Educando a las hijas de mi jefe.

Chapter 1
Everything I'm about to narrate has its origin in a job interview that occurred three years ago. Like many others, I come from the low-income neighborhoods of an ordinary city and thanks to my parents' efforts, I was able to study a career. For years, I had to work hard to climb the ranks, until I became a recognized executive, when a company in the sector called me.

The interview was a success, Don Julián, the maximum shareholder, was delighted not only by my resume but also by my answers and vision of the future. And after a short selection process, I was hired as General Director of the company.

During the first year, I worked 12 hours a day alongside the old man, managing to turn the company around. Where there were only red numbers and losses with a situation close to bankruptcy, we achieved profits and what's more important, the banks started trusting us again.

The second year was spectacular, as if the company had eaten its competitors and we were setting prices and conditions, not accepting that clients dictate our policies. The other shareholders couldn't believe that after many years of milking money, suddenly they would not only recover their investment but also see its value multiplied.

It wasn't just my labor, Don Julián was a fox who only lacked someone to understand him, apply his ideas, and go against them when he didn't agree with them. We were a perfect tandem, experience and youth, conservatism and audacity. Too good to last, and the beginning of the end was the party he organized at his house to celebrate the company's amazing results.

I had never been invited to his chalet in the most exclusive neighborhood of the city, so I prepared with care for my particular presentation party in society. For the first time in my life, I got a tailor-made suit and cut my hair I tried to seem like that high society I don't belong to. Nervous due to my lack of experience, I rang the doorbell. It was the first time I saw Natalia, the 22-year-old daughter of the boss, a beauty just out of an American university. Seeing her with her 5'9 and scandalous body made it worth what I had spent on my outfit. I had been really impacted, so I barely could articulate a word and she had to speak up: 'What do you want?' she asked politely. 'I'm here for Don Julián's party,' I replied curtly, thinking maybe I had gotten the wrong hour. What I didn't expect was her response: 'Excuse me, but the waiters enter through the back door.' Luckily, my boss appeared at that moment and gave me a hug, introducing me to the gathering because, otherwise, I don't know if I would have dared to enter. As the old saying goes, the monkey, even if it's dressed in silk, is still a monkey, and no matter how hard I had tried to pretend, I was still just a neighborhood kid! The discomfort I felt at that moment dissipated with time, especially since thanks to my work I knew most of the men at the party and a couple of the women. I gradually gained confidence and after a while I became the center of attention at the event when everyone found out I was the second-in-command and probably the next boss. So no one was surprised when they sat me down beside his older daughter, Eva. During dinner, I had a lot of work, having to alternate between chatting with the old man and entertaining his daughter. On one hand, Don Julián constantly asked for my opinion on various topics; on the other, the girl didn't stop flirting with me. Everything was going smoothly until the dance started and without asking Eva pulled me onto the dance floor. At first, I rejected her offer, but her father seeing my discomfort asked me to dance with her. If Natalia had impressed me, Eva even more so. Blonde, beautiful, intelligent and nice, with curves conveniently wrapped in a revealing dress that revealed the roundness of her breasts and hips. When she danced, it was torture watching how her breasts followed the rhythm of the music and I had to make an effort to stop looking at them. She was delighted, knowing she was attractive and for her, I was prey so she wove her webs like a predator and as an idiot, I fell into them. She was the wonderful woman and I her most ardent admirer. The climax of my heat that night was when starting slow songs, I asked her to go back to the table with her father, but she refused and sticking to me, started dancing. Noticing her breasts pressing against my shirt and her hips rubbing against my sex, I felt an electric shock running through my body. My whole body reacted to her moves and unbridled my heart began pumping blood to my groin. She smiled satisfied when noticing it, but far from stopping her game, like a woman in heat, she managed to touch me with her hand without anyone noticing, as if it was nothing. Fortunately, just when I was about to make the mistake of kissing her, the lady asked for a drink so I obediently went to the bar and after returning, she had disappeared. Angry but excited, I could only wait for her. After ten minutes of waiting and seeing that she didn't return, I decided to go to the bathroom. Nothing more than entering and not having lowered my pants yet, some women's voices from the garden caught my attention. They were the two sisters laughing and commenting on how Eva had managed to excite me by winning a bet, they were mocking me for being a ruffian, the favorite of her father. broken into pieces when I realized that I had been the object of a joke and what was the true opinion of the girls. Angry, I left dinner without saying goodbye to anyone. During the night, I decided to erase myself from the map and disappear so as not to be the object of another mockery like that again.

