Cuando se cogieron a mi mujer - 2da parte

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Segunda parte

“No volvimos a repetir la experiencia con terceros, para muestra basta un botón y de común cuerdo decidimos dejar todo ahí, hay muchas enfermedades y gente loca en el mundo, todo fue perfecto en ese momento, en ese lugar, nos habíamos dado el gusto”

Así había terminado la historia original, ‘CUANDO SE COGIERON A MI MUJER’, que te propongo leas sí que no la has leído, para tener continuidad en esta segunda parte.

Honestamente, no había material para seguir adelante con la historia, no era la idea escribir lo que leerán a continuación, porque ese párrafo era el final de la historia, y esa era la verdad en ese momento, pero todas las verdades son relativas…

Elizabeth, mi esposa, me empujó a hacerlo, es que ella se excita mucho con los comentarios que le hacen llegar, de su forma de ser, de mi forma de ser, de nuestra singular relación.

Matías y Carlos eran historia, y nada me hacía pensar que ella volviera a ponerme los cuernos en mis narices. Una noche cruzamos el Río Paraná, fuimos a gastar unos pesos al casino de Victoria, a pesar de que en Rosario hay uno muy popular, a nosotros siempre nos gustaba hacer una mini excursión, un corto viaje, probar fortuna, cenar, hotel y regresar al día siguiente.

No lo digo porque fuera mi esposa, soy hombre y sé que su belleza llama la atención y más cuando está ‘producida’ como ella suele decir.

Elizabeth estaba sencillamente preciosa e irresistible, con sus cabellos recogidos, su rostro perfectamente maquillado, y lo más impactante, un vestido negro de una rara tela que parecía mimetizarse con su propia piel se adhería de tal manera que hasta se le marcaba la depresión natural en su vientre producida por su ombligo.

Con bretel asimétrico, solo por el lado izquierdo, por el lado derecho su hombro permanecía desnudo, bajando la vista se marcaban demasiado sus pezones como dos botones amenazantes, dibujando la diminuta cintura que contrastaba con sus amplias caderas y su cola respingona, la diminuta tanga que calzaba se marcaba exageradamente contra la fina tela, un poco más abajo, siguiendo la línea, se hacía un tanto amplio hasta llegar al suelo, con dos profundos tajos a los lados que dejaban ver sus piernas bronceadas hasta el límite de lo sexi y lo porno.

En resumen, mi esposa era un intrincado camino de curvas y contra curvas que invitaba a recorrerlo de punta a punta con mirada libidinosa.

Agregó sus infaltables tacos altos y la hicieron más atractiva, por si hiciera falta.

Ya en el lugar, no pasaba desapercibida, a pesar de que había muchas mujeres bonitas.

Fuimos a la ruleta, siempre soy el que maneja las fichas, ella permanece a mi lado en rol de observadora, prefiere sugerirme donde apostar y dejarme a mi tomar las decisiones.

Entre bola y bola algo no pasó desapercibido para nosotros, entre tanta gente y excitación del propio juego, un tipo al otro lado de la mesa no le quitaba los ojos de encima, se la comía con la mirada sin importarle que yo estuviera a su lado. Aparentaba entre sesenta y setenta años, era evidente su bienestar económico, perfectamente vestido con traje azul, rasurado, con el cabello cano prolijamente recortado, luciendo reloj y anillos dorados, probablemente de oro, resaltando fanfarronamente su opulencia.

En algún momento de la noche Elizabeth fue hasta el baño, yo me quedé jugando en el paño, y disimuladamente, tal cual imaginé, el viejo dejó su lugar en la mesa y pensando que yo no lo notaba, fue tras los pasos de mi mujer.

Ella volvió poco después con una sonrisa pícara en los labios, seguramente guardaba algún secreto, el viejo por su parte había cambiado de mesa, ahora apostaba a juegos de naipes, entonces me comentó lo que había sucedido.

El viejo, Juan Carlos era su nombre, la había abordado, por las curvas de mi mujer y por su sexi vestimenta, había asumido que era una prostituta vip, de las que suelen frecuentar esos sitios, le había propuesto que me dejara y fuera con él a pasar la noche, abrió la billetera y le enseñó varios dólares perfectamente acomodados. Por su parte ella le confió que no era la historia que había imaginado, que no era prostituta, que nosotros éramos marido y mujer y que ella no lo hacía por dinero, es más, le dijo que con gusto lo haría gratis con la sola condición que me permitiera a mi estar presente.

Honestamente me sorprendió en ese momento, no habíamos charlado nada acerca de nuevos encuentros con terceros, el tipo le respondió que no era lo suyo, que esa no era su forma, que era tradicional y que yo lo incomodaría.

