No dejes de pasar por mi mejor post
No te vas a arrepentir!
Mi noviazgo con Saturnino no duró mucho tiempo, fueron tiempo perfectos y éramos tal para cual, y rápidamente terminamos en el altar.
Producto de un buen pasar económico compramos una hermosa casa al pie de los cerros, en uno de los barrios más codiciados de la ciudad, en el sitio para gente pudiente, de construcción moderna, en dos plantas, con amplios ventanales vidriados que quitaban intimidad de no ser por los cortinados, de esos que puedes ver todo lo que sucede afuera, con demasiadas habitaciones para solo dos personas y todos los lujos imaginables de hoy en día, con un gran pasadizo lateral por el que ingresábamos nuestros coches, cada uno el suyo y terminaba en una gran piscina de fondo con quincho para el verano.
A pesar de tenerlo todo en abundancia, nuestra convivencia de matrimonio no fue la esperada, los fuegos de artificio de las primeras noches pronto se apagaron y de alguna manera nos transformamos en dos extraños que compartían el lecho y hacían el amor, pero no más que eso.
Traté de descubrir que le sucedía a mi esposo, porque yo era todo fuego con él, me portaba como puta con él y no tenía un ‘no’ para él, pero después de hacerlo, el solo me daba la espalda y parecía encerrarse en sus secretos, pero Saturnino parecía distante y yo sentía que mi marido, a pesar de todo, nunca estaba satisfecho.
No fue de un día para el otro, pero poco a poco fui desarmando sus defensas, entendiendo que pasaba, al principio lo tomé como una tonta locura, yo no era así, se había equivocado conmigo, pero con el correr de los días, me fui perdiendo en su juego y no supe cuando pasé a ser parte del mismo.
Resultó que mi esposo se excitaba con la idea de que le metiera los cuernos, de que lo hiciera sus espaldas, de que me prostituyera con cuanto tipo se cruzara en nuestro camino, pero esas cosas no eran para un matrimonio tradicional.
Cuando Saturnino pudo confiarme todos sus deseos, sintió que se quitaba un peso de encima, ya no era un secreto, ahora tenía a una cómplice para sus locuras, empezamos a leer bibliografía, a compartir historias, relatos, fantasías y vivencias reales de otras parejas, y poco a poco me hice a la idea, nos registramos en un sitio web que encontramos al azar, se llamaba ‘de putas y cornudos’ y empezamos a chatear con otras parejas y caímos en ese remolino de deseos que nos arrastraba más y más profundo.
Era una noche de otoño, esas noches en que estamos a medio camino entre el calor de verano y el frío de invierno, era un fin de semana largo por un lunes feriado y no había mucha gente en la ciudad, muchos habían aprovechado para descansar en otros sitios, así que decidimos ir a un pub al que solíamos ir de novios, estaba un tanto alejado del centro, donde en general iban parejas a tomar unos tragos y bailar un poco. Yo era un joven y me sabía bonita, de cara redonda y ojos oscuros, cabellos negros que suelo recogerme, y una silueta bien armónica, pechos, cintura, nalgas, piernas, ya saben, y Saturnino se excitaba cuando notaba que otros me deseaban, así que por lo general me hacía vestir provocativa. Esa noche el mismo se había encargado de depilar mi sexo. Me había elegido una diminuta tanga y sostén de encaje, una corta y ajustada pollera negra, camisa un tanto traslúcida en tonos apagados, y por cierto, me pidió que junto a mis zapatos tacos altos llevara medias de nailon con ligas.
Y así llegamos a ese lugar al que tantas veces habíamos ido, como era previsible estaba casi desierto, y me sentía sexi por la forma en que estaba vestida y además sabiendo que todo este juego excitaba a Saturnino, pero yo ni siquiera imaginaba las cosas que se cruzaban por la cabeza a ese hombre.
Y así fue como, entre tragos y bailes, entre besos y caricias, me fui soltando, me predispuse, en un momento tuve que ir a orinar entonces mi marido aprovechó el momento para decirme
-Espera... ya que vas al abaño, sacate la tanga y traémela, me excita saber que estás desnuda entre tus piernas, imaginar que algún macho de estos puede hacerte suya, se me para la verga de solo pensarlo.
Yo puse algunos reparos en esos momentos, pero Saturnino sabía cómo convencerme, así que minutos más tarde estaba nuevamente a su lado, en medio del pub, con mi concha desnuda y caliente, poniéndole en su mano la tanga empapada en flujos que ya no traía puesta.
Seguimos jugando, en esos juegos calientes, a medida que pasaban los minutos el me provocaba más y más, sentía el flujo caliente que emanaba de mi sexo y chorreaba en forma descontrolada, y esto se convertía en un círculo vicioso, más me mojaba, más me excitaba, y en mi cabeza la sensación de no tener ropa interior se hacía terriblemente enloquecedora.
