My relationship with Carmen was advancing. After that first time we hooked up, we continued to intimate and had a relationship I considered boyfriend-girlfriend-like, although with its small peculiarities. It didn't matter to Carmen that Patricia paid part of her rent by giving me a blow job every two weeks with her tits out.
Sincerely, I couldn't complain, it was the first time in my life that something like this happened to me and that without having had much success with women, there would be two who wanted to give me sex at the same time. But I still found it surprising that my girlfriend seemed fine with another woman blowing me regularly. Sometimes I'd even been present while Patricia paid the rent, calmly watching her do it.
So that with our quirks we continued as a couple and decided to take advantage of the tournament prize won by Carmen to go on vacation for a few days together. We were looking at places that allowed us to choose the gift and when we could ask for vacations both in our respective jobs. Finally, we chose the last week of July to go to warmer coasts on the other side of the country. The farthest possible to get away from this north where it seemed like that year we wouldn't see the sun more than three days in a row and to get wet, you didn't need to go to the beach, just stepping out into constant rain. I don't remember exactly how it happened but while we were organizing the trip, Patricia joined the expedition. Since she had summer vacation until the new school year began and here she wouldn't be able to go to the beach very often due to bad weather, she decided to sign up for the trip with us. We called the hotel that the prize allowed us to reserve but since we were already so pressed for time, they didn't have available two rooms for the week we could travel. They only offered a double room with an extra bed that we had to share among the three of us. I wanted to have my intimacy with Carmen being our first trip together but the girls seemed not to mind and it would be more fun traveling all together so I gave in and reserved the room.
The last few weeks of work were a bit stressful. As usually happens to me every year, I had to finish most of my pending tasks before starting my vacation. Additionally, my boss Sofia assigned me extra work, so I ended up exhausted and counting the hours until I was finally free. But eventually everything comes to an end and I found myself sitting on the plane waiting for it to take off to our summer destination. I was in the middle seat of three while Carmen sat by the window and Patricia in the aisle seat. I must confess that planes give me a bit of panic. I know it's irrational but I get quite nervous when I have to fly and since it doesn't happen very often, every time I do it I go through it pretty badly. To make matters worse, takeoff was a bit bumpy due to strong gusts of wind from another fantastic stormy day that my lovely countryside was treating us to. - Is something wrong? - Carmen asked me, looking at me with a little concern. - You're pale. - Flying is not my favorite activity - I admitted. - Well, I didn't know that - Carmen said, holding my hand. - What's up? - Patricia intervened, laughing. - You spend the day playing with those spaceship things and then it turns out you're scared of real life. - But in space it would be different - I defended myself. - There wouldn't be turbulence either up or down. - What you need is to distract yourself and relax so you don't think about the plane - Carmen said softly, releasing her hand from mine and putting it on my crotch. - Carmen? - I whispered, completely astonished as I watched my girlfriend start massaging my crotch through the thin fabric of my summer pants, causing an immediate reaction that manifested unmistakably in a noticeable bulge. Patricia noticing what we were doing took off her fine jacket she had brought in case it bothered her Air-conditioned and she threw it over my legs to hide Carmen's hand and the activity she was performing. Now that Carmen's crafts were hidden, she started being more daring and the massages led to grabbing and caressing my penis through my pants. The situation was completely unexpected and morbid although I started to worry that someone would notice and catch us. But Carmen seemed not to care because suddenly I noticed and we could clearly hear the sound of the zipper going down. My girlfriend's skilled hand went in and pulled out my erect member. Patricia looked at us amused, as if to make sure what she thought had happened, lifted her jacket slightly to look at how my cock was being pulled through the zipper while my girlfriend was masturbating me mid-flight. I looked around worried that someone would see us but the people on either side were distracted looking out the windows or staring at some screen. Carmen slowly but without pause ran my member up and down, trying not to make it obvious that her arm was partially hidden by the jacket. I kept enjoying the masturbation she was giving me when suddenly Patricia signaled a flight attendant to come over. Excuse me, can you bring me a little water? she asked when she got there. Of course, right away, she replied. Carmen pretended to rest her head against my shoulder as if leaning on me and stopped masturbating me for a moment but squeezed my cock to keep me erect. Here you go, the flight attendant said after a moment, bringing her the bottle. Thanks! my friend replied happily. Are you crazy? We could have gotten caught! I whispered to her while noticing that Carmen started touching me again. Don't tell me it didn't seem morbid to you. That Carmen was touching me with the flight attendant right there, He replied with coquettishness. – Besides, I was thirsty – he said drinking a sip of water. My girlfriend continued to caress me gently for several minutes. I would never have imagined being in such a situation and slowly the fear of getting caught was disappearing, leaving only the morbid and pleasurable sensations I felt in my member. Carmen's hands were incredible and I was enjoying it like never before, the sensations she provoked by touching me. I felt the softness of her hand tracing my skin and occasional contact with the fabric of the jacket at the tip of my member. I started to notice how my pleasure was concentrating on my testicles, warning that my orgasm was imminent. - Carmen, if you keep going, I'll... you know – I whispered. - Okay, wait while I look for a handkerchief – she said. - You don't need one – Patricia suddenly said. - What? – asked Carmen raising an eyebrow. - Are you already ready? – Patricia asked me. - If you keep talking, I'm going to come all over your jacket – I warned. - Don't even think about it or I'll cut it off – my friend threatened. – That's new. Patricia got up and left the aisle, stretching to look for something in her carry-on bag that was stored above the seats. Carmen understood what she was doing and, checking that our friend's body was blocking any possible glances, removed her jacket and leaned down to put it in her mouth. I would never have imagined finding myself with my erect cock exposed on a plane and my girlfriend sucking me off. Since I was already almost ready to come, I didn't need anything else to ejaculate and fill Carmen's mouth with semen. My girlfriend massaged the base of my penis as she received each of my shots to help me empty all my liquid. When she noticed that I wasn't coming anymore, she swallowed my cum and after giving me a quick tongue-lashing, put it back in my pants. - Your fly is open – Patricia said when she sat down again finish making the fuss of looking for something. - Thanks I said while zipping up my pants. Although the thanks were more like covering us up. - A pleasure I said probably with double meaning. – Do you want to return the jacket? I have something refreshing. - Take it I said giving it to her. Patricia checked it to see if she had stained it. - What's up? Has your worry about flying passed you by – Carmen asked with a wink. - Worry? If I love flying – I said laughing. The truth is that after everything that had happened, I had completely forgotten my fears. The rest of the trip went smoothly and even the landing I handled fairly well despite getting slightly tense for a moment. We picked up our luggage and asked for a taxi to take us to the hotel where we had a reservation. The very pleasant receptionist gave us room keys and explained the hotel's services and nearby points of interest. We went up to the room to leave our luggage and I was surprised that it was much larger than I had imagined. Patricia stayed with the small bed against one wall while Carmen and I would share the large bed. The room had a small balcony overlooking the pool. I leaned out and checked that there were several groups of young people soaking up the sun and swimming. I turned back inside and saw that the girls had already started to take out the clothes that could wrinkle and were hanging them in the wardrobes. I don't usually unpack my clothes until I start using them, but since I didn't want them to say I'm a slob, I took out my shirts and hung them up with their things. After unpacking and it wasn't even noon yet, we prepared to go to the beach. As the receptionist had informed us, the hotel is practically on the coast and you can walk there in just ten minutes. When we arrived at the beach – rebosar and it was practically impossible to find a spot where we could put three towels. Seeing that the tide was going out, we decided to get closer to the shore since although the sand was wet, those were the only free spots. I took off my short pants and shirt and left with just my swimsuit on, then sat down on the towel. I watched as the girls did the same thing. Carmen took off her jeans and shirt with a mushroom design in green and ended up wearing a bikini that looked especially good on her. It was light blue, without any print, and although it was tied up well, it left most of her large breasts visible. Unless she wore a one-piece swimsuit as big as hers, she would always show quite some volume around the cleavage area. Meanwhile, Patricia was also taking off her clothes. She had on a lightweight one-piece dress that she pulled over her head. Underneath, she had a white bikini without any ornaments. Her panties covered what needed to be covered and were tied with ribbons at her hips. The top didn't show as much skin as my girlfriend's did, but it was the same because after folding and putting the dress away in her bag, she brought her hands around to the back and untied it, then took off the bikini and left her breasts out. My friend had already told me that at the beach, she always goes topless and I had already seen her breasts several times when it was my turn to pay the rent by giving her a blowjob without a shirt. Even though I knew her breasts, I was still surprised by how natural it was for her to leave them out in public without caring who could see them. It was the first time I went to the beach with a friend who didn't wear the top part of her bikini and although I already knew her breasts, it was exciting. I think Carmen noticed how I was staring at our friend's breast movement when she bent down to put away the bikini. They're about medium-sized and don't hang very low That position was enough to verify the real volume of their attributes. Patricia is petite and although her breasts are medium, they stand out quite a bit on her small body and give the impression of being larger. She has pinkish and small areolas and her nipples had hardened slightly, perhaps due to feeling the sun on them.