Sin embargo, cerca de las cinco de la mañana, y después de varios intentos infructuosos en los que probó una y otra vez llevarla a la cama por dinero, situación con la cual nosotros reíamos, y viendo que Elizabeth estaba intransigente en su posición, terminó cediendo, asumiendo que era eso o nada.

No voy a abundar en detalles, la reunión fue un fiasco, el tipo no podía dejar de ignorar mi presencia y estaba nervioso, demasiado nervioso, no sabía qué hacer, como reaccionar, yo estaba sentado a un lado esperando que se la cogiera, pero eso nunca sucedería, a pesar de que mi mujer se había desnudado e irradiaba belleza, pecado y deseo por cada poro de su cuerpo.

Solo una parte para no dejar pasar por alto, después de tantos fracasos Elizabeth solo se limitó a masturbarlo con sus manos, hasta que el viejo apenas eyaculó sobre sus tiernos pechos, entonces ella, al igual que había hecho con sus amigos tiempo atrás, me pidió que la lamiera y la limpiara, muy loco, muy perverso, como sea, fui sobre ella y me dediqué a complacerla, a pasar mi lengua sobre sus tetas y beber los jugos del viejo que miraba sin entender, los pezones de mi esposa estaban duros y sus gemidos me hacían saber que moría de excitación, evidentemente había una química especial en este juego morboso.

Sin imaginarlo, empezamos con un juego loco de amantes improvisados, pero tuvimos que perfeccionar nuestras aventuras, ya que como nos había sucedido con el viejo, nos encontrábamos con más problemas de lo imaginado, así que una mañana, tomamos papel y lápiz y empezamos a escribir sobre que querríamos para nuestro futuro, para nuestros encuentros, mezclamos deseos, sensaciones, situaciones que a ambos nos excitaran, y sin quererlo, en unos días teníamos armado una especie de contrato con varios puntos a cumplir, que a ella le gustaba la pija no era novedad, y que mí me gustaba ver como otros se la cogían, tampoco.

Algunos puntos que dejamos plasmados y que empezaríamos a cumplir en ese momento

El lugar para estos encuentros sería un viejo departamento que nosotros teníamos desocupado y no le dábamos utilidad, teníamos que preservar nuestra imagen en el barrio, con amistades con la familia, no era cuestión que el nombre de Elizabeth estuviera de boca en boca como una puta cualquiera, tampoco que el mío lo estuviera como el cornudo feliz.

Los amates serían pagos, necesitábamos profesionales a los que estas cosas le resultaran normales, nada de improvisados, no queríamos más fiascos, ni fracasos

Los tipos elegidos, al menos deberían tener veinte centímetros de carne para dar, por lejos mucho más de los once que yo podía ofrecer con mi pene

Todos podrían tener sexo anal con ella, todos menos yo, voluntariamente acepté solo mirar su culito abierto y ya no usarlo, desearlo y no poseerlo, excitarme viendo como otros se lo hacían, sabiendo que yo nunca podría hacérselo, siendo ella mi propia esposa.

Usar preservativos, nada de locuras, nada de mezclar sus flujos vaginales con el semen de extraños, hay muchas enfermedades dando vueltas, y no queríamos complicaciones.

Yo la ‘limpiaría’ después de cada acto, algo que nos excitaba a ambos, notábamos en ese loco juego una perversa excitación.

En resumen, ese fue nuestro pacto secreto y así empezamos una maratónica sesión de amantes, algunos mejores, otros no tanto, pero pasó el tiempo en juegos, se la cogieron, se la culearon, se cansó de chupar pijas y yo de beber semen al final del juego, uno tras otro, hasta que sin darnos cuenta llegamos al número cien, llegamos a las tres cifras, y será parte del fin de mi relato, el encuentro con Jeremías, por mucho, el mejor de los amantes…

Jeremías era mucho más joven que nosotros, se ganaba la vida vendiendo su cuerpo y con creces aventajaba a cualquiera, limpio, discreto, brillante en lo suyo, el mejor amante según palabras salidas de los labios de mi mujer, nadie la cogía como el, sabía jugar con las palabras, tanto para ella como para mí, y que decir de su verga, enorme, no solo larga, cabezona y gruesa y por si fuera poco acababa como un caballo.

Jeremías era el que más veces se la había cogido, como que ya era parte de nuestros encuentros y él estaba al tanto de todo nuestro loco mundo.

Cuando se cogieron a mi mujer - 2da parteThat afternoon, we went to the department to play with him, Elizabeth was expectant, anxious, and adored how he did it, she had carefully removed her pubic hair for him, put on a transparent green water top, a tiny collarless dress, and green stockings of the same tone, that green only made her sun-kissed skin stand out.

