The presence of Paula at home added the dose of spicy Latin that we lacked in our daily routine, giving it music, laughter, and more variety of sex. By her, it became normal to listen to cumbias, merengues, and reggaeton around the house, but also for there to be a healthy and morbid competition between the mulatta and my chubby one. Competition or pique, in which they rivaled to see who had a more outlandish idea to realize with the sisters. Curiously, while Isabel almost exclusively used the little one, Paula always chose Eva to let her imagination run wild. Most of the time, those two's ideas were playful and could even be said that they came up with them on purpose so they could have sex with their preferred ones without any of them feeling left out.
An example of this painless contest established between my employees and lovers was one morning when Isabel called me to serve as an arbitrator because she claimed the Colombian woman was a cheater by nature.
What are you going to do? I asked, shocked to see her dressed in high boots, riding pants that were stuck together, and a jockey's hat.
That foxy Hispanic and her mount have dared us to a race around the garden.
It didn't need to be clarified who each of them would ride, and wanting to see how they had dressed up the two sisters, I accepted with good humor and followed her down the hallway in search of the other three participants.
As I imagined, the chubby one had reserved Natalia for herself, at seeing Paula holding onto Eva. I see you've thought of everything, I commented, noticing that she was also wearing a muzzle on her mouth, as well as a complex system of straps that ran along her body, which after lifting up her breasts introduced itself between her buttocks to give it a greater appearance of reality.
Yes, my lord. Since this mare is inexperienced, I have to keep her well restrained, in plan professional answered the Colombian and making a show of the dominance he had over the blonde, with the whip in his hand unloading a light corrective on her buttocks.
Eva whinnied as she felt the leather hitting her backside, but quickly adopted a proud pose before me, demonstrating the fidelity and love she felt for her rider, happily shaking the Booty that was embedded in her butt.
Who would have thought it just a few days ago. She's thrilled to be the mascot of the mulatto, I thought as I fixed my attention on Natalia.
The younger sister was equally spectacular, with armbands like those I had seen on Eva, but adding a leather corset that made her submissive and devoted nature even more evident.
Next to her, Isabel remained silent until I finished my inspection, and when she saw me taking out the anal plug attached to the Booty, began informing me of the race conditions:
The riders will have to give two laps around the chalet on their mounts while they crawl without being able to stand up.
What's the prize? I asked, amused by the excitement in the eyes of the four.
The losing pair must serve the winner all day and as a humiliation, the victorious rider will sodomize her opponent while she eats the pussy of both mares,
The expression of lust on the sisters revealed they were thrilled with the game, so giving it my approval, I asked when and where the race was going to start.
We need to warm up a bit first to avoid injuries, Paula replied as she took off her pants.
As if it were something agreed upon, Isabel followed suit and both sat down in chairs with their legs open. The daughters of the boss approached them and, placing their heads on their thighs, let their mistresses remove their gag for them to then start licking their sex with insane determination.
The laughter of the chubby girl as she was the object of The caresses of Natalia had nothing to envy the sighs of pleasure that Eva managed to quickly provoke in the Colombian. I have to confess that the image began to make me quite brutish, but interested in how it was all going to end, the only thing I did was adjust my erection under my pants to avoid it hurting.
―I don't know how your sister's fox and her useless rider dared to return us― whispered Isabel as she pressed her hips against the face of her mount.
This one, in a playful tone, replied:
―I don't either, my wife. You're the best and on top of that you've chosen the most young and athletic mare.
With an arrogant and annoyed tone, Eva answered:
―I'm faster and stronger than you and besides Paula weighs less. Clearly my owner is going to fuck your one.
The mulatta, dead from laughter, kissed her exhausted lover saying:
―With a sexy girl like you and my lord watching, we can't lose. It's more, I'm so sure of our victory that from now on I'll tell you to prepare the asshole of that seal before it breaks it.
―Have you called me a seal?― howled indignantly the referred one while forcing Natalia to deepen her caresses by pulling her head with her hands.
―Yes, thin one. You have at least five extra kilos. But don't worry about the diet and exercise plan I'm going to put you on, you'll lose weight in a week.
I thought that outburst about her physical appearance was going to really upset my secretary, but I understood that Isabel wasn't at all self-conscious when, taking her breasts between her hands, she responded to Paula:
―You don't say that when you beg me in the mornings to let you suck on my nipples.
