The severity of the punishment they had inflicted on themselves became apparent when I entered the plane and observed the difficulties my girls were having in settling their bottoms onto the seats.
I think there are a few sore booties, I commented, dead from laughter at seeing the care with which the four sat down.
The most affected seemed to be Isabel, who after five minutes in the plane remained standing in the middle of the aisle.
That's what happens when you're a slut, I said, laughing out loud from my seat while caressing her plump bottom under her skirt.
My secretary was unable to protest at my joke and silently endured my fingers tracing her buttocks until the flight attendant's persistence forced her to sit down beside me because we had to take off.
Jerk, the chubby one muttered as she heard my laughter: I'm burning with anger.
Far from being sorry for her, I used her misfortune to deepen my teasing and without stopping to fondle her cheeks, asked the flight attendant if she had any moisturizing cream that could be applied to the ass.
What's wrong? the assistant asked, thinking it was part of a joke.
Desiring to embarrass myself and taking advantage of being alone in first class, my beloved secretary lifted her skirt and showed off her bruised skin to the young woman, answering: My boss got carried away with punishing me.
Isabel must have been waiting for the employee to be outraged at the treatment she had received, but instead and smiling, she replied: You must have done something, foxy, and turning towards me, certified her lack of empathy with my submissive by saying: Sir, until we've taken off, your slut will have to put up with it, since I'm not allowed to bring it.
My laughter and that of her three companions finished off Isabel, who with a bad mood masticated her anger in silence.
What a surprise! I exclaimed silently while watching the flight attendant walk down the aisle and es. redhead demonstrated that she was a woman conscious of her attraction by the way she swayed while walking. The monotonous voice of the captain managed to momentarily forget my bad time with my secretary and concentrate on overcoming the fear that this mode of transportation produced in me. If God had wanted us to fly, he would have given us wings, I said to myself, trying to control my breathing during takeoff. That usual reaction, but no less ridiculous, sparked Paula's interest who was sitting to my left and trying to make friends with me, took my hands between hers while whispering in my ear that she also terrified of planes. Since her tone seemed real, I abstained from removing her hand. I'm still angry, I replied when I felt Paula clinging to me seeking comfort. We know they responded almost in unison, both she and the two sisters. My secretary, on the other hand, maintained silence. Her muteness left me clear that she knew herself guilty and so I didn't scold her, but instead put my hand on her thigh and threatened her with a gift. I'm yours and you can do whatever you want to me she replied lowering her gaze. At that moment, the engines started roaring and I was startled by what it meant, remaining silent as we began takeoff. If my nervousness was palpable, Paula's was astounding and it was because as soon as she felt the plane moving she started crying. Calm down, precious. Nothing will happen Natalia said with sweetness from her seat beside me. The mulatta looked at her terrified and only the little daughter of my boss thought to kiss her. Her reaction did not wait and grasping onto it like a burning nail, she launched herself at her filled with desperation. Tell your slut that it's forbidden to unfasten the belt until the plane stops ascending the redhead said from her seat in very bad humor. Paula heard her and returned to her seat but seeking Some comfort took Natalia's hand and put it between his thighs while looking at her completely demoralized. The young girl, seeing the state of her friend, burst out laughing and biting her lips, asking if she wanted a masturbation. ―I would love to― replied the mulatta, closing her eyes, perhaps fearing that I would stop her. By my part, I abstained from saying anything and this allowed the girl to allow herself the luxury of separating the Colombian's thighs while warning her: ―slut, you're going to return it to me tonight with interest. For then, Paula could only think about masturbating her and without thinking about the consequences, she swore that she would compensate her with interest for the pleasure she received. Natalia, laughing clean and while introducing an egg into the interior of her friend, demanded that she commit to serving her during our entire stay on this island. ―I promise you― replied the mulatta, broken down. With her desire fulfilled and with the security of fulfilling her word, she began to play with the button hidden between the folds of the Colombian's sex. Paula's fear was retreating little by little while her body entered into ebullition. ―I love it― sobbed as she felt her breathing accelerate due to the caresses she was being subjected to. ―You've always been a hot one― Natalia replied at the same time as giving her a pinch on one of her black breasts. The moan that came out called the attention of the flight attendant and from that instant, she did not lose detail of the masturbation her indiscreet passenger was enjoying. Despite this, I found it strange that, after a couple of new Paula's moans, that red-haired woman would approach and, addressing Isabel, say: ―You're lucky I'm not your owner. Doesn't it shame you to have your master in this state? The chubby one didn't understand what she was referring to until, turning around