Her lover arrived a bit late, as usual, gave me a strong handshake and advanced to my wife with boldness, sticking his tongue deep into her mouth while squeezing one of her buttocks hard, she mouthed a protest because Jeremías had already put a finger in her ass, he told us it was a special occasion so we wouldn't be charged, and not only that, but he had also brought a gift.

He threw me a small box, it was for me, I opened it intrigued, it was one of those plastic cages to imprison penises, I laughed at the crazy idea, but well, it was exciting...

I undressed, my penis was already pronouncedly erect and almost forced me to lose it, as if giving in, voluntarily put my cock and testicles inside, adjusted the lock and handed the key to my wife, the sensation was rare, my cock tried to explode inside the cage, but it was imprisoned, I only settled on one side, it was time.

My wife seemed to be boiling with fever, her nipples were clearly marked on the fine fabric of her top, her hungry eyes showed how slutty she was, almost didn't give Jeremías time to undress, started kissing him desperately, as if possessed, in the mouth, on the chest, on the belly, until she fell to her knees at his feet and reached for his member, my wife admired it like a lost soul, because that man's cock was almost as wide and long as my dear arm.

Elizabeth only started sucking it in a slutty way, putting it in her mouth without achieving much depth, masturbating him with both hands or just passing her tongue over his depilated... testíbooties until his gland, passing through all his trunk with marked veins, trying to maintain visual contact with his lover at all times. Jeremías observed the situation with an arrogant gaze, knowing he had control, knowing my wife was dying for his cock, knowing I would enjoy every act he performed, the damn one knew everything would be done his way.

My wife was sucking his cock in such an exquisite way, almost desperate, my cock wanted to escape from the cage that kept her prisoner, feeling a sweet pleasure between my legs, with the need to want to touch me and not be able to.

Elizabeth, like a hot slut at the moment, left him and went for the condoms, so desperate she even skated along the edge of the bed, took one out quickly and carefully not to tear it with her nails, started to unwrap it over the venous trunk of our guest, when she finally finished, there were still about five centimeters left to cover, she implored like a little girl for him to take her.

He positioned her on all fours on the bed, caressed her twice with his hard cock at the entrance, until he finally buried it in her up to the bottom, pulling out a scream from her, started to take her with desire, deep, Elizabeth tried to wriggle forward, obviously too big, but he only took her by her tiny waist with his large hands, dragging her back against him again and again, making her perfect bronzed buttocks crash against his body, like this, very animal, very deep, and every time my wife didn't give herself over as he wanted received a strong slap on the backside in response, showing who was the male, who had the command.

She only enjoyed it, her face was turned to the side on the bed, with those exciting facial expressions of a woman receiving pleasure, with her mouth slightly open, panting, with her eyes closed and her brow furrowed, with her perfect red nails digging into the sheets, letting out moans I couldn't control, and all of this was driving me crazy, I knew he was giving her pleasure I couldn't give her, jamming could start changing positions, and so did he start playing with words

-Y slut... do you like my cock?

-Si... si... me... me in... I love...

-Who fucks better? Tell me the name of the man who fucks better...

-Vos... Jere... mias... Jeremias!

-But what about your husband? He's right here looking...

-No... no im... porta... vos... vos...

My wife sounded incongruous, he was taking her to that state of pleasure and excitement, and my cock seemed to explode at any moment

-Y who has the biggest cock, the one that gives you the most pleasure?

-Vos... vos... Jere... I love your... your cock...

-And do you like making your husband cuck? He's enjoying this...

I think she made a click in that moment and remembered I was there, and it was part of the game, for the first time she took control, made him lie down, and came almost right in front of me, with her legs open, squatting, went down, took her lover's cock and slowly put it into her pussy

The damn thing started playing with that, she was managing the rhythm, doing everything with cadence, swaying her hips from side to side, making a slow and provocative in-and-out move, about halfway between where I was sitting, my wife was leaving me see how her lust made her enjoy more than twenty centimeters of thick meat

In that moment I realized she wasn't doing it for herself, she was doing it for me, she wanted to give me a front-row seat to her eating all that meat, she was looking at me fixedly, burning me with her gaze, and every sensual movement she made took me to the abyss, I begged her to stop teasing me, it was all very tasty, and she started losing control, it was evident her lover was approaching orgasm, she just started moaning again but didn't speed up. Rhythm, everything was slow, Jeremías' cock started to contract rhythmically and Elizabeth only brayed, leaving me to know that she was giving him a terrible orgasm.