Saturnino empezó entonces a jugar con las palabras, me dijo que de los hombres que había en el lugar eligiera uno, que fantaseara con quien yo quisiera tener sexo, solo era un juego y si bien lo evadí varias veces el siguió insistiendo, así que solo por darle el gusto en sus fantasías miré rápidamente el entorno, dos o tres chicos que estaban solos llamaron mi atención, pero sin dudas un rubio apostado sobre la barra me pareció un bocado tentador, bebía un trago en posición de observador, y ya había notado varias veces en la noche sus ojos perdidos en mis curvas, era alto, bien parecido, tenía un conjunto sport de pantalón y saco en un tono habano y una remera ajustada en un blanco reluciente. Se lo marque a mi marido, y poco a poco establecimos contacto visual y gestual, entre los tres, una locura total, pero me di cuenta de que estaba tan caliente que podría haber hecho cualquier cosa en esos momentos...
Y mi esposo se dio cuenta de todo, todo salía como lo había trazado en su mente, cuando el extraño se dirigió a los sanitarios él me dijo empujándome por mi espalda
-Andá, apurate, seguilo, metete en el baño con él, quiero que le chupes la verga, quiero que lo hagas!
En esos instantes dudé un poco si aún era parte de fantasías o una peligrosa realidad, pero hacía meses que mi marido venía quemándome las neuronas con estas cosas, así que sus pedidos no me sonaron disparatados, avancé a los sanitarios de hombres, sin saber cómo reaccionaría ese extraño, al meterme estaba en los lavándose las manos y acomodándose los cabellos, nos miramos fijamente a través del espejo de la pared, y noté la sorpresa en tus ojos, para mi suerte parecía no haber nadie ningún otro hombre en esos momentos, solo me acerqué al extraño y le dije
-Vi como me mirabas, y mi esposo me desafió a que te chupara la verga... te interesa?
Creo que el tipo no entendía muy bien de que se trataba todo el juego, pero mis palabras hubieran mellado su hombría de no haber aceptado, y honestamente seguramente a sus ojos lucía terriblemente puta en ese baño de caballeros, y por si tuviera dudas solo bajé mi mirada a su entrepierna y empecé a mojarme los labios con mi lengua, el tipo solo se recostó sobre la mesada y empezó a desnudar su pija, fui ya sin dudas sobre lo que quería hacer, me arrodillé a sus pies, apoyé mis manos en sus piernas y contemplé su miembro duro, solo cerré los ojos y lo metí en mi boca, estaba exquisito, hacía tiempo que no estaba con otro hombre y desde el día que Saturnino y yo nos conocimos le fui absolutamente fiel. El rubio me dejaba hacer, yo trataba de meterla profundo, de acariciar su glande con mi lengua, y solo se la chupaba como una sucia puta, de rodillas, imaginando lo que mi esposo imaginaba fuera del lugar.
El tipo insinuó querer cogerme, pero las instrucciones eran solamente chuparle la verga, y ese era mi trabajo, sentí a mis espaldas algunos casuales hombres que pasaron y se sorprendieron con el cuadro, poco me importó, es más. me excitó que extraños me vieran como mamaba esa verga y a esa altura sentía mis flujos llegar ya a mis medias con ligas, era dinamita a pronto de estallar.
Y solo seguí en el jugo hasta que lo sentí venir, solo miré sus ojos en esos momentos, en el pináculo de su placer, una oleada de semen llenó mi boca, estaba exquisito, y más, y otro poco más, demasiado, pero apreté con fuerzas mis labios en torno a su tronco, fruncí el ceño, no podía con tanto, empecé a tragar y tragar, su exquisito amargor, esa melaza de placer llenó mi interior.
Me incorporé satisfecha con una sonrisa entre los labios observando como el muchacho había quedado desarmado, sin defensas tratando de recobrar el aliento mientras acomodaba su verga entre las ropas. Volví entonces con mi marido, quien esperaba expectante para saber si lo había hecho, no le dije nada, solo lo abracé y le di el beso más dulce y profundo que le hubiera dado en mi vida, en mi boca y en mis labios aún tenía el sabor de la leche que acababa de degustar y eso fue demasiado explosivo, sentí toda la dureza de mi esposo clavada en mi bajo vientre.
Tal vez, eso hubiera sido suficiente, pero por primera vez sería yo quien tomaría las riendas y las cosas se harían a mi manera, si de veras quería ser mi cornudo, pues yo le daría el gusto...
No perdí mucho tiempo, estaba ya demasiado caliente y dispuesta a todo, no muy lejos de donde estábamos, el rubio nos miraba expectante, nuevamente tomaba un trago en la barra, así que agarré fuerte a mi marido por la mano y fuimos a su encuentro
-Hola! nos encontramos de nuevo - dije en tono casual -
-Quiero presentarlos, el es mi esposo, Saturnino, y el es... a propósito, como te llamas?
