Educando a las hijas de mi jefe 10

With Paula sprawled on a sofa, I asked Isabel what she had thought of doing with her and my chubby girl, dead from laughter, commented that she would take us home. The idea appealed to me, despite not knowing how the two daughters of my boss would react when they found out they had competition, I agreed to let them accompany us. My suspicions were soon confirmed when we arrived at the mansion that night, and Eva opened the door, revealing the disgust on her face at Paula's presence.

Not wanting to get drawn in, I ignored her gesture and asked about her sister.

Natalia is preparing dinner, she replied, greeting me with a kiss on the cheek.

I'll call her, I want to introduce you to Paula, I said, pointing to the mulatta.

Her response was another example of how they had been educated, demonstrating a beligerant racism, as the brunette dared to comment that it wasn't right to have invited a black woman to dinner. The condescending tone she used while pointing at my latest acquisition annoyed me, but assuming the other would be no less than a member of the Ku Klux Klan, I waited for her to arrive.

As I had anticipated, the younger one was just as supremacist as Eva and, pointing at the newcomer, asked where we were going to put her because a monkey didn't deserve to share a bed with them.

Take that back, Paula growled as soon as she heard that insult.

I won't obey an orangutan, adding fuel to the fire, replied the young woman.

I noticed the mulatta was about to lose it and when she looked at me asking for help, I thought it would be best if they resolved this issue among themselves, so I told her. Paula's smile after getting my permission made me realize how right my decision had been, but before I could correct myself, I saw her launching herself at them. Natalia didn't know how to react and in seconds, she was lying on the floor crying. with the one who had defended her rights as a young woman, it wasn't the first time she did so and it was something she had to face since childhood.
When seeing her opponent on the floor, Paula turned to her sister. The older daughter of my boss, totally terrified, ran away to hide behind Isabel and this, recovering from the surprise, tried to calm down the mulatta by asking for peace between them. Paula didn't seem willing to do so and that made me have to act as an arbitrator.
Approaching them, I ordered them to stop being silly and give each other a hand. I admit I couldn't predict the determination of the brunette. Therefore, I was caught off guard when she took advantage of Eva extending her hand to pull her towards her and take her in her arms. As surprised as I was, the little cock couldn't do anything but separate his lips when he noticed the mulatta's tongue forcing his mouth open.
Damn that girl!, I exclaimed in my mind while observing that Paula wasn't content with kissing her, she was shamelessly pinching her ass.
I knew my new girlfriend wanted to teach a lesson to my boss's daughter and amused, prevented Isabel from coming to her aid.
Calling her over, I observed alongside her as Eva tried unsuccessfully to wriggle free from Paula.
-Shouldn't we intervene?- she asked when seeing the mulatta laughing while tearing off Eva's blouse.
But more interested in the scene than answering, I sat Isabel on my lap and while admiring the violent punishment being inflicted upon Eva, allowed myself the luxury of pinching the nipples of my chubby girl. This let out a long groan as she felt my fingers chastising her breasts and saw an order in that caress.
My lord is very bad- she commented while lowering my pants.
I confess I was glad to realize how well we understood each other, so I didn't say anything when, lifting her ass, she let herself fall onto my member.
-I love feeling you inside me- she whispered in my ear as the lips of her sex opened to receive my penis. Laughing out loud, she continued to spy on how the mulatta was undressing her adversary and, without losing time, used her hands to finish undressing her.

Do you think we're doing well? one of them replied, a bit worried about not stopping Paula from raping our boss's daughter.

Look at her face, I signaled while increasing the pace with which I was fucking her.

Isabel joined me, laughing as she observed on the face of our submissive an unmistakable expression of lust and where there should have been disgust or fear, only desire was seen.

That's a slut. She's horny! my chubby girlfriend corrected, shouting.

Her outburst caught Natalia's attention. Stunned, she stopped crying when she saw Eva's surrender to Paula. I don't believe it, she muttered, observing that her sister was already naked and didn't resist when Paula put the cock in her face: Eva! That foxy is black!

Smiling as the older sister's tongue submerged between the folds of her sex, the mulatta replied:

I'd go get a toothbrush because when I'm done, you'll be the one eating me out.

That threat left her paralyzed when pronounced by the same woman who had just knocked her down with a single punch and with tears in her eyes she begged for my help.

It's better if you get used to it because Paula has come to stay, I replied, exhausted while mounting Isabel.

The chubby girl, who until then hadn't given her opinion on the matter, supported my words saying: Both your owner and I have been with her. Do you think you're better than us two?

Trembling like a flan, she looked at where the mulatta was enjoying the caresses of her sister and feeling that this union was against nature, she insisted on begging for my help. Enraged to the point of saying enough, I stood up, leaving Isabel unsatisfied and taking the hair of the older daughter of my boss, I led her to Paula and removing Natalia, I demanded that she not stop.

until the one she called 'orangutan' came a couple of times. The fear of failing was greater than the repulsion I felt at sexually pleasing a member of another race. So, crying like a fool, I buried my face between her thighs and, sticking out my tongue, briefly savored the bitter-sweet taste of the brunette's pussy. The aroma it emitted was more intense than that of Isabel or Eva, but much to my regret, I had to admit it repelled me.

When I saw her bent over with her butt in the air, I decided to give her a new reason to keep obeying me while also being gratifying for me.

-Demonstrate to your new friend that you've been well-educated and know how to eat a chumino- I ordered, as I pulled down her short and left her garter completely exposed.

-If my lord- she screamed when she felt my cock opening up inside her, filling her own sex completely.

I didn't have to insist anymore. Educated by my teachings, Natalia understood she couldn't go against me and, changing her tune, began to explore with genuine interest the biology and nature of that spectacular mulatta. After a couple of minutes, during which my young submissive worked hard to satisfy my order while she was an object of my lust, I heard Paula's cry of pleasure.

-Keep going, make her come- I demanded of my mount, rewarding her with a slap.

My persistence soon bore fruit and, as a result of so many and continuous licks, the brunette intensified her pleasure and, giving a shout that echoed through the house, came.

-My lord, I need it too- she begged for permission to reach orgasm, sobbing.

-I do too- I heard Isabel say also.

I recognize that I had been so focused on enjoying myself and making Natalia and Paula come that I didn't notice what was happening with the others. It was then that I discovered Eva, now freed, had launched herself between Isabel's thighs and while her sister was eating the 'pussy' of the mulata, she did the same with my chubby girl's boyfriend. -You're a bunch of whores- I managed to say before my body said enough and my balls unloaded their white essence inside my boss's daughter. When feeling the thrusts in her vagina, Natalia experienced renewed ecstasy and falling collapsed on the floor, she came again. I confess that I was somewhat of a slut, but seeing that she was totally exhausted, not only didn't I pity her, but abusing the power they themselves had given me, I demanded Paula to take care of her. -What do you want me to do?- she asked. Unhinged with laughter and while opening a drawer and taking out a strap-on with attached penis, I replied: -I could say you love her, but it would be a lie and besides it would sound cheesy, I want you to give her a good time! -If you wish, we can help- interrupting, Isabel commented. Although the chubby girl had addressed me, Paula thought she was saying it to her and while adjusting the instrument around her waist, laughing replied: -I'd love to. It wouldn't be good or convenient to ruin this guy's ass and then Fernando would get upset because he couldn't use it. All except Natalia laughed at the occurrence and although one of those who laughed the most was Eva, I have to say that she was also the first to go where the girl being referred to was keeping herself on all fours. -My lord, can I prepare the little whore?- she asked lasciviously while using her fingers to separate her sister's buttocks. Without waiting for my response, she spat in her sister's pink butt...Will continue


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