C : What are you doing so late? Yo : eh... nothing ¿why? C : not for nothing I ran quickly to my room, it had been 5 minutes and I remembered that I had left the tape on the door handle, I got up very quickly to go get it but it was already gone and what was worse my aunt was in the bathroom, could she have seen the tape? No, no I don't think so. But who took the tape? I kept wondering all week But everything ended when at a random dinner my uncle informed that he would leave the city in the morning. The next day passed quite quickly and by night someone knocked on my door. It was my precious aunt Sofia S : Can I come in? Yo : eh... yes, aunt S : look how you've grown Yo : haha if you say so S : my boy no longer plays with toys, now he plays with the goose haha Yo : aunt what do you mean S : my boy I know everything, at least everything that happens in this house Yo : yes? S : well of course, and I know exactly what you've been doing while listening behind my door Yo : but what are you saying aunt, how can you think that about me S : eh... it's not bad, it's very normal to masturbate, what worries me is that you get excited by what happens in my room. Yo : aunt I don't know what you're talking about S : don't deny it, I caught you one day when I left the room after you knew what, and on the floor there was something sticky and the next day I found a tape on my door. Yo : sorry aunt, I don't know what to say S : don't worry, it's normal, what if it gives me curiosity is knowing what you're thinking with the tape, maybe you're thinking of your little friend Yo : well, aunt, if that's so, I apologize S : don't worry and I retract, you don't have a friend but an amigote, take back your tape haha My aunt leaves my room and I'm left speechless What did she say? Maybe she said amigote and immediately I see the tape and it marked 19.5 I'm perplexed, I have 5 cm more, this is fantastic. But if all that was a surprise, what comes next will be unknown. This is quite happy, I can't deny it and with so much happiness I couldn't sleep and it was already 3:00 am and I couldn't sleep, unexpectedly my door opened. C: Are you awake? Yo: Yes, yes, what's up? C: I wanted to ask you, what were you doing the other day at my mom's door? Yo: Eh... nothing C: And what were you doing with the metric tape? Yo: What tape? C: Look (shows a photo on his phone) Yo: Why do you have that? C: It doesn't matter, I just wanted to know if you were measuring something Yo: Nothing, come on don't bother me C: Ah then you were measuring your... jajjaj And he left my room, this was incredible, my aunt had caught me with the tape and my cousin too, but neither of them scolded me. But later I felt uneasy and had to talk to my cousin about this. Yo: Cousin can we talk? C: Yes, sure, tell me Yo: Eh... it's a very uncomfortable matter C: Ah you're coming to confess that you were measuring your... jajjaj Yo: What? Not like if I say no, ah!!! If it's okay, I did that but please don't tell your mom, please. C: Mmmmmm it's okay, but with one condition C: You keep my secret, but... you have to show me your friend, but when I say Yo: Eh... are you sure? C: Yes, at least I can laugh about it jajaja Yo: Ja ja and ya ya that funny girl and if I tell you no C: I'll tell my mom what you were doing Yo: Okay, fine. The following days weren't very interesting, very normal. My uncle left the house for a while and that bothered me because I wanted to get excited with my aunt's moans and sighs (I know this could be an opportunity to have sex with my aunt, but honestly it wasn't on my mind) but one morning I heard the moans and sighs I loved so much, but there was a problem, those noises weren't coming from my aunt's room, but my cousin's... I stayed almost motionless, at least my brain because my good friend woke up right away, can't help getting excited and well, of course, started touching me, my cousin I jadeaba very tasty and almost finished, and because of my excitement I let out a small moan, when I realized my mistake I ran to my room. Days pass and I think nothing has happened so I continued with my normal life, but on the third day or rather in the early morning I went back to hearing some moans, but these were from my aunt because I approached her bedroom door and thanks to not being my uncle, that is, he wasn't having sex, I could hear the moans more clearly

S: oh Juan mmmm I miss you so much mmm like I wish you were the one who would mm me ah ah ah hand your mm always do it well ah AH AH AH ah
S: oh!! Juan... mmmmMMMMm if you don't come soon ah ah AH AH AH ah I'll have to use another cock AH AH and that cock AH AH AH I want to use is very big and I like please Juan come soon MMMMM
S: JUAN HJP if you don't come mm me fuck your nephew mmmm ah ah AH AH!!
What did he say? He said he would screw me, that was the first time I got excited with my aunt but seeing her as a woman, to be honest I didn't expect it and well thanks to that revelation I came like a horse. After cumming I went straight to my room, once there I thought about it in cold blood and arrived at the conclusion that it should be just a momentary thing and my aunt wouldn't dare even try to provoke me, at least not wanting to. I fell asleep and when I woke up I saw a note that said I caught you being perverted, although I can say you're very well equipped I have many desires to see it close
This is really rare, my cousin sees me masturbating and likes it I think, it's fantastic I think... ah!! My head is all mixed up. But if this news got my head all mixed up the next thing was the icing on the cake. I went to breakfast and found myself with my aunt
S: hello dear
Me: hello aunt, how are you?
S: very well thank you, and you dear?
Me: fine too
S: dear now that your cousin isn't here I can tell you something that might be strange
Me: eh... what aunt
S: ah!!! please don't be a guy, I know you heard me
Me: sorry aunt, can't help it but I promise not to do it again
S: really?
Me: yes, really
S: a shame because I like when you listen to me
Continues... We can reach 110 points for the next chapter, is to see if they like it or not.
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