Caí en cuantas que la había chupado la verga a un perfecto desconocido que ni siquiera sabía su nombre
-Daniel, - contestó el - Daniel Ibarra.
-Bien! - dije tomando el toro por las astas - vamos a hacer lo siguiente, Daniel, quiero que me lleves a mi casa, quiero que termines lo que empezamos en el baño, solo nosotros, mi esposo, nos seguirá en nuestro coche, y esperará en la puerta, pacientemente hasta que su mujercita quede bien satisfecha, te parece amor?
Both men remained silent, my husband was no longer in charge, the matriarchy was beginning and my pussy was so flooded that I could do anything.
As we left the pub, a torrential rain surprised us with wind, thunder, and lightning. I went with Daniel to his car and in minutes we were heading home, he drove carefully while my left hand caressed patiently the hairs of his neck, my eyes exchanged attention between the blonde who was going to take me and the rear window of the car, populated by raindrops that distorted the lights of the car following us, our own, my husband's...
We arrived and almost ran to the door to avoid getting wet. We entered, only Daniel and I, and I locked with a key. We headed to the kitchen, where I gave my lover a bottle of wine that my husband kept for a special occasion, and this was a special occasion. I told him to open it while I opened the curtains on the window and left the place half-lit.
As I said before, those windows didn't keep intimacy, and since I could see outside, surely someone outside could see what was happening inside. The streetlight was also scarce, but in each lightning that cut through the sky, I could see clearly the silhouette of a man on the other side of the street, a man who was waiting expectantly under a torrential downpour. That was my man. Saturnino was outside, under the water, in his role as cuck, waiting for his wife to be penetrated.
And I chose that place, the kitchen, I wanted my husband to be part of it, that was exciting. I undressed the chest of that man and filled him with kisses. I also undressed my torso, leaving my breasts at his disposal, my nipples were inflamed and I felt shivers when they touched his skin.
Daniel didn't take long to notice my secret, when his hands like an octopus went under my skirt discovered that I wasn't wearing underwear, and not only that, he pulled out his wet fingers from my juices that had already impregnated until the thighs
- You're a slut - he exclaimed when he discovered it -
-Suck my pussy - I begged him -
He took me by the waist and lifted me up in the air, sat me on the countertop and my buttocks felt the cold marble beneath them, I reclined slightly towards the back, leaning on my elbows, opened my legs wide, resting my right taco on the counter, I needed to adjust myself in such a way that I could see outside and also for Saturnino to be part of the humiliation from the front sidewalk.
Daniel kissed my flat stomach and ran his sharp tongue over my shaved pubis, this was erotic for him, with one of my hands I started caressing my breasts, with the other, the man's hair, squeezing it tightly onto my sex, my eyes only looked outside, and each lightning bolt left me seeing my husband defenseless under the water, again and again.
My lover licked me with skill, but it was all too fast, I had been holding back for a long time not to finish, so I let out a gasp and screamed, I had those yummy stings, that electricity running through every pore of my skin, it was a terrible orgasm, everything mixed together, a lover, a stranger, a humiliated husband, a voyeur and me, a slut, I felt so slut...
Daniel took the initiative, I was still dazed from my orgasm, he lifted my legs making me recline completely on the counter, I was defenseless, his cock went all the way into my pussy, to the bottom, only inspiring by pressing my lips and closing my eyes as a reflex, he started taking me, with force, more force, more, he squeezed my thighs between his hands, telling me how much of a slut I was and how excited it made him that I had stockings and my sex was all shaved, I masturbated with force my clitoris, one of his hands grasped my buttocks, I felt his indiscreet fingers playing in my sphincter, there were enough juices to facilitate access, I dug my nails into his biceps when he buried them up to the bottom, in seconds I felt my pussy flooded with his cum, damn! it was terrible, it was perfect... I started to clear up, the rain had diminished quite a bit, my husband's silhouette became more defined, he was still standing there, imperturbable, like a statue, my legs were trembling, I felt exhausted, Daniel was still hot, with his cock still hard despite having filled my pussy with cum, obviously the whole situation had excited him, it was he who took the initiative, he told me roughly
What a dirty slut you are, do you like screwing strangers? I know how to treat whores like you...
He made me stop, I was still wearing my high heels and black stockings, his semen was dripping between my legs, he led me against the window, pressed my face and breasts against the cold glass, my back was towards him, he settled in and fucked me hard in the ass
Ayyyyyy!!!!! Animal! - I cried out in pain at the intruder's content
Take it, slut, take it! - he said as he started to sodomize me with more and more force.
The situation was incomparable, that guy had me almost naked against the window, he was giving me a good screwing in the ass like a prostitute, and on the other side, Saturnino had the pleasure of watching another man possess me, just like he had imagined so many times before.
Daniel didn't stop until he filled my ass with cum, leaving me well-dilated, satisfied with pleasure...
