
No dejes de pasar por mi mejor post

No te vas a arrepentir!

Desde pequeño viví solo, me crié solo, en verdad es una forma de decir, porque mis padres tenían dinero de sobra, más del que puedan imaginar, y todo el amor que necesitaba se cambiaba por billetes.

Así es, mis hermanos y yo nunca tuvimos amor de padres, nuestras niñeras eran lo más parecido a ese sentimiento, ellos estaban demasiados ocupados con sus vidas glamorosas, con sus fiestas, con sus compromisos, con sus entrevistas, por eso tapaban su ausencia con fastuosos regalos, como para comprar nuestro silencio, siempre teníamos lo último de lo último, informática, ropa, juguetes, viajes, todo, todo lo que se les ocurra.

A medida que fuimos creciendo, en una vida de completos holgazanes nuestros requerimientos fueron mayores y fueron cambiando de nivel, total, los viejos pagaban.

Mi hermana mayor fue la primera en abandonar el hogar, dinero de papá mediante se fue a vivir a los Alpes suizos, allá enganchó a un tipo millonario, un petrolero con el que lleva algunos años compartidos, no sabemos mucho mas de ella, no nos contactamos muy seguido, solamente algún saludo navideño ó por fechas de cumpleaños.

Mi hermano fue el siguiente en partir, fanático de los automóviles, tanto de lujo como los de colección, papá compró los primeros vehículos pero el rápidamente multiplicó la fortuna y se estableció por su cuenta. Mujeriego hasta la médula, es posible verlo a la mañana con una mujer, por la tarde con otra y otra diferente por la noche.

No me llevo bien con él, digamos que no me llevo para nada bien.

Y yo soy el más pequeño y el que aun vive con papá y mamá, bah, vivir es una forma de decir, compartimos el mismo techo pero a veces pasan semanas en las que no nos vemos.

Soy el que saca provecho de las monedas del viejo, casi treinta años y aún no encuentro mi camino, si el todo lo provee, para que preocuparme?

A mí no me interesaba hacer del dinero más dinero, como a mi hermana que se caso con ese magnate por interés, y menos como a mi hermano que solo pensaba en autos y mujeres, a mí solo me interesaba gastarlo, gastar todo lo que pudiera, en lujos, en ropas, en viajes, yo era la oveja negra de la familia, total, a mi viejo se le caían los billetes del bolsillo.

Así me dedico a recorrer el mundo, a conocer todo lo que me rodea, a vivir la vida y así me encontré hace un par de meses en un crucero de cuarenta días, todo al más alto nivel, por supuesto.

Fui dispuesto a disfrutar, a tomar aire puro y por qué no, a tener buen sexo.

El primer día no quedará en la historia, no pude encontrar a la persona adecuada, pero el segundo día cambiarían las cosas.

Esa tarde conocería a Antoine, un francés acaudalado que tomaba sol al costado de la piscina, un rubio grandote, de ancha espalda y amplia caja toráxica, de piel bronceada, con un slip diminuto en color celeste, de piernas perfectas, evidentemente ese cuerpo estaba trabajado pacientemente en un gimnasio.

Cuando me senté a su lado para entablar conversación, levantó sus negras gafas para verme mejor, enseñándome unos ojazos celestes de ensueño que hacían juego con su slip.

El inglés fue nuestro idioma de intercambio, ambos lo hablábamos a la perfección, ya que el no entendía bien mi castellano y yo menos su francés.

Platicamos un buen rato disfrutando un trago, era un tipo de negocios, dijo que tenía esposa e hijos en Francia y que cada tanto tomaba unas vacaciones para desenchufarse del mundo. El calor era agobiante y el sol pegaba fuerte, las gotas de transpiración rodaban por su cuerpo y esto me calentaba más aún, para colmo se zambulló en la piscina y me quedé contemplando su escultural figura, era perfecto.

Mientras lo miraba pensaba en todo lo que le debía agradecer a papá y sus billetes, sin esto no hubiera sido posible.

Luego de un rato salió del agua y volvió a mi lado, me pidió que le pasara bronceador por la espalda y me dijo que si no me molestaba prefería dormir un rato, que lo dejara solo, eso sí, me dijo que por la tardecita pasara por su camarote, el trescientos veintiocho.

Así que me bañé ansioso y presuroso, no aguantaba con tanta excitación, me encantaban estos encuentros únicos y casuales y antes de cenar fui a su camarote.

Antoine me recibió con los ojos grandes, me dijo en perfecto inglés que me esperaba después de la cena, no antes, a lo que contesté de la misma manera en que no podía esperar tanto tiempo.

El lucía una camiseta ajustada el cuerpo, de esas para dormir y un bóxer rojo súper adherido que marcaba su paquete, su enorme paquete.

Les juro que me perdí, solo podía ver ahí, solo enfocaba ahí, entre sus piernas, al punto de que él lo notara y tomara mi mano para depositarla en el, lo acaricié y noté que era enorme, quiero aclarar que la mayoría de los hombres con los que había estado tenían penes de entre doce y quince centímetros, pero Antoine era cosa seria y por eso quería contarlo.

El cruceroRapidly we went to bed, he reclined and I lay beside him, but inverted, I focused on what I had come to find, lowered his boxer shorts to find his naked sex, his penis half-erect looked enormous, with a circumcised and shiny glans, with small testicles that sought to hide with timidity.

I took them in my hand before they escaped and caressed them gently, calculating that Antoine's penis was over twenty years old and thick enough to make anyone sigh, its venous body inciting sin, I passed my tongue over his glans, again and again, as if savoring an ice cream, then let it fall to lick it with my tongue from the tip to the base, as long as it was, combined some movements, sucked it, masturbated it in circles, it was spectacular.