The next day, with my resignation letter in my pocket, I went to see Don Julián. This, seeing my face was few friends, asked me to listen to him for a few minutes before saying anything. As I liked the old man, I didn't mind waiting before presenting my resignation.

―Fernando, I have to thank you for what you've done for me during these two years.

'Pussy! He's going to fire me,' I thought when I heard him and assumed that something had happened to suddenly change his opinion of me, so I waited without interrupting him:

―I know it's more than what a boss can ask, but I'd like you to do me a favor.

―Whatever you want, Don Julián, I replied intrigued.

―Look, boy, you've earned my trust, you're perhaps that son I never had... as a father, I'm a failure. I raised two daughters who are two monsters, beautiful but arrogant, egoistic and self-centered, who have forgotten that their father comes from modest origins and think they're touched by divine grace. Spoiled girls who have chosen useless boyfriends who only wait for me to die so they can inherit.

I knew instantly that something must have reached his ears about the joke they had prepared for me the day before. Totally disoriented because I had no idea what he was proposing, I asked him what he wanted me to do since I was just his employee:

―It's very simple, I want you to educate them, he spat.

―And how did you think I would do it? I replied, already totally intrigued.

―That's your problem, not mine. From now on at three o'clock, I'll disappear with Mariana for six months and only you will know where I'm here and how to communicate with me. I signed my resignation from the company this morning, you've been named president and here's the lease agreement for my house. I just ask that you give them at least three days to find a place to live.

I couldn't believe what he was asking me before I responded, I took some time reading the documents he had given me. At first glance it was a transfer of powers, but analyzing them carefully they were those called bankruptcy powers and if I wanted to leave him on the street in no time.

―Sir, do you realize what you've signed? ―I said impressed.

―Kid, I trust you―he answered without giving me time to protest, asking me to let him alone as he had many things to resolve.

Jeez, with the old guy, I thought, he's been with his mistress for six months leaving me in a mess.

I felt flattered by his confidence, never would have imagined the appreciation he had for me and therefore I understood that I couldn't let him down. Someone who had given me so much.

I wanted to take him to the airport but Don Julián refused saying he had a lot to think about and do before finishing, stating he only had six months left. Despite my insistence, he didn't give in and I was left in the office thinking about my plans.

As he explained that his daughters arrived every day at 9 pm, I decided to get ahead of them. I parked my car at the entrance of the chalet so it blocked the garage path. The first thing I did was give two months' paid vacation to the service staff on condition they left immediately.

The maids accepted happily and after staying alone, I took my time moving my belongings to his father's room.

I had just served myself a whiskey when I heard them enter complaining because someone had parked their car in the garden. They were coming with their boyfriends, looked very happy, soon they would be changing humor when I found out about my plans. When the girls didn't respond, they started looking for them around the house. But they didn't find what they were expecting, since upon entering the library I saw myself sitting in her father's armchair.

― What are you doing here? Don't you know that my father is away on a trip? ― Natalia, the younger sister, said to me in an impertinent manner.

― I know ― and looking at the two boys who were accompanying them, I commented: ― I imagine you're Fefé and Tony.

Since they didn't answer, I knew I was right.

― Well then, what I have to say to them interests you. Please take a seat.

It wasn't a question, it was an order. No one had ever spoken to them like that before, so they didn't know how to respond and obeyed by taking a seat.

― You're disinherited ― I said without softening the harshness of my statement or raising my voice.

After a few moments in which initial incredulity gave way to perplexity and then to uncontrolled anger, Eva, the older sister, yelled at me that she didn't believe me. Without saying a word, I extended my powers and her father's letter to them, in which he told them to find their own lives because he was tired of their nonsense.

― This can't be done to us! ― Natalia said with tears in her eyes.

― Of course it can and has been done ― I replied, and directing myself at the two foolish children: ― From this moment on, everything is mine, so if you were waiting to use their money for your vices, I'm telling you that there is no such money.