The brunette's eyes shone intensely as she saw her opponent pinch her nipples and lick her lips, showing that the attraction she felt was genuine. That gesture dissipated the tension between them and seeing that, like two females in heat, they were launching themselves at each other with passion, I took advantage of it to take the sisters of... bites and took them to where they had drawn the exit, I said: ―See how hard it is to work for an owner… your teachers have forgotten my girls and like whores that they are, they're having fun among themselves. I propose giving them a lesson. Make the race and whoever wins will have both of them at their disposal for a week. The faces of the boss's daughters shone at such a prize and without me having to explain that the competition was still on all fours, Natalia and Eva got down on all fours. ―Ready, set... run!― I shouted, starting the competition. My shout alerted the other two to what was happening and they came running up to me, asking why I had made them run alone with their pets. I have to confess that it surprised me to see that instead of showing themselves upset with the change I had introduced in their plan, they took it well and even showed off their preferences openly. ―She's going to win my slut. She's much more agile than Eva― said Isabel while cheering on the dark-haired one. ―You're wrong, we'll have to obey my little fox for a week because she has much more energy and will get tired later― replied Paula while applauding the older sister. As an impartial arbitrator of the contest, I confess that it didn't matter who won and I didn't have a favorite either. Therefore, Natalia's sprint exit managed to deceive me in leading the blonde at least three bodies ahead by halfway through the first lap. ―Your jennet is tired and is going to lose― commented euphorically my secretary as she saw her preferred one still winning by a lot over Eva. 'I'm not so sure', I thought, hypnotized by the bouncing of the participants' breasts while crawling, since during that last part the younger sister had lost quite a bit of her advantage. The only one who didn't have any doubt about who was going to win was Paula, who was sure that her sponsored one would manage to come back and Lifting her voice, she asked for an effort saying: ―Sweetheart, you already have it. One more effort and you'll be able to abuse Isabel for seven long days. The blonde, upon hearing her mistress, fixed her gaze on the backside of her sister and forced herself to mark a superior rhythm to hers, so that the distance between them was reducing when they suddenly disappeared again behind the house. Observing Isabel and the Colombian woman out of the corner of my eye, I knew both were excited about the tight racing and neither had full confidence in the winner, so while waiting for them to come out, they just kept poking each other, saying as one would abuse the other using their favorite. ―I think the sisters have decided otherwise― I commented when I saw them appearing on the sidewalk at a trot, without hurry and what's more important, without competing with each other. ―Foxy, run! You can still win!― Paula shouted to Eva. The blonde smiled upon hearing her patroness, but instead of accelerating, she reduced her speed and raising her legs, marked her pace with elegance. Natalia not only imitated her, but demonstrating that they had allied against their mistresses, pulled out her tongue at my secretary while happily neighing. ―You must cancel the race! They're cheating!― lifting her voice and feeling belittled, my chubby secretary complained. ―Not just that, you must punish them for disobedient! That's not proper behavior for good submissives! Desperate with laughter, I replied: ―Nor is complaining to your master. My secretary and the mulatta both paled upon realizing they had already failed in favor of the sisters, so they remained silent while crossing the finish line. The daughters of our boss, with a smile from ear to ear, arrived at me and with a mischievous tone, claimed their prize. Seeing the mulatta's anger and my secretary's rage, I didn't hesitate and granted the girls' demands, giving them power over their mistresses for the promised time. Jumping with joy: joy, Natalia and Eva showed their satisfaction while the other two were getting annoyed at times. ―My lord, can we then use them indistinctly and as we please for a week?― asked the little one. ―No― I responded, laughing: ―It would be unfair, you will be the absolute owners of one of the two. ―Then, I choose Isabel― naively answered Natalia. I cut off the satisfaction of the chubby girl, releasing a laugh and still smiling, letting her know that I would have allowed it if they had won fairly, but since they had cheated, I chose the distribution of the couples. ―Paula will obey you and the fat one with extra kilos will be with Eva.―
Isabel puffed up angry at hearing how I referred to her, but swallowing her pride and not raising the tone of her voice, she replied: ―Although sometimes I may not understand it or even think it's unfair, what my beloved master and lord decides, I will obey. After which, with great theatricality, she knelt down in front of the older sister, adopting the posture of a pleasure slave and said: ―Lady, my master has given me to you and as long as he doesn't reclaim me back, I am your humble slave... what can I do for you?―