Towards me, she fixed her gaze on the bulge that shone between my legs and was totally flushed: ―My lord, forgive me!― she whispered, frightened and not caring about the presence of the flight attendant, who then took off her belt to immediately kneel before me. ―What are you waiting for? Slut!― the stewardess insisted. And seeing that Isabel didn't react, she used her hands to take my secretary's head and press it against me while I was lowering my pants: ―Your master needs a mouth where he can unload. I swear I was surprised by the lightness with which that unknown woman intervened in the matter, but as no one minds a sweet treat, I let her pull out my member from its confinement. Completely cut off, but fearing to fail again on the same day, Isabel opened her lips and, taking out her tongue, started to smear my sex with her saliva. ―I want it very wet, foxy― acting like a dominatrix, the redheaded woman demanded. ―Right away I'll do it, ma'am― replied my assistant, recognizing in this way the authority of the stewardess. ―For you, I am Doña María― she lectured with a loud slap. ―God!― she wailed upon feeling that new punishment on her sore nipples, although it's true that in her submissive attitude I could glimpse the pleasure that this reprimand had provoked. That aspect didn't go unnoticed and while Isabel was stuffing herself with cock, Doña María took advantage to sit down in the empty seat and comment to me that she hadn't seen a stud so little demanding for a long time. Flustered, I replied: ―I would like to receive help from someone as experienced as you. How long are you staying in Santa Lucia? I say it because my four whores and I will be here at least a week. With a smile on her lips, she abstained from answering directly, doing so otherwise! Taking Eva's hair, she forced her to kneel before her while lifting her skirt! ―I am María Basáñez, doesn't it matter that I use your other promiscuous a little? It's so they don't get cold. Dead of laughter at the boldness of this woman, I admired with desire the perfection of her thighs and quite excited, I pushed the eldest daughter of Don Julian to bury her face between the thighs of the flight attendant. ―I think this trip is going to be very short― she murmured as she felt my blonde's tongue tracing the folds of her sex... Chapter 16 The arrival in Santa Lucia was when least strange and I say so because the limousine that picked us up at the airport was owned by Dewei Sikong, owner of Sikong Industries, our main competitor. ―Are you sure it's for us?― I asked seeing the logo of that company on the driver's lapel. ―Yes, my own boss ordered me to bring them to the hotel so they could register and wait for them afterwards at their residence. The security with which he responded left me perplexed and although it didn't make sense at all, I abstained from making any comment in his presence. Assuming it wouldn't take long to know the reason, I approached Maria to bid her farewell. The redhead was chatting with Isabel and it was then that my secretary asked if we could bring her along because she was staying at our same hotel. ―Of course― I replied without knowing for certain whether this would mean that woman joining our peculiar family or on the contrary, given her dominant character, her presence would signify the beginning of the end of this one. The joy with which my chubby received my consent made me shiver and more so when she forgot everything and busied herself helping the flight attendant with her luggage. 'She's thrilled with her', I muttered between my teeth as I got into the limousine. To my surprise, Maria sat on my lap and snuggling into my arms, whispered in my ear: ―I've been behaving like a brute for so long that I'd like to try being your puppy. I swear I didn't expect that behavior and less that she would start rubbing against me Regardless of whether the native from that island could see my moves through the mirror. I also have to acknowledge that her attitude did not leave me indifferent and when feeling the hardness of her breasts on mine, my appetite was aroused.
―I'm not made of stone― I commented softly when she didn't stop rubbing herself against me and brought her hands to my groin.
Far from being intimidated by my words, I think they excited her and leaving it clear that I could expect from her, she kissed me passionately while lowering my pants.
―We have an audience― I whispered like a motor as I noticed my girls were still absorbed in the newcomer's moves.
―I know and it turns me on that those four whores are watching us― she replied with a saucy tone.
The morbid feeling I had about this situation increased to unimaginable limits when, ignoring my protests, she pulled out my member from its confinement and started to suck me off. Looking up, I saw the driver wasn't missing a detail and knowing that man was an employee of the competition, I cut it short. So, I was about to reject her caresses, but just as I was going to push her away, Paula understood my embarrassment and closing the partition glass of the limousine, gave me the privacy I needed.
Although I assumed María wouldn't be a prude when it came to sex, I still was surprised that without hesitation and even before we left the airport, she got down on her knees in front of me.
―I'm thirsty― she whispered with an expression of lust that left me stunned. After which, bringing her head close to my cock, she took possession of it with her lips while our companions observed the growing heat as the redheaded woman devoured my sex.
―I won't stop until you give me a drink― she said in a prostitute's voice.
That statement, along with the looks of satisfaction from my girls, awakened the satyr within me and without hesitation, I collaborated with her by spreading my legs.
