, Sammy. She sat on the bed and Sam released her tits. She extended her hand and unbuttoned and lowered the zipper of her jeans. How was it with Ashley? It was fine. She rubbed my pants this night, said Sam. But she seemed a little nervous. Joyce took off her jeans and then let her underwear fall. Oh my. She looked at the monster. Was it hard to have a girl's hands on you without relief? It was hard. My my my. Joyce extended her finger and wiped a drop of pre-seminal liquid from his head. You look so angry tonight, sweetie. Let me help you. She lowered her mouth and sucked him. Thanks mom. Five minutes later, Sam pulled his mouth off his penis. I love you, mom. I love you too, sweetie. Joyce wiped the saliva from her chin. She slid back on the bed and took off her panties. Her legs opened almost by themselves. It was so easy for Sam to put her in this position. She was very wet. You need a condom. I don't want to use a condom. Sam got onto the bed between her legs. His cock bounced forward and backward with his movements. It seemed like he was searching for Joyce's pussy in the darkness. It's okay. It's okay, sweetie. If that makes you ... uhhhhh ... Joyce moaned when he penetrated her. She put her hand behind her knees and spread her legs more, giving Sam full access to her vagina. It's ... so ... grandeeee. Joyce looked down between her breasts towards her stomach. She could see the outline of his thing while he pushed against her entrails. It was totally obscene.
Your pussy is the best. Sam hit her. Language... uh ... uh ... uh ... Sammy. Not that high, mom. Joyce tried to silence her screams and growls. I want ... uh ... to do it inside. Sam approached and put his hands on her breasts. They bounced up and down as he entered and exited her. No, Sammy. You ... oooohhhhhh ... can't. Joyce leaned her head against the blanket and let Sam do what he wanted. Ask me, mom. Joyce shook her head and closed her eyes. Do you... uh ... uh ... want it? Sam was close. She didn't dare say it. She nodded and opened her legs a little more. Oh, mom. Oh, mom. Oooohhhhhhhh. Sam unloaded in her pussy. Saaaaammmmyyyyyy, Joyce said with pleasure. The stars twinkled before her eyes as the warm sperm splashed into her entrails. It didn't matter to her. She just wanted more. More of this feeling. More of Sam. Her vagina contracted around his penis again and again as Sam's movements slowed down. Sam lowered his cheek to her right breast and rested it there. Take care of me so well. Oh, Sammy. Joyce released her legs and let her feet drop to the bed. She took Sam's head in her right hand, her fingers caressing his hair. After a while, Sam got out of her with an audible sigh and stood up beside the bed. His penis was still not deflated. Pass me a towel, dear, Joyce said. Sam knelt down and grabbed a clean towel from the pile. He threw it to her. Joyce put the towel between her legs and sighed. I'm going to have to let your father do it in me now. Just in case. She stood up and looked at him. The possibility of becoming pregnant with Alisha's fertile uterus was already bad enough. Joyce shuddered thinking about what it would be like to carry her own grandchild inside her. She bent down and recovered her camisole and panties. She turned back to look at his face. smiling at her son. I can't believe you let me do that. I must be crazy. She put on her shirt. The whole world has gone crazy. She put on her underwear and approached the door. Her pale legs looked so attractive in the moonlight. Goodnight, Sammy.
Goodnight mom. Sam got into bed. Thanks.
Joyce opened the door and looked at him. You're welcome, Sammy. She left and closed the door behind her.
Sam waited for about five minutes, snuck out to the hallway, and went down to his parents' room. He pressed his ear against the door.
Oh, Joyce, Paul said inside the room. What's wrong? You're so wet... eh... I can barely feel you. No... I'm... complaining.
Sam could hear the bed creaking softly. His father was receiving Sam's neglected seconds. Impressive.
Sam went back to bed and fell asleep with a smile on his face.
Joyce narrowed her eyes and looked at one of her sons, then the other. When there was a pause in the story, she said, You two get along well.
Sam has matured a lot lately, Mom. Beth smiled at Joyce, carefree. I like talking to him.
Sam nodded but didn't look at Joyce.
Since they were little, the only time they got along was when they were about to cause trouble. Joyce took a delicious bite of Brussels sprouts.