Hey, put some cream on, you're going to burn, Carmen suddenly said, pulling me out of my thoughts. What's up? I asked. It's the first time we've seen that thing called the sun all year. Either you put on cream or you'll be as red as Zoidberg, she warned, handing me a bottle of cream. I applied some cream to my chest and started spreading it while observing how Patricia was doing the same. She had sprayed a couple of white cream shots onto her cleavage that my overheated mind imagined as something else and distributed it generously over her breasts. I was getting turned on watching my friend fondle her breasts like that in front of us. She ran her hands around them, spreading the cream all over her skin and even lifted them up a bit with one hand to give herself cream underneath them. When she finished protecting her front side, she asked Carmen to put some cream on her back. While my girlfriend was facing away from me, Patricia told me that she would do it for me, so I stood in front of her and felt the cold contact of the cream when she applied it to my back. Once Patricia and I were ready, only Carmen's back remained, which she lay down on with her stomach facing up on the towel, and our friend offered to put some cream on it herself. Patricia sat on Carmen's butt and sprayed a stream onto her back, starting to spread the cream. The sight of my friend with her breasts exposed, sitting on my girlfriend's butt while massaging her back, made me jump in surprise.
Unhook your bikini so I can give you a good cream job if you don't want anything left uncovered, Patricia told Carmen.
Okay, Carmen replied. Never do you go topless? – Patricia asked her while undoing the garment, leaving her back completely free. - I've never done it – Carmen replied. - And how is that? Do you feel ashamed? – Patricia asked. - Yes, mainly because of that – Carmen admitted. – I always think I'll run into someone from the neighborhood who knows me and will see my tits. And even if no one knows me, I'm leaving anyone to see them. - Well, sometimes it happens that you run into an acquaintance but it doesn't change anything because they've seen your tits. And the fact that anyone can see them is like how you take it – Patricia commented while her hands ran along the lower part of Carmen's back. – They're part of your body and nothing happens because they're seen. Someone will get excited, but most people don't look twice. I really think it's true that already doesn't matter who sees them and I prefer to be able to stay like guys feeling the sun on my entire chest and without leaving white marks on my body. - Yeah, that's true. The marks are a hassle and because of the type of bikini I have to wear, nothing shows up when I put something with a wide neck – Carmen said. - Then take advantage – Patricia encouraged. – No one knows you here so this is a better time to try it out, you won't regret it. - I don't know, I still give me a little thing about showing them – Carmen confessed. - Nonsense – Patricia said while pulling off her boyfriend's loose bikini and taking it away from between him and the towel. - Already! Give it to me! – Carmen shouted while getting up and covering her tits with one arm. - Don't be ridiculous, Carmen, you're more of a show if you cover your tits with your hand than if you leave them out – Patricia said while putting the bikini in her bag and hiding it behind her. - Breasts out! – I told my girlfriend with a wink. - Oh man, how are they, what shame – Carmen complained while resignedly removing her arm and leaving her breasts exposed. - You'll see that in no time you won't even think about it – Patricia said. – But put some cream on them or they'll burn The tetazas. Patricia slapped a couple of cream shots on her chest and my girlfriend started to spread it over her enormous volumes. The movement was hypnotic, and the flesh of her breasts jiggled with each stroke of the hand. - Don't forget to lift each breast and give yourself cream from below or you'll burn there when you lie down - Patricia warned. Carmen obediently went giving herself cream where Patricia pointed with her finger or demonstrated how to do it with her own tits. I was enjoying the show of watching the two girls talking and touching their breasts in front of me. Once our pale bodies were protected, we sat on the towels chatting and taking a little sun. After the conversations the girls had, I was noticing that some of those who passed by did indeed glance at us momentarily to feast with their eyes on those four bare breasts. I got the feeling that someone was wondering why I was with them. It's usually assumed that if a guy is with a woman in topless, he must be her partner, but if there's a second one, is she just a simple friend? And doesn't it bother him to see her tits? And does his girlfriend think it's okay for him to be with another girl showing off her breasts? I could imagine these questions going through the minds of some who were looking at us and the envy they felt, and I smiled because they'd be unable to imagine everything I've lived with these girls. We stayed for a bit longer but soon the heat started getting intense and I told the girls I was going to the water. Carmen accompanied me, but Patricia preferred staying on the towel, getting toasted on the other side. My girlfriend grabbed my hand and we walked to the edge of the water. I glanced sideways and saw that neither had thought to put on the top part of her bikini, and her breasts bounced with each step she took. Compared to our coast, the water was quite temperate, so we got in without difficulty. - Are you already used to going around with your breasts out? - I asked her. when we had gotten in deep enough for the water to cover us up to our chests. - It's a strange feeling. On one hand it's very pleasant to feel free and have the sun or breeze hit you directly, but on the other it's rare to be half-naked in public. - Well, as long as you're comfortable doing it, enjoy the sensations. - Yes, I think I'll stay like this. When we get back, I'll think about it, because if someone who knows me sees me, I think it will give me too much trouble. That indifference is left to Patri. - Honestly, it surprises me how little importance she gives it – I admitted. - You won't have any complaints since you can see her tits all day and she never stops looking at them – she said, pretending to be angry. - Just like yours. It's inevitable – I confessed, knowing that deep down she doesn't mind. - You're a pervert – she yelled, attacking me from behind and trying to drown me by grabbing my neck. - The one who's making herself masturbate on an airplane – I replied, letting go of her not before feeling her breasts pressing against my back. - Go ahead, it didn't bother you. And it was morbid. - Yes, quite a bit, but I don't know what would have happened if we got caught – I said, worried about the scandal we had caused. - We would've been arrested for public indecency and then Patri would've had to come up with our escape plan – Carmen replied, downplaying it. - It's incredible. You get a thrill from making me masturbate in public but then you're ashamed of going topless. - Oh, that's my contradictions. Let's see if I can't have any script flaws – she replied. – Besides, one thing is for you to show yours and another is for anyone to see my big tits. Or do you like it when they're out? - I admit that it gives me a little thrill to be with them exposed in public, although it's not fair that some people can see them without any effort, considering how much it cost me – I said. – Come on, I also have contradictions. - What an idiot, you just had to lose at Mario Kart to get to see them and that's all yours is worth. - Hey, what a free attack – I complained. - Come here, come here – he said to me. Carmen hugged me and started kissing me on the mouth. I felt her nipples digging into my chest and I responded by pressing my penis against her stomach, which had already woken up. - Your friend has woken up – she said, separating from my mouth for a moment. - With these two free ones, it's not too much – I replied, grabbing one of her breasts that was still partially submerged. - You definitely like having them out in the air. - Yes, I think you should always show them off – I said jokingly. - Of course, I'm sure there would have been many more customers in the store if I did. Although I doubt they'd buy anything and would only stare... at the shelves, of course. - Of course – I replied, releasing her breast and bringing my hand down to slide it into the cup of her bikini bottom. - What are you doing? – she asked surprised when she felt my hand. - Paying back the favor from this morning – I replied. My hand slid between the fabric, feeling with my fingers the wet pubic hair until I reached the unmistakable folds of her labia. I began to massage her clitoris softly while noticing how they started to open up to allow my exploration. Carmen let out a small moan and fearing she would attract attention from other bathers, turned back to kiss me on the mouth while letting herself be done. The position was difficult since I didn't want to move my arm too much so it wouldn't be noticed what I was doing. With games of dolls and fingers, I continued to rub her clitoris while introducing a finger lightly into her interior to stimulate the walls of her pussy. By my girlfriend's reactions, it seemed she was enjoying what I was doing, as despite having her mouth occupied with mine, I could hear her swallowing some moans and her nipples tracing my chest following the movement of her accelerated breathing. I rubbed for a few minutes until I noticed Carmen contorting herself, indicating she had just orgasmed. When I not Relaxed I pulled my fingers out of her intimate area and put on her underwear so that everything would be covered again since my masturbation probably taught something. - Did you like it? - I asked. - Already, I think - she replied with accelerated breathing and looking around to see if anyone was watching us strangely. - Relax, no one has noticed - I said to calm her down. It's not like someone was watching because when I came, I couldn't see what was going on around me but it didn't seem like anyone had realized what was happening. - What a morbo! How well I've left myself - she thanked with another kiss and a small caress on the cock. - Come on, let's go back to the towels again. We swam until we reached the shore that had moved away a bit from where we had set up the towels and sat down next to Patricia who had gotten up and was sitting looking out at the sea. - It took them to get back - she said as a greeting. - Because they were having too much fun in the water - I replied. - Sure, sure - she said with irony. Would she have seen us from a distance? I wondered. - What time is it? - Carmen asked. - Time for something to eat - Patricia said. - That's why I was waiting for you to get back. I'm hungry. - What do you want to do? - I asked. - Shall we buy something and bring it here to eat? - suggested Patricia. - Sounds good to me. Let's grab some sandwiches and drinks - I confirmed. - Okay - Carmen agreed. - Alright, I'll go see what they have - said Patricia getting up and taking her purse from her bag. - I'll come with you to help you carry the things - I said grabbing my own purse as well. - I'll stay here keeping watch - said Carmen lying down on the towel looking visibly relaxed. - Are you going like that? - I asked Patricia seeing that she wasn't making any move to grab her dress or the top part of her bikini. - Yes, of course - she said as if it was obvious. I walked alongside my friend towards the kiosk to buy food. Although it's true that there is a promenade next to the beach, I suppose I have associated with the idea that it's okay to go topless on the sand but once you step onto asphalt, you have to cover up. It was clear that Patricia didn't think the same way. We had to do a few minutes of Booty because we weren't the only ones who had come up with the same idea. I noticed that several guys were staring at my friend's tits but she completely ignored them. She really didn't care or was too used to being stared at despite being 19 years old. When the young guy from the snack stand finally attended to us, he kept his eyes fixed on my friend's breasts. You would think that working on a beach should make him used to seeing girls in topless but it seemed like it wasn't very common for them to come and buy with their tits out. We ordered a tortilla sandwich each, a bag of potatoes, and some drinks. He brought everything over and when Patricia handed him the money to pay, he said she was inviting us to the drinks. - What's weird is that we're being invited to something – I said as we walked back to our towels. - It's because we're going topless – she said like it was normal. - Really? – I asked surprised. - Sometimes it happens, like they feel the need to do it because they're seeing them. - I wouldn't have imagined that. - I think it's ridiculous. Everyone on the beach sees my tits, I'm not going to cover up so someone else can see them too. If it's okay to show them off on the sand, I don't see why it's embarrassing a few meters inland. And if he wants to invite me because I made his day happier then I won't say no. - You're always surprising me – I said amazed. - You give too much importance to nudity and sex – she said with a wink, the young medicine student. We went back to our towels and gave Carmen her sandwich. We were eating and chatting quietly while enjoying the sun. The vacations were starting off wonderfully and it was the first time in many years that I felt so happy. It seemed incredible that just a pair of days before I would have been locked in an office exhausted from work. When the sun began to lose strength we decided it was a good time to head back to the hotel. We went to the showers for a moment to get rid of the sand we had accumulated throughout the day and returned to the towels to change. Patricia gave Carmen's bikini back to her and they put them on, covering their tits after so many hours with them exposed. We finished getting dressed and gathered our things. Back in the room, we changed into clothes for a night out. I grabbed some boxers and jeans from my suitcase and a short-sleeved shirt from the closet. I got into the bathroom to change, not because of modesty since the two girls already knew my cock by heart but to leave them a little intimacy. Carmen obviously wouldn't care if she saw me changing, and Patricia didn't seem to mind either, as she had practically seen me naked before and showed her openness to these topics each time. But just in case, I wasn't going to tempt fate. When we came out, the two girls were already dressed. The young student was wearing an outfit that showed quite a bit of skin, as usual. Patricia was wearing a white bra with very low straps and some of those pants that don't go any further than the ass. My girlfriend had abandoned her informal clothes for once and was wearing a blue loose shirt that only covered one shoulder while the other fell down her arm, revealing the black bra strap descending into the neckline. The pants were long but thin and cream-colored. I waited for a bit sitting on the bed while Patricia went to the bathroom to get ready, and when she was done we headed down to the hotel lounges. We grabbed something to eat on the patio next to the pool to enjoy the fact that the heat was starting to drop and were talking about what we could do the next few days, what places we could go to. visit and if there was any beach that someone wanted to go to that wasn't the closest one to the hotel. After a while we got up from the patio and went into the hotel bar which was already starting to have some atmosphere. We sat in some leather armchairs in one corner and ordered some cubatas to accompany our nighttime chat. Carmen and I were reclining on the same armchair, making occasional silly faces at each other, while Patricia had a sofa to herself and was dedicated to observing the local clientele that had arrived. Apart from milf couples there were some young guys who seemed to have come for vacation like us. When Patricia went to get her third cubata she stayed talking to a young guy at the bar who would be approximately her age. Carmen and I commented that the guy was eating her up with his eyes as it was clear he was struggling not to look down at our friend's cleavage. Patricia came over for a moment to tell us not to wait and went back to keep talking to the kid. - It seems like Patri has hooked up – I said. - Yes, Patricia Stinson in action – replied Carmen. - What do you want to do? Another one? – I asked seeing my girlfriend's empty glass. - Better let's go upstairs, I think Patricia is going to be late – she answered with a wink. I finished my drink and grabbing Carmen's arm we left the bar for the hotel elevators. While waiting for the doors to open I fixed my gaze on my girlfriend's bare shoulder and followed the line of her bra strap that disappeared under her top. - Do you miss seeing them? – Carmen asked, realizing where I was looking. - It's easy to get used to having them out all day – I justified myself while grabbing the neckline of her top and separating it a bit so I could look down her cleavage. I could see her two big breasts bulging out of her black bra. They're still there – she told me between laughs, taking my hand and getting into the elevator. Once the doors closed and the elevator started going up, I watched as Carmen looked at me with mischief and suddenly put her hand through the neckline. At first, I thought she was just teasing by touching one of her breasts until I saw that she had grabbed it when pulling her hand out. She released it and stayed there in the elevator with one of her heavy breasts hanging outside her shirt, her nipple slightly hardened in the middle of her dark areola. – Ah... Carmen? – I asked incredulously at what I was seeing. – Wasn't that what you wanted? For them to be brought out? – God, how tacky. But if someone is in the hallway, they'll catch us – I warned myself as I realized the elevator was arriving at our floor. I stepped in front of Carmen as the elevator doors opened. I was getting pretty turned on by what she was doing but I felt embarrassed that suddenly there might be people in the hallway and see her like that, so I tried to cover her up while standing in front of her. When the doors opened, no one was waiting and before I could react, my girlfriend had already gotten out of the elevator and was walking towards the room with one of her breasts exposed. She walked away from me with her back to me, letting me see her bare chest until we reached the room. I opened the door with my keycard and we went inside. We barely closed the door and I pounced on the breast she had pulled out and started sucking it. My tongue circled her nipple, noting its hardness as I alternated between kisses all over her breast. – I see you liked it – Carmen said between sighs. – It's turned me on – I confessed. – Let's see how long – she teased. I unbuttoned my pants and let them fall to the floor. My underwear was marked with the hardness that Carmen's exhibition had provoked, so I took them off too and showed her my erect member pointing straight at her. – It looks like you've gotten a good one Sword – she said, squeezing it down and releasing it so that my cock would jump back to its horizontal position. - It's because of your witchcraft. - Ah, yes? - You see that I enlarge and move things without touching them. - It's because I have two jewels that are the source of all my power – she said, pointing to her breasts. - I'll have to attack them with my sword – I suggested. - Let's see what you can do – she retorted, taking off her shirt and leaving only a bra on, with one breast out and the other covered. We moved to the bed and after touching her slightly exposed breast, I grabbed the other one and pulled it out of her bra. I started hitting them with my cock, hard and seeing how they moved with each contact. - Feel the power of my sword – I said, continuing to give her a good time. - Now you'll see one of the multiple uses of my power gems – Carmen replied. My girlfriend let saliva fall between her breasts and came closer to me, covering my member with her enormous treasures. My cock was completely hidden by her breasts and immediately she squeezed them and started moving them up and down in a rhythmic motion. My penis slid thanks to the saliva and felt the softness of the tender flesh and the warmth of those two wonders that drive me crazy. - Oh no! It's super effective! – I exclaimed between sighs of pleasure. - It seems that the sword is weak against breast attacks – Carmen said. - The whole thing is weak against breasts – I admitted, laughing. After a few minutes receiving the massage from my girlfriend's breasts, we changed and while I was putting on condoms, she took off her pants and underwear. I grabbed Carmen by the legs and put my head between them, starting to lick her clitoris and those lips that today I had only been able to caress. It was clear that she had also gotten excited from everything I'd done because she was already quite wet and didn't need me to do much to get ready for me. I penetrated her, holding my penis with one hand. Then I started moving in a back-and-forth motion while with one hand rubbing her clitoris and feeling the tingling of the triangular patch of pubic hair. I'd look alternately at her pussy to see how my cock was entering and leaving, and at her breasts moving spectacularly with each of my thrusts as she massaged and pinched between cries of pleasure. We took advantage of the intimacy to scream what we hadn't been able to in our two respective public orgasms. My girlfriend didn't take long to come, it seemed that all the morbidness of the exhibition had left her on edge and she's quite sensitive when I'm rubbing her clitoris while I'm penetrating her. Her contractions squeezed my cock inside her as I watched that unmistakable look she gets when she's having an orgasm. A few minutes later it was my turn and I unloaded all my semen while remaining inside her. Exhausted, I pulled out and lay down, taking off the condom filled with white liquid. You've emptied completely, Carmen said, looking at the contents of the condom. Your craziness has really turned me on, I confessed. What causes you to get a hard-on? she laughed. It's you who provokes it, she said. You have quite a morbid streak, I told her, giving her a kiss on the lips. We threw the condom away in the bathroom trash and washed up a bit. Then we got into bed, ready to sleep exhausted after the first day of vacation. Goodnight, I bid her, giving her another kiss before turning off the light. Goodnight, pervert, she replied. I fell asleep right away. Sex before going to bed is one of the best solutions against insomnia. Besides, the early morning flight and all the experiences of the day had left me quite tired. At that moment when sleep confuses with reality, it seemed like I heard voices. Reality eventually won out and I woke up opening my eyes. I was listening to Carmen and Patricia talking, and when I focused on the young student's bed, I saw her moving her hand frantically in his groin. After a moment of incredulity, I realized that although I couldn't see anything from my position, the girl was naked and masturbating. - What's going on? - I asked. - Sorry, I didn't want to wake them up - Patricia apologized without stopping touching herself. - Poor Patri, who hasn't had a good time like she expected - Carmen explained, already talking about her. - And what? Did he leave you wanting more? - I was interested. - Worse. Everything was going well and we started getting intimate and putting our hands on each other so we ended up in one of the bathrooms to have sex - our friend began to tell us. - But the kid came quickly after just a couple of times and left me there without worrying about responding - she continued. - Damn, how can people be like that? - I was indignant. Probably not the best lover in the world but if I come before my partner has an orgasm, I know we have to try to make her enjoy it too. - You see, especially typical of those who are educated watching porn. When he comes, the scene ends - Patricia said. - So here I am, masturbating like a teenager to get rid of the heat - she added. - If you need it, I'll leave my boyfriend's cock - Carmen offered. - What? - I asked incredulously. - Well, I wouldn't mind if you think it's okay, I've got an itch to have something inside - Patricia accepted. - Come on, do your friend a favor - Carmen asked. - Are you serious? - I asked, still dazed. I must be dreaming still. - Yes, come on. Poor Patri - Carmen said seriously, looking at me. I got up from the bed and approached Patricia's. My friend was lying on her back, completely naked. For the first time, I looked at her pussy, the only part of her body that remained to be contemplated. She had a completely shaved pubis and her fingers were rubbing a pinkish cock that shone with the moisture of her flows. It was clear she was completely horny. - With boxers you won't make – Patri told me. - Ah, sorry. I'm a bit confused still – I apologized. I took off my underwear, the only thing I was wearing to sleep in, and left myself completely naked at the foot of my friend's bed. With a flaccid penis. I don't know if it was the surrealism of the situation or that I had just come with Carmen an hour before but my penis wasn't hardening despite seeing my friend masturbating naked. - I think I have a technical problem – I confessed, pointing to my penis. - I don't remember if you've ever seen her like this before – Patricia said laughing. - You can touch her breasts if you need to – Carmen gave me permission. - What breasts? – I asked incredulous. - Oh, how are you. Carmen got up from the bed and grasping my hands placed them on our friend's breasts. I felt her average-sized breasts on the palms of my hand and was forced to squeeze them under the pressure of my girlfriend. Her breasts were harder than Carmen's and a little firmer. When my girl saw that I wasn't struggling anymore and was caressing them willingly, she let go of my hands and started rubbing my testicles. Feeling another girl's breasts while my girlfriend was rubbing me caused my erection to finally awaken and I started getting hard. When it got completely hard, my girlfriend put a condom on me and invited me to have sex with our friend again. I asked her with a look if she was sure about this and she gave me a nod. I positioned myself in front of my friend who was waiting completely open and inserted my member which slid in with astonishing ease. The young medicine student was completely wet and a sound of slapping filled the room with each of my thrusts. Her breasts didn't move as much as Carmen's when I penetrated her but her screams were louder and more continuous. I don't know if they were real but it made me feel like it was the best thing that had ever been done to her. Patricia had her eyes closed. And her blonde mane was spread out on the pillow. I looked at my girlfriend who was observing us calmly as if she were simply giving our friend a massage while I was fucking her. Patri's pussy was narrower than Carmen's and I could feel it squeezing me harder as I penetrated her. She seemed to be enjoying the sensation of being filled by me and urged me not to stop, rubbing her clitoris. My friend must have been about to come when we were woken up by our manual activities because she had her first orgasm soon after. I continued fucking her until I noticed her contractions stopping. Although I was enjoying myself, I still felt a bit cut off from the situation and didn't dare touch Patricia too much in case my girlfriend changed her mind and got angry. I'm just here providing a service seemed to be indicating. My friend's moans told me she had reached her second orgasm and I started to feel like I was losing resistance. - Patri, I'll come soon, I warned. - Come on my tits, she asked. - Okay, whatever you want, I accepted. I got out of her, took off the condom, and positioned myself over her with my cock pointing at her tits while I masturbated to finish coming. Her nipples were completely erect and stood out like mountains in her pink areolas. After spending the day looking at her tits, who would have said she was going to fill them with cum? Carmen came over to help me and started massaging my penis base and testicles as I masturbated over our friend. Finally, I felt the surge that indicated it was impossible to stop ejaculation and a stream of semen shot out onto Patricia's breasts. Only a few drops came out after that burst but nothing more. Clearly, I was empty after two orgasms today because this third one barely had any quantity. - I think you're out of ammunition, Carmen said when she saw that He didn't come anymore. - Yes, you've squeezed me too much – I joked in jest. - Well, another day you'll leave me more – Patricia said, extending the semen over my breasts as if it were protective cream. – Thanks for the orgasms, I needed them. - Eh, no problem – I replied. It was the first time nobody thanked me for having screwed her. - Mission accomplished, champion – my girlfriend said, giving me a friendly punch. Patricia got out of bed and went to the bathroom to clean up all the fluids on her body. Carmen and I turned back to our bed to try to fall asleep again once our friend was satisfied. - Did you enjoy it? – Carmen asked me. - Yes, of course, but don't you mind? – I replied, fearing it might be a trap question. - It's Patricia. We have trust and you see that for sex it's very natural. - And... Do you want to do it with others? – I asked, fearing she would later ask the same in return. - What? No, not at all. This isn't an open relationship – she clarified. – Neither will I sleep with other girls nor you with other guys. But Patricia is different. - Okay, okay. Excuse me, it's just that nothing like this has ever happened to me before – I justified myself. - Achieved unlocked, then – she said with one of her typical smiles. - And from the maximum difficulty too – I said, holding her breasts softly. - And what about this? Do you think you've earned a prize for your efforts? – she asked. - I just wanted to compare, after having touched Patricia's breasts. I like yours more – I hastened to clarify. - More power to you, pervert – she said laughing. – Come on, let's sleep, we have many things to do tomorrow. - Yes, I love how these vacations start. - No surprise. - By the way, Carmen. If Patri doesn't count and that... Well, if you want, you can too, you know – I said suddenly. - Of course I can. Equality of conditions – she said as if it were obvious. – You don't know anything, pervert – she added. To be continued? Thanks for your points and comments.

Hey, put some cream on, you're going to burn, Carmen suddenly said, pulling me out of my thoughts. What's up? I asked. It's the first time we've seen that thing called the sun all year. Either you put on cream or you'll be as red as Zoidberg, she warned, handing me a bottle of cream. I applied some cream to my chest and started spreading it while observing how Patricia was doing the same. She had sprayed a couple of white cream shots onto her cleavage that my overheated mind imagined as something else and distributed it generously over her breasts. I was getting turned on watching my friend fondle her breasts like that in front of us. She ran her hands around them, spreading the cream all over her skin and even lifted them up a bit with one hand to give herself cream underneath them. When she finished protecting her front side, she asked Carmen to put some cream on her back. While my girlfriend was facing away from me, Patricia told me that she would do it for me, so I stood in front of her and felt the cold contact of the cream when she applied it to my back. Once Patricia and I were ready, only Carmen's back remained, which she lay down on with her stomach facing up on the towel, and our friend offered to put some cream on it herself. Patricia sat on Carmen's butt and sprayed a stream onto her back, starting to spread the cream. The sight of my friend with her breasts exposed, sitting on my girlfriend's butt while massaging her back, made me jump in surprise.
Unhook your bikini so I can give you a good cream job if you don't want anything left uncovered, Patricia told Carmen.
Okay, Carmen replied. Never do you go topless? – Patricia asked her while undoing the garment, leaving her back completely free. - I've never done it – Carmen replied. - And how is that? Do you feel ashamed? – Patricia asked. - Yes, mainly because of that – Carmen admitted. – I always think I'll run into someone from the neighborhood who knows me and will see my tits. And even if no one knows me, I'm leaving anyone to see them. - Well, sometimes it happens that you run into an acquaintance but it doesn't change anything because they've seen your tits. And the fact that anyone can see them is like how you take it – Patricia commented while her hands ran along the lower part of Carmen's back. – They're part of your body and nothing happens because they're seen. Someone will get excited, but most people don't look twice. I really think it's true that already doesn't matter who sees them and I prefer to be able to stay like guys feeling the sun on my entire chest and without leaving white marks on my body. - Yeah, that's true. The marks are a hassle and because of the type of bikini I have to wear, nothing shows up when I put something with a wide neck – Carmen said. - Then take advantage – Patricia encouraged. – No one knows you here so this is a better time to try it out, you won't regret it. - I don't know, I still give me a little thing about showing them – Carmen confessed. - Nonsense – Patricia said while pulling off her boyfriend's loose bikini and taking it away from between him and the towel. - Already! Give it to me! – Carmen shouted while getting up and covering her tits with one arm. - Don't be ridiculous, Carmen, you're more of a show if you cover your tits with your hand than if you leave them out – Patricia said while putting the bikini in her bag and hiding it behind her. - Breasts out! – I told my girlfriend with a wink. - Oh man, how are they, what shame – Carmen complained while resignedly removing her arm and leaving her breasts exposed. - You'll see that in no time you won't even think about it – Patricia said. – But put some cream on them or they'll burn The tetazas. Patricia slapped a couple of cream shots on her chest and my girlfriend started to spread it over her enormous volumes. The movement was hypnotic, and the flesh of her breasts jiggled with each stroke of the hand. - Don't forget to lift each breast and give yourself cream from below or you'll burn there when you lie down - Patricia warned. Carmen obediently went giving herself cream where Patricia pointed with her finger or demonstrated how to do it with her own tits. I was enjoying the show of watching the two girls talking and touching their breasts in front of me. Once our pale bodies were protected, we sat on the towels chatting and taking a little sun. After the conversations the girls had, I was noticing that some of those who passed by did indeed glance at us momentarily to feast with their eyes on those four bare breasts. I got the feeling that someone was wondering why I was with them. It's usually assumed that if a guy is with a woman in topless, he must be her partner, but if there's a second one, is she just a simple friend? And doesn't it bother him to see her tits? And does his girlfriend think it's okay for him to be with another girl showing off her breasts? I could imagine these questions going through the minds of some who were looking at us and the envy they felt, and I smiled because they'd be unable to imagine everything I've lived with these girls. We stayed for a bit longer but soon the heat started getting intense and I told the girls I was going to the water. Carmen accompanied me, but Patricia preferred staying on the towel, getting toasted on the other side. My girlfriend grabbed my hand and we walked to the edge of the water. I glanced sideways and saw that neither had thought to put on the top part of her bikini, and her breasts bounced with each step she took. Compared to our coast, the water was quite temperate, so we got in without difficulty. - Are you already used to going around with your breasts out? - I asked her. when we had gotten in deep enough for the water to cover us up to our chests. - It's a strange feeling. On one hand it's very pleasant to feel free and have the sun or breeze hit you directly, but on the other it's rare to be half-naked in public. - Well, as long as you're comfortable doing it, enjoy the sensations. - Yes, I think I'll stay like this. When we get back, I'll think about it, because if someone who knows me sees me, I think it will give me too much trouble. That indifference is left to Patri. - Honestly, it surprises me how little importance she gives it – I admitted. - You won't have any complaints since you can see her tits all day and she never stops looking at them – she said, pretending to be angry. - Just like yours. It's inevitable – I confessed, knowing that deep down she doesn't mind. - You're a pervert – she yelled, attacking me from behind and trying to drown me by grabbing my neck. - The one who's making herself masturbate on an airplane – I replied, letting go of her not before feeling her breasts pressing against my back. - Go ahead, it didn't bother you. And it was morbid. - Yes, quite a bit, but I don't know what would have happened if we got caught – I said, worried about the scandal we had caused. - We would've been arrested for public indecency and then Patri would've had to come up with our escape plan – Carmen replied, downplaying it. - It's incredible. You get a thrill from making me masturbate in public but then you're ashamed of going topless. - Oh, that's my contradictions. Let's see if I can't have any script flaws – she replied. – Besides, one thing is for you to show yours and another is for anyone to see my big tits. Or do you like it when they're out? - I admit that it gives me a little thrill to be with them exposed in public, although it's not fair that some people can see them without any effort, considering how much it cost me – I said. – Come on, I also have contradictions. - What an idiot, you just had to lose at Mario Kart to get to see them and that's all yours is worth. - Hey, what a free attack – I complained. - Come here, come here – he said to me. Carmen hugged me and started kissing me on the mouth. I felt her nipples digging into my chest and I responded by pressing my penis against her stomach, which had already woken up. - Your friend has woken up – she said, separating from my mouth for a moment. - With these two free ones, it's not too much – I replied, grabbing one of her breasts that was still partially submerged. - You definitely like having them out in the air. - Yes, I think you should always show them off – I said jokingly. - Of course, I'm sure there would have been many more customers in the store if I did. Although I doubt they'd buy anything and would only stare... at the shelves, of course. - Of course – I replied, releasing her breast and bringing my hand down to slide it into the cup of her bikini bottom. - What are you doing? – she asked surprised when she felt my hand. - Paying back the favor from this morning – I replied. My hand slid between the fabric, feeling with my fingers the wet pubic hair until I reached the unmistakable folds of her labia. I began to massage her clitoris softly while noticing how they started to open up to allow my exploration. Carmen let out a small moan and fearing she would attract attention from other bathers, turned back to kiss me on the mouth while letting herself be done. The position was difficult since I didn't want to move my arm too much so it wouldn't be noticed what I was doing. With games of dolls and fingers, I continued to rub her clitoris while introducing a finger lightly into her interior to stimulate the walls of her pussy. By my girlfriend's reactions, it seemed she was enjoying what I was doing, as despite having her mouth occupied with mine, I could hear her swallowing some moans and her nipples tracing my chest following the movement of her accelerated breathing. I rubbed for a few minutes until I noticed Carmen contorting herself, indicating she had just orgasmed. When I not Relaxed I pulled my fingers out of her intimate area and put on her underwear so that everything would be covered again since my masturbation probably taught something. - Did you like it? - I asked. - Already, I think - she replied with accelerated breathing and looking around to see if anyone was watching us strangely. - Relax, no one has noticed - I said to calm her down. It's not like someone was watching because when I came, I couldn't see what was going on around me but it didn't seem like anyone had realized what was happening. - What a morbo! How well I've left myself - she thanked with another kiss and a small caress on the cock. - Come on, let's go back to the towels again. We swam until we reached the shore that had moved away a bit from where we had set up the towels and sat down next to Patricia who had gotten up and was sitting looking out at the sea. - It took them to get back - she said as a greeting. - Because they were having too much fun in the water - I replied. - Sure, sure - she said with irony. Would she have seen us from a distance? I wondered. - What time is it? - Carmen asked. - Time for something to eat - Patricia said. - That's why I was waiting for you to get back. I'm hungry. - What do you want to do? - I asked. - Shall we buy something and bring it here to eat? - suggested Patricia. - Sounds good to me. Let's grab some sandwiches and drinks - I confirmed. - Okay - Carmen agreed. - Alright, I'll go see what they have - said Patricia getting up and taking her purse from her bag. - I'll come with you to help you carry the things - I said grabbing my own purse as well. - I'll stay here keeping watch - said Carmen lying down on the towel looking visibly relaxed. - Are you going like that? - I asked Patricia seeing that she wasn't making any move to grab her dress or the top part of her bikini. - Yes, of course - she said as if it was obvious. I walked alongside my friend towards the kiosk to buy food. Although it's true that there is a promenade next to the beach, I suppose I have associated with the idea that it's okay to go topless on the sand but once you step onto asphalt, you have to cover up. It was clear that Patricia didn't think the same way. We had to do a few minutes of Booty because we weren't the only ones who had come up with the same idea. I noticed that several guys were staring at my friend's tits but she completely ignored them. She really didn't care or was too used to being stared at despite being 19 years old. When the young guy from the snack stand finally attended to us, he kept his eyes fixed on my friend's breasts. You would think that working on a beach should make him used to seeing girls in topless but it seemed like it wasn't very common for them to come and buy with their tits out. We ordered a tortilla sandwich each, a bag of potatoes, and some drinks. He brought everything over and when Patricia handed him the money to pay, he said she was inviting us to the drinks. - What's weird is that we're being invited to something – I said as we walked back to our towels. - It's because we're going topless – she said like it was normal. - Really? – I asked surprised. - Sometimes it happens, like they feel the need to do it because they're seeing them. - I wouldn't have imagined that. - I think it's ridiculous. Everyone on the beach sees my tits, I'm not going to cover up so someone else can see them too. If it's okay to show them off on the sand, I don't see why it's embarrassing a few meters inland. And if he wants to invite me because I made his day happier then I won't say no. - You're always surprising me – I said amazed. - You give too much importance to nudity and sex – she said with a wink, the young medicine student. We went back to our towels and gave Carmen her sandwich. We were eating and chatting quietly while enjoying the sun. The vacations were starting off wonderfully and it was the first time in many years that I felt so happy. It seemed incredible that just a pair of days before I would have been locked in an office exhausted from work. When the sun began to lose strength we decided it was a good time to head back to the hotel. We went to the showers for a moment to get rid of the sand we had accumulated throughout the day and returned to the towels to change. Patricia gave Carmen's bikini back to her and they put them on, covering their tits after so many hours with them exposed. We finished getting dressed and gathered our things. Back in the room, we changed into clothes for a night out. I grabbed some boxers and jeans from my suitcase and a short-sleeved shirt from the closet. I got into the bathroom to change, not because of modesty since the two girls already knew my cock by heart but to leave them a little intimacy. Carmen obviously wouldn't care if she saw me changing, and Patricia didn't seem to mind either, as she had practically seen me naked before and showed her openness to these topics each time. But just in case, I wasn't going to tempt fate. When we came out, the two girls were already dressed. The young student was wearing an outfit that showed quite a bit of skin, as usual. Patricia was wearing a white bra with very low straps and some of those pants that don't go any further than the ass. My girlfriend had abandoned her informal clothes for once and was wearing a blue loose shirt that only covered one shoulder while the other fell down her arm, revealing the black bra strap descending into the neckline. The pants were long but thin and cream-colored. I waited for a bit sitting on the bed while Patricia went to the bathroom to get ready, and when she was done we headed down to the hotel lounges. We grabbed something to eat on the patio next to the pool to enjoy the fact that the heat was starting to drop and were talking about what we could do the next few days, what places we could go to. visit and if there was any beach that someone wanted to go to that wasn't the closest one to the hotel. After a while we got up from the patio and went into the hotel bar which was already starting to have some atmosphere. We sat in some leather armchairs in one corner and ordered some cubatas to accompany our nighttime chat. Carmen and I were reclining on the same armchair, making occasional silly faces at each other, while Patricia had a sofa to herself and was dedicated to observing the local clientele that had arrived. Apart from milf couples there were some young guys who seemed to have come for vacation like us. When Patricia went to get her third cubata she stayed talking to a young guy at the bar who would be approximately her age. Carmen and I commented that the guy was eating her up with his eyes as it was clear he was struggling not to look down at our friend's cleavage. Patricia came over for a moment to tell us not to wait and went back to keep talking to the kid. - It seems like Patri has hooked up – I said. - Yes, Patricia Stinson in action – replied Carmen. - What do you want to do? Another one? – I asked seeing my girlfriend's empty glass. - Better let's go upstairs, I think Patricia is going to be late – she answered with a wink. I finished my drink and grabbing Carmen's arm we left the bar for the hotel elevators. While waiting for the doors to open I fixed my gaze on my girlfriend's bare shoulder and followed the line of her bra strap that disappeared under her top. - Do you miss seeing them? – Carmen asked, realizing where I was looking. - It's easy to get used to having them out all day – I justified myself while grabbing the neckline of her top and separating it a bit so I could look down her cleavage. I could see her two big breasts bulging out of her black bra. They're still there – she told me between laughs, taking my hand and getting into the elevator. Once the doors closed and the elevator started going up, I watched as Carmen looked at me with mischief and suddenly put her hand through the neckline. At first, I thought she was just teasing by touching one of her breasts until I saw that she had grabbed it when pulling her hand out. She released it and stayed there in the elevator with one of her heavy breasts hanging outside her shirt, her nipple slightly hardened in the middle of her dark areola. – Ah... Carmen? – I asked incredulously at what I was seeing. – Wasn't that what you wanted? For them to be brought out? – God, how tacky. But if someone is in the hallway, they'll catch us – I warned myself as I realized the elevator was arriving at our floor. I stepped in front of Carmen as the elevator doors opened. I was getting pretty turned on by what she was doing but I felt embarrassed that suddenly there might be people in the hallway and see her like that, so I tried to cover her up while standing in front of her. When the doors opened, no one was waiting and before I could react, my girlfriend had already gotten out of the elevator and was walking towards the room with one of her breasts exposed. She walked away from me with her back to me, letting me see her bare chest until we reached the room. I opened the door with my keycard and we went inside. We barely closed the door and I pounced on the breast she had pulled out and started sucking it. My tongue circled her nipple, noting its hardness as I alternated between kisses all over her breast. – I see you liked it – Carmen said between sighs. – It's turned me on – I confessed. – Let's see how long – she teased. I unbuttoned my pants and let them fall to the floor. My underwear was marked with the hardness that Carmen's exhibition had provoked, so I took them off too and showed her my erect member pointing straight at her. – It looks like you've gotten a good one Sword – she said, squeezing it down and releasing it so that my cock would jump back to its horizontal position. - It's because of your witchcraft. - Ah, yes? - You see that I enlarge and move things without touching them. - It's because I have two jewels that are the source of all my power – she said, pointing to her breasts. - I'll have to attack them with my sword – I suggested. - Let's see what you can do – she retorted, taking off her shirt and leaving only a bra on, with one breast out and the other covered. We moved to the bed and after touching her slightly exposed breast, I grabbed the other one and pulled it out of her bra. I started hitting them with my cock, hard and seeing how they moved with each contact. - Feel the power of my sword – I said, continuing to give her a good time. - Now you'll see one of the multiple uses of my power gems – Carmen replied. My girlfriend let saliva fall between her breasts and came closer to me, covering my member with her enormous treasures. My cock was completely hidden by her breasts and immediately she squeezed them and started moving them up and down in a rhythmic motion. My penis slid thanks to the saliva and felt the softness of the tender flesh and the warmth of those two wonders that drive me crazy. - Oh no! It's super effective! – I exclaimed between sighs of pleasure. - It seems that the sword is weak against breast attacks – Carmen said. - The whole thing is weak against breasts – I admitted, laughing. After a few minutes receiving the massage from my girlfriend's breasts, we changed and while I was putting on condoms, she took off her pants and underwear. I grabbed Carmen by the legs and put my head between them, starting to lick her clitoris and those lips that today I had only been able to caress. It was clear that she had also gotten excited from everything I'd done because she was already quite wet and didn't need me to do much to get ready for me. I penetrated her, holding my penis with one hand. Then I started moving in a back-and-forth motion while with one hand rubbing her clitoris and feeling the tingling of the triangular patch of pubic hair. I'd look alternately at her pussy to see how my cock was entering and leaving, and at her breasts moving spectacularly with each of my thrusts as she massaged and pinched between cries of pleasure. We took advantage of the intimacy to scream what we hadn't been able to in our two respective public orgasms. My girlfriend didn't take long to come, it seemed that all the morbidness of the exhibition had left her on edge and she's quite sensitive when I'm rubbing her clitoris while I'm penetrating her. Her contractions squeezed my cock inside her as I watched that unmistakable look she gets when she's having an orgasm. A few minutes later it was my turn and I unloaded all my semen while remaining inside her. Exhausted, I pulled out and lay down, taking off the condom filled with white liquid. You've emptied completely, Carmen said, looking at the contents of the condom. Your craziness has really turned me on, I confessed. What causes you to get a hard-on? she laughed. It's you who provokes it, she said. You have quite a morbid streak, I told her, giving her a kiss on the lips. We threw the condom away in the bathroom trash and washed up a bit. Then we got into bed, ready to sleep exhausted after the first day of vacation. Goodnight, I bid her, giving her another kiss before turning off the light. Goodnight, pervert, she replied. I fell asleep right away. Sex before going to bed is one of the best solutions against insomnia. Besides, the early morning flight and all the experiences of the day had left me quite tired. At that moment when sleep confuses with reality, it seemed like I heard voices. Reality eventually won out and I woke up opening my eyes. I was listening to Carmen and Patricia talking, and when I focused on the young student's bed, I saw her moving her hand frantically in his groin. After a moment of incredulity, I realized that although I couldn't see anything from my position, the girl was naked and masturbating. - What's going on? - I asked. - Sorry, I didn't want to wake them up - Patricia apologized without stopping touching herself. - Poor Patri, who hasn't had a good time like she expected - Carmen explained, already talking about her. - And what? Did he leave you wanting more? - I was interested. - Worse. Everything was going well and we started getting intimate and putting our hands on each other so we ended up in one of the bathrooms to have sex - our friend began to tell us. - But the kid came quickly after just a couple of times and left me there without worrying about responding - she continued. - Damn, how can people be like that? - I was indignant. Probably not the best lover in the world but if I come before my partner has an orgasm, I know we have to try to make her enjoy it too. - You see, especially typical of those who are educated watching porn. When he comes, the scene ends - Patricia said. - So here I am, masturbating like a teenager to get rid of the heat - she added. - If you need it, I'll leave my boyfriend's cock - Carmen offered. - What? - I asked incredulously. - Well, I wouldn't mind if you think it's okay, I've got an itch to have something inside - Patricia accepted. - Come on, do your friend a favor - Carmen asked. - Are you serious? - I asked, still dazed. I must be dreaming still. - Yes, come on. Poor Patri - Carmen said seriously, looking at me. I got up from the bed and approached Patricia's. My friend was lying on her back, completely naked. For the first time, I looked at her pussy, the only part of her body that remained to be contemplated. She had a completely shaved pubis and her fingers were rubbing a pinkish cock that shone with the moisture of her flows. It was clear she was completely horny. - With boxers you won't make – Patri told me. - Ah, sorry. I'm a bit confused still – I apologized. I took off my underwear, the only thing I was wearing to sleep in, and left myself completely naked at the foot of my friend's bed. With a flaccid penis. I don't know if it was the surrealism of the situation or that I had just come with Carmen an hour before but my penis wasn't hardening despite seeing my friend masturbating naked. - I think I have a technical problem – I confessed, pointing to my penis. - I don't remember if you've ever seen her like this before – Patricia said laughing. - You can touch her breasts if you need to – Carmen gave me permission. - What breasts? – I asked incredulous. - Oh, how are you. Carmen got up from the bed and grasping my hands placed them on our friend's breasts. I felt her average-sized breasts on the palms of my hand and was forced to squeeze them under the pressure of my girlfriend. Her breasts were harder than Carmen's and a little firmer. When my girl saw that I wasn't struggling anymore and was caressing them willingly, she let go of my hands and started rubbing my testicles. Feeling another girl's breasts while my girlfriend was rubbing me caused my erection to finally awaken and I started getting hard. When it got completely hard, my girlfriend put a condom on me and invited me to have sex with our friend again. I asked her with a look if she was sure about this and she gave me a nod. I positioned myself in front of my friend who was waiting completely open and inserted my member which slid in with astonishing ease. The young medicine student was completely wet and a sound of slapping filled the room with each of my thrusts. Her breasts didn't move as much as Carmen's when I penetrated her but her screams were louder and more continuous. I don't know if they were real but it made me feel like it was the best thing that had ever been done to her. Patricia had her eyes closed. And her blonde mane was spread out on the pillow. I looked at my girlfriend who was observing us calmly as if she were simply giving our friend a massage while I was fucking her. Patri's pussy was narrower than Carmen's and I could feel it squeezing me harder as I penetrated her. She seemed to be enjoying the sensation of being filled by me and urged me not to stop, rubbing her clitoris. My friend must have been about to come when we were woken up by our manual activities because she had her first orgasm soon after. I continued fucking her until I noticed her contractions stopping. Although I was enjoying myself, I still felt a bit cut off from the situation and didn't dare touch Patricia too much in case my girlfriend changed her mind and got angry. I'm just here providing a service seemed to be indicating. My friend's moans told me she had reached her second orgasm and I started to feel like I was losing resistance. - Patri, I'll come soon, I warned. - Come on my tits, she asked. - Okay, whatever you want, I accepted. I got out of her, took off the condom, and positioned myself over her with my cock pointing at her tits while I masturbated to finish coming. Her nipples were completely erect and stood out like mountains in her pink areolas. After spending the day looking at her tits, who would have said she was going to fill them with cum? Carmen came over to help me and started massaging my penis base and testicles as I masturbated over our friend. Finally, I felt the surge that indicated it was impossible to stop ejaculation and a stream of semen shot out onto Patricia's breasts. Only a few drops came out after that burst but nothing more. Clearly, I was empty after two orgasms today because this third one barely had any quantity. - I think you're out of ammunition, Carmen said when she saw that He didn't come anymore. - Yes, you've squeezed me too much – I joked in jest. - Well, another day you'll leave me more – Patricia said, extending the semen over my breasts as if it were protective cream. – Thanks for the orgasms, I needed them. - Eh, no problem – I replied. It was the first time nobody thanked me for having screwed her. - Mission accomplished, champion – my girlfriend said, giving me a friendly punch. Patricia got out of bed and went to the bathroom to clean up all the fluids on her body. Carmen and I turned back to our bed to try to fall asleep again once our friend was satisfied. - Did you enjoy it? – Carmen asked me. - Yes, of course, but don't you mind? – I replied, fearing it might be a trap question. - It's Patricia. We have trust and you see that for sex it's very natural. - And... Do you want to do it with others? – I asked, fearing she would later ask the same in return. - What? No, not at all. This isn't an open relationship – she clarified. – Neither will I sleep with other girls nor you with other guys. But Patricia is different. - Okay, okay. Excuse me, it's just that nothing like this has ever happened to me before – I justified myself. - Achieved unlocked, then – she said with one of her typical smiles. - And from the maximum difficulty too – I said, holding her breasts softly. - And what about this? Do you think you've earned a prize for your efforts? – she asked. - I just wanted to compare, after having touched Patricia's breasts. I like yours more – I hastened to clarify. - More power to you, pervert – she said laughing. – Come on, let's sleep, we have many things to do tomorrow. - Yes, I love how these vacations start. - No surprise. - By the way, Carmen. If Patri doesn't count and that... Well, if you want, you can too, you know – I said suddenly. - Of course I can. Equality of conditions – she said as if it were obvious. – You don't know anything, pervert – she added. To be continued? Thanks for your points and comments.
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