―That's what I hope― I replied smiling while with the her hands pressed against her neck. María didn't complain that I was forcing her throat and with an unusual ardor, my member inserted itself into her while our boss's daughters cheered us on from the seats in front of us. ― Unleash our master― Eva asked. ― Savor his essence― Natalia begged. Without ever having felt it before, I had to admit that being an object of that blowjob excited me while my sluts admired the scene from the opposite seats. The redhead must have felt something similar because she accelerated her movements, inserting and withdrawing my cock faster each time. ― As a Spanish woman, you're quite a slut― Paula commented, her nipples marking themselves under her blouse. The other three were also following that woman's moves with clear excitement. ― Do you like being watched?― I asked, satisfied to see us being gazed at more and more eagerly. ― Yes― she recognized. My question exacerbated her heat and, sitting astride my knees, she lifted her skirt, revealing that before leaving the plane she had taken off her panties. Before allowing me to react to the surprise of seeing her pussy bare, María impaled herself on me. The tightness and warmth of her cave caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but let out a long groan when that redhead began to ride me using my penis. ― Would you give me a whipping?― she whispered in my ear. That suggestion left me speechless because I never would have suspected that the woman who had abused Isabel just hours before, realizing her submissive nature, would make it happen. Yet, I couldn't and didn't want to refuse, and while I watched her impale herself on my cock, carrying the rhythm with my hands in her ass, I collaborated with her gallop. María felt the blows and melted, letting out a scream as she launched herself wildly in pursuit of her pleasure. Natalia believed it was her turn and, approaching us, took hold of her breasts and gave her nipples a few pinches. flight attendant. Her older sister, who had been keeping to herself for the most part, brought her mouth close to María's and bit her lips while telling her how much she was going to enjoy it when her owner sodomized her.
That threat caused a tidal wave in the flight attendant's mind, and before she'd even analyzed whether or not she wanted him to break her ass, she asked if he would do it.
― Never reject a gift ― I replied.
My words exponentially increased María's heat and it was because imagining herself in a submissive position while being possessed from behind had exceeded her expectations. Dominated by an animal frenzy, she stood up and fell onto my member again and again, begging me to give her that experience tonight.
― I will do so ― I responded, feeling her urgency, at the same time as her pleasure was already flowing through my thighs.
Desiring to join her, I released my semen into her interior. María felt her body collapse when she sensed my semen bathing her vagina, and letting out a loud scream, she orgasmed.
The smile of my four lovers upon seeing our pleasure confirmed that this woman was welcome. Despite this, I wanted them to tell me so in person, and taking the redhead's breasts into my hands, I asked if they accepted her as part of the family.
Taking the word for all of them, Isabel replied that although it was a decision only I could make, they wouldn't put up any resistance because when I wasn't there, they would have someone to boss them around. My face must have reflected my doubts, and intervening, Paula commented that I shouldn't worry because they would always be my girls.
The daughters of my boss supporting their mistresses renewed their vows by telling me that I was the reason for their being.
Then and only then, releasing a laugh, María told me she couldn't commit to being my submissive, but if I agreed, she swore she could explore new experiences at her side.
Thinking about the implicit offer hidden in their words, I realized I still didn't know the reason why my boss had called me and fearing that as a result, I would be left without his daughters, I accepted in the exact instant when the limousine arrived at the hotel...
Chapter 17
Registering at that establishment was quick because Sikong Industries had already given our data. Our competitor taking care of our stay in Santa Lucia revived my anxiety and more so upon discovering we had been assigned the presidential suite.
― What luxury!― commented Maria, dazzled.
The blonde's amazement was motivated because it wasn't just a room, but a magnificent apartment that lacked nothing. Living room, kitchen, and two bedrooms, all in a minimalist atmosphere.
― Hurry up, your old man is waiting for us.
The daughters of don Julián, who had been very quiet until then, got nervous upon understanding their fate depended solely on their father and with tears in their eyes, they begged me to convince him to let them stay with me.
― I'll try, but I'm not promising anything― I replied with increasing conviction that the old man had betrayed me and sold his company to our commercial enemy.
Really doubt he'll listen to me, I thought while taking a quick shower.
A quarter of an hour after, I bid farewell to Isabel and Paula, leaving them in Maria's company. In the hall, we were met by the driver, who informed us that both our bosses were waiting for us at Sikong Dewei's mansion on the island. This information only confirmed my suspicions and sunk into despair, I entered the limousine.
Throughout the trip to the magnate's house, I couldn't stop thinking about how when I returned to Madrid, I would be left without a job and wouldn't have any other option but to sign up for unemployment benefits.
― Never would've expected that from the old man― I repeated over and over again with my spirits at rock bottom. As I had anticipated its employee, the residence built by our competitor on that island turned out to be a colonial-style palace with columns over six meters tall.
A piece of shack, yes sir! I murmured between my teeth, impressed by the building's dimensions in front of where we parked.
Upon exiting the limousine, I saw Don Julian and the magnate descending from the house's stairs. The smiles on their faces did not mask the unease I felt at seeing the complicity between them.
They have everything tied up and well tied, I already said, and all they lack is to communicate it.
I couldn't hide my bad mood, so I let Eva and Natalia hug their father, but he planted kisses on them before calling the other old man, saying:
Dewei... I present you to Fernando, the son I never had.
That presentation left me disoriented, but even more so when the Asian man greeted me by placing his left hand over his right fist, clearly showing respect for me. Not knowing what to do, I imitated the rich old man, increasing the inclination of my reverence to show consideration for him. My gesture was not unnoticed and, with a smile, he asked me to accompany them in Spanish with marked Chinese accent. It didn't surprise me that they knew our language, as one of their company's main markets was Iberoaméyummy, but I have to admit it made me happy because I wouldn't have to use my rusty English.