Now, come on, Joyce. Paul nudged his wife's arm.
Sam looked at his mom. He saw her chewing and swallowing. If only his father knew what she had been doing with that beautiful mouth earlier in the day. How could she go from swallowing a large amount of semen from her son to sitting as always did? She was there next to Paul, comfortable in her chair, presiding over family dinner. Sam wondered how it would be if he had poured a load inside her. What temperature would it be having her sit there, queen of the family, dripping slowly into her panties? His face flushed at the idea, he looked down and took another bite of meat pie.
No, you're right, dear. Joyce smiled at Paul. I suppose I'm not used to all this harmony. She turned her warm smile back to Beth. I'm glad you two are getting along. Please finish your story.
Beth looked at Sam and kicked him under the table. The message was clear: don't be so weird or Mom will understand. Sam looked up. and tried to act normally.
When Beth finished her story, Paul raised his hand. Family, I have an announcement. He looked at each of them. Mallory Stevens and her husband will be here for dinner on Saturday.
Is your new boss coming here? Sam had only seen Mallory Stevens once a couple of months ago when she passed through his father's office with Joyce. She was new to the company. The impression Sam had been that of a tall, imposing, and beautiful woman.
She is my partner. Not my boss. Paul smiled kindly at Sam.
I'm sorry. Sam looked at his plate and daydreamed. Mrs. Stevens had lovely red hair, freckles all over, and her skirt that day had hugged her slender hips. She had been nice to Sam, asking him questions about school. The more he thought of her, the more uncomfortable his pants became. He adjusted in his seat.

Thursday after school, Sam found Mrs. Singh and Joyce sitting at the kitchen table. He expected to find them sprawled out across the room with clothes scattered everywhere, but it wasn't that way. Hi, mom. Hi, Mrs. Singh. Sam dropped his backpack on the floor. Hi, Sammy. Joyce smiled at him. She was wearing a loose blue dress that almost matched Alisha's dress.
Alisha greeted Sam with her hand. Her wedding ring sparkled as she moved through the warm afternoon sunlight. The view of the ring and her beautiful smile made Sam's cock move in his pants. Twenty minutes later, Alisha bounced off Sam's enormous pole. They were in Sam's room, on his bed, with Joyce watching from behind them in Sam's chair. As it had been all week, there was no condom in Sam's cock. Oh, Sam. You're so deep. Alisha leaned back, her fingers resting behind her on the thin thighs of Sam. Beneath her black triangle of hair, Sam's cock stretched and pulled at the dark lips of his pussy and the pink just inside. You're going to... you're going to... ooohhh... make me do it again. Alisha stopped bouncing and pressed her Hips against his. 'Keep going.' Sam lifted her hips and pulled them down, forcing her to take his length. 'Oh, God ... Oh, God ... Oh, God'. Alisha's breasts bounced and swayed in sync. She grabbed them and pressed them against her chest.

Joyce helped her shower. Alisha wasn't walking as cautiously as she had last time she'd given anal. Everything was fine. But Sam needed something more. She needed more of her mom. She needed more of her sister. Sam saw his penis deflate slowly while lying on his back, with his head on the pillow. He needed another girlfriend. The rock throbbed beneath him. He needed to spread his seed.
Sam couldn't do any of his normal tricks after school on Friday because Paul was there to receive him when he got home. His father put Sam to work cleaning the house. Joyce cleaned the stairs. Paul cleaned the main level. And Sam's job was cleaning the windows. He wasn't sure why his father's boss would care about the windows.
Of course, Beth wasn't in sight.
About an hour of window-cleaning, Sam was annoyed and tired. He entered his parents' room to fix the windows. He could hear his mom in the main bathroom, humming while she worked. Sam had never done anything with her in her own room. Not even really thought about it.
Hi Mom. Sam left the bottle and headed towards the bathroom.
Hi, sweetie. How are the windows? Joyce was on all fours, scrubbing the floor with a sponge.
Well. Sam saw his backside shaking slightly in his jeans as he worked. But I think I need a break. Would it matter to his father's boss if the floor of their main bathroom was spotless? Probably not.
