Hello friends how are you?
Hello friends, I'll tell you this time how I had a threesome with two chubby girls very hot. One of them was my girlfriend, the other her best friend. The thing is that we were all at my girlfriend's house taking beer and talking when after having taken 5 beers between the three of us, the conversation had almost increased by 100% in tone. It results that both girls who initially sat my ex facing me and her friend on a chair distance started to fool around and flirt with each other. My girlfriend's friend came up to my chair and said 'I'm Samantha, I'll sit next to your boyfriend and play with his package', my ex laughed and said 'no problem, it's mine', and continued drinking. The other one, Carina, put her hand on my leg and slowly went up until almost reaching the head of my cock which was already half-hard.
I take my right hand and put it on her breast. My girlfriend looked and laughed, Carina is feeling my cock and grabbed it strongly woohoo what a big tool you have there haha I just laughed, I never believed them when they say things like that.
Good, it's under my belt I pull out the cock and it opened my legs and sucked me started at the head, followed x all the head and with the tongue it went over everything nibbled it sucked me grabbed my balls kissed them and sucked and both got inside her mouth. My girlfriend arrived she said it was a fart that she should realize what she was doing and that besides she had to call her too because she was my girlfriend and had more right to suck me than her so Carina took my cock out of her mouth and gave it to my ex without giving him a terrible deep kiss first and they kept kissing with their tongues and touched each other's breasts while my ex grabbed my cock and jerked off, they kept touching sucking several minutes more undressed and Carina says now we're breaking HdP.
they undressed me, grabbed my cock and sucked it, they passed their tongues from the head to the base at the same time. Carina sucked one of my testicles so hard I thought she was going to pull it off and the other had her head well sectioned and pressed with her mouth. Enough, I said to Carina, grab my pussy, suck it and send your tongue all over my pussy while my ex is getting her ass fucked with my fingers. Then I went to my ex's pussy, sent my fingers and tongue in and massaged the clitoris and breasts with my free hand so that after a few minutes I came and told Carina to sit on my cock super hard and stiff, which she did gladly and gave me some good head the slut, took her out of her pussy and grabbed my ex, put him in monk position, I think that's what it's called, and sent him inside, first just the head then a bit more because I was almost done, he said damn, put it all in, I want it all in my cock. The other slut was licking my testicles behind me, I wonder how big this is? My ex told me his measurements, about 19cm, damn, put those 19cm inside me, put them in and well, I pushed it all the way to the bottom
I felt my balls hit her pussy while the other one grabbed and licked them with her tongue, so it was like almost 5 minutes until I couldn't take it anymore, I got out of there, told them I was done, they moved to the side of me and started cumming a huge amount on their faces and tits.
The terrible thing was that at that moment my ex's mom came in and saw me finishing up cum on her daughter's and friend's face, I wanted to die the old lady was left speechless without words she only said 'I can't believe it' she looked at my cock for a few seconds and then left. My ex was laughing and told me not to worry he'd talk to his mom later and solve the issue. We all changed quickly after washing up and I left as fast as possible from there when we were leaving, his parents were waiting outside who greeted me affectionately his mom whispered in my ear 'good job, take care of that pencil you have over there' she gave me a kiss and continued talking to her husband at the door of their house, thank God it was never mentioned or touched again.

What makes me laugh when I remember the story haha I hope you enjoyed the account it's 100% true and real, it happened to me in 2000 when I was dating someone very sexual but also very bad, disrespectful, who hurt me a lot at the end of the relationship. Well, I look forward to your comments, criticisms, and if you like, leave some more points that I'll be grateful for. Good Night, may you sleep well

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