We hadn't finished climbing the staircase when two Asian women emerged from inside the mansion. Women who almost didn't catch my eye because, after making a brief genuflexion, they took the arms of Don Julian's daughters and took them away without giving me time to appreciate their beauty. I didn't have to be a genius to understand that the last reason why they had taken the sisters was to leave me alone with them two and so, like an ox going to the slaughterhouse, I followed them. 'I don't understand anything,' I thought while traversing the corridors of that mansion after them. Our destination turned out to be a library from which one had a complete panorama of both the house's pool and the bay in which it was located. 'Precious' I commented, really dazed and I think with my mouth open. 'I'm glad you like it because if you accept the agreement I've reached with your boss, this will be your home,' from the minibar commented the one who until then had been our highest competition. I confess that I didn't catch what he was saying. It's more, after thinking I must have misheard, I believed he was pulling my leg and so, I looked at Don Julián for help. 'We've come to the conclusion that the only way our companies can survive what's coming is by merging them,' he suddenly said without warning: 'and since we're both old now, we've decided you'll pilot the new company.' 'I don't understand' I was still in Babia: 'are they telling me I'm going to be named president of the merged one?' Taking the word, Dewei Sikong responded: 'No, director, no. We want you to be the chairman. So that it goes well, you must have all the powers.' Stunned by his words, I commented that while I understood Don Julián trusted me, it was hard for me to think he did because he didn't know me. 'You're mistaken, Mr. Jimenez. I've been following him from a professional point of view for years but what made me take this step has been knowing from his boss's mouth the behavior he had with him.' 'What are you talking about?' I asked my mentor even more confused. With a smile from ear to ear, he answered: 'I explained how you managed to educate my daughters and how you turned two unmentionables who only thought of them into two loving girls' obedient. Pale and unsure if I was about to make a mistake, I asked the oriental if that was his problem. The sixty-year-old, putting on a face of circumstances, took his time before responding:
―I wish it were so, my case is different. As Julian, I have only had daughters and as a product of my culture, I have educated them to obey.
―I'm lost― I recognized: ―Then... what do you want from me?
―Boy, I need them to be able to face the future and leave behind that submissive way of thinking. I want you to teach them to be women of the 20th century, so they can inherit my fortune one day without falling into the clutches of some reckless person.
―Excuse me, but from this point of view I'm very busy and wouldn't have time to take care of them.
Don Julian cut me off saying:
―If you're talking about my daughters, I'll take them back to Madrid tonight. Your place is here in Santa Lucia and they must continue studying.
I had to admit that decision hurt, but it was correct in a certain way and even if it hadn't been then, it would have come late or too soon.
They need to spread their wings, I murmured, assuming also that I couldn't teach them much more.
However, I felt unable to fulfill the mission they were asking of me and so, I remained firm in my refusal when two Chinese dolls dressed in traditional attire appeared at the door.
They can't be this beautiful, I said to myself as I saw them.
Dressed in a way that was more suggestive than if they wore a Japanese kimono, their tight skirts and clinging blouses with bright colors gave them an undeniable exoticism. But what really amazed me were the movements of their hips as they approached me. And it's that despite walking with short steps and not lifting their gaze, the breasts I had given them by nature didn't stop swaying sensually.
―What do you think of my girls? asked the magnate as he saw my face.
―They're beautiful with my mouth open and drooling I responded. The cheeks of the girls flushed at hearing my flirt and filled with shame, their gazes lowered when their old man handed them over to me saying: At last I've found a candidate and you're lucky he's agreed to be your tutor. From now on, the man you see here is your master and you must obey him as if he were me because I've entrusted your lives to him.
Without his voice reflecting any criticism of his father, Kyon, the taller of the two, asked only: Father, should our obedience be that of a good daughter or a good wife?
What part didn't you understand? Fernando already is your owner and therefore it's him you must ask. I think it was in that instant when she really realized the true nature of the magnate's decision and after assimilating it for a few seconds, Kyon repeated the question, but this time looking at me: My lord, what do you take us for? As pupils or concubines?
Already interested and probing that little one, I replied: Do you prefer to be treated as master or husband?
To my surprise, the oriental looked at me indignantly and with a certain resentment in her tone, saying she had nothing to do with this choice and since her father had handed us over to me, it was my responsibility.
I confess that it made me doubt the girl's firm determination, but then I observed that Lixue was dying to speak up and so I decided to find out what was hiding behind those deep black eyes. When I asked the other girl if she had anything to say, she replied: My lord, if my father has entrusted us to someone as young as you must be for something and it only occurs to me that he wants this person to give him an heir.
By her words Lixue gave her consent that her father had chosen me to share a bed with. While observing that under the silk of her blouse there must exist a appetizing body, I knew I had to make them learn their first lesson. And so, without making myself the offended one, I commented: --For someone to accept me between their legs they must like me. So, if you really want it or enjoy the idea of getting pregnant like you're livestock, find another stud. The faces of the two Chinese girls reflected the impact of my disdain and knowing I had received the message, I bid them farewell with a gesture, then put myself to planning with don Julián and his father how both companies could be merged while in my interior I dreamed of the moment when those two would come crawling to my bed...Clarification: This story is not mine and if you like it as much as I do here, to whom should they thank is Golf of Madrid
I think there are a few sore booties, I commented, dead from laughter at seeing the care with which the four sat down.