Assuming that this melodramatic surrender hid a veiled criticism of my person, I couldn't help but be annoyed because the duty of a submissive is not to agree with her master but to obey his orders without complaining and that's what Isabel had done. The mulatta imitated her companion and fell prostrate in front of Natalia, reluctantly accepting her authority by saying: ―As humble servant of my lord, I accept his will and put myself in the hands of whoever he decides.―
Implicitly, Paula was recognizing that she didn't like this decision and recalling the racist behavior she had shown towards her, I understood it fully. That disdain did not go unnoticed for the girl, but what was rare was that instead of getting angry, Natalia took it as a joke and pointing to the crotch of her sister, she said dead of laughter: ―See that pale clam, I want you to squeeze out all the juice. The mulatta was surprised that the dark-skinned one did not want to abuse her new power and without believing it, she knelt down in front of Eva and gave a first lick between her folds while her new owner told her to take it easy because she had a week to enjoy extra rations of rabbit. This threat provoked a double reaction in Paula. On the one hand, it was evident that she would have liked to fall into the hands of the older one, but when listening to the small one insinuate that she would force her to taste her pussy, something in her made crack and against her will she felt her sex drowning. That unexpected heat might have been cut off if she had noticed that Natalia was tying a harness to her belt while she was giving good account of her preferred flow. ―Slut, I love it when you eat me first― heard Eva say. This phrase sounded like celestial music to the ears of my sweet little black girl and with her heart racing at a thousand hours per hour, she launched herself into pleasing the one she considered her mascot without knowing that in a couple of seconds the smaller of the two would be approaching her from behind. ―For being so black, you have a good ass― Natalia said as a warning while using her hands to spread apart her cheeks and before she could prepare herself, with a precise thrust, she drove the 20-centimeter thick plastic attached inside her pussy. Luckily that cannonball found her sex already partially lubricated because if it hadn't been so, that violent incursion could have caused more serious damage than the pain that drilled into her when absorbing that attack. ―Daughter of your damned mother! You've hurt me!― she cried out indignantly. This complaint produced the opposite effect. While it was professed to make her notice her discontent and be careful, what it really did was to stir up Natalia's desire to screw against Her will to Paula and bringing her mouth close to the ear of this, reminded her that the day I introduced them, the Colombian woman not only hit her, but also abused her.
―You deserved it, slut!― replied the one from Cartagena.
The young woman let out a laugh upon hearing that renewed insult and turning towards me, with her eyes, she asked for my permission to educate her.
―She's yours for a week― was my response.
Paula's dark-skinned skin lost some of its color as I spoke. But then it turned fantasmagóyummy after feeling the brutal sting of an unexpected slap on her buttocks while listening to her opponent:
―Thank you, my lord... I'll return her without permanent damage!
Fearing for her integrity knowing she was alone with her and couldn't confront her in any way, she abstained from complaining even though it hurt a lot. What I didn't expect was that Eva would catch the vengeful spirit of her sister and taking Isabel's hair, putting her on all fours in front of me.
―Show you know how to suck, besides talking― she said with a hard tone.
My dear and faithful chubby girl smiled at seeing the bulge of my pants and bringing her mouth close, she lowered my zipper pulling the mechanism with her teeth. It goes without saying that by then and after so much time exercising as a spectator, my penis was hard and ready to receive her caresses. Caresses that I didn't delay in experiencing because opening her lips like a greedy Isabel put it all the way to the back of her throat.
I had barely gotten it inside when suddenly and without warning, Eva impaled her using an enormous plastic cipote she had taken from the closet.
―God!― she howled thinking she had completely torn my butt apart.
I have to say that personally I felt sorry for my secretary as I observed the diameter she had inserted into her ass.
What an animal!, I muttered to myself just before seeing her take another even bigger one and put it in her pussy. I still hadn't recovered from the surprise When I heard another equally heart-wrenching scream beside me and turned around, I suddenly discovered that Natalia had given the mulatta the same treatment.
The perversion of the boss's daughters didn't stop there and, changing their victims' positions, they put them side by side and forced each one to make her partner submit with the dildos inserted.