If the girls had lost everything, Fefé and Tony (even their names were ridiculous) had their good times taken away from them. On their faces, one could see the confusion. Fefé, really angry, asked his girlfriend to let him see the papers and after studying them, his expression turned pale like someone who has seen a ghost.

― He's right ― the boy sentenced, it's an inter vivos donation. You have nothing to do. Let's leave Tony, since neither you nor I have anything to do with it. And leaving the room, he said: fulfilled the old saying that rats are the first to abandon the ship. The two sisters were together in their misfortune and if those who had been their boyfriends until then abandoned them, they couldn't expect anyone to help them.

―Things have changed around here. To start with, I've canceled your cards, you'll have to give me the car keys and if you want to keep living here, you'll have to earn it.

Taking a dramatic pause, I stayed silent for a few seconds. It was clear that they were terrified and didn't know what to do. Pointing at the older one, I said with a ear-to-ear smile:

―Eva make dinner while your sister sets the table.

―Damn pig! ―she replied indignantly because she was being compared to someone in service and tried to hit me, but as I expected, I held her hand and twisted her arm, kissing her lips possessively before pushing her onto the sofa.

―Tonight! You don't eat! ―I snapped at her and looking at her sister I said: ―Natalia make food only for two because your sister wants to go to sleep.

Crying, they left me alone in the library, each one going where I had ordered them. Satisfied, I finished my drink savoring the bitter taste of revenge. 
Chapter 2
Little accustomed to cooking and less to working, Natalia broke a couple of plates while preparing the slop we were going to degust that night. I could have scolded her clumsiness, but I abstained remembering that revenge is a dish taken cold. When dinner was ready, I sat at the table enjoying how the odious girl served me. It was a delight to observe her, with her little-girl-well top and mini skirt seemed almost human, but knowing that this beauty of body housed a harpy. Harpy whose father had asked me to educate her and that's what I was going to do.

I had prepared some eggs with ham while she went to take a sandwich. Her servile attitude didn't suit me so when I picked up some food with my fork in her gaze, I discovered the betrayal.

What have you done? I said, furious.

Nothing, she replied nervously.

Without losing composure, extending the plate, I ordered her to eat it. She tried to refuse, alluding to a supposed lack of appetite.

You're a slut, I replied, grabbing her by the waist and putting her on my lap, then raising her skirt and starting to whip her.

That well-bred girl who thought she was immune to everything, screamed and cried like a madwoman as she felt the blows on her buttocks, more from the humiliation than the pain itself. Unfortunately for her, I showed no mercy and, since she wore a tiny thong, I could see her ass redden with each blow.

Please, she begged when she realized it was impossible to escape the punishment.

Ignoring her cries, I prolonged the punishment and didn't stop until her entire buttocks had turned tomato red. Then and only then did I release her.

What have you done? I asked again.

I gave you a laxative, she replied, crying.

Eat up, I ordered again.

This time, without stopping to sob, she put a piece in her mouth. All, so nothing's left on the plate! Knowing that if she didn't do it, she'd be treated like at the fair, she finished it without resisting. After finishing, she asked me: Permission to go to her room, but I didn't let her go saying: ―No, pretty one. If you leave, you'll go to the bathroom to vomit and what I want is for it to take effect. It took three minutes to do so, the three most difficult minutes of her life as if she were a condemned person, having to sit while her stomach digested the laxative. When feeling like it was coming down, she begged me to let her go to the bathroom, not even having to refuse because as if it were an explosion, through her sphincter emptied totally, staining her legs, chair, and carpet with shit.

―Take off your clothes and clean what you've soiled.

―Here?‖ she asked, frightened at the prospect of having to do it in my presence.

―No, in the bathroom,‖ and acting with a gallantry that was not expected, I commented: ―I'll bring you what you need to wear.‖

While the foxy was removing the mess, I went to the room where the maid slept and, looking for a maid's uniform, opened the closet. There were several models, some more formal than others, but as I didn't find anything to my liking, I took one at random and with scissors cut off what was left over.

―That's fine,‖ I said to myself when seeing my work and knocking on the bathroom door where she had taken refuge, handing it to her through the slightly open door.

The brunette paled when checking what I had handed her: ―You bastard!‖ I heard before she closed the door.