Our bodies were showing signs of sweating due to the spring heat, sweat droplets rolled down my beloved's face, her moist breasts still covered by the top transparently displayed in a sensual way like a rowing competition for wet rowers. She stepped aside, Jeremías' cock started to lose rigidity, the condom covering it was saturated with semen, really ending like a horse. She carefully removed it so not a single drop would escape and finally succeeded.

She came to my side, kissed me sweetly, a deep tongue kiss, few of which made me tilt my head back, she settled in, opened her mouth and started to pour the contents of the condom with great care, exciting both of us. Jeremías' still warm semen reached my mouth and I started to savor it, more and more, passing it around like she liked, slowly, without haste or pause, I was ingesting the product of our love.

It was so potent, so strong that my own penis, even compressed by the cage, started to emit semen in a precious orgasm...

Jeremías remained on the side, only observing as I enjoyed his juices, patiently massaging his cock to achieve another erection, which would not take long to happen, for him to return to the game. He took a second condom and with effort put it on his daring cock, also took lubricant and coated it completely. Then he indicated to my wife that she should get back into position four and me to prepare myself to help him.

Elizabeth only waited for what he wanted to do with her, her lover went behind and with his still lubricated fingers started to play in the sphincter of my love, telling me to put my hands on her buttocks and '... separara, wanted her to see how it was all opening up for her, and between us, she had eaten so many cocks that her ass would open naturally without much resistance. He played a little more, lubricating his cock and caressing the whole sex of my wife until he pointed and slowly began to penetrate her, pulling out a muffled cry, a mix of pain and pleasure. In some thrusts it was all over and my companion started to make her ass in a very wild way, while I was a luxury spectator just centimeters away, then he started playing with words again -What a beautiful ass your wife has... look how she opens it up, look how she leaves it... And after saying this, he would only pull out his cock for me to observe her dilated anus the size of a pool ball, and all this led to a new and uncontrollable excitement, he continued. And what a slut you are, not many women eat all this by the ass, do you like dirty sluts... But Elizabeth didn't answer, she couldn't, she only brayed every time he buried his cock as deep as possible until the end, savage, it seemed like she was about to give in at any moment under the force he provided her, in animal-like thrusts, he continued. -How many cocks did this slut eat by the ass? and I found out that you, who are her husband, can't make her... right?, if you saw how tasty it is... Damn, the bastard knew how to play the game, and it was true, every time I caught Elizabeth on all fours I couldn't help but look at how her ass had opened up from eating so many cocks, and that situation excited me so much that I only ended up looking at her. At one point, Elizabeth just slipped away and rolled onto her side, exhausted, she couldn't take it anymore with such a cock in her ass, twenty minutes had passed since he had been giving it to her nonstop... My feelings were mixed, my wife's ass was my most precious treasure, but I had voluntarily accepted that everyone, everyone except me could enjoy it and let my pleasure pass to the other side, feel like a happy cuck while others did what I would never do...

Elizabeth had taken control of the game, her lover no longer wore a condom on his menacing saber, and we settled in beside him, at his right, with the hand from that side holding Jeremías' cock firmly, sucking it again, putting it in his mouth as much as he could, licking it like a paid slut. On my left was I, and with the hand from that side, she caressed me gently, giving me deep and eternal kisses of lovers, her tongue in my mouth, mine in hers, our lips fused into one.

As we remained passive, she turned her head from side to side, sucking his cock, kissing me, him, and me again, in an infinite game where I felt the taste of what she was licking with care, feeling my cock compressed in its cage wanting to explode, because it was so pleasurable to enjoy what she enjoyed, since I knew it excited her a lot to play that game.

Jeremías wouldn't take long to arrive again, she circled his appetizing glans with her lips and slowly received the juices of that man into her mouth, more and more, until she felt her cheeks inflating, seeking more space to store. Then she came over me, making me recline slightly, and from a slightly superior angle, gave me the final kiss, leaving my mouth pass through hers once again, receiving the bitterness of her lover's semen, that thick honey, enjoying it in a glorious crossing of tongues, slowly passing the flows and only separating her lips from mine after ensuring everything had already passed through my throat.

It was enough for that day, with the only detail being that she laughed while cleaning the corner of her lips as she observed my small cage again, where my own semen was flowing out once more, another second orgasm. We gave each other a farewell shower, all three together, but it was just once. shower, where my wife scolded Jeremiah because he had left her with a sore ass, we three laughed, accomplices...

Today my cage transformed into my amulet, my inseparable friend, the one who cannot miss our encounters, when I enjoy strangers possessing my woman, and now yes, it ends, there will be no third party, there are no barriers to break...

I only hope you like the story and get inspired to share your women...

If you're over 18, you can write me with a title 'WHEN THEY GOT MY WIFE' at

2 comentários - Cuando se cogieron a mi mujer - 2da parte