The time for Daniel was over, at that moment there was only a see you later, it wasn't the hour to think about the future, he took his clothes, put them back on, gave me a last kiss on the mouth with a sinful flavor and just left. Minutes later, the main door opened again, Saturnino's figure appeared, he was a wet rag, he looked at me like examining me, I was almost naked, leaning against the counter, exultant, with my hollows aching, dripping semen everywhere, I looked at him defiantly, provocatively, I wanted him to put his horns in? Humiliate him? Well, I had given him the pleasure...
It was his turn to treat me like a prostitute, he threw all his wet clothes aside, grabbed my arm and dragged me... To the bedroom, he put me on four over the mattress, and only stuck his cock in my pussy. It was sexy listening to the continuous crackling sounds, since I was still full of Daniel's juices; he separated my buttocks to see my anus fully open, only encouraging him to also give it to me from behind, and started changing holes at his whim.
Honestly, Daniel had caught me so well that I no longer had desires for my husband to catch me, so I just let him get it out until he finished on my back.
I reclined forward, just closed my eyes, and fell deeply asleep.
That was the beginning of a new life for Saturnino and me; we recounted our experiences in whores and cuckolds and many people were part of our experiences. Saturnino uploaded my naked photos so that everyone could know the slut I was as his wife, and many boys contacted us, some even got to catch me, and we repeated the experience with strangers at that pub and other places.
Then it was the turn of one of his cousins, and later a friend of mine whom I had always wanted, and we noticed that with strangers it was good, but with acquaintances it was even better. Saturnino wanted to be a complete cuck and have everyone know that they could all catch themselves at his wife, and gradually I became an authentic slut; I went from mouth to mouth, I was the woman of his friends, of the neighborhood, everyone, everyone was a candidate to catch me, and I took pleasure in humiliating him, sometimes he was present but many times he didn't even know what I was doing with whom, only leaving it for him to imagine while I went around with others.
Years passed, stories, many stories, we arrived at the present; last week was his birthday, I went to celebrate it with a couple of his friends, left a note on the table that said: My love, happy birthday! I like you watching from there, cuck, seeing how someone else is touching me in public, how they're touching me right in front of your eyes. How I get my thong wet in front of everyone, I like you to feel jealous and your member hard because I know that's how you are even when you're there at a distance, always I notice the bulge in your pants, I know you like seeing others enjoy your wife and it hurts you knowing that others make me come more than you. You know I won't be here today, I'll just get myself off, I'll be with him, letting him finger me so you can feel the delight of humiliation, the pleasant pain of knowing another man is enjoying my wife as much as you're not. I like cuckolding you so much that I come just thinking about it and I'm going to the hotel with him. This time I want to be alone, so you can't see it, I want to make you suffer because your masochism excites me and I know you suffer from not seeing how I'm cheating on you. But don't leave your phone, stay alert, I won't forget about cuckolding you, I'll call you, leaving the communication open when we're in the room and he's got his cock in my hands, when he eats me out, it's huge, your cock compared to his isn't a cock, I feel like telling you ha ha ha! But I don't feel bad about it, humiliating you excites me, you know that. I've thought of giving him head, I'll be paying attention for a good show, I want you to hear us having sex with him so you can know what the sound of your cheating is like. Wait up for me, even if it's late, I'll come back exhausted from cock but it's your birthday, I'll give you the opportunity to get me, my dear cuck husband. You'll have to try to fuck me, clearly, if you can because I know you can't. I've got you locked in chastity and you can't even masturbate or get me off, but I'll let you try, try to put your crap in my pussy, even though you can't, while I tell you all the details about how my guy has screwed me, the orgasms he's given me, how he's sucked my tits, used the word: pussy and how he's drilled me with his cock from every side, how it hurts my ass because of him, because his cock is huge and beautiful. I know your member will get hard when you hear how I've been made to come. Cuck, and the belt will squeeze you once more, and it will hurt, I know, and I do it on purpose. I want to make you suffer because I know you enjoy it, that the more I make you suffer and humiliate you, the more you'll enjoy it. You're a masochistic cuck. A jewel of a husband.
But I'm not a bad woman. I'm a good wife, the mother of your children, well, it's one way to say it, yes, because you know that two sons are not yours, they're the sons of the men who took me, who knows from whom, but that excites you, cuck, it's what most excites you, feeling like a cuck for the rest of your life because when you look at my eyes, you'll know you're a cuck. You know, I'm hot and in my fertile days, who says, maybe by the time I return, there will be a new life germinating inside me, it would be a lovely gift on your day, what do you think?
And if you're lucky, maybe I'll take off the belt and let you masturbate, you deserve it, you've been without for more than four months and I don't want your mini testicles to atrophy. And if I'm in a good mood, I might make you cum by beating you with my hands, I know you like it because you can't stand even a minute of my slaps on your mini cock. You come while I call you cuck, my husband cuck, my dear wife cuck. I love you.