Finally, I put it inside me well, I knew this because I'm used to practicing with some toys for the day when I would have my opportunity and the day had arrived.

Antoine shuddered when his penis began to lose itself in the depths of my throat, his hands tightened around my flesh and that encouraged me to keep pushing until my lips reached the beautiful pubis, and there I moved smoothly.

Suddenly, I felt like he was also taking off my underwear and sticking it to my hard cock due to excitement, we were lost licking each other slowly, except for him advancing in my ass, burying a couple of fingers and playing inside me.

But I kept focused on my goal, giving him the best blow job possible, and that was evident when his warm and sticky semen began to flow down my esophagus, I felt it contracting and firing without ceasing, and I let him cum all the way into the deep throat, until the last drop, only then did I release... Masturbated with the other hand, I gave myself over to his game and in just a few minutes my cock was also releasing the cum contained.

Antoine then handed me a towel to clean up, we agreed to repeat it but outside the cabin we should maintain some distance, I didn't mind but he was a well-known type and a public bisexual attitude could affect his image.

I understood, this wouldn't be the first or last time something like this would happen.

The next six days were quite monotonous since I couldn't break the routine of just going every afternoon to suck my friend's cock, and it was already starting to annoy me, but there would be a plot twist at the end of the week.

When I arrived at my companion's cabin, I found that he wasn't alone, to my surprise Helmuth was also there, Helmuth was a slender boy with white skin, one of the ship's cooks, an effeminate German who didn't bother to hide or disguise his homosexuality and was somewhat hysterical for my taste, I don't like boys who gesticulate excessively or make a big fuss about everything, but well, that's what Antoine proposed.

We didn't talk much, we undressed to do what we had to do and let whatever came out come out.

My first impression was comparing sizes, Helmuth and I were running parallel, but the Frenchman was running with too much advantage, besides he had not only a cock but also an unusual body.

To my surprise it was the Frenchman who initiated the game, bending down at our feet to start licking both of our cocks at the same time, or well while maintaining mine in one hand I would suck the other, then change and go back and forth, he wasn't very good at it, his teeth were more prone to bother than to give pleasure.

At this point Helmuth and I were too close and our hands began to explore each other's bodies, he told me He looked at me with tenderness and sought my mouth, suddenly our lips met and we began to kiss deeply, the German was very good at kissing, I felt hot, burning, and soon we forgot about our friend who was on the floor, to the point of leaving him aside to throw ourselves onto the bed, to kiss, to caress, to take his cock in my hands while he did the same with mine.

Then Helmuth turned over himself to position himself in a perfect sixty-nine, the German was completely shaved and his ass made me very sexy, I began then to lick his shiny balls while opening his buttocks with my hands, it was really surprising to notice his brown ring totally disfigured, it looked like a pussy by its size with notable marks, opening up only by parting his cheeks.

At this point Antoine had gone over the mouth of our friend who alternated between one cock and the other, I kept on with the situation while the Frenchman put his four fingers in the German's ass without any problems, penetrating him with great ease. Then he begged to be fucked...

It was me who remained outside this time, since Helmuth had abandoned me to lie down on my back and Antoine was lifting his legs to give him anal sex, the German shuddered and shouted like a cheap slut, so I silenced his shouts by putting my cock in his mouth, we stayed for a good while giving it to the young man, who eventually asked me to join him from the other side.

I then positioned myself between both of them, giving Antoine's back to me and holding Helmuth's legs, despite the size and thickness of the former's cock, it seemed not enough for the enormous ass of the latter, I placed my cock next to the other one at the entrance of the orifice and pushed gently but quickly made room and slid in searching its place, making its place. same time we gave it to him in the ass, he was eating himself crazy with two cocks at the same time, his cock was hard and I was caressing it slowly while Antoine was dedicated to pinching my nipples making me desire...

Until the French guy leaning on my back subtly inclined me over the young man we were screwing, pulled out his cock from the hole and after licking mine felt his enormous cock coming onto him, and after a brief resistance the enormous pleasure of his fallo penetrating my ass, I was trying to squeeze my sphincter around him and that caused me an enormous pleasure.

I leaned forward only to kiss Helmuth again, it was getting difficult because my cock breaking his ass and the French guy breaking mine were only pulling out cries of pleasure, and I felt a double satisfaction feeling my ass being penetrated and at the same time penetrating my companion.

It was very crazy how we ended up because if we had planned it, it wouldn't have turned out so well...

After trying all possible positions, the French guy lay down looking at the ceiling and I simply rode him regulating the penetration of his thick member, felt exquisite as he broke through my sphincter while my eyes and hands filled with his muscular chest, Helmuth went for a bottle of alcohol, took a sip and also got on top of Antoine, only that at the height of his mouth to let him lick his cock, leaving his ass towards my side, then looked at me, gave me the bottle and leaned over opening his cheeks, it was too thick, I calculate more than ten centimeters, but taking it from the tip supporting the base in his crater and slowly burying it until making him scream with pleasure, and so we got stuck, the French guy was breaking my ass and masturbating my cock while sucking the German's cock, the German enjoyed the bottle in his ass and the blow job they were giving him and I went crazy with the French cock in my ass and breaking everything to my German friend... Limits when by the corner of Antoine's lips began to escape semen, leaving me feeling more rigid inside mine as I hastened my movements to provoke his beautiful cock to fill my ass with cum, hot, precious, until the last drop, and of course, at the same time, I also filled Antoine's chest with my own semen.

Helmuth moved aside and I went straight for the Frenchman's mouth, his tongue and lips tasting like German flavor...

There's not much more to narrate, the days of the cruise continued passing, our encounters continued being clandestine, and when we arrived on solid ground each one followed their path, I had enjoyed like never before and was satisfied with the blowjobs and cum, a magnificent memory, all thanks to Dad's tickets.

Only for adults

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