The most affected seemed to be Isabel, who after five minutes in the plane remained standing in the middle of the aisle.
That's what happens when you're a slut, I said, laughing out loud from my seat while caressing her plump bottom under her skirt.
My secretary was unable to protest at my joke and silently endured my fingers tracing her buttocks until the flight attendant's persistence forced her to sit down beside me because we had to take off.
Jerk, the chubby one muttered as she heard my laughter: I'm burning with anger.
Far from being sorry for her, I used her misfortune to deepen my teasing and without stopping to fondle her cheeks, asked the flight attendant if she had any moisturizing cream that could be applied to the ass.
What's wrong? the assistant asked, thinking it was part of a joke.
Desiring to embarrass myself and taking advantage of being alone in first class, my beloved secretary lifted her skirt and showed off her bruised skin to the young woman, answering: My boss got carried away with punishing me.
Isabel must have been waiting for the employee to be outraged at the treatment she had received, but instead and smiling, she replied: You must have done something, foxy, and turning towards me, certified her lack of empathy with my submissive by saying: Sir, until we've taken off, your slut will have to put up with it, since I'm not allowed to bring it.
My laughter and that of her three companions finished off Isabel, who with a bad mood masticated her anger in silence.
What a surprise! I exclaimed silently while watching the flight attendant walk down the aisle and es. redhead demonstrated that she was a woman conscious of her attraction by the way she swayed while walking. The monotonous voice of the captain managed to momentarily forget my bad time with my secretary and concentrate on overcoming the fear that this mode of transportation produced in me. If God had wanted us to fly, he would have given us wings, I said to myself, trying to control my breathing during takeoff. That usual reaction, but no less ridiculous, sparked Paula's interest who was sitting to my left and trying to make friends with me, took my hands between hers while whispering in my ear that she also terrified of planes. Since her tone seemed real, I abstained from removing her hand. I'm still angry, I replied when I felt Paula clinging to me seeking comfort. We know they responded almost in unison, both she and the two sisters. My secretary, on the other hand, maintained silence. Her muteness left me clear that she knew herself guilty and so I didn't scold her, but instead put my hand on her thigh and threatened her with a gift. I'm yours and you can do whatever you want to me she replied lowering her gaze. At that moment, the engines started roaring and I was startled by what it meant, remaining silent as we began takeoff. If my nervousness was palpable, Paula's was astounding and it was because as soon as she felt the plane moving she started crying. Calm down, precious. Nothing will happen Natalia said with sweetness from her seat beside me. The mulatta looked at her terrified and only the little daughter of my boss thought to kiss her. Her reaction did not wait and grasping onto it like a burning nail, she launched herself at her filled with desperation. Tell your slut that it's forbidden to unfasten the belt until the plane stops ascending the redhead said from her seat in very bad humor. Paula heard her and returned to her seat but seeking Some comfort took Natalia's hand and put it between his thighs while looking at her completely demoralized. The young girl, seeing the state of her friend, burst out laughing and biting her lips, asking if she wanted a masturbation. ―I would love to― replied the mulatta, closing her eyes, perhaps fearing that I would stop her. By my part, I abstained from saying anything and this allowed the girl to allow herself the luxury of separating the Colombian's thighs while warning her: ―slut, you're going to return it to me tonight with interest. For then, Paula could only think about masturbating her and without thinking about the consequences, she swore that she would compensate her with interest for the pleasure she received. Natalia, laughing clean and while introducing an egg into the interior of her friend, demanded that she commit to serving her during our entire stay on this island. ―I promise you― replied the mulatta, broken down. With her desire fulfilled and with the security of fulfilling her word, she began to play with the button hidden between the folds of the Colombian's sex. Paula's fear was retreating little by little while her body entered into ebullition. ―I love it― sobbed as she felt her breathing accelerate due to the caresses she was being subjected to. ―You've always been a hot one― Natalia replied at the same time as giving her a pinch on one of her black breasts. The moan that came out called the attention of the flight attendant and from that instant, she did not lose detail of the masturbation her indiscreet passenger was enjoying. Despite this, I found it strange that, after a couple of new Paula's moans, that red-haired woman would approach and, addressing Isabel, say: ―You're lucky I'm not your owner. Doesn't it shame you to have your master in this state? The chubby one didn't understand what she was referring to until, turning around
Towards me, she fixed her gaze on the bulge that shone between my legs and was totally flushed: ―My lord, forgive me!― she whispered, frightened and not caring about the presence of the flight attendant, who then took off her belt to immediately kneel before me. ―What are you waiting for? Slut!― the stewardess insisted. And seeing that Isabel didn't react, she used her hands to take my secretary's head and press it against me while I was lowering my pants: ―Your master needs a mouth where he can unload. I swear I was surprised by the lightness with which that unknown woman intervened in the matter, but as no one minds a sweet treat, I let her pull out my member from its confinement. Completely cut off, but fearing to fail again on the same day, Isabel opened her lips and, taking out her tongue, started to smear my sex with her saliva. ―I want it very wet, foxy― acting like a dominatrix, the redheaded woman demanded. ―Right away I'll do it, ma'am― replied my assistant, recognizing in this way the authority of the stewardess. ―For you, I am Doña María― she lectured with a loud slap. ―God!