If you liked this story and are over 18, you can write to me with the subject DE PUTAS Y CORNUDOS at
No te vas a arrepentir!
Mi noviazgo con Saturnino no duró mucho tiempo, fueron tiempo perfectos y éramos tal para cual, y rápidamente terminamos en el altar.
Producto de un buen pasar económico compramos una hermosa casa al pie de los cerros, en uno de los barrios más codiciados de la ciudad, en el sitio para gente pudiente, de construcción moderna, en dos plantas, con amplios ventanales vidriados que quitaban intimidad de no ser por los cortinados, de esos que puedes ver todo lo que sucede afuera, con demasiadas habitaciones para solo dos personas y todos los lujos imaginables de hoy en día, con un gran pasadizo lateral por el que ingresábamos nuestros coches, cada uno el suyo y terminaba en una gran piscina de fondo con quincho para el verano.
A pesar de tenerlo todo en abundancia, nuestra convivencia de matrimonio no fue la esperada, los fuegos de artificio de las primeras noches pronto se apagaron y de alguna manera nos transformamos en dos extraños que compartían el lecho y hacían el amor, pero no más que eso.
Traté de descubrir que le sucedía a mi esposo, porque yo era todo fuego con él, me portaba como puta con él y no tenía un ‘no’ para él, pero después de hacerlo, el solo me daba la espalda y parecía encerrarse en sus secretos, pero Saturnino parecía distante y yo sentía que mi marido, a pesar de todo, nunca estaba satisfecho.
No fue de un día para el otro, pero poco a poco fui desarmando sus defensas, entendiendo que pasaba, al principio lo tomé como una tonta locura, yo no era así, se había equivocado conmigo, pero con el correr de los días, me fui perdiendo en su juego y no supe cuando pasé a ser parte del mismo.
Resultó que mi esposo se excitaba con la idea de que le metiera los cuernos, de que lo hiciera sus espaldas, de que me prostituyera con cuanto tipo se cruzara en nuestro camino, pero esas cosas no eran para un matrimonio tradicional.
Cuando Saturnino pudo confiarme todos sus deseos, sintió que se quitaba un peso de encima, ya no era un secreto, ahora tenía a una cómplice para sus locuras, empezamos a leer bibliografía, a compartir historias, relatos, fantasías y vivencias reales de otras parejas, y poco a poco me hice a la idea, nos registramos en un sitio web que encontramos al azar, se llamaba ‘de putas y cornudos’ y empezamos a chatear con otras parejas y caímos en ese remolino de deseos que nos arrastraba más y más profundo.
Era una noche de otoño, esas noches en que estamos a medio camino entre el calor de verano y el frío de invierno, era un fin de semana largo por un lunes feriado y no había mucha gente en la ciudad, muchos habían aprovechado para descansar en otros sitios, así que decidimos ir a un pub al que solíamos ir de novios, estaba un tanto alejado del centro, donde en general iban parejas a tomar unos tragos y bailar un poco. Yo era un joven y me sabía bonita, de cara redonda y ojos oscuros, cabellos negros que suelo recogerme, y una silueta bien armónica, pechos, cintura, nalgas, piernas, ya saben, y Saturnino se excitaba cuando notaba que otros me deseaban, así que por lo general me hacía vestir provocativa. Esa noche el mismo se había encargado de depilar mi sexo. Me había elegido una diminuta tanga y sostén de encaje, una corta y ajustada pollera negra, camisa un tanto traslúcida en tonos apagados, y por cierto, me pidió que junto a mis zapatos tacos altos llevara medias de nailon con ligas.
Y así llegamos a ese lugar al que tantas veces habíamos ido, como era previsible estaba casi desierto, y me sentía sexi por la forma en que estaba vestida y además sabiendo que todo este juego excitaba a Saturnino, pero yo ni siquiera imaginaba las cosas que se cruzaban por la cabeza a ese hombre.
Y así fue como, entre tragos y bailes, entre besos y caricias, me fui soltando, me predispuse, en un momento tuve que ir a orinar entonces mi marido aprovechó el momento para decirme
-Espera... ya que vas al abaño, sacate la tanga y traémela, me excita saber que estás desnuda entre tus piernas, imaginar que algún macho de estos puede hacerte suya, se me para la verga de solo pensarlo.
Yo puse algunos reparos en esos momentos, pero Saturnino sabía cómo convencerme, así que minutos más tarde estaba nuevamente a su lado, en medio del pub, con mi concha desnuda y caliente, poniéndole en su mano la tanga empapada en flujos que ya no traía puesta.
Seguimos jugando, en esos juegos calientes, a medida que pasaban los minutos el me provocaba más y más, sentía el flujo caliente que emanaba de mi sexo y chorreaba en forma descontrolada, y esto se convertía en un círculo vicioso, más me mojaba, más me excitaba, y en mi cabeza la sensación de no tener ropa interior se hacía terriblemente enloquecedora.