After observing that both Isabel and Paula were faithfully following their instructions and being violated through both their holes, the sisterly duo turned towards me, smiling, and in unison told me:
Now that these two whores are occupied, can we pamper you, sir?
I assumed I had created two submissive monsters, preferring to be mine rather than acting dominant. And so, I agreed!
-Come here, sluts.
The boss's daughters threw themselves into my arms, filled with happiness.
An example of this painless contest established between my employees and lovers was one morning when Isabel called me to serve as an arbitrator because she claimed the Colombian woman was a cheater by nature.
What are you going to do? I asked, shocked to see her dressed in high boots, riding pants that were stuck together, and a jockey's hat.
That foxy Hispanic and her mount have dared us to a race around the garden.
It didn't need to be clarified who each of them would ride, and wanting to see how they had dressed up the two sisters, I accepted with good humor and followed her down the hallway in search of the other three participants.
As I imagined, the chubby one had reserved Natalia for herself, at seeing Paula holding onto Eva. I see you've thought of everything, I commented, noticing that she was also wearing a muzzle on her mouth, as well as a complex system of straps that ran along her body, which after lifting up her breasts introduced itself between her buttocks to give it a greater appearance of reality.
Yes, my lord. Since this mare is inexperienced, I have to keep her well restrained, in plan professional answered the Colombian and making a show of the dominance he had over the blonde, with the whip in his hand unloading a light corrective on her buttocks.
Eva whinnied as she felt the leather hitting her backside, but quickly adopted a proud pose before me, demonstrating the fidelity and love she felt for her rider, happily shaking the Booty that was embedded in her butt.
Who would have thought it just a few days ago. She's thrilled to be the mascot of the mulatto, I thought as I fixed my attention on Natalia.
The younger sister was equally spectacular, with armbands like those I had seen on Eva, but adding a leather corset that made her submissive and devoted nature even more evident.
Next to her, Isabel remained silent until I finished my inspection, and when she saw me taking out the anal plug attached to the Booty, began informing me of the race conditions:
The riders will have to give two laps around the chalet on their mounts while they crawl without being able to stand up.
What's the prize? I asked, amused by the excitement in the eyes of the four.
The losing pair must serve the winner all day and as a humiliation, the victorious rider will sodomize her opponent while she eats the pussy of both mares,
The expression of lust on the sisters revealed they were thrilled with the game, so giving it my approval, I asked when and where the race was going to start.
We need to warm up a bit first to avoid injuries, Paula replied as she took off her pants.
As if it were something agreed upon, Isabel followed suit and both sat down in chairs with their legs open. The daughters of the boss approached them and, placing their heads on their thighs, let their mistresses remove their gag for them to then start licking their sex with insane determination.
The laughter of the chubby girl as she was the object of The caresses of Natalia had nothing to envy the sighs of pleasure that Eva managed to quickly provoke in the Colombian. I have to confess that the image began to make me quite brutish, but interested in how it was all going to end, the only thing I did was adjust my erection under my pants to avoid it hurting.
―I don't know how your sister's fox and her useless rider dared to return us― whispered Isabel as she pressed her hips against the face of her mount.
This one, in a playful tone, replied:
―I don't either, my wife. You're the best and on top of that you've chosen the most young and athletic mare.
With an arrogant and annoyed tone, Eva answered:
―I'm faster and stronger than you and besides Paula weighs less. Clearly my owner is going to fuck your one.
The mulatta, dead from laughter, kissed her exhausted lover saying:
―With a sexy girl like you and my lord watching, we can't lose. It's more, I'm so sure of our victory that from now on I'll tell you to prepare the asshole of that seal before it breaks it.
―Have you called me a seal?― howled indignantly the referred one while forcing Natalia to deepen her caresses by pulling her head with her hands.
―Yes, thin one. You have at least five extra kilos. But don't worry about the diet and exercise plan I'm going to put you on, you'll lose weight in a week.
I thought that outburst about her physical appearance was going to really upset my secretary, but I understood that Isabel wasn't at all self-conscious when, taking her breasts between her hands, she responded to Paula:
―You don't say that when you beg me in the mornings to let you suck on my nipples.