... Joyce looked up when she heard the bathroom door close. 'No, darling. We can't. Your father might come in here at any moment and we have to get ready for tomorrow's big dinner.' 'Come on, Mom.' Sam took off his pants and underwear. 'I need a break.' 'Oh my.' Joyce removed her rubber gloves. 'Well, maybe just for a minute.' About 15 minutes later, Joyce was lovingly sucking Sam's balls while caressing him with her right hand. Her son's penis was so big that when she let it go, it covered her face and the tip exceeded her forehead.

Uuuuuuaaagggghhhhhh, Joyce said around her nut sack.
Use your... left hand. Sam wanted to see her wedding ring.
Mmmmmmpppphhhhh. Joyce changed hands and stroked the length of her thing with her left hand. She also moved her mouth from her right testicle to her left. They were so full and warm. She rolled her tongue.
I've been thinking. Sam had his right hand entwined in Joyce's curly hair. I... ah... need another girlfriend.
Hmm? Joyce pulled the ball out of her mouth. Ashley?
Put it back, mom.
With obedience, Joyce put the testicle back in her mouth.
Maybe. Sam was getting closer. I was... thinking that I would come to... ahhhhh... your help... again. Maybe an older woman.
Joyce didn't want to say no but didn't want to stop sucking either. Nnnnnnhhh.
Well... think about it. Sam pulled her hair tighter. I'm going to...
Joyce let go of the testicle and moved her mouth towards the purple head of her penis. She moved her right hand up and acarició with both hands while inclining her head. When did she become so good at this? How had her life been before she learned to soothe Sam's burning loads? Joyce barely remembered it.
Oh, mom. Oh, mom. Sam emptied his balls. He leaned back and put both hands on the edge of the double sink behind him.
Joyce swallowed and swallowed. A cascade of hot semen flowed down her throat. Just when she swallowed the last jet, they were interrupted.
Joyce? Sam? Paul walked down the hallway. Where are you?
With wide-open eyes, Joyce pulled her face away from Sam's penis and wiped her mouth. A trail of semen and saliva hung from her chin. She looked down to see a stain. That was spreading across his shirt. 'Um, I'm here, sweetheart.' Really going to talk to her husband with the taste of Sam's semen still in her mouth? She brought a finger to her lips and looked at Sam.
Sam nodded. He wasn't going to say anything. His erect penis bounced with his rapid heartbeat, hanging in the air between him and his mother.
'Is everything okay?' Paul was now in his bedroom, standing on the other side of the door. 'I thought I heard something.'
Still on her knees, Joyce looked around the room. The smell was intense. She could take off her shirt and hide Sam in the shower, but she couldn't get rid of the incriminating smell. She'd have to get Paul to leave. There's no way she can open the door without him noticing.
'I'm fine. It's just that time of the month.' Joyce couldn't believe Sam was still going through all this. Her cock stood straight up, demanding attention. She ignored it.
'Oh, okay.' Paul returned to the hallway. 'Have you seen Sam? He left his bottle here, but the windows don't seem ready yet.'
'I... uh...' Joyce looked at Sam with a mocking look on her face.
Sam raised his eyebrows and shrugged.
'He... um... went out with some friends for a while,' he said. 'Told me he'd be back when he returned.' Joyce's breasts rose and fell as she struggled not to hyperventilate.
'More than that.' Paul's voice faded away as he called from the hallway. 'Just make sure it ends. We'll have a great night tomorrow.'
'Okay, sweetheart.' The shoulders of Joyce sank.
'Wow, Mom, it was close,' whispered Sam.
'We need to be more careful, Sammy.' Joyce crouched down, lifted his underwear and put his penis inside. Then she lifted his pants, buttoned them up, and zipped them up.
'Sí, I promise.' Sam said.
'It's okay, now calm down for a while.' Joyce gave him some slaps on the crotch of his pants. 'You're not supposed to be home.' Okey. Your father will kill you if he catches us. Joyce got up, walked to the door, and opened it. She looked carefully around the room and then signaled to Sam to leave. Let's go.
Okay. Sam left the bathroom. I'm sorry, mom.
Just go. Joyce gave him a slap on the butt to move.