Dead from laughing, I sat down to eat my sandwich while she changed. It was a short wait but the result exceeded my expectations. The uniform fit her wonderfully; the little fabric left in the skirt couldn't hide more than part of her buttocks, leaving all her legs and the prominent cleavage accentuating the roundness of her forms. But it was when she bent down to clean the carpet that I realized she had taken off her thong. Fixing my gaze on her, I discovered she had a smooth sex, no pubic hair, and thanks to those cares, he was showing off proudly with a pink hole between his buttocks. I couldn't hold back and, stroking his battered skin, asked if it hurt. She reacted to my caresses by tensing up, but continued her work. Her submissive attitude emboldened me and, with the tip of my fingers, I started playing near her lips. She let herself be done and I, totally excited, did it too. Her legs opened slightly to facilitate my maneuvers and suddenly I introduced two fingers into her sex. The one who just a few minutes earlier had seemed so prudish was enjoying herself. Her cave was flowing with fluid while her owner twisted around, seeking her pleasure. My penis, already demanding action, when she turned around saying: If I get in bed with you, will you give me back my cards? No, but you'll be free from household chores. That's enough she replied and, opening my pants, freed my extension from its confinement. Mocking her, I sat down on the chair again and spreading my legs facilitated her work. She came closer to me and when she had gotten down on her knees, in her gaze I discovered the slut that was inside her even before feeling like her mouth was swallowing all of my penis. It was a true expert. Her tongue lingered for an instant, enjoying herself with the orifice of my glans before launching herself like a possessed one to suck and bite my foreskin while her hands caressed my testicles. My reaction didn't take long and, lifting her up by the arms, I sat her on my legs, letting her be the one who got excited. Her cave received me easily. The promiscuous one was totally lubricated due to the excitement she felt inside. But it was when I called her a slut that she started moving, the moment she went crazy, asking me to insult her while her hips moved rhythmically. In sync, her internal muscles contracted so much that it seemed like she was milking me. Already overheated, I ripped off her dress, discovering magnificent breasts whose nipples looked at me.

Inhaling, wanting to be kissed. Cruelly I took possession of them, biting them until they hurt while forcing her to accelerate her movements with a whip.

― Do you like it, slut? ― I said in her ear.

Her rebelliousness had disappeared, everything about her now belonged to me. Her sex was all liquid and her labored breathing foreshadowed her pleasure.

― You haven't answered if you like it ― I insisted while cruelly pinching one of her nipples with my fingers.

― I love it ― she replied.

Satisfied with her response, I rewarded her with a round of whippings on the backside as she continued to scream in pain and excitement. But it was when I whispered in her ear that I would break her ass that night, the moment when without being able to avoid it, that cock came brutally and reptilianly onto my body, that cock came at the hands of its now worse enemy.

Still with my erect penis, I lifted her from my knees and, pulling over the plates from the table, put her facing away from me. She had powerful buttocks, hard due to her youth and reddened by the mistreatment she had suffered. All I could think about was how she had treated me, how her sister and she had cruelly humiliated me with that joke. I had to make her see who was boss, so I picked up the oil can and poured a good amount onto the channel that formed the union of her two cheeks.

― No! Please! Never done it! ― she sobbed as she felt a finger being introduced into her intact hole.

― God! ― she wailed desperately as she noticed another one joining in the torture. And finally, when I thrust once more, I penetrated her brutally, and she cried out for me to take her out because she was splitting in two.

Futile attempt, my entire length was already inside her, and I didn't think of stopping. With tears in her eyes, she had to endure as I started moving. She continued screaming when, taking her breasts as handles, I began to ride her. Far from pitying me, her attitude stimulated me. The idea of being screwing the small daughter of my boss excited me, but more so the knowledge that I had six months to use her. To my whim. As I felt my own orgasm approaching, I increased the speed of my penetrations and flooded her entire intestine, ejaculating inside her. My moans of pleasure and her cries of pain merged into a perfect symphony anticipating the treatment she was about to receive. Upon removing my member, my semen and her blood ran down her shins. ―Tell your sister that I want her to bring me breakfast in bed, I get up at eight in the morning― I ordered while leaving the dining room, leaving her crying collapsed on the table.

Will continue

Part 2

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