― she wailed upon feeling that new punishment on her sore nipples, although it's true that in her submissive attitude I could glimpse the pleasure that this reprimand had provoked. That aspect didn't go unnoticed and while Isabel was stuffing herself with cock, Doña María took advantage to sit down in the empty seat and comment to me that she hadn't seen a stud so little demanding for a long time. Flustered, I replied: ―I would like to receive help from someone as experienced as you. How long are you staying in Santa Lucia? I say it because my four whores and I will be here at least a week. With a smile on her lips, she abstained from answering directly, doing so otherwise! Taking Eva's hair, she forced her to kneel before her while lifting her skirt! ―I am María Basáñez, doesn't it matter that I use your other promiscuous a little? It's so they don't get cold. Dead of laughter at the boldness of this woman, I admired with desire the perfection of her thighs and quite excited, I pushed the eldest daughter of Don Julian to bury her face between the thighs of the flight attendant. ―I think this trip is going to be very short― she murmured as she felt my blonde's tongue tracing the folds of her sex... Chapter 16 The arrival in Santa Lucia was when least strange and I say so because the limousine that picked us up at the airport was owned by Dewei Sikong, owner of Sikong Industries, our main competitor. ―Are you sure it's for us?― I asked seeing the logo of that company on the driver's lapel. ―Yes, my own boss ordered me to bring them to the hotel so they could register and wait for them afterwards at their residence. The security with which he responded left me perplexed and although it didn't make sense at all, I abstained from making any comment in his presence. Assuming it wouldn't take long to know the reason, I approached Maria to bid her farewell. The redhead was chatting with Isabel and it was then that my secretary asked if we could bring her along because she was staying at our same hotel. ―Of course― I replied without knowing for certain whether this would mean that woman joining our peculiar family or on the contrary, given her dominant character, her presence would signify the beginning of the end of this one. The joy with which my chubby received my consent made me shiver and more so when she forgot everything and busied herself helping the flight attendant with her luggage. 'She's thrilled with her', I muttered between my teeth as I got into the limousine. To my surprise, Maria sat on my lap and snuggling into my arms, whispered in my ear: ―I've been behaving like a brute for so long that I'd like to try being your puppy. I swear I didn't expect that behavior and less that she would start rubbing against me Regardless of whether the native from that island could see my moves through the mirror. I also have to acknowledge that her attitude did not leave me indifferent and when feeling the hardness of her breasts on mine, my appetite was aroused.
―I'm not made of stone― I commented softly when she didn't stop rubbing herself against me and brought her hands to my groin.
Far from being intimidated by my words, I think they excited her and leaving it clear that I could expect from her, she kissed me passionately while lowering my pants.
―We have an audience― I whispered like a motor as I noticed my girls were still absorbed in the newcomer's moves.
―I know and it turns me on that those four whores are watching us― she replied with a saucy tone.
The morbid feeling I had about this situation increased to unimaginable limits when, ignoring my protests, she pulled out my member from its confinement and started to suck me off. Looking up, I saw the driver wasn't missing a detail and knowing that man was an employee of the competition, I cut it short. So, I was about to reject her caresses, but just as I was going to push her away, Paula understood my embarrassment and closing the partition glass of the limousine, gave me the privacy I needed.
Although I assumed María wouldn't be a prude when it came to sex, I still was surprised that without hesitation and even before we left the airport, she got down on her knees in front of me.
―I'm thirsty― she whispered with an expression of lust that left me stunned. After which, bringing her head close to my cock, she took possession of it with her lips while our companions observed the growing heat as the redheaded woman devoured my sex.
―I won't stop until you give me a drink― she said in a prostitute's voice.
That statement, along with the looks of satisfaction from my girls, awakened the satyr within me and without hesitation, I collaborated with her by spreading my legs.
―That's what I hope― I replied smiling while with the her hands pressed against her neck. María didn't complain that I was forcing her throat and with an unusual ardor, my member inserted itself into her while our boss's daughters cheered us on from the seats in front of us. ― Unleash our master― Eva asked. ― Savor his essence― Natalia begged. Without ever having felt it before, I had to admit that being an object of that blowjob excited me while my sluts admired the scene from the opposite seats. The redhead must have felt something similar because she accelerated her movements, inserting and withdrawing my cock faster each time. ― As a Spanish woman, you're quite a slut― Paula commented, her nipples marking themselves under her blouse. The other three were also following that woman's moves with clear excitement. ― Do you like being watched?― I asked, satisfied to see us being gazed at more and more eagerly. ― Yes― she recognized. My question exacerbated her heat and, sitting astride my knees, she lifted her skirt, revealing that before leaving the plane she had taken off her panties. Before allowing me to react to the surprise of seeing her pussy bare, María impaled herself on me. The tightness and warmth of her cave caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but let out a long groan when that redhead began to ride me using my penis. ― Would you give me a whipping?― she whispered in my ear. That suggestion left me speechless because I never would have suspected that the woman who had abused Isabel just hours before, realizing her submissive nature, would make it happen. Yet, I couldn't and didn't want to refuse, and while I watched her impale herself on my cock, carrying the rhythm with my hands in her ass, I collaborated with her gallop. María felt the blows and melted, letting out a scream as she launched herself wildly in pursuit of her pleasure. Natalia believed it was her turn and, approaching us, took hold of her breasts and gave her nipples a few pinches. flight attendant. Her older sister, who had been keeping to herself for the most part, brought her mouth close to María's and bit her lips while telling her how much she was going to enjoy it when her owner sodomized her.