Saturnino empezó entonces a jugar con las palabras, me dijo que de los hombres que había en el lugar eligiera uno, que fantaseara con quien yo quisiera tener sexo, solo era un juego y si bien lo evadí varias veces el siguió insistiendo, así que solo por darle el gusto en sus fantasías miré rápidamente el entorno, dos o tres chicos que estaban solos llamaron mi atención, pero sin dudas un rubio apostado sobre la barra me pareció un bocado tentador, bebía un trago en posición de observador, y ya había notado varias veces en la noche sus ojos perdidos en mis curvas, era alto, bien parecido, tenía un conjunto sport de pantalón y saco en un tono habano y una remera ajustada en un blanco reluciente. Se lo marque a mi marido, y poco a poco establecimos contacto visual y gestual, entre los tres, una locura total, pero me di cuenta de que estaba tan caliente que podría haber hecho cualquier cosa en esos momentos...
Y mi esposo se dio cuenta de todo, todo salía como lo había trazado en su mente, cuando el extraño se dirigió a los sanitarios él me dijo empujándome por mi espalda
-Andá, apurate, seguilo, metete en el baño con él, quiero que le chupes la verga, quiero que lo hagas!
En esos instantes dudé un poco si aún era parte de fantasías o una peligrosa realidad, pero hacía meses que mi marido venía quemándome las neuronas con estas cosas, así que sus pedidos no me sonaron disparatados, avancé a los sanitarios de hombres, sin saber cómo reaccionaría ese extraño, al meterme estaba en los lavándose las manos y acomodándose los cabellos, nos miramos fijamente a través del espejo de la pared, y noté la sorpresa en tus ojos, para mi suerte parecía no haber nadie ningún otro hombre en esos momentos, solo me acerqué al extraño y le dije
-Vi como me mirabas, y mi esposo me desafió a que te chupara la verga... te interesa?
Creo que el tipo no entendía muy bien de que se trataba todo el juego, pero mis palabras hubieran mellado su hombría de no haber aceptado, y honestamente seguramente a sus ojos lucía terriblemente puta en ese baño de caballeros, y por si tuviera dudas solo bajé mi mirada a su entrepierna y empecé a mojarme los labios con mi lengua, el tipo solo se recostó sobre la mesada y empezó a desnudar su pija, fui ya sin dudas sobre lo que quería hacer, me arrodillé a sus pies, apoyé mis manos en sus piernas y contemplé su miembro duro, solo cerré los ojos y lo metí en mi boca, estaba exquisito, hacía tiempo que no estaba con otro hombre y desde el día que Saturnino y yo nos conocimos le fui absolutamente fiel. El rubio me dejaba hacer, yo trataba de meterla profundo, de acariciar su glande con mi lengua, y solo se la chupaba como una sucia puta, de rodillas, imaginando lo que mi esposo imaginaba fuera del lugar.
El tipo insinuó querer cogerme, pero las instrucciones eran solamente chuparle la verga, y ese era mi trabajo, sentí a mis espaldas algunos casuales hombres que pasaron y se sorprendieron con el cuadro, poco me importó, es más. me excitó que extraños me vieran como mamaba esa verga y a esa altura sentía mis flujos llegar ya a mis medias con ligas, era dinamita a pronto de estallar.
Y solo seguí en el jugo hasta que lo sentí venir, solo miré sus ojos en esos momentos, en el pináculo de su placer, una oleada de semen llenó mi boca, estaba exquisito, y más, y otro poco más, demasiado, pero apreté con fuerzas mis labios en torno a su tronco, fruncí el ceño, no podía con tanto, empecé a tragar y tragar, su exquisito amargor, esa melaza de placer llenó mi interior.
Me incorporé satisfecha con una sonrisa entre los labios observando como el muchacho había quedado desarmado, sin defensas tratando de recobrar el aliento mientras acomodaba su verga entre las ropas. Volví entonces con mi marido, quien esperaba expectante para saber si lo había hecho, no le dije nada, solo lo abracé y le di el beso más dulce y profundo que le hubiera dado en mi vida, en mi boca y en mis labios aún tenía el sabor de la leche que acababa de degustar y eso fue demasiado explosivo, sentí toda la dureza de mi esposo clavada en mi bajo vientre.
Tal vez, eso hubiera sido suficiente, pero por primera vez sería yo quien tomaría las riendas y las cosas se harían a mi manera, si de veras quería ser mi cornudo, pues yo le daría el gusto...
No perdí mucho tiempo, estaba ya demasiado caliente y dispuesta a todo, no muy lejos de donde estábamos, el rubio nos miraba expectante, nuevamente tomaba un trago en la barra, así que agarré fuerte a mi marido por la mano y fuimos a su encuentro
-Hola! nos encontramos de nuevo - dije en tono casual -
-Quiero presentarlos, el es mi esposo, Saturnino, y el es... a propósito, como te llamas?