Sam ran to his room and hid for a while.
The big dinner arrived and Higgins' dining table was full. Joyce sat to the left of Sam at the head of the table. Paul sat at the other end. Lakshmi sat to Sam's right. In front of Sam, eating delicately her steak, was Mallory, seated next to her husband Bob. Next to him was Beth.
The group had a lively conversation. Paul told many jokes, sharing loud laughs with Raj and Bob. Joyce and Mallory talked more quietly in their corner, covering topics like gardening and suburban life. Apparently, Mallory and Bob had just moved from the city and were planning to start a family as soon as his career allowed it. Sam didn't know when a career would allow you to have a baby. He assumed it would take time.
Sam focused on Joyce and Mallory, ignoring the older men. Occasionally he made a question, but mostly stayed quiet. Mallory was all beauty; long and slender body, with smoothly inclined curves and an oval face perfectly. She tried not to look. She had noticed she was beautiful when she met her at the office, but not like this. Was it the stone doing its work? Was she more beautiful or seemed more beautiful? Sam couldn't say.
And how's school going, Sam? Mallory had paid attention to him. She took a sip of her white wine and smiled kindly.
Oh. Sam looked at his plate. Well ... His tongue got tangled.
Joyce kicked him under the table with her knee. and cleared her throat. Sam looked at her. Joyce smiled, but there was a hard look behind the gloss. This is important, their eyes said.
'Good, Mrs. Stevens.' Sam grabbed his glass and took a shaky sip of water. 'It's going well. I mean, my mom has been helping me a lot'.
'I'll try', Joyce said, still smiling.
'That's wonderful.' Mallory turned to Joyce. 'Do you have experience in education?'
'Sadly not.' Even when she was falsely smiling, Joyce shone like a rare jewel. She wore a light gray dress that showed off her cleavage. A pearl necklace adorned her neck and a pair of discreet and tasteful diamond earrings hung from her ears as she looked at Sam and Mallory. 'I only trust my instincts and maternal determination'. Joyce had modestly made up for the occasion.
Mallory laughed, a soft tinkling sound. 'Well, that's admirable.' He wore a red dress nothing adventurous. His only jewel was a pair of blue diamond earrings and his wedding ring. 'I always liked school. The time lost in books. Solving puzzles. Science was my favorite'. His eyes moved back to Sam. 'How are you doing in science?'
Sam hesitated to respond. Was this an opportunity? He did well in science, but this might require a different response. 'Man.' He sighed. 'I struggle. I really do'.
'I don't...' Joyce raised an eyebrow. 'Oh, it doesn't matter'.
'Maybe if I had some doubts...' Sam smiled at Mallory, hopeful. 'Could you help me?'
'No, I didn't mean...' Mallory's face reddened as he searched for an excuse. 'I'd love to help you, Sam, but I'm very busy. I'm sure your mother can help you. Or your father. Paul has a special talent for learning new concepts'.
Sam looked at his father. He was lost in a conversation on the other side of the table. Sam looked back at Mallory. 'My parents do...' everything possible. Sam gave her his best puppy eyes. He was very aware that Mrs. Singh was on his side, listening to their conversation. But maybe if I need help with something specific?
She said she was busy, Sammy, Joyce said.
Alisha put her left hand on the right sleeve of Sam. Now Joyce, you know that Sam needs additional help. And Mallory has offered so kindly. Where else will we find a living scientist of true value? She smiled at them. A Harvard master's degree, right?
Uh, two, Mallory said.
Even better, two Harvard master's degrees. Alisha's smile was wide and friendly.
I... I... Mallory stuttered. She felt strange. A warmth spread from the chair seat, down her legs, and up her spine. Too much wine? I... yes, I'd be happy to help you if you need a little scientific tutoring. Just if you get stuck, of course. Come by my office anytime.
That's incredible, thank you Mrs. Stevens.
Excuse me. Joyce got up. I have to review the dessert in the kitchen. She dropped the napkin on the seat and left. Sam wasn't used to seeing her in high heels. Those shoes made her butt move even more habitually.
But maybe you could come sometime? Sam's smile extended. Alisha squeezed his arm harder. Don't pressure him.