That threat caused a tidal wave in the flight attendant's mind, and before she'd even analyzed whether or not she wanted him to break her ass, she asked if he would do it.
― Never reject a gift ― I replied.
My words exponentially increased María's heat and it was because imagining herself in a submissive position while being possessed from behind had exceeded her expectations. Dominated by an animal frenzy, she stood up and fell onto my member again and again, begging me to give her that experience tonight.
― I will do so ― I responded, feeling her urgency, at the same time as her pleasure was already flowing through my thighs.
Desiring to join her, I released my semen into her interior. María felt her body collapse when she sensed my semen bathing her vagina, and letting out a loud scream, she orgasmed.
The smile of my four lovers upon seeing our pleasure confirmed that this woman was welcome. Despite this, I wanted them to tell me so in person, and taking the redhead's breasts into my hands, I asked if they accepted her as part of the family.
Taking the word for all of them, Isabel replied that although it was a decision only I could make, they wouldn't put up any resistance because when I wasn't there, they would have someone to boss them around. My face must have reflected my doubts, and intervening, Paula commented that I shouldn't worry because they would always be my girls.
The daughters of my boss supporting their mistresses renewed their vows by telling me that I was the reason for their being.
Then and only then, releasing a laugh, María told me she couldn't commit to being my submissive, but if I agreed, she swore she could explore new experiences at her side.
Thinking about the implicit offer hidden in their words, I realized I still didn't know the reason why my boss had called me and fearing that as a result, I would be left without his daughters, I accepted in the exact instant when the limousine arrived at the hotel...
Chapter 17
Registering at that establishment was quick because Sikong Industries had already given our data. Our competitor taking care of our stay in Santa Lucia revived my anxiety and more so upon discovering we had been assigned the presidential suite.
― What luxury!― commented Maria, dazzled.
The blonde's amazement was motivated because it wasn't just a room, but a magnificent apartment that lacked nothing. Living room, kitchen, and two bedrooms, all in a minimalist atmosphere.
― Hurry up, your old man is waiting for us.
The daughters of don Julián, who had been very quiet until then, got nervous upon understanding their fate depended solely on their father and with tears in their eyes, they begged me to convince him to let them stay with me.
― I'll try, but I'm not promising anything― I replied with increasing conviction that the old man had betrayed me and sold his company to our commercial enemy.
Really doubt he'll listen to me, I thought while taking a quick shower.
A quarter of an hour after, I bid farewell to Isabel and Paula, leaving them in Maria's company. In the hall, we were met by the driver, who informed us that both our bosses were waiting for us at Sikong Dewei's mansion on the island. This information only confirmed my suspicions and sunk into despair, I entered the limousine.
Throughout the trip to the magnate's house, I couldn't stop thinking about how when I returned to Madrid, I would be left without a job and wouldn't have any other option but to sign up for unemployment benefits.
― Never would've expected that from the old man― I repeated over and over again with my spirits at rock bottom. As I had anticipated its employee, the residence built by our competitor on that island turned out to be a colonial-style palace with columns over six meters tall.
A piece of shack, yes sir! I murmured between my teeth, impressed by the building's dimensions in front of where we parked.
Upon exiting the limousine, I saw Don Julian and the magnate descending from the house's stairs. The smiles on their faces did not mask the unease I felt at seeing the complicity between them.
They have everything tied up and well tied, I already said, and all they lack is to communicate it.
I couldn't hide my bad mood, so I let Eva and Natalia hug their father, but he planted kisses on them before calling the other old man, saying:
Dewei... I present you to Fernando, the son I never had.
That presentation left me disoriented, but even more so when the Asian man greeted me by placing his left hand over his right fist, clearly showing respect for me. Not knowing what to do, I imitated the rich old man, increasing the inclination of my reverence to show consideration for him. My gesture was not unnoticed and, with a smile, he asked me to accompany them in Spanish with marked Chinese accent. It didn't surprise me that they knew our language, as one of their company's main markets was Iberoaméyummy, but I have to admit it made me happy because I wouldn't have to use my rusty English.