The brunette's eyes shone intensely as she saw her opponent pinch her nipples and lick her lips, showing that the attraction she felt was genuine. That gesture dissipated the tension between them and seeing that, like two females in heat, they were launching themselves at each other with passion, I took advantage of it to take the sisters of... bites and took them to where they had drawn the exit, I said: ―See how hard it is to work for an owner… your teachers have forgotten my girls and like whores that they are, they're having fun among themselves. I propose giving them a lesson. Make the race and whoever wins will have both of them at their disposal for a week. The faces of the boss's daughters shone at such a prize and without me having to explain that the competition was still on all fours, Natalia and Eva got down on all fours. ―Ready, set... run!― I shouted, starting the competition. My shout alerted the other two to what was happening and they came running up to me, asking why I had made them run alone with their pets. I have to confess that it surprised me to see that instead of showing themselves upset with the change I had introduced in their plan, they took it well and even showed off their preferences openly. ―She's going to win my slut. She's much more agile than Eva― said Isabel while cheering on the dark-haired one. ―You're wrong, we'll have to obey my little fox for a week because she has much more energy and will get tired later― replied Paula while applauding the older sister. As an impartial arbitrator of the contest, I confess that it didn't matter who won and I didn't have a favorite either. Therefore, Natalia's sprint exit managed to deceive me in leading the blonde at least three bodies ahead by halfway through the first lap. ―Your jennet is tired and is going to lose― commented euphorically my secretary as she saw her preferred one still winning by a lot over Eva. 'I'm not so sure', I thought, hypnotized by the bouncing of the participants' breasts while crawling, since during that last part the younger sister had lost quite a bit of her advantage. The only one who didn't have any doubt about who was going to win was Paula, who was sure that her sponsored one would manage to come back and Lifting her voice, she asked for an effort saying: ―Sweetheart, you already have it. One more effort and you'll be able to abuse Isabel for seven long days. The blonde, upon hearing her mistress, fixed her gaze on the backside of her sister and forced herself to mark a superior rhythm to hers, so that the distance between them was reducing when they suddenly disappeared again behind the house. Observing Isabel and the Colombian woman out of the corner of my eye, I knew both were excited about the tight racing and neither had full confidence in the winner, so while waiting for them to come out, they just kept poking each other, saying as one would abuse the other using their favorite. ―I think the sisters have decided otherwise― I commented when I saw them appearing on the sidewalk at a trot, without hurry and what's more important, without competing with each other. ―Foxy, run! You can still win!― Paula shouted to Eva. The blonde smiled upon hearing her patroness, but instead of accelerating, she reduced her speed and raising her legs, marked her pace with elegance. Natalia not only imitated her, but demonstrating that they had allied against their mistresses, pulled out her tongue at my secretary while happily neighing. ―You must cancel the race! They're cheating!― lifting her voice and feeling belittled, my chubby secretary complained. ―Not just that, you must punish them for disobedient! That's not proper behavior for good submissives! Desperate with laughter, I replied: ―Nor is complaining to your master. My secretary and the mulatta both paled upon realizing they had already failed in favor of the sisters, so they remained silent while crossing the finish line. The daughters of our boss, with a smile from ear to ear, arrived at me and with a mischievous tone, claimed their prize. Seeing the mulatta's anger and my secretary's rage, I didn't hesitate and granted the girls' demands, giving them power over their mistresses for the promised time. Jumping with joy: joy, Natalia and Eva showed their satisfaction while the other two were getting annoyed at times. ―My lord, can we then use them indistinctly and as we please for a week?― asked the little one. ―No― I responded, laughing: ―It would be unfair, you will be the absolute owners of one of the two. ―Then, I choose Isabel― naively answered Natalia. I cut off the satisfaction of the chubby girl, releasing a laugh and still smiling, letting her know that I would have allowed it if they had won fairly, but since they had cheated, I chose the distribution of the couples. ―Paula will obey you and the fat one with extra kilos will be with Eva.―
Isabel puffed up angry at hearing how I referred to her, but swallowing her pride and not raising the tone of her voice, she replied: ―Although sometimes I may not understand it or even think it's unfair, what my beloved master and lord decides, I will obey. After which, with great theatricality, she knelt down in front of the older sister, adopting the posture of a pleasure slave and said: ―Lady, my master has given me to you and as long as he doesn't reclaim me back, I am your humble slave... what can I do for you?―