I... Mallory felt a little confused.
A loud laugh erupted from the other end of the table as the men and Beth enjoyed another one of Paul's jokes.
I suppose so. Mallory bit her lower lip. If I have time.

What are you doing, sir? Joyce leaned against the counter edge with her hands crossed over her chest. Whatever you're doing, it has to stop. This is a great night for your dad.
I just got some extra tutoring. Sam walked up and leaned his hip against the counter next to her. I thought you'd be happy. You like good grades.
But you're doing well in science. Her clear eyes looked at him closely.
Sam winked at her.
No no no, Joyce shook her head. No, no, no, no, no.
It's too late, mom. Sam shrugged. I put the rock under his chair while he was setting the table. It already started. I told you I needed another girlfriend.
This is madness, Joyce whispered. This is your dad's work we're talking about. And she's happily married to Bob.
Mrs. Singh is happily married, Sam whispered back.
That's different, and you know it. Joyce pressed her arms tighter across her chest.
It will help Dad at work, said Sam. She'll be like family Higgins. I just need you to ask him to hold the rock tonight. Will you?
Sammy. Joyce shook her head again.
Come on, mom. I need your help.
Joyce's face softened. I don't know, Sammy.
Thanks, mom. Sam smiled.
After dinner, Sam and Beth excused themselves. Bex quickly headed to Sarah's house. Sam said goodbye and left for a date with Ashley.
The remaining men went downstairs to the pool table. The women retired to the living room with their wine glasses. Joyce followed Alisha and Mallory as they chatted happily. about how much their husbands loved golf and how little they could tolerate it. Joyce stopped in the dining room and quickly bent down next to Mallory's chair. Indeed, the stone was stuck to the bottom with adhesive tape. Joyce pulled it off, removed the tape, and held it in her left hand. She entered the living room and sat down on the two-seater sofa opposite Alisha and Mallory on the sofa. The familiar warmth spread through her fingers and arm.
Joyce paused in the conversation. Do you like geology, Mallory?
That's more Bob's thing than mine. Mallory sat up straight, holding his glass. Why?
Well, Sammy found this unusual stone the other day. Joyce extended her hand and handed the stone to Mallory.
Alisha looked at the rock with attention, but remained silent. Suddenly, her pussy was very, very wet. She thought about poor Raj, happily spending time in the house where Sam profaned his wife most days of the week. Her lips turned into a scowl.
That's unusual, isn't it? Mallory looked at the stone without taking it seriously. The black rock had the most curious red dentation. It almost seemed to pulse and shine if you looked closely.
Here, take a closer look. Alisha extended her hand, took the stone from Joyce, and placed it next to Mallory's glass on his lap. If this is what Sam wanted, Alisha also wanted it.
Oh. Mallory bent down with his left hand and picked it up. A warmth spread through his fingers. It's beautiful. What kind of rock is it?
Joyce leaned back in her seat and wrapped her hands around the foot of her own wine glass. We don't know.
It's very, very beautiful. The warmth spread from Mallory's hand down his arm.
Joyce shook her head. Does this woman really succumb to Sam? It was hard to believe. Alisha was one thing. But Mallory had education, a career, planes for a new family and a young and handsome husband. She sat in silence.
Can I... Mallory's pupils dilated, the red glow reflected in her eyes. Can I keep it?
The laughter resonated on the stairs to the basement while the men celebrated someone's conquest at the pool table.
I'm sorry, dear, Joyce said. It's from Sam. But you can hold onto it again when you come to be his tutor.
This is a very busy week. Mallory looked at Joyce and her eyes landed on Joyce's cleavage. Her gaze lingered there with some jealousy. She shook her head to clear it. Paul was lucky to have such a beautiful and devoted wife. I didn't... I don't think I have time, Mallory said.
That's okay. Joyce nodded. She followed Mallory's gaze to her breasts and blushed. The boss of her husband was a beautiful woman, delicate and subtle. Maybe it was good to have the attention of such a woman. Sammy will be fine with my help. But you should come back soon. Just us girls.