We hadn't finished climbing the staircase when two Asian women emerged from inside the mansion. Women who almost didn't catch my eye because, after making a brief genuflexion, they took the arms of Don Julian's daughters and took them away without giving me time to appreciate their beauty. I didn't have to be a genius to understand that the last reason why they had taken the sisters was to leave me alone with them two and so, like an ox going to the slaughterhouse, I followed them. 'I don't understand anything,' I thought while traversing the corridors of that mansion after them. Our destination turned out to be a library from which one had a complete panorama of both the house's pool and the bay in which it was located. 'Precious' I commented, really dazed and I think with my mouth open. 'I'm glad you like it because if you accept the agreement I've reached with your boss, this will be your home,' from the minibar commented the one who until then had been our highest competition. I confess that I didn't catch what he was saying. It's more, after thinking I must have misheard, I believed he was pulling my leg and so, I looked at Don Julián for help. 'We've come to the conclusion that the only way our companies can survive what's coming is by merging them,' he suddenly said without warning: 'and since we're both old now, we've decided you'll pilot the new company.' 'I don't understand' I was still in Babia: 'are they telling me I'm going to be named president of the merged one?' Taking the word, Dewei Sikong responded: 'No, director, no. We want you to be the chairman. So that it goes well, you must have all the powers.' Stunned by his words, I commented that while I understood Don Julián trusted me, it was hard for me to think he did because he didn't know me. 'You're mistaken, Mr. Jimenez. I've been following him from a professional point of view for years but what made me take this step has been knowing from his boss's mouth the behavior he had with him.' 'What are you talking about?' I asked my mentor even more confused. With a smile from ear to ear, he answered: 'I explained how you managed to educate my daughters and how you turned two unmentionables who only thought of them into two loving girls' obedient. Pale and unsure if I was about to make a mistake, I asked the oriental if that was his problem. The sixty-year-old, putting on a face of circumstances, took his time before responding:
―I wish it were so, my case is different. As Julian, I have only had daughters and as a product of my culture, I have educated them to obey.
―I'm lost― I recognized: ―Then... what do you want from me?
―Boy, I need them to be able to face the future and leave behind that submissive way of thinking. I want you to teach them to be women of the 20th century, so they can inherit my fortune one day without falling into the clutches of some reckless person.
―Excuse me, but from this point of view I'm very busy and wouldn't have time to take care of them.
Don Julian cut me off saying:
―If you're talking about my daughters, I'll take them back to Madrid tonight. Your place is here in Santa Lucia and they must continue studying.
I had to admit that decision hurt, but it was correct in a certain way and even if it hadn't been then, it would have come late or too soon.
They need to spread their wings, I murmured, assuming also that I couldn't teach them much more.
However, I felt unable to fulfill the mission they were asking of me and so, I remained firm in my refusal when two Chinese dolls dressed in traditional attire appeared at the door.
They can't be this beautiful, I said to myself as I saw them.
Dressed in a way that was more suggestive than if they wore a Japanese kimono, their tight skirts and clinging blouses with bright colors gave them an undeniable exoticism. But what really amazed me were the movements of their hips as they approached me. And it's that despite walking with short steps and not lifting their gaze, the breasts I had given them by nature didn't stop swaying sensually.
―What do you think of my girls? asked the magnate as he saw my face.
―They're beautiful with my mouth open and drooling I responded. The cheeks of the girls flushed at hearing my flirt and filled with shame, their gazes lowered when their old man handed them over to me saying: At last I've found a candidate and you're lucky he's agreed to be your tutor. From now on, the man you see here is your master and you must obey him as if he were me because I've entrusted your lives to him.
Without his voice reflecting any criticism of his father, Kyon, the taller of the two, asked only: Father, should our obedience be that of a good daughter or a good wife?
What part didn't you understand? Fernando already is your owner and therefore it's him you must ask. I think it was in that instant when she really realized the true nature of the magnate's decision and after assimilating it for a few seconds, Kyon repeated the question, but this time looking at me: My lord, what do you take us for? As pupils or concubines?
Already interested and probing that little one, I replied: Do you prefer to be treated as master or husband?
To my surprise, the oriental looked at me indignantly and with a certain resentment in her tone, saying she had nothing to do with this choice and since her father had handed us over to me, it was my responsibility.
I confess that it made me doubt the girl's firm determination, but then I observed that Lixue was dying to speak up and so I decided to find out what was hiding behind those deep black eyes. When I asked the other girl if she had anything to say, she replied: My lord, if my father has entrusted us to someone as young as you must be for something and it only occurs to me that he wants this person to give him an heir.
By her words Lixue gave her consent that her father had chosen me to share a bed with. While observing that under the silk of her blouse there must exist a appetizing body, I knew I had to make them learn their first lesson. And so, without making myself the offended one, I commented: --For someone to accept me between their legs they must like me. So, if you really want it or enjoy the idea of getting pregnant like you're livestock, find another stud. The faces of the two Chinese girls reflected the impact of my disdain and knowing I had received the message, I bid them farewell with a gesture, then put myself to planning with don Julián and his father how both companies could be merged while in my interior I dreamed of the moment when those two would come crawling to my bed...Clarification: This story is not mine and if you like it as much as I do here, to whom should they thank is Golf of Madrid
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