Assuming that this melodramatic surrender hid a veiled criticism of my person, I couldn't help but be annoyed because the duty of a submissive is not to agree with her master but to obey his orders without complaining and that's what Isabel had done. The mulatta imitated her companion and fell prostrate in front of Natalia, reluctantly accepting her authority by saying: ―As humble servant of my lord, I accept his will and put myself in the hands of whoever he decides.―
Implicitly, Paula was recognizing that she didn't like this decision and recalling the racist behavior she had shown towards her, I understood it fully. That disdain did not go unnoticed for the girl, but what was rare was that instead of getting angry, Natalia took it as a joke and pointing to the crotch of her sister, she said dead of laughter: ―See that pale clam, I want you to squeeze out all the juice. The mulatta was surprised that the dark-skinned one did not want to abuse her new power and without believing it, she knelt down in front of Eva and gave a first lick between her folds while her new owner told her to take it easy because she had a week to enjoy extra rations of rabbit. This threat provoked a double reaction in Paula. On the one hand, it was evident that she would have liked to fall into the hands of the older one, but when listening to the small one insinuate that she would force her to taste her pussy, something in her made crack and against her will she felt her sex drowning. That unexpected heat might have been cut off if she had noticed that Natalia was tying a harness to her belt while she was giving good account of her preferred flow. ―Slut, I love it when you eat me first― heard Eva say. This phrase sounded like celestial music to the ears of my sweet little black girl and with her heart racing at a thousand hours per hour, she launched herself into pleasing the one she considered her mascot without knowing that in a couple of seconds the smaller of the two would be approaching her from behind. ―For being so black, you have a good ass― Natalia said as a warning while using her hands to spread apart her cheeks and before she could prepare herself, with a precise thrust, she drove the 20-centimeter thick plastic attached inside her pussy. Luckily that cannonball found her sex already partially lubricated because if it hadn't been so, that violent incursion could have caused more serious damage than the pain that drilled into her when absorbing that attack. ―Daughter of your damned mother! You've hurt me!― she cried out indignantly. This complaint produced the opposite effect. While it was professed to make her notice her discontent and be careful, what it really did was to stir up Natalia's desire to screw against Her will to Paula and bringing her mouth close to the ear of this, reminded her that the day I introduced them, the Colombian woman not only hit her, but also abused her.
―You deserved it, slut!― replied the one from Cartagena.
The young woman let out a laugh upon hearing that renewed insult and turning towards me, with her eyes, she asked for my permission to educate her.
―She's yours for a week― was my response.
Paula's dark-skinned skin lost some of its color as I spoke. But then it turned fantasmagóyummy after feeling the brutal sting of an unexpected slap on her buttocks while listening to her opponent:
―Thank you, my lord... I'll return her without permanent damage!
Fearing for her integrity knowing she was alone with her and couldn't confront her in any way, she abstained from complaining even though it hurt a lot. What I didn't expect was that Eva would catch the vengeful spirit of her sister and taking Isabel's hair, putting her on all fours in front of me.
―Show you know how to suck, besides talking― she said with a hard tone.
My dear and faithful chubby girl smiled at seeing the bulge of my pants and bringing her mouth close, she lowered my zipper pulling the mechanism with her teeth. It goes without saying that by then and after so much time exercising as a spectator, my penis was hard and ready to receive her caresses. Caresses that I didn't delay in experiencing because opening her lips like a greedy Isabel put it all the way to the back of her throat.
I had barely gotten it inside when suddenly and without warning, Eva impaled her using an enormous plastic cipote she had taken from the closet.
―God!― she howled thinking she had completely torn my butt apart.
I have to say that personally I felt sorry for my secretary as I observed the diameter she had inserted into her ass.
What an animal!, I muttered to myself just before seeing her take another even bigger one and put it in her pussy. I still hadn't recovered from the surprise When I heard another equally heart-wrenching scream beside me and turned around, I suddenly discovered that Natalia had given the mulatta the same treatment.
The perversion of the boss's daughters didn't stop there and, changing their victims' positions, they put them side by side and forced each one to make her partner submit with the dildos inserted.
After observing that both Isabel and Paula were faithfully following their instructions and being violated through both their holes, the sisterly duo turned towards me, smiling, and in unison told me:
Now that these two whores are occupied, can we pamper you, sir?
I assumed I had created two submissive monsters, preferring to be mine rather than acting dominant. And so, I agreed!
-Come here, sluts.
The boss's daughters threw themselves into my arms, filled with happiness.
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