Maybe. Mallory looked at Alisha on her right, who was looking at the rock. Mallory turned back to her hand. Those strange veins really shone and pulsed. She wanted to see them again... the Higgins family again, she wanted to get to know them better since she was in charge of Paul's department. Yes.
Great. Joyce smiled, full of warmth and grace. How about lunch tomorrow? Joyce rubbed her legs. I'll make Paul take Bob to play golf and we'll be just us. Alisha, do you want to come?
I'd love to. Alisha extended her hand and placed it on Mallory's thigh. She lazily stroked her dress with her index finger in a serpentine line. But I have a family day planned. She seemed genuinely disappointed.
Um... Mallory moved her backside on the sofa, moving away from Alisha. I have church in the morning. Alisha put her hand back in her lap. 'Genial, it's fixed then.' Joyce took a sip of wine. 'Lunch after church. I'll have lemonade ready.' A ovation rose from the basement. Then, the sound of feet on the stairs.
'Sam will want this back in his room.' Joyce extended her hand and pulled the stone out of Mallory's hand. 'But you can see it again tomorrow.' She put it in her cleavage.
Mallory looked dejected at having to give it up.
The men entered the living room, laughing again.
'Paul, darling.' Joyce looked at her husband. 'You have a golf date with Bob tomorrow morning. Mallory and I will take a small lunch while you two play.'
The warmth now spread across Joyce's breasts. The feeling of euphoria almost took over.
'Great.' Paul high-fived Bob. He had a clever wife. He would work on charming Bob a bit more, and Joyce would charm Mallory. Paul could get a promotion for all this. 'I'm looking forward to it.'
His wife returned the smile. 'More beers?'
'That's why we're here,' said Raj.
'Great, let me get them.' Joyce entered the kitchen.
Each pair of eyes looked at her backside as she disappeared from the living room. Most thought Paul was a very lucky man.
They were right. And at the same time, they were wrong.

The first thing was the first thing, Sam needed to make sure the rock was okay. He went up the stairs and moved to his room. A quick look under the bed and the red glow of the rock found its way into his eyes. It was safe. Joyce had returned it.
Next, he needed to see how Mrs. Stevens was doing. Sam went back to the hallway and walked down it until he reached his parents' room. He opened the door and the hinges creaked slightly. It was dark in there. He waited for his eyes to adjust.
Paul snored softly. He was on the other side of the king-sized bed. Joyce slept comfortably on the nearby side, curled up against her hip. Sam approached the bed.
Mom, he whispered. He leaned over and shook her shoulder. Hi Mom.
What's going on? Joyce opened her eyes to see Sam standing next to her. She was a bit drunk and still felt the persistent heat of the rock tingling in her breasts.
Paul kept snoring.
What happened tonight with Mrs. Stevens?
Joyce closed her eyes. I'll tell you in the morning, sweetie. Go back to bed before you wake up your father.
I won't be able to sleep until you tell me. Sam stayed quiet.
Uh, okay. Joyce opened her eyes again and got out from under the sheets. She was wearing an old t-shirt and a pair of blue cotton panties. She stumbled and took Sam's hand in hers. Come on, I'll tell you and then we can go back to sleep. She glanced over her shoulder at her sleeping husband and guided Sam out of his room, down the hallway, and into his own room. She locked the door behind them.
Then? Were you?
Well, I'm not sure exactly. She wasn't anxious like Alisha when she... when she took the stone for the first time.
Joyce let go of Sam's hand and indicated he should sit down.
Sam didn't move.
Then what?
Sam extended his hand and pressed her right breast with it, holding it feeling its solid weight.
Joyce did nothing to stop him.
And... I don't know anything about Mallory, Sam. The more I think about it, the worse it feels. It may not seem like it, but she has a lot to do with your father's company. If things go wrong -
Not going to go wrong.
Sam moved his hand under his shirt and caressed her breast.
You have great tits, mom.
Joyce's mouth opened in shock.
Language, young one.
I'm sorry, mom. I love your breasts.
Thank you, sweetness.
Joyce relaxed and smiled.
Sam put his other hand under his shirt and also massaged her left breast.
So when will she be back?
I asked her to come back tomorrow for lunch.
Without thinking, Joyce knelt down, grabbed her shirt and took it off.

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