Caí en cuantas que la había chupado la verga a un perfecto desconocido que ni siquiera sabía su nombre
-Daniel, - contestó el - Daniel Ibarra.
-Bien! - dije tomando el toro por las astas - vamos a hacer lo siguiente, Daniel, quiero que me lleves a mi casa, quiero que termines lo que empezamos en el baño, solo nosotros, mi esposo, nos seguirá en nuestro coche, y esperará en la puerta, pacientemente hasta que su mujercita quede bien satisfecha, te parece amor?
Both men remained silent, my husband was no longer in charge, the matriarchy was beginning and my pussy was so flooded that I could do anything.
As we left the pub, a torrential rain surprised us with wind, thunder, and lightning. I went with Daniel to his car and in minutes we were heading home, he drove carefully while my left hand caressed patiently the hairs of his neck, my eyes exchanged attention between the blonde who was going to take me and the rear window of the car, populated by raindrops that distorted the lights of the car following us, our own, my husband's...
We arrived and almost ran to the door to avoid getting wet. We entered, only Daniel and I, and I locked with a key. We headed to the kitchen, where I gave my lover a bottle of wine that my husband kept for a special occasion, and this was a special occasion. I told him to open it while I opened the curtains on the window and left the place half-lit.
As I said before, those windows didn't keep intimacy, and since I could see outside, surely someone outside could see what was happening inside. The streetlight was also scarce, but in each lightning that cut through the sky, I could see clearly the silhouette of a man on the other side of the street, a man who was waiting expectantly under a torrential downpour. That was my man. Saturnino was outside, under the water, in his role as cuck, waiting for his wife to be penetrated.
And I chose that place, the kitchen, I wanted my husband to be part of it, that was exciting. I undressed the chest of that man and filled him with kisses. I also undressed my torso, leaving my breasts at his disposal, my nipples were inflamed and I felt shivers when they touched his skin.
Daniel didn't take long to notice my secret, when his hands like an octopus went under my skirt discovered that I wasn't wearing underwear, and not only that, he pulled out his wet fingers from my juices that had already impregnated until the thighs
- You're a slut - he exclaimed when he discovered it -
-Suck my pussy - I begged him -
He took me by the waist and lifted me up in the air, sat me on the countertop and my buttocks felt the cold marble beneath them, I reclined slightly towards the back, leaning on my elbows, opened my legs wide, resting my right taco on the counter, I needed to adjust myself in such a way that I could see outside and also for Saturnino to be part of the humiliation from the front sidewalk.
Daniel kissed my flat stomach and ran his sharp tongue over my shaved pubis, this was erotic for him, with one of my hands I started caressing my breasts, with the other, the man's hair, squeezing it tightly onto my sex, my eyes only looked outside, and each lightning bolt left me seeing my husband defenseless under the water, again and again.
My lover licked me with skill, but it was all too fast, I had been holding back for a long time not to finish, so I let out a gasp and screamed, I had those yummy stings, that electricity running through every pore of my skin, it was a terrible orgasm, everything mixed together, a lover, a stranger, a humiliated husband, a voyeur and me, a slut, I felt so slut...
Daniel took the initiative, I was still dazed from my orgasm, he lifted my legs making me recline completely on the counter, I was defenseless, his cock went all the way into my pussy, to the bottom, only inspiring by pressing my lips and closing my eyes as a reflex, he started taking me, with force, more force, more, he squeezed my thighs between his hands, telling me how much of a slut I was and how excited it made him that I had stockings and my sex was all shaved, I masturbated with force my clitoris, one of his hands grasped my buttocks, I felt his indiscreet fingers playing in my sphincter, there were enough juices to facilitate access, I dug my nails into his biceps when he buried them up to the bottom, in seconds I felt my pussy flooded with his cum, damn! it was terrible, it was perfect... I started to clear up, the rain had diminished quite a bit, my husband's silhouette became more defined, he was still standing there, imperturbable, like a statue, my legs were trembling, I felt exhausted, Daniel was still hot, with his cock still hard despite having filled my pussy with cum, obviously the whole situation had excited him, it was he who took the initiative, he told me roughly
What a dirty slut you are, do you like screwing strangers? I know how to treat whores like you...
He made me stop, I was still wearing my high heels and black stockings, his semen was dripping between my legs, he led me against the window, pressed my face and breasts against the cold glass, my back was towards him, he settled in and fucked me hard in the ass
Ayyyyyy!!!!! Animal! - I cried out in pain at the intruder's content
Take it, slut, take it! - he said as he started to sodomize me with more and more force.
The situation was incomparable, that guy had me almost naked against the window, he was giving me a good screwing in the ass like a prostitute, and on the other side, Saturnino had the pleasure of watching another man possess me, just like he had imagined so many times before.
Daniel didn't stop until he filled my ass with cum, leaving me well-dilated, satisfied with pleasure...
The time for Daniel was over, at that moment there was only a see you later, it wasn't the hour to think about the future, he took his clothes, put them back on, gave me a last kiss on the mouth with a sinful flavor and just left. Minutes later, the main door opened again, Saturnino's figure appeared, he was a wet rag, he looked at me like examining me, I was almost naked, leaning against the counter, exultant, with my hollows aching, dripping semen everywhere, I looked at him defiantly, provocatively, I wanted him to put his horns in? Humiliate him? Well, I had given him the pleasure...
It was his turn to treat me like a prostitute, he threw all his wet clothes aside, grabbed my arm and dragged me... To the bedroom, he put me on four over the mattress, and only stuck his cock in my pussy. It was sexy listening to the continuous crackling sounds, since I was still full of Daniel's juices; he separated my buttocks to see my anus fully open, only encouraging him to also give it to me from behind, and started changing holes at his whim.
Honestly, Daniel had caught me so well that I no longer had desires for my husband to catch me, so I just let him get it out until he finished on my back.
I reclined forward, just closed my eyes, and fell deeply asleep.
That was the beginning of a new life for Saturnino and me; we recounted our experiences in whores and cuckolds and many people were part of our experiences. Saturnino uploaded my naked photos so that everyone could know the slut I was as his wife, and many boys contacted us, some even got to catch me, and we repeated the experience with strangers at that pub and other places.
Then it was the turn of one of his cousins, and later a friend of mine whom I had always wanted, and we noticed that with strangers it was good, but with acquaintances it was even better. Saturnino wanted to be a complete cuck and have everyone know that they could all catch themselves at his wife, and gradually I became an authentic slut; I went from mouth to mouth, I was the woman of his friends, of the neighborhood, everyone, everyone was a candidate to catch me, and I took pleasure in humiliating him, sometimes he was present but many times he didn't even know what I was doing with whom, only leaving it for him to imagine while I went around with others.
Years passed, stories, many stories, we arrived at the present; last week was his birthday, I went to celebrate it with a couple of his friends, left a note on the table that said: My love, happy birthday! I like you watching from there, cuck, seeing how someone else is touching me in public, how they're touching me right in front of your eyes. How I get my thong wet in front of everyone, I like you to feel jealous and your member hard because I know that's how you are even when you're there at a distance, always I notice the bulge in your pants, I know you like seeing others enjoy your wife and it hurts you knowing that others make me come more than you. You know I won't be here today, I'll just get myself off, I'll be with him, letting him finger me so you can feel the delight of humiliation, the pleasant pain of knowing another man is enjoying my wife as much as you're not. I like cuckolding you so much that I come just thinking about it and I'm going to the hotel with him. This time I want to be alone, so you can't see it, I want to make you suffer because your masochism excites me and I know you suffer from not seeing how I'm cheating on you. But don't leave your phone, stay alert, I won't forget about cuckolding you, I'll call you, leaving the communication open when we're in the room and he's got his cock in my hands, when he eats me out, it's huge, your cock compared to his isn't a cock, I feel like telling you ha ha ha! But I don't feel bad about it, humiliating you excites me, you know that. I've thought of giving him head, I'll be paying attention for a good show, I want you to hear us having sex with him so you can know what the sound of your cheating is like. Wait up for me, even if it's late, I'll come back exhausted from cock but it's your birthday, I'll give you the opportunity to get me, my dear cuck husband. You'll have to try to fuck me, clearly, if you can because I know you can't. I've got you locked in chastity and you can't even masturbate or get me off, but I'll let you try, try to put your crap in my pussy, even though you can't, while I tell you all the details about how my guy has screwed me, the orgasms he's given me, how he's sucked my tits, used the word: pussy and how he's drilled me with his cock from every side, how it hurts my ass because of him, because his cock is huge and beautiful. I know your member will get hard when you hear how I've been made to come. Cuck, and the belt will squeeze you once more, and it will hurt, I know, and I do it on purpose. I want to make you suffer because I know you enjoy it, that the more I make you suffer and humiliate you, the more you'll enjoy it. You're a masochistic cuck. A jewel of a husband.
But I'm not a bad woman. I'm a good wife, the mother of your children, well, it's one way to say it, yes, because you know that two sons are not yours, they're the sons of the men who took me, who knows from whom, but that excites you, cuck, it's what most excites you, feeling like a cuck for the rest of your life because when you look at my eyes, you'll know you're a cuck. You know, I'm hot and in my fertile days, who says, maybe by the time I return, there will be a new life germinating inside me, it would be a lovely gift on your day, what do you think?
And if you're lucky, maybe I'll take off the belt and let you masturbate, you deserve it, you've been without for more than four months and I don't want your mini testicles to atrophy. And if I'm in a good mood, I might make you cum by beating you with my hands, I know you like it because you can't stand even a minute of my slaps on your mini cock. You come while I call you cuck, my husband cuck, my dear wife